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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pasivní bilingvismus v rámci Iberského poloostrova / Passive Bilingualism within the Iberian Peninsula

Mrva, Jan January 2017 (has links)
(in English) The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the current state of passive bilingualism on the Iberian Peninsula, from the point of view of native monolingual Spanish speakers in contact with Galician, Catalan, Basque, and Portuguese langauges. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, it tries to describe bilingualism, its perception throughout history and other concepts that are directly related to it in a comprehensive way. The key topic which is analysed is, however, receptive/passive bilingualism. For better context, it also focuses on the sociolinguistic development of the (co)official languages of the Iberian Peninsula from a diachronic perspective and, concurrently, language policy involved. In the practical part, it establishes the hypothesis which is later being demonstrated on the results of the original internet survey. Later on, proceeds to comment and evaluate them.

Franska inslag i utvecklingen av ett ryskt standardskriftspråk under upplysningen / French Elements in the Development of a Russian Literary Language during the Enlightenment

Wagner, Anne January 2024 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of French elements in the development of a Russian written language during the Enlightenment. During the reign of Peter I (1672–1725), Russia was modernised and secularised. Its society, economy and culture underwent such significant changes that this period is sometimes referred to as the Petrine Revolution. A new capital city – Saint Petersburg – was established, partly to facilitate contacts with Western Europe. Back then, Russia’s linguistic situation could be described as diglossia, meaning that two languages coexisted that were not mutually equivalent – Russian was vernacular, its written usage being restricted to practical purposes including secular documentation, whereas Church Slavonic was used as the written language in liturgical and ceremonial contexts. To reflect the evolution of society it was necessary to codify (standardize) and develop a Russian written language that would be usable in all contexts. An additional goal was to create a national literature. Since Church Slavonic was not fit for worldly purposes, it could not serve as a model. Therefore, ideas had to be borrowed from abroad. Peter I initiated a long process that spanned over decades and continued during the reigns of Elisabeth I and Catherine II. This paper examines contemporary sources, combining distant and deep reading from a contextual perspective. The aim was to determine the reasons why France was seen as a model, and the theoretical and practical implications of such a choice. France was chosen not only because its language was Europe’s lingua franca at the time and for its crucial role in the dissemination of the Enlightenment philosophy, but also because the country had a solid literary tradition and institutions that could provide guidance on language standardization. However, the implementation of foreign, and therefore partly irrelevant rules, proved to be tricky. The study focuses on specific elements such as the paradoxes and contradictions of the situation, which gave rise to cultural conflicts regarding innovations from France; some authors embraced them, while others rejected them.

Une langue en voie de disparition : le salar au sein de la turcophonie / An endangered language : Salar in the Turkic speaking world

