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Contribution à la gestion d'énergie dans les systèmes hybrides multi-sources multi-charges / Contribution to the energy management in multi sources/multi loads hybride systemPayman, Alireza 15 July 2009 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une stratégie de contrôle sans commutation d’algorithme pour un système hybride constituée d’une pile à combustible comme source principale et d’un pack de supercondensateurs comme source auxiliaire. Trois structures de système hybride ont été étudiées. Après avoir évoqué les différentes structures des systèmes hybrides électriques et des techniques utilisées pour les contrôler, deux approches sont traitées. La première est basée sur la notion de platitude permettant d’assurer la gestion des flots d’énergie dans une source hybride et plus généralement dans un système multi sources/multi charges. La stratégie proposée repose sur la génération d’un modèle d’ordre réduit du système et la gestion des flots d’énergie via des trajectoires de référence de certaines grandeurs énergétiques du système. L’impact de ce mode de contrôle sur le dimensionnement des éléments passifs (inductances, condensateurs) de la source hybride a été expliqué. Dans la deuxième stratégie, l’énergie totale stockée dans les hacheurs est prise en compte dans l’élaboration de la commande du système multi sources/multi charges en utilisant une linéarisation entrée/sortie sur les convertisseurs des charges. Un observateur non linéaire a été proposé pour estimer la variation de la caractéristique statique de pile à combustible et permet de garantir un fonctionnement optimal du système hybride. Les architectures de puissance et les modes de commande proposés ont été validés par des résultats simulés et/ou expérimentaux / This work deals with a nonlinear control strategy of an electrical hybrid system which is composed of a fuel cell as the main source and a supercapacitor bank as the auxiliary source. Any algorithm commutation is not used in the proposed control strategy whereas the system works in different operating modes. After a review of various structures of the electrical hybrid systems and different control methods of these systems, two new approaches are developed. The first one is flatness-based method to ensure the energy management in the proposed hybrid systems and generally in a multi source / multi loads system. The proposed strategy is based on generation of a reduced-order model of the system. The energy management is carried out through the reference trajectories of the stored electrostatic energy of the system. The effect of the proposed control method on design of the system components (inductors and capacitors) is explained. In the second approach, the total energy stored in the choppers is taken into account to control the load converters of a multi-source/multi load system by use of the input/output linearization method. A nonlinear observer is proposed to estimate the variation of voltage-power output characteristic of the fuel cell which leads to an optimal performance of the hybrid system. The simulation and experimental results prove validity of the proposed control strategy
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Identification de défauts dans les convertisseurs statiques DC/DC à composants SiC destinés aux applications pile à combustible / Fault identification in static DC/DC converters with SiC components for fuel cell applicationsYahyaoui, Rabeb 27 June 2018 (has links)
L’utilisation des convertisseurs de puissance dans les applications de transport électrique à base de pile à combustible ouvre les portes de recherche sur la problématique de leur fiabilité puisqu’un défaut dans ces circuits pourrait provoquer une panne ou un disfonctionnement se répercutant sur l’ensemble de la chaine de traction. Le convertisseur statique considéré est un hacheur élévateur à six bras parallèles et entrelacés à fréquence de découpage égale à 100kHz ayant un gain en tension élevé (égal à 5). Il comporte avec le choix des éléments passifs une ondulation de courant d’entrée faible et interface une pile à combustible de 21kW (70V, 300A) et une charge résistive de 350V (valeur proche des réseaux comportant des batteries Li-ion). Ces systèmes incorporent des interrupteurs de puissance semi-conducteurs qui sont les composants les plus fragiles et qui sont soumis à des contraintes électriques et thermiques sévères pour les applications automobiles. L’utilisation de la technologie en carbure de silicium pour ces cellules semi-conductrices élémentaires accompagne un réel besoin industriel des filières de développement des systèmes miniaturisés et intègre les préoccupations des constructeurs automobiles