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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cinetica do fosforo radioativo no sangue de ovinos suplementados com fosfato bicalcico, monoamonio, supertriplo e rocha Tapira

ABDALLA, ADIBE L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:37:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 04786.pdf: 3912621 bytes, checksum: ee7272b9218fa76dde888b85dec420f5 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, animals and pollen grains as determinants of atopic diseases and respiratory infections

Hugg, T. (Timo) 16 September 2009 (has links)
Abstract Little is known about a) the differences in allergic and respiratory diseases between the Finnish and Russian populations, and the environmental factors associated with those differences, and b) exposure to pollen grains indoors and the efficiency of penetration of pollen from outdoor to indoor air. This thesis is based on a cross-sectional population-based epidemiological study conducted in Imatra (Finland) and Svetogorsk (Russia) in 2003 and a rotorod-type-sampler-based pollen study conducted in the province of South Karelia (Finland) between 2003 and 2004. The prevalence of allergic diseases was higher among Finnish than Russian schoolchildren. The symptoms among allergic children were more severe, and the occurrence of respiratory infections was in general more frequent in Russia than in Finland. In the logistic regression analyses the risk of asthma was particularly related to high maternal smoking exposure, and the risk of the common cold was related to high combined parental smoking during infancy (adjusted OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.06–3.17) in Finnish children. Among Russian children, allergic conjunctivitis was related to maternal smoking, while the common cold was inversely related to paternal and parental smoking (0.60, 0.37–0.98 and 0.31, 0.11–0.83, respectively) during the study period. The risk of asthma was inversely related to any indoor dog-keeping in Finland (0.35, 0.13–0.95), whereas in Russia the risk of asthma was increased in relation to combined indoor cat exposure during infancy and the study period (4.56, 1.10–18.91). The concentrations of pollen grains decreased from abundant (0–855 pollen grains per cubic meter, pg/m3) to low (0–3 pg/m3), when moving from outdoors to indoors and further. The differences in diseases and symptoms in these two closely related populations could be ascribed to differences in culture, exposures, diagnostic criteria and treatment. The concentrations of pollen in indoor air during the flowering period were mostly on a level high enough to cause reactions in only the most sensitive subjects. The results suggest that more efforts should be directed to reducing parental smoking, to studying the role and effects of nationally different animal exposures in childhood, and to assessing the importance of different penetration routes of pollen grains. / Tiivistelmä Suomen ja Venäjän välisistä allergioiden ja hengitystietulehdusten esiintymiseroista ja