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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of digitization on the music industry – From the viewpoint of music creators and independent record labels in Sweden

Primschitz, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Digitaliseringen, uppkomsten och den ökade populariteten av on-demand musikstreamingtjänster har förändrat musikbranschen i snabb takt. Tidigare studier visar att digitaliseringen har påverkat sättet hur media skapas, publiceras, distribueras och konsumeras. Studier om digitaliseringens effekter på kreatörer och distributörer inom musikbranschen visade sig däremot vara få. Det ansågs därför som en möjlighet att utforska hur artister och oberoende skivbolag uppfattar digitaliseringens effekter för att minimera den nuvarande kunskapsluckan. Den explorativa sekventiella studien bestod av två faser och baserades på en kombination av olika metoder. Den initiala studien utgjordes av tre kvalitativa intervjuer och resulterande arbetsteorier prövades därefter i en kvantitativ enkätundersökning (n=81). Resultatet indikerar att större andelen av oberoende skivbolag har anpassat sina affärsmodeller och utvecklats till s.k. 360°-musikföretag. Resultatet visar vidare att digitaliseringen har till viss grad påverkat sättet hur musik skapas och produceras, med en tendens mot en mer individualistisk och digital process, och vidare medfört en förenkling för artister att publicera sin musik. Artisternas intäkter har däremot inte förbättrats och många upplever att arbetsklimatet har försämrats. Resultatet visar att digitaliseringen sedan uppkomsten av musikstreamingtjänster har medfört omvälvande förändringar, dock verkar dessa inte ha lett till en demokratisering av musikbranschen utan enbart till en förflyttning av makten från skivbolagen till musikstreamingtjänsterna. Både artister och oberoende skivbolag uppfattar att den nära framtidens främsta utmaningar å ena sidan är att uppnå en skälig betalning för artister, samt å andra sidan att framgångsrikt marknadsföra musiken för att nå igenom bruset. Det indikeras vidare att regler och lagar är nödvändiga för att kunna säkerställa en hållbar utveckling av musikbranschen. / The emergence and continuously growing popularity of on-demand streaming music services has changed the music landscape rapidly and new services are entering the market at a high pace. Prior studies show that digitization has affected the way media is created, published, distributed and consumed. The literature review revealed a knowledge gap regarding the effects on music professionals and provided an opportunity to explore how artists and independent record labels perceive the aspects of digitization. The study followed an exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach and consisted of two phases, an initial study including three qualitative interviews, and a quantitative follow-up study, in which working theories that had resulted from the initial study were tested through an online survey (n=81). The results indicate that many independent record labels have changed and adapted their business models and turned into so called 360° music companies. The results further show that digitization developments have to some degree affected the way music is created and produced, with a tendency towards a more individualistic and digital process, and that it has become easier for artists to publish their music; their incomes have however not improved and for many artists the working climate has become harder. The results show that the emergence of on-demand streaming services has disrupted the music industry, instead of having a democratic impact, the power that record labels used to have appears to have shifted to streaming services. Both artists and independent record labels perceive the achievement of fair payments and successful promotion to be the main future challenges. It is indicated that regulations and laws that prevent exploitation are necessary in order to ensure the music industry to be sustainable in the future.

Оценка влияния цифровизации на эффективность деятельности промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of the impact of digitalization on the efficiency of an industrial enterprise

Маслов, М. Р., Maslov, M. R. January 2024 (has links)
Целью работы является совершенствование методического подхода к оценке влияния цифровизации на эффективность деятельности промышленного предприятия. Методический подход основан на оценке индикаторов состояния пяти подсистем промышленного предприятия в условиях влияния цифровых технологий, а также экспресс-оценку уровня цифровизации с помощью бинарной системы, что позволяет оценить влияние цифровых технологий на эффективность и принять решение о целесообразности ее внедрения на предприятии. / The aim of the work is to improve the methodical approach to assessing the impact of digitalization on the efficiency of an industrial enterprise. The methodical approach is based on the assessment of indicators of the state of five subsystems of an industrial enterprise under the influence of digital technologies, as well as an express assessment of the level of digitalization using a binary system, which allows you to assess the impact of digital technologies on efficiency and make a decision on the expediency of its implementation at the enterprise.

