Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drinking water"" "subject:"drinking later""
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L’écoefficacité : améliorer la gouvernance de l’eau potable en milieu rural des pays en développement / Eco-efficiency : improving the governance of drinking water in developing counties countrysideZombo, Morris Musema 16 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde le thème de l'efficacité au regard du management public, de l'écologie et de l’économie des capitaux pour comprendre les problèmes qui aujourd’hui font obstacle au développement de nombreux pays. Nombre de systèmes d’alimentation en eau potable dans leur milieu rural, ne sont pas à mesure d’apporter une réponse adéquate aux besoins réellement ressentis par les populations concernées. Elle se pose la question de savoir pourquoi tant d’investissements ont-ils donné aussi peu de résultats dans le secteur de l’eau dans les pays en développement. Elle se propose d’appliquer une nouvelle approche dans le cadre de la modélisation et de la simulation des systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau potable. Elle se propose aussi d’intégrer le même modèle au « mix » concernant l’eau et les énergies renouvelables. Il entend, enfin, réaliser une modélisation numérique pour permettre un prototypage virtuel du système proposé et d’aider à la conduite de projets de réalisation. Sans prétendre résoudre l’ensemble des problèmes associés à la gouvernance de l’eau potable en milieu rural dans des pays en développement, cette recherche fournit aux décideurs des moyens d’améliorer la performance opérationnelle des services d’eau à l’aide d’un modèle éco-efficace de conception de systèmes éco-efficaces et de coordination avec les usagers. Le nouveau modèle proposé riche de trois méta-règles débouchent au calcul d’indice ZOMBO (Iz), utilisé comme une métrique de fiabilité pour la validation et l’évaluation de la maitrise dudit modèle. Elle apporte aussi des supports de participation des populations locales à travers une démocratie traditionnelle africaine sous l’arbre à palabres / This thesis deals with the theme of efficiency in public management, ecology, and capital economics, in order to understand the problems that today hinder the development of many countries. Many drinking water systems in rural areas in developing countries are not able to provide an adequate response to the real needs felt by the concerned populations. The question arises as to why so many investments have yielded so little success in the water sector in developing countries? The research proposes to apply a new approach in the modeling and simulation of drinking water supply systems. It also intends to integrate the same model into the "mix" concerning water and renewable energies. Finally, it intends to carry out a numerical modeling to allow a virtual prototyping of the proposed system and to assist in the conduct of realization projects. Without seeking to solve all the problems associated with the governance of drinking water in rural areas in developing countries, this research provides decision-makers with the means to improve the operational performance of water services, an eco-efficient design of procurement systems, and coordination with users. The proposed new model of three metarules leads to the calculation of the ZOMBO index (Iz), used as a reliability metric for the validation and evaluation of the mastery of the model. It also provides support for the participation of local communities through a traditional African democracy approach under the Palaver tree
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Kartläggning av riskområden för inducerad infiltration i grundvattentäkter / Mapping of Risk Areas for Induced Infiltration into GroundwaterSundström, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Uttag av grundvatten är viktigt då det förser nästan hälften av befolkningen i Sverige med dricksvatten. Vid uttag som leder till avsänkning av grundvattennivån kan en inträngning av organiskt material uppstå om det finns ett intilliggande ytvattendrag, ett fenomen som kallas inducerad infiltration. Nackdelarna vid den här typen av läckage från ytvatten är att det är svårt att kontrollerna och att det organiska materialet förbrukar syre, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att järn och mangan löses ut i grundvattenmagasinen. Omformningen från ytvatten till grundvatten går för fort och vattnet renas sämre med risken att också dricksvattenkvalitén försämras. I den här rapporten gjordes en kartläggning som markerade riskområden för inducerad infiltration i Sverige. Dessa områden visade sig finnas jämnt utspridda över hela landet. En närmare undersökning gjordes av mätserier från Gävleåsen och Vanåsen, två åsar som huserar grundvattentäkter. Vanåsen representerades endast av en mycket liten markering i kartläggningen men där visade sig en tydlig ökning av organisk halt och stora problem, medan Gävleåsen var mer synlig i kartan utan att ge något entydigt resultat av ökande halter. Slutsatsen är att där uppförande av vattentäkter planeras måste noggranna analyser utföras för att få