esiintymiseen vaikuttavista ympäristötekijöistä tiedetään varsin vähän. Myös tutkimuksia siitepölyille altistumisesta sisätiloissa ja siitepölyjen tunkeutumiskyvystä ulkoilmasta sisäilmaan on niukasti. Tutkimus yhdistää sekä lääketieteellisen että luonnontieteellisen tutkimusalan tutkimustraditiot sekä atooppisten sairauksien ja/tai hengitystietulehdusten tärkeimpien määrittäjien tarkastelun yhdeksi tutkimuskokonaisuudeksi. Väestö- ja kyselylomakepohjainen poikkileikkaustutkimus toteutettiin Suomen ja Venäjän rajan molemmin puolin sijaitsevissa Imatran ja Svetogorskin kaupungeissa vuonna 2003. Tutkimusväestö koostui 512 suomalaisesta ja 581 venäläisestä 7–16-vuotiaasta koululaisesta (osallistumisaste 79 %). Rotorod-tyyppisen keräimen käyttöön perustuva siitepölytutkimus toteutettiin erilaisissa ulko- ja sisätiloissa Lappeenrannan ja Imatran kaupungeissa, Rautjärven kunnassa ja valtatie 6:lla vuosina 2003 ja 2004. Atooppisten sairauksien esiintyvyys oli runsaampaa suomalaisten koululaisten keskuudessa. Sitä vastoin allergisten lasten kokemat oireet olivat voimakkaampia ja hengitystietulehdusten esiintyvyys oli runsaampaa venäläisten koululaisten keskuudessa. Astmariski kytkeytyi erityisesti äidin runsaalle tupakoinnille altistumiseen raskauden (vakioitu OR 3.51, 95 % luottamusväli 1.00–12.3), ensimmäisen elinvuoden (3.34, 1.23–9.07) ja tutkimuksen aikana (3.27, 1.26–8.48). Nuhakuumeen riski oli suurentunut suomalaisten koululaisten keskuudessa, jotka olivat altistuneet molempien vanhempien runsaalle tupakoinnille ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana (1.83, 1.06–3.17). Äidin tupakoinnille ensimmäisen elinvuoden (4.53, 1.49–13.8) ja tutkimuksen aikana (2.82, 1.07–7.44) altistuneilla venäläisillä oli suurentunut allergisen silmän sidekalvotulehduksen riski. Tutkimuksen aikainen isän ja vanhempien tupakointi vähensi nuhakuumeen riskiä (0.60, 0.37–0.98; 0.31, 0.11–0.83) Venäjällä. Suomessa koiranpito sisätiloissa vähensi astmariskiä (0.35, 0.13–0.95), vastaavasti Venäjällä raskauden jälkeinen sisätiloissa tapahtuva kissa-altistus lisäsi koululaisten astmariskiä (4.56, 1.10–18.91). Siitepölyjen pitoisuudet pienenivät siirryttäessä ulkoa (0–855 siitepölyhiukkasta ilmakuutiossa; sp/m3) sisätiloihin (0–17 sp/m3). Ympäristöaltisteisiin ja sairauden ennusteeseen vaikuttavat sekä kansallinen kulttuuri ja vakiintuneet tavat, että erot diagnosointikriteereissä, yleisessä tautitietoisuudessa ja lääkkeiden saatavuudessa. Näin ollen altisteiden voimakkuus ja kesto sekä terveysvaikutukset voivat vaihdella merkittävästi lähellä toisiaan sijaitsevien alueiden välillä. Siitepölypitoisuudet sisätiloissa olivat pääosin tasolla, jolle altistuminen aiheuttaa oireita vain kaikkein herkimmille allergisille. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan lisää voimavaroja tulisi suunnata passiiviselle tupakoinnille altistumisen vähentämiseen erityisesti yksilökehityksellisesti herkkien varhaisvaiheiden aikana, kansallisten eläinaltistuserojen terveysvaikutusten selvittämiseen sekä siitepölyjen erilaisten kulkeutumisreittien merkityksen tutkimiseen.