Fashion Joins the Digital Revolution : A study on the Impact of Digitalisation in the Swedish High-End Fashion Industry

Hijazi, Aya, Strannhage, Pernilla January 2016 (has links)
Digitalisation is one of the greatest transformations in modern times and has impacted organisations, industry structures and the society as a whole. It provides new opportunities for fashion firms to interact with different stakeholders and has altered the way firms operate in foreign markets. Based on in-depth interviews with managers of Swedish high-end fashion firms, the aim of the study was to explore what impact digitalisation has on managers’ perceived psychic distance in their international operations. In particular, how managers use digital technologies to obtain and interpret information about supply and demand conditions in foreign markets was examined. The empirical findings indicate that digital technologies are essential for firms today, as they have increased information availability, enhanced information usage and improved interactive communication. This, in turn, leads to a reduction of managers’ perceived psychic distance.

Moderniser l’homme par les chiffres : mesures et démesure de la « société de la connaissance » (1945-2012) : Une sociologie critique de la quantification / The Modernization of Man by Numbers : Measures and Excess of the “Knowledge Society” (1945-2012) : A Sociological Critique of Quantification

Tréhin-Lalanne, Rémi 07 June 2013 (has links)
Cette enquête prend pour point de départ l'adoption en 2000 d'indicateurs et de cibles chiffrées par l'Union Européenne pour comparer et stimuler les performances des systèmes éducatifs de ses États-membres. Elle suit, étape par étape, la chaîne de fabrication et de diffusion de cette information statistique. Ces outils de gouvernement se développent au sein d'institutions internationales créées après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (UNESCO et OCDE) et visent à concilier harmonie sociale et prospérité matérielle par une plus grande adaptation de l'école aux exigences du monde industriel. Cette politique par les chiffres repose désormais sur un vaste appareillage qui s'étend sous l'effet de la multiplication des données qu'il génère. Son essor connaît une accélération avec le développement des technologies numériques qui facilitent la saisie de nouvelles informations quantifiables directement auprès des écoles et dans les classes. Assurant une plus grande traçabilité des trajectoires scolaires et une évaluation plus régulière des établissements et des individus, elles sont utilisées à la fois par les administrations et par les experts en sciences humaines, pour améliorer l'éducation et sa gestion. Promues comme instruments pédagogiques, elles doivent rendre la pratique des enseignants plus efficace en leur permettant d'évaluer, classer et hiérarchiser leurs élèves et leurs difficultés. Entendue comme activité de mise en chiffres de réalités qui ne l'étaient pas auparavant, la quantification est ici appréhendée dans sa triple dimension administrative, scientifique et industrielle, afin de comprendre les origines de cette avalanche de nombres et ses effets sur nos démocraties. / The starting point of this study is the adoption by the European Union in 2000 of numerical indicators and benchmarks to compare and stimulate the performance of the education systems of Member States. It looks closely at the processing of this statistical information during both fabrication and diffusion. These tools for government have been developed within the international institutions created after the Second World War (UNESCO, OECD) in an attempt to combine material well being and social harmony by shaping education to meet the challenges of the industrial world. This policy of reliance on numbers has created an increasingly voluminous structure, in permanent expansion as it generates new data. Its growth has been fuelled by digital technologies that facilitate the direct collection of data in schools and classrooms. Because they increase the traceability of school careers and allow for more regular evaluation of schools and students, these tools are used by both management and social science researchers to improve education and administration. Presented as teaching aids, they are designed to improve teachers' performance by allowing them to evaluate, classify and grade both their students and their difficulties. The phenomenon of quantification, by which we mean the activity of giving numerical expression to realities not previously expressed in this way, is considered here from three points of view - administrative, scientific and industrial - in order to provide an understanding of the origins of the avalanche of numbers and its effects on the vitality of our democracies and their inhabitants.