en helhetsbild av området, intilliggande ytvattendrag och grundvattenflödets riktningar. / The use of groundwater is important as it supplies almost half of the population in Sweden with drinking water. In the case of withdrawals that lead to a lowering of the groundwater level, an intrusion of organic material might occur if there is an adjacent surface watercourse, a phenomenon known as induced infiltration. The disadvantages of this type of leakage from surface water is that it is difficult to control and that the organic material consumes oxygen, which in turn can lead to iron and manganese being dissolved in the groundwater reservoirs. The transformation from surface water to groundwater goes too fast and the water isn’t filtered good enough with the risk that the quality of the drinking water also deteriorates. In this report, a mapping study was made to mark risk areas for induced infiltration in Sweden. These areas proved to be evenly distributed throughout the country. A closer examination was made of series of measurements from Gävleåsen and Vanåsen, two ridges with groundwater sewers. Vanåsen was only represented by a very small mark in the mapping, but there was a clear increase in organic content and major problems, while Gävleåsen was clearly visible in the map without giving any univocal result of increasing concentrations. The conclusion is that where construction of water sources is planned, detailed analyzes must be carried out in order to obtain an overall picture of the area, adjacent surface watercourses and the directions of the groundwater flow.
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Vulnerabilidade e perigo de contaminação dos aquíferos nas sub-bacias do Alto Aguapeí e Alto Peixe - SP /Montero, Rafael Carrion. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Anna Silvia Palcheco Peixoto / Co-orientador: Emília Carlos Prandi / Banca: Rodrigo Lilla Manzione / Banca: Ilza Machado Kaiser / Resumo: A crescente demanda por recursos subterrâneos nas Bacias Hidrográficas dos Rios Aguapaí e Peixe, localizadas no oeste do Estado de São Paulo e a presença cada vez maior de substâncias em condições de acesso e contaminação das águas em subsuperfície têm pressionado de forma negativa a disponibilidade hídrica nessas bacias. Neste contexto de degradação, esta Dissertação objetiva a caracterização e avaliação da vulnerabilidade natural e dos perigos de contanimação das unidades aquíferas aflorantes nas subunidades de gestão de recursos hídricos denominados Alto Aguapeí e Alto Peixe. A caracterização da Vulnerabilidade foi realizada com aplicação do método GOD (Foster & Hirata, 1988). O perigo de contaminação dos aquíferos foi avaliado mediante a interpolação da vulnerabilidade natural com as fontes potencias de contaminação, identificadas e classificadas quanto o seu potencial de gerar carga contaminante, a partir da aplicação do método POSH (FOSTER et al, 2006). Os procedimentos de geoprocessamento foram realizados com auxílio do SIG ArcMap TM 9.3. Os resultados demonstraram que vulnerabilidades de classificação Extrema estão restritas as planícies fluviais dos rios Aguapeí e Tibiriça, ocupando cerca de 2% da área de estudos, as classes de vulnerabilidade Alta e Alta Baixa ocupam 41,5% e 23,7% respectivamente, enquanto 28,4% da área correspondem à vulnerabilidade Média. Para o restante da área obteve-se a classificação Média e Média Baixa Vulnerabilidade. A correlação das vulnerabilidades com as fontes potenciais de contaminação demonstraram que independente da localização, os postos de combustível e os locais de disposição de resíduos sólidos apresentam Alto perigo de contaminação. As atividades da indústria, por sua vez, apresentam Alto perigo de contaminação para os distritos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The increasing demand for groundwater resources in the Watersheds of Aguapeí and Peixe Rivers, located in the western part of São Paulo province, and also the increasing presence of substances in access condition and water contamination in the subsurface have been pressuring negatively the water availability in both basins. In this degradation context, this dissertation aims to characterize and evaluate the natural vulnerability and contamination risks of aquifers outcropping units in the sub water resources management units called. Alto Aguapeí and Alto Peixe. The vulnerability characterization was made applying the GOD method (Foster & Hirata, 1988). The aquifers contamination risk was estimated by interpolation of the natural vulnerability and the potential contamination sources that was identified and classified by their potential to generate contaminant load, using the POSH method (Foster et al, 2006). The geoprocessing producers were performed with assisting of some tools from the GLS ArcMap TM 9.3. The results evidenced that extreme classification vulnerability are restricted just for river plaints of Aguapeí and Tibiriça rivers, occupying around 2% of the studied area. The High and High Low vulnerability classes occupy 41.5% and 23.7% respectively and average vulnerability 28.4%. For the rest of the area was obtained medium and low vulnerability classification. The correlation of vulnerabilities and potential sources of contamination demonstrated that regardless of location, gas stations and solid waste disposal spots have high risks of contamination. The industrial activities have a high risk of contamination due the industrial district of Garça and Marilia and moderate for units in the food sector, located outside these districts. Furthermore, it is evident the importance of introducing the territory management policies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Emprego de filtro de fibras flexíveis constituído de fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na clarificação de água para abastecimento / Employment of flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester fibers in the clarification of drinking waterFagundes, Thalita Salgado 01 June 2015 (has links)
Os filtros de fibras flexíveis são módulos de filtração direta cujo leito filtrante é formado por micro fibras de poliamida, permitindo altas eficiências de remoção de sólidos suspensos, e aplicação de altas taxas de filtração. O presente estudo avaliou tal configuração de filtro utilizando fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na forma de fios. Foram realizados testes de resistência dos fios a meios com características químicas distintas - alcalino, ácido e com cloro residual. Foi realizada caracterização das fibras estudadas através de Microscopia Óptica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. Foram construídos 4 filtros com diâmetro interno de 28 mm, e porosidade 67% (algodão), e 75% (poliéster), sendo 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de algodão mercerizado - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm; e 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de poliéster - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm. Foi utilizada para alimentação dos filtros água sintética de turbidez 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, e cor aparente 97 ± 5,0 uC, e realizada coagulação in-line com 22,5mg/L e 15 mg/L (este último valor somente para os filtros de 100 cm) de sulfato de alumínio. Foram avaliadas taxas de filtração de 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. Os limites de turbidez estabelecidos para o filtrado foram de 1 e 2 uT. Os filtros de fibras flexíveis de algodão mercerizado e poliéster de leito 60 cm só conseguiram atingir os limites de turbidez até taxa de 80 m/h. Os filtros de leito 100 cm atingiram os limites satisfatoriamente em todas as taxas de filtração. Os filtros de poliéster obtiveram carreiras de filtração mais longas do que as obtidas pelos filtros de algodão, além de apresentarem perdas de carga menores. Exceto para taxa 40 e 60 m/h para o filtro de algodão mercerizado, todas as outras taxas em ambos os filtros obtiveram desempenhos melhores (carreiras de filtração longas, e filtrado de melhor qualidade) com dosagem menor de coagulante. Esse estudo mostrou potencial no uso das fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster nos filtros de fibras flexíveis aplicados em tratamento de água para abastecimento. Sugere-se estudos avançados para aplicação no Brasil de tal tecnologia. / The flexible fiber filters are direct filtration modules which filter media is made of polyamide micro fibers, obtaining high solids removal efficiency, and high filtration rates. This study evaluated the performance of the filter using mercerized cotton and polyester fibers. Tests of fibers resistance due to alkaline, acid and chlorinated environments were realized at the present research. The fibers were also analyzed by means of Optic and Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Four field-scale filters with an internal diameter of 28mm, porosity of 67% (cotton), and 75% (polyester) were installed; two of them made of mercerized cotton fiber- high of 60 and 100 cm; and two made of polyester fiber - high of 60 and 100 cm. A synthetic water was used as influent - turbidity 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, and color 97 ± 5,0 uC. In-line coagulation was used with 22,5 mg/L and 15 mg/L (this last value was only applied on 100cm length filters) of aluminium sulfate. The filtration rates studied were 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. The turbidity limits were 1 e 2 uT. The 60 cm high flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester only could work under the established turbidity limits until 80 m/h. The 100 cm high flexible fiber filter could work well in all the filtration rates. The flexible fiber filter made of polyester obtained longer filtration times, and lower pressure drop comparing to the flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton. Except for filtration rates of 40 e 60 m/h which mercerized cotton filter, in all the rates for both fiber filters, the lower coagulant dosage demonstrated better results - longer filtration times, and better quality in the effluent. This study indicated the potential of using flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester in water treatment. It is suggested advanced studies for this technology application in Brazil.
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Multistage solar still desalination systemMkhize, Mfanafuthi Mthandeni January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / The present study was centred on the design of a thermal multistage solar still desalination system. The design is a multistage with new configurations such as direct vapour input into each stage using vapour make-up tubes and the integration of a multistage with a basin type solar still. The incorporation of float a valve in the secondary seawater tank to regulate the seawater in the assembly eliminated the need of pumps to the system. The circulation of seawater between the evaporator and the evacuated tube solar collector (ETC) was through the pressure difference and the flow back was controlled through the incorporation of oneway flow valve. The ETC was used as a heat source to supply the thermal energy into the multistage system. The system had no electrical connections and therefore, no forced circulation as no pumps or any electrical components were used. The system consisted of six stages in total, the evaporator supplied the vapour to five of the six stages of the system.
The system was tested on the roof of Mechanical Engineering Department and this location was chosen because of less sun’s intensity obstructions. The system was tested for nine (9) days but the distillate collection was not performed for the whole each day. This was due to the controlled access to the roof and the minor repairs that had to occur before the tests were conducted. The duration on which the tests were conducted varied in each day. The data was supposed to be logged from 08h00 am to 18h00 pm but this was not so due to the controlled access to where the tests were conducted. This data logging period was chosen based on the assumptions that the sun’s intensity would be at maximum within this period. The longest period of test was approximately 7 hours and the system managed to produce about 1500 ml and the maximum temperature for the day was 28oC. The system produced a minimum of 225 ml in the space of 3 hours and the temperature of the day was 26oC. The total amount of distillate produced was about 7600 ml and this amount was produced within the period of 49 hours. The 49 hours is equivalent to two days and 1 hour. It is anticipated that the system would have produced more should there be no repairs involved during the tests. The system produced a maximum of 48 ml at night and a minimum of 8ml in some nights. The night tests were not controlled and monitored due to limited access. It was noticed that the system was empty in each morning of the first few days of the tests. This emptiness contributed to the leakage occurred to the evaporator. The leakage of the evaporator was caused by unmonitored heat supplied by the ETC. The evaporator was constructed using unsuitable material and this was another factor which contributed towards the failure of the evaporator.
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Delivery of environmental health services to Ducats informal settlementSompani, Thozamile Matthews January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Environmental Health))--Cape Technikon, 2003 / This study provides information on the provision of environmental health
services to informal housing settlements by local authorities.
A standard for Environmental Health Service delivery according to
Government policies and legislation has been provided. Actual
environmental health services delivered to Ducats informal settlement at
the time (1992), have been compared to the services that should have
been delivered by law.
Baseline data have been compiled by means of questionnaires, in order
to assist the different levels of government in addressing the housing and
environmental health needs of the Ducat community.
The nature of Environmental Health and the history of informal housing,
more specific that of the Ducat informal housing settlement, have been
Limited environmental health services were rendered to informal housing
settlements occupying land illegally during 1992. These environmental
health services were limited to basic sanitation, water supply and refuse
removal. Only pit latrines or bucket latrines were required as a means of
sanitation, tanks for water supply and skips for the disposal of waste.
Amatola Regional Services Council however rendered all the
environmental health services required.
Other environmental health aspects such as pest control, communicable
disease control, air pollution control, radiation, occupational health
issues, temperature extremes, lighting, ventilation, noise, social
environment, food and meat hygiene were not required.
This study has provided a set of Government policies and legislation,
which should be considered in rendering environmental health services
for housing in future.
Uncertainty of the past decade, about rendering of Environmental Health
services to people occupying land illegally, still persists. The Municipal
Structures Act, 117 of 1998 requires the rendering of Environmental
Health services by local authorities, but it does not state whether these
services should be rendered to people occupying land illegally as well.
Since this has been the biggest restriction in providing environmental
health services in the past, it is recommended that Government address
this uncertainty.
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Águas subterrâneas / Subterranean waterCarvalho, Maria Serina Areias de 03 June 2013 (has links)
A água doce e potável representa um dos maiores desafios da humanidade. A tendência é reconhecer a água como um elemento natural de valor econômico, jurídico e social, cuja ameaça de escassez começa a ser debatida com maior interesse pela Organização das Nações Unidas. E os reservatórios de água doce e potável demandam uma proteção ambiental complexa, por conjugar o uso racional e a necessidade de desenvolvimento econômico e social. Por isso, nesse trabalho, propomos discutir sobre as formas de assegurar a continuidade do abastecimento das águas subterrâneas, para que possam servir às gerações futuras. / The sweet and drinking water represent one of the greatest challenges of humankind. The trend is to acknowledge water as a natural element with economic, legal and social values, which threat of scarcity commences to debate with larger interest for the United Nations Organization. And the reservoirs of sweet and drinking water demand a complex environmental protection, for conjugating the rational use and the necessity of economical and social development. Therefore, in that paper, we propose to discuss the means to legally ensure the continuity of subterranean water supply, so that they can attend the future generations.
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Ocorrência e caracterização de Giardia e Cryptosporidium em águas captadas para abastecimento público no município de Cajamar-SP e avaliação do risco / Occurrence and characterization of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in water collected for public supply in the municipality of Cajamar-SP and risk assessmentBataiero, Marcel Oliveira 18 April 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O risco à saúde humana ocasionado pela contaminação biológica de águas captadas para abastecimento público é realçado pela ocorrência de surtos de doenças associadas aos protozoários Giardia e Cryptosporidium, que possuem baixas doses infecciosas e alta capacidade de sobrevivência no ambiente, além de serem capazes de resistir ao processo tradicional de desinfecção da água (cloração). Partindo-se da hipótese de que há um risco elevado de infecção por estes protozoários pela ingestão de água tratada por métodos convencionais e que fazem uso de mananciais superficiais impactados por contaminação biológica, resultando num possível incremento da incidência de diarréias, este estudo se propôs a verificar a ocorrência destes protozoários em águas captadas para abastecimento público no município de Cajamar-SP, caracterizar sua patogenicidade e avaliar o risco associado ao seu consumo através da água tratada. Métodos: Foram coletadas 48 amostras do ribeirão dos Cristais no ponto de captação da estação de tratamento de água, semanalmente, durante 12 meses (de 16/05/2013 a 21/05/2014). A detecção e a análise da concentração dos protozoários foram realizadas de acordo com Método 1623.1 da United States Environmental Protection Agency e a extração e caracterização dos espécies/genótipos de Giardia e Cryptosporidium foi realizada através metodologias moleculares e seqüenciamento. O risco de infecção pela ingestão de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium presentes na água tratada foi calculado usando a ferramenta da Avaliação Quantitativa do Risco Microbiológico, a partir dos dados de concentração dos patógenos obtidos pelo Método 1623.1, eficiência de remoção dos (oo)cistos durante o processo convencional de tratamento da água, modelo dose-resposta e taxa de ingestão diária de água para indivíduos menores de 5 anos e maiores de 21 anos. Resultados: Cistos de Giardia foram detectados em 83,3% das amostras (40/48), com concentrações variando desde o limite de detecção (<0,1) até 8,6 cistos/L. Oocistos de Cryptosporidium foram etectados em 37,5% das amostras (18/48), com concentrações variando desde o limite de detecção (<0,1) até 2 oocistos/L. As espécies/genótipos encontrados (Giardia intestinalis A e B e Cryptosporidium parvum e hominis) são característicos de contaminação antrópica e são frequentemente identificados em estudos epidemiológicos como responsáveis por surtos. A estimativa do risco anual de infecção por Giardia foi de 3,3x10-3 (IC95% 4,6x10-3) para crianças e de 11,5x10-3 (IC95% 13,3x10-3) para adultos, enquanto o risco por Cryptosporidium foi de 1,1x10-3 (IC95% 1,7x10-3) para crianças e de 3,9x10-3 (IC95% 5,0x10-3) para adultos. O incremento da incidência de diarréias foi observado no cenário de estudo após um acidente que resultou em transbordamento de esgotos não tratados no manancial, coincidindo com o aumento na detecção de (oo)cistos. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciaram que a vulnerabilidade do ribeirão dos Cristais a contaminações biológicas pode culminar em um risco elevado de infecção e adoecimento por Giardia e Cryptosporidium através da ingestão de água tratada. Portanto, o caso é preocupante, tanto do ponto de vista do tratamento e abastecimento de água potável, quanto da degradação e contaminação do manancial, evidenciando a necessidade de se estabelecer medidas de intervenção direcionadas a promover a qualidade da água e garantir sua segurança / Introduction: The risk to human health caused by biological contamination of source water from public water supply is highlighted by the occurrence of outbreaks associated with the protozoa Giardia and Cryptosporidium, which have low infectious doses and high capacity of survival in the environment, besides being capable of withstanding traditional process for water disinfection (chlorination). Considering that there is a high risk of infection by these protozoa through drinking water treated with conventional methods uptaked from surface waters impacted by biological contamination, resulting in a possible increase in the incidence of diarrhea, this study aimed to verify the occurrence of these protozoa in waters collected for public supply in Cajamar-SP, characterize their pathogenicity and evaluate the risk associated with its consumption. Methods: Forty eight samples were collected in ribeirão dos Cristais, at uptake point of the water treatment plant, weekly, for 12 months (from 05/16/2013 to 05/21/2014). The detection and quantification of protozoa were carried out according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 1623.1, and the extraction and characterization of species/genotypes of iardia and Cryptosporidium were performed through molecular methods and sequencing. The risk of infection by ingestion of Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cysts present in the treated water were calculated using the Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment tool, based on the concentration data of pathogens obtained by the Method 1623.1, removal efficiency of (oo) cysts in the conventional process of water treatment, dose-response model and rate of daily water intake for individuals under the age of 5 years and over 21 years. Results: Giardia cysts were detected in 83.3% of the samples (40/48), with concentrations ranging rom the detection limit (<0.1) to 8.6 cysts/L. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in 7.5% of the samples (18/48), with concentrations ranging from the detection limit (<0.1) to 2 oocysts/L. The species/genotypes found (Giardia intestinalis A and B and Cryptosporidium parvum and hominis) are characteristic of anthropogenic contamination and are often identified in epidemiological studies as being responsible for outbreaks. The estimated annual risk of infection by Giardia was 3,3x10-3 (95% CI 4,6x10-3) for children and 11,5x10-3 (95% CI 13,3x10-3) for adults, while the risk for Cryptosporidium was 1,1x10-3 (95% CI 1,7x10-3) for children and 3,9x10-3 (95% CI 5,0x10-3) for adults. The increase in the incidence of diarrhea was observed in the study scenario after an accident that resulted in an overflow of untreated sewage that reached the reservoir, coinciding with an increase in the detection of the (oo)cysts. Conclusion: The results showed that the vulnerability of the ribeirão dos Cristais to biological contamination may result in a high risk of infection and illness by Giardia and Cryptosporidium through the drinking water consumption. Therefore, the case is of concern, both from the point of view of the treatment and supply of drinking water, as well as to the degradation and contamination of the water source, highlighting the need to establish intervention measures aimed at promoting water quality and ensure its safety
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Solar Disinfection of Drinking WaterRojko, Christine 23 April 2003 (has links)
Over 30% of the population in developing countries is in need of access to safe drinking water. The 875 million cases of diarrhea and 4.6 million deaths that occur each year due to a lack of a safe water supply occur primarily in these countries. It is estimated that these countries will need over $150 billion to establish full drinking water supply system coverage. Conventional methods of drinking water disinfection, such as chemical treatment, heat pasteurization, and filtration, require facilities, materials, and fuel that may not be readily available or feasible to attain. An alternative treatment option is to utilize solar energy, which has been shown to inactivate pathogens through pasteurization and radiation effects. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of solar disinfection for the inactivation of E. coli. Turbidity, sample volume, exposure time, and bottle size were varied. Experiments were conducted by adding E. coli to water samples (phosphate buffered saline with or without added montmorillonite clay or pond water) in clear drinking water test bottles. The bottles were then placed in full, direct sunlight. Samples were taken at predetermined intervals and solar intensity, weather conditions, and water temperatures were recorded during each sampling session. The viable bacterial count was enumerated using the pour plate method to determine log inactivation achieved. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to determine the effects of heating only on the inactivation of E. coli. Sample volumes from 1 to 2 L and turbidity values ranging from <1 ntu to approximately 100 ntu did not significantly affect inactivation levels when samples were exposed to sunlight for at least 4 hours. In samples with 0 ntu turbidity, a minimum cumulative intensity of 20.8 J/cm2 of wavelengths below 400 nm was required for a 7-log inactivation of E. coli. In samples with up to 100 ntu, a maximum fluence of 99.8 J/cm2 was required. Temperatures up to 46.0°C did not significantly inactivate E. coli, therefore radiation or the synergistic effects of radiation and heating accounted for the inactivation in samples exposed to sunlight.
