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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de la compétence narrative en arabe tunisien : rapport entre formes linguistiques et fonctions discursives / Development of narrative competence in Tunisian Arabic : association between linguistic forms and discursive functions

Saidi, Darine 03 December 2014 (has links)
Les langues du monde diffèrent en ce qui concerne l’encodage des événements et la structuration de l’information dans un discours narratif. Les outils linguistiques varient et les particularités typologiques de chaque langue influencent la façon dont le locuteur conceptualise un événement et l’encode verbalement. Notre objectif dans ce travail est d’examiner, dans une perspective développementale, la façon dont les locuteurs tunisiens se réfèrent aux événements dans une production narrative et les structurent en fonction des outils morphosyntaxiques disponibles dans leur(s) langue(s).Notre intérêt porte donc sur le développement de la compétence narrative dans une langue maternelle, l’arabe tunisien qui coexiste désormais avec l’arabe standard, langue de scolarisation, dans un paysage linguistique complexe. Le jeune enfant doit alors jongler avec des systèmes de langues différents, pour passer du statut de « native speaker » à celui de « proficient speaker ».L’arabe tunisien ou « l’arabe de la maison » est une langue essentiellement orale qui diffère considérablement de l’arabe standard. Très peu de travaux en ont décrit les spécificités, c’est pourquoi, nous consacrons une partie de notre travail à la description de certains aspects morphosyntaxiques de l’arabe tunisien en comparaison avec l’arabe standard, « langue de l’école ». L’autre objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier le développement de la compétence narrative chez les enfants tunisiens, un processus long et complexe qui se développe et s’améliore au fil des années. Pour cela nous avons constitué un corpus de productions narratives, élicitées à partir d’un livret d’images sans texte intitulé : ‘Frog where are you ?’ (Mayer, 1969). 60 locuteurs enfants (4, 7, 9, 11 ans) et 15 adultes tunisiens natifs ont participé à cette étude. Ce matériel expérimental a servi à de nombreuses études développementales et translinguistiques pour étudier l’acquisition du langage et le développement de la compétence narrative dans des langues très variées. Il nous a également permis de rendre compte du développement des formes linguistiques (ordre des mots, transitivité, voix grammaticale) et de leurs fonctions discursives dans une production narrative. / Languages differ regarding the expression of events and the organisation of information in narrative discourse. Linguistic tools vary and the typological properties of each language influence the way the speaker conceptualizes an event and encodes it verbally. The aim of this study is to examine from a developmental perspective the way Tunisian speakers refer to and organize these events in a narrative discourse according to the morphosyntactic constructions available in their language. Our interest focuses therefore on the development of narrative competence in a native language. Tunisian Arabic is a language which coexists with Standard Arabic in a complex linguistic situation. Thus, the young child has to « juggle » with two different linguistic systems in order to move from « native speaker » to « proficient speaker ». Tunisian Arabic is essentially a spoken language that differs considerably from Standard Arabic. Few studies have described its specificities, which is why part of this work is devoted to the description of some morphosyntactic aspects of this language compared to Standard Arabic. The other goal of our study is to examine the development of narrative competence in Tunisian Arabic children, a long and complex process that develop and improve over several years.To conduct this study, we used narratives elicited from age groups 4-7-9-11year-olds and adults native speakers of Tunisian Arabic, using a picture book entitled ‘Frog where are you ?’ (Mayer, 1969). This experimental material was used in many developmental and crosslinguistic studies to analyse language acquisition and the development of narrative competence in a variety of languages. It also allowed us to account for the development of linguistic forms (word order, transitivity, grammatical voice) and their discourse functions in a narrative production.

Contribution à la description des particularités lexicales du français régional des Antilles. Étude d’un corpus de littérature contemporaine : les romans LʼHomme-au-Bâton (1992) et L’Envers du décor (2006) de l’auteur antillais Ernest Pépin / Contribution to the Description of the Lexical Particularities in the Regional Lesser Antilles French. A contemporary literary corpus-based study : the novels LʼHomme-au-Bâton (1992) and LʼEnvers du décor (2006) written by the Antillean author Ernest Pépin