Managing Open Digital Technology in the Cluster Environment : A case study of the Cluster of Forest Technology

Simbi, Nadia, Panagiota, Koukouvinou January 2019 (has links)
The role of open innovation is becoming increasingly important for organizational competitiveness, while digital technologies provide new opportunities for organizational innovativeness. Regardless of domain and industry, digital technologies have reshaped structure, business logic and organizational dynamics. In that spirit, the forestry industry moves from the traditional model to the open paradigm, embracing the significance of purposive external exploration and internal exploitation of knowledge and technologies. Although the importance of digital technologies has been highlighted by academia, their enabling role in the open innovation process is insufficiently explored. Moreover, little research showcases the systematic way to organize for open innovation in the digital world. This process towards openness creates new opportunities as well as challenges. In order to investigate these emerging challenges and opportunities for open innovation in a digital world, we conducted a qualitative exploratory case study in the Cluster of Forest Technology in northern Sweden. Our results illustrate that challenges such as trust, power asymmetries, knowledge flow and coopetitive activities need to be managed. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing a way to address these challenges, seize more opportunities and bridge the gap between open innovation and digital technologies.

Redes xamânicas e redes digitais: por uma concepção ecológica de comunicação / -

Moreira, Fernanda Cristina 13 November 2014 (has links)
Partimos de um contexto tecnológico-comunicativo marcado, especialmente, pela ubiquidade, pela pervasividade, pela comunicação das coisas (LEMOS), por eventos e existências que transcorrem em metaterritorialidades informativas (DI FELICE) e pela enorme quantidade de dados gerados por tecnologias móveis, tais como smartphones, sensores, e etiquetas RFID. Tal situação tecnológica aponta para a possibilidade sempre presente de qualquer entidade, humana ou não (geleiras, animais, árvores, alimentos, embalagens etc.), assumir a qualidade informativo-digital, ou a metalinguagem do código, experienciar perspectivas outras e entrar em agenciamentos que a transformam ontologicamente. Essa \"ecologia digital\", ao trazer à tona a constituição reticular dos seres e ambientes, tornando transponíveis as fronteiras e experienciáveis as diferenças, inaugura uma condição habitativa atópica (DI FELICE) que reúne corpos, tecnologias, naturezas em uma relação simbiótica e dinâmica. Esses processos inéditos engendrados pelas novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação nos impõem a necessidade de buscar alternativas teóricas e conceituais aos dualismos derivados da Grande Divisão (LATOUR) entre Natureza e Sociedade que fundou o pensamento moderno ocidental e fundamentou as próprias concepções predominantes no campo científico da comunicação. O contexto latino-americano em que esta pesquisa se insere representa uma oportunidade para o estabelecimento de \"alianças perturbadoras\" (STENGERS) com práticas não-científicas e pensamentos não (somente) europeus, entre os quais destacamos o xamanismo e o perspectivismo ameríndio (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO), que, além de se mostrarem reticulares e ecológicos em sua constituição, engendrando desde sempre outros tipos de relação (não-instrumentais e nem dialógicas ou separatistas) com não-humanos, considerados todos sujeitos potenciais e parte de seu \"social\", revelam também sua dimensão comunicativa quando seus próprios praticantes, os xamãs, comparam-se às tecnologias comunicativas dos \"brancos\" (FERREIRA). Desse encontro, apresentamos uma possível ideia xamânica de redes comunicativas que, ao ultrapassar a dimensão somente humana, hermenêutica e a interação dialógica e conceber a relação com a terra-floresta (ALBERT e KOPENAWA) e suas agências emaranhadas a partir de uma \"anarquia ontológica\" (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO), do trânsito e da conexão entre mundos, torna-se uma chave conceitual fértil para pensar a comunicação digital e suas potencialidades. / We start from a technological communicative context marked especially by ubiquity, pervasiveness, the communication of things (LEMOS), events and beings that flow in information metaterritorialidades (DI FELICE) and by a huge amount of data generated by mobile technologies such as smartphones, sensors, and RFID tags. Such technological situation points to the ever-present possibility of any entity, human or not (glaciers, animals, trees, food, packaging, etc..), take digital-informative qualities, or meta code, experience other perspectives and enter into assemblages that transform them ontologically. This \"digital ecology\", bringing up the reticular formation of beings and environments, making transposable borders and diferences graspable, inaugurates an \"atopic dwelling condition\" (DI FELICE) which brings together bodies, technologies, still in a symbiotic and dynamic relationship. These novel processes engendered by new communication and information technologies impose on us the need to seek theoretical and conceptual alternatives for the dualisms derived from Great Divide (LATOUR) between Nature and Society, which founded the Modern Western thought and grounded the predominant conceptions in the scientific field of communication. The Latin American context in which this research is part represents an opportunity to establish not (only) European \"disturbing alliances\" (STENGERS) with non-scientific practices and thoughts, among which include Shamanism and Amerindian Perspectivism (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO), which , showed to reticular and ecological in its constitution, always engendering other types of relationship (or non-instrumental and dialogical or separatists) with nonhumans, considering all potential subjects, and part of his \"social\" also reveal their size communicative when their own practitioners, shamans, we compare the communication technologies of the \"whites\" (FERREIRA). From this contact, we present a possible shamanic idea of communicative networks, which, including not only the human dimension, the hermeneutics and the dialogical interaction, and understanding the relationship with the forest-land (ALBERT and KOPENAWA) and its entangled agents from an \"ontological anarchy\" (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO), a transit and a conection between worlds, becomes a fertile key concept to think digital communication and its potential

