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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of social trauma on business ethics : the case of Cypriot Turks

Guven, Gizem Oksuzoglu January 2010 (has links)
The drive that initiated this doctoral thesis was the absence of a resource that investigated social trauma’s effect on business ethics; therefore this thesis investigates the relationship between social trauma and business ethics practices aiming to make the first contribution on an academically untouched topic. As in the case of individual psychology, social psychology also examines matters on a case-tocase basis for a clear understanding of the underlying phenomena and complex processes. Hence, considering the past and the current characteristics of Cypriot Turks of North Cyprus, they were chosen as the case study society. In order to explore social trauma’s impact on business ethics, different disciplines were uniquely synthesized through particular lenses; large group psychology, business-government-society relationship and individual ethical decision-making. The absence of previous work in this area suggested exploratory, qualitative research to be the optimum approach. Rich primary and secondary data were collected through interviews, observations, photographs and documents. The resulting data analysis and findings contribute to the current body of research on business ethics, social trauma and business-government-society relationship at the empirical and conceptual levels. The key contribution of this research is to substantiate the link between social trauma and business ethics, and the way social trauma causes unethical behaviour through its effect on the institutions and individual-social interaction. Furthermore, a model of social trauma and business ethics relationship was developed which also provides a framework for potential future research in other social contexts. Even after decades, social trauma can impact on the conduct of business and can interfere with the individual ethical decision-making process in multiple ways; the causes and consequences of this are discussed in depth. The way this impact occurs and its particulars may differ from one large group to another, and this should be noted before the framework is applied to any other society.

Varför uppkom och upphörde Irakiska Kurdistan? : En teoriutvecklande kvalitativ fallstudie / Why did Iraqi Kurdistan arise and end as a quasi state? : A theory developing case study

Zarei, Semire January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this political scientist paper is to describe and analyze the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan 1992-2006 using the theory of Kolstö about how and why quasi states develops and the theory of Pegg regarding how the international society deal with quasi states. A qualitative case method is used. In the study the two theories are combined. Iraqi Kurdistan is used as a case to study to confirm Kolstö’s and Pegg’s theories. It’s an interesting case as it’s included in one of the most sensitive geo political areas in the world. The Kuwait war 1990 and the Second Gulf war 1991 were the incentive to Iraqi Kurdistan as a quasi state and the US invasion of Iraq 2003 was the incentive to the end of it. In conclusion the case verify the theories and the theories promote the understanding of Iraqi Kurdistan’s period as a quasi state. The goal of the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan was to become a federal state in a federal Iraq and it succeeded.</p>

Problematika de facto států na příkladu Severního Kypru a Náhorního Karabachu s přihlédnutím k judikatuře ESLP / The issue of de facto states on the example of North Cyprus and Nagorno-Karabakh, taking into account the ECtHR case-law

Fejfar, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues of statehood. In this study, we examined the de facto states, i.e. countries that are not internationally recognized. First described the characteristics of the state. Subsequently, we examined the international recognition of the state. It will also define the term de facto work is divided into four main chapters. On the basis of the criteria laid down Montevideo Convention of 1933 will be discussed features of statehood. Described is also the state sovereignty and the principles of international recognition by members of the international community. In the second chapter will be presented in greater detail the general features of de facto states. Attention will be paid to formation of de facto states including a detailed explanation of the issue of the right to self-determination and secession. In the third and fourth chapters, attention will be given to the two de facto states, Turkish Republic of Northern and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In these chapters, the emphasis is also on the historical aspects, the political situation inside these entities, as well as in the whole region. Another goal of these chapters is also to analyse the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. In the case of Northern Cyprus will be analysed in particular the judgments of...

Mezinárodněprávní postavení de facto států / International regulation of de facto states

Řeháčková, Diana January 2021 (has links)
Over the course of history, the organisation of human societies has gone through several evolutionary stages. Their peak, primarily in Europe, took the form of states as polities structured around an ethnical basis-nation states. In many cases, their rise and downfall could be rather violent which led to growing social instability. Therefore, international communities began looking for mechanisms to regulate these processes. From the perspective of international law, it was necessary mainly to define the term state and codify the requirements an entity had to meet in order to be considered one. The Montevideo Convention established an elementary quartet, necessitating the presence of a population, territory, executive power and the ability to fully participate in international relationships, i.e. possess external sovereignty. These four aspects, however, still did not entirely suffice which is why secondary requirements kept being inconsistently added, addressing primarily the entity's inner character and its attitude to, for example, upholding universal human rights or minority rights. Nonetheless, simply meeting the above-mentioned criteria is not enough to establish a fully functioning state. In the modern world, it is essentially impossible for a new state to be created without infringing on...

