Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nen god staden"" "subject:"nen good staden""
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Trafik- och stadsplanering som en integrerad process? : Om perspektiv och kommunikativa processer i stadsutvecklingenTornberg, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong><em>Urban planning and transportation planning through an integrated process? On perspectives and communicative processes in urban development</em></strong></p><p>During the last couple of years the need for a better coordination of urban and transportation planning in Sweden has been highlighted at several occasions. In response to this need, the project “The Attractive City” (Den Goda Staden) has been initiated, emphasizing collaboration and communicative processes between actors involved in urban and transportation planning as a means to enhance the potential for an integrated planning. In this study the discussions taking place under the umbrella of The Attractive City are examined in order to illuminate the circumstances enhancing or obstructing the potential for integrated planning processes. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge of the conditions for an integrated planning of transportation systems and cities based on dialogue and collaboration. Through three case studies central challenges for cross-sectoral coordination are identified and used as a basis for a discussion on the potential for consensus based planning processes.</p><p>It is concluded that much of the discussions in The Attractive City take a starting point in the ambition for planning to be holistic, an ambition associated with the risk of shadowing a range of underlying tensions between different perspectives among actors involved in the planning processes. The influence of these differences in perspectives on the potential for coordination of parallel planning activities is discussed. With reference to communicative planning theory and the experiences from The Attractive City, it is argued that communicative processes can play a role in sharpening the awareness about the procedural problems that need to be addressed in a planning process. Although consensus, in terms of agreement on solutions, may well be the result of communicative processes, increased understanding of different actors’ motives and conditions to act is seen as the main benefit from this kind of communicative processes, creating a resource to draw upon in future situations.</p>
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Ett sökande efter stadsideal : En fallstudie om stadsideal i Karlstad / A search for city ideals : A case study about city ideal in KarlstadSindemark, Caroline, Vasiljevic, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
This study shows how city planners and politicians in Karlstad plans different parts of the city, what type of model/ city ideals they use when planning, and how it is expressed. The study was made using a qualitative method, were a discourse analysis was vital for the elected planning document and blog posts. Qualitative interviews were also made with five people with significant meaning, who hold different positions in the city planning of Karlstad. In the produced material, it appears that the city planners and politicians in Karlstad are planning for traditional city ideals as a foundation in the planning, with influence from new ideas as for example sustainable planning and economic growth. In some parts of the city a modern and rational planning remains. However, it is apparent from the respondents that this kind of planning is important to avoid, and instead use an older type of planning from the 19th century and early 20th century. The consequences of striving towards this ideal, is that some structures and groups are highlighted as ideal and thus excludes others. The ideal is seen as a romanticized image of the city, which can result in a gap between planning and reality. Also, it creates conflicts and difficulties when some goals in the planning stand against each other, and that some planning concepts can be interpreted in different ways. / Detta arbete redogör för hur stadsplanerare och politiker i Karlstad planerar olika delar av staden och vad för slags målbild/stadsideal de har när de planerar och hur detta uttrycks. Studien är utförd genom en kvalitativ metod där diskursanalys är central för utvalda planeringsdokument och blogginlägg. Kvalitativa intervjuer är också genomförda med fem betydande personer som innehar olika roller i Karlstads stadsplanering. Av det framtagna materialet framkommer det att stadsplanerarna och politikerna i Karlstad planerar efter ett traditionellt stadideal som grund i planeringen, med inslag av nya idéer som till exempel hållbarhet och ekonomisk tillväxt. I vissa delar av staden lever dock den modernistiska och rationella planeringen kvar. Dock framgår det av respondenterna att denna typ av planering är viktig att komma ifrån och därför är det en äldre planering från 1800- talet och tidigt 1900- tal som de vill återgå till. Konsekvenserna av att sträva efter detta ideal är att en del strukturer och målgrupper lyfts fram som ideala och därmed utesluts andra. Idealet ses många gånger som en romantiserad bild av staden, vilket kan resultera i ett glapp mellan planering och verklighet. Dessutom skapas konflikter och svårigheter då en del mål i planeringen står mot varandra, samt att vissa planeringsbegrepp kan tolkas på olika sätt.
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Trafik- och stadsplanering som en integrerad process? : Om perspektiv och kommunikativa processer i stadsutvecklingenTornberg, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
Urban planning and transportation planning through an integrated process? On perspectives and communicative processes in urban development During the last couple of years the need for a better coordination of urban and transportation planning in Sweden has been highlighted at several occasions. In response to this need, the project “The Attractive City” (Den Goda Staden) has been initiated, emphasizing collaboration and communicative processes between actors involved in urban and transportation planning as a means to enhance the potential for an integrated planning. In this study the discussions taking place under the umbrella of The Attractive City are examined in order to illuminate the circumstances enhancing or obstructing the potential for integrated planning processes. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge of the conditions for an integrated planning of transportation systems and cities based on dialogue and collaboration. Through three case studies central challenges for cross-sectoral coordination are identified and used as a basis for a discussion on the potential for consensus based planning processes. It is concluded that much of the discussions in The Attractive City take a starting point in the ambition for planning to be holistic, an ambition associated with the risk of shadowing a range of underlying tensions between different perspectives among actors involved in the planning processes. The influence of these differences in perspectives on the potential for coordination of parallel planning activities is discussed. With reference to communicative planning theory and the experiences from The Attractive City, it is argued that communicative processes can play a role in sharpening the awareness about the procedural problems that need to be addressed in a planning process. Although consensus, in terms of agreement on solutions, may well be the result of communicative processes, increased understanding of different actors’ motives and conditions to act is seen as the main benefit from this kind of communicative processes, creating a resource to draw upon in future situations.
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Miljonprogrammet & staden - Förortens plats i den attraktiva stadenEdvardsson, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet är en diskursanalys som handlar om miljonprogrammet och dessroll i vad vi ser som den goda staden idag. Miljonprogrammet ses gärna som en parentes ihistorien, någonting som saknar identitet och karaktär. Det räknas inte gärna som ”riktig”stadsbebyggelse, utan betraktas snarare som dess motsats. Dessutom är den ful. För attförändra den här upplevelsen av miljonprogrammen används gärna nyliberala metoderoch entreprenörsurbanism för att skapa det man kallar ”stadsmässighet” även i förorten.På så vis menar man att man kan göra dessa områden konkurrenskraftiga och attraktiva påen marknad. Analysen visar att diskursen som präglat miljonprogrammet ända sedanbörjade stå klara på 70-talet ännu finns kvar men delvis har bytt karaktär - idag seskapitalismen som en lösning på förortens problem, snarare än problemens orsak, ochbilden av förorten som misslyckanden lever vidare. / The reputation of the Swedish Million Programme has been quite bad since the 70’s, andtoday it is seen as an era without any history or identity. The modernist neighbourhoods isugly, and not seen as parts of the ”real city”. Instead, it is often described as its opposite,something that must change to become a part of what we see as the good city today. Toaccomplish this, neoliberal methods like entrepreneurial urbanism is used to renew theareas and make them attractive. This paper focus on the discourse that have surroundedthe Swedish Million Programme since it was build, and it shows that we still see thesesuburbs as failures. But instead of blaming the capitalist system, it is seen as part of thesolution by means of neo liberal methods.