Entre a sala de aula de um Centro de Estudo de Línguas do Estado de São Paulo e o ambiente virtual no Evernote: potencializando a aprendizagem do francês na era digital / Between the classroom at a Language Study Center of the State of São Paulo and the virtual environment in Evernote: boosting the learning of French in the digital age

Costa, Gisele Pretti Gerevini da 12 April 2018 (has links)
A utilização de tecnologias digitais é característica expressiva da sociedade atual, facilitando a realização de atividades cotidianas e possibilitando o acesso à informação e à comunicação de forma interativa, colaborativa e instrutiva nos mais diversos contextos sociais (LÉVY, 1993;1999; KENSKI, 2003; 2007). Considerando seu potencial para o desenvolvimento do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras (LANCIEN, 2004; MANGENOT; LOUVEAU, 2006; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA; MAYRINK, 2013; BRAGA, 2013; PIETRARÓIRA, 2013) e a urgência de colocar em prática inovações metodológicas para acompanhar as necessidades sociais e cognitivas dos nativos digitais (PRENSKY, 2010; CASTELLS, 2011), esta pesquisa foi realizada em um Centro de Estudo de Línguas do Estado de São Paulo (CEL) com o uso de tecnologias como instrumentos mediadores para a aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira (VYGOTSKY, 1934), tendo como característica específica, a extensão da sala presencial a um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Desse modo, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar como as tecnologias digitais podem auxiliar na realização de tarefas comunicativas na língua estrangeira (PUREN, 2009; ROSEN, 2009) que levem o aluno a ser um aprendiz ativo (BACICH; MORAN, 2018; VALENTE, 2017) em seu processo de aprendizagem em contextos híbridos (BACICH; TANZI-NETO; TREVISANI, 2015), na era da Sociedade da Informação (COLL; MONEREO, 2010). A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa-interpretativista e foi desenvolvida aos moldes da pesquisa-ação junto a adolescentes do curso de francês do CEL e as tarefas propostas foram desenvolvidas e compartilhadas através da realização do projeto coletivo RADIO/MAG 6èmeA: a criação de uma rádio/revista virtual, em sala de aula presencial e no ambiente virtual no Evernote. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as tecnologias digitais mediadas pelo professor e associadas à realização de tarefas autênticas de comunicação na língua estrangeira, em contexto presencial e virtual, ampliam os espaços de aprendizagem por possibilitarem a interatividade com a informação e interações com os pares, características que favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma postura ativa do aprendiz potencializando sua aprendizagem e sua transformação como sujeito na sociedade atual (FREIRE, 1996). / The use of digital technologies is a significant feature of todays society, making it easier for people to do everyday tasks and allowing access to information and communication in an interactive, collaborative and instructive way in various social contexts (LÉVY, 1993;1999; KENSKI, 2003; 2007). By taking into account their potential in the development of the teaching and learning of foreign languages (LANCIEN, 2004; MANGENOT; LOUVEAU, 2006; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA; MAYRINK, 2013; BRAGA, 2013; PIETRARÓIRA, 2013) as well as the urgency to put into practice methodological innovations to cater to the social and cognitive needs of digital natives (PRENSKY, 2010; CASTELLS, 2011), our study was carried out in a Language Study Center (CEL) located in São Paulo with the technologies as mediating tools in the learning of French as a foreign language (VYGOTSKY, 1934) and having as its distinctive feature the virtual learning environment as an extension of in-person classes. The aim of this study is to analyze how digital technologies can help students perform communicative tasks in the foreign language (PUREN, 2009; ROSEN, 2009), which may turn them into active learners (BACICH; MORAN, 2018; VALENTE, 2017) in their learning process in hybrid contexts (BACICH; TANZI-NETO; TREVISANI, 2015) in the age of Information Society (COLL; MONEREO, 2010). We have conducted a qualitative-interpretive research, which was based on action research carried out with teenagers taking the French course at CEL. The suggested tasks were developed and shared in a group project entitled RADIO/MAG 6èmeA: the making of a virtual radio/ magazine, both in the classroom and in the virtual learning environment in Evernote. The results of our study have shown that digital technologies mediated by the teacher and associated with the completion of authentic communicative tasks in the foreign language, both in person and virtually, broaden the learning spaces since they allow interactivity with the information and interactions with peers. These features foster an active attitude of the learner by boosting their learning and promoting their transformation into subjects in todays society (FREIRE, 1996).

