Spelling suggestions: "subject:"desorption."" "subject:"esorption.""
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Etude numérique de l’adsorption et de la désorption de particules colloïdales en milieu poreux : Influence de la topographie de surface et des interactions physico-chimiquesSefrioui Chaibainou, Nisrine 24 February 2012 (has links)
Cette étude concerne le transport de particules colloïdales en milieu poreux. Les colloïdes (particules de taille caractéristique inférieure au micron) se rencontrent dans de nombreux domaines de la vie quotidienne (encre, cosmétiques, ...), de la biologie (bactéries, virus, protozoaires, ...) et de l’ingénierie (filtration, hydrologie, génie civil, génie pétrolier, ...). De par leur taille et leur nature, l’étude de ces systèmes nécessite de s’intéresser aux interactions qui peuvent exister entre les particules elles mêmes mais aussi avec le milieu environnant. On cite particulièrement le cas d’écoulements dans des aquifères qui concernent le transport de contaminants d’origine biologique (bactéries, virus), d’origine chimique (hydrocarbures, polluants) ou d’origine minérale (argiles, métaux, ...). Dans chacun des cas cités, il est nécessaire de s’intéresser au transport et dépôt/décollement des particules pour mieux comprendre et modéliser les mécanismes mis en jeu. Une première partie du travail est consacrée à la mise en place et à la résolution d’un modèle macroscopique de dépôt de particules. La comparaison des résultats numériques avec des données expérimentales de la littérature a permis d’établir les relations existantes entre le facteur de retard et la force ionique d’une part et le nombre de Péclet d’autre part. La seconde partie du travail concerne l’étude, à l’échelle microscopique, du transport de particules colloïdales en présence de rugosités de surface (obstacle ou cavité). Les résultats mettent en évidence le rôle joué par ces rugosités de surface sur l’adsorption et désorption de particules sous l’influence des forces hydrodynamiques et des interactions physico-chimiques. / This study deals with the transport of colloidal particles in porous media. Colloids (particles with a characteristic size smaller than one micron) are found in daily life (ink, cosmetics ...) and in many fields of science and technology such as biology (bacteria, viruses, protozoa ...) and engineering (filtration, hydrology, civil engineering, petroleum engineering ...). Because of their size and nature, the study of these systems needs to focus on interactions that may exist between the particles themselves but also with the surrounding environment. This is particularly true in the case of transport of colloids in porous media where the particles characteristic dimension size is close to that of the porous medium. We mention especially the case of flow in aquifers that may affect the transport of contaminants of a biological origin (bacteria, viruses), chemical origin (hydrocarbons, pollutants) or minerals (clay, metals ...). In each case cited above, it is necessary to consider particles transport in porous media and their deposition/release to better understand and model the involved mechanisms. The first part of this work is devoted to the development and resolution of a macroscopic model of particle deposition. Comparison of numerical results with experimental data in the literature has established the existing relationships between a delay factor and both ionic strength and the Peclet number. The second part of the study deals with the study, at the microscopic level, of a colloidal particle transport taking into account DLVO forces for smooth and rough pore surfaces. Our results highlight the role played by surface roughness on the adsorption and desorption of particles under the influence of ionic strength and flow rate.
