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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ställa till en scen : Verbala konflikter i svensk dramadialog 1725–2000 / Making a scene : Verbal conflicts in Swedish drama dialogue 1725–2000

Sörlin, Marie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with interactional patterns in verbal disputes as portrayed in the written dialogue of Swedish drama over three centuries. The overarching aim is to contribute to research into conflict talk in Swedish dialogue, but also to contribute to historical pragmatics and linguistic stylistics. The teoretical and methodological framework combines elements from conversation analysis and theories of communicative events (activity types). A corpus of 30 drama texts, written during the 18th century, the late 19th century, and the late 20th century, was examined for examples of conflict events that are lexically marked as such in the texts (by words such as argument, dispute, quarrel etc.). A total of 47 conflict events were identified in 21 of the 30 drama texts. The construction of the beginning of the three most significant types of conflict sequences found within 45 of the 47 events, totalling 111 sequences, is analysed in detail. The three sequence types concern differences in opinion (disagreement sequences), accusations (complaint sequences) and directives (rejection sequences). One result of the study is that complaint sequences are shown to be by far the most common conflict pattern in the data. Another result is that few differences are found regarding the construction of the sequences over three centuries. For the most part, it is the same sort of moves that are frequent no matter which period the data stem from. One conclusion is therefore that the conflict patterns in drama dialogue appear to be relatively stable over time. The study also deals with the dramatic functions of the conflict patterns (the events, sequence types or moves). Two functions are discussed, namely plot development and characterisation. While all conflict can further the process of characterisation, for example by showing the negotiation of differences in power between the characters, less than half of the events further the plot by having an effect on the disputants or other characters in the drama.

Domstolar som konfliktreglerare : en komparativ undersökning av underrätternas konfliktreglerande verksamhet / Courts as conflict resolvers : a comparative study of conflict resolving activities in district courts

Drugge, Ulf January 1978 (has links)
Within the framework of the traditional sociological question, how the legal system is related to the society, the aim of this study is to treat the legal system as a conflict resolver. More specifically, the following questions will be treated:1.Which categories of people and which categories of organizations are as parties using the court for settling conflicts and in what types of conflicts do they act in this way?2.Howdoes the legal utilization vary over time? May socio-economical, demographical, and legal conditions explain these variations?This study only deals with conflict resolution in courts of first instance, so called district courts.One aim has been to get a general view over to what extent Swedish courts are utilized as conflict resolvers, and how this utilization varies over time. The discussion is mainly based upon official statistics. To complete this discussion, an empirical study has been realized. This study is comparative. The conflict solving activities between 1940 and 1969 has been examined in the town courts of Umeå and Luleå. The data basis consists of official statistics and collected informations from cases finally dealt with in the two courts. A stratified random sample out of these cases has been made. As a result of theoretical and methodological considerations the sample consists of only certain types of disputes and crimes.As a general conclusion, one can state that disputes before the courts nowadays as earlier are concerning socially and economically strong persons. However one must notify that this study is just a case study with its limitations.Concerning criminal cases, expected results from the study are that the proportion of workers among the prosecuted is bigger than the proportion of prosecuted business leaders. Interesting however, is that the unskilled are well represented in the data material. This means a different picture compared to the distribution of plaintiffs in civil cases. The changes in character of the conflict constellations occured in the two towns at the same time as summary legal processes were introduced in criminal cases at the end of the 1940's. A bigger proportion of workers as prosecuted party is observed after that processual simplification. Pro-cessual simplifications of that kind seem to strengthen rather than to weaken the occupational bias among the prosecuted persons, at least in crime cases with an injured person involved.Concerning criminal cases, we have finally assumpted that during phases of social and economical stagnation both the number of prosecuted workers and the number of theft and drunkeness cases increases in the type of industrialized community that Luleå belongs to. In more socially and economically differentiated communities, like Umeå, the same type of development is more linked to phases of economical expansion. While increases in the pressure of temptation are widening the economical conditions for people, this may be the reasonable explanation to the variations in the conflict resolving activities in the courts between different local communities. Explanations, close to those used to explain criminal activity caused by poverty, may refer to local communities dominated by industry. / digitalisering@umu

China's New Documentary Movement: Alternate Realities and Changing State-society Relations in Contemporary China

Pang, Qiying 13 January 2011 (has links)
Independent documentary films in contemporary China articulate a vision of Chinese politics and society that deviates from official state discourse. This thesis explores how China’s New Documentary Movement (NDM) – a spontaneous, independent phenomenon in Chinese cinema – serves as an important arena to study state and society struggles in the aftermath of the post-Mao reforms. This study first explores the politicalization of Chinese national cinema to demonstrate how the degree of control exerted over filmmaking and the documentary genre functions as a useful indicator of Chinese state-society relations. Focusing on the contentious issue of land disputes and rural rightful resistance in two documentaries – Feng Yan’s "Bing Ai" as well as Zhang Ke and Dong Yu’s "Where is the Way" – it contrasts the lived reality of displaced peasants to the official rhetoric disseminated in the state media. Also discussed is the state’s response to the NDM and its implications for greater societal autonomy in contemporary China.

