Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denomination"" "subject:"renomination""
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Religion et homicide : étude du taux d’homicide des pays du monde en fonction des variables mesurant la religion et la pratique religieuseLeroux, Maude 04 1900 (has links)
L’impact de la religion sur la violence demeure à ce jour ambivalent dans la littérature. D’un côté, les religions et leurs préceptes de paix sont identifiés comme des facteurs de dissuasion dans la commission d’actes violents. D’un autre côté, l’identité religieuse est historiquement décriée comme une source majeure de guerres. Cette étude propose de comparer dans 163 pays du monde l’influence sur le taux d’homicide de quatre aspects religieux : la religion principale, l’hétérogénéité religieuse, la liberté religieuse et la religiosité. Les taux d’homicide sont fournis par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé alors que les variables religieuses proviennent de sources variées. Les analyses de régressions linéaires tiennent également compte de quelques facteurs socio-économiques. Certains sont considérés dans la littérature comme des facteurs majeurs influant sur l’homicide et d’autres sont plutôt soupçonnés d’interaction sur la relation ici étudiée. Les résultats indiquent qu’il y a modérément plus d’homicides dans les pays qui présentent une forte hétérogénéité religieuse ou une faible religiosité dans la population. Par ailleurs, les pays musulmans, notamment chiites, présentent les taux d’homicide les plus bas, surpassant les pays bouddhistes et hindouistes, alors que les pays chrétiens, notamment catholiques, présentent des taux d’homicide très élevés. Ce constat s’oppose à la théorie libérale chrétienne qui démonise les États religieux musulmans. Néanmoins, l’interprétation des conclusions de cette étude invite à la prudence étant donné son aspect délicat et exploratoire. / The impact of religion on violence remains ambivalent in the litterature. On the one hand, religions and their teachings of peace or compassion are identified as deterrents in the commission of violent acts. On the other hand, religious identity has historically been criticized as a major source of violence and war. This study proposes to compare in 163 countries worldwide the impact on violence of four religious factors : religious denomination, religiosity, religious heterogeneity and religious freedom. The analysis is based on the homicide rates, supplied mainly by the World Health Organization, while religious variables are taken from various sources. Linear regression analysis also take into consideration few socio-economic factors. Some of these are considered in the literature as major factors in homicide and others are suspected of interaction in the relationship studied here. The results indicate that there is moderately more homicides in countries that have strong religious heterogeneity or low religiosity among the population. In addition, muslim countries, especially chiites, presents the lowest homicide rates, surpassing buddhist and hindu countries, while christian countries, especially catholics, have the higher homicide rates. This finding opposes the christian liberal theory that demonizes muslim religious states. Nevertheless, interpretation of findings from this study suggest caution in view of its exploratory and delicate aspect.
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Mit dem Evangelium nach Leipzig : zur religiösen Ansprechbarkeit der leipziger Bevölkerung : Fallstudie Plattenbausiedlung Grünau im Interesse der Mission / Carrying the gospel to Leipzig : the religious responsiveness of the people of Leipzig : a case study on Plattenbausiedlung Grunau in mission per spectiveSchott, Daniel 31 October 2007 (has links)
Die religiöse Ansprechbarkeit der Leipziger Bevölkerung in der Plattenbausiedlung Grünau ist bedingt durch den DDR-Sozialismus als ,,Ersatzreligion" gering. Doch stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit die politische Wende 1989 auch zu einer religiösen Wende im Leben der Menschen geführt hat.
Für diese Erhebung habe ich zunächst die Geschichte, die sozialistische Prägung, die Rolle der Kirchen und die postmoderne Beeinflussung untersucht. Die aktuelle religiöse Ansprechbarkeit ließ sich im Zuge der qualitativen Sozialforschung mithilfe von Interviews mit den Kirchenleitungen Grünaus und der Kategorisierung religiöser Dimensionen von Charles Y. Glock eruieren. Dabei wurde nach den Ritualen, dem Sinn im Leben, dem religiösen Wissen, den Konsequenzen im Alltag und dem religiösen Erleben gefragt. Abschließend habe ich die Ergebnisse im Blickfeld der Kontextualisierung ausgehend von der Praxispyramide (Praxis-Zyklus) missionstheologisch evaluiert.