autour de la mise en œuvre opérationnelles des technologies innovantes embarquées et fiables. En effet, cette technologie des composants semi-conducteurs, dit «grand-gap», est à coup sûr un candidat sérieux pour optimiser l’efficacité énergétique et l’intégration de puissance des convertisseurs, pour pile à combustible, plus robustes vis-à-vis des contraintes de l’usage transport. Dans mes travaux de thèse, les défauts de type court-circuit et circuit-ouvert d’interrupteurs de puissance en carbure de silicium sont alors considérés pour satisfaire la continuité de service et annuler l’influence de cette dégradation d’une part sur la source électrochimique et d’autre part sur la charge. Les méthodes de détection proposées sont des méthodes simples et non intrusives. Elles utilisent la tension drain et source VDS de l’interrupteur de puissance comme indicateur de défaut pour juger de la présence d'un court-circuit ou un circuit-ouvert. Le principe de détection consiste à comparer la tension VDS à une tension seuil paramétrable (à fixer pour le composant en carbure de silicium). Une fois la phase inductive défectueuse est identifiée, un processus de de gestion des défauts par la commande est mis en œuvre. Dans le cas de court-circuit une stratégie de soulagement par la commande est appliquée pour adoucir la coupure de courant de la branche inductive en défaut. Puis suivra l’isolation de cette ligne via des interrupteurs spécifiques qui supportent une ouverture du circuit à fort courant (exemple: fusible ultra-rapide) et une reconfiguration par la commande du convertisseur de puissance (passage de 6 à 6-i phases, avec i nombre de défauts). Dans le cas de circuit-ouvert, qui un défaut qui isole automatiquement le bras défectueux, si aucune action préventive n’est planifiée la continuité de service est assurée mais à plus d’ondulations de courant sur les bras du convertisseur statique. Pour éviter cet effet, la reconfiguration par la commande est nécessaire. / The use of power converters in fuel cell electrical transport applications drives research to study the problem of their reliability, since a fault in these circuits could cause a breakdown or a malfunction that affects the entire system of the powertrain. The converter under consideration is a six-phase interleaved boost converter operating in unidirectional power flow in continuous conduction mode with a 100 kHz switching frequency and a high voltage gain (equal to 5). It allows, with the choice of passive elements, a low input current ripple and interfaces a 21kW fuel cell (70V, 300A) and a resistive load of 350V (value close to the networks with batteries Li-ion). These systems contain semiconductor power switches which are the most fragile components and are subject to severe electrical and thermal stresses for automotive applications. The use of silicon carbide technology for these semiconductor components accompanies a real industrial need for development of a miniaturized system and integrates the concerns of manufacturers of electric vehicles around the implementation of innovative, embedded and reliable technologies. Indeed, this technology of semiconductor components is certainly a serious candidate to optimize the energy efficiency and power integration of converters, for fuel cells, more robust against constraints of the transport use. In my thesis work, switch short-circuit and switch open-circuit faults of silicon carbide power switches are considered to satisfy the continuity of service and to cancel the influence of this degradation on both the fuel cell source and the charge. The proposed detection methods are simple and non-intrusive. They use the drain to source voltage VDS of the power switch as a fault indicator to judge the presence or not of a short-circuit or an open-circuit switch fault. The detection principle consists in comparing the VDS voltage with a configurable threshold voltage (to fix it for the silicon carbide component). Once the faulty inductive phase is identified, a fault management process by the control is implemented. In the case of switch short-circuit fault, firstly a control strategy is applied to soften the break of current of the faulty inductive phase. After faulty phase isolation using specific switches that support breaking of the high-current circuit (example: high-speed fuse) and a reconfiguration by the control of the power converter (transition from 6 to 6-i phases, with i number of faults). In the case of switch open-circuit fault, which automatically isolates the defective phase, if any preventive action is planned the continuity of service is ensured but to more current ripple on the arms of the DC/DC converter. To avoid this effect, reconfiguration by the command is necessary.
