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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les catastrophes dans le domaine du Droit international et son régime juridique / Disasters in the field of international law and its legal regime / Las catástrofes en el ámbito del Derecho Internacional y su régimen jurídico

Bautista Hernáez, Andrés 05 October 2018 (has links)
L'importance des catastrophes est un extrême qui peut difficilement être discuté. Ceci est largement dû à ses conséquences néfastes pour les personnes, leur propriété ou l'environnement. Ainsi, des exemples tels que ceux de Tchernobyl, l'ouragan Katrina, le tremblement de terre en Haïti en 2010 ou le tsunami et l'accident de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima I en 2011, démontrent l'importance et la pertinence de ce problème.Les catastrophes se situent dans une situation transversale qui affecte les questions fondamentales du Droit international, comme la formulation de normes internationales ou les fonctions de ce secteur, entre autres. En outre, au cours des dernières années, le débat doctrinal concernant la réglementation des catastrophes par le droit international s'est intensifié. Cela met en évidence la fragmentation et la limitation de la réglementation juridique internationale sur ce sujet. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire d’effectuer une étude générale de ces événements qui permet une régulation holistique, dans laquelle les différents types et hypothèses ont une place. L'objectif de ce travail est donc de déterminer la réponse donnée par le Droit international dans les situations de catastrophe. À cette fin, une analyse de la pratique normative et institutionnelle existante a été établie. Ce travail tente de répondre à certaines questions autour des catastrophes telles que sa définition, quelles sont les normes en la matière ainsi que son efficacité. En outre, les développements institutionnels sont étudiés dans le domaine universel et régional centré sur les Nations Unies et l'Union Européenne. / Disasters’ significance is an aspect that can hardly be discussed. This is largely due to its harmful consequences for people, property or the environment. Accordingly, examples such as those of Chernobyl, Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 or the tsunami and subsequent accident at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant in 2011, demonstrate the importance and relevance of this problem.The disasters shall be considered as a transversal topic that affects basic issues of International Law such as the formulation of international standards or its core functions, among others. In addition, in recent years the doctrinal debate regarding the regulation of disasters by International Law has been increasing. Academic papers highlight the fragmentation and limitation of such international legal regulation. Therefore, it is necessary a general study of these events that allows a holistic regulation, in which the different types and assumptions could have a place. This work aims to determine the response offered by International Law in the event of disasters. For that, an analysis of the existing normative and institutional practice has been established to give answer to some of the questions around these events such as its definition, what are the existing norms as well as its effectiveness. Along with the normative analysis, institutional developments are studied focused on the United Nations and the European Union. / La importancia de las catástrofes es un extremo que difícilmente puede discutirse. Ello debido en gran medida a sus consecuencias perjudiciales para las personas, los bienes o el medioambiente. De este modo, ejemplos como los de Chernóbil, el huracán Katrina, el terremoto de Haití de 2010 o el maremoto y posterior accidente en la central nuclear de Fukushima I en 2011, demuestran la trascendencia y actualidad de este problema. Las catástrofes se sitúan como una situación transversal que afecta a cuestiones básicas del Derecho Internacional tales como la formulación de normas internacionales o las funciones de este sector, entre otras. Además, en los últimos años el debate doctrinal respecto de la regulación de las catástrofes por el Derecho Internacional ha ido en aumento. En éste se destaca la fragmentación y limitación de dicha regulación jurídico-internacional. Por ello, resulta necesario un estudio general de estos eventos que permita una reglamentación holística, en la que tengan cabida los distintos tipos y supuestos. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la respuesta ofrecida por el Derecho Internacional ante situaciones de catástrofe. Para ello se ha establecido un análisis de la práctica normativa e institucional existente. Este trabajo trata de dar respuesta a algunos de los interrogantes en torno a las catástrofes tales como su definición, qué normas existen en la materia, así como su efectividad. Junto con el análisis normativo se estudian los desarrollos institucionales en la materia centrada en Naciones Unidas (en el ámbito universal) y en la Unión Europea (en el regional).