China's New Documentary Movement: Alternate Realities and Changing State-society Relations in Contemporary China

Pang, Qiying 13 January 2011 (has links)
Independent documentary films in contemporary China articulate a vision of Chinese politics and society that deviates from official state discourse. This thesis explores how China’s New Documentary Movement (NDM) – a spontaneous, independent phenomenon in Chinese cinema – serves as an important arena to study state and society struggles in the aftermath of the post-Mao reforms. This study first explores the politicalization of Chinese national cinema to demonstrate how the degree of control exerted over filmmaking and the documentary genre functions as a useful indicator of Chinese state-society relations. Focusing on the contentious issue of land disputes and rural rightful resistance in two documentaries – Feng Yan’s "Bing Ai" as well as Zhang Ke and Dong Yu’s "Where is the Way" – it contrasts the lived reality of displaced peasants to the official rhetoric disseminated in the state media. Also discussed is the state’s response to the NDM and its implications for greater societal autonomy in contemporary China.

Könsdiskriminering mot män inom vårdnadstvister? : existerar könsdiskriminering inom vårdnadstvister och upplever fäderna ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande från socialtjänsten? / Gender discrimination against fathers in custody disputes? : does gender discrimination against men exist in custody disputes and, if so, how do the fathers perceive the treatment from social services?

Tegnér, Elin, Kaski, Jukka January 2012 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det förekommer könsdiskriminering mot fäder i vårdnadstvister. Frågeställningar och syften som användes var: (1) Att undersöka om könsdiskriminering mot pappor i vårdnadstvister existerar. (2) Om och hur pappor upplever ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande på familjerättsenheter. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en mixad design bestående av en kvantitativ vinjettstudie och en kvalitativ analys av texter. Vinjettstudien riktades mot familjerättssekreterare inom socialtjänsten som i sitt yrke arbetar med frågor som hanterar vårdnad, boende och umgänge i vårdnadstvister mellan två vårdnadshavare. Inom den kvalitativa delen, annonserade författarna till studien efter fäders egna upplevelser av en vårdnadstvist. Annonseringen skedde på ett pappaforum på internet. Resultaten analyserades i ett mångdimensionellt perspektiv. Resultaten i vinjettstudien visade inte på diskriminering när respondenterna skulle göra riskbedömningar efter kön. Däremot hittades diskriminering mot fäder när respondenterna skulle bedöma vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Här bedömdes modern som den bäst lämpade trots att vårdnadshavarna hade identiska bakgrunder. I den kvalitativa tolkningen av fäders texter var det mest framträdande att de var övertygade om att deras biologiska kön var en belastning i en vårdnadstvist. / Gender discrimination against fathers in custody disputes? Does gender discrimination against men exist in custody disputes and, if so, how do the fathers perceive the treatment from social services? ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to examine whether gender discrimination against fathers exists in custody disputes. The issues and aims used were: (1) To examine whether gender discrimination against fathers exists in custody disputes. (2) If and how fathers perceive a gender discriminating treatment from family law departments. In order to answer the issues a mixed design consisting of a quantitative vignette study and a qualitative analysis of texts was used. The vignette study was directed towards social workers working within family law departments who handle issues regarding custody, residency and access in custody disputes between two guardians. Within the qualitative part, the authors advertised for fathers' personal experiences of a custody dispute. The announcement was made on a forum on the internet, especially aimed at fathers. The results were analysed through a multidimensional perspective. The results of the vignette study showed no evidence of discrimination regarding the respondents risk assessments based on gender. However, the study revealed discrimination against fathers when the respondents were to assess matters regarding custody, residency and access. Here the mother was deemed as the most suitable, despite the fact that the guardians had identical backgrounds. In the qualitative interpretation of texts written by fathers the most prominent was that they were convinced that their gender was a encumbrance in a custody dispute.

