Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitalisering"" "subject:"avdigitalisering""
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Varför digitalisera? En studie av tillkomsten av Kungl. bibliotekets digitaliserade samlingar / Why digitisation? A study of the cause of the occurrence of the digitised collections of the Royal LibraryPersson, Catrin, Tångemar, Annevie January 2006 (has links)
The Royal Library (KB) of Sweden harbours great collections of different objects through a special law from 1661. This master degree paper is exploring a part of KB’s digitisation of those collections. It deals with the questions about what the KB had chosen for digitisation, why those choices were maid and who is responsible for making these decisions. The paper will also for example seek out different patterns and trends in the information. The questions were answered through examining10 of the KB’s earlier digitisation projects and tests with qualitative methods: personal interviews, interviews by phone and questionnaires. The interviews and questionnaires were performed with informants at KB. General information about KB’s digitisation and the results from the interviews and questionnaires are presented partly with each individual test and project and partly in two analyse tables. KB had chosen different kinds of objects from their collections, for example older books and posters. The main reasons for digitising objects and collections were preserving and giving access to the collections and objects. The copyright were important to notice and there were also marketing of the collections and the testing of technology. The people responsible for the decision-making were partly KB’s head council and partly the informants involved with the projects. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Musikbranschens syn på folkbiblioteken. En aktör att räkna med? / The opinion of the music business regarding the public libraries. An actor to be counted?Ohlsson, Åsa, Skagerling, Ann January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores the opinion of different participants in the music business regarding music being made available at the public libraries. The aim of the thesis is to answer the following questions; which are the most important issues concerning the distribution of music? How do the informants perceive the public libraries mission and activity in regard to make recorded music available? Which are the benefits/disadvantages with music being made available at public libraries? Seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from the following organisations; SKAP (The Swedish Society of Popular Music Composers), FST (Society of Swedish Composers), SAMI (Swedish Artists and Musicians Interest Organisation) SMF (The Swedish Society of Musicians), SOM (Swedish Independent Musicproducers), IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) and EMI Music Sweden. A study of literature and articles generated nine themes, which constitutes the frame of reference for the thesis. The result shows that several of the informants have not reflected upon the public library as an important actor when it comes to the distribution of music. However, during the interviews many interesting thoughts and ideas were discussed. One of the most important roles of the public library is to inform and supply information about music, according to the respondents. The importance of the public library can be expressed in two dimensions, the local distribution of music and for supporting local cultural activities, but the public library needs to make efforts on a national level to become a more well known actor when it comes to matters concerning music. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av raritetssamlingar i Serbien. Ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv på ett land i förändring / Preservation of and access to old and rare book collections in Serbia. A cultural policy perspective on a country in transitionCatenaro, Giuseppina January 2011 (has links)
This paper aims to analyze how preservation of and access to old and rare book collections are organized in public libraries in Serbia. The paper is based on an analysis of documents, a survey and qualitative interviews with librarians in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Serbia is a country that has experienced violent historical periods with far-reaching consequences for its old and rare book collections. The interpretative background refers to documents about cultural policy in Europe and in Serbia. Serbia is a country in transition which aims to join the European Union. As a consequence, the government has an ambition to harmonize its legislation and cultural policy to EU standards. Old and rare book collections are primarily preserved at the National Library of Serbia, at the Belgrade University Library and at the Matica Srpska Library in Novi Sad. In addition to this, the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate Library in Belgrade has many old and rare books and manuscripts, but it is not userfriendly. Digitization is a method used to both preserve and make accessible old and rare books, but it is still developed only to a limited degree. The National Library of Serbia is the pioneer of digitization in the country and it is the institution vested with responsibility for the preservation of cultural goods. The National Library has the ambition to become a portal of cultural heritage in the country. The paper concludes that the historical, political and cultural development in the country in a decisive way has influenced Serbia’s different book collections. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Svenskt barnbildarkiv (SBBA) : Barnbilder, bildindexering och digitalisering / Svenskt barnbildarkiv (SBBA) : Children’s drawings, image indexing and digitizationSjövall Sigstedt, Anita, Turner, Philip January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the possibilities and challenges facing an archive, Svenskt barnbildarkiv (SBBA), if to publish its material online. Our context for this study is image indexing. Our main questions are: How can SBBA index their pictures for a possible publication on the Internet? Are there any pros or cons in the determination of topics in children’s images, and in that case, which? What search paths are important when indexing children’s pictures, and why are they important? To answer these questions, the thesis is built on a wide study of interdisciplinary literature. But also on SBBA: s own handbook for image “registration”, and on interviews with the persons working at the archive SBBA, in Eskilstuna. If SBBA was to publish its material online, our opinion is that it would be preferable if this process mainly was carried out with the researchers’ perspective in mind. There is a discussion on general, standardized indexing guidelines. We however feel that it is difficult to agree on such general indexing guidelines for specific image material as children’s drawings and paintings. To attract the larger audience, a solution of automatic indexing could be a future path to travel for SBBA. We think that the focus on index image’s motives is not always the most appropriate. There are other aspects of images that can be indexed and provide search paths in image collections, image's history, technology and materials are examples of alternative paths. We believe that a user study would have much to contribute in order to further identify critical search paths. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Mellan digitalt arkiv och socialt forum : en idéanalys av visionerna bakom biblioteksportalen Europeana / Between digital archive and social forum : an idea analysis of the visions behind the library portal EuropeanaNässén, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Digitizing and digital libraries create great opportunities toprovide access to cultural heritage globally, but the quicklychanging information technology environment also raises manyquestions. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse whatvisions and ideas behind one specific digital library, Europeana,that can be found in documentation related to the project. Whatideas can be identified concerning aspects such as userparticipation, access to information, knowledge andinformation literacy? What is the project’s role in relation toeducation, preservation of cultural heritage and democracy?The method used to answer these research questions is adescriptive idea analysis. The empirical material, consisting ofprimary sources written in relation to the project, has beencategorized within dimensions and analysed according toDouglas Raber’s three public library strategies: social activism,the conservative response and the populist initiative. Thefindings of this study are that social activism is the dominatingstrategy, including aims as to support social inclusion, promotecultural diversity and help democratize access to information.Another present strategy is the populist initiative, concerningthe will to keep up with changing user needs and online trends.The conservative response can be identified, but barely. Thereare good possibilities for the future development of this project,even if some contradictions can be found concerning thevisions in relation to financial, juridical and politicalrestrictions. Important problem areas such as the unevenparticipation of different member countries, copyrightrestrictions and diverse user needs, must be addressed also inthe future. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Musikwebb : En undersökning med fokus på urval, service och digitalisering / Musikwebb : a study with focus on music selection, library services and digitizationCederstrand, Klara, Hjorth, Tove January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to examine the attitudes among library staff regarding a music downloading service called Musikwebb, which is available in many Swedish public libraries. It focuses on the impact of Musikwebb on the process of music selection, the relationship between Musikwebb and the digital development in public libraries and what service Musikwebb offers its users. The gathering of material was executed through focus group interviews with library staff in four libraries. This empirical material we divided in three categories: Music selection, The Library and its digital services, and Library services. We use the results of Sanna Talja’s discourse analysis regarding the relationship between Music, Culture and the Library to analyze our material. In addition we use Anders Forsslund’s master thesis which also is a discourse analysis concerning human and digital services in public libraries. Our findings include that library staff is ambivalent in their attitude towards Musikwebb. The benefits of Musikwebb comprise that the service offers a wide collection of music, prevents library staff from making uninformed or arbitrary selection of music and that it offers around-the-clock service to those who master ICT. The drawbacks of Musikwebb includes the fact that library staff lose control over the process of music selection, offers little service to those who do not master ICT and that digital services tends to undermine the traditional role of the public library. Despite this fact we also found that library staff think that the traditional and the digital library services should coexist. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Från inkunabler till datorskärm : En studie av digitalisering vid fem stiftsbibliotek / From Incunabula to Computer Screen : A Study of Digitization at Five Diocesan LibrariesLetalick Rinaldi, Pia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is twofold. Firstly it aims to make a contribution to the understanding of how five Swedish Diocesan libraries have carried out the digitizing of their rare book and manuscript collections. Problem areas related to this activity are also investigated. Secondly, it aims to examine the relative guidelines and standardization norms, which have been formulated on a national basis. The research questions posed are:Which problem areas connected to the digitizing activities carried out at the Diocesan libraries can be identified in the empirical material?Which possible discrepancies might be found comparing the digitizing activity at the Diocesan libraries and the guiding principles on a national level?In order to find answers to the research questions, interviews with six librarians at the Diocesan libraries were conducted. Furthermore, using the method of content analysis, the interviews, literature, previous research, reports and in-house documents were examined. The theoretical framework used is a triangular model formulated by the museologist, Ivo Maroević, indicating the relationship between the institutions of cultural heritage: archives, libraries and museums. The particularity of the collections of the Diocesan libraries places them in the middle of the triangle.The most important problem areas were found to be connected with: economical and personnel resources, outsourcing and open access, preservation, storage, and the national strategy for digitization. The major discrepancy with national recommendations consists in the differences of the digitization process at the Diocesan libraries, depending on whether it is related to a project or on demand. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Dramawebben : Att välja tekniska lösningar för digitalisering / "Dramawebben" : Selecting technical solutions for digitizationKamya Nsubuga, Isaac January 2013 (has links)
This study is predominantly qualitative. It is also descriptive to a large extent and notoriented towards hypothesis-testing. The study aims at studying what has influenceddigitization of old Swedish dramatical works through the Dramawebben projekt, whilefocusing on the technical solutions. Four different data collection methods have been applied.Interviews and a questionaire with open-ended questions were the two primary tools. Adocument analysis and observations were applied as well.Examples from earlier research to relate to questions about digitization as an institutional andsocietal practice are presented. These earlier studies also explain the major aspects oftenrelated to the digitization process. This study particularly takes up types of digitization, the"Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer Systems" (ETHICS) as well asthe "Normalisation process theory" (NPT). A more extensive theoretical framewok focusingon particular concepts and terms relating to preconditions for digitization has also beenempasized. Technical, social, organizational as well as other preconditions and influences ondigitization have been presented in theory.Previously neglected copyright-free and hand-written Swedish plays were to be made moreaccessible and collectively preserved through the Dramawebben-project. The project hasgrown to emphasize even improved usability. The main technical solution of the project is thedevelopment of the web-based digital service "Dramawebben". TEI1-coding has most recentlybeen adapted by the project group as a technical solution to facilitate easier and more effectiveretrieval from the collection. Those involved in the project have witnessed both obstacles andpossibilities but Dramawebben´s strategy for quality assurance has led to accomplishmentsthat have yielded a wider scope of users.In the wake of different and sometimes opposing standards and recommendations as wellacceleratingly more advanced and complex technologies, there has emerged at least one majorquestion during this study: How can planners guarantee long-term projects for the digitizationof cultural heritage? While the implication of “project” may be “time limit” and whereas“long-term” may be difficult to define, we should not forget that making accessible andlong-term preservation are fundamental for digitization. / Program: Masterutbildning: Digitala tjänster - kultur, information & kommunikation
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Digitala redskap - mer än ett hjälpmedel : En litteraturstudie om betydelsen av digitala redskap i biologiundervisningBringsén, Alexander, Ekström, Sameh January 2019 (has links)
Intresset för naturorienterande ämnen dalar, allt färre elever väljer att studera naturvetenskap på högre nivå. Samtidigt ser vi att digitala redskap blir allt mer framstående som undervisningsmetoder i skolan och att större kompetens kring användandet av dessa behövs. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vad forskningen säger om digitala redskaps betydelse i biologiundervisning. För att ta reda på detta har vi systematiskt sökt efter och analyserat studier om digitala redskap i biologiundervisning. Vårt resultat visar på att digitala redskap förser eleverna med olika uttrycksformer för att förstå och konstruera kunskap, vilket leder till att eleverna kan göra lärandet mer personligt. Vidare forskning inom området skulle vara att forska om vilken inställning lärare har till användningen av digitala redskap i undervisning. Det går inte att bortse ifrån digitala redskap i undervisning, eftersom de är en väsentlig del av skolverksamheten. Verksamma lärare bör utnyttja digitala redskap för att ta vara på elevers kompetenser kring teknologi och samtidigt erbjuda de olika uttryckssätt som digitala redskap kan medföra, så att eleverna kan ta kontrollen över sitt lärande på ett sätt som passar dem och gynnar deras meningsskapande.
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Digitaliseringens betydelse för aktivitetsbalans : En kvalitativ studie av lärares erfarenheterWallinder, Kerstin, Westlöf, Anna January 2016 (has links)
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