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Etude et conception d'un convertisseur de tension mono-inductance double-sortie bipolaires pour la téléphonie mobile / Study and realisation of a single inductor bipolar output converter for mobile platformsBranca, Xavier 10 July 2012 (has links)
Les objectifs de la thèse concernent l’optimisation du rendement énergétique, la minimisation de l’empreinte et du coût de l’alimentation en tension d’amplificateurs audio pour l’application casque des plateformes mobiles. Après une présentation du contexte des plateformes mobiles et des caractéristiques principales des amplificateurs audio dédiés, l’introduction conclut sur la nécessité d’une alimentation en tensions bipolaires, symétriques et donne les spécifications principales d’une telle alimentation en énergie électrique. Le chapitre d’état de l’art présente dans un premier temps les architeture les plus compétitves permettant de générer deux tensions symétriques. Une figure de mérite englobe le rendement énergétique, l’empreinte sur la plateforme et le coût en composants passifs externes de chacune des solutions présentées. Une architecture de convertisseur utilisant une seule inductance pour obtenir des tensions régulées symétriques se révelle etre un candidat interessant pour l’alimentation des amplificateurs dédiés aux casques audio. Cette architecture à été démontrée mais cependant loin des spécifications de l’application casque audio. Basée sur cette architecture, le chapitre troisième présente un étage de puissance et ses modes de conduction correspondant aux spécifications de l’application casque audio. Des détails concernent en particulier la conception des interrupteurs ainsi que la stratégie d’asservissement et de régulation. Des premières estimations de rendement sont évaluées dans les pires cas de fonctionnement. Très tôt dans le déroulement de la thèse, il y a eu une opportunité de tester l’étage de puissance en technologie CMOS 130nm. Le chapitre 4 présente l’implémentation du convertisseur sur un circuit de test. Le convertisseur est embarqué notamment à côté d’un amplificateur audio dédié, autorisant des tests plus proches de la réalité d’usage. Les campagnes de mesures ont concerné les aspects fonctionnels et les valeurs de rendement. Les résultats sont encourageants mais confirment les éléments non optimaux du dispositif. Dans l’idée d’un second silicium, le chapitre cinquième décrit plus théoriquement l’approche d’asservissement et de régulation et met en évidence des cas critiques, peu probables mais concrets, liés à l’évaluation sur des profils de charge réelle du convertisseur. Des simulations permettent de transformer un flux audio en courbe de courant absorbé par l’amplificateur audio, c’est-à-dire la charge réelle vue par le convertisseur de tensions symétriques. Le chapitre sixième décrit des améliorations à propos des modes de conduction, à savoir l’introduction des modes discontinu ou d’élimination d’impulsion (pulse skipping). Malheureusement une crise économique a barré l’accès à un silicium de validation finale. Le manuscrit est conclu par un rappel des résultats principaux et des perspectives. Les travaux ont fait l’objet de publications à des conférences internationales. / The objectives of this thesis were the optimization of the power efficiency and the minimization of the footprint area and cost of the integrated power supply of headset audio amplifiers on mobile platforms (fig. 1). The thesis took place in the Analog System Design group at ST Ericsson in strong collaboration with Ampere laboratory at INSA de Lyon. The french agency ANRT provided part of the project funding. The first chapter presents the current mobile platform context as well as the main characteristics of audio amplifiers driving headphones. This chapter concludes giving the need of a symmetrical power supply for the headset audio amplifiers and giving a set of electrical specifications for this power supply. The second chapter presents the state-of-the-art in terms of symmetrical power supply architectures able to fit the previously given characteristics and specifications. A set of key parameters based on the power efficiency, the relative silicon area, the relative external bill of material, the number of Input/Output pins and the external passive components area, is employed to benchmark all existing architectures to supply such audio amplifiers. This benchmark reveals the novel Single Inductor Bipolar Output (SIBO) converter as very promising. The similar existing circuits are also detailed and pros and cons of each one of them are discussed to define the most suited architecture. The third chapter proposes a dedicated power stage architecture and related conduction schemes. The design of the power stage is described as well as its dedicated control strategy. Some ideal efficiency estimations are given. The fourth chapter presents the realization of a first prototype, designed in a 130 nm ST Microelectronics CMOS process to be an early demonstrator of the architecture in chapter 3. Measurements on efficiency, control and transient performances are presented and discussed. This circuit embedded on the same die as an audio amplifier proves its effectiveness in supplying such a circuit. The fifth chapter presents a theoretical analysis of the feedback control of this SIBO converter. Mathematical linear model of the converter is derived to obtain its transfer function matrix, then the feedback structure design is defined thanks to dedicated mathematical tools. A set of classical PID controllers is proposed and validated with piecewise linear model while playing different audio popular songs. The sixth chapter describes the design of improvements of the first test chip as well as simulation results about these improvements. The main improvements presented in this chapter are a Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) as well as a Pulse Skipping Mode (PSM). No silicon result can be presented here due to a budget restriction that impacted the course of the thesis. The final chapter is a discussion about the proposed solutions and some perspectives to the present work.