Vaillant, Adrien Alp 14 September 2017 (has links)
Le salar est un dialecte turc dont la plupart des locuteurs habitent le comté de Xunhua (35°05’’nord - 102°03’’est), dans le sud-est de la province chinoise du Qinghai, où leur présence est attestée depuis la fin du XIVe siècle. Si ces dernières années ont vu une augmentation des études sur ce parler à bien des égards atypique, il n’en reste pas moins l’un des parents pauvres de la turcologie. Réalisée précisément dans le but de contribuer à mieux le faire connaître, en s’appuyant pour ce faire à la fois sur la documentation disponible et sur des données recueillies par l’auteur dans le cadre d’un travail sur le terrain, la présente thèse en propose non seulement une description phonologique, grammaticale et lexicale, mais aussi, semble-t-il pour la première fois, une étude détaillée de son système d’écriture traditionnel, aujourd’hui moribond, qui constitue une adaptation de l’alphabet arabe. Une attention particulière a également été portée à la question de la nature des liens du salar avec les autres dialectes, actuels ou anciens, composant le domaine turc (en particulier ceux du groupe oghouz, auquel il apparaît possible que cette variété appartienne), notamment à travers la comparaison avec le turc de Turquie que permet la traduction dans ce dernier dialecte des exemples illustrant les points de grammaire abordés. Considéré comme une langue en danger par l’UNESCO, qui le classe dans la catégorie « vulnérable », le salar traverse une période critique, et les problèmes que soulèvent son statut en Chine, la place qu’il occupe dans la société où il est pratiqué, et les représentations dont il fait l’objet n’ont pas non plus été négligés dans ce travail, dont une partie a été consacrée à la mise en évidence d’un début de situation diglossique dans le cadre de laquelle parmi les réponses que tentent d’apporter certains Salars à la question de l’avenir de leur idiome figure un projet de revitalisation linguistique particulier. / Salar is a Turkish dialect most speakers of which live in the county of Xunhua (35°05 north, 102°03 east) in the south-eastern part of the Chinese province of Qinghai where they have been present since the end of the fourteenth century. In spite of the fact that there has been lately an increase in the studies concerning this language, it is still a poor relative of turkology. Carried out with the aim of making it better known, with the support of the available documentation and data collected by the author in his investigation in the field, this thesis offers not only a phonological, grammatical and lexical description of Salar, but also, to the best of the author’s knowledge, for the first time, a detailed study of its nearly extinct traditional writing system that constitutes an adaptation of the Arabic alphabet. We have been particularly careful to take into account the links uniting Salar with other dialects, present and ancient, which form the Turkish domain (particularly with the Oghuz group to which this variety seems to belong) notably through the comparison with Turkey Turkish, based on the translations into the latter of the grammatical items dealt with. Classified as an endangered language by UNESCO, Salar is going through a critical period. The problems raised by its status in China, the position it occupies in the society where it is spoken and the representations to which it is subjected, have also been addressed in this work. A section has been devoted to the identification of a diglossic language situation in the context of which, among the concerns raised by some Salars about the future of their language, lies a project aiming at its revitalisation.

Intendierte und tatsächliche Sprachwirklichkeit in Böhmen Diglossie im Schulwesen der böhmischen Kronländer, 1740-1918 /

Newerkla, Stefan. January 1999 (has links)
Originally presented as author's thesis: Wien, Universität Wien, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

Représentations et stratégies d’enseignement-apprentissage de l’espagnol en milieu exolingue : le cas des hispanisants débutants du Gabon / Beliefs and teaching-learning Spanish in middle exolingual strategies : the case of beginners Hispanic of Gabon

Mbadinga Mbadinga, André-Marie 13 December 2014 (has links)
Une analyse de type ethnographique de la classe, des croyances et représentations des enseignants d’espagnol au Gabon sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de la langue-culture espagnole au niveau débutant (classe de 4e). 1) Comment ces enseignants (es) conçoivent-ils l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) dans ce contexte plurilingue ? 2) Quels rapports entretiennent-ils avec leur substrat linguistique ? 3) En quoi leurs croyances et leurs représentations déterminent-elles leurs pratiques de classe et leurs stratégies d'enseignement ? 4) Qu’est-ce qui motive les acteurs de la classe à enseigner et à apprendre l’espagnol dans ce contexte socio-linguistiquement dominé par le français ? 5) Quelles similitudes et contrastes peut-on relever entre des enseignants novices et des enseignants expérimentés ? 6) Qu'est-ce qui caractérise le discours officiel et les adaptations sociodidactiques de l'enseignement-apprentissage de l'espagnol au Gabon de 1997 à nos jours ? Autour de ces questions, la sociolinguistique et la didactique des langues étrangères avec une approche ethnographique actualisent ici le rôle des substrats linguistiques dans l’enseignement-apprentissage d'autres langues. Cette recherche inscrit donc l’enseignement de l’espagnol en Afrique francophone au cœur des enjeux idéologiques des contacts/conflits de langues. Elle oriente la formation des futurs enseignants d’espagnol du Gabon vers la didactique du plurilinguisme avec une dimension holistique, gage du dialogue des cultures à l’heure de la mondialisation et du numérique. / Ethnographic analysis of class, beliefs and perceptions of teachers of Spanish in Gabon on the teaching and learning Spanish language and culture to entry level (4th grade). 1) How do these teachers design the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) in this multilingual context? 2) What relationship do they have with their linguistic substratum? 3) How beliefs and representations determine their classroom practices and teaching strategies? 4) What motivates classroom actors in teaching and learning Spanish in this French dominated sociolinguistic context? 5) What similarities and contrasts can be measured between novice teachers and experienced teachers? 6) What characterizes the official discourse on teaching and learning Spanish and social adaptations in Gabon from 1997 to today?Around these issues, sociolinguistics and teaching foreign languages with an ethnographic approach update here the role of language substrates in the teaching and learning other languages. This research therefore registered the teaching of Spanish in Francophone Africa in the heart of the ideological challenges of contact / conflict of languages. It directs the training of future teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) to Gabon didactics of multilingualism with a holistic dimension, guaranteeing the dialogue of cultures in the era of globalization and digital technology.