Etude des cycles épidémiologiques d'Anaplasma phagocytophilum en France : apport des approches de caractérisation génétique / Study of epidemiological cycles of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in France : contribution of characterization by genetic approaches

Chastagner, Amélie Pierrette 28 October 2014 (has links)
A. phagocytophilum, une bactérie transmise par les tiques, est responsable de l’anaplasmose granulocytaire, une maladie émergente qui infecte une large gamme de mammifères dont l’homme. Actuellement, la description des cycles épidémiologiques de cette bactérie est incomplète. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser la diversité génétique d’A. phagocytophilum chez différentes espèces d’hôtes, afin de déterminer quelles espèces participent au même cycle épidémiologique. D’abord, nous avons caractérisé la diversité génétique d’A. phagocytophilum chez les animaux domestiques malades à l’aide d’une MLSA. Nous avons identifié trois groupes de génotypes infectant les bovins, dont un groupe est partagé avec les chevaux et les chiens, et un avec les chevreuils. Ensuite, nous avons recherché quelles espèces de tiques pouvaient transmettre la bactérie, et quels pouvaient être les réservoirs parmi les mammifères sauvages. En Camargue, un génotype au fort potentiel zoonotique a été identifié chez cinq espèces de tiques du genre Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor et Hyalomma. La prévalence chez des rongeurs suggère qu’ils peuvent être réservoirs, mais la présence de génotypes infectant les bovins chez les mulots est à vérifier. Enfin, la comparaison des génotypes obtenus chez les tiques et les chevreuils par séquençage 454, a montré que la contribution des chevreuils à l’infection des tiques était faible sur le site des Vallons de Gascogne. L’absence de rongeurs infectés sur ce site suggère que d’autres mammifères réservoirs sont présents. Cette étude montre la complexité des cycles d’A. phagocytophilum et l’intérêt des outils moléculaires. / A. phagocytophilum, a tick-borne bacterium, is responsible of the granulocytic anaplasmosis, an emerging disease that infects a large range of mammals including humans. Currently, the description of the epidemiological cycles of this bacterium is incomplete. The objective of this thesis was to characterize the genetic diversity of A. phagocytophilum in different host species to determine those involved in the same epidemiological cycle. First, we characterized the genetic diversity of A. phagocytophilum in sick domestic animals with a MLSA. We identified three groups of genotypes infecting cattle, including one group shared with horses and dogs, and another shared with roe deer. Then, we investigated what species of ticks can transmit the bacteria, and what wild mammals could be reservoirs. In Camargue, a genotype with high zoonotic potential was identified in five species of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor and Hyalomma. The prevalence in French rodents suggests that they may be reservoir hosts, but the presence of genotypes infecting cattle in rodents must be checked. Finally, comparing the bacterial genotypes in ticks and roe deer by 454 sequencing, showed that the contribution of the roe deer to tick infection was low in the site of “Vallons de Gascogne”. The absence of infected rodents in this location suggests that other reservoir mammals are present. This study demonstrates the complexity of the A. phagocytophilum cycle and the contribution of molecular tools.

Stock farmers and the state: a case study of animal healthcare practices in Hertzog Eastern Cape Province South Africa

Jenjezwa, Vimbai Rachel January 2010 (has links)
The animal healthcare practices of most communal farmers involve the use of both conventional and ethnoveterinary medicines. This study presents information on the animal healthcare practices of stock farmers in Hertzog, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It also presents the findings on the social, economic and political aspects surrounding animal healthcare. The research applied two theories namely structuration theory and the Context, Practice and Belief (CPB) framework. Interviews and participant observation were used to collect data. The communal farmers widely used conventional medicines however, proper administration methods were not followed. Ethnoveterinary medicines were used to prevent and treat disease, even by the younger stock farmers. The stock farmers used ethnoveterinary medicines mainly because of the lack of finance to purchase the conventional medicines, even though the latter was preferred. The stock farmers actively participated in state programmes but felt that they needed more state veterinarian visits and state provided medications because they could not afford private veterinarians and conventional medicines. Therefore, this study attempts to contribute to an understanding of the use of ethnoveterinary medicine and communal farmers’ animal healthcare practices.