Objetos de aprendizagem: ferramentas tecnológicas na educação executiva / Learning objects - technological tools in business education

Miguel, Douglas Gregorio 18 October 2012 (has links)
promovendo uma série de rupturas na cultura, como a substituição do modelo linear e vertical da educação baseada na autoridade do professor, por um processo horizontal, no qual as trocas ocorrem em rede, onde todos os elementos são ativos. Para que ocorram essas trocas são necessárias ferramentas que funcionem como elementos vetoriais ligando os atores envolvidos nessa rede, agindo como catalisadores de ações e reações nos processos de produção, aquisição, compartilhamento e construção dinâmica do conhecimento. Essas ferramentas são os objetos de aprendizagem, unidades digitais pedagógicas reusáveis, interativas, granulares e disponíveis na rede. O trabalho tem como objetivo explicar o mecanismo pelo qual o conhecimento é produzido e compartilhado dentro da relação entre as TICs e a educação, a partir da análise de uma experiência em educação executiva e do papel que os objetos de aprendizagem exerceram ao longo desse processo, sob a perspectiva dos professores e dos educandos, buscando entender os novos significados do saber que surge na complexidade da relação das partes com o todo, identificando vantagens, limites, possibilidades e desdobramentos do uso dos objetos de aprendizagem na educação executiva. Partindo das teorias de Edgar Morin sobre a educação na contemporaneidade e das relações entre computadores e educação segundo Seymour Papert, o trabalho trata da conectividade de Peter Senge e da andragogia de Malcolm Knowles diante das exigências pedagógicas nas organizações; analisando o problema da conceituação de objeto de aprendizagem e seu papel estruturador do pensamento, o estudo apresenta em suas considerações finais o surgimento do Massive Open Online Course - MOOC e seu significado nos processos de educação executiva. / The advent of digital technologies for information and communication - ICTs - is promoting a series of ruptures in the culture, such as replacing the linear and vertical model of education based on the authority of the teacher, for a horizontal process, in which knowledge exchange occurs in the network, where all elements are active. In order that these exchanges occur tools that act as vector elements linking the actors involved in this network are necessary, acting as catalysts of actions and reactions in the processes of production, procurement and sharing of knowledge dynamics construction. These tools are learning objects, digital teaching units reusable, interactive, granular and available on the network. The work aims to explain the mechanism by which knowledge is produced and shared within the relationship between ICTs and education, from analysis experience in executive education and the role that learning objects exerted during this process, under the perspective of teachers and students, seeking to understand the meanings of new knowledge that arises in the complexity of the relationship of parts to a whole, identifying advantages, limits, possibilities and consequences of the use of learning objects in executive education. Based on the theories of Edgar Morin on education in contemporary and links between computers and education according to Seymour Papert, the work addresses the connectivity of Peter Senge and Andragogy of Malcolm Knowles in face of pedagogical requirements in organizations, analyzing the problem of conceptualization of learning object and its role and structuring of thought, the study presents in its final considerations the Massive Open Online Course - MOOC arising and its significance in the processes of executive education.