Die Lage in Grünau entspricht grundsätzlich der in Gesamtostdeutschland: Konfessionslosigkeit, die sich vom bekennenden Atheismus durch die indifferente Haltung zum Glauben unterscheidet, bestimmt das Bild. Zahlenmäßig liegt die Summe der Kirchenmitglieder in Grünau (ca. 8%) sogar noch unter dem Gesamtdurchschnitt Ostdeutschlands. Aber die empirischen Ergebnisse lassen eine steigende religiöse Ansprechbarkeit nach der Wende erkennen, der mit kontextgerechten und mentalitätsadäquaten Maßnahmen, wie z. B. christlichen postsozialistischen Feiern, einem Grünauer Trabbi-Cafe, einem Plattenbaukino und anderen schöpferischen Aktionen begegnet werden kann.
The religious receptiveness of the people of Leipzig, in the estate of prefabricated houses of Grünau, is low, due to GDR-socialism as an "alternative religion". However, the question arises, as to which extent the political turnaround in 1989, also brought about a religious turnaround in people's lives.
For this research, I first of all analysed the history, the socialist influence, the role of the churches, and the post-modern influence. The current religious receptiveness was elicited by qualitative social research interviewing church leaders of Grünau, and by making use of the categorisation of religious dimensions by Charles Y. Glock. In the process questions pertaining to rituals, the meaning of life, religious knowledge, the consequences in everyday life, and the religious experience, were asked. Thereafter, I evaluated the results mission-theologically, in sight of the contextualisation of the so-called praxis pyramid (praxis cycle).
The situation in Grünau basically corresponds with the situation in all of East Germany: Not belonging to a church which differs from confessed atheism because of the indifferent attitude towards faith dominates the picture. Numerically, the sum of church members in Grünau (approximately 8%) is even below the overall average of East Germany. However, the empirical results show an increasing religious receptiveness after the turnaround which can be met by measures fitting the context and the mentality, for example, Christian post-socialist celebrations, a "Grünau Trabbi-Café" (a coffee shop), a cinema on the housing estates, and other creative actions. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / (M.Th.(Missiology))
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Rupture et continuité dans le discours technique arabe d’Internet / Rupture and continuity in the arabic technical discourse of InternetAffeich, Andrée 29 January 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche mené sur un corpus qui rassemble onze pays arabes, vise à soulever une problématique liée à la rupture et à la continuité au sein de la terminologie arabe d’Internet, terminologie créée dans le monde anglophone, aux États-Unis précisément. Les termes « rupture » et « continuité » montrent un conflit réel entre deux systèmes linguistiques différents : le système de la langue arabe que nous appelons « système autochtone » et celui de la langue anglaise que nous appelons « système étranger ». L’image qui se dessine est celle de deux systèmes qui se disputent une partie d’un jeu d’échec. À l’ouverture, les cavaliers des deux côtés se mobilisent rapidement. Ceux du « système étranger » essaient d’instaurer d’emblée des éléments que nous appelons « éléments de rupture ». Ces derniers se manifestent à travers le phénomène de l’emprunt linguistique sous ses deux formes : emprunt entier et siglaison. En guise de réponse, le « système autochtone » mobilise tout d’abord ses deux cavaliers : il s’agit bien évidemment de deux moyens morpho-syntaxiques : le sous-système de nomination et le sous-système de communication. Ensuite, et afin de ne pas s’écrouler, « le système autochtone » renforce ses positions à l’aide de deux autres procédés : procédé sémantique qu’est la métaphore, et procédé discursive qu’est la reformulation. Dans notre travail, il ne s’agit pas de dire lequel des deux systèmes a gagné, En effet, sur une période de dix ans, nous avons accompagné l’évolution de la terminologie arabe d’Internet afin de tirer des conclusions et de relever plus exactement une certaine tendance générale et globale à la lumière des changements que cette terminologie a connus, changements qui ne sont certainement pas définitifs. / This research carried out on a corpus which gathers eleven Arab countries, aims at raising problems related to the rupture and continuity within the Arabic terminology of Internet, terminology created in the Anglophone world, more precisely in the United States. The terms “rupture” and “continuity” show a real conflict between two different linguistic systems: the Arabic language system which we call “indigenous system” and the English language system which we call “foreign system”. The image which takes shape is that of two systems playing chess. At the beginning of the game, the knights of the two sides are mobilized