Zanoaga, Téodor-Florin 17 November 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’étude des particularités lexicales du français régional des Antilles à partir d’un corpus de littérature antillaise contemporaine : les romans L’Homme-au-Bâton (1992) et L’Envers du décor (2006) de l’écrivain antillais Ernest Pépin. Après une brève présentation de quelques phénomènes spécifiques à la francophonie de l’aire caraïbe, nous avons dressé un inventaire des sources principales dont on dispose pour l’étude lexicologique des régionalismes antillais. Plusieurs types de régionalismes ont été découverts et commentés: héritages, emprunts et innovations (formelles, sémantiques, lexématiques). Les deux romans d’Ernest Pépin représentent un bon corpus pour illustrer la productivité lexicale du français régional antillais ainsi que ses multiples possibilités d’expression. Les champs sémantiques les mieux représentés sont : l’alimentation, la musique, la flore, la faune et la vie spirituelle. Au niveau formel, la composition est le procédé de formation lexicale le plus productif. Au niveau sémantique, on remarque des phénomènes de restriction, d’extension de sens ainsi que la création de nouveaux sens par métaphore et métonymie, entre autres. L’analyse des antillanismes dans un corpus littéraire pose de nombreux problèmes méthodologiques (faire la distinction entre les régionalismes et les phénomènes idiolectaux, la reconstruction de l’histoire des mots, des problèmes de technique lexicographique et de déontologie, le travail avec des données très dispersées et dégradées). La poursuite des recherches dans ce domaine pourrait se concrétiser dans la parution d’un dictionnaire complet du français régional antillais. / The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the study of the French variation in the Lesser Antilles, analyzing lexical particularities in a contemporary literary corpus: the novels L’Homme-au-Bâton (1992) and L’Envers du décor (2006) written by the Antillean author Ernest Pepin.After a short presentation of several specific phenomena from the francophone Caribbean area, we will make an inventory of the main sources we had at our disposal for the lexicological study of the Antillean regionalisms.Different types of regionalisms were discovered and they will be commented: heritages, bor-rowings, formal and / or semantic innovations. The two novels written by Ernest Pepin repre-sent a good corpus to illustrate the lexical productivity of the variety of French from the Lesser Antilles and its multiple possibilities of expression.The best represented semantic fields are: food, music, flora, fauna and spiritual life. At the formal level, the compounding is the most productive type of word formation. At the seman-tic level, some phenomena of semantic restriction and extension, and the building of new meanings by metaphor and metonymy among others can be observed.The lexical analysis of the regionalisms in a literary corpus raises many methodological problems (making the distinction between regionalisms and idiolectal phenomena, rebuilding the history of the words, ethical problems, difficulties related to lexicographic tools and tech-niques, working with disparate and ambiguous data).Our doctoral thesis could be a step forward towards a complex dictionary of the variety of French in the Lesser Antilles, but a lot of ideas are for the moment still on drawing board and the researches should continue in this direction.

The form and communicative impact of Shona advertisements: a discourse analytical approach

Dube, Shumirai 29 February 2008 (has links)
This study sought to investigate and to record any recurring patterns in the form and communicative impact of Shona advertisements. Motivation to carry out the study came from a realisation of a growing interest in using the Shona language for advertising and the fact that very few studies have been done on Shona advertisements. For methodology, examples of Shona advertisements were qualitatively analysed using some communications and discourse analysis approaches of the speech act theory and text linguistics. A structured interview with advertising agencies randomly selected and a questionnaire on the impact of advertisements were also used. The findings of the research included that Shona was used in advertisements in order to reach out to the majority of the Zimbabwean population. In addition, Shona was also found to have been developed enough to handle formal issues like advertisements. This finding further shows that Shona advertisements reflect an instance of diglossia leakage from Shona L(ow) to Shona H(igh). Another finding is that Shona advertisements reflect some characteristics of the Shona speech community in form. These include code-switching, slang and word- division problems. An innovation in code-switching noted in some Shona advertisements is the use of three languages, namely, English, Shona and Ndebele in one advertisement. It was also established that everything about the elements of Shona advertisements communicate. For instance, the message may be visual, tactile and olfactory. It also emerged that the Shona commercial advertisements had a presenting and a hidden agenda at the same time. To achieve this the advertisements used persuasive techniques such as advertising claims, cultural hooks and personalities as spokespersons. It was also noted that most readers of advertisements do not interpret them up to the hidden persuaders but end with the direct meaning. On the other hand the Shona advertisements that gave information such as health issues have no hidden agenda. One recommendation made is that advertisements be read and studied to raise the level of awareness about the persuasive techniques used in order to distinguish between misleading advertising and those that give useful information. Some recommendations were made for future research such as carrying out similar studies of informal Shona advertisements, advertisements by n'angas/inyangas (traditional healers), prophets and political campaigns. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

