Spelling suggestions: "subject:"didactical"" "subject:"adidactical""
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Les enjeux de l’intégration de l’eTandem en didactique des langues-cultures étrangères : interactions entre apprenants et dynamique institutionnelle dans un dispositif universitaire sino-francophone / Integrating eTandem in foreign language-culture education : interaction between learners and institutional dynamic in a sino-french university online courseWang-Szilas, Jue 21 September 2016 (has links)
A partir d’un dispositif eTandem chinois-français initié et développé par l’Université de Genève (Suisse) et l’Université du Hubei (Chine) sur cinq années, cette thèse aborde deux problématiques : l’ingénierie pédagogique du dispositif et la co-construction des compétences via la réalisation des rôles d’expert et d’apprenant entre les locuteurs natifs et non natifs. D’une part, nous montrons que la conception du dispositif doit prendre en compte l’influence des exigences institutionnelles, des pédagogies et des cultures éducatives sur la motivation, les stratégies et les performances des apprenants. D’autre part, nous analysons de manière fine des interactions au sein de binômes dont les styles d’organisation peuvent varier. Le « projet didactique » sous-jacent à leurs échanges, grâce notamment à son caractère institutionnalisé, mobilise des ressources technologiques et interculturelles en lien avec le processus d’apprentissage. Nous montrons en particulier comment les stratégies de résolution de problèmes (négociation du sens et de la forme) sont prolongées et enrichies par les outils informatiques. / Based on a Chinese-French eTandem course initiated and developed by the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and the University of Hubei (China) over five years, this thesis tackles two issues: instructional design of the course and co-construction of competences through the realization of the roles of expert (native speaker) and learner (non-native speaker). On the one hand, our research shows that the course design should take into account the influence of the institutional requirements, teaching methods and the educational cultures on students’ motivation, strategies, and performance. On the other hand, we analyse interactions between learners, which present varying organisational styles. Thanks to the institutionalisation of the eTandem course, the « didactical characteristics » identified in their interaction mobilizes technological and intercultural resources related to the learning process. We show particularly how problem-solving strategies (negotiation of meaning and form) are extended and enriched by new technologies.
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Dynacorp Prototyp deskové manažerské hry pro podporu systémového myšlení / Dynacorp Prototype of managerial board game for teaching of system thinkingČapek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on promoting the training of systems thinking using board game. The primary goal is to create a board game, useful for training of the information managers. The secondary objective is to describe process of the design and creation of board game. The theoretical basis of the thesis is to define the profile information manager and demands for his skills further description of the principles of systems thinking and game theory. External work output is a prototype board game. The theoretical part of the paper discusses in particular the principles of board game , systems thinking and psychological effect on the player so that it can pass through the game players more experience. From the perspective of the theory of systems thinking are discussed and applied basic principles of feedback, causal thinking and system archetypes. Theory of board games then processes the options and mechanisms to transmit the necessary knowledge and experience. In the practical part thesis focuses on the description of the mechanisms used in the game Dynacorp and their justification in terms of teaching systems thinking. Conclusion The paper evaluates the fulfillment of the set objectives, the potential of game and describes future goals.
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Vizuální kultura a současná média ve výtvarné výchově a vzdělávání u dětí předškolního věku, se zaměřením na reklamu / Visual culture and contemporary media in art education of preschool children with emphasis on advertisementSehnalová, Silvie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with visual culture and media (with emphasis on advertisement) in art lessons of preschool children. One part is formed by a questionnaire in which preschool children and their parents reply to questions concerning their perception and influence of advertisement relating to contemporary media. The aim of the research is to get children's basic knowledge, attitudes and projections about advertisement and also parents' opinions on how their children are influenced by advertisement. This research part pervades with didactical sets charting children's relation to advertisement and brings them to reflection. Results of this thesis point out possibilities of using elements in media education in connection with art activities in nursery schools. Key words: Art lessons, nursery school (kindergarten), advertisement, perception of advertisement, media, visual culture, didactical set, art processing of advertisement, questionnaire
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Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvetMaurer, Patrick, Raida, Antonia Christine, Lücker, Ernst, Münster, Sander 15 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – SUFUvet is a cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project designed to adapt students’ soft skills and track usability and the concrete surplus value of work techniques in the field of visual media design.