quickly. Those of the “foreign system” try to impose elements which we call “elements of rupture”. The latter appear through the linguistic loan phenomenon with its two forms: the integral loan and the acronyms. In response to these “elements of rupture”, the “indigenous system” mobilizes first of all its two knights, i.e. its two morpho-syntactic means: the subsystem of nomination and the subsystem of communication. Then, in order not to collapse, the “indigenous system” fortifies its position using two other processes: the semantic process which is the metaphor and the discursive process which is the rewording. In this study, we are not aiming at saying which of the two systems won. Indeed, within a period of ten years, we followed the evolution of the Arabic terminology of Internet in order to draw conclusions, and more exactly to draw a general tendency in light of changes that this terminology has known, changes which are certainly not final.
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De flor dos Andes a qhathu no Pari. Memória discursiva e deslocamentos na Feira Kantuta / From flower of the Andes to qhathu in Pari. Discursive memory and displacements at Feira KantutaJosé Mauricio da Conceição Rocha 27 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma análise discursiva de enunciados veiculados na feira boliviana da Praça Kantuta, realizada aos domingos em São Paulo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar nos discursos de pessoas da coletividade boliviana registrados em atos públicos realizados na Praça Kantuta os enunciados que indicassem filiações a memórias discursivas relacionadas à nacionalidade e à migração na América do Sul. Reunimos os enunciados selecionados em três grupos de fragmentos de discurso, que analisamos como sequências discursivas em função, principalmente, das repetições, da recorrência de formulações relacionadas à representação do ser boliviano em São Paulo, ao modo de referir a Praça Kantuta e ao processo de conquista/apropriação do espaço para realização da feira. Adotamos essa metodologia porque nos pareceu a mais adequada aos nossos objetivos; além disso, verificamos que há antecedentes, nos estudos discursivos, de trabalhos de análise nos quais o ordenamento desta se realiza a partir de unidades em repetição. Para construir nossa interpretação dos fatos de discurso observados na feira, levamos em conta as condições de produção do discurso, atentando tanto para o contexto imediato quanto para o contexto sócio-histórico, conforme propõe Orlandi (2012). Assim, nossa dissertação inclui um levantamento de estudos sobre as migrações bolivianas realizados por pesquisadores de outras áreas com as quais temos dialogado, fundamentalmente a sociologia e a geografia urbana. Consideramos as migrações bolivianas internas e internacionais; a ocupação dos espaços públicos pelos bolivianos que protagonizam deslocamentos populacionais massivos em busca de subsistência; a função das línguas no ambiente da Feira Kantuta; a representação do boliviano em enunciados veiculados na feira; e a construção do objeto de discurso Praça/Feira Kantuta. / This master\'s thesis presents a discursive analysis of enunciations made at Praça Kantuta\'s Bolivian market, which takes place on Sundays in São Paulo. The general objective of the research was to identify in the discourses of persons from the Bolivian community registered during public celebrations at Praça Kantuta the enunciations that could indicate affiliations to discursive memories related to nationality and to migration in South America. We divided the selected enunciations in three groups of discourse fragments that we analyze as discursive sequences due to repetitions, to recurrence of formulations related to the representation of being Bolivian in São Paulo, to the way to refer to Praça Kantuta and to the process of appropriation of a space where those migrants could implement their market. We used that methodology because it seemed the most adequate for our objectives; furthermore, we verified in discursive studies some examples of analysis where its organization is made in repeating units. In order to build our interpretation of the discursive facts that we found at the Bolivian market, we considered the speech production conditions, regarding the immediate context and the socio-historical context, as Orlandi (2012) suggests. Thus, our master\'s thesis includes an overview of studies about the Bolivian migrations made by researchers of other areas of knowledge that are interesting to us, such as sociology and urban geography. We do regard internal and international Bolivian migrations; the occupation of public spaces by those Bolivians starring massive population displacements looking for subsistence; the function of the languages at the Feira Kantuta; the representation of the Bolivians in enunciations made on the environment of their market; and the construction of the discourse object Praça/Feira Kantuta.