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Rôle des phases minérales des sols en tant que réservoirs de nutriments : approche expérimentale (abiotique), en milieu naturel et multi-isotopique (isotopes stables Ca-Sr) / Role of soils minerals phases as nutrients reservoirs : experimental (abiotic), in natural environments and multi-isotopic approachs (Ca-Sr stable isotopes)Brazier, Jean-Michel 04 April 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a appréhendé les mécanismes de stockage/libération, d’un point de vue élémentaire et isotopique, du calcium (Ca) et du strontium (Sr) sur ou dans des phases minérales communes des sols (minéraux primaires, minéraux argileux, oxy-hydroxydes, carbonate pédogénétiques). Une méthode de mesure robuste du δ88Sr a dû être développée et validée par la mesure de matériaux de références internationaux, pour la plupart jamais mesuré dans la littérature. Les résultats montrent que l’adsorption du Ca sur des minéraux phyllosilicatés génère un fractionnement isotopique par prélèvement préférentiel de l’isotope léger (40Ca) dans nos conditions expérimentales lorsque les minéraux possèdent une charge structurale et une surface spécifique importante et/ou un espace interfoliaire ouvert à l’adsorption de cations hydratés. Une étude sur des rhizolithes en milieu naturel a mis en avant que l’utilisation des isotopes du Ca et du Sr permet un traçage de source et de mécanismes efficaces dans les thématiques touchant au stockage de ces deux éléments dans les sols. / This PhD thesis examined the mechanisms of storage and release, from and elementary and isotopically point of view, of calcium (Ca) and strontium (Sr) onto or into mineral phases commonly encountered within soils (primary minerals, clay minerals, oxy-hydroxides, pedogenic carbonate). A robust δ88Sr measurements method had to be developed in the laboratory and validated by the measurement of international reference materials, mostly never measured in the literature. The results of this work show that Ca adsorption onto phyllosilicate minerals generates a quantifiable isotopic fractionation by preferential uptake of the light isotope (40Ca) under our experimental conditions when the minerals have a significant structural charge and specific surface area and/or an interlayer space open to hydrated cations adsorption. A study on rhizoliths in natural environment has also highlighted that the combination of Ca and Sr isotopes allows an effective tracing of sources and mechanisms in the problematic related to the storage of these two elements within soils.
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Desorption kinetics and speciation of Zn, Pb and Cd in a soil contaminated by mining activities amended with calcite, phosphate, biochar and biosolids / Cinética de dessorção e especiação de Zn, Pb and Cd em um solo contaminado por atividades de mineração e tratado com calcita, fosfato, biocarvão e biossólidoGomes, Frederico Prestes 26 February 2019 (has links)
Mining areas produce large amounts of waste that are important sources of potentially toxic elements (PTE), such as heavy metals. These PTEs can contaminate the environment and cause serious threats to the ecosystem and human health. The in-situ remediation by the addition of amendments is an efficient alternative for the immobilization of contaminants and for reduction of the risks associated with these pollutants. Phosphate, lime, and organic compounds are the most used amendments for in-situ remediation. We evaluated the effect of rates of amendments in desorption kinetics and speciation of Zn, Cd, and Pb in a soil contaminated by mining activities. The soil was collected in a disabled Zn mining area in the city of Vazante, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The contaminated soil was incubated with either phosphate, or calcium carbonate, or biochar, or biosolid. Desorption kinetics was evaluated by the \"stirred-flow\" method that consists of a constant flow with a Mehlich-3 solution. The speciation was performed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and sequential extraction. The analysis with synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption near the edge (XANES) was performed for Pb and Zn. We also performed a mapping by μ-XRF (micro X-ray fluorescence) and in some spots on the map we performed the speciation by μ-XANES for Zn in the soil amended with phosphate. An experiment with columns was carried out with samples from the soil amended with phosphate to evaluate leaching of Zn, Pb, and Cd. The treatment with phosphate affected the species of Zn. However, some Zn species that were formed and can be mobilized most easily. Zn was more easily mobilized in the highest rate of