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Samverkan för den goda staden : En studie om samverkan i planprocessens tidiga skeden mellan kommun och Trafikverket / Cross-sectoral collaboration for the good city : A study on the cross-sectoral collaboration in the early stages of urban planning involving the Swedish Transport Administration and Swedish municipalitiesAndersson, Joel, Nilsson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Samverkan mellan Trafikverket och kommunen i styrningen av rummet är vad som studeras i denna uppsats. Dessa två aktörers makt och ansvar i den övergripande samhällsutvecklingen ses som stort, varför samverkan mellan dessa aktörer är intressant att undersöka. En central utgångspunkt i studien är att målet med samhällsplanering är den goda staden. Trafikverkets interna styrdokument Etablera samverkan, vars riktlinjer ämnar öka graden av samverkan mellan Trafikverket och Sveriges kommuner i samhällsplaneringsprocessens tidiga skeden med hjälp av överenskommelser, utgör initiativet till detta uppsatsämne. Överenskommelser om samverkan är sedan tidigare etablerade i Trafikverkets Region Mitt och när implementering av samverkansöverenskommelser bedrivs aktivt på nationell nivå inom Trafikverket blir utvärderingen av dessa överenskommelser viktig. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med informanter som arbetar utifrån skilda samverkansformer, samt innehållsanalys av centrala dokument, skapas en bild av samverkan mellan dessa aktörer. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka attityder och roller som styr förutsättningar för aktörerna att samverka i tidiga skeden, samt hur en överenskommelse om samverkan påverkar dessa attityder och roller. Syftet uppnås genom tre frågeställningar: Hur yttrar sig attityder hos respektive aktör kring samverkan och överenskommelser som reglerar samverkan? Hur kan samverkansprocessen påverkas av överenskommelser? Vilka olika roller har de två aktörerna i samhällsutvecklingen och hur yttrar det sig när de ska samverka i styrningen av rummet? Utifrån en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats och med en bakgrund i kulturgeografiskt rumsperspektiv, nyliberal governance samt kommunikativ planeringsteori besvaras dessa frågeställningar. Resultatet visar på ett stort förtroende för dialogbaserad samverkan som har potential att föda förståelse och enighet. Resultatet visar att överenskommelser tillför ett antal värden till samverkan som samtliga informanter ser som positiva. Resultatet visar även att kommunen och Trafikverket har olika roller i samhällsutvecklingen. De arbetar på olika skalor och med olika, om än liknande, mål. När dessa aktörer samverkar tydliggörs deras skilda uppdrag och roller. Att motsättningar och meningsskiljaktigheter finns upplevs som en naturlig del i samverkansprocessen och samverkan kan ses som ett gemensamt antagande att utifrån respektive parts uppdrag och roller, gemensamt bygga den goda staden.
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En stad i världsklass – hur och för vem? : En studie om Stockholms sociala stadsplanering / A world-class city: how and for whom? : A study of Stockholm’s social urban planningLoit, Jon January 2014 (has links)
The city is characterised by unequal living conditions and inequities. Residential segregation – in the sense that people with different socio-economic resources and of various ethnicities live separately from one another – is a major cause of urban inequities. Urban planning has contributed to segregation but also provides the potential for change by facilitating a more just and non-segregated city. Social sustainability and social justice objectives, however, usually conflict with a neoliberal planning mindset, one that shapes both the planning conditions and approach and benefits economic growth. The aim of this thesis is to examine how and for whom Stockholm is being planned in order to thus clarify whether the planning reduces segregation and contributes to creating a more just city. This is done by looking at Stockholm’s overall planning approach, based on the ambitious objective of ‘a world-class Stockholm’, and the present planning of two areas – Järva and Stockholm Royal Seaport. Vision Järva 2030 is a strategy to develop segregated neighbourhoods, while Stockholm Royal Seaport is a new urban development project. The analysis highlights that Stockholm’s planning is in a dialectical state between a socially sustainable approach – with the goal of reducing inequities and segregation – and a neoliberal development logic focusing on competing with other cities to attract investment. The latter, however, predominates, for instance resulting in social strategies taking place on neoliberal terms and so losing their true meaning. The planning focuses primarily on developing the city for a neoliberal subject associated with economic growth. In accordance with this, a lifestyle philosophy based on the city centre’s urban city ideals and middle-class consumption and activity patterns is in evidence in the planning. The overall conclusion is that the planning cannot be deemed to reduce segregation or contribute to the creation of a just city as a result of how and for whom the city is being planned.
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