Unrecognized peace in unrecognized states : An analysis of the relation between post-war peaceand state processes in Nagorno Karabakh

Livingstone, Alma January 2020 (has links)
After the fall of the Soviet Union a number of violent ethnic disputes were concluded through the establishment of ceasefires but have yet to be finalized through peace accords. This development resulted in the creation of de facto states in a setting known as ‘frozen conflicts’. These de facto states have managed to endure decades of unrecognition, stuck in a situation of “no war, no peace” and constitutes today “effective” political entities. The post-war development in these frozen conflicts has continuously surprised academia, defying pessimistic prediction of their sustainability. Following the positive, hybridized peace etymology laid out by Oliver Richmond, this thesis aims at exploring the peace- and state processes that has occurred during the Nagorno Karabakh peace process in order to explain the ambiguous developments that have been going on despite the limbo-like state of unrecognition. The relation between external and internal processes is interrogated through a periodization of key events, and thereafter a comprehensive analysis of how the processes relate to each other over time. The thesis concludes that the strong presence of identity politics regarding the historical Nagorno Karabakh favors the often violent and protective state formation process but is at least partially controlled by the international attempts at peace building. Local formations of peace do not allow for a reintegration of Nagorno Karabakh into Azerbaijan, at least not without explicit and extensive security and autonomy guarantees. Likewise, the external processes of peace and state building does not allow for local agency from Nagorno Karabakh, as it is viewed through a negative ontology of peace. The processes does provide some rather successful developments, as the almost finalized Land swap deal and the Madrid principles, but lacks the momentum of conquering the dominance of perceived or actualized violent state formation processes.

De Prague à Riga : stratégies de mise en place du soft power de l’Union européenne dans les États du Partenariat oriental / From Prague to Riga : strategy implemented to establish EU’s soft power in Eastern Partnership countries

Lambert, Michael 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les États du Partenariat oriental (Ukraine, Moldavie, Biélorussie, Géorgie, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan) ainsi que les territoires séparatistesqui s’y trouvent (Transnistrie, République du Donbas, Crimée, Abkhazie, Ossétie du Sud, Haut-Karabakh) doivent déterminer leurappartenance à un ensemble géopolitique afin d’assurer leur prospérité mais aussi leur sécurité. Les options qui se présentent à euxpeuvent se résumer à une intégration au sein de l’Union européenne, de l’Union (Économique) Eurasiatique ou à un partenariat avec la Chine, et ce en raison de leur difficultés à survivre en tant que pays non-alignés, et des pressions exercées pour Bruxelles et parMoscou. La raison de ces pressions repose sur la souhait d’émergence de l’Union européenne en tant que puissance géopolitique mondiale, poussée notamment par les États-Unis pour contrebalancer l’influence de la Russie, et par le Kremlin qui souhaite conserver son influence dans ce qu’il considère encore comme sa zone d’influence légitime” plus de 25 ans après la chute de l’Union soviétique. Cette thèse analyse les tendance intra-européennes, avec l’approche normalisatrice des pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, qui cherchent un compromis avec la Russie, et ceux d’Europe de l’Est, qui voient dans les Institutions européennes un moyen de s’affirmer comme puissances régionale. Avec l’avènement du projet de Partenariat oriental lancé par la Pologne et la Suède en 2008, l’UE incarne ces deux tendances, parfois contradictoires, à travers la mise en place de ses stratégies d’influence - son soft power - sur le terrain. Une influence mis à mal par les membres de l’EaP qui détournent abondamment les fonds en provenance de l’UE en raison de la corruption qui règne au sein des institutions nationales. La Russie tente pour sa part de retrouver son influence mais en usant d’une approche plus musclée, parfois même relevant du domaine militaire - son hard power - comme le montrent l’annexion de la Crimée et la mise en place des Peacekeepers dans le Caucase du Sud. Alors que l’Union européenne peine à exercer son influence dans un contexte de crise économique post-2008, la Russie semble pour sa part disposer de nouveaux moyens pour accroitre son influence : la guerre hybride, l’instrumentalisation des réfugiés qui affluent aux portes de l’Espace Schengen, et l’Union Economique Eurasiatique. / The states of the Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) and the separatist territories therein (Transnistria, Republic of Donbas, Crimea, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh) have to determine their membership in a geopolitical entity to ensure their prosperity and safety. Due to the difficulties to survive as non-aligned countries and pressures fromBrussels and Moscow, all of them either have to join the European Union, the Eurasian (Economic) Union or to establish an exclusivepartnership with China in the upcoming years.Pressure from the EU and Russia is based on the desire of the EU to emerge as a global geopolitical power, particularly pushed by theUnited States to counterbalance the influence of Russia, and the will of the Kremlin to retain its influence in what is presented in theRussian media as the “legitimate sphere of influence”, even more than 25 years after the fall of the Soviet Union.The PhD dissertation analyzes the political divergences between EU member states, with the “normalizing approach” of WesternEuropean countries that seek a compromise with Russia, and those from Eastern Europe currently trying to use the European institutionsas a means to become regional powers.The Eastern Partnership launched by Poland and Sweden in 2008 embodies these two, sometimes contradictory tendencies through theimplementation of EU’s strategies of influence - the EU’s soft power - in post-Soviet space. Nonetheless, those strategies are oftenundermined by members of the EaP, which abundantly divert funds from the EU, because of the corruption of local institutions. At thesame time, Russia is also trying to regain its influence, sometimes even by using military means - the so called Russian hard power - asshown by the annexation of the Crimea and the establishment of peacekeeping missions in South Caucasus.While the European Union hardly exerts its influence in a post-2008 economic crisis context, Russia seems to have developed new waysto weaken its opponents. Hybrid warfare, weaponizing of refugees, pushed by massive bombings in Syria, and the establishment of theEurasian Economic Union are under the most efficient ways to weaken the EU and NATO so far.