Optimization-Based Path Planning For Indoor UAVs in an Autonomous Exploration Framework / Optimeringsbaserad Vägplanering för Inomhus-UAV:er i ett Autonomt Utforskningsramverk

Cella, Marco January 2023 (has links)
Exploration is a fundamental problem in robotics that requires robots to navigate through unknown environments to autonomously gather information about their surroundings while executing collision-free paths. In this project, we propose a method for producing smooth paths during the exploration process in indoor environments using UAVs to improve battery efficiency and enhance the quality of pose estimation. The developed framework is built by merging two approaches that represent the state of the art in the field of autonomous exploration with UAVs. The overall exploration logic is given by GLocal, a paper that introduces a hybrid, i.e. both sampling-based and frontier-based, framework that is able to cope with the issue of odometry drift when exploring indoor environments due to the absence of absolute localization, e.g. through GNSS. The second approach is FUEL, which introduces a frontier-based exploration methodology which computes the ’drones path as an optimized non-uniform B-Spline. The framework described in this thesis borrows the optimized B-Spline trajectory generation from FUEL and implements it in GLocal. To do this, the original cost function defined by GLocal for each exploration viewpoint was modified and the resulting samples were used to select the initial control points of the B-Spline. Furthermore, we extended the underlying state machine governing the entire algorithm and we revisited the original re-planning logic. The presented system is evaluated in various simulated environments, showcasing the advantages and disadvantages of this method. These evaluations demonstrate its improved state estimation performance and absolute observed volume, albeit at the expense of longer traveled trajectories in big and complex environments. / Utforskning är ett grundläggande problem inom robotteknik som kräver att robotar navigerar genom okända miljöer för att autonomt samla in information om sin omgivning samtidigt som de utför kollisionsfria banor. I det här projektet föreslår vi en metod för att producera jämna banor under utforskningsprocessen i inomhusmiljöer med hjälp av UAV:er för att förbättra batterieffektiviteten och förbättra kvaliteten på posestimeringen. Det utvecklade ramverket bygger på en sammanslagning av två metoder som representerar den senaste tekniken inom autonom utforskning med UAV:er. Den övergripande utforskningslogiken ges av GLocal, en artikel som introducerar en hybrid, i.e. både samplingsbaserad och gränsbaserad, ram som kan hantera problemet med odometridrift vid utforskning av inomhusmiljöer på grund av frånvaron av absolut lokalisering, e.g. genom GNSS. Den andra metoden är FUEL, som introducerar en gränsbaserad utforskningsmetod som beräknar drönarens bana som en optimerad icke-uniform B-Spline. Ramverket som beskrivs i denna avhandling lånar den optimerade B-Spline-banegenereringen från FUEL och implementerar den i GLocal. För att göra detta modifierades den ursprungliga kostnadsfunktionen som definierades av GLocal för varje utforskningspunkt och de resulterande samplen användes för att välja de initiala kontrollpunkterna för B-Spline. Dessutom utökade vi den underliggande tillståndsmaskinen som styr hela algoritmen och vi reviderade den ursprungliga logiken för omplanering. Det presenterade systemet utvärderas i olika simulerade miljöer, vilket visar fördelarna och nackdelarna med denna metod. Dessa utvärderingar visar på förbättrad prestanda för tillståndsuppskattning och absolut observerad volym, om än på bekostnad av längre färdvägar i stora och komplexa miljöer.

Disaster Communication Networks: A Case Study of the Thai Red Cross and Their Disaster Communication Response to the Asian Tsunami

Matthews, Tami J. 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Disaster victims and vulnerable populations are audiences that communications professionals and scholars have ignored. Public relation practices dominate current disaster communication policy. This study examines the disaster communication network, including policy and practice, of the Thai Red Cross, before, during, and after the Asian tsunami. Disaster communication(s) is defined as the sharing and exchange of information with the victims immediately affected by a disaster. This definition focuses specifically on the vulnerable audience and allows response efforts to emerge from multiple disciplines. Focusing response efforts on victims' assessed needs and abilities allows for a multi-disciplinary approach to mitigate further suffering. The disciplines of health, development, and communications converge for efficient disaster management. This case study gives great insight into the cultural chasm between policy making and practical application and also reveals the value of personal initiative. A proposed model of disaster communication is offered. Significantly more research is needed in the area of disaster communications.

Crisis planning at private residential institutions of higher education in Northern California

Chun, Hans H. 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to analyze critical elements for crisis planning at seven private four-year residential colleges and universities in Northern California. The researcher reviewed each campus's written crisis plans and interviewed campus officials in charge of leading their respective institution's crisis planning efforts. The data revealed that the threat of natural disasters was a common impetus for formal crisis planning. Institutions borrowed information from other campuses and public and private organizations to develop institutional crisis plans. Outside agencies both contributed to and gained from collaboration with these institutions, although all institutions sought a degree of self-sufficiency for food and water supplies. Emergency Operations Centers were designed to focus staffing and resources in a single, in some cases moveable, location in the event of a crisis. Campuses in this study invested considerable resources in systems of communication with students, faculty, and staff, including sirens, digital displays, and Connect-ED, but individual subscription remained a barrier to the smooth functioning of Connect-ED. Multi-layered communication systems enhance a campus's ability to communicate with all stakeholders. Philosophies varied on specificity versus flexibility as the framework for crisis planning. Campuses used threat assessment teams as proactive intervention to identify students who pose a threat to themselves or others. The State of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), which became a template for the Federal National Incident Management System (NIMS), has become the unifying factor for crisis planning among these institutions. SEMS/NIMS, while not a mandate, emerged as a driving force for planning, because compliance with SEMS/NIMS is a requirement for receiving federal disaster emergency reimbursement for property damage. Practicing the plan, through tabletop and functional simulation exercises, allowed campus officials and civic safety agencies to develop a shared vocabulary and procedures. Crisis planning is a means to help a campus prepare for and respond to an incident in an effective manner, thus reducing harm to people and property damage. Although crisis planning cannot completely prevent incidents from occurring, appropriate and advanced planning and preparation can allow campus leaders to contain both the duration of and the damage caused by major crises.

Semantically-enriched and semi-Autonomous collaboration framework for the Web of Things. Design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-party collaboration framework with semantic annotation and representation of sensors in the Web of Things and a case study on disaster management

Amir, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes a collaboration framework for the Web of Things based on the concepts of Service-oriented Architecture and integrated with semantic web technologies to offer new possibilities in terms of efficient asset management during operations requiring multi-actor collaboration. The motivation for the project comes from the rise in disasters where effective cross-organisation collaboration can increase the efficiency of critical information dissemination. Organisational boundaries of participants as well as their IT capability and trust issues hinders the deployment of a multi-party collaboration framework, thereby preventing timely dissemination of critical data. In order to tackle some of these issues, this thesis proposes a new collaboration framework consisting of a resource-based data model, resource-oriented access control mechanism and semantic technologies utilising the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology that can be used simultaneously by multiple actors without impacting each other’s networks and thus increase the efficiency of disaster management and relief operations. The generic design of the framework enables future extensions, thus enabling its exploitation across many application domains. The performance of the framework is evaluated in two areas: the capability of the access control mechanism to scale with increasing number of devices, and the capability of the semantic annotation process to increase in efficiency as more information is provided. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework is fit for purpose.

Kapacitetsökningsförmåga och katastrofomställning inom intensivvården under COVID-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ uppsats med tillämpad PAR-modellanalys / The medical surge capacity and capability of the Swedish ICU: s under Covid-19: A qualitative thesis with applied PAR model analysis

Ögren, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska intensivvården drabbades 2020 av en svår kris när coronapandemin mångdubblade antalet svårt sjuka patienter i en redan hårt belastad verksamhet. För att hantera krisen behövde sjukvården ställa om till katastrofsjukvård. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en fördjupad bild av intensivvårdens kapacitetsökningsförmåga, katastrofomställning och anpassning under Covid -19. Ett intervjuresultat togs fram genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och med hjälp av PAR-modellen härleddes förutsättningarna för den katastrofomställning som genomfördes. Arbetet är en av de första studierna som undersöker coronapandemins effekter på intensivvården med en tydlig riskvetenskaplig metodik. Intervjuresultatet tolkades med hjälp av en kontextanpassad och tillämpad PAR-modell ochvisade att trots en oförberedd sjukvård och dåliga grundförutsättningar lyckas den undersökta verksamheten absorbera chocken och genomföra en katastrofomställning. Den anpassade sig till den grad att patienterna kunde få en kvalitativ vård tack vare stora uppoffringar och umbäranden från vårdpersonalen. / The Swedish intensive care was hit by a severe crisis when the corona pandemic 2020 multiplied the number of seriously ill patients in an already strained health care system. In order to cope with the crisis the healthcare system needed to undergo a surge and adapt to disaster medicine operations. The purpose of this essay was to give an in-depth picture of intensive care's medical surge capacity, transition to disaster medicine and adaptation during Covid -19 through semi-structured interviews. Using the PAR-model I derived the conditions for the disaster transition that was carried out. The work is one of the first studies with a clear risk science methodology that examines the effects of the corona pandemic on the intensive care. The result from the interviews was interpreted with the PARmodel that was adapted to the studies context and showed that despite an underprepared healthcare system and poor basic conditions, the investigated operations manage to absorb the shock and implement a transition to disaster medicine and adapt to the extent that patients could receive qualitative care thanks to great sacrifices and hardship of the healthcare staff.

The United Nations: The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Syed, Zahra R 01 January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the international effects the Syrian Conflict has had to the global community. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has declared this conflict to be the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Millions of Syrians have fled their home country to avoid unjust persecution and are looking to not only neighboring countries, but the European Union for assistance in resettlement. Since the outbreak of the conflict in Syria in 2011, more than 220,000 people have been massacred, leaving fifty percent of the population in unrest due to home displacement. According to Amnesty International, apart from the twelve million Syrians who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance inside the country, there are about four million refugees fleeing to countries such as Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq. These five countries are unable to maintain the capacity of refugees that are desperate to pour in from Syria. Further gulf countries such as Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia have refused to offer any resettlement venues for these migrants. Therefore, a plethora of European Union countries have received many asylum applications over the course of four years. Germany and Sweden have pledged resettlement locations for these refugees however relying on these two countries is not enough. This paper provides a historical background of the civil war in Syria, along with what the United Nations has done thus far to end the conflict. It will also analyze similar refugee situations in other countries in the region and compare it that in Syria. Finally, it will provide possible solutions of how the Refugee Agency, Human Rights Council, and Security Council can operate as a whole to distinguish this horrifying hostility in the region.

應急行動通訊系統設計 / Design of contingency cellular network

黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
當大型災害來臨,通訊系統對救災效益具有不可或缺的重要性。然而,一般公眾通訊系統,如行動通訊網路等,常因各種不同因素導致系統攤瘓,使得協調大批非組織的救災志工,顯得異常困難。現存多個緊急通訊系統的佈建,需仰頼良好的交通運輸。不幸的是,部分道路和橋樑常因大型災害而斷裂或變型,導致災區對外交通運輸中斷,無法快速的將緊急通訊系統的網路元件,運送至災區佈建。我們提出應急行動通訊系統(Contingency Cellular Network, CCN) 以提供災區救災工作的緊急通訊。部分行動基地台雖然結構完整,但因失去與核心網路連線能力或電力供應,而無法提供服務,成為孤立基地台。應急行動通訊網路(CCN) 搭配無線通訊與衛星通訊技術建置一多重跳接無線網路,以恢復孤立基地台與核心網路連線能力;並配備發電機,提供電力,使孤立基地台可提供有限的服務。救災志工和災民無需使用特殊手持設備或額外的訓練,只需使用原有的手機,即可使用CCN的應急通訊服務。CCN可於第一時間,提供大批救災志工和災民通訊服務,以提高救災效益,因而拯救更多寶貴的生命。 本論文主要聚焦在應急行動通訊系統設計所衍生出的相關議題,如 應急網路需求分析、系統架構設計、網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃等議題。本論文針對網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃問題以數學模式進行塑模並證明這些問題為NP-Hard問題。因網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃需緊急完成,我們也提出啟發式算法快速解決這些規劃問題。實驗結果顯示,這些啟發式算法均具良好的效能。 / Communication system is crucial to the efficiency of disaster response operation in the large-scale disaster. However, communication systems, such as cellular networks, usually crashed due to various causes making coordination among disorganized disaster responders extremely difficult. Unfortunately, rapid deployment of many existing emergency communication systems relies on a good transportation system, which is usually not available in a catastrophic natural disaster. We proposed a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) for emergency communication by connecting disconnected base stations together with wireless links to construct a wireless multi-hop cellular network. CCN can support existing mobile phone users with reduced capability. Such a system can support a large number of disaster responders in the early hours of a catastrophic natural disaster, thus save many lives. Our research addresses the design issues of the network topology of CCN, such as network topology planning, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling and etc., and we take the degree of emergency and population of each stricken area as the priority measure as well as the available resources as the constraint to determine the network topology. Mathematical models of these design issues are proposed and proved as NP-Hard problems. Since the network topology, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling are needed in urgent, we propose heuristic algorithms to solve these problems quickly. Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithms by simulation. A significant improvement in resiliency is reached.

A multi-criteria decision support system using knowledge management and project life cycle approach : application to humanitarian supply chain management / La conception et l’implémentation d’un outil d’aide a la décision multicritères intégrant les concepts de la gestion des connaissances et du cycle de vie : application de la chaîne d'approvisionnement humanitaire