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Sistema de gerenciamento para carga e descarga de baterias (chumbo-ácido) e para busca do ponto de máxima potência gerada em painéis fotovoltaicos empregados em sistemas de geração distribuída / Management system for charging and discharging of batteries (lead acid) and search for the maximum power point generated on photovoltaic panels employed in distributed generation systemsRenan Fernandes Bastos 24 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de carga e descarga de baterias de chumbo-ácido para sistemas de geração distribuída acoplada a um conjunto de painéis fotovoltaicos e conectada à rede elétrica. O conjunto de painéis opera de forma a maximizar a energia gerada através de um algoritmo MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) e a rede elétrica opera como rota para o excedente produzido pelos painéis. Para que a bateria possa ser carregada e descarregada com eficiência evitando sobrecargas e descarregamentos profundos, uma metodologia de estimação do estado de carga da bateria é implementada visando um controle mais eficiente (maximizando a vida útil da bateria) e um melhor aproveitamento da energia armazenada. Para o gerenciamento da carga e descarga do banco de baterias é utilizada uma topologia bidirecional (Boost-Buck) com controlador fuzzy P+I para estabilização de corrente ou tensão. Em relação à técnica de controle para o sistema PV, um controlador PI clássico é utilizado para regular a tensão terminal e ponto de máxima potência que é definido por um algoritmo de perturbação e observação (P&O). Para validar os controladores e os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos é construído um protótipo do sistema. São analisados, também, o comportamento do sistema de carga das baterias e painel fotovoltaico sob condições extremas como queda abrupta de irradiação solar, desconexão inesperada dos painéis e mudanças no ponto ótimo de funcionamento dos mesmos. / The present work aims to develop a system of charging and discharging lead-acid batteries for distributed generation connected to a set of photovoltaic panels, and used in grid connected applications. The set of panels operates to maximize the energy produced by means of an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm and the power grid absorbs the extra power produced by the panels. For charging and discharging the battery pack and to prevent overload and deep discharge, a methodology for estimating the state of charge is implemented in order to obtain an efficient control technique (maximizing battery life), and more efficient use of the stored energy. To manage the charging and discharging of the battery bank a bidirectional topology (Boost-Buck) with fuzzy P+I controller for stabilization of current or voltage is used. To regards the PV control technique, a classical PI controller is employed to regulate the PV terminal voltage, and the maximum power point is determined by a perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. To validate the controllers and the theoretical models developed is built a prototype system, and analyzed the behavior of the batteries charger and photovoltaic panel under extreme environmental conditions such as abrupt decrease of solar irradiation, unexpected panels disconnection and changes of the maximum power point of the panels.
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Gestion de l'Energie des Piles à Combustible MicrobiennesDegrenne, Nicolas 18 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les Piles à Combustible Microbiennes (PCMs) mettent en oeuvre le métabolisme de micro-organismes et utilisent de la matière organique pour générer de l'énergie électrique. Les applications potentielles incluent le traitement d'eau usée autonome en énergie, les bio-batteries, et le grappillage d'énergie ambiante. Les PCMs sont des équipements basse-tension et basse-puissance dont le comportement est influencé par la vitesse à laquelle l'énergie électrique est récupérée. Dans cette thèse, on étudie des méthodes pour récupérer l'énergie électrique de façon efficace. La tension à laquelle l'énergie est récupérée des PCMs influence leur fonctionnement et leurs performances électriques. La puissance délivrée est maximum pour une tension spécifique (environ 1/3 de la tension en circuit-ouvert). Les PCMs ont été testées à ce point en utilisant une charge contrôlée automatiquement qui inclut un algorithme de recherche de puissance maximale. Un tel outil a été utilisé pour évaluer la puissance maximum, la vitesse de consommation du combustible, le rendement Coulombic et le rendement de conversion de 10 PCMs à chambre unique de 1.3 L, construites de façon similaire. Bien que d'autres choix structurels et opératoires peuvent permettre d'améliorer ces performances, ces résultats ont étudié pour la première fois les performances des PCMs en condition de production d'énergie de point de puissance maximal et les PCMs ont été testées avec des