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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foco d'Ira, foco d'Amor : la valeur symbolique du feu dans la Divine Comédie / Foco d’ira, foco d’amor : the symbolic value of fire in Dante’s Divine Comedy

Thirion, Laura 16 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat analyse la valeur symbolique du feu dans la Divine Comédie de Dante, dans le but de produire une étude générale sur ce sujet. L’approche méthodologique qui a été retenue pour cette recherche est le commentaire de texte, bien que des analyses iconographiques l’enrichissent pour certains passages, et ce en lien permanent avec la théologie chrétienne et la riche exégèse dantesque existante. La première partie de ce travail fournit le contexte de l’objet d’étude : elle vise à établir une cartographie des différentes apparitions du feu et des flammes physiques au long du poème. Dans la seconde partie, divisée en trois chapitres correspondant aux trois cantiche de la Comédie, l’étude s’étend et tente de lister à la fois les occurrences du feu et des flammes physiques, mais aussi métaphoriques. Les principaux passages étudiés sont les chants des hérétiques, des luxurieux et d’Ulysse en Enfer, la barrière de feu au Purgatoire, et ensuite, au Paradis, la sphère de feu, Mars, la croix de Cacciaguida, la figure de l’aigle, le ciel des étoiles fixes et l’Empyrée. Enfin, la dernière partie est consacrée aux métaphores transversales liées au symbole du feu : d’abord, les manifestations de l’ardeur et des sentiments enflammés, puis le plus brûlant d’entre eux, l’amour, et le plus important du chef d’œuvre de Dante, la charité. Les images qui ont été sélectionnées sont certains des dessins de Sandro Botticelli, des peintures de William Blake et des gravures de Gustave Doré. / This doctoral thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of fire in Dante’s Divine Comedy, in order to generate a general study about this topic. The chosen methodology of this research is a textual analysis although an iconographic analysis enriches the poem’s study as well, with permanent connections to Christian theology and the rich existing Dante exegesis. The context of the study is provided in the first part, which aims to establish a mapping of the various occurrences of physical fire and flames throughout the poem. In the second part, which is divided into three chapters corresponding to the three poem’s cantiche, the study widens in its scope and attempts to list both physical and metaphorical occurrences of fire and flames. The key passages that are analysed are the heretics’, the luxurious’ and Ulysse’s verses in Inferno, the fire barrier in Purgatorio and then, in the Paradiso, the sphere of fire, Mars, the Cacciaguida cross, the eagle figure, the sky of the Fixed Stars and the Empyrean. Finally, the third and final part aims to identify some crosscutting metaphors related to the fire symbol: first, the expression of ardour and ignited feelings, followed by love, which is the most inflamed of them, and charity, the most significant for Dante in his masterpiece. Images that have been chosen are drawings from Sandro Botticelli, William Blake’s paintings and Gustave Doré’s engravings.

Pharisees, Jesus and the kingdom : Divine Royal Presence as exegetical key to Luke 17:20-21

Letchford, Roderick R., rletchford@csu.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
The quest for the historical Jesus can be advanced by a consideration of disagreement scenarios recorded in the gospels. Such “conflicts” afford the opportunity not only to analyse the positions of the protagonists, but by comparing them, to better appreciate their relative stances. ¶ One area of disagreement that has remained largely unexplored is that between Jesus and the Pharisees over the “kingdom of God”. Indeed, “kingdom of God” formed the very foundation of Jesus’ preaching and thus ought to be the place where fundamental disagreements are to be found. As Luke 17:20-21 represents the only passage in the Gospels where the Pharisees show any interest in the kingdom of God, it forms the central hub of the thesis around which an account of the disparate beliefs of Jesus and the Pharisees on the kingdom of God is constructed. ¶ The main thesis is this. Luke 17:20-21 can best be explained, at the level of the Pharisees and Jesus, as betraying a fundamental disagreement, not in the identity of the kingdom of God, which they both regarded as primarily the Divine Royal Presence, i.e. God himself as king, but in the location of that kingdom. The Pharisees located the kingdom in the here-and-now, Jesus located it in heaven. Conversely, at later stages in the formation of the pericope, the pre-Lukan community identified the kingdom as the Holy Spirit located in individuals with faith in Jesus and the redactor identified the kingdom as Jesus, located both in the Historical Jesus and the Jesus now in heaven. ¶ Chapter 1, after the usual preliminary remarks, presents an analysis of Luke 17:20-21 as a chreia, a literary form ideally suited as the basis on which to compare the beliefs of the Pharisees and Jesus. The work of three scholars vital to the development of the main thesis is then reviewed and evaluated. By way of background, a portrait of the Pharisees is then presented, highlighting in particular, issues that will be of importance in later chapters. Finally, a section on the Aramaic Targums suggests that some targum traditions may be traced back prior to AD 70 and that these reflect the influence and beliefs of first century Palestinian Pharisees. ¶ Chapters 2 and 3 are a consideration of every instance of the explicit mention of God as king (or his kingship) and the Divine Kingdom respectively, in contemporary and earlier Jewish Palestinian literature and in Luke-Acts. A model of the kingdom of God is developed in these chapters that will be applied to Luke 17:20-21 in the next chapter. ¶ Chapter 4 presents a detailed exegesis of Luke 17:20-21, taking into account scholarship on the pericope since the last monograph (an unpublished dissertation of 1962) on the chreia. It offers a composition history of the pericope and measures previous exegesis against the view of the kingdom of God as developed in chapters 2 and 3. ¶ Chapter 5 presents a summary of the work that relates directly to Luke 17:20-21, some implications arising from the findings and, several possible avenues for future research.

Genesi e struttura della teologia trinitaria nel primo libro delle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo

BRAMBILLA PISONI, ESTER 13 March 2012 (has links)
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è l’analisi del I libro delle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo nel quadro della teologia trinitaria del XII secolo. Un riscoperto interesse, grazie agli studi di Colish e Rosemann, invita ad ipotizzarne una lettura interpretativa che, riconoscendo l’ingente sforzo dell’autore nella raccolta e sistemazione delle fonti latine e greche, intende rintracciare una certa sistematicità ed alcune novità nel genere e nelle questioni affrontate. Un approccio storico-filologico applica l’analisi testuale ai nodi tematici più importanti della dottrina lombardiana a partire da una preliminare riflessione sul metodo e sul linguaggio adottati, da cui si evince l’intento didattico-apologetico dell’autore. Nella dialettica auctoritas/inquisitio si vuole infatti ridurre il rischio di incorrere nell’errore e da qui in posizioni eretiche. Il Lombardo espone una teologia positiva che mantiene costante il riferimento all’essenza del Dio trinitario nella sua unità e trascendenza; l’analisi di proprietates e nomi divini, la questione della generazione divina, la pneumatologia ed il tema De potentia Dei vanno collocati all’interno del dibattito del tempo. In tale contesto, il confronto con la teologia di Pietro Abelardo risulta funzionale a comprendere la distanza e la novità che le Sententiae rappresentano, pur nella indubbia ricezione di aspetti metodologici ed in parte concettuali dal maestro palatino. / According to some recent studies, such as Colish’s and Rosemann’s, further investigation is likely to be needed in order to approach Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Hence this study aims at analysing the Sentences I within the Trinitarian theology of the XII century: the author’s systematic effort in collecting and ordering the main theological sources suggests new perspectives in the genre and in the themes. An historical-philological approach applies the textual analysis to the Lombardian work, after examining his theological method and language. In the dialectic between authority and investigation, the Master’s purpose turns out to be twofold: educational and apologetic, teaching scholars to avoid ‘errors’ and, consequently, heretical positions. So, within a ‘positive theology’, the main feature of Lombard’s collection is the transcendence and the supreme unity of God. On this base themes like the divine properties, the Son’s generation, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and the divine omnipotence are investigated in the context of the medieval theological debates. For instance, the comparison between Peter Lombard and Peter Abelard on the Trinitarian topics highlights the Lombardian original account, in spite of his certain reception of some of the Abelardian methodological, and partly conceptual, issues.