Leitura e escrita na produ??o de uma revista no suporte digital: o g?nero reportagem como objeto de aprendizagem

Matos, Nathalia Machado 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-11-28T21:13:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO_NATHALIA_MACHADO_MATOS.pdf: 14174030 bytes, checksum: 46c91a31aed6d152d6708f2b7af7e695 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-28T21:13:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO_NATHALIA_MACHADO_MATOS.pdf: 14174030 bytes, checksum: 46c91a31aed6d152d6708f2b7af7e695 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Working with reading and writing in contemporary times has been one of the great challenges for the language teacher. In this perspective, the purpose of this work was to present a pedagogical proposal, in the model of a didactic sequence, for the development of discursive skills related to reading and writing activities, using as a learning object the genre reportage transmitted in digital media. The subjects who participated in the development of this didactic sequence were students from the 8th grade class of a state school network located in a city in the interior of Bahia. Considering that one of the main events that characterize the current society are the advancement and diffusion of the digital technologies, it is observed the need to integrate the new technologies to the process of teaching and learning. However, it is important to emphasize that this integration must develop consciously and critically and, above all, present a pedagogical intentionality, since the use of technology in the classroom is not justified by itself. It is based on this pressing need that, through the didactic sequence proposed in this work, it was intended to provide practices for understanding and producing texts, culminating in the creation of an online magazine, the final product of this research. For that, the genre was mobilized, since reporting is a textual activity that is part of daily life and relevant in the journalistic sphere. The methodological procedures adopted in the study take into account the qualitative approach of the research, being ethnographic and of an applied nature. The basic theoretical assumptions involved the proposal of adaptation to the model of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004); The theory of Bakhtin and his Circle; Studies of authors of Textual Linguistics, as well as of different theoretical frameworks that deal with the study of writing and text. The results and conclusions reached above all show that it is possible to develop a didactic sequence that allows for the practice of comprehension and production of texts and the use of digital technologies as an instrument for acquiring information and for socializing the knowledge produced. / Trabalhar com a leitura e escrita, na contemporaneidade, tem se constitu?do um dos grandes desafios para o professor de l?ngua. Nessa perspectiva, tivemos por finalidade neste trabalho apresentar uma proposta de interven??o, no modelo de uma sequ?ncia did?tica, para o desenvolvimento das compet?ncias discursivas relacionadas ?s atividades de leitura e escrita, utilizando como objeto de aprendizagem o g?nero reportagem veiculado em meios digitais. Os sujeitos integrantes do desenvolvimento da referida sequ?ncia did?tica foram estudantes da turma do 8? s?rie de um col?gio da rede estadual de ensino, localizado em uma cidade do interior da Bahia. Tendo em vista que um dos principais eventos que caracterizam a sociedade atual s?o o avan?o e difus?o das tecnologias digitais, observa-se a necessidade de integrar as novas tecnologias ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Contudo, ? importante destacar que essa integra??o precisa desenvolver-se de forma consciente e cr?tica e, sobretudo, apresentar uma intencionalidade pedag?gica, j? que o uso da tecnologia na sala de aula n?o se justifica por si s?. ? partindo dessa necessidade premente que se pretendeu, atrav?s da sequ?ncia did?tica proposta neste trabalho, propiciar pr?ticas de compreens?o e produ??o de textos, que culminaram na cria??o de uma revista on-line, produto final desta pesquisa. Para tanto, foi mobilizado o g?nero reportagem, visto que a reportagem constitui uma atividade textual que faz parte da vida cotidiana e com relev?ncia na esfera jornal?stica. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos adotados no estudo levam em considera??o a abordagem qualitativa da pesquisa, sendo de base etnogr?fica e de natureza aplicada. Os pressupostos te?ricos de base envolveram a proposta de adapta??o ao modelo de Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2004); a teoria de Bakhtin e do seu C?rculo; estudos de autores da Lingu?stica Textual, bem como de diferentes quadros te?ricos que versam sobre o estudo da escrita e do texto. Os resultados e conclus?es a que chegamos demonstram, sobretudo, ser poss?vel o desenvolvimento real de uma sequ?ncia did?tica que propicie pr?ticas de compreens?o e produ??o de textos e o uso das tecnologias digitais, como instrumento de aquisi??o de informa??es e socializa??o do saber produzido.