Les représentations sociolinguistiques de l'irlandais et de son apprentissage : enquêtes dans des établissements secondaires de Galway (République d'Irlande). / Sociolinguistic representations of Irish and its learning : survey in secondary schools in Galway (Republic of Ireland)

Carrel-Bisagni, Lise Catherine 15 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les représentations sociolinguistiques de l’irlandais et de son apprentissage chez des élèves dans l’enseignement secondaire à Galway, en République d’Irlande. Le rôle de l’école est central pour la transmission de cette langue minoritaire menacée par l’anglais ; la prise en compte des représentations sociolinguistiques partagées par les jeunes Irlandais est tout indiquée pour comprendre dans quelle mesure l’apprentissage obligatoire peut jouer son rôle et permettre la survie de la langue. La première partie place la situation sociolinguistique irlandaise en perspective diachronique et se poursuit par l’exposition de la théorie des représentations ainsi que de la méthodologie utilisée. L’enquête par questionnaire, réalisée dans quatre établissements auprès de 356 élèves âgés de 12 à 18 ans, est l’objet de la deuxième partie ; elle tente d’identifier les représentations en présence et d’évaluer leur influence potentielle sur les attitudes, la motivation et les pratiques langagières futures des apprenants. En complément de cette enquête principale sont présentées en troisième partie deux enquêtes de type ethnographique qui explorent les relations entre les représentations des élèves et les discours des manuels scolaires, mais aussi entre représentations et certains discours médiatiques (télévisuel et cinématographique). La conclusion est l’occasion de faire, à partir des résultats obtenus, dessuggestions de politique linguistique éducative dans le but d’améliorer les représentations, donc les chances de survie, de l’irlandais. / This thesis analyses the sociolinguistic representations of the Irish language and its learning among secondary school students in Galway, in the Republic of Ireland. The role given to schooling is central for the transmission of this minority language, threatened by English ; thus, it seems particularly appropriate to take into account the sociolinguistic representations shared by the Irish youth in order to understand to which degree compulsory learning can play its role and help the Irish language to survive. The first chapter puts the Irish sociolinguistic situation into a diachronic perspective andgoes on to present the theory of representations as well as the methodology. The questionnaire survey, which took place in four secondary schools and involved 356 students aged 12 to 18 years, is the object of the second chapter ; it tries to identify the representations and to evaluate their potential influence on the attitudes, motivation and future linguistic behaviour of the learners. To complete this main survey, two ethnographic studies are presented in the third chapter : they explore the links between the representations expressed by the studentsand schoolbook discourses, as well as between representations and media discourses (TV andcinema). The conclusion will give the opportunity, on the basis of our results, to makesuggestions concerning educational language policies and aiming to improve therepresentations, and consequently the chances of survival of Irish.

