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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação funcional das habilidades de comunicação - ASHA FACS para população com doença de Alzheimer / Functional assessment of communication skills - ASHA FACS for patient with Alzheimer\'s disease

Isabel Albuquerque Maranhão de Carvalho 06 February 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Desde o início da doença de Alzheimer (DA), alterações de linguagem comprometem o engajamento, o exercício da vida social do indivíduo e, têm impacto em sua independência. A informação sobre essas alterações contribui para a caracterização do diagnóstico da doença. A limitação da capacidade de comunicação funcional, ou seja, a capacidade de emitir e compreender uma mensagem de maneira independente e eficiente em resposta à demanda do cotidiano, é uma das queixas mais importantes de familiares e cuidadores, daí a necessidade de se disponibilizar instrumento, em língua portuguesa, que avalie a comunicação, em contexto natural, para fins de diagnóstico e de acompanhamento de indivíduos acometidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar a escala de Avaliação Funcional das Habilidades de Comunicação - ASHA FACS para uso na população brasileira. A ASHA FACS é composta pelos domínios: Comunicação Social, Comunicação de Necessidades Básicas, Leitura, Escrita e Conceitos Numéricos, e Planejamento Diário. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas a tradução e a adaptação da escala. Foram examinados 32 idosos com DA leve, 25 com DA moderada e 51 idosos sem demência. Os idosos com DA e os controles responderam ao Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM), à Escala Geriátrica de Depressão (GDS) e à Escala de Avaliação de Doença de Alzheimer (ADAS-cog). A ASHA FACS foi respondida pelo familiar/cuidador, tendo sido pesquisadas a consistência interna da escala, sua reprodutibilidade inter e intra-examinadores e a validade de critério, pela correlação com o MEEM e com a ADAS-cog, bem como a sensibilidade e a especificidade. Foi examinado o efeito da idade e da escolaridade no desempenho funcional da comunicação. O passo seguinte foi aplicar o instrumento em condições clínicas, com o intuito de detectar indivíduos com DA e estadiar as alterações de comunicação nas fases leve e moderada. RESULTADOS: Análises estatísticas indicaram que a ASHA FACS tem ótima consistência interna (alfa de Cronbrach = 0,955), ótima confiabilidade teste-reteste (coeficiente de correlação interclasse [ICC] = 0,995; p < 0,001) e interexaminadores (ICC = 0,998; p < 0,001), e ótima validade de critério ao ser correlacionada tanto com o MEEM como com a ADAScog. A escala ASHA FACS apresentou valores de sensibilidade (81,4%) e de especificidade (84,3%) considerados bons, já que se trata de avaliação ecológica ampla. Verificou-se que a variável escolaridade interfere no desempenho funcional da comunicação dos idosos saudáveis e com DA, mas o aumento da idade não tem a mesma influência nos dois grupos. A pontuação total da ASHA FACS diferenciou idosos saudáveis dos com DA leve e estes dos que apresentavam DA moderada. Os domínios que melhor diferenciaram os três grupos foram os de Comunicação Social e Planejamento Diário. CONCLUSÕES: A escala ASHA FACS, versão em Português, é válida e confiável para verificar alterações de comunicação em pacientes com DA, útil para fins diagnósticos e estadiamento de alterações ao longo da doença, tendo como objetivo o tratamento dos pacientes e a orientação aos familiares e cuidadores. A ASHA FACS vem preencher importante lacuna de indicadores de eficácia para intervenções fonoaudiológicas em nosso meio. / INTRODUCTION: Since the beginning of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), language problems intervene in engagement, social life and individual\'s protection and have impact on one\'s independence. Information about such alterations, obtained from a natural context, contributes for diagnosing AD. Limitation on the ability to communicate functionally, that is, limitation on ability to utter and understand a message independently and efficiently in response to everyday demand is one of the most important complaints of relatives and caregivers. Therefore, there is a need for providing an instrument in Portuguese that assess communication in a natural context for diagnosing and following patients with AD and their relatives/caregivers. This study aimed to validate the Functional Assessment of Communication Skills - ASHA FACS for a Brazilian population. The ASHA FACS is composed of four domains: Social Communication, Communication of Basic Needs, Reading, Writing and Number Concepts and Daily Planning. METHODS: The scale was translated and adapted into Portuguese. Then, 32 mild AD patients, 25 moderate AD patients and 51 elderly without dementia were examined. The AD patients and the control group answered the Minimental State Examination (MMSE), the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Alzheimer\'s disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog). The ASHA FACS assessment was answered by their relative/caregiver. The scale internal consistency, its inter and intra-examiners reproducibility and scale\'s criterion validity were researched by correlation with MMSE and Adas-cog. The sensitivity and specificity were also researched. Besides, the effect of scholarship and age in functional communication performance were analyzed. The next step was to apply the ASHA FACS in clinical conditions aiming at diagnosing persons with AD and determining the communication alterations in mild and moderate AD stages. RESULTS: Statistical analyses indicated that the ASHA FACS has excellent internal consistency (Cronbach\'s Alpha=0,955), test-retest reliability (interclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0,995; p<0,001) and inter-examiners (ICC=0,998; p<0,001). Besides, it showed excellent criterion validity when correlated with MMSE and Adascog. The ASHA FACS scale showed good sensitivity (81.4%) and specificity (84.3%) values once it is an ecological and broad evaluation. It was verified that scholarship intervened in functional communication performance of healthy elderly people and ones with DA, but the age\'s increase did not have the same influence on functional communication performance in both groups. The ASHA FACS total score differentiated healthy elderly from mild AD patients and mild AD from moderate AD patients. Social Communication and Daily Planning were the domains that better differentiated the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The ASHA FACS Portuguese version is a valid and reliable instrument to verify communication alterations in DA patients. It is useful for diagnosis and track alterations along the disease aiming patient\'s treatment and relative\'s and caregiver\'s orientation. Besides the use for diagnosis purpose, the ASHA FACS fills an important gap of efficiency indicators for speech language therapy in our country.

Depressão e incapacidade funcional em idosos : um estudo de base populacional / Depression and functional disability in the elderly - a population-based study

Simone Almeida da Silva 22 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Com o rápido processo de envelhecimento populacional, a incapacidade funcional em idosos tem se tornado um importante problema de saúde pública globalmente. Depressão é uma morbidade bastante prevalente nessa fase da vida e pode estar associada com uma proporção significativa da incapacidade funcional na população de idosos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os níveis de incapacidade funcional, os principais fatores associados e o impacto dos transtornos mentais na incapacidade funcional de idosos vivendo na comunidade; examinar os fatores preditores de incapacidade funcional em um período de dois anos. MÉTODO: A presente investigação é parte da coorte prospectiva de base populacional \"São Paulo Ageing & Health Study\" (SPAH), que incluiu idosos com 65 anos ou mais, residentes de uma área economicamente menos favorecida na região Oeste da cidade de São Paulo. Os participantes foram identificados por arrolamento domiciliar e entrevistados em seus domicílios seguindo protocolo padronizado de pesquisa. A avaliação de incapacidade funcional foi realizada com o instrumento \"World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0\", criado para avaliar níveis de incapacidade conforme as definições e critérios da International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health da Organização Mundial de Saúde, na sua versão com 12 itens. Depressão pelos critérios diagnósticos da CID-10 e sintomas depressivos foram avaliados com o instrumento Geriatric Mental State. Foram examinadas as associações independentes entre os transtornos mentais e incapacidade funcional através de modelos de regressão multivariada e modelos longitudinais multinível. Também foi calculada a Fração Atribuível na População dos transtornos mentais na incapacidade funcional dos idosos. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 2.072 idosos no período de 2003 a 2005. Mobilidade, atividades de vida diárias e participação na sociedade foram os domínios de incapacidade funcional mais afetados nessa população. A prevalência de depressão clinicamente significativa foi 26,2% (IC 95% 24,3 - 28,1), sendo 4,8% para depressão CID-10 e 21,4% para sintomas depressivos. Demência, depressão CID-10 e problema em membros apresentaram as associações de maior magnitude com as médias dos escores totais padronizados de incapacidade funcional, seguidos por sintomas depressivos, AVC e DPOC. Sintomas depressivos e depressão CID-10 foram responsáveis por 25,0% do total de incapacidade funcional grave nessa população. Dos idosos incluídos no SPAH, 1.661 foram reavaliados após dois anos. No seguimento, 56,1% dos idosos permaneceram com o mesmo nível de incapacidade funcional, 21,8% melhoraram e 22,1% pioraram. Os idosos que apresentaram sintomas depressivos, depressão CID-10 e demência na inclusão tiveram maior chance de piora da incapacidade funcional após dois anos, independentemente da categoria de incapacidade na inclusão do estudo e das morbidades físicas presentes. CONCLUSÃO: Os transtornos mentais em idosos, principalmente os sintomas depressivos e a depressão CID-10, apresentam associações e impacto importantes na incapacidade funcional. Além disso, são fatores preditores de piora na incapacidade funcional em idosos. Sabe-se que depressão e sintomas depressivos são doenças potencialmente preveníveis e tratáveis, e que sua adequada abordagem em idosos pode culminar com a diminuição da incapacidade funcional, melhora da qualidade de vida e diminuição dos custos em saúde / BACKGROUND: With the fast population aging, functional disability in the elderly has become a major public health issue globally. Depression is a very prevalent morbidity in this life period and may be associated with a significant proportion of functional disability in the elderly population. AIMS: To assess the level of functional disability, the main comorbidities associated and the impact of mental disorders on functional disability in the elderly living in the community; to investigate the predictors of functional disability in a period of two years. METHOD: The present investigation is part of a population-based prospective cohort study \"São Paulo Ageing & Health Study\" (SPAH), which included participants aged 65 or older living in an economically underprivileged area in the western region of São Paulo city. Participants were identified by household enrollment and interviewed in their homes using a standardized research protocol. The assessment of disability was performed with the 12-item version of the \"World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0,\" created to assess levels of disability according to the definitions and criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of the World Health Organization. ICD-10 depression and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Mental State instrument. We examined the independent associations between mental disorders and functional disability through multivariate regression models and longitudinal multilevel models. We also calculated the Population Attributable Fraction of mental disorders on functional disability in elderly. RESULTS: We included 2072 elderly from 2003 to 2005. Mobility, activities of daily living and participation in society were the most affected domains of functional disability in this population. The prevalence of clinically significant depression was 26,2% (CI 95% 24,3 to 28,1), 4,8% for ICD-10 depression and 21,4% for depressive symptoms. Dementia, ICD-10 depression and limb problems were highly associated with the mean of functional disability overall standardized scores, followed by depressive symptoms, stroke and COPD. Depressive symptoms and ICD-10 depression accounted for 25,0% of severe functional disability in this population. Among the elderly included in SPAH, 1661 were reassessed after two years. In this follow-up, 56,1% of the elderly remained with the same level of functional disability, 21,8% improved and 22,1% worsened. The elderly who presented depressive symptoms, ICD-10 depression and dementia at baseline had a higher risk of worsening disability after two years, independently of the category of disability and physical morbidities at baseline. CONCLUSION: Mental disorders in older adults, particularly depressive symptoms and ICD-10 depression, have significant associations and impact on functional disability. Also, they are predictive factors of worsening disability. It is known that depression and depressive symptoms are potentially preventable and treatable diseases and a proper approach may lead to a decreased functional disability, improved quality of life and decreased healthcare costs

O impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade funcional de idosos: a importância de políticas públicas que valorizem o Aging in place / The impact of environmental factors in the disability in older people: the importance of the public housing policies for aging in place

Michele Lacerda Pereira Ferrer 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A incapacidade no idoso é multidimensional, envolvendo aspectos de saúde física, emocional, cognitiva, ambiental e social. Os fatores ambientais têm um impacto importante como facilitadores ou barreiras nas atividades e participação social do idoso, especialmente relacionado ao ambiente de moradia e a capacidade de continuar vivendo no próprio domicilio apesar do envelhecimento (Aging in place). Políticas públicas devem ser pensadas levando a questão do Aging in place em consideração. Objetivos: investigar o impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade de idosos que residem em conjuntos habitacionais verticais de interesse social que não contam com quesitos de acessibilidade como o elevador, sob a perspectiva da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Método: Para alcance dos objetivos propostos foi necessário a realização da validação de construto e identificação das propriedades psicométricas e de normatização do WHODAS 2.0- 12 itens para avaliação da incapacidade em idosos brasileiros. Após esta etapa, foi realizada a análise dos fatores ambientais sugeridos pela CIF e reconhecidos por moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais e sua associação com a incapacidade funcional. Os estudos transversais aqui apresentados foram realizados com duas amostras distintas: Amostra 1 para o processo de validação de construto e normatização do WHODAS 2.0 contou com 350 idosos assistidos pelo Centro de referência do Idoso na cidade de São Paulo. Com dados desta amostra foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e teoria de resposta ao item e análise de variância para validação de construto e observação da distribuição dos escores na amostra. Amostra 2 contando com 96 idosos residentes em um conjunto habitacional com 26 edifícios verticais com até 4 andares em Bragança Paulista (SP) para análise do impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade dos idosos. Com os dados desta amostra foi realizada análise de regressão linear multivariada para identificação dos fatores ambientais mais associados ao aumento do escore de incapacidade. Resultados: O WHODAS 2.0, 12 itens apresentou boa adequação das cargas fatorais em um modelo unidimensional somente com 10 itens dos 12 avaliados. A retirada do item 6 (concentrar-se) e 10 (lidar com pessoas estranhas) na análise fatorial exploratória melhorou o desempenho do teste com variância explicada de 70 por cento (x2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, RMSEA = 0,06; Alpha de Cronbach = 0,95 e Mc Donald = 0,92). Na análise da associação entre barreiras ambientais e incapacidade observou-se que fatores ambientais como escadas, acesso ao transporte público, ruídos, clima e preconceito reconhecidos como barreira foram associados a um aumento no escore do WHODAS 2.0-BO. Conclusão: A presença de barreiras ambientais como dificuldade de acesso ao transporte público, presença de escadas na entrada da casa, ruídos, condições climáticas adversas e preconceito foram associadas a um aumento no escore de incapacidade, o que pode impedir idosos de continuar vivendo no próprio domicílio na presença de tais barreiras. Políticas públicas deveriam considerar o envelhecimento e as barreiras ambientais identificadas neste estudo para a garantia do Aging in place. / Introduction: Disability in older people is multidimensional with physical, emotional, cognitive, environmental and social aspects. The environmental factors could have an important impact as facilitators or barriers in their activities and social participation, specially related to the habitation and the aging in place. Public housing policies should be made based on aging in place. Objectives: to investigate the impact of environmental factors in disability of older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex building for low-income families with no elevator, by International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) perspective. Method: As a first step to this study purpose, analyses of the psychometric properties and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0- 12 item were necessary to validate this instrument and assess disability in Brazilian older people. After that, the analysis of the environmental factors (as suggested by ICF) recognized by older people living in apartment complex building and their association with disability was done. The cross-sectional studies here presented were done with two different samples: Sample 1 was used to identify the construct validation and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0 12 item. This sample had 350 individuals attending a community based reference center for older people in São Paulo. The construct validity was tested with Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Parallel Analysis, Item Response Theory. Sample 2 was used to analyse the perceived environmental factors and the disability. It had 96 older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex for low income families in Bragança Paulista. The regression linear analysis was done to identify the environmental barriers associated to disability in the older people. Results: The WHODAS 2.0, 12-item version, is a unidimensional scale, and goodness of fit occurs only with 10 items evaluating disability in older people. Withdrawn items 6 (concentration) and 10 (leading with strangers) established an appropriate adjustment, with high and excellent values for all indicators. The explained variance was 70 per cent and confirmatory analysis showed X2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, and RMSEA = 0,06; reliability indexes Cronbachs ( = 0.95) and McDonalds ( = 0,92) were adequate. This new version was named WHODAS 2.0-BO (Brazilian version for older people). At the environmental barriers and disability association study was observed the association between perceived barriers as public transportation, stairs, noise, climate and prejudice and disability with the increased WHODAS 2.0-BO score. Conclusion: older people who recognize environmental barriers such as access to public transportation, stairs, noise, adverse climate and prejudice have an increase in disability score, which can prevent them from aging in place. The public policies should consider the aging and the environmental barriers identified by this study in order to assure aging in place.

Determining the process of rehabilitation and the outcomes of patients at a specialised in-patient centre in the Western Cape

Conran, Joseph January 2012 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / The World Health Organisation estimates that the majority of the disabled population resides in the developing world, but most of the research on outcomes of patients originates from the developed world. In the light of the differences in healthcare structures and function, especially rehabilitation between settings and countries, it is imperative to have an understanding of the functioning of patients at discharge with the objective of measuring the level at which outcomes are met. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the process of rehabilitation and the outcome of patients following in-patient rehabilitation at a facility in the Western Cape. A quantitative research design was employed to address the objectives. Self-administered questionnaires were developed to collate information pertaining to the demographic-, socioeconomic- and medical profile of patients and data extraction sheets collected information relating to the process of rehabilitation and the impairment status of patients on admission. With regards to activity and participation, a longitudinal study design was used, which utilised standardised outcomes measures. The sample consisted of all patients with stroke and spinal cord injury admitted within a three-month period, and all ethical principles relating to research on human subjects, as stipulated in the Helsinki Declaration were adhered to during data collection, with ethical clearance obtained from relevant authorities. The SAS and the Microsoft Excel Package 2007 were used to analyse the quantitative data elements. Descriptive statistics using frequencies, percentages, ranges, means, and standard deviations and inferential statistics using chi-square, student T-tests and correlation tests, for determining the predictors of functional outcome, were calculated. There were 175 patients, whereof 82 were patients with stroke and 93 with spinal cord injury, with 143 (76 presenting with spinal cord injury and 67 with stroke) meeting the inclusion criteria on admission. The mean age of those with spinal cord injury and stroke was 34.14 and 52.95 years. Most of the patients with spinal cord injuries were single (73.68%), whereas the majority (53.73%) of patients with strokes were married at the time of injury. All patients were managed by the doctor and the nurse, with most of the patients receiving physiotherapy, occupational therapy and social assistance from the social worker. With regards to recreational activities, 46.87% of patients with spinal cord injury and 39.39% of those with stroke attended the learn to swim programme, and 29.68% of patients with spinal cord injury attended the wheelchair basketball sessions. The mean length of hospital stay for patients with spinal cord injury and stroke was 73.11 and 51. 62 days, with most of the spinal cord injured patients (80.26%) and stroke patients (82.08%) discharged home without follow-up rehabilitation. The most prevalent impairments on admission of the spinal cord injury cohort were muscle weakness (75.0%), bladder incontinence (71.1%) and reduced sensation (69.7%), whereas patients with stroke presented mostly with muscle paralysis (80.6%), abnormal tone (76.1%) and aphasia (50.8%). Functional limitations experienced by the participants included, mobility, stair climbing and transfers. The participants experienced participation restrictions in the following domains, leisure activities and employment. A clinical significant improvement was noted in execution of functional task of patients with spinal cord injury (p< 0.0001) and stroke (p< 0.0001) between admission and discharge. A significant statistical change was also detected for the participation elements of both stroke and spinal cord injury cohorts. Functional ability on admission was found to be a predictor of functional outcome of the stroke diagnostic group at discharge, whereas the multiple redictor model of functional outcome of the spinal cord injured cohort at discharge was significant with remaining variables of functional outcome score on admission (p<0.0001) and bladder -and bowel impairment(s) (p=0.0247). The study findings suggest that despite the significant change in activity and participation, most of the patients were discharged home without further follow-up for rehabilitation, irrespective of the activity limitations and participation restrictions still experienced at the time of discharge. The latter finding questions the duration of the length of hospital stay, which does not allow patients to be independent in all meaningful activities and participatory actions and roles by the end of inpatient rehabilitation. The study findings could assist authorities to adapt the existing rehabilitation programme and referral process . / South Africa

The attitudes of typically-developing children towards participation with their siblings with severe speech and language disabilities

Hansen, Maryke 29 August 2012 (has links)
Sibling relationships and the interaction within these relationships play a central role in children’s general development and will therefore impact on functional outcomes of children with severe speech and language disabilities. Siblings of children with disabilities have often felt excluded from family interactions, possibly causing negative attitudes towards participation with their siblings, in turn impacting negatively on the functional outcomes of their siblings with disabilities. The main aim of this research is to determine the attitudes of typically-developing children towards participation with their younger siblings with severe speech and language disabilities in four everyday life situations, namely: play (major life areas), communication, activities of daily living as part of domestic life and interpersonal relationships (time and responsibility issues). Twenty-seven older, typically-developing siblings of children with severe speech and language disabilities were selected to complete the measuring instrument (SAS). The results indicated that the participants held the most positive attitudes towards participation in play (major life areas) but that they held less positive attitudes towards communication participation and that they were least positive about participation in interpersonal relationships (time and responsibility issues). This study succeeded in documenting attitudes of siblings towards participating in four everyday life situations with their younger sibling. It is envisaged that these results will provide tentative guidelines for how activity-based interventions can best be structured to support both the child with a disability and their sibling. Copyright / Dissertation (Master of Arts)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / unrestricted

Estudo da deglutição em idosos com e sem doença neurológica : videofluoroscopia e Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) / Swallowing study in elderly with and without neurological disease : videofluoroscopy and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

Lima, Daniella Priscila de, 1980- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lucia Figueiredo Mourão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T23:25:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lima_DaniellaPriscilade_M.pdf: 1711012 bytes, checksum: 5823b535276013fc9abfaf369781e7a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: No envelhecimento normal, alterações fisiológicas tendem a interferir na deglutição, mas o indivíduo idoso pode ser capaz de manter uma alimentação segura. Todavia, em associação com um quadro neurológico, eleva-se o risco de desenvolvimento de disfagia nessa população. Sabe-se que a funcionalidade da deglutição pode estar associada também à interação com fatores contextuais, o que permite descrever seus múltiplos impactos na vida do indivíduo. Essa concepção vai ao encontro do que preconiza a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar a deglutição de idosos com e sem doença neurológica com base na videofluoroscopia (VFC) e na aplicação da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Pretende-se, ainda, verificar se as categorias da CIF, o exame de videofluoroscopia e as escalas de deglutição padronizadas discriminam ou não os grupos de idosos com e sem doença neurológica e se há categorias da CIF ou da VFC que se correlacionam com a presença de penetração e aspiração. Métodos: Compuseram a amostra 63 idosos, organizados em indivíduos sem doença neurológica e com doença neurológica (Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica, Síndromes Parkinsonianas e Acidente Vascular Cerebral). A avaliação da deglutição foi composta por anamnese, avaliação clínica (indireta e direta) e exame de videofluoroscopia (no qual foram quantificados 17 parâmetros). Aplicou-se as escalas Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS), Escala de Penetração e Aspiração e Escala de Severidade da Disfagia. Posteriormente, os participantes foram classificados em relação a 39 categorias da CIF pertencentes a todos os agrupamentos - Funções do corpo (b); Estruturas do Corpo (s); Atividades e Participação (d) e Fatores Ambientais (e). Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística, com aplicação do Teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de correlação de Spearman. Resultados: No grupo de idosos sem doença neurológica, a maioria dos participantes apresentou graus 0 (ausência de alterações) e 1 (alteração leve) em todas as categorias da CIF pertencentes às Funções do Corpo (b), Estruturas do Corpo (s) e Atividades e Participação (d) e graus 0 e 1 nos parâmetros do exame de videofluoroscopia. Houve diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) entre os grupos neurológicos e o grupo de idosos em relação aos qualificadores da CIF, distribuídas em todos os agrupamentos, sendo: grupo Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica- 23 categorias (59%); grupo Síndromes Parkinsonianas - 25 categorias (64%) e grupo Acidente Vascular Cerebral - 20 categorias (51,3%). Os parâmetros da videofluoroscopia também se diferenciaram entre os idosos com doença neurológica e o grupo de idosos sem doença neurológica no grupo Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica em 9 parâmetros (52,9%); no grupo Síndromes Parkinsonianas em 8 parâmetros (47,05%) e no grupo Acidente Vascular Cerebral em 7 parâmetros (41,2%). Identificaram-se diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) em relação ao grupo de idosos sem doença neurológica envolvendo as escalas Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) e Escala de Severidade da Disfagia. Houve significância no teste de correlação entre os itens da CIF e a ocorrência de penetração/aspiração, sendo as categorias "Deglutição oral" e "Deglutição faríngea" as mais predominantes. Houve correlação entre os parâmetros da videofluoroscopia e a ocorrência de penetração/aspiração, sendo o item "Fechamento do vestíbulo laríngeo" o mais predominante. A análise descritiva sugeriu que os grupos apresentaram diferenças na gravidade das alterações em relação a diversas categorias da CIF. Conclusão: Os resultados indicaram que idosos sem doença neurológica apresentam ausência de alterações ou alterações consideradas leves em comparação aos grupos com doença neurológica. O uso de avaliações padronizadas associadas à CIF pode contribuir para a discriminação dos grupos de idosos bem como ampliar a compreensão de diversos aspectos associados à deglutição / Abstract: In normal aging, physiological changes tend to interfere with swallowing, but elderly individuals may be able to keep feeding safely. However, in association with a neurological condition, the risk of dysphagia arises in this population. The swallowing function can be related to contextual factors, which describe multiple impacts on an individual's life. This view is consistent with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Purpose: This work aims to characterize the swallowing in elderly with and without neurological disease based on videofluoroscopy (FSS) and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Also, we want to verify if ICF categories, FSS and swallowing scales are able to discriminate elderly with and without neurological disease. Besides, we want to know if there is any correlation between ICF categories and the presence of penetration and aspiration. Methods: The sample is composed of 63 elderly men and women, organized in individuals with and without neurological disease and neurological disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-ALS, Parkinsonian Syndromes and Cerebral Vascular Accident-Stroke). The evaluation of swallowing was done through anamnesis, clinical evaluation (direct and indirect) and videofluoroscopy (in which 17 parameters were quantified). We also applied the Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS), Penetration Scale and Aspiration and Severity of Dysphagia Scale. The subjects were classified according to 39 ICF categories belonging to Body Functions (b), Body Structures (s), Activities and Participation (d) and Environmental factors (e). We used the Mann-Whitney test to compare each disease group with the group without neurological disease regarding ICF categories. We also compared groups regarding the 17 parameters of videofluoroscopy and the three swallowing scales. We used the Spearman correlation test to identify ICF categories and videofluoroscopy parameters associated with the occurrence of penetration or aspiration. ICF qualifiers assigned to individuals were also analyzed descriptively. Results: In the elderly group without neurological disease, most participants had degrees 0 (no change) and 1 (low change) in all ICF categories belonging to Body Functions (b), Body Structures (s) and Activities and Participation (d) and grades 0 and 1 in the parameters of videofluoroscopy. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between neurological groups and the control group in relation to ICF qualifiers, distributed in categories in all groups, as follows: ALS group, 23 categories (59%); Parkinsonian Syndromes group - 25 categories (64%) and Stroke group - 20 categories (51.3%). Videofluoroscopy parameters also differed significantly (p < 0.05) between neurological disease and control groups: ALS group with 9 parameters (52.9%); Parkinsonian Syndromes group with 8 parameters (47.05%) and Stroke group with 7 parameters (41.2%). Furthermore, we identified significant differences (p < 0.05) in the neurological group versus the control group involving the scales Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) and Severity of Dysphagia Scale. We also found a correlation between ICF categories and the occurrence of penetration / aspiration: categories "Oral Swallowing" and "Pharyngeal Swallowing" were the most prevalent. There was also a correlation between videofluoroscopy parameters and the occurrence of penetration / aspiration: the item "Laryngeal Vestibular Closure" was predominant. Descriptive analysis suggested that the normal and neurological disease groups had differences in relation to various ICF categories. Conclusion: Elderly without neurological disease have essentially no changes or low changes compared to neurological disease groups. The use of standardized assessments associated with the ICF can contribute to discriminate elderly groups and improve the understanding of many aspects of swallowing / Mestrado / Gerontologia / Mestra em Gerontologia

O impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade funcional de idosos: a importância de políticas públicas que valorizem o Aging in place / The impact of environmental factors in the disability in older people: the importance of the public housing policies for aging in place

Ferrer, Michele Lacerda Pereira 02 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A incapacidade no idoso é multidimensional, envolvendo aspectos de saúde física, emocional, cognitiva, ambiental e social. Os fatores ambientais têm um impacto importante como facilitadores ou barreiras nas atividades e participação social do idoso, especialmente relacionado ao ambiente de moradia e a capacidade de continuar vivendo no próprio domicilio apesar do envelhecimento (Aging in place). Políticas públicas devem ser pensadas levando a questão do Aging in place em consideração. Objetivos: investigar o impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade de idosos que residem em conjuntos habitacionais verticais de interesse social que não contam com quesitos de acessibilidade como o elevador, sob a perspectiva da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Método: Para alcance dos objetivos propostos foi necessário a realização da validação de construto e identificação das propriedades psicométricas e de normatização do WHODAS 2.0- 12 itens para avaliação da incapacidade em idosos brasileiros. Após esta etapa, foi realizada a análise dos fatores ambientais sugeridos pela CIF e reconhecidos por moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais e sua associação com a incapacidade funcional. Os estudos transversais aqui apresentados foram realizados com duas amostras distintas: Amostra 1 para o processo de validação de construto e normatização do WHODAS 2.0 contou com 350 idosos assistidos pelo Centro de referência do Idoso na cidade de São Paulo. Com dados desta amostra foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e teoria de resposta ao item e análise de variância para validação de construto e observação da distribuição dos escores na amostra. Amostra 2 contando com 96 idosos residentes em um conjunto habitacional com 26 edifícios verticais com até 4 andares em Bragança Paulista (SP) para análise do impacto dos fatores ambientais na incapacidade dos idosos. Com os dados desta amostra foi realizada análise de regressão linear multivariada para identificação dos fatores ambientais mais associados ao aumento do escore de incapacidade. Resultados: O WHODAS 2.0, 12 itens apresentou boa adequação das cargas fatorais em um modelo unidimensional somente com 10 itens dos 12 avaliados. A retirada do item 6 (concentrar-se) e 10 (lidar com pessoas estranhas) na análise fatorial exploratória melhorou o desempenho do teste com variância explicada de 70 por cento (x2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, RMSEA = 0,06; Alpha de Cronbach = 0,95 e Mc Donald = 0,92). Na análise da associação entre barreiras ambientais e incapacidade observou-se que fatores ambientais como escadas, acesso ao transporte público, ruídos, clima e preconceito reconhecidos como barreira foram associados a um aumento no escore do WHODAS 2.0-BO. Conclusão: A presença de barreiras ambientais como dificuldade de acesso ao transporte público, presença de escadas na entrada da casa, ruídos, condições climáticas adversas e preconceito foram associadas a um aumento no escore de incapacidade, o que pode impedir idosos de continuar vivendo no próprio domicílio na presença de tais barreiras. Políticas públicas deveriam considerar o envelhecimento e as barreiras ambientais identificadas neste estudo para a garantia do Aging in place. / Introduction: Disability in older people is multidimensional with physical, emotional, cognitive, environmental and social aspects. The environmental factors could have an important impact as facilitators or barriers in their activities and social participation, specially related to the habitation and the aging in place. Public housing policies should be made based on aging in place. Objectives: to investigate the impact of environmental factors in disability of older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex building for low-income families with no elevator, by International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) perspective. Method: As a first step to this study purpose, analyses of the psychometric properties and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0- 12 item were necessary to validate this instrument and assess disability in Brazilian older people. After that, the analysis of the environmental factors (as suggested by ICF) recognized by older people living in apartment complex building and their association with disability was done. The cross-sectional studies here presented were done with two different samples: Sample 1 was used to identify the construct validation and normative data of the WHODAS 2.0 12 item. This sample had 350 individuals attending a community based reference center for older people in São Paulo. The construct validity was tested with Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Parallel Analysis, Item Response Theory. Sample 2 was used to analyse the perceived environmental factors and the disability. It had 96 older people living in a multi-storey apartment complex for low income families in Bragança Paulista. The regression linear analysis was done to identify the environmental barriers associated to disability in the older people. Results: The WHODAS 2.0, 12-item version, is a unidimensional scale, and goodness of fit occurs only with 10 items evaluating disability in older people. Withdrawn items 6 (concentration) and 10 (leading with strangers) established an appropriate adjustment, with high and excellent values for all indicators. The explained variance was 70 per cent and confirmatory analysis showed X2/df = 2,45; p < 0,001, NNFI = 0,98, CFI = 0,99, GFI = 0,99, and RMSEA = 0,06; reliability indexes Cronbachs ( = 0.95) and McDonalds ( = 0,92) were adequate. This new version was named WHODAS 2.0-BO (Brazilian version for older people). At the environmental barriers and disability association study was observed the association between perceived barriers as public transportation, stairs, noise, climate and prejudice and disability with the increased WHODAS 2.0-BO score. Conclusion: older people who recognize environmental barriers such as access to public transportation, stairs, noise, adverse climate and prejudice have an increase in disability score, which can prevent them from aging in place. The public policies should consider the aging and the environmental barriers identified by this study in order to assure aging in place.


Fayed, Nora 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Background: Health status and quality of life (QOL) instruments developed for children were created with many different conceptual perspectives. These perspectives were based on contextual understandings of the terms health and QOL at different points in time. As a result, there is a wide variety in the perspectives, health and life domains that are measured with these instruments.</p> <p>Purpose: This thesis is dedicated to resolving conceptual inconsistencies that arise from various instruments using content analysis techniques.</p> <p>Method: A method for analyzing the content of self-report instruments has been created and validated for adult measures. This method uses the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as the conceptual framework and the standard terminology to code each item from each instrument. Content analysis using this method will be reviewed, revised and validated for child health status and QOL instruments.</p> <p>Results: The content analysis method was revised to resolve issues regarding the perspective of instruments (e.g. health status versus QOL). Once applied to child self-report instruments, many inconsistencies between measures and their application were discovered.</p> <p>Discussion: The field of child health and QOL measurement applies and interprets the use of health status and QOL instruments inconsistently and this impacts upon content validity. Additionally, the repercussions of conceptual inconsistencies have an important effect on consequential validity in child health.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Partnering with families to mobilize a holistic family-centred approach to childhood disability: A multi-faceted integrated knowledge translation project

Cross, Andrea 11 1900 (has links)
Background: This thesis aimed to develop, implement, and evaluate a multi-faceted integrated knowledge translation (iKT) intervention to disseminate and support adoption of the ‘F-words in Childhood Disability’. Grounded in the WHO’s ICF framework, the ‘F-words’ (Function, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future) offer a holistic family-centred approach to childhood disability. Methods: This thesis was guided by the action cycle of Graham et al.’s (2006) knowledge-to-action (KTA) framework. Chapter 2 reports a knowledge translation (KT) initiative (i.e., an online video) to disseminate the ‘F-words’ and explore people’s reception of these ideas. Chapter 3’s scoping review identifies and assesses KT strategies that directly target families raising children and youth with special health care needs. Chapter 4 describes a pilot study to evaluate the usability and utility of an online ‘F-words’ KT resource. Chapter 5 reports a case study of our longitudinal KT research program, and uses Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory to understand the factors that contributed to the adoption of the ‘F-words’. Results: Multi-faceted KT strategies, co-developed with stakeholders, were essential to moving the ‘F-words’ into practice. The video (Chapter 2) reached >700 views in two months and 98% of 137 survey respondents indicated they ‘extremely liked’/‘liked’ the ideas. The scoping review (Chapter 3) identified six studies, all of which evaluated educational materials and deemed them to be useful and important to families. The pilot evaluation (Chapter 4) revealed the online resource to have positive usability and utility for families and service providers. The case study (Chapter 5) highlighted that diffusion, dissemination and implementation strategies were all needed and that DOI factors (i.e., the innovation characteristics, communication channels, social networks, and time) contributed to the adoption of the ‘F-words’. Based on a multi-faceted integrated KT research program we now have extensive examples of ‘F-words’ adoption by families, service providers, and health care organizations. Conclusions: This thesis illustrates a step-wise theory-informed approach to the development and evaluation of a multi-faceted iKT intervention. By studying each step of the action cycle, this work contributes new knowledge to both the processes involved in disseminating research evidence, and associated outcomes from a multi-faceted iKT intervention. Findings from this thesis contribute new discoveries to both KT practice and science. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In the 21st century, research supports a holistic family-centred approach to childhood disability. Unfortunately, a research to practice gap remains, and the professional-led biomedical approach still informs many practices. In 2012, Rosenbaum and Gorter published “The ‘F-words’ in childhood disability: I swear this is how we should think!” They highlighted the importance of ‘Function, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future’, grounded in the World Health Organization’s framework for health. This thesis developed and evaluated a knowledge translation research program to move the ‘F-words’ into practice. Objectives, all achieved, were to: i) apply strategies to spread awareness of the ‘F-words’ and explore people’s reception of these ideas; ii) identify and assess strategies to share research with families; iii) develop and evaluate an online resource to support use of the ‘F-words’; and iv) study the processes involved and factors that contributed to the ‘F-words’ adoption. These findings have implications for both doing and studying knowledge translation.

Programa de educação de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral baseado na classificação internacional de funcionalidade, incapacidade e saúde / A Program Education for Stroke Patients based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

Ferreira, Luana Talita Diniz 24 March 2017 (has links)
O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é considerado uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo. Avanços tecnológicos tem contribuído para a reabilitação de pacientes que convivem com incapacidades secundárias a esta doença, entretanto outros recursos para melhorar a qualidade de vida destas pessoas estão em desenvolvimento. Programas de educação em saúde são ferramentas valiosas para o autocuidado ajudando no processo de reabilitação e de independência. Este estudo teve como objetivo adaptar e testar o Programa de Educação para pacientes com base na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, desenvolvido por pesquisadores da Universidade de Munique. A primeira fase do estudo consistiu na tradução ao português e a adaptação do material utilizado para o serviço onde o programa seria testado. A segunda fase consistiu na realização de teste na prática clínica. Foi conduzido um estudo de intervenção, randomizado, com 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de AVC, em que foi avaliado o efeito do programa sobre a sensação de bem-estar subjetiva, qualidade de vida e impacto sobre o AVC. As informações foram obtidas por meio das ferramentas: Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo, Escala de Impacto de AVC e Escala de Qualidade de Vida, e seus resultados comparados entre os dois grupos. Não houve diferença nos aspectos avaliados antes e depois do programa, quando comparados os dois grupos. Ainda assim podemos afirmar que processos educativos constituem ferramentas úteis para pacientes que necessitem conhecer suas potencialidades e desenvolver habilidades para gerenciar a sua saúde de forma mais independente / Stroke is considered one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Technological advances have contributed to the rehabilitation of patients living with disabilities secondary to this disease, however other resources to improve the quality of life of these people are in development. Health education programs are valuable tools for self-care helping in the process of rehabilitation and independence.This study aimed to adapt and test the Education Program for patients based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health developed by researchers at the University of Munich. The first phase of the study consisted of the translation into Portuguese and the adaptation of the material used for the service where the program would be tested. The second phase consisted of a test in clinical practice. A randomized, double-blind intervention study was conducted with 30 stroke patients, which evaluated the effect of the program on subjective well-being, quality of life and impact on stroke. The information was obtained through the tools: Subjective Well-Being Scale, Stroke Impact Scale and Quality of Life Scale, and their results compared between the two groups. There was no difference in the aspects evaluated before and after the program, when comparing the two groups. Nevertheless, we can affirm that educational processes are useful tools for patients who need to know their potential and develop skills to manage their health more independently

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