Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cynamic assessment (DA)"" "subject:"clynamic assessment (DA)""
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The effect of systemic functional linguistics-based self-intervention programme on the ESL grammar proficiency of Grade 8 learnersNell, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / English proficiency is regarded important for economic empowerment in South Africa, since English is the official business language of the country. South Africa is, however, a multilingual country, with 11 official languages. The majority of South African learners do not speak English as first language, but study English as an additional language in school. This leads to English Second Language (ESL) classroom complexities such as multilingualism, negative attitudes to ESL, and various levels of linguistic proficiency, which affect the teaching of the prescribed curriculum. Many learners arrive in secondary school (Grade 8) with underdeveloped English proficiency, which means that a lot of time in ESL classrooms is spent on re-teaching English language concepts, especially grammar concepts. This causes stress for both ESL teachers and learners. This study tested the effectiveness of a self-help ESL grammar intervention programme in order to establish whether existing gaps in grammar knowledge could be closed via self-study outside of the classroom. More specifically, the study asked the question whether learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech could be enhanced via a self-help intervention programme, which was based on the principles of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). SFG is not traditionally used as an instructional framework in ESL classrooms in the South African context. The rationale for assessing the efficiency of an SFG self-help intervention programme was that there is currently a dire need for alternative approaches to teaching ESL grammar, which would assist struggling learners to raise their proficiency levels quickly, and which would allow teachers to continue with the prescribed curriculum. The intervention programme was tested in a controlled quasi-experimental study, which included an experimental group and a control group, and which compared performance in the mid-year examination and year-end examination to performance in a baseline assessment. The results of the study showed that the self-intervention programme was effective in enhancing ESL learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech, and also had a positive effect on other aspects of grammar knowledge and on writing. Based on these findings, it is recommended that self-regulation and self-instruction be considered for inclusion in ESL syllabi in the South African context, as it can play a positive role in enhancing ESL learners’ linguistic proficiency. / Engelse taalvaardigheid word as belangrik beskou vir ekonomiese bemagtiging in Suid–Afrika, aangesien Engels die offisiële besigheidstaal van die land is. Suid-Afrika het egter elf erkende offisiële landstale en is dus ‘n meertalige land. Die oorgrote meerderheid Suid-Afrikaanse leerders se eerste taal is nie Engels nie, en hierdie leerders neem Engels as tweede taal (ook genoem eerste addisionnele taal) in ‘n formele omgewing op skool. Dit veroorsaak verskeie uitdagings in Engelse tweedetaalklasse, onder andere meertalige leerders, ‘n negatiewe houding teenoor Engels, en oneweredige ontwikkelingsvlakke in Engels. ‘n Groot aantal leerders begin hul sekondêre skoolloopbaan met onderontwikkelde vaardighede in Engels, met name in grammatika. Dit beïnvloed die onderrig van die voorgeskrewe Engelse tweedetaal kurrikulum, veral in Graad 8. Onderwysers is dikwels genoodsaak om baie tyd aan die heronderrig van grammatikale konsepte te spandeer, alvorens die voorgeskrewe Graad 8 kurrikulum hervat kan word. Dit plaas spanning op sowel onderwysers as leerders. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van ‘n self-onderrig intervensieprogram te toets – meer spesifiek om te toets of kennisgapings in “Parts of Speech (POS)” oorbrug kan word met ‘n self-onderrig program wat gebaseer is op Sistemiese Funksionele Linguistiek (SFL). SFL word nie tradisioneel in die Suid-Afrikaanse leerprogram gebruik nie, en die rasionaal vir die toetsing van ‘n SFL program was dat daar tans ‘n geweldige vraag is na alternatiewe benaderings tot die onderrig van Engels, wat leerders sal ondersteun om hulle vaardigheidsvlakke snel te verbeter, sodat onderwysers kan voorgaan met die voorgeskrewe kurrikulum. Die SFL intervensieprogram in hierdie studie is deur middel van ‘n gekontroleerde kwasi-eksperimentele metode getoets, wat ‘n eksperimentele groep en ‘n kontrolegroep ingesluit het. Die twee groepe se kennis van woordsoorte is in die middeljaar, asook die eindjaareksamen gemeet, en vergelyk met die resultate van ‘n basislyntoets wat aan die begin van die jaar afgeneem is. Die resultate het bevestig dat die SFL intervensieprogram ‘n positiewe effek gehad het op kennis van woordsoorte. Verdere positiewe effekte was merkbaar in ander aspekte van Engelse grammatika en in skryfvaardigheid. Na aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge is die aanbeveling van hierdie studie dat selfonderrig and self-regulasie oorweeg moet word as belangrike komponente van die Engels tweedetaal sillabus in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, aangesien dit ‘n positiewe rol kan speel in die verbetering van Engels tweedetaal leerders se taalvaardigheid. / Ubugcisa kulwimi lwesiNgesi bubaluleke kakhulu ekuxhobiseni ezoqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika kuba silulwimi lwezoshishino olusemthethweni kweli lizwe. Naxa kunjalo uMzantsi Afrika lilizwe elineelwimi ezininzi, apho ezili-11 zamiliselwa njengeelwimi ezisemthethweni. Uninzi lwabafundi baseMzantsi Afrika alusithethi njengolwimi lokuqala isiNgesi, koko lusifunda njengolwimi olongeziweyo esikolweni. Oku kukhokelela kwiingxaki ezininzi kwiklasi efundisa isiNgesi njengoLwimi lwesiBini, ezifana nokusetyenziswa kweelwimi ezininzi kwakunye namanqanaba awohlukileyo olwazi nobugcisa bokusebenzisa ulwimi, nto ezo zichaphazela ukufundiswa kwekharityhulam esekiweyo. Abafundi abaninzi bafika kwisikolo sasesekondari (iBanga lesi-8) bengenalwazi nabugcisa baneleyo besiNgesi, ngenxa yoko, kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini kuchithwa ixesha elininzi kuphindaphindwa ukufundiswa kwesigama sesiNgesi, ngakumbi isigama segrama. Esi sifundo sophando siye sahlola ukusebenza kwenkqubo yongenelelo kufundiso lwegrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini apho umfundi azinceda ngokwakhe, ukuze kufunyaniswe ukuba zingavaleka na ezi zikhewu zikhoyo zokuswela ulwazi lwegrama ngokuzifundela ngaphandle kweklasi. Olu phando lujolise ngakumbi kumbuzo wokuba, ingaba ulwazi lwabafundi ngeziGaba zeNtetho lungaphuculwa na ngokusebenzisa le nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda esekelwe kwimithetho-siseko yeSystemic Functional Grammar (iSFG). ISFG ayisetyenziswa ngokwesithethe njengesakhelo sokufundisa kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini eMzantsi Afrika. Esona sizathu sokuvavanya ukusebenza kwale nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda yeSFG, kukuba kukho intswelo enkulu yeendlela ezizezinye zokufundisa igrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini, nto leyo inokunceda abafundi abatsala nzima baphucule amaqondo abo obugcisa, kananjalo incede ootitshala bakwazi ukuqhubela phambili nekharityhulam emiselweyo. Le nkqubo yongenelelo yavavanywa kuphando oluphantsi kolawulo olwaziwa ngokuba sisifundo sophando olungagqibelelanga (quasi experimental study), olwaquka iqela lolingelo kunye neqela elisetyenziswa njengomgangatho wentelekiso (control group). Olu phando lwathelekisa indlela abaqhuba ngayo abafundi kwiimviwo zombindi wonyaka nezokuphela konyaka, ithelekiswa kunye nenkqubo yabafundi kuvavanyo olusisiseko. Iziphumo zophando zabonisa ukuba inkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda ibe nempumelelo ekuphuliseni ulwazi lwabafundi lweziGaba zeNtetho kwaye ibe nefuthe elakhayo nakweminye imiba yolwazi lwegrama nesakhono sokubhala. Ngokwezi ziphumo kucetyiswa ukuba kuqwalaselwe ukuzilawula nokuzifundisa kwabafundi njengenxalenye yesilabhasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini ngokwemeko yaseMzantsi Afrika njengoko oku kuya kuba nefuthe elakhayo ekuphuhliseni ubugcisa babafundi bolwimi lwesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)
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The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor performance compared to safe working behavior of machine operators in a platinum mineKeyser, Karin 03 1900 (has links)
The researcher selected a quantitative cross-sectional design to test the concurrent validity of learning
potential and psychomotor ