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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Saint-Siège et les catholiques de France et d'Italie face à la guerre au Viêtnam (1963-1966) : entre légitimation de la guerre, action de paix et primauté de la conscience / La Santa Sede e i cattolici di Francia e d'Italia dinanzi al conflitto in Vietnam (1963-1966) : Tra legittimazione della guerra, azione di pace e primato della coscienza / The Holy See, French and Italian Catholicism and the Vietnam War (1963-1966) : Legitimation of War, Peace Action and Primacy of Conscience

Ghezzi, Francesca 18 December 2018 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat examine les réactions du Saint-Siège et, à travers une approche comparative, des catholiques français et italiens aux événements survenus au Viêtnam entre la seconde moitié de 1963 et le premier semestre de 1966. Dans cette période une série d'événements attirerait de nouveau l'attention internationale sur le Viêtnam, alors que Paul VI reprenait les travaux du concile Vatican II et les menait à terme. En même temps, le système international et les sociétés de l'Europe occidentale connaissaient des transformations majeures dans leurs structures profondes. Entre 1963 et 1966 le Viêtnam semble avoir été perçu par l'Église comme le théâtre de trois formes différentes de conflit : une guerre de religion (1963, « crise bouddhiste »), une éventuelle troisième guerre mondiale atomique (1964-1965, crise du golfe du Tonkin et intervention armée des États-Unis contre le FLN et le Viêtnam du Nord), une guerre demi-conventionnelle asymétrique qui provoqua une urgence humanitaire (1965-1966, intense escalade). Chacune de ces formes souleva des questions spécifiques et délicates aux yeux de l'Église conciliaire, dont la plupart intéressaient les rapports entre religion et politique. Les questions les plus pressantes concernaient la légitimité de la « guerre juste » à l'âge atomique, la nécessité d'une action concrète de l'Église en faveur de la paix, la primauté de la conscience. Engagée dans une dialectique interne complexe et souvent contradictoire, l'Église semble avoir été divisée entre l'esprit de « l'aggiornamento » de Vatican II, introduit par le magistère de Jean XXIII, et son lien traditionnel avec l'Occident, marqué par le rigide anticommunisme du pontificat de Pie XII des années Cinquante. / My PhD dissertation analyzes the reactions of the Holy See as well as of French and Italian Catholics, through a comparative approach, to the events in Vietnam between the second half of 1963 and the first half of 1966. Within this time frame, a series of events would bring the international attention back on Vietnam, while Paul VI would resume the work of the Second Vatican council and lead it to a conclusion, and while both the international system and Western European societies would go through major transformations in their deep structures. Based on my study, I argue that between 1963 and 1966 Vietnam would have been perceived as the scene of three different forms of conflict in the eyes of the Church. A religious war (1963, ‘Buddhist crisis’), a potential atomic third world war (1964-1965, Gulf of Tonkin crisis and U.S. full military intervention in Vietnam), and an asymmetric, semi-conventional war that would cause a humanitarian emergency (1965-1966, intense escalation of the war). Each of these forms of conflict would raise specific and delicate issues for the conciliar Church, most of which regarding the relationship between religion and politics. The most pressing of these issues would come to be the legitimacy of the “Just War” doctrine in the atomic age, the need for concrete action in favor of peace on behalf of the whole Church, and primacy of conscience amongst the Catholics. Engaged in a complex and often contradictory internal dialectic, the Church appears to have been divided between the spirit of Vatican II’s ‘aggiornamento’, introduced by John XXIII’s magisterium, and the its traditional connection with the West, marked by Pius XII’s rigid anticommunism of the Fifties.