Design/methodology/approach – For SUFUvet, a collaboration between the Institute of Food Hygiene/University of Leipzig and the Media Center/Technische Universität Dresden was initiated. Bachelor students of media informatics generate 3D visualisations in the framework of SCRUM: Undergraduate veterinary students issue instructions in order to create an e-learning class. During the project, questionnaires, group discussions, and feedback methods are used to detect changes in selected soft skills.
Originality/value – This design is meant to increase knowledge and employability by adapting student’s media, communication, and project management competences. Using SCRUM appears to be a new approach, not only in the field of programming, but for media production as well. Additionally, it offers an interdisciplinary work environment, which is rare but considered fruitful within university studies.
Practical implications – The outcomes of the application are a 3D-visualised meat inspection e-learning class for veterinary students plus a documentation of SCRUM as a framework for visual media design. It is seen as an experiment for future applications in a variety of cross-disciplinary learning and media design cases.
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HOW TO SOLVE ITMenna, Luigi 07 May 2012 (has links)
This work is a reflection on the results of an experimentation carried out on secondary school students of between 16 and 18 from various classes. The experimentation aims at identifying the implicit ideas they use when asked to solve a certain mathematical problem. In particular, in giving them these problems an heuristic approach was suggested, and the differences between this and a purely deductive approach were measured. Analyzing the different approaches used by the students and the difficulties they had in distinguishing between argumentative and demonstrative operations has given rise to a reflection on the use of software such as Geogebra and Excel.
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Limitations in Written Summative E-Assessment in Higher Education – An Analysis of a Student SurveyJantos, Anne, Jung, Charlotte, Kohl, Alexander 11 March 2022 (has links)
Written summative online examinations are usually conducted virtually from remote locations (Bloh, 2006) and ofer various advantages and challenges like high fexibility, low travelling cost and lower climate impact due to less paper consumption (Alruwais et al., 2018; Guàrdia et al.,2017). But virtual methods will not necessarily simplify the examination process at universities (Broadfoot, 2016). Observations at Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) have shown that even with a high level of efort in creating summative e-assessment online, it is hardly possible to develop a widely accepted method for implementation of written online exams mostly because it is technically complicated and leaves not enough room for various didactical approaches. Summative e-assessment has been the exception before 2020 (Riedel & Möbius, 2018) and the rush to digitize written exams due to the pandemic leaves both students and teachers dissatisfed with the outcome of the many written online exam approaches (Handke & Schäfer, 2012). Research shows how socio-demographics infuence the success of e-assessment (Bahar & Asi, 2018) or address security issues for users (Uotinen et al., 2020). But there is no research so far on specifc technical limitations that infuence students’ performance in written online exams. This paper addresses that gap with a quantitative analysis of a survey of business and economics students at TUD in the winter semester 2020/2021, who were examined exclusively virtually due to the pandemic. With these fndings, new technical and didactical methods for the implementation of summative e-assessment can be developed. [Aus: Introduction]
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Att tänka geografiskt i en digital undervisningsmiljö : En studie av högstadielärares kunskapsbas och användning av digitala verktyg i geografiundervisningen / Geographical thinking in a digital teaching and learning environment : A study of secondary teachers' knowledge base and use of digital tools in geography educationNilsson, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
This compilation licentiate thesis focuses on geography teaching in a digital teaching and learning environment in the Swedish secondary school. Departing from a subject-didactic perspective, the aim was to explore the relation between teachers’ knowledge base, choices and usage of digital tools and geography teaching. The preconditions to develop students geographical thinking has been of specific interest. The thesis consists of two joint studies: a regional survey (n=47) and a case study based on workshops. The results from the first study formed a basis for the design of the second study. The study draws on theories on teachers’ knowledge base, pedagogical content knowledge and TPACK. The first study focused on teachers’ view of what secondary geography education implies in a digital teaching and learning environment. The second study explored secondary social science teachers’ curriculum thinking when constructing lesson plans containing geographical analyses with subject-specific digital tools (SSDT). The results reveal that handling geographical analysis in geography education stand out as a complex content that challenges teachers’ professional management competence. The usage of digital tools and SSDTs, such as GIS, varies. Subject specific games are commonly used in geography teaching. However, SSDTs that provide great amount of geographical data, for instance GIS, are not as commonly used. Moreover, results from the second study indicate that most participating teachers engaged in geographical thinking when planning their lessons, but there is an imbedded difficulty regarding transforming such thinking into student instructions. Also, integrating the SSDTs in the lesson plans proved to be challenging for some of the teachers. This implies developing each knowledge aspect is crucial alongside