phosphate probably because of the decrease of the pH. The treatments with biosolid, biochar and calcite did not change Zn species. However, in some rates, Zn desorption decreased while Zn contents increased in the recalcitrant fraction. The main species in the unamended soil was Pb-bentonite and anglesite. The soil amended with calcite and pyromorphite decreased the desorption kinetics of Pb and increased the Pb extracted in the residual fraction, and this could be due to formation of pyromorphite. The soil amended with biosolid and biochar increased the Pb extracted in the organic fraction and decreased in the residual fraction. In these treatments part of the species of Pb present on this soil was transformed in Pb-citrate. The addition of biochar and biosolid increased the desorption kinetics of Pb in all rates applied. The treatment with either biochar or biosolid was effective to decrease the Cd desorption. In these organic amendments, the content of Cd associated to organic matter (OM)increased. The treatments with phosphate and calcite also increased the Cd associated to OM extracted in the F3. These inorganic amendments were effective to decrease the desorption kinetics of Cd. / Áreas de mineração produzem grandes quantidades de resíduos que são importantes fontes de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (EPT), tais como os metais pesados. Esses EPTs podem contaminar o meio ambiente e causar sérias ameaças ao ecossistema e à saúde humana. A remediação in-situ pela adição de condicionadores é alternativa eficiente para a imobilização de contaminantes e para redução dos riscos associados a esses poluentes. Fosfato, calcita e compostos orgânicos são os condicionadores mais utilizadas para remediação in-situ. Neste estudo foi avaliado o efeito da aplicação de condicionadores na cinética de dessorção e especiação de Zn, Cd e Pb em um solo contaminado por atividades de mineração. O solo foi coletado em uma área desativada de mineração de Zn, localizada na cidade de Vazante, MG. A solo contaminado foi incubado com fosfato, carbonato de cálcio, biocarvão ou biossólido. A cinética de dessorção foi avaliada pelo método fluxo constante com a solução de Mehlich-3. A especiação foi realizada por espectroscopia de absorção de raios-x (XAS) e extração sequencial, enquanto a análise absorção de raios-x próxima da borda (XANES) foi realizada para Pb e Zn. Também realizamos o mapeamento por μ-XRF (microfluorescência de raios-x) e em alguns pontos no mapa realizamos a especiação por μ-XANES do Zn no solo tratado com fosfato. Foi também conduzido um experimento com colunas para avaliar a lixiviação de Zn, Pb e Cd no solo tratado com fosfato. A adição de fosfato afetou as espécies de Zn. No entanto, algumas espécies de Zn que foram formadas e assim podem ser mobilizadas com mais facilidade. O Zn foi mais facilmente mobilizado na maior taxa de fosfato, provavelmente devido à diminuição do pH. Os tratamentos com biossólido, biocarvão e calcita não alteraram as espécies de Zn. No entanto, em algumas doses, a dessorção de Zn diminuiu, enquanto o teor de Zn aumentou na fração recalcitrante. As principais espécies no solo sem alterações foram a bentonita Pb e a anglesita. O solo corrigido com calcita diminuiu a cinética de dessorção do Pb e aumentou o Pb extraído na fração residual, o que pode ser devido à formação de piromorfita. Os solos tratados com biossólido e com biocarvão aumentaram o teor de Pb associado à matéria orgânica e diminuíram na fração residual. Nestes tratamentos parte das espécies de Pb presentes neste solo foi transformada em Pb ligado a citrato. Essas alterações orgânicas aumentaram substancialmente a cinética de dessorção do Pb em todas as doses adicionadas. Os tratamentos com biocarvão e com biossólido foram efetivos para diminuir a dessorção de Cd. Nestas alterações orgânicas o Cd associado à matéria orgânica aumentou. Os tratamentos com fosfato e calcita também aumentaram o teor de Cd na fração orgânica. Essas alterações inorgânicas também foram eficazes para diminuir a cinética de dessorção do Cd.
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[pt] A presente tese apresenta uma abordagem sobre a técnica
dessorção térmica na remediação de áreas contaminadas,
tecnologia se baseia no aquecimento direto do solo. A
propagação de calor num solo é simulada matematicamente
pelo fluxo acoplado de calor. Para que esta simulação seja
possível é necessário a identificação dos parâmetros
relevantes para o problema: condutividade hidráulica em
função da umidade volumétrica, condutividade térmica em
função da umidade volumétrica, capacidade de aquecimento
volumétrico, e, curva característica de sucção. Uma
discussão técnica é apresentada sobre estes parâmetros.