Au nom de la terre : pour une tropologie lumineuse de l’espace eschatologique dans la Commedia / In the name of the earth : a tropology of light in the eschatological space of the Commedia

Benucci, Alessandro 08 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail interprète les deux premières parties de la Divine Comédie de Dante Alighieri (1261-1321) à partir des valeurs symboliques associées par son auteur à la lumière. L’objectif est de démontrer que, grâce à la représentation de multiples phénomènes lumineux dans l’Enfer et dans le Purgatoire, le redressement moral conçu pour le lecteur est comparable à une véritable conversion, un cheminement de l’esprit qui fuit l’erreur (ténèbres) pour se rapprocher par étapes successives du salut (lumière).Dans la première partie, la nécessité pour l’auteur de placer ces deux espaces eschatologiques chrétiens sur terre est mise en relation avec les vicissitudes rencontrées par Dante qui le conduisent à s’interroger sur le destin d’une humanité en perdition. L’égarement de l’âme ayant perdu le bien de l’intellect, de même que son rachat, sont évoqués dans le monde des vivants par la présence du royaume de la damnation éternelle, l’abîme infernal, et d’un espace de pénitence temporaire, une montagne élevée. En traversant ces deux lieux de l’au-delà, le protagoniste échappe à la forêt obscure et s’apprête à atteindre le colle illuminé ; il suggère ainsi au lecteur un modèle de conduite morale à travers l’interprétation symbolique des phénomènes lumineux.Dans la deuxième et dans la troisième partie, l’exemplarité attribuée à la représentation de la lumière se précise à travers l’expérience exceptionnelle du pèlerin, viator dans le monde des morts : dans l’Enfer, la « poétique du feu » met en scène l’évolution d’une conscience en train de constater les conséquences désastreuses d’un usage malsain de l’intellect (ingegno) ; dans le Purgatoire, la « poésie du ciel » relate la libération progressive d’un esprit à qui sont annoncés les signes de son élection au privilège de la grâce. / This work is an interpretation of the first two parts of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (1261-1321) from the symbolic meanings associated to light by the author. The objective is to demonstrate that through the representation of multiple light phenomena in Hell and in Purgatory , moral recovery designed for the reader is similar to a true conversion, a journey of the mind fleeing its error (darkness) in order to approach salvation (light) by stages.In the first part, the necessity to place part of the Christian eschatological space on earth is related to Dante’s vicissitudes that make him question the destiny of a humanity in distress. The error of the soul which has lost the good of the intellect, as well as its redemption, are evoked in the world of the living by the presence of the realm of eternal damnation (the infernal abyss) and a space for temporary penance (a high mountain). By crossing those two places of the afterlife, the protagonist escapes the dark forest and prepares to reach the illuminated colle. Thus he suggests a model of moral behavior through a symbolic interpretation of the luminous phenomena.In the second and third parts, the exemplarity attributed to the representation of light is made clear through the exceptional experience of the pilgrim, viator in the world of the dead : in Hell, the "poetics of fire " stages the evolution of consciousness : an awareness of the disastrous consequences of an unhealthy use of the intellect (ingegno) ; in Purgatory , the "poetry of heaven " traces the gradual release of a mind to which the signs of its election to the privilege of grace are revealed.

The causes of victory and defeat in the light of chapter eight of the Holy Qur'an

al-Mushawwah, Khalid bin Addallah 30 November 2002 (has links)
The present study covers the causes of victory and defeat in the light of chapter eight of the Holy Qur'an. It has been prompted by the current situation facing Muslims in many parts of the world, which is characterized by despair, reversals and loss, This study is thus reflexive in nature. In order to obtain a satisfactory response to this predicament, the relevant text in addition to several of its commentaries were scrutinized. The latter search remained unsatisfactory since their focus of inquiry was merely exegetical and failed to reveal any didactic element, which is crucial for obtaining guidance. This work has successfully managed to deduce this aspect from the text which amplifies the importance of extensive sacrifice for gaining glory. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic studies)

Purgatoire suivi de Devant le temps

Tawfik, Mireille 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L'exécution capitale à la fin de la Renaissance : discours et représentations / Capital punishment at the end of the Renaissance period : writings and representations