developing an integration of the knowledge aspects. / Den här studien utgår från ett ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv och undersöker relationen mellan högstadielärares kunskapsbas, val och användning av digitala verktyg och geografiundervisning. Två delstudier ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Den första delstudien består av en regional enkätstudie med SO-lärare i årskurserna 7-9, vilken undersöker lärarnas val och användning av digitala verktyg i geografiundervisningen. Resultaten från den första delstudien gav underlag och uppslag för hur nästa delstudie skulle designas. Den andra delstudien är utformad som en fallstudie, och baseras på workshops med en grupp högstadielärare. Den fokuserar på lärares planering av undervisningen där elever får göra geografiska analyser med hjälp av ämnesspecifika digitala verktyg (ÄSDV) i syfte att utveckla det geografiska tänkandet. Studien vilar på teorier om lärares kunskapsbas, TPACK och ett geografididaktiskt forskningstema, geografiskt tänkande. Resultaten visar att geografiska analyser är ett komplext ämnesinnehåll och därmed även ett utmanande inslag i geografiundervisningen. Överlag används digitala verktyg i undervisningen men ÄSDV som innehåller stor mängd geografiska data (t. ex. geografiska informationssystem), används i markant lägre utsträckning. Studien visar även att integrationen mellan olika aspekter i lärarens kunskapsbas är central för att genomföra en undervisning som utvecklar geografiskt tänkande med hjälp av digitala verktyg.
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Utveckling av kursmoment för kemiundervisning : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers kunskapsutveckling i samband med lärandeaktiviteter rörande kemisk analys och hållbar utveckling / Development of course components for chemistry education : A research on knowledge development of high school students during learning activites concering chemical analysis and sustainable developmentSvedin, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
I denna undersökning studerades en grupp gymnasieelevers kunskapsutveckling i samband med ett kursmoment, bestående av fyra olika delmoment, som konstruerades som en del av denna undersökning. Eleverna som deltog i undersökningen går för tillfället i årkurs 1 på Naturvetenskapsprogrammet och den kurs som eleverna läste och som kursmomentet genomfördes i var kemi 1. Kursmomentet genomfördes med målsättning att utöka elevernas kunskaper inom utvalda ämnesområden från ämnesplanen i kemi, men också med syfte att skapa förutsättning för eleverna att utveckla Scientific Literacy samt stärka sin förmåga att kunna diskutera och att ta ställning i olika samhällsfrågor med naturvetenskapligt innehåll. Detta undersökes genom att dels låta eleverna besvara en enkät där de själva fick ta ställning till sin egen kunskapsutveckling efter att de hade deltagit i kursmomentet, men även genom att granska deras kunskaper i samband med rättningen av den hemuppgift som eleverna utförde som sista del av momentet. I uppgiften efterfrågades att eleverna dels skulle beskriva olika kemiska analystekniker, men också att redogöra för potentiella lösningar till olika miljöproblem utifrån principer för hållbar utveckling. De slutsatser som kunde dras utifrån undersökningen var att kursmomentet hade gett förutsättningar för eleverna att stärka sina kunskaper och förmågor inom de efterfrågade ämnesområdena. Dock framkom också att viss bearbetning av de olika delarna av momentet behöver genomföras för att ytterligare stärka korrelationen mellan utförandet av kursmoment och de mål som det var avsett att uppnå. Både under och efter genomförande av kursmomentet analyserades även den didaktiska process som ägt rum i samband med arbetet. Utifrån detta kunde slutsatser presenteras angående hur man som kemilärare kan resonera kring organisering av arbete och planering av tidsåtgång, om man önskar utforma ett liknande kursmoment eller vill använda det som ligger till grund för detta arbete / In this research, the knowledge development of a group of high school students during a course component was studied. The course component, which consisted of four separate parts, was developed for this investigation. The students who participated in the investigation are all in year one in high school, and study at the Science programme. The course component was included in their chemistry course. The course component was developed to increase the students’ knowledge within selected topics from the curriculum, however, also to offer the postulation to develop Scientific Literacy, as well as to increase their ability to discuss societal issues while including a scientific perspective. To be able to carry out the investigation, two different data selections were accomplished. One where the students responded to a survey, where they had to reflect upon their own knowledge development, and another, where their subject knowledge was examined during the assessment of an assignment that they had to carry out as the last part of the course component. The instructions for the assignment was to first describe different analytical tools used in chemistry, and secondly, to narrate different solutions on how to deal with environmental issues, using a perspective of sustainable development. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the course component provided the students the opportunity to increase their knowledge and their strengthen abilities within the requested subject areas. However, it also emerged from the study that, if the different parts om the course component were to be adjusted, the result might have been more successful and the correlation between the course component and the main purposes for it to be carried out might had been stronger. The didactical process that has been carried out during this work has also been analysed. Hence, suggestions about how to reflect upon time requirements and work organisation if one, as a teacher, wishes to either implement this course component in their own tutoring, or do something similar, is presented in the end of this report.