Saksrisathaporn, Krittiya 25 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la compréhension des cycle de vie d’une opération humanitaire (HOLC). Gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement humanitaire (HSCM) dans un contexte de mise en perspective et dans l’objectif de proposer un modèle décisionnel qui s'applique aux phases de HOLC lors d’une situation réelle. Cela inclut la mise en oeuvre du modèle proposé pour concevoir et développer un outil d'aide à la décision afin d'améliorer les performances de la logistique humanitaire tant dans les opérations de secours nationaux qu’internationaux.Cette recherche est divisée en trois phases. La première partie vise à présenter le sens de l'étude ; la zone de recherche prise en compte pour la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement (SCM) doit être clairement définie. La première phase consiste à clarifier et définir le HSCM HL, la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement commerciale (CSCM) et le SCM, ainsi que la relation entre ces différents éléments. La gestion du cycle de vie du projet (PLCM) et les différentes approches sont également présentés. La compréhension de la différence entre la gestion du cycle de vie du projet (PLM) et la PLCM est également nécessaire, cela ne peut être abordé dans la phase de cycle de vie de l'opération humanitaire. De plus, les modèles Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) et l’aide à la décision concernant le HL sont analysés pour établir le fossé existant en matière de recherche. Les approches MCDM qui mettent en oeuvre le système d'aide à la décision (DSS) et la manière dont le MAS a été utilisé dans le contexte HSCM sont étudiées.La deuxième phase consiste en la proposition d’un modèle décisionnel fondé sur l’approche MCDM à l'appui de la décision du décideur avant qu'il/elle prenne des mesures. Ce modèle prévoit le classement des alternatives concernant l'entrepôt, le fournisseur et le transport au cours des phases de HOLC. Le modèle décisionnel proposé est réalisée en 3 scénarios. I. La décision en 4phases HOLC – opération de secours internationale de la Croix-Rouge Française (CRF). II. La décision en3phases HOLC – opération nationale dela Croix-Rouge thaïlandaise (TRC). III. La décision au niveau de la phase de réponse HOLC – opération internationale du TRC dans quatre pays. Dans cette phase, le scénario I et II sont réalisés étape par étape au travers de calculs numériques et formules mathématiques. Le scénario III sera présenté dans la troisième phase. Pour établir trois scénarios, les données internes recueillies lors des entretiens avec le chef de la logistique de la Croix-Rouge Française, et le vice-président de la fondation de la Coix-Rouge thaïlandaise, seront utilisées. Les données externes proviennent de chercheurs qui sont des experts dans le domaine HL ou le champ du HSCM, de la littérature, et de sources issues des organismes humanitaires (documents d’ateliers, rapports, informations publiées sur leurs sites officiels).Dans la troisième phase, une application Internet multi-critères (decision support system MCDSS WB) mettant en oeuvre le modèle proposé est élaborée. Afin d'atteindre une décision appropriée en temps réel, le WB-MCDSS est développé sur la base d’un protocole client-serveur et est simple à utiliser. Le dernier mais non le moindre ; une application de validation du modèle est réalisée à l'aide de l'approche de l'analyse de sensibilité. / This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of HOLC in context of the HSCM and to propose a decision model which applies to the phases of HOLC the decision making regarding a real situation . This include the implementation of the proposed model to design and develop a decision support tool in order to improve the performance of humanitarian logistics in both national and international relief operations.This research is divided into three phases; the first phase is to clarify and define HL among HSCM, commercial supply chain management (CSCM) and SCM and their relationship. Project Life Cycle Management (PLCM) approaches are also presented. The difference between project life cycle management (PLM) and PLCM is also required to distinguish a clear understanding which can be addressed in the phase of humanitarian operation life cycle. Additionally, the literature of Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) models and existing decision aid system for HL are analyzed to establish the research gap. The MCDM approaches which implement the decision support system (DSS) and lastly how DSS has been used in the HSCM context.The second phase is to propose a decision model based on MCDM approaches to support the decision of the decision maker before he/she takes action. This model provides the ranking alternatives to warehouse, supplier and transportation over the phases of HOLC. The proposed decision model is conducted in 3 scenarios; I. The decision in 4-phase HOLC, international relief operation of French Red Cross (FRC). II. The decision on 3-phase HOLC, national operation by the Thai Red Cross (TRC). III. The decision on response phase HOLC, international operation by the FRC in four countries. In this phase, the scenario I and II are performed step by step though numerical calculation and mathematical formulas. The scenario III will be presented in the third phase.In the third phase, an application of web-based multi-criteria decision support system (WB-MCDSS) which implement the proposed model is developed. The web-based multi-criteria decision support system is developed based on the integration of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS approaches. In order to achieve an appropriate decision in a real time response, the WB-MCDSS is developed based on server-client protocol and is simple to operate. Last but not least, a validation application of the model is performed using the sensitivity analysis approach.

Gestion intégrée des catastrophes en Afrique Subsaharienne : rôle de l’assurance, pour un système de gestion performant et la résilience des populations au Bénin.

Goundjo, Antoine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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