La nouvelle en didactique du persan « parlé-quotidien » : enjeux linguistiques et interculturels / Short stories in teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ : linguistic and intercultural issues

Afsharchi, Fedra 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la didactique des langues et des cultures étrangères ; il s’agit d’une recherche sur un enseignement du persan quotidien qui repose sur la nouvelle, en tant que lieu d’échanges interculturels. Justifiant, en premier lieu, pour le persan l’hypothèse de la diglossie, cette thèse montre que ce concept ne peut pas se concevoir sans considérer les différents paramètres socioculturels qui conditionnent l’emploi de chacune des deux variétés linguistiques : le persan quotidien et le persan littéral. La diglossie, la double relation de la langue et de la culture et par la suite l’étude du corpus des manuels de persan nous ont confortée dans notre réflexion sur la nécessité de réviser l’enseignement du persan « parlé-quotidien » et la présentation de la diversité culturelle en Iran. Cette recherche s’interroge sur l’impact du choix de la nouvelle littéraire pour la didactique du persan « parlé-quotidien » et sur son aptitude à susciter des interactions verbales interculturelles. La thèse pose qu’un élément concret ou un thème bien choisi dans une nouvelle, peut amener les apprenants à prendre la parole. Ce rôle tient à la présence, dans ce même ensemble textuel, d’éléments culturels saisissables. Ce choix didactique s’accompagne d’une sélection iconographique d’images destinées à attirer l’attention des apprenants sur le contenu de la nouvelle et sur les aspects culturels qu’elle véhicule. Nous nous proposons également d’étudier si la posture de l’enseignant et les relations interpersonnelles enseignant/apprenant sont interdépendantes et influencent le désir d’apprendre et de communiquer chez l’apprenant dans le contexte de l’enseignement du persan. Nous avons mis en place un projet didactique auprès d’étudiants en deuxième années de licence en langue et civilisation persanes à l’Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales, afin de vérifier ces idées. L’analyse des données enregistrées permet de présenter comment nous avons appliqué nos concepts et nos propositions. Elle est révélatrice de l’émergence d’une dynamique conversationnelle et interculturelle en classe et confirme ainsi nos hypothèses didactiques sur l’emploi de la nouvelle en classe de persan langue étrangère. / This thesis is in the field of teaching foreign language and culture. It represents a research on teaching ‘‘everyday Persian’’ based on short story as a place of intercultural exchanges. Applying the diglossia hypothesis to Persian, this dissertation demonstrates that this concept cannot overlook different sociocultural parameters which determine the use of two linguistic varieties: ‘‘everyday Persian’’ and ‘‘formal Persian’’. The diglossia, the mutual relation between language and culture and the study of Persian textbooks corpus have convinced us that teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ and the presentation of cultural diversity in Iran need to be revised. This research examines the impact of using short stories on teaching ‘‘spoken everyday Persian’’ and also its efficacy to stimulate intercultural verbal interactions. The thesis raises if a concrete element or a well chosen theme in a short story can lead learners to speak. This role requires the seizable cultural elements in this very text. This educational choice is associated with an iconographical study of some selected illustrations intended to attract learners’ attention to the content of the short story and the cultural aspects it conveys. Another purpose of this research is to figure out whether the teacher’s posture, communication behaviours and the teacher/learner interpersonal relationships are interdependent and if they have any impact on the learner’s desire to learn and communicate in the context of teaching Persian. To verify these hypotheses, an educational project for the second year-students of Persian language and civilization at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations was implemented. Analysis of recorded data can show how our concepts and proposals were applied. It is indicative of the emergence of a conversational and intercultural dynamics in the classroom and confirms our hypotheses regarding the use of Persian short stories in teaching Persian as a foreign language.

A criterion referenced analysis and evaluation of the processes involved in formulating a Māori language regeneration strategy for Whakamārama marae