Foram estudados dois tipos de solos, uma argilo-arenoso
(Campo Experimental da PUC-Rio) e um areno-argiloso
dos Meninos). É apresentado um estudo físico-químico
os efeitos da temperatura nos solos, com ensaios de
Microscopia Eletrônica, CTC, Ataque Sulfúrico e de
Caracterização para solos não aquecidos e previamente
aquecidos até a temperatura de 300 Graus Celsius. São apresentadas
metodologias e equipamentos que foram desenvolvidos
e/ou adaptados de para o estudo das propriedades termo-
hidráulicas necessárias. Foram realizados ensaios de
condutividade hidáulica, curvas características de sucção
deformabilidade, levando-se em conta a temperatura. Todos
parâmetros mostraram-se altamente dependente desta. Os
parâmetros térmicos, condutividade térmica e calor
específico, foram determinados para estes dois de solos. / [en] This thesis presents an introduction on the use of the
thermal desorption technique that is based on the direct
heating of the soil, for the remediation of contaminated
areas. Heat propagation through soils can be mathematically
simulated using coupled heat-moisture transfer theories. In
order to make this simulation possible it is necessary to
identify the required parameters: hydraulic conductivity as
a function of volumetric water content, thermal
conductivity as a function of volumetric water content,
volumetric heat capacity, and soil-water characteristic
curve. One technical description of such parameters is
presented. Two different kinds of soils were used, one clay-
sand (CH) and one sandclay (SC). A study physico-chemical
was done talking into consideration the temperature effect
on the soils with X-Ray, electron microscopic investigation,
CTC, Atterberg Limits and at the particle size
distribution. The study was done on pre-heated soils with
temperatures ranging from 20 Degrees Celsius to 300 Degrees Celsius. Equipments and
methodologies have been especially developed for the study
of the thermo-hydraulics proprieties. The laboratory tests
program consisted of hydraulic conductivity, retention
curves and deformability, taking into account the
temperature effects. During the tests it was observed that
all parameters were temperature dependent. The thermal
parameters, thermal conductivity and heat capacity were
studied for both soils.
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Etude des cinétiques et des équilibres d'adsorption des composés organiques volatils et semi-volatils présents dans l'atmosphère des salles blanches sur les composants microélectroniques en cours de fabricationTlili, Sabrine 17 July 2012 (has links)
Du fait de la miniaturisation des composants semi-conducteurs, il est devenu de plus en plus important de réduire les niveaux de contamination. Les salles blanches sont indispensables pour assurer un environnement adéquat pour l'élaboration des composants microélectroniques. Toutefois, jusqu'à présent aucune technologie ne permet le contrôle de la contamination organique volatile, et même dans tels environnements contrôlés, la contamination des surfaces de wafers a souvent lieu. Une nouvelle approche expérimentale a été développée dans notre laboratoire afin de suivre les processus d'adsorption et de désorption des contaminants organiques volatils et semi-volatils à la surface des wafers. Ce dispositif est constitué de trois composants principaux : un générateur des composés en phase gaz, un tube à écoulement et le spectromètre de masse par transfert de proton comme outil analytique de mesure de la composition de la phase gazeuse. Les comportements d'adsorption de cinq composés organiques volatils parmi les plus abondants dans les environnements des salles blanches (l'isopropanol, l'acétone, le xylène, l'acétate d'éthyle et le propylène glycol méthyl éther acétate) et trois semi-volatils (diéthylphtalate, tri-(2-chloroéthyl)-phosphate et le tri- (2-cloropropyl)-phosphate) ont été étudiés. Les paramètres cinétiques des processus d'adsorption ont été déterminés. Les corrélations entre leurs concentrations en phase gazeuse et leurs densités à la surface des wafers ont été établies. En comparant les comportements d'adsorption de tous les composés étudiés, il a été démontré que la constante de désorption kdes est le facteur le plus influent sur les équilibres d'adsorption. / As semiconductor devices become smaller, it is increasingly important to reduce the degree of organic contamination in the areas where such devices are produced. It has been shown that cleanrooms are indispensable to provide a suitable environment for processing semiconductor devices. However, at present time there is no technology for controlling the contamination with volatile organic compounds (VOC), and even in such an environment, the wafers are exposed to VOC. A new experimental approach has been developed in our laboratory in order to follow the adsorption and desorption processes of volatile and semi volatiles organic compounds on silicon wafer surfaces. This unique setup is based on three principal components: a stable gas-phase generator, a flow tube reactor, and a proton-transfer-reaction–mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) analytical device to monitor the VOC. The adsorption behavior of five the most abundant VOCs in the cleanroom environment (isopropanol, acetone, xylene, ethyl acetate and propylene glycol methyl ether acetate) and three semi volatile organic compounds (diethylphtalate, tri-(2-chloroethyl)-phosphate and tri-(2-cloropropyl)-phosphate) on silicon wafer surface was studied. The kinetic parameters were determined and correlations between the gas phase concentrations and the surface densities of the organic contaminants were established. By comparing the adsorption properties of the studied compounds, it has been demonstrated that time dependant changes in the surface concentration of the organic species are governed by desorption constants, kdes. Moreover, kdes was found to be dependent on the molecular weight of the studied organics.