Esnault, Claire 28 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier certaines représentations – écrites et imagées – des exécutions capitales en France, dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et les premières décennies du XVIIe siècle. Ces exécutions sont nombreuses à une époque marquée par d’importants troubles politiques et religieux. Elles ont lieu en place publique, se veulent édifiantes et exemplaires pour les spectateurs, et affirment l’autorité du souverain, qui restaure l’ordre dans le royaume.Cette étude s’organise autour des trois figures fondamentales de la punition : le roi, le peuple et le condamné. La punition entretient toujours un lien très étroit avec l’autorité qui châtie. Nous verrons que les réflexions de Foucault autour du supplice se vérifient dans certaines sources, mais que les écrits et les images ne font pas obligatoirement de ce spectacle une affirmation de l’autorité royale, ni de la justice divine, parfois problématiques. Dans les sources écrites, les spectateurs réagissent souvent à l’exécution capitale et il arrive que les auteurs expliquent les violences populaires dans un cadre extra-judiciaire, comme une tentative de rétablir l'ordre et la justice. Le condamné, lui, est à la fois « acteur » du supplice à travers son comportement sur l’échafaud et « victime ». Ce travail, qui envisage des contextes politiques et religieux différents et compare des sources très diverses, entend montrer que la littérature et l’iconographie construisent une image complexe du spectacle de l’exécution capitale, en particulier à travers les motifs de l’ordre et du désordre qui les traversent. / Our thesis focuses on the representations – textual as well as illustrated – of capital punishments in France, during the second half of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century. This period, marked by significant political and religious troubles, saw a large number of public executions, aimed to be edifying and admonitory examples for the audience and to assert the sovereign’s authority to restore order in the realm. This study is centered around the three crucial characters of the punishment: the king, the public and the convicted person. The punishment is always closely linked to the authority which chastises. We’ll see that Foucault’s thoughts about capital punishment are relevant for some sources, but that the writings and the images do not necessarily present this spectacle as an assertion of royal authority, nor of divine justice, sometimes problematical. In the written sources, the audience often react to the execution and authors also attempt to re-establish justice and order during the descriptions of violent popular actions. As for the convicted, they are both “actors” of the executions, through their behaviour on the scaffold, and “victims”. Some traits appear in the convicted’s representations, considering their sex, their age, the religious beliefs of the authors and the different types of texts and images where the convicted are depicted. This study, which considers different political and religious situations and compares very diverse sources, aims to show that literature and images give a complex image of capital punishments’ spectacle, especially through the motifs of order and disorder.


05 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho estuda a sétima visão do profeta Zacarias (Zc 5,5-11). Apesquisa surgiu da análise das interpretações que apresentam as seguintes questões: 1. tendência misógina, que atribui à mulher o mal, em detrimento do significado do todo que foi revelado: o efá; o olho deles em toda a terra; os elementos utilizados para tampar o efá e aprisionar a mulher (disco, pedra e chumbo); 2. a remoção do mal, sem morte e destruição: duas mulheres com asas como de cegonha, com vento em suas asas, levantam o efá entre a terra e os céus e o levam para Senaar, onde uma casa será construída, preparada, e onde será assentado sobre sua base. Chama a atenção uma mulher sentada e aprisionada dentro de um efá. O objetivo do estudo é compreender o sentido da extraordinária imagem visionada e dos elementos revelados, no seu contexto sócio-religioso, e o significado teológico da visão. Para isso, foram feitos pesquisa bibliográfica dos últimos 50 anos, análise textual com utilização do método histórico-crítico e análise sincrônica, considerando o texto canônico. Diferentemente das interpretações existentes, que consideram a mulher pecadora e sedutora, concluiu-se que determinado grupo que retornava do exílio na Babilônia, com ideais proféticos, fiel à religião e às tradições, pretendia a mulher sentada no meio do efá (submetida) e prisioneira, por se mostrar com protagonismo com o qual o grupo não concordava. A remoção do mal com final feliz é a resposta de YHWH a este grupo, uma teologia, na qual prevalece a Pedagogia e o Amor divinos para com a mulher e os transgressores, a quem YHWH concede espaço e cuidado para que voltem e se reintegrem à sociedade. / [en] This essay aims to study the seventh vision of the prophet Zechariah (Zech 5:5-11). The research arose from the analysis of interpretations presenting the following issues: 1. a misogynist tendency, which associates women with wickedness to the detriment of the significance of all that was revealed: the ephah, their eye through all the earth; the elements used to cover the ephah and entrap the woman inside it (disk, stone, and lead); 2. the removal of wickedness without death and destruction: two women with wings like the wings of a stork, with wind in their wings, lift the ephah up between the earth and the heaven and take it to Shinar, where a house will be built and prepared for it, and it will be set there upon her own base. The image of an entrapped woman sitting inside an ephah is noteworthy. The objective of this study is to understand the meaning of the extraordinary image envisioned and the elements revealed in it in their socio-religious context, as well as the theological meaning of the vision. For this, a bibliographical research of the last 50 years was carried out alongside with textual analysis using the historical-critical method and synchronic analysis considering the canonical text. Unlike the existing interpretations that consider women as sinful and seductive, this paper concludes that a certain group of exiles returning from Babylon, faithful to religion and tradition and with prophetic ideals, intended for the woman to be sitting in the ephah, (submitted) as a prisoner, for presenting herself with a leading role with which they did not agree. The removal of wickedness with a happy ending is YHWH s response to this group, a theology in which divine Pedagogy and Love prevails towards women and offenders, to whom YHWH grants space and care to allow them to return and be reintegrated into society.