Molecular investigation of arthropods and vector-borne bacteria from Ethiopia

Kumsa, Bersissa 02 December 2014 (has links)
En outre, nous avons fait une expérience sur les nouveaux outils pour identifier les tiques par MALDI-TOF MS protéines profilage et des méthodes moléculaires. Notre étude visant à explorer les bactéries dans les ixodidae prélevés sur des animaux domestiques en Éthiopie a révélé une prévalence globale de 6% (46/767) des rickettsies de SFG, 3,8% (29/767) ADN de Borrelia et 6,4% (54/842) de C. burnetii dans différentes espèces de tiques. L'étude pour étudier les bactéries dans 303 puces prélevés sur des chiens et des chats domestiques en Ethiopie qui ont été identifiés comme étant morphologiquement Ctenocephalides felis felis, Ctenocephalides canis, Pulex irritans et Echidnophaga gallinacé montré Rickettsia felis dans 21% des puces, principalement dans Ctenocephalides felis, avec un semblable prévalence dans les puces de chiens et de chats. La présence d'Acinetobacter spp. dans M. ovinus, Heterodoxus spiniger, Bovicola ovis et Linognathus vituli. La séquence du gène rpoB partiel a révélé la présence de A. soli, A. lowffii, A. Pitti et 3 nouveaux Acinetobacter spp. dans les poux et Keds. Bartonella melophagi a été identifié par une PCR standard, suivi par un séquençage du fragment de la gltA et gène rpoB chez M. ovinus. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats alerte les médecins en charge des patients avec fièvre d'étiologie inconnue en Ethiopie et ceux qui se soucient de voyageurs en provenance de l'Ethiopie à prendre en compte la présence de plusieurs espèces zoonotiques à transmission vectorielle de bactéries, y compris SFG rickettsies, C. burnetii, R. felis, B. henselae et B. melophagi comme agents pathogènes potentiels. / Our study to explore bacteria in ixodid ticks collected from domestic animals in Ethiopia revealed an overall prevalence of 6% (46/767) SFG rickettsiae, 3.8% (29/767) Borrelia DNA and 6.4% (54/842) C. burnetii in different tick species. The study to investigate bacteria in 303 fleas collected from domestic dogs and cats in Ethiopia that were morphologically identified as Ctenocephalides felis felis, Ctenocephalides canis, Pulex irritans and Echidnophaga gallinacean showed Rickettsia felis in 21% of fleas, mainly in Ctenocephalides felis, with a similar prevalence in fleas from dogs and cats. The study to investigate bacteria in lice and sheep ked (Melophagus ovinus) revealed Acinetobacter spp. in M. ovinus, Heterodoxus spiniger, Bovicola ovis and Linognathus vituli. Partial rpoB gene sequence revealed A. soli, A. lowffii, A. pitti and 3 new Acinetobacter spp. in the lice and keds. Molecular identification of lice using an 18S rRNA gene analysis confirmed the morphological methods of lice identification. Bartonella melophagi was identified by standard PCR followed by sequencing of fragments of the gltA and rpoB genes in M. ovinus.Overall, our findings alert physicians managing patients with fever of unknown aetiology in Ethiopia and those who care for travellers from Ethiopia to consider the presence of several vector-borne zoonotic species of bacteria including SFG rickettsiae, C. burnetii, R. felis, B. henselae and B. melophagi as potential causative agents.

Detecção e caracterização molecular de riquétsias em humanos, potenciais vetores e animais domésticos da região sudeste do Brasil. / Detection and molecular characterization of rickettsiae in humans, potential vectors and domestic animals of southeastern Brazil.

Flávia de Sousa Gehrke 18 June 2010 (has links)
Neste projeto, objetivou-se o diagnóstico de riquétsias, utilizando metodologia molecular, em material de humanos, carrapatos, pulgas, cães e equinos de áreas endêmicas dos estados de São Paulo (SP) e Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Diagnosticou-se Rickettsia rickettsii infectando Amblyomma cajennense e humanos no estado de SP, indicando ser esta a única espécie responsável pela doença. Rickettsia conorii foi diagnosticada em um paciente procedente de Portugal. No estado do RJ, Rickettsia felis foi detectada Ctenocephalides felis e em Am. cajennense enquanto que R. rickettsii em Amblyomma aureolatum, Am. cajennense, Anocentor nitens, Boophilus microplus, Ct. felis e Rhipicephalus sanguineus. As frequências mínimas de vetores infectados do estado do RJ apresentaram valores superiores àqueles registrados em outras regiões do país. Demonstrou-se, de forma inédita, o envolvimento de algumas destas espécies no ciclo da bactéria. R. rickettsii foi diagnosticada em cães e equinos indicando a importância dos animais domésticos na manutenção do ciclo da riquetsiose. / This project aimed to diagnose rickettsial diseases using molecular analysis methods on human, tick, flea, dog and horse samples from endemic areas in the States of São Paulo (SP) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ). A diagnosis of Rickettsia rickettsii infecting Amblyomma cajennense and humans in the State of SP was made, indicating that this is the only species responsible for the disease. Rickettsia conorii was diagnosed in a patient from Portugal. In RJ, Rickettsia felis was detected in Ctenocephalides felis and Am. cajennense, while R. rickettsii was detected in Amblyomma aureolatum, Am. cajennense, Anocentor nitens, Boophilus microplus, Ct. felis and Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In the State of RJ the minimum frequency of infected vectors presented higher values than those recorded in other regions of the country. The involvement of some of these species in the bacterium cycle has been demonstrated for the first time. R. rickettsii was diagnosed in dogs and horses indicating the importance of livestock in the maintenance cycle of rickettsial infection.