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Understanding inorganic arsenic exposure in Bangladesh and respiratory health consequences using a life course approachSanchez, Tiffany Renee January 2016 (has links)
Inorganic arsenic exposure is a well-known toxicant of which we are still discovering harmful effects. People are exposed to inorganic arsenic in the environment through either drinking arsenic-contaminated groundwater or consuming arsenic-contaminated food. Regarding global public health, drinking water is still the most important source of inorganic arsenic exposure and is the main focus of this work.
The overall goal of this dissertation is to answer some pointing epidemiological questions about exposure to inorganic arsenic: How much do we know about inorganic arsenic and non-malignant lung disease in the general population? To what extent are adolescents with lifetime arsenic exposure susceptible to the respiratory consequences seen in adults? And what actions can be taken to effectively reduce exposure from arsenic-contaminated drinking water?
First, we conducted a systematic review of 29 peer-reviewed articles from various populations around the world. The review focused on the different ways in which arsenic is associated with respiratory health to help inform policy makers and public health researchers on the existing evidence. In short, associations between arsenic and respiratory health were noted throughout the lifespan: in infancy, there was growing evidence that in utero arsenic exposure was associated with increased frequency and severity of respiratory tract infections; in childhood, evidence of respiratory symptoms also began to appear; and in adulthood, there was consistent evidence that arsenic exposure was associated with deficits in lung function and increased reports of coughing and breathing problems. The review also uncovered some research gaps, including few studies with strong exposure history from early life and few studies examining respiratory effects during adolescence.
Next, we used a life course epidemiological approach to create a more precise understanding of arsenic exposure and respiratory health during the teenage years. This study examined the relationship between lifetime arsenic exposure and lung function in 14-17 year olds, thus studying the period of maximal lung function before natural decline. Overall, higher arsenic exposure was associated with lower lung function levels; however, these associations were only observed in males. This study used a sensitive marker of lung function to investigate early signs of small airway disease. Incorporating this common marker of small airway disease and airflow limitation in future studies on arsenic and respiratory health may help clarify how inorganic arsenic contributes to the development of chronic respiratory disease.
Lastly, we evaluated the effectiveness of arsenic removal filters at the household-level in rural Bangladesh. Identifying sustainable ways of reducing exposure to arsenic from naturally contaminated groundwater has been a major environmental health challenge. Although lab-approved arsenic removal water filters exist, there was limited evidence of their prolonged efficacy in the field. To our knowledge, this was the largest and longest deployment of filters accompanied by monitoring of urinary arsenic. Our results demonstrated that filters can temporarily reduce arsenic exposure for weeks to a few months, but should not be considered as a long-term arsenic mitigation option. This failed attempt to reduce exposure confirmed that alternative mitigation strategies need to be employed in Bangladesh, particularly among more vulnerable populations, including pregnant women and young children.
This dissertation has important policy implications for future arsenic research and mitigation efforts and should be effectively communicated to policy makers, public health officials, and the general population. Given the pervasive nature of arsenic exposure and the growing evidence of health consequences at different stages throughout the life course, the continued integration of information on inorganic arsenic and research collaborations across disciplines is critical for the prevention and mitigation of arsenic-induced health consequences.
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