Lewis, Roger Brian January 2007 (has links)
The quality of the processes involved in language regeneration strategy formation is critical to the creation of an effective language regeneration strategy and this, in turn, is critical to the achievement of successful language regeneration outcomes. The overall aim of this research project was to evaluate, using a range of effectiveness criteria, the processes involved in the creation of a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration strategy in the hope that others involved in similar projects in the future would benefit and in the hope that the Whakamārama whānau will themselves derive benefit from it in reviewing what has already been achieved. In Chapter 1, the background to the research project and its rationale are outlined and the research questions and research methods are introduced. Chapter 2 provides a critical review of selected literature in the area of strategic planning aspects of language regeneration and relevant aspects of mātauranga Māori. Using an ethnographic approach, the processes and immediate outcomes (in terms of a survey report and a regeneration plan for Whakamārama marae) of the language regeneration project are outlined in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, effectiveness criteria are derived on the basis of the literature review in Chapter 2. These include criteria relating to leadership, participation, Kaupapa Māori values, environmental analysis and outcomes. The criteria are then applied to the analysis and evaluation of the processes and outcomes outlined in Chapter 3 in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The overall conclusion is that Whakamārama's language regeneration activities to date can be regarded as successful in many ways, including the fact that they have resulted in the production of high quality documentation that is widely appreciated by the whānau in the form of a maraebased language survey and a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration plan. Working voluntarily and often under difficult circumstances, core group members demonstrated that they possessed the essential characteristics of commitment, motivation and determination, in addition to the willingness and ability to use existing skills and knowledge effectively and to develop further skills and knowledge as the project proceeded. Perhaps most important, they developed a caring and effective working culture. However, the weaknesses of the project included a lack of preparation and planning prior to the commencement of the project which resulted in a build up of work at a number of stages. This, in turn, lead to delays in producing outcomes and some loss of momentum. It also led, indirectly, to the views of two or three members of the core group being overrepresented in the reo plan goals. The information and analysis provided here have relevance to any language community involved in micro-level language regeneration activities of a similar type. It is hoped therefore that this thesis may help others to not only avoid the problems experienced by the Whakamārama whānau but also to benefit from their successes.

Investigating language shift in two semi-urban Western Cape communities

Thutloa, Alfred Mautsane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--university of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography

The form and communicative impact of Shona advertisements: a discourse analytical approach

Dube, Shumirai 29 February 2008 (has links)
This study sought to investigate and to record any recurring patterns in the form and communicative impact of Shona advertisements. Motivation to carry out the study came from a realisation of a growing interest in using the Shona language for advertising and the fact that very few studies have been done on Shona advertisements. For methodology, examples of Shona advertisements were qualitatively analysed using some communications and discourse analysis approaches of the speech act theory and text linguistics. A structured interview with advertising agencies randomly selected and a questionnaire on the impact of advertisements were also used. The findings of the research included that Shona was used in advertisements in order to reach out to the majority of the Zimbabwean population. In addition, Shona was also found to have been developed enough to handle formal issues like advertisements. This finding further shows that Shona advertisements reflect an instance of diglossia leakage from Shona L(ow) to Shona H(igh). Another finding is that Shona advertisements reflect some characteristics of the Shona speech community in form. These include code-switching, slang and word- division problems. An innovation in code-switching noted in some Shona advertisements is the use of three languages, namely, English, Shona and Ndebele in one advertisement. It was also established that everything about the elements of Shona advertisements communicate. For instance, the message may be visual, tactile and olfactory. It also emerged that the Shona commercial advertisements had a presenting and a hidden agenda at the same time. To achieve this the advertisements used persuasive techniques such as advertising claims, cultural hooks and personalities as spokespersons. It was also noted that most readers of advertisements do not interpret them up to the hidden persuaders but end with the direct meaning. On the other hand the Shona advertisements that gave information such as health issues have no hidden agenda. One recommendation made is that advertisements be read and studied to raise the level of awareness about the persuasive techniques used in order to distinguish between misleading advertising and those that give useful information. Some recommendations were made for future research such as carrying out similar studies of informal Shona advertisements, advertisements by n'angas/inyangas (traditional healers), prophets and political campaigns. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

L'enseignement du berbère : analyse comparée Algérie/Maroc / Berber teaching : comparative analysis Algeria/Morocco