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Adsorção e dessorção de Cd, Cu, Ni e Zn, em solo tratado com lodo de esgoto / Adsorption and dessorption of Cd, Cu, Ni e Zn in sewage sludge amended soilMellis, Estevão Vicari 09 February 2007 (has links)
O destino de metais pesados em solos é principalmente controlado por reações de sorção e de precipitação em superfícies minerais. Resultados de pesquisa têm evidenciado certa contradição quanto à mobilidade dos metais pesados em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto. Parte dos resultados permite afirmar que a mobilidade dos metais nesses solos é baixa ou nula, enquanto que outra parcela questiona a capacidade do solo em reter esses elementos, sendo esta capacidade função de fatores como tempo, nível de contaminação, condições climáticas, alterações químicas e degradação da matéria orgânica. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a dessorção de Cd, Cu, Ni e Zn em função do pH, a capacidade adsortiva e a fitodisponibilidade desses metais em um Latossolo tratado por cinco anos consecutivos com doses de lodos provenientes das estações de tratamento de Barueri (LB) e de Franca (LF). Amostras de solo foram coletadas da camada 0-0,2m, dos seguintes tratamentos: testemunha; dose de lodo estabelecida para adubação nitrogenada da cultura do milho (1N); duas vezes (2N), quatro vezes (4N) e oito vezes a dose de lodo recomendada (8N). O efeito do pH na dessorção dos metais foi avaliado por meio da determinação da concentração dos mesmos em extratos obtidos em agitações seqüenciais, a primeira de 24 horas e as seguintes de 2 horas cada até a dessorção máxima, usando solução de Ca(NO3)2 0,01 mol L-1 (relação solo:solução de 1:10) e pH ajustado com HNO3 ou NaOH 1 mol L-1. A faixa de variação de pH investigada foi de 3,5 a 7,5. A adsorção dos metais foi avaliada nas amostras de solo agitadas com solução de Ca(NO3)2 0,01 mol L-1 e concentrações crescentes de cada metal. Plantas de arroz foram cultivadas pelo método de Neubauer para avaliação da fitodisponibilidade dos metais. A dessorção dos metais foi crescente com o aumento das doses dos lodos e o LB exibiu maiores valores comparativamente ao LF. A redução do pH proporcionou o aumento dos teores de metais dessorvidos. A capacidade adsortiva do solo também aumentou com a dose de lodo. As amostras tratadas com LF adsorveram mais metais que as tratadas com LB, concordando com os resultados de dessorção. As quantidades de metais nas plantas de arroz apresentaram boa correlação com os teores dessorvidos e com os extraídos do solo com DTPA, indicando que a fitodisponibilidade aumenta com o uso de lodo. Conclui-se que o pH do solo é fator importante no controle da disponibilidade dos metais e sua redução implica em menor capacidade do solo tratado com lodo em reter os metais estudados, além de existir também diferenças importantes relacionadas com as doses aplicadas e origem e características dos lodos de esgoto. / The fate of metals in the soil environment is mostly controlled by sorption reactions on the surface of soil constituents. There have been many studies on the mobility of metals in sludge-amended soils and some contradictions arise from them. Several results indicated a low or even null degree of mobility while others questioned the capacity of soils components in retaining those elements, which is dependent on degree of contamination, climatic conditions, chemical alterations and decomposition of organic matter. This thesis reports the evaluation of the of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn dessorption from soils as function of pH; the adsorptive capacity and the biovailability of those metals in soil samples collected in a field trial where sewage sludge was applied during 5 consecutive years. The waste was collected in two sewage treatment plants: Barueri (LB) and Franca (LF) in São Paulo state, Brazil. Soil was sampled (0-20 cm) in the trail plots of the following treatments: check; sewage rate corresponding to the amount of total nitrogen recommended for maize (1N) and rates of 2, 4 and 8 times the 1N rate, which were identified as 2N, 4N and 8N, respectively. The pH effect on metal desorption was evaluated by a sequential extractions procedure with Ca(NO3)2 0.01 mol L-1 solution: the first step lasted 24 h and the subsequential ones 2 h till no significant amount of metal could be