Can Educators Be Both Good and Successful?: The Relationship Between Socially Just (Good) and Successful Teaching

Colombino, Jason C. January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: David Scanlon / There is limited research on the relationship between socially just teaching practices and student achievement. While successful teaching is often defined through test scores, good teaching encompasses the moral elements of teaching (Fenstermacher & Richardson, 2005). This study, building on the work of Mitescu, Cochran-Smith, Pedulla, Cannady, and Jong (2011), is a secondary analysis examining the relationship between socially just teaching practices and student achievement. A subsample of 4th and 5th grade English/language arts (ELA) teachers (n=107) and students (n=2587) was taken from the Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2013). Classroom videos were coded using the Teaching for Social Justice Observation Scale (TSJOS) of the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol-Plus (RTOP+) (Mitescu et al.) to measure socially just teaching practices. Unadjusted linear regression analyses indicated a positive significant correlation between teachers’ mean TSJOS score and the class averages on standardized state ELA exams and the class average on an assessment of higher-order thinking skills. This relationship was also found when the same analysis was conducted on 4th grade classrooms as well as 5th grade classrooms. A hierarchical multiple linear regression found a positive significant relationship between TSJOS scores and student achievement after accounting for location, teacher, and student predictor variables. The relationship between socially just teaching practices and student achievement for subgroups of students is discussed. The study analyzed the significance and magnitude of the relationship between socially just teaching practices after two widely used classroom observation protocols, the Framework for Teaching (FfT) and the Protocol for Language Arts Observation Scale (PLATO), were entered into the model. Teacher mean TSJOS scores were found to explain a significant and unique proportion of the variation in state assessment scores after accounting for average FfT ELA observation scores and teacher average PLATO observation scores, separately. This study adds to the literature on the connection between socially just teaching practices and student achievement, in that it provides compelling evidence that socially just teaching practices are not only related to the good, or moral, side of teaching, but also have a positive and significant relationship with increased student achievement for all students. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

Defesa, conversão, vingança: a guerra justa contra ameríndios entre letrados e leis castelhanas (1492-1573) / Defense, conversion, revenge: the just war against Amerindians among letrados and Castilian laws (1492-1573)

Salgueiro, Fernanda Elias Zaccarelli 07 July 2015 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, partiu-se da herança da tradição cristã do direito de guerra justa a fim de compreender as modulações experimentadas pelo conceito quando de sua aplicação, na legislação castelhana, aos processos de conquista e colonização das Índias Ocidentais de 1492 a 1573. Tendo em conta a polêmica instaurada com a dúvida acerca da legitimidade da conquista, foram consideradas as posições de alguns dos mais influentes teólogos, juristas, conquistadores e administradores coloniais. Deu-se especial atenção ao pensamento de Francisco de Vitoria e Domingo de Soto, os maiores expoentes da Escola de Salamanca, em razão do debate historiográfico pendente na direção da coadunação entre a doctrina communis apresentada por eles quanto à guerra e as normas de Castela. Observou-se que, durante quase todo o período analisado, o teor da legislação pressupôs a inferioridade dos nativos, bem como uma interpretação teocrático-pontifical das bulas papais de 1493. O rol de causas disparadoras da guerra se mostrou variável, conforme o texto e a circunstância, abarcando imperativos de defesa, castigo, conversão, vingança, domínio e civilização. / In this thesis, the heritage of the Christian tradition of just war was considered in order to understand the modulation experienced by the concept upon its application, in Castilian legislation, to the processes of conquest and colonization of the West Indies from 1492 to 1573. Taking into account the controversy brought with the doubt concerning the legitimacy of the conquest, the positions of some of the most influential theologians, jurists, conquerors and colonial administrators were analyzed. Special attention was provided to the thought of Francisco de Vitoria and Domingo de Soto, the greatest exponents of the School of Salamanca, given the pending historiographical debate toward coadunition between their doctrina communis about war and the rules of Castile. It was observed that, during most of the period studied, the content of the legislation assumed the inferiority of the natives, as well as a theocratic-pontifical interpretation of the papal bulls of 1493. The list of triggering causes of war was variable, according to the text and the circumstance, covering defense, punishment, conversion, revenge, domination and civilization imperatives.

An approach to increase Perceived Consumer Effectiveness : Investigating the effect of Just-World Belief and empowering statements on PCE

Binder, Julia, Akella, Sharanya January 2019 (has links)
Consumers demand for sustainable and ethical products; products that protect the environment as well protect the well-being of workers in every way. Ethical products are a part of sustainability development where companies are obliged to follow guidelines and provide workers with good daily wages and various possibilities to enhance their life. The thesis focuses on ethical consumption and specifically takes a closer look at fair-trade tea. Fair-trade products are produced in a fair way and follow strict guidelines to make sure every worker is cared and provided a respectful life. Due to increase of sustainable products in the market, consumers have become largely aware of the consequences caused by products to the environment. However, when it comes to ethical products, consumers have a disbelief towards unfair situations workers experience. Some consumers believe labor malpractices are often exaggerated and some consumers believe that the victim actually deserves the situation. Even though some consumers would like to contribute, others tend to turn away with a thought that their purchase would not make any significant difference which leads them to not purchase fair- trade products. The thesis explores how and what factors influence such consumers’ minds, with the focus to increase PCE - Perceived Consumer Effectiveness (consumer’s belief that their purchase contributes to a positive outcome). The thesis further examines if PCE directly influences purchase intentions if Belief in Just World and empowering statements influence PCE. Results show that high belief in Just World negatively influences Perceived Consumer Effectiveness. Empowering statements increase awareness on ethical issues and decreases skepticism towards ethical products. The thesis contributes to the theory of PCE and in-store marketing techniques. Triggering PCE at the stores during the point of purchase influences consumers intentions to buy a certain product.

Análise Psicossocial do Bem-estar de Trabalhadores de um Centro de Reabilitação de Goiânia

Santos, Juliana Xavier 05 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Xavier Santos.pdf: 287361 bytes, checksum: f7e6c3769b94862500ac538d2ef1b67f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-05 / The aim of this study was to assess the well-being of health workers linked to the Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo (Crer), relating it with the accession to a belief in a just world and the locus of control. Belief in a just world is related to the fact that people believe that what is received is by merit, and when they are punished, it is also by merit. Locus of control is the way the individual perceives the relationship between their efforts and the outcome of these efforts, and who has this notion of relationship is internally oriented, and those who do not, is externally oriented. From the studies reviewed, it is assumed that participants who show high belief in a just world would, therefore, have high levels of well-being and the inverse also happens, low belief in a just world, low level of well-being. As to the relationship between locus of control and well-being, participants with internal locus of control would present high level of well-being and those with external locus of control would have low level of well-being. Took part in the study 146 professionals, ranging from high school to university level. The questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic data, scales of physical well-being and psychological locus of control and belief in a just world. The results showed that participants have a high level of well-being, high belief in a just world, high external locus of control, low belief in a just world and low internal locus of control. The results of multiple regressions showed a positive relationship between external locus of control and well-being, and a negative relationship between internal locus of control and well-being. There were no significant results in the relationship between belief in a just world and well-being. These results are discussed emphasizing the differences within the literatures about it are due, more to, how the instruments were built than the theoretical inconsistency. / O objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar o bem-estar dos trabalhadores da saúde vinculados ao Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo (Crer), relacionando-o com a adesão à crença no mundo justo e com o lócus de controle. Crença no mundo justo refere-se ao fato das pessoas acreditarem que o que se recebe ocorre por mérito, assim como, quando são castigadas, também o são por merecimento. Já lócus de controle é a maneira pela qual o indivíduo percebe a relação entre seus esforços e o resultado desses esforços, sendo que aquele que tem a clareza dessa relação é internamente orientado, e aquele que não a tem, é externamente orientado. A partir dos estudos revisados, pressupôs-se que os participantes que apresentassem alta crença no mundo justo teriam, consequentemente, alto nível de bem-estar e o inverso também aconteceria, baixa crença no mundo justo, baixo nível de bem-estar. Quanto a relação entre lócus de controle e bem-estar, os participantes com lócus de controle interno apresentariam alto nível de bem-estar e aqueles com lócus de controle externo, baixo nível de bem-estar. Participaram do estudo 146 profissionais, com formação variando entre nível médio e superior. O questionário era composto de dados sócio-demográficos, escalas de bem-estar físico e psicológico, lócus de controle e crença no mundo justo. Os resultados mostram que os participantes apresentam alto nível de bem-estar, alta crença no mundo justo, alto lócus de controle externo, baixa crença no mundo justo e baixo lócus de controle interno. Os resultados da regressão múltipla mostram uma relação positiva entre lócus de controle externo e bem-estar, e uma relação negativa entre lócus de controle interno e bem-estar. Não houve resultados significativos na relação entre crença no mundo justo e bem-estar. Estes resultados são discutidos ressaltando que as diferenças com a literatura devem-se muito mais à maneira como os instrumentos foram construídos do que a inconsistências teóricas.