Abrous, Nacira 27 June 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche propose une analyse sociolinguistique comparée des contextes, des modalités de l’intégration du berbère dans l’enseignement en Algérie (de 1995 à 2015) et au Maroc (de 2003 à 2015) consécutives de modifications des politiques linguistiques institutionnelles. Ces transformations sont intervenues sur une période de temps assez courte (une décennie), pour réguler et/ou anticiper la pression revendicative. L’examen de chacun des champs considérés comporte chacun un volet descriptif et un volet analytique. En partant du constat empirique immédiat de l’existence de points de convergence et de divergence entre les deux pays dans cette « nouvelle politique scolaire berbère », nous proposons une description de la structuration des écoles, des choix de la langue à enseigner : sa standardisation-normativisation, sa codification graphique et les choix d'élaboration didactique retenus. La description confirme les continuités et les discontinuités entre les deux États. Notre objectif est de rechercher une signification sociolinguistique à cette offre éducative différenciée. Les sources et les matériaux diversifiés issus d’une investigation sur les deux terrains sont analysés dans une tentative comparative et évaluative transdisciplinaire, à la lumière de l’apport conceptuel : du champ des études berbères, de la sociolinguistique « périphérique », de l’aménagement linguistique et de la socio didactique. L’examen des données synchroniques et diachroniques et de matériaux institutionnels et extra institutionnels conduisent à identifier les niveaux de convergences et les divergence entre les deux États et d’affirmer le caractère institutionnalisé de la minoration du berbère. / Our work consists of a comparative sociolinguistic analysis of the contexts, methods of integration and implementation of Berber language teaching in Algeria (from 1995 to 2015) and Morocco (from 2003 to 2015) following changes to institutional linguistic policies.These changes were brought in, over quite a short period of time (a decade), to regulate and/or anticipate social pressure in favour of the introduction of Berber in state schools. The examination of each of the three contexts consists of : a descriptive and an analytical angles. Departing from the empirical observation of the existence of points of convergence and divergence between the two countries in this “new Berber education policy”, we describe the structuration of teaching, the choices in relation to which language to teach, its standardisation, its graphic codification, as well as the objectives and didactic techniques implemented. This description confirms and discerns the continuities and discontinuities between the two states’ experiences and language policies. Our objective has been to seek out a sociolinguistic signification to this differentiated education. Diverse sources and materials resulting from fieldwork in the two countries are analysed with the aim of creating a transdisciplinary evaluation in light of conceptual work developed in the field of Berber studies, namely “peripheral” sociolinguistics, « language planning » and institutional tools. The interrogation of synchronic and diachronic data allows us to identify the essential points of convergence and divergence between the two States and to affirm the institutionalised nature of the minoration of the Berber language. / Anadi-ya, d tazrawt d wesleḍ di tmettsnilest** tasmenyifant ɣef tegnatin d iberdan tuɣ Lezzayer d Lmerruk deg usekcem n uselmed n tmaziɣt ɣer iɣerbazen. Tagnit-a yewwi-tt ubeddel d-imlen tasertit d-iglan s tsertiyin tisnilsanin timaynutin.Tineḍra-ya myezwarent-d s wazal n 10 iseggasen. Usant-d ad semsawint annar n tutlayin neɣ ahat ad sifessent ddeṛk isers fell-asent umennuɣ d usuter isertanen n Imussuyen idlesanen imaziɣen. Ihi ad nessenqed 3 inurar di tezrawt-a. Yal annar ila sin iswiren : Aswir uglim* : seg wayen d yufraren deg wennar n unadi, iban-aɣ d kra n ukanzi d umgirredger snat agi n tmura, deg wayen umi neqqar « Tasertit tasegmant i tmaziɣt»**. Ad d-nessifer : asbeddi n uselmed, abraz n tutlayt, afran ugemmay d wamek ttwafernen isufar d iswiyen n uselmed. Aglam n yal annar isseflali-d ifṛez-d kra seg tmuɣliwin-nneɣ ɣef wayen issemlalen turmilin n uselmed di tmura-ya. Aswir usliḍ : Iswi ameqqran d-yufraren, d asegzi n inumak d lǧeṛṛa n wayen akk uqment tmura-a deg wennar n uselmed n tmaziɣt, ulamma mgarradent di kra n tsetwilin*. Nnnuda anamek imettilesi ila uselmed n tmaziɣt di yal tamurt, acimi d wamek d-myezgant tmura-ya. Isufar d isenfaṛen nesseqdec di tezrawt-nneɣ d ayen d-nhawec, d-nessukkes achal d aseggas aya. Nesbedd tazrawt-agi ɣef tezrawin tismazaɣin d wayen akk d nessmed si tmettsnilest tunnaḍt** akked tafernutlayt**. Nuna daɣen ayen akk d-iwwi umezruy, tasnamta*, tasertit d tantrupulujit akken ad aɣ-d-iban wadeg n tmaziɣt d wayen tt-issawden akka tella deg uselmed.Nessaweḍ, nessafer-d kra n yigmaḍ : tamaziɣt mazal d-teffiɣ seg waddad*-ines, mazal d tarbibt n iduba n tmura-ya. Anekcum is deg wennar uselmed ur yelli d asnerni i as d-yewwi, d asḍerref i tt-isḍerrif. S waya timura nessbent addag adday n tmaziɣt