Letramentos digitais e formação educacional na educação básica: investigação de práticas / Digital Literacies and Educacional development at a Primary/Secondary School: investigating practices

Mendonça, Helena Andrade 24 October 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa desenvolvida em uma instituição de educação básica e investiga práticas que usam ou refletem sobre o uso das tecnologias digitais na formação docente e discente. Para tanto, utilizou-se das contribuições de autores de diversas áreas do conhecimento como da educação, comunicação e linguística, além de autores que discutem sobre os novos letramentos e a contemporaneidade. A introdução deste trabalho apresenta as justificativas e questões de investigação, as escolhas metodológicas e o campo investigado. Os dados da pesquisa foram organizados a partir de práticas de letramento digital que tinham como foco o estudo sobre as tecnologias; ações que se utilizaram dos recursos e ambientes virtuais como apoio à prática pedagógica e atividades cujo objetivo era a reflexão sobre o tempo presente e a ubiquidade das tecnologias. No capítulo 1 analiso algumas concepções teóricas usadas na análise dos dados e relato uma sequência de aulas de história, cujo tema de estudos é a globalização. Parte dos aspectos discutidos se relaciona com a chamada pós-modernidade, a circulação de informação na Internet e o uso das tecnologias digitais nos movimentos sociais. No segundo relato e respectiva análise (capítulo 2), os alunos exploram recursos digitais e constroem um jogo de caça ao tesouro com realidade aumentada; trata-se aqui do conceito de apropriação das tecnologias numa perspectiva crítica. Ao final, no capítulo 3, são relatadas e analisadas práticas de formação docente a partir de oficinas técnico pedagógicas, visando a apropriação e a reflexão sobre o uso de recursos digitais; atividades que usam ferramentas de apoio à prática pedagógica e que promovem a reflexão sobre aspectos éticos do uso dos ambientes virtuais no ensino fundamental. Ainda neste capítulo, analiso as mudanças de procedimentos de estudos com o uso das tecnologias digitais a partir de práticas investigadas. / This study presents the research developed in a primary and secondary educational institution and investigates practices which use and reflect upon digital technologies in the development of teachers and students. For this, the contributions of authors from diverse areas of knowledge were used, such as education, communication and linguistics, as well as authors who discuss approaches to new literacies and contemporary society. The introduction of this study presents the investigation justifications and questions, methodological choices and the investigated field. The data from the research were collected from the digital literacy practices which focused on the study of technology; actions which used virtual resources and environments as support for the pedagogical practices and activities which had as an objective the reflection on the present times and the ubiquity of technology. In chapter 1, I analyze some theoretic conceptions used in the data analysis and I report a sequence of history classes, where the object of study is globalization. Part of the aspects discussed are related to post-modernity, the circulation of information on the internet and the use of digital technologies in social movements. In the second chapter, the students explore digital resources to build a treasure-hunt game with augmented reality; based on the concept of appropriation of technologies from a critical perspective. Finally, in chapter 3, teacher development practices are described and analyzed during technical-pedagogical workshops, focusing on the appropriation and reflection on the use of digital resources; activities that use the tools to support pedagogical practices and promote reflection on ethical aspects and the use of virtual environments in primary education. Still in this chapter, I analyze the change in study procedures with the use of digital technologies from the investigated practices.

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