JÓ IMAGEM ARQUETÍPICA DO SOFRIMENTO DO JUSTO / ROCHA, Lindomar Lopes da. Jó: Archetypal Image of the Just. Goiânia: Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2006.

Rocha, Lindomar Lopes da 31 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:48:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LINDOMAR LOPES DA ROCHA.pdf: 442670 bytes, checksum: 33ce789e4aaebea64623268cf51cd1a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-31 / The following dissertation has the objective of presenting the archetypal images of the suffering of the just revealed by the myth of Jo. The material studied was extracted of the book of Jo inserted in the Holy Bible. The author intends to analyze, with this essay, the suffering of a just, knowing the symptoms came from trauma; identifying the levels of mourning; recognizing the perceptions of this character about himself, his suffering, people around him and his divinity; as well as analyzing the suffering in three dimensions: physical, psychical and spiritual. Through the reading of the myth, the author intends to identify the archetypal images expressed both in speech and in Jo s actions. Using these analyses as a starting point it is also possible to notice the model of suffering of a just, his or her difficulties, pain, as well as the process of overcoming the mourning and the reintegration of his physical and spiritual health. / Esta dissertação objetiva apresentar as imagens arquetípicas do sofrimento do justo desveladas pelo mito de Jó. O material analisado foi extraído do livro de Jó contido na Bíblia Sagrada. Com este trabalho o autor pretende analisar o sofrimento de um justo, conhecendo os sintomas advindos do trauma; identificando as fases do luto; reconhecendo as percepções deste personagem a respeito de si, do seu sofrimento, dos que estão à sua volta e da divindade; bem como analisando o sofrimento na tríplice dimensão: somática, psíquica e noética. Através da leitura do mito, o autor identifica as imagens arquetípicas expressas tanto nos discursos quanto nas ações de Jó. A partir destas análises observa, descreve e discute o modelo de sofrimento de um justo, suas dificuldades, dores, bem como o processo de superação do luto e reintegração da saúde psíquica e noética.

Uma sequência didática com os métodos instrução pelos colegas (Peer Instruction) e ensino sob medida (Just-in-time Teaching) para o estudo de ondulatória no ensino médio

Santos, Madge Bianchi dos January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o ensino de ondulatória através de uma metodologia ativa de ensino que permita aos estudantes se engajarem com a própria aprendizagem. Para atingir esse objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma sequência didática que originou um produto educacional aplicável em aulas de Física no ensino médio. A metodologia implementada integrou os métodos ativos Instrução pelos Colegas (Peer Instruction) e Ensino sob Medida (Just-in-time Teaching), buscando o envolvimento cognitivo dos alunos. Além desses métodos, a sequência didática incluiu uma atividade experimental com espectrógrafo de baixo custo, atividades de resolução de problemas e dois debates, sobre o uso de câmara de bronzeamento artificial e a instalação de usina de fissão nuclear. O suporte teórico da metodologia foi a Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Vergnaud. As aulas foram estruturadas a partir de questões norteadoras com potencial de se tornarem situações-problema para os alunos. O produto educacional contém tarefas de leitura (com textos e questões sobre os textos), uma lista de testes conceituais, listas de problemas quantitativos, um modelo de minirrelatório e um opinário. As 21 aulas dessa proposta foram desenvolvidas com duas turmas de segundo ano do ensino médio, da rede privada de ensino, na cidade de Joaçaba, Santa Catarina. As atividades propostas foram realizadas com êxito. As respostas dos estudantes permitiram concluir que houve aprendizagem durante a aplicação da metodologia. Os resultados do opinário mostraram que houve boa receptividade à proposta de trabalho pela maioria dos estudantes que consideraram metodologia melhor para seu aprendizado do que os métodos tradicionais de ensino. / The main goal of this work is to teach waves through an active learning methodology that engages cognitively the students with their own learning. To achieve this goal, a didactic sequence was developed as an educational product to be used in high school physics classes. The present approach integrated two active learning methods - Peer Instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching - aiming to get more student engagement. In addition to these methods, other kinds of activities were included: an experimental activity with low cost spectrograph, problem solving and debates about tanning beds and nuclear plants. The Vergnaud’s Theory of Conceptual Fields supports this work. The lessons were organized around leading questions, which could turn out to be problem-situations to be solved by the students. The educational product contains a set of reading assignments, including texts and tasks, concept tests, problems list, a small report template and a questionnaire to gather the students’ opinions about the methodology. Twenty one lessons were applied to two classes for high school students at a private school in a Brazilian city (Joaçaba, in Santa Catarina). The results revealed the applicability of this teaching proposal. Answers given by the students showed that the learning was successfully achieved during the use of this methodology. The students´ evaluation was very positive. They considered this methodology more efficient for their learning than traditional teaching methods.