Le " moi " et le " divin " chez Fichte et Nabert : une contribution à la philosophie de la religion / The « 1 » and the « divine » in Fichte and Nabert : a contribution to the philosophy of religion

Netrebiak, Olga 30 September 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse articule les deux catégories fondamentales de la philosophie de la religion : le « moi » et le « divin », ce en dialogue avec deux interlocuteurs privilégiés, Fichte et Nabert, chez lesquels cette double thématique fut exploitée de manière originale et géniale. Fichte pense le « moi » comme le centre de l'intériorité et de la vie consciente de l'homme qui est une activité incessante vers l'unité de soi. Nabert, quant à lui, part du concept fichtien du « moi » pour élaborer la catégorie du « divin » ; celui-ci apparaît alors comme une demande de la conscience en sa structure fondamentale : elle le reçoit alors qu'il s'affirme à même le« moi». L'examen conjoint de de ces deux pensées apporte, nous cherchons à le montrer, une contribution majeure à la philosophie de la religion contemporaine : elle permet en effet à celle-ci d'avancer dans les réponses aux nombreux défis qu'il lui appartient de relever, soit : la redécouverte de certains préliminaires comme la conscience religieuse, le langage adéquat sur « Dieu », la question critériologique dans la désignation du « divin », le « témoignage » absolu. A cet effet, trois catégories principales sont sollicitées et éprouvées : I'« intériorité » et la place de I'« affectivité » dans l'expérience religieuse, enfin la « vérité » qui polarise toute réflexion philosophique sur la religion. / The present thesis articulates two fundamental categories of the philosophy of religion: the « 1 » and the « divine », it is in the dialogue with two privileged interlocutors, Fichte and Nabert, where this double theme was exploited in an original and brilliant way. Fichte thinks of the « 1 » as the center of the interiority and the conscious lite of a man, which is an incessant activity towards unity of self. Nabert, on his part, starts from the Fichte's concept of the « 1 » and elaborate the category of the « divine »; this last appears as a demand of the consciousness in its fundamental structure: it the « divine » as the one that affirms itself in the « 1 ». The joint examination of these two thoughts brings, as we try to show, a major contribution to the contemporary philosophy of religion. lndeed, this contribution allows philosophy of religion to advance in the answers to many challenges that rise up before it: the rediscovery of certain preliminaries such as the religious consciousness, the adequate language about « Gad », the question about criterion in the designation of the « divine », absolute « testimony ». For that purpose, three main categories are solicited and approved: « interiority » and the place of « affectivity » in religious experience, and finally « truth » which polarizes all philosophical reflection on religion.

Providence and Space-Time: Rethinking God's Relation to the World Through the Eyes of John Polkinghorne

Birch, John F. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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