conditions de récupération d'énergie réalistes. Récupérer un maximum d'énergie des PCMs est la ligne directrice de ce rapport. Cela est rendu possible par des circuits dédiés de gestion de l'énergie qui embarquent un contrôle contre-réactif pour réguler la tension des PCMs à une valeur de référence qui est égale à une fraction de leur tension en circuit ouvert. Deux scénarios typiques sont développés dans la suite. Une application critique des PCMs concerne le grappillage autonome de petites énergies, pour alimenter des équipements électroniques basse-puissance (e.g. capteurs sans fil). Dans ce cas, les contraintes basse-puissance et basse-tension imposées par les PCMs nécessitent des fonctionnalités de démarrage autonomes. L'oscillateur d'Armstrong, composé d'inductances couplées à fort rapport d'enroulement et d'un interrupteur normalement-fermé permet d'élever des tensions de façon autonome à partir de sources basse-tension continues comme les PCMs. Ce circuit a été associé à des convertisseurs d'électronique de puissance AC/DC et DC/DC pour réaliser respectivement un élévateur-de-tension et une unité de gestion de l'énergie (UGE) auto-démarrante basée sur une architecture flyback. La première est adaptée pour les puissances inférieures à 1 mW, alors que la seconde peut être dimensionnée pour des niveaux de puissance de quelques mW et permet de mettre en oeuvre une commande qui recherche le point de puissance maximal du générateur. Une seconde application d'intérêt concerne le cas où de l'énergie est récupérée depuis plusieurs PCMs. L'association série peut être utilisée pour élever la tension de sortie mais elle peut avoir des conséquences négatives en terme de performances à cause des non-uniformités entre cellules. Cet aspect peut être résolu avec des circuits d'équilibrage de tension. Trois de ces circuits ont été analysés et évalués. Le circuit " complete disconnection " déconnecte une cellule défectueuse de l'association pour s'assurer qu'elle ne diminue pas le rendement global. Le circuit " switched-capacitor " transfère de l'énergie depuis les MFCs fortes vers les faibles pour équilibrer les tensions de toutes les cellules de l'association. Le circuit " switched-MFCs " connecte les PCMs en parallèle et en série de façon alternée. Chacune des trois méthodes peut être mise en oeuvre à bas prix et à haut rendement, la plus efficace étant la " switched-capacitor " qui permet de récupérer plus de 85 % de la puissance maximum idéale d'une association très largement non uniforme.
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Design and Implementation of Switching Voltage Integrated Circuits Based on Sliding Mode ControlRojas Gonzalez, Miguel Angel 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The need for high performance circuits in systems with low-voltage and low-power
requirements has exponentially increased during the few last years due to the sophistication
and miniaturization of electronic components. Most of these circuits are required to have a
very good efficiency behavior in order to extend the battery life of the device.
This dissertation addresses two important topics concerning very high efficiency
circuits with very high performance specifications. The first topic is the design and
implementation of class D audio power amplifiers, keeping their inherent high efficiency
characteristic while improving their linearity performance, reducing their quiescent power
consumption, and minimizing the silicon area. The second topic is the design and
implementation of switching voltage regulators and their controllers, to provide a low-cost,
compact, high efficient and reliable power conversion for integrated circuits.
The first part of this dissertation includes a short, although deep, analysis on class
D amplifiers, their history, principles of operation, architectures, performance metrics,
practical design considerations, and their present and future market distribution. Moreover,
the harmonic distortion of open-loop class D amplifiers based on pulse-width modulation
(PWM) is analyzed by applying the duty cycle variation technique for the most popular
carrier waveforms giving an easy and practical analytic method to evaluate the class
D amplifier distortion and determine its specifications for a given linearity requirement.
Additionally, three class D amplifiers, with an architecture based on sliding mode control, are proposed, designed, fabricated and tested. The amplifiers make use of a hysteretic
controller to avoid the need of complex overhead circuitry typically needed in other
architectures to compensate non-idealities of practical implementations. The design of the
amplifiers based on this technique is compact, small, reliable, and provides a performance
comparable to the state-of-the-art class D amplifiers, but consumes only one tenth of
quiescent power. This characteristic gives to the proposed amplifiers an advantage for
applications with minimal power consumption and very high performance requirements.