Honor Imperii: a legitimidade política e militar no reinado de Frederico I Barbarossa / Honor Imperii: political legitimacy and military in Friedrich I Barbarossa

Araujo, Vinicius Cesar Dreger de 17 March 2011 (has links)
Nossa tese pretende analisar a história do conceito de Honor imperii no reinado de Friedrich I Barbarossa. Para tanto, estudamos as formas de legitimidade real entre os séculos X e XII buscando entender os pesos relativos dos elementos militares e sacros; as especificidades de Friedrich Barbarossa e as transformações estruturais por ele patrocinadas no regnum Teutonicorum. Depois realizamos o estudo quantitativo e o estudo crítico do Honor imperii na documentação produzida pela chancelaria imperial (diplomas e constituições) e na Gesta Friderici de Otto de Freising e Rahewin, principal fonte para o reinado de Friedrich. Também estudamos os significados do termo honra no contexto cultural germânico do século XII. O Honor imperii está ligado à projeção de poder do monarca devido a uma estrutura jurídica (os direitos Romano e Feudal) que o liga ao exercício militar através da doutrina da Guerra Justa e à punição pela quebra das Landfrieden. / Our thesis intends to analyze the history of the Honor imperii concept in Frederick I Barbarossas reign. For this we had to study the ways political legitimacy was obtained between the Tenth and Twelfth centuries seeking to understand the relative weights of military and sacred elements, Frederick Barbarossas singularities and the structural transformations sponsored by him in the regnum Teutonicorum After that we stablished a critical analysis of the Honor imperii in the documentation produced by the imperial Chancellery (charters and constitutions) and in Otto of Freising & Rahewins Gesta Friderici, the most important narrative source for Fredericks reign. We also studied the meanings of honor in the german cultural context of the Twelfth century. The Honor imperii was bound to the monarchs power projection by a proper legal structure (Roman and Feudal Laws) connecting it to the military exercise through the Just War Doctrine and the punishment of breaking the Landfrieden.

Gestion des risques au Cameroun : représentations sociales et croyance en un monde juste / Risk management in Cameroon : social representations and belief in a just world