extracted. The soil: extractant solution ratio was 1:10 and the pH ranged from 3,5 to 7,5 obtained after proper additions of HNO3 or NaOH 1 mol L-1 solutions aliquots. Metal adsorption was carried out in Ca(NO3)2 0.01 mol L-1 solution with increasing metal concentration. A Neubauer-type trial was carried out with rice plants to evaluate metal bioavailability. Metal desorption increased with sewage rates and higher amounts were obtained for LB as compared to LF. Metal desorption also increased as pH decreased. Soil samples where LB sewage was applied adsorbed higher metal amounts, which is in accordance with desorption results. Metal bioaccumulation in rice plants in the Neubauer experiment was well correlated with the desorbed amounts and with the DTPA extracted values thus indicating that bioavailability rises when sewage sludge is applied. Soil pH appears as the key factor in controlling Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn availability and the more it decreases the less they are retained by soil. It should also be mentioned the striking effects of and sludge characteristics and rates.
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Padronização da espectrometria de massa MALDI-TOF para identificação de cepas de Trichosporon spp. de importância médica / Standardization of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for identification of Trichosporon spp of medical relevanceAlmeida Júnior, João Nobrega de 01 April 2014 (has links)
O gênero Trichosporon é composto por leveduras artrosporadas do Filo Basidiomycota e é conhecido agente de infecção fúngica invasiva (IFI) em pacientes imunodeprimidos ou com outros fatores de risco. Em pacientes onco-hematológicos é a principal levedura responsável por IFI depois do gênero Candida. Entre as espécies responsáveis por infecções no homem encontram-se: T. asahii, T. inkin, T. mucoides, T. dermatis, T. jirovecii, T. ovoides, T. cutaneum, T. montevideense, T. domesticum, T. asteroides, T. coremiiforme, T. faecale, T. dohaense, T. lactis, T. japonicum. A tecnologia de identificação de fungos por espectrometria de massa (SM) MALDI-TOF ainda carece de padronização para identificação de fungos do gênero Trichosporon, mas a literatura mostra resultados encorajadores. O objetivo deste estudo é padronizar a técnica de espectrometria de massa MALDI-TOF para a identificação das espécies do gênero Trichosporon de importância médica. O estudo foi realizado em cooperação entre a Divisão de Laboratório Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (DLC, HC-FMUSP), Instituto de Medicina Tropical da USP (IMT-USP), Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL) e Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie do Hospital Saint Antoine de Paris, vinculado ao grupo de pesquisa INSERM/UPMC UMR S945 \"Immunité et Infection\" Faculté de Medecine et Université Pierre et Marie Curie de Paris. Noventa e três cepas/isolados foram analisado(a)s, sendo dezenove cepas de referência adquiridas junto à coleção holandesa Centraalbureau Schimmelcultures (CBS), 19 isolados do HC-FMUSP e IAL, e 55 isolados de diferentes hospitais franceses. A identificação molecular foi realizada através do sequenciamento da região IGS1 do rDNA e foi considerada como método de referência. O protocolo de extração de proteínas foi estabelecido através da comparação do desempenho de três metodologias (Bruker®, Cassagne et al., Sendid et al.). Os espectros de massa foram obtidos no laboratório de bacteriologia do Hospital Saint Antoine de Paris através do aparelho Microflex LT®. A interpretação dos resultados qualitativos e quantitativos (logscore) foi realizada através do Software Biotyper 3.0®. O desempenho de identificação do banco de espectros de referência Biotyper 3.0® foi comparado a outros cinco bancos criados a partir de espectros de referência (ERs) derivados de 18 cepas de referência CBS, sete isolados clínicos e 11 ERs do banco Biotyper 3.0. O protocolo de extração de proteínas descrito por Sendid et al. foi escolhido como protocolo de referência pois os espectros produzidos tiveram logscore superiores àqueles obtidos através do método do fabricante. O banco de ERs Biotyper 3.0® apresentou 32,3% de identificações corretas das espécies, sendo que o banco de ERs in house (número 5, constituído cepas CBS e isolados clínicos) apresentou 98,5% de identificações de espécies. Espectros