The second part of this dissertation presents the design, implementation, and testing
of switching voltage regulators. It starts with a description and brief analysis on the power
converters architectures. It outlines the advantages and drawbacks of the main topologies,
discusses practical design considerations, and compares their current and future market
distribution. Then, two different buck converters are proposed to overcome the most critical
issue in switching voltage regulators: to provide a stable voltage supply for electronic
devices, with good regulation voltage, high efficiency performance, and, most important,
a minimum number of components. The first buck converter, which has been designed,
fabricated and tested, is an integrated dual-output voltage regulator based on sliding mode
control that provides a power efficiency comparable to the conventional solutions, but
potentially saves silicon area and input filter components. The design is based on the idea of
stacking traditional buck converters to provide multiple output voltages with the minimum
number of switches. Finally, a fully integrated buck converter based on sliding mode
control is proposed. The architecture integrates the external passive components to deliver
a complete monolithic solution with minimal silicon area. The buck converter employs
a poly-phase structure to minimize the output current ripple and a hysteretic controller
to avoid the generation of an additional high frequency carrier waveform needed in
conventional solutions. The simulated results are comparable to the state-of-the-art works
even with no additional post-fabrication process to improve the converter performance.
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Design Of 1400W Telecom Power Supply With Wide Range Input AC VoltagePrakash, Daiva 04 1900 (has links)
In the fast growing field of Telecommunications, the back up DC power supply plays a vital role in powering the telecom equipment. This DC power supply is a combination of AC-DC Rectifier coupled with a battery bank to support the load when AC input is not available. Figures 0.1 and 0.2 show the line diagram of the DC power supply. The power supply is the most critical element in a telecom installation and it should be highly reliable in order to have un-interrupted service.
Besides reliability, power density and cost are the driving forces behind the success of a power supply in the market. Off late, the reach of telecom in the society is very wide covering remote villages and major metros. Given this environment, the power supply is exposed to extreme input conditions. It is desirable to design the power supply capable of withstanding wide AC input conditions. Another advantage is that the rectifier unit will keep the battery charged so that the battery will have long life.
This thesis is aimed at designing a 1400W (56V/25A) telecom power supply, keeping in view of the issues expressed above. The aim is to design a Switched Mode Rectifier (SMR) that tolerate wide input voltage variations (90Vac to 300Vac). In addition, the design covers unity input power factor, high efficiency (> 90%), high power density ( ), parallel operation and low cost ( ).
Chapter 1 of this thesis covers the context and motivation of the work. Chapter 2 presents the design issues pertaining to power supplies. The normalized description of the power converters is presented. Such a description enables one to compare several circuit topologies in order to make effective design decisions. In a similar way the effectiveness of the switches and mgnetics are presented to enable design decisions in the output stage of the rectifier. Chapter 3 presents the design of the 1400W telecom power supply, keeping in view of the stated specifications.
The performance results of the converter are presented in Chapter 4. All the design goals have been met. The design exercise has also given insights into possible further improvements. Contributions from this work and course of future development work are indicated in the concluding chapter.
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A New Family Of Soft Transition DC-DC ConvertersLakshminarasamma, N 06 1900 (has links)
Switched mode power supplies (SMPS) have found wide spread acceptance in all power processing applications. The design demand is moving towards higher power densities. For reduction in size and weight, it is imperative to process the power at a higher switching frequency. High switching frequency requires soft switching techniques to reduce the switching losses. Several families of soft switching converters have emerged in the past two decades. Analysis and modelling methods have been proposed in relation with these topologies.