Tough Talk, Cheap Talk, and Babbling: Government Unity, Hawkishness and Military Challenges

Fehrs, Matthew Blake 23 October 2008 (has links)
<p>A number of puzzles exist regarding the role of domestic politics in the likelihood of international conflict. In particular, the sources of incomplete information remain under-theorized and the microfoundations deficient. This study will examine the role that the unity of the government and the views of the government towards the use of force play in the targeting of states. The theory presented argues that divided dovish governments are particularly likely to suffer from military challenges. In particular, divided governments have difficulty signaling their intentions, taking decisive action, and may appear weak. The theory will be tested on a new dataset created by the author that examines the theory in the context of international territorial disputes. A number of significant findings emerge from the data. First, divided governments are significantly more likely to face challenges and increasing government unity markedly decreases the likelihood of a challenge. Second, unified hawkish governments were far less likely to be the targets of challenges than divided dovish governments. Finally, the substantive impact of key variables was much greater than that of the control variables. The causal process postulated in the theory is examined in eight case studies, two for each of the four government types. These case studies show that government type not only impacts the signaling of democratic states but also influences the perceptions of potential challengers.</p> / Dissertation

Ginčai dėl išlaikymo vaikams priteisimo ir gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo / Disputes concerning adjudgment of child maintenance and determination of the residence of the child

Gaveikienė, Ieva 05 May 2006 (has links)
Vienas pagrindinių teisinės valstybės uždavinių – užtikrinti labiausiai pažeidžiamų socialinių grupių, tarp jų vaikų, teises bei teisėtus interesus. Šis darbas skirtas išnagrinėti vaiko teisę būti savo tėvų išlaikomam bei teisę gyventi ir augti savo šeimoje kartu su tėvais, o taip pat šias teises atitinkančias tėvų pareigas, kurios yra reglamentuojamos tiek tarptautinės, tiek nacionalinės teisės normomis. Socialinė tikrovė sąlygoja tai, kad tėvai ne visuomet geranoriškai, bendru susitarimu teikia išlaikymą savo nepilnamečiams vaikams bei ne visuomet tarpusavyje susitaria dėl jų vaikų gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo. Šios priežastys sąlygoja atsiradimą ginčų dėl išlaikymo vaikams priteisimo bei jų gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo. Įstatymų leidėjas yra suformavęs visumą teisinių mechanizmų, įgalinančių teismus spręsti šiuos ginčus. Tai ypač pasakytina apie šių ginčų teisinį reglamentavimą Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse, kuriame nubrėžiamos esminės teisinės gairės, kokiu būdu teisme turi būti sprendžiami minėti ginčai. Nepaisant to, nagrinėjamų ginčų kontekste pozityvioji teisė suteikia plačią diskrecijos teisę teismams pagal savo vidinį įsitikinimą vertinti eilę bylos aplinkybių, turinčių lemiamą reikšmę sprendimo priėmimui. Dėl minėtos priežasties išskirtinę reikšmę įgyja Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo priimamos nutartys kasacinėse bylose bei Aukščiausiojo Teismo Senato nutarimai, kurių pagalba formuojama vieninga teisės aiškinimo bei taikymo praktika. Šių veiksnių įtakos... [to full text] / One of the main objects of the legal state – is to safeguard the legal interest and rights of the most exposed social groups, children among them. This work sets a task to analyse the children‘s right to be maintained by his (her) parents and the right to live with his (her) parents, be brought up in his (her) parents’ family, as well as correspondent obligations of the parents, which are regulated by international and national rules of law. Social reality determines that parents not always benevolently, by the mutual agreement provide maintenance for their underage children and determine the residence of the child. These reasons condition the appearance of the disputes over issue of the maintenance order and determination of child’s residence.

Europos Teisingumo Teismo bylos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais ir jų taikymas Lietuvoje / The European Court of Justice cases of value added tax issues and its application in Lithuania