El uso del valenciano, la actitud hacia la lengua y la destreza escrita : Un estudio sociolingüístico sobre el dominio del valenciano de jóvenes alicantinos / The use of Valencian language, the attitude towards the language and the written proficiency : A sociolinguistic study of the domain of Valencian of young Alicantinos

Harnafi, Amina January 2016 (has links)
Los jóvenes de Alicante viven en una sociedad donde coexisten dos lenguas, el castellano y el valenciano. La lengua valenciana es utilizada por jóvenes de Alicante tanto en ámbitos formales como informales. Los jóvenes hablantes de valenciano sienten un lazo identificativo con la lengua que se rige por las actitudes de éstos. La actitud lingüística conlleva a una identificación lingüística del hablante, la cual es una construcción social que se rige por las normas que rodean al hablante. La identificación bilingüe podría, por lo tanto, ser influenciada e influenciar a su vez a la competencia lingüística. El propósito del presente estudio es investigar en qué situaciones y contextos es usado el valenciano; con el objetivo de estudiar la relación entre el grado de bilingüismo, la actitud lingüística y el nivel de complejidad, corrección y fluidez (CAF) en la expresión escrita del valenciano. Partimos de la hipótesis de que el valenciano tiene, para la generación joven de Alicante, una función social y que la actitud hacia la lengua es positiva, lo que a su vez se refleja en la destreza escrita. Para comprobar nuestra hipótesis nos hemos basado en un cuestionario de hábitos sociales, un test de nivel de valenciano y dos redacciones, una escrita en castellano y una en valenciano. Con la participación de 59 jóvenes alicantinos, llegamos a la conclusión de que el valenciano es usado tanto en ámbitos formales como informales y que la actitud hacia la lengua es positiva, y que consideran importante dominar y preservar el valenciano. Además, los participantes han presentado un nivel alto de destreza en el valenciano escrito, mostrando complejidad y fluidez en la expresión escrita. Por otro lado, la corrección es más elevada en el castellano. También se ha podido ver que la identificación de los participantes está relativamente correlacionada con la competencia lingüística. / The young people of Alicante live in society where two languages, Castilian and Valencian, coexist. The Valencian language is used by young people from Alicante in both formal and informal settings. Young speakers of Valencian feel a linguistic identification with the language, which is governed by social norms. Bilingual identification could, therefore, be influenced by and influence linguistic competence. The purpose of this study is to examine in which situations and contexts Valencian is used with the aim of evaluating the relationship between the degree of bilingualism, language attitude and level complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF) in the written Valencian of young people of Alicante. We hypothesized that Valencian has, for the young generation of Alicante, a social function and the attitude towards the language is positive, which in turn is reflected in writing skills. To test our hypothesis we have used a questionnaire of social habits, a diagnostic test in Valencian and two essays, written in Castilian and Valencian. With the participation of 59 young Alicantinos, we conclude that Valencian is used in both formal and informal settings, that the attitude towards the language is positive and that it is considered important to master and preserve the Valencian language. In addition, the participants have proficiency in the Valencian written language, showing complexity and fluency in written expression. On the other hand, their accuracy is higher in Castilian. It has also been seen that the linguistic identification of the participants is relatively correlated to linguistic competence.

Oživení regionálního jazyka v Provence prostřednictvím škol Calandreta / Revitalization of the Regional Language in Provence by the Medium of Calandreta Schools

Vacula, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Revitalization of the Regional Language in Provence by the Medium of Calandreta Schools Richard Vacula (Abstract) This thesis focuses on the role of bilingual Calandreta schools in the process of maintenance and revitalisation of the regional language in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, France. It is based on empirical research undertaken in form of questionnaires and directed interviews in the place of two existing Provençal Calandretas, Gap and Orange. A sample of the local population and respondents from the area of the two schools has been included in the research. We have studied linguistic behaviour, attitudes towards regional education, and the picture of the schools and the language in question. The results suggest that the public is inclined towards the essentials of the language being taught, however, less so towards bilingual education. The results also show that the potential of the schools observed lies rather in their pedagogical methods. The strong pressure of French is noticeable even on the grounds of the schools. The use of Occitan in everyday communication situations is then somewhat rare. The regional language is noticeably associated with the school environment and is connected with specific contexts. Hence, it is necessary to rate the influence of the Calandreta schools on the real...

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