Active clamp converters are the recently introduced soft switching topologies. Steady state analysis and model of these converters have been reported in literature. This thesis presents a unified equivalent circuit oriented model for the family of active clamp converters. Analytical expressions for DC conversion ratio in terms of pole current and throw voltage are derived for all the DC-DC converters with active clamp. The special feature is that, the conversion ratio exhibits a load dependent drop (IRd), where I is the pole current and Rd is the damping resistance. The damping resistance Rd is a mathematical artifact to represent the voltage loss on account of delay in the turn-on of the active switch. There is no energy loss associated with this load dependent drop. This is conveniently expressed as an appropriate lossless resistance in the equivalent circuit model. The proposed equivalent circuit models are valid for both steady-state and dynamic performance. A spread sheet based design is presented for the basic DC-DC converters with active clamp. A prototype design following the spreadsheet is made. The performance of the same is validated and verified by simulation and measurements. Steady state and dynamic results are presented. The stability criterion for the active clamp converters under current programming is investigated. The same is verified through simulation and validated on a current programmed active clamp converter prototype.
The active clamp converters suffer from a few disadvantages: Higher VA ratings of
switches, load dependent ZVS performance and increased component count. Several soft switching topologies have been reported in literature. Efficiency improvement and increase in switching frequency are obtained to different degrees.
This thesis proposes a new family of soft switching converters. This family of converters switch at constant frequency and maintains the advantages of traditional PWM converters. The proposed topology employs an auxiliary circuit to achieve soft switching. The auxiliary circuit consists of a dependent voltage source, an auxiliary switch, a series diode and a set of resonant elements (Inductor and capacitor). The switching transitions of both the active switch and the auxiliary switch are lossless. The novelty in the proposed circuit is the method of generating the dependent source required to enable zero current switching of the auxiliary switch. The dependent source is realized by a coupled winding in the energy storage inductor or tapped from the energy transfer transformer of non-isolated and isolated converters respectively.
The proposed topology is applicable to most of the isolated and non-isolated DC-DC converters. The circuit equations governing the sub-intervals of the converter are expressed in terms of pole current and throw voltage. With such a definition, performance results and the design equations are identical for all types of DC-DC converters. Equivalent circuit models are obtained for the whole family of DC-DC converters. The proposed model is valid for steady state and dynamic performance. Analytical expressions of DC conversion ratio for all topologies, in terms of pole current and throw voltage are derived. The special feature is that, the conversion ratio exhibits a load dependent drop (IRd), where I is the pole current and Rd is the damping resistance. The damping resistance Rd is a mathematical artifact to represent the voltage loss on account of delay in the turn-on of the active switch. There is no energy loss associated with this load dependent drop. This is conveniently expressed as an appropriate lossless resistance in the equivalent circuit model. Design guidelines are established for the whole family of proposed converters; the same are validated through prototype converters.
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Resonant Boost Converter for Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking in Grid-connected Photovoltaic SystemsSimeonov, Gregor 03 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis introduces a new photovoltaic (PV) system architecture employing low voltage parallel-connected PV panels interfaced to a high voltage regulated DC bus of a three-phase grid-tied inverter. The concept provides several improvements over existing technologies in terms of cost, safety, reliability, and modularity. A novel resonant mode DC-DC boost converter topology is proposed to enable the PV modules to deliver power to the fixed DC bus. The topology offers high step-up capabilities and a nearly constant efficiency over a wide operating range. A reduced sensor maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is developed for the converter to maximize energy harvesting of the PV panels. The reduced sensor algorithm can be generally applied to the class of converters employing pulse frequency modulation control. A ZigBee wireless communication system is implemented to provide advanced control, monitoring and protection features. A testbench for a low cost 500 $W$ smart microconverter is designed and implemented, demonstrating the viability of the system architecture.
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Resonant Boost Converter for Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking in Grid-connected Photovoltaic SystemsSimeonov, Gregor 03 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis introduces a new photovoltaic (PV) system architecture employing low voltage parallel-connected PV panels interfaced to a high voltage regulated DC bus of a three-phase grid-tied inverter. The concept provides several improvements over existing technologies in terms of cost, safety, reliability, and modularity. A novel resonant mode DC-DC boost converter topology is proposed to enable the PV modules to deliver power to the fixed DC bus. The topology offers high step-up capabilities and a nearly constant efficiency over a wide operating range. A reduced sensor maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is developed for the converter to maximize energy harvesting of the PV panels. The reduced sensor algorithm can be generally applied to the class of converters employing pulse frequency modulation control. A ZigBee wireless communication system is implemented to provide advanced control, monitoring and protection features. A testbench for a low cost 500 $W$ smart microconverter is designed and implemented, demonstrating the viability of the system architecture.
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