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Nationellt bedömningsstöd i matematik för anpassad grundskola : Dess påverkan på matematikutbildningen utifrån Bronfenbrenners systemteori / The national assessment support material in mathematics for compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities : Its impact on mathematics education, based on Bronfenbrenner’s systems theoryChrysikou, Eirini January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of national (Swedish) assessment support in mathematics on the education of younger students in compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities. Using qualitative content analysis, it investigates the preliminary teacher’s guide for implementing the described evaluation activity in first-grade classrooms, analysing a 24-page empirical material. The assessment support material, aligned with the Swedish curriculum and course syllabus for mathematics, is crucial in highlighting the relevance of the assessed knowledge. Theoretical frameworks, including Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and the participation model, were used to explore the complexity of assessment for pupils with intellectual disabilities and how student learning is influenced by various aspects of the system. The participation model was additionally used to study the possibilities for students’ participation. The results of this study indicate that teachers’ didactical approaches are crucial in both assessment and mathematics education. While student participation is considered in the assessment support material, further adaptations by teachers are needed. The study also indicates the potential of national assessment support to improve school developing work. / Studien syftar till att undersöka hur det nationella (svenska) bedömningsstödet i matematik påverkar matematikutbildningen för yngre elever i anpassad grundskola. Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys av ett den preliminära lärarhandledningen för bedömningsstödet i matematik i årskurs ett, undersöktes ett empiriskt material av 24 sidor, vilket är förankrat i den svenska läroplanen och kursplanen för matematik. Bronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori och delaktighetsmodellen användes som teoretiska ramverk. Ekologisk systemteori belyser komplexiteten i kunskapsbedömningen för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, samt för att illustrera hur elevens matematikutbildning påverkas av olika aspekter av systemet. Delaktighetsmodellen användes också för att lyfta fokus på elevernas delaktighet i bedömningsaktiviteten. Studiens resultat indikerar att lärares didaktiska förhållningssätt är avgörande både i bedömningsprocessen och i matematikutbildning. Trots att elevens delaktighet beaktas i bedömningsstödet, krävs det ytterligare anpassningar från lärare. Slutligen antyder studien att påverkan av det nationella bedömningsstödet i matematik kan möjligtvis bidra till att förbättra skolors systematiskt kvalitetsarbete.
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An investigation into the solving of polynomial equations and the implications for secondary school mathematicsMaharaj, Aneshkumar 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the possibilities and implications for the teaching of the solving
of polynomial equations. It is historically directed and also focusses on the working
procedures in algebra which target the cognitive and affective domains. The teaching
implications of the development of representational styles of equations and their solving
procedures are noted. Since concepts in algebra can be conceived as processes or
objects this leads to cognitive obstacles, for example: a limited view of the equal sign,
which result in learning and reasoning problems. The roles of sense-making, visual
imagery, mental schemata and networks in promoting meaningful understanding are
scrutinised. Questions and problems to solve are formulated to promote the processes
associated with the solving of polynomial equations, and the solving procedures used by
a group of college students are analysed. A teaching model/method, which targets the
cognitive and affective domains, is presented. / Mathematics Education / M.A. (Mathematics Education)
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