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An investigation of different phases of pentecostal experience in the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM)Hwata, Benny 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of differing Pentecostal experiences in Apostolic Faith Mission from its inception, with specific reference to the AFM of South Africa and AFM in Zimbabwe.The study examines:
The brief history of the AFM. This begins with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angels. Pentecostalism then spread to South Africa through John G. Lake with the founding of AFM of South Africa. AFM filtered into Zimbabwe where it faced stiff resistance from government authorities and established mainline churches.
Theologies and spiritual gifts which make Pentecostalism different from other faiths.
Main doctrines and tenets of faith discernible from the brief historical outline.
A general outline of phases in Pentecostalism. An attempt will be made to determine whether these phases are applicable to AFM. This dissertation is a contribution towards reconciling diverging views concerning Pentecostalism in the AFM because various congregations of the same denomination behave and believe differently. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Filozofické aspekty výchovy v dialogu mezi Wolfgangem Brezinkou a Zygmuntem Baumanem / Philosophical aspects of education in dialogue between Wolfgang Brezinka and Zygmunt BaumanDvořáková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The text of this work is primarily based on the works of Wolfgang Brezinka, focusing on the philosophy of education and on many sociological works by Zygmunt Bauman, which are cited for better orientation in the philosophical-educational context of the chapter focusing on the philosophy of education used in the antiquity The aim was to present the reader with at least a brief awareness of the individual aspects of the philosophy of education as presented by Brezinka and to supplement it with the possible aspects that can be taken from Bauman, who primarily focuses on exploring the socio-cultural phenomena of the modern society. Gradually, the essential characteristics, features, and characteristics that accompanied the upbringing in antiquity are presented, just as the educational aims and beliefs in relation to the upbringing that is presented by Brezinka. Furthermore, there are discussed and examined the pitfalls of modernism and postmodernism in relation to personality, culture, society and philosophical-educational possibilities as pointed out by Bauman. The amount of works on the philosophy of education is insufficient and even here, of course, it has not been possible to cover all the philosophical aspects of education which are available to the authors dealing with the philosophy of education, yet...
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An investigation of different phases of pentecostal experience in the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM)Hwata, Benny 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of differing Pentecostal experiences in Apostolic Faith Mission from its inception, with specific reference to the AFM of South Africa and AFM in Zimbabwe.The study examines:
The brief history of the AFM. This begins with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angels. Pentecostalism then spread to South Africa through John G. Lake with the founding of AFM of South Africa. AFM filtered into Zimbabwe where it faced stiff resistance from government authorities and established mainline churches.
Theologies and spiritual gifts which make Pentecostalism different from other faiths.
Main doctrines and tenets of faith discernible from the brief historical outline.