de referência do banco de dados Biotyper 3.0® foram submetidos à identificação com a utilização dos ERs criados a partir de cepas CBS e isolados clínicos e foram evidenciados com erros de identificação: T. mucoides (2), T. ovoides (1) e T. cutaneum (2). Após padronização do protocolo de extração e criação de banco de ERs com cepas CBS e isolados clínicos caracterizados pelo sequenciamento da região IGS, a SM por MALDI-TOF apresentou-se como potente uma ferramenta para a identificação de fungos do gênero Trichosporon. O banco de ERs Biotyper 3.0® apresentou um fraco desempenho, relacionado a ERs que foram criados a partir de cepas mal identificadas / Trichosporon spp. are arthrospored yeasts from the Filum Basidiomycota that are known to produce invasive fungal infection (IFI) in patients with immunosupression or other risk factors. After Candida, Trichosporon is the second genus of yeasts responsible for IFI in patients with onco-hematological diseases. The most important species related to human infection are: T. asahii, T. inkin, T. mucoides, T. dermatis, T. jirovecii, T. ovoides, T. cutaneum, T. montevideense, T. domesticum, T. asteroides, T. coremiiforme, T. faecale, T. dohaense, T. lactis, T. japonicum. The technology of mass spectrometry (MS) for identification of Trichosporon species has not yet been standardized. However, preliminary promising results can be found in the literature. The objective of this study is to analyse and validate MS MALDI-TOF for the identification of Trichosporon species of medical relevance. This was a multicentric study with collaboration from the Central Laboratory Section from Clinics Hospital of the Medical School from the University of São Paulo (DLC-HCFMUSP), Tropical Medicine Institute from the University of São Paulo (IMT-USP), Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL) and Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie from the Hospital Saint Antoine of Paris and INSERM/UPMC UMR S945 \"Immunité et Infection\", Faculté de Medecine et Université Pierre et Marie Curie of Paris. Ninety three strains/isolates belonging to sixteen Trichosporon species were analysed. Nineteen were purchased from Centraalbureau Schimmelcultures (CBS) yeast collection, 19 belonged to HC-FMUSP and IAL collections, 55 belonged to different French collections. The reference identification method was the IGS1 rDNA sequencing. A protein extraction protocol was first established after comparing the performance of three different methodologies (Bruker(TM), Cassagne et al., Sendid et al.). The mass spectra were obtained through a Microflex LT(TM) mass spectrometer located at the bacteriology laboratory from Saint Antoine Hospital, Paris. Mass spectra, qualitative and quantitative results were produced through the software Biotyper 3.0(TM). The performance of the original main spectrum (MSP) library was compared to other 5 in house libraries built with the combination of MSPs derived from CBS strains (18), clinical strains (7) or (Bruker Daltonics/BD, Germany/USA) (11). The extraction protocol described by Sendid et al. showed better performance when compared to the manufacturer\'s one and was chosen for the subsequent extractions. Among the 6 different reference spectra databases tested, a specific one composed of 18 reference strains plus 7 clinical isolates (database 5) allowed the correct identification of 66 amongst 67 clinical isolates (98,5%). Biotyper 3.0 library produced only 32,3% of correct identifications. Biotyper\'s MSPs were submitted to cross-identification with MSPs derived from CBS strains and clinical isolates and misidentified original MSPs were identified: T. mucoides (2), T. ovoides (1) e T. cutaneum (2). While until now less widely applied to basidiomycetous fungi, MALDI-TOF appears to be a valuable tool for identifying clinical Trichosporon isolates at the species level. The MSP library Biotyper 3.0 showed a poorer performance which was due to misidentified strains utilized as reference for the MSPs
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Liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry method development and applications for the analysis of food and medicinal herbsLee, Kim Chung 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Probing protein-ligand interactions via solution phase hydrogen exchange mass spectrometryEsswein, Stefan Theo January 2010 (has links)