Osteologische Untersuchungen an rezenten Tierknochen aus der Küstensiedlung Caletones auf Kuba: Ein Beitrag zur Ethnoarchäologie

Frisch, Hans-Jörg, Teegen, Wolf-Rüdiger 29 May 2019 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag wird über osteologische Untersuchungen an rezenten Knochenfunden aus der kubanischen Strandsiedlung Caletones berichtet. Außer den Haustierarten Rind, Schaf/Ziege, Schwein und Huhn wurden Knochen von mindestens zwei Meeresschildkrötenarten und von zwei bislang unbestimmten Fischarten gefunden. Marine Tiere spielen in der Ernährung der Küstenbewohner eine wichtige Rolle. Spuren krankhafter Veränderungen wurden ausschließlich an den Schweineschädeln festgestellt und betreffen hauptsächlich Kiefer und Zähne. / This paper describes the recent bone finds from the Cuban coastal village Caletones. Bones of domestic animals (cattle, sheep/goat, pig, chicken) as well as sea turtles were present. Furthermore, bones of two, not yet determined, fish species were found. Marine animals provide an important part of animal protein for the coastal population in Cuba. Pathological changes were only found in the skulls of pigs and are mainly related to the teeth and jaws.

Stress and the Offspring : Adaptive Transgenerational Effects of Unpredictability on Behaviour and Gene Expression in Chickens (<em>Gallus gallus</em>)

Nätt, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Environmental stress has shown to affect both the exposed individuals and the development of their offspring. Generally, it is thought that the stressed organism responds to stress by trying to adapt to it. This thesis investigates possible evolutionary consequences of cross-generational transmissions of stress, where the parent has been stressed but the offspring has not. In two studies we have exposed chicken parents of different breeds to an unpredictable circadian light rhythm, to investigate the influence of genetic background on the transmission of behaviour and patterns of genome-wide gene expression across generations. In Paper I, we can show that the domesticated chicken, by means of epigenetic factors, transmit their behaviours as well as their gene expression profiles to their offspring to a higher extent than their wild ancestor, the red junglefowl. Furthermore, in Paper II, even though the offspring never experienced the stress or had any contact with their stressed parents, they seemed to have adapted to it, which suggests that the parents might have prepared (or pre-adapted) them for living in the unpredictable environment. Additionally, eggs of stressed hens showed increased levels of estradiol that might have affected gene expression of specific immune genes, which were up-regulated in the offspring of stressed parents. It is possible that the traditional distinction between stress responses and evolutionary adaptation may be reevaluated, since our results indicate that they could be parts of the same evolutionary event.</p>

Políticas públicas de proteção animal: o programa RDPA do município de Curitiba e sua efetividade perante o direito ambiental

Caneparo, Camila Juliana Francisco 28 August 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho inicia-se com a pesquisa bibliográfica que permitiu a apresentação das disposições normativas acerca da proteção jurídica do meio ambiente, nela incluída os animais domésticos. O conjunto normativo pátrio e estrangeiro evoluiu quanto ao amparo ambiental, vislumbrando-se nova postura do Poder Público em decorrência dos atuais paradigmas da sociedade, que vem cada vez mais se preocupando com a preservação dos recursos ambientais e dos demais elementos ecológicos. Percebe-se que atualmente a garantia dos direitos dos animais não se restringe apenas aos silvestres e exóticos, mas resta consagrada a dos domésticos (como cães e gatos), principalmente pelas disposições constitucionais. No que diz respeito ao tema políticas públicas, é conceituado como o plano de ações governamentais para concretizar os direitos coletivos da sociedade, tendo sido discorrido especificamente acerca das políticas voltadas ao bem-estar dos animais domésticos, com a descrição de exemplos de ações implementadas em diversos locais. Por conseguinte, apresenta-se o programa Rede de Defesa e Proteção Animal do Município de Curitiba (RDPA), referenciando-se seu histórico, objetivos, ações e resultados por meio da pesquisa qualitativa. Diante desses dados, constata-se a efetividade do programa estudado à luz das disposições legais e principiológicas a ele aplicáveis, pois vem executando ações de cunho educacional como a propagação da Guarda Responsável e do Projeto Veterinário Mirim. Ainda, disponibiliza castração para famílias de baixa renda, consideradas vulneráveis pela FAS e em situação de risco para a COHAB, bem como para protetores independentes, medida que se mostra efetiva para diminuir a natalidade e não ocasiona sofrimento aos animais. Os maus-tratos têm sido combatidos principalmente por ações de fiscalização nos estabelecimentos que comercializam os animais, em que se averigua se há o atendimento à legislação. Por fim, o Município tem divulgado o evento Feira Amigo Bicho e cedido espaço no Parque Barigui para ONG’s e protetores levarem animais para serem doados. Foram apresentadas propostas para o aperfeiçoamento do programa ora estudado, como a averiguação de implantar a isenção fiscal para estimular comportamentos ecologicamente corretos e o custeio de ações do programa. Outra sugestão indicada, por exemplo, foi a análise da viabilidade de instaurar chamamento público por parte do ente municipal responsável pela RDPA para obtenção de patrocínio, em que as patrocinadoras divulgam suas logomarcas e em contrapartida custeiam castrações, vacinações e microchipagens. / This dissertation begins with a bibliographic research that allowed the presentation of the legislative provisions concerning the legal protection of the environment, included domestic animals. The national and foreign laws evolved as environmental protection, with a new position of the Government due the current paradigms of the society, which increasingly is concerned with the preservation of environmental resources and other environmental elements. Currently it is noticed that the rights of animals are not only restricted to wild and exotic, but also to the domestics (dogs and cats), mainly by constitutional provisions. In relation to public policy subject, it is conceptualized as the governmental action plan to achieve the collective rights of society, having been specifically discoursed on policies focused at domestic animals welfare, with some examples of actions in several locations. Therefore, it is presented the DNAP Program of Curitiba (RDPA), referencing its history, objectives, actions and results through qualitative research. Given these data, it is noted the effectiveness of the studied program under the law and set of principles applicable to it, because it is implementing educational actions as the Responsible Guard and Veterinary Project Mirim (Young Officers). It also offers castration for families considered vulnerable by FAS and in situation of risk to COHAB and low income families, as well for independent protectors, effective measure to reduce the birth rate and does not cause suffering to animals. The maltreatments are being tackled mainly by enforcement actions in the establishments that sell animals, where it is examined if there is compliance with the law. Finally, Curitiba has divulged the event Feira Amigo Bicho (Animal Friend Fair) and ceded space in the Barigüi Park for NGOs and protectors take animals to be donated. Proposals for improving the program were presented, as the possibility of implementation of tax exemption to encourage environmentally friendly behaviors and the costing of program actions. Another suggestion indicated, for example, was the feasibility analysis of establish a public invitation by the municipal entity responsible for DNAP to obtain sponsorship, where the sponsors disclose their logos, but paying for castrations, vaccinations and microchips implants.

Determinação e avaliação da composição mineral de rações de cães e gatos do Estado de Sergipe