Varför uppkom och upphörde Irakiska Kurdistan? : En teoriutvecklande kvalitativ fallstudie / Why did Iraqi Kurdistan arise and end as a quasi state? : A theory developing case study

Zarei, Semire January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this political scientist paper is to describe and analyze the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan 1992-2006 using the theory of Kolstö about how and why quasi states develops and the theory of Pegg regarding how the international society deal with quasi states. A qualitative case method is used. In the study the two theories are combined. Iraqi Kurdistan is used as a case to study to confirm Kolstö’s and Pegg’s theories. It’s an interesting case as it’s included in one of the most sensitive geo political areas in the world. The Kuwait war 1990 and the Second Gulf war 1991 were the incentive to Iraqi Kurdistan as a quasi state and the US invasion of Iraq 2003 was the incentive to the end of it. In conclusion the case verify the theories and the theories promote the understanding of Iraqi Kurdistan’s period as a quasi state. The goal of the quasi state Iraqi Kurdistan was to become a federal state in a federal Iraq and it succeeded.

Komparativní analýza neúspěšných strategií k získání mezinárodního uznání: Somaliland, Podněstří a Náhorní karabach / A Comparative Analysis of Failed Strategies to Achieve International Recognition: Somaliland, Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh

Lavoie, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
Author Samuel Lavoie Thesis Diplomacy and Diplomatic Institutions of Unrecognized De Facto States Somaliland, Transnistria and Artsakh (2020) Abstract As a topic, international recognition has been increasingly studied over the past twenty years, particularly since Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008. This thesis attempts to advance our understanding of the underlying causes of the inability to gain political recognition by examining several factors that have been omitted from the academic literature. Specifically, it examines several key aspects of the diplomatic institutions, personnel, and approaches of three unrecognized de facto states that meet most of the criteria for statehood under international law, but have so far received no recognition recognized states. These entities are Somaliland, Transnistria, and Artsakh. This paper also draws on partially recognized states and finds that geopolitical and ideological factors generally prevail over diplomatic ones as the main drivers of political recognition. This is especially true when an entity is located in an area of fierce rivalry for influence, such as the PMR and the Republic of Artsakh. However, while remaining a secondary factor, diplomacy becomes more important for international recognition when the interests of...

Stratégies de légitimation des États de facto : l’industrie touristique en « République moldave de Pridnestrovie »

Cloutier, Félix-Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie l’industrie touristique comme stratégie de légitimation interne et externe dans les États de facto. En nous basant plus particulièrement sur le cas de la Transnistrie, nous avons employé une analyse mixte se basant sur des données et politiques officielles ainsi que sur des observations photographiques obtenues directement sur le terrain. L’industrie touristique est une stratégie « deux en un » servant à la fois la construction des identités et s’adressant à un public interne et externe. Nos résultats font ressortir l’utilité de cette stratégie à des fins de légitimation tout en établissant l’existence de liens étroits entre le secteur touristique public et privé. Alors que le secteur public est concentré principalement vers la justification de l’existence de l’entité de facto et de son identité distincte, le secteur privé agit comme un agent de liaison avec le monde extérieur et selon les attraits commerciaux et économiques. Malgré l’existence d’une certaine opposition entre les secteurs de l’industrie touristique, nous soutenons qu’ils sont complémentaires et servent l’État transnistrien dans sa quête de légitimation interne et externe. / This paper is interested in the study of tourism and its industry as a strategy for internal and external legitimization in de facto states. Using the particular case of Transnistria, we used a mixed analysis based on official data and policies as well as photographic observations obtained directly on the field. Tourism industry provides a "two-in-one" strategy, serving both identity and state formation and is aimed at both internal and external audiences. Our results highlight the usefulness of this strategy for legitimization purposes while establishing the existence of close links between the public and private tourism sectors. While the public sector is mainly focused on justifying the existence of the de facto state and its distinct identity, the private sector acts as a liaison with the outside world, and according to financial and economical gain. Despite the existence of some opposition between both sectors of the tourism industry, we argue that they are complementary and that they serve the Transnistrian state in its quest for internal and external legitimization.

Politics of International Recognition: The Case of Aspirant States

Mehrabi, Wais January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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