Vinciūnaitė, Loreta 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe autorė aptaria pridėtinės vertės mokesčio ištakas, šio netiesioginio mokesčio harmonizavimo priežastis ir svarbą, nagrinėja ir apibendrina Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktiką atskirais pridėtinės vertės mokesčio aspektais – apmokestinamųjų sandorių sąvokos, apmokestinamųjų asmenų, apmokestinamojo momento, apmokestinamosios vertės, atskaitos. Taip pat siekiama atskleisti, ar į Europos Teisingumo Teismo bylas pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais yra atsižvelgiama, nagrinėjant mokestinius ginčus Lietuvoje. Tyrimas remiasi Europos Teisingumo Teismo ir Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktikos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio srityje analize, teisės aktais, reglamentuojančiais šio mokesčio taikymą, Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių literatūra, periodine literatūra, kurioje nagrinėjami su šio darbo tema susiję klausimai. Darbe aptariami pridėtinės vertės mokesčio derinimo tarp Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių tikslai ir reikšmė, Europos Teisingumo Teismo išaiškinimai pridėtinės vertės mokesčio aspektais. Taip pat aptariamas Europos Teisingumo Teismo vaidmuo, jo sprendimų pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais reikšmė teisės aktų raidai ir mokestinių ginčų nagrinėjimui Lietuvoje. Daug dėmesio skiriama Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktikai, nagrinėjant su pridėtinės vertės mokesčio taikymu susijusias mokestines bylas. Siekiama atskleisti, kokią įtaką Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktika pridėtinės vertės mokesčio srityje turi Lietuvos vyriausiajam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work, the author discusses the origins of value added tax, the harmonization of this indirect tax reasons and importance, analyze and summarize the European Court of Justice practice on these value added tax aspects - the concept of taxable transactions, the taxable persons, the taxable moment, the taxable value, the deduction. It also aims to disclose or to the European Court of Justice cases of value added tax issues are taken into account in the consideration of tax disputes in Lithuania. The study is based on the European Court of Justice and the Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court practice, the value added tax analysis, the law on this tax, the Lithuanian and foreign authors, periodical literature, which dealt with the labor issues. The paper discusses the value added tax harmonization between the European Union member states, the objectives and importance of the European Court of Justice's interpretation of value added tax aspects. It also discusses the European Court of Justice's role, its decisions on the value added tax influence in legislation development and tax litigation in Lithuania. Much attention is paid to the Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court practice, considering the value added tax on related tax matters. The aim is to reveal the impact of the European Court of Justice law of value added tax in Lithuania to the High Administrative Court, the State Tax Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of... [to full text]

Évaluation d'un projet de médiation sociale à Montréal

Guité, Luce January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Darbo ginčų institutas darbo teisės sistemoje / The institution of labour disputes in the labour law system

Gruodienė, Greta 23 June 2014 (has links)
Nepaliaujantys ekonominiai ir socialiniai pokyčiai teisės mokslininkus verčia spręsti klausimą dėl darbo santykių, tame tarpe ir konkrečiai darbo ginčų teisinio reglamentavimo kokybės, kadangi nuo to priklauso darbo teisės sistemos funkcionavimo efektyvumas. Darbe siekiama nustatyti darbo ginčų instituto vietą darbo teisės sistemoje, darbo ginčų, kaip darbo teisės sistemos dalies teisinio reglamentavimo specifiką ir atsakyti į iškeltą problemą: „Ar darbo ginčus reglamentuojančios teisės normos sudaro darbo teisės institutą, ar teisės pošakį?“. Darbe nagrinėjama teisės sistemos sandara, aiškinamasi, kokiu būdu išskiriami atskiri teisės sistemos elementai, analizuojama darbo ginčų kaip socialinių konfliktų samprata, teisinio reglamentavimo kilmė ir raida, aptariamos esminės darbo ginčų instituto ypatybės, t. y. tarpšakinis pobūdis, kuris pasireiškia specifiniu darbo ginčų instituto reglamentavimu Darbo kodekso ir Civilinio proceso kodekso teisės normomis, taip pat darbo ginčų instituto padalijimas į dvi dalis: individualių ir kolektyvinių darbo ginčų, darbo ginčų instituto vaidmuo kitų darbo teisės institutų atžvilgiu, atsižvelgiama į užsienio valstybių teisinį reglamentavimą darbo ginčų srityje, trumpai paliečiant ir tarptautinį reglamentavimą. Tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikta darbo ginčus reguliuojančios pozityviosios teisės, taip pat ir teisės doktrinos analizė, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant atskirai individualiems darbo ginčams ir kolektyviniams darbo ginčams, susitelkiant ties... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The law academics are induced by endless changes in economical and social affairs to solve an issue concerning the employment relations, including in particular the issue on the quality of legal regulation on labour disputes, since the effectiveness of operation by labour law system depends on it. The objective of this work is to determine the position of an institute of labour disputes in the entire labour law system, the particularity of legal regulation in labour dispute as the part of labour law system, and to answer the raised issue: “Whether the labour law institute or the sub-branch in the law is composed by the legal norms regulating the labour dispute?”. This work research the structure of law system, by explaining how the individual elements of law system are distinguished, by analysing the conception of labour disputes as the social conflicts, the history and development of legal regulation, by discussing the main features of labour dispute institute, id est inter-branch nature, which is evidenced by specific legal regulation of labour dispute institute in the Labour Code and Civil Procedure Code, as well as the division of labour dispute institute in two parts: individual and collective labour disputes, the role of labour disputes institute towards the others labour law institutes, also by taking account of the legal regulation by foreign countries in the labour disputes area, by adverting the international legal regulation. For the objective to be accomplished... [to full text]

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