Costa, Silvânio Silvério Lopes da 05 February 2013 (has links)
The pet food industry for dogs and cats has grown extensively. This growth has been reflected from the requirements of the owners of these animals by products with different characteristics and which are suitable nutritional quality, according to the need of the animal. Therefore, we emphasize the importance in determining the mineral composition of these foods, especially in the sense of possible contaminants. In this work, a method proposed for determination of mineral composition (S, Al, Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn, Sr, V, Fe, Ni, Cr and Ba) in dog and cat foods by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The samples were digested by microwave-assisted digestion method using dilute HNO3 (2.0 mol L-1) and H2O2 (6% m/v). The ratio of the reagents used in digestion was established by a full-two level factorial design. The optimum conditions for RF power was 1.2 kW and nebulization gas flow rate of 1.0 L min-1, which were established by a 32 factorial design with two variables, evaluating these conditions the methodology of response surface analysis. To evaluate the precision and accuracy of the proposed method, five certified reference materials (CRM) were analyzed: wheat flour (NIST 1567a), bovine liver (NIST 1547), peach leaves (NBS 1577), oyster tissue (NIST 1566b) and fish proteins (DORM-3). The analysis of the CRM has shown that the values are in agreement with the certified values ranged between 80 (Cr) and 117% (Cd), with relative standard deviations (% RSD) lower than 5%, except for Ni and Cr which exceeded 15%. The limits of quantification (LOQ) were obtained between 0.075 (Ba, 233.527 nm) and 87 ìg g-1 (Ca, 373.690 nm). The method was applied to analysis of 17 cat food samples with concentrations varying between 2.3 mg kg-1 for Ba and 2.8 g kg-1 for Ca and 24 of dog food samples ranging between 3.8 mg kg-1 for Cu and 3.4 g kg-1 for Ca collected in supermarkets of cities the of State of Sergipe, Brazil. The exploratory techniques of data using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), can conclude that the ration for the pet foods were uniform, since there was no trend in the formation of distinct groups for possible rating, according to their mineral composition, except the brand "F2", which clustered with the presence of concentrations of aluminum and copper in feed composition for dog. / A industria de racoes destinadas a caes e gatos tem crescido amplamente. Este crescimento tem sido reflexo das exigencias dos donos desses animais por produtos com caracteristicas diferenciadas e que apresentem qualidade nutricional adequada, de acordo com a necessidade do animal. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importancia na determinacao da composicao mineral desses alimentos, principalmente no sentido de possiveis contaminantes. Neste trabalho foi proposto um metodo analitico para determinacao da composicao mineral (S, Al, Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn, Sr, V, Fe, Ni, Ba e Cr) em racoes de caes e de gatos por espectrometria de emissao optica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). As amostras foram digeridas por aquecimento assistido por micro-ondas utilizando HNO3 diluido (2,0 mol.L-1) e H2O2 (6% v/v). A condicao da proporcao entre os reagentes utilizados na digestao foi estabelecida por um planejamento fatorial em dois niveis. As condicoes otimas para potencia de radiofrequencia foi de 1,2 kW e vazao do gas de nebulizacao da amostra, de 1,0 L min-1, as quais foram estabelecidas por um planejamento fatorial 32 com duas variaveis, avaliando-se estas condicoes pela metodologia de analise de superficie de resposta. Para avaliar a precisao e a exatidao do metodo proposto foram analisados cinco materiais de referencia certificados (MRC): farinha de trigo (NIST 1567a), figado bovino (NIST 1547), folhas de pessegueiro (NBS 1577), tecidos de ostra (NIST 1566b) e proteinas de peixe (DORM-3). Apos analise dos MRC, os valores encontrados foram concordantes com os valores certificados e informados variaram entre 80 (Cr) e 117% (Cd), com desvios padrao relativos (%RSD) menores do que 5%, exceto para Ni e Cr que excederam 15%. Os limites de quantificacao (LQ) obtidos estiveram entre 0,075 (Ba, 233,527 nm) e 87 Êg g-1 (Ca, 373,690 nm). O metodo foi aplicado na analise de 17 amostras de racoes de gatos, com concentracoes variando entre 2,3 mg Kg-1 para o Ba e 2,8 g Kg-1 para o calcio, e 24 amostras de racoes de caes, variando entre 3,8 mg Kg-1 para o Cu e 3,4 g Kg-1 para o Ca, coletadas em municipios do Estado de Sergipe. A partir das tecnicas exploratorias de dados utilizando PCA e HCA, pode-se concluir que as racoes destinadas aos animais de estimacao apresentaram uniformidade, uma vez que nao houve tendencia na formacao de grupos distintos para uma possivel classificacao conforme a sua composicao mineral, exceto a marca gF2 h, que aglomerou-se atraves da presenca das concentracoes de aluminio e cobre na sua composicao para caes.

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