A general outline of phases in Pentecostalism. An attempt will be made to determine whether these phases are applicable to AFM. This dissertation is a contribution towards reconciling diverging views concerning Pentecostalism in the AFM because various congregations of the same denomination behave and believe differently. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Seniorky ve společnosti / Seniors in SocietySUCHOMELOVÁ, Věra January 2007 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on the role of seniors in the society of the west type with the stress on the society in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part there is discussed the problematic of active life-conception in old years as the important condition of social health of both senior-ladies and senior-men. In next section there are presented myths having the base in the oldness and there are outlined the possibilities that seniors have in this area in the Czech Republic. Further, in the work there are discussed main problems that seniors have in recent society preferring youthfulness and sexual activity.In the practical part of the thesis there are presented some significant results of the research ``Senior-women in Roman Catholic Church{\crqq} that surveys the active life-conception, life style and life-contentment of its members older than sixty five years. There is discussed the influence of dissimilarities having the base in the difference in education or social status of senior-women or whether they live in the city or in a small village.
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La contribution de la traduction à l'expansion lexicale du sesotho / The contribution of translation to the lexical expansion of SesothoSebotsa, Mosisili 22 November 2016 (has links)
Si la traduction est simplement définie comme un processus de communication bilingue dont le but général est de reproduire en langue cible un texte qui soit fonctionnellement équivalent au texte de départ (Reiss 2004 : 168-169), l’approche empruntée dans la présente thèse est celle d’une opération interculturelle et systématique qui vise à capturer le message issu d’une langue étrangère, à le décrypter en tenant en compte des nuances culturelles ou inhérentes à la discipline, et à le rendre le plus clairement possible en se servant d'éléments linguistiques et extralinguistiques compréhensibles dans la langue du locuteur cible. L'objectif est de déterminer la contribution de la traduction à l’expansion lexicale du sesotho, domaine qui demeure peu exploré par les spécialistes de cette langue. La problématique de ce travail repose sur la constatation que les néologismes en sesotho ne sont pas documentés de manière satisfaisante, si bien qu’il est difficile d'évaluer la contribution de la traduction à l’expansion lexicale. Les études antérieures sur la morphologie, la dérivation, la composition, l’emprunt et la dénomination s’appuient sur la mesure de la productivité, soulevant la question de savoir si la traduction en soi contribue à l’enrichissement terminologique du sesotho. Le point de départ de la thèse est l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’interaction avec le monde européen a nécessité de traduire de nombreux concepts qui n’existaient pas dans les systèmes traditionnels du Lesotho, ce qui a entraîné un nouveau dynamisme qui a permis de combler des lacunes terminologiques évidentes et de s’ouvrir et de s’adapter aux nouvelles réalités. Pour mettre cette hypothèse à l’épreuve et arriver à des conclusions éclairées et fiables, je cherche à répondre à trois questions : 1) Quelle est la structure des mots sesothos par rapport à celle de l’anglais en tant que langue source de traduction en sesotho, et du français en tant que langue de rédaction de la thèse ? 2) Etant donné que le sesotho est utilisé concomitamment avec l’anglais sans pour autant être la langue d'une culture inventrice en matière technologique, quel est le rôle que joue l’emprunt dans son expansion lexicale ? 3) D’un point de vue lexicologique, comment le sesotho répond-il aux besoins terminologiques dans les domaines de spécialité techno-scientifiques ? Pour y répondre, je m'appuie sur Doke (1954) et Matšela et al. (1981) pour situer le sesotho parmi les langues bantoues, préciser les fonctions du préfixe classificateur et établir la différence entre les composés sesothos d'une part et les composés anglais et français d'autre part. J’utilise ensuite la théorie avancée par Lederer (1990) pour démontrer l’influence syntaxique, sémantique et morphologique que l’anglais a sur le sesotho et pour présenter les différents procédés d’emprunt du sesotho. Diki-Kidiri (2008), Dispaldro et al. (2010) et Baboya (2008) démontrent la nécessité de faire appel aux informateurs-spécialistes pour confirmer l’hypothèse de départ. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence qu’en effet, la traduction a contribué à l’expansion du sesotho moderne, bien que cela n’ait pas été documenté, d’où la recommandation d'un travail collaboratif entre lexicologues au Lesotho, au Botswana, en Namibie et en Afrique du Sud, pour ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives d’études linguistiques sur le sesotho et pouvoir suivre et mesurer l’évolution de la langue. / Whilst translation is simply defined as a communication process whose main objective is to reproduce in the target language a text that is functionally equivalent to the source text (Reiss 2004: 168-169), the approach taken in this study views translation as an intercultural and systematic operation whose objective is to capture the message from the foreign language, to decrypt it taking into account cultural nuances or those inherent in the field at hand and to render it in the clearest possible manner using linguistic and extra linguistic elements which are comprehensible to the speaker of the target language. This study is aimed at determining the contribution of translation to the lexical expansion of Sesotho, an area which has been little explored by specialists of the language. The core issue is centred on the observation that Sesotho neologisms are not well documented, so that it is hard to measure the contribution of translation towards the lexical expansion of Sesotho. Analyses of morphology, derivation, compounding, borrowing and denomination are mainly focused on productivity in order to determine whether translation as a discipline contributes towards the creation of new words in the language.The study begins by positing the hypothesis that the interaction with the Western world necessitated the translation of numerous concepts which were absent from the then existing Sesotho systems. This process of interaction contributed a new dynamism that helped the language to bridge the terminological gap, to open up and adapt to new realities. In order to put this hypothesis to the test and arrive at well-researched and reliable conclusions, I attempt to probe three issues of concern: firstly, what is the structure of the Sesotho language compared to that of the English language as the source language of most translations into Sesotho and compared to that of the French language as the language in which this study is presented? Secondly, considering that Sesotho is used simultaneously with English even though it is not a techno-scientifically inventing language, what is the role played by the processes of borrowing in the lexical expansion of Sesotho? Thirdly, from the word-formation point of view, how does Sesotho respond to the terminological deficiencies in various fields of specialisation?To address these issues, Doke (1954) and Matšela et al. (1981) serve as references to situate Sesotho among the Bantu languages, to highlight the functions of the class prefix and to establish the difference between Sesotho and English and French compounding. Secondly, the theory advanced by Lederer (1990) serves as a springboard to analyse the syntactic, semantic and morphological influences that English has on Sesotho and to present the different borrowing processes. The third issue is addressed based on the theories presented by Diki-Kidiri (2008) while the theories proposed by Dispaldro et al. (2010) and Baboya (2008) led to the decision to call upon specialist informants to confirm the original hypothesis. The results obtained provide evidence that translation has, in fact, contributed to the lexical expansion of modern Sesotho, even though this has not been well documented. The study recommends collaborative work between Lesotho, Botswana, Namibian and South African linguists in order to open new avenues of linguistic studies on Sesotho with the aim to measure and monitor the evolution of the language.
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Slovní úlohy o penězích ve 2. ročníku ZŠ / Word problems about money in the 2nd year of primary schoolVodrážková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The principal objective of this thesis is the comprehension of students' mental processes while solving verbal math problems about money. There searchis focused on pupils in the first stage of primary school and in particular verbal math problems, in which nominal value of coins, quantity of coins and their total particular verbal math problems, in which nominal value of coins, quantity of coins and their total sum play a key role. There fore, the objective of this diploma thesis is to lay out classify mony-related exprecises in thee currently used lies of elementary school mathematics text books for grade. The theoretical part consist of demarcation of early school age, a certain number of fanticipate dacts by RVP ZV for the first and second educational period, numeracy, literacy, verbal math problems, various strategies on how to solve such problems, basic is sues pipils encounter whilw solving those problems, coments on the topic of verbal math problems which appear in theree volume soft text books in tended for primary schools (Prodos, Taktic, H-mat). Their division into three types (a total sum of coins, nominal value of coins and number of coins) and their mutual comparision. The goal of the practial part is to analyse thought processes of and grade pupils when solving word problems about...
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