日本手話 : 書きことばを持たない少数言語の近代

岡, 典栄, OKA, Norie 23 March 2012 (has links)
博士(学術) / 115p / 一橋大学

Code Switching

Gross, S. 01 December 2006 (has links)
In many multilingual communities around the world, speakers need to choose, often at an unconscious level, which language to use in their interactions with other members of the community. One of the choices that bilingual speakers often make is to code switch; that is, speakers switch back and forth between languages (or varieties of the same language), even within the same utterance. This article reviews the major theoretical approaches that have been proposed to answer the question of why bilingual speakers choose to code switch.

L’importanza e l’insegnamento scolastico della madrelingua diversa da quella svedese : Uno studio esplorativo su 10 genitori e sui loro atteggiamenti riguardo alla madrelingua italiana e al suo insegnamento in Svezia. / Betydelsen av modersmålundervisning i skolan vid annat modersmål än svenska : En explorativ studie av 10 föräldrar och deras attityder till italienska som modersmål och dess undervisning i Sverige.

Di Floriano, Marina January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med den explorativa studien är att förstå attityder hos föräldrar och deras åsikter om modersmålundervisningen i det italienska språket i Sverige, i det fall det studeras, men också när möjligheten att låta sina barn studera det och undersöka skälen till detta val. Teori: Forskning visar att modersmålet har stor betydelse för barnets språk, identitet och personlighet. Ett välutvecklat språk ger goda förutsättningar för att lära sig ett andra språk och andra ämnen. Metod: För att uppnå uppsatasen syfte har en kvalitativ och preliminär forskningsmetod användes, med ett litet urval av data där 10 föräldrar intervjuades individuellt. Alla intervjuade har barn i svensk skola och har, eller kommer att ha, rätt till modersmålutbildning på ett annat modersmål än det nationella. Resultat: Resultaten visar på stora skillnader mellan en grupp föräldrar som anser det mycket viktigt att behålla och studera modersmålet och andra som inte anser det viktigt. Detta av olika anledningar som kommer att presenteras i den sista delen, resultat och slutsatser. / Obiettivo: L’obiettivo dello studio esplorativo è quello di capire gli atteggiamenti dei genitori e le loro opinioni sull’insegnamento della madrelingua italiana in Svezia, nel caso in cui viene studiata, ma anche in quelli in cui si rinuncia alla possibilità di farla studiare ai propri figli, sondando i motivi di questa scelta. Teoria: La ricerca mostra che la madrelingua è di grande importanza per lo sviluppo linguistico, dell’identità e della personalità del bambino. Una madrelingua ben sviluppata offre buone condizioni per l’apprendimento di una seconda lingua edi altre materie. Metodo: Per raggiungere l’obiettivo è stato utilizzato un metodo di ricerca qualitativo e preliminare, con un campione ristretto di dati in cui sono stati intervistati individualmente 10 genitori. Tutti gli intervistati hanno figli nella- scuola svedese e hanno, oppure avranno, il diritto di accesso all'istruzione nella madrelingua diversa da quella nazionale. Risultati: I risultati mostrano grandi differenze tra un gruppo di genitori che ritengono sia molto importante mantenere e studiare la madrelingua e altri che lo trovano poco o non importante. Questo per motivi diversi che verranno presentati nell’ultima parte, risultati e conclusioni.

The diglossic relationship between Shona and English languages in Zimbabwean secondary schools

Chivhanga, Ester 29 February 2008 (has links)
The research highlights the problems of the diglossic relationship between Shona and English in the teaching-learning situation in Zimbabwe secondary schools. It focuses on how English as a high variety language adversely affects the performance of learners writing 'O' level Shona examinations in secondary schools. The research also confirms that teachers and learners of Shona in Zimbabwean secondary schools have a negative attitude towards Shona. Finally, the use of English in the teaching of Shona, the less hours allocated to Shona, the low esteem of Shona vis-à-vis the dominance of English and the association of English with social mobility impact on the attitude of students towards Shona as a subject. This linguistic attitude coupled with orthographic problems causes low passes in Shona at 'O' level. Hence, one proposes, language awareness campaigns and the use of Shona in the teaching of practical criticism and grammar. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

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