Etoundi, Jean-Claude 28 May 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche explique comment à travers la mobilisation de certains mécanismes socio-cognitifs, les populations camerounaises parviennent à préserver la stabilité dans leur pays. L’hypothèse de départ de cette recherche était que le savoir partagé à propos du risque et l'illusion de la permanence de la justice dans la société camerounaise sont un paravent à l'éclatement d'une crise sociale majeure. Cette hypothèse de départ a été testée par le biais de 3 enquêtes visant à ressortir l'influence des représentations sociales de la paix et du risque, et de la croyance en un monde juste sur la stabilité qui prévaut au Cameroun. Grâce aux données recueillies (N=156) par le biais des questionnaires d'associations libres et de caractérisation, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que l'évocation de la paix renvoie principalement à la sécurité et au brassage des populations. Pour nos participants, la sécurité et le brassage des populations sont considérés comme ce sur quoi la permanence de la concorde sociale repose. L'évocation du risque a quant à elle révélé que les carences de gouvernance, illustrées par l'allusion à la mauvaise gouvernance, la corruption ou le chômage, sont considérées comme les principales menaces qui pèsent sur la pérennité de la stabilité. / This research explains how through the mobilization of some socio-cognitive mechanisms, the cameroonian people manage to maintain stability in their country. The hypothesis of this research was that the knowledge shared about risk and the illusion of permanence of justice in Cameroon are a screen to the breakup of a major social crisis. This assumption was tested through 3 investigations to highlight the influence of the social representations of peace and risk, and the belief in a world just on the stability prevailing in Cameroon. Data collected (N=156) using the questionnaires of free associations and characterization highlighted the fact that the evocation of peace refers primilary to security and the mixing of populations. Security and the intermingling of populations are thus considered to be the pillars of the permanence of social harmony. The evocation of risk revealed that the shortcomings of governance, illustrated by the allusion to poor governance, corruption or unemployment, are considered to be the main threats weighing on the sustainability of the stability. These social representations of peace and the risk do not show a questioning of cohabitation between individuals and communities living in Cameroon. This state of affairs reflects the effectiveness of the existence of a common language and a specific identity ot the population about the prevention of social crises. These results highlight the existence of a form of consensus about other countries in serious social crises. The study of the influence of the belief in a just world on the attachment of Cameroonian to maintain peace (N=213) did not established links between these two factors. If the results of studies in relation with social representations corroborate with other works, the finding of the research on the belief in a just world did not highlight none of the correlations contained in the literature.

Defesa, conversão, vingança: a guerra justa contra ameríndios entre letrados e leis castelhanas (1492-1573) / Defense, conversion, revenge: the just war against Amerindians among letrados and Castilian laws (1492-1573)

Fernanda Elias Zaccarelli Salgueiro 07 July 2015 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, partiu-se da herança da tradição cristã do direito de guerra justa a fim de compreender as modulações experimentadas pelo conceito quando de sua aplicação, na legislação castelhana, aos processos de conquista e colonização das Índias Ocidentais de 1492 a 1573. Tendo em conta a polêmica instaurada com a dúvida acerca da legitimidade da conquista, foram consideradas as posições de alguns dos mais influentes teólogos, juristas, conquistadores e administradores coloniais. Deu-se especial atenção ao pensamento de Francisco de Vitoria e Domingo de Soto, os maiores expoentes da Escola de Salamanca, em razão do debate historiográfico pendente na direção da coadunação entre a doctrina communis apresentada por eles quanto à guerra e as normas de Castela. Observou-se que, durante quase todo o período analisado, o teor da legislação pressupôs a inferioridade dos nativos, bem como uma interpretação teocrático-pontifical das bulas papais de 1493. O rol de causas disparadoras da guerra se mostrou variável, conforme o texto e a circunstância, abarcando imperativos de defesa, castigo, conversão, vingança, domínio e civilização. / In this thesis, the heritage of the Christian tradition of just war was considered in order to understand the modulation experienced by the concept upon its application, in Castilian legislation, to the processes of conquest and colonization of the West Indies from 1492 to 1573. Taking into account the controversy brought with the doubt concerning the legitimacy of the conquest, the positions of some of the most influential theologians, jurists, conquerors and colonial administrators were analyzed. Special attention was provided to the thought of Francisco de Vitoria and Domingo de Soto, the greatest exponents of the School of Salamanca, given the pending historiographical debate toward coadunition between their doctrina communis about war and the rules of Castile. It was observed that, during most of the period studied, the content of the legislation assumed the inferiority of the natives, as well as a theocratic-pontifical interpretation of the papal bulls of 1493. The list of triggering causes of war was variable, according to the text and the circumstance, covering defense, punishment, conversion, revenge, domination and civilization imperatives.

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