Mass spectrometry is a versatile, sensitive and fast technique with which to probe biophysical properties in biological systems and one of the most important analytical tools in the multidisciplinary field of proteomics. The study of nativestate proteins and their complexes in the gas-phase is well established and direct infusion electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (DI-ESI-MS) techniques are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for screening and determining quantitative information on protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. However, complexes retained by ESI-MS are not always representative of those in solution and care must be taken in interpreting purely gas-phase results. This thesis details modification and advancement of solution phase techniques devised by Gross et al. utilising ESI-MS and Fitzgerald et al. applying matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI)-MS termed PLIMSTEX (protein-ligand interactions by mass spectrometry, titration and hydrogen-deuterium-exchange)[1] and SUPREX (Stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange)[2] to quantify these interactions with regards to high throughput analysis. The first part of this thesis describes the different developmental stages of the devised HPLC-front ends and their optimisation with myoglobin and insulin. The successfully developed HPLC-front end in conjunction with PLIMSTEX and SUPREX and ESI-MS then gets tested with self expressed and purified cyclophilin A(CypA)- cyclosporin A (CsA) system, followed by a test screen with potential CypA binding ligands. Dissociation constants (Kd’s) within one order of magnitude to reported values are determined. In the third part of this thesis the application of the devised ESI-SUPREX methodology has been applied to anterior gradient 2 (AGr2) and the factor H complement control proteins module 19-20 (fH19-20) exhibiting binding potential to a taggedhexapeptide and a synthetic pentasaccharide, respectively, resulting in thermodynamical data for these protein-ligand interactions. For the AGr2 system another dimension of investigation has been added by temperature controlling the devised ESI-SUPREX approach, revealing a phase transition in the protein at higher temperatures. The final part of this thesis describes the application of the ESI-SUPREX methodology to probe folding properties of CypA in the presence of the self expressed and purified E. coli chaperonin groEL. Thereby the denaturing properties of groEL have been emphasised along with the stabilisation of a denatured CypA species.
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Studies of Heavy Ion Induced Desorption in the Energy Range 5-100 MeV/uHedlund, Emma January 2008 (has links)
During operation of heavy ion accelerators a significant pressure rise has been observed when the intensity of the high energy beam was increased. The cause for this pressure rise is ion induced desorption, which is the result when beam ions collide with residual gas molecules in the accelerator, whereby they undergo charge exchange. Since the change in charge state will affect the bending radius of the particles after they have passed a bending magnet, they will not follow the required trajectory but instead collide with the vacuum chamber wall and gas are released. For the Future GSI project FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) there is a need to upgrade the SIS18 synchrotron in order to meet the requirements of the increased intensity. The aim of this work was to measure the desorption yields, η, (released molecules per incident ion) from materials commonly used in accelerators: 316LN stainless steel, Cu, Etched Cu, gold coated Cu, Ta and TiZrV coated stainless steel with argon and uranium beams at the energies 5-100 MeV/u. The measurements were performed at GSI and at The Svedberg Laboratory where a new dedicated teststand was built. It was found that the desorption yield scales with the electronic energy loss to the second power, decreasing for increasing impact energy above the Bragg Maximum. A feasibility study on the possibility to use laser refractometry to improve the accuracy of a specific throughput system was performed. The result was an improvement by up to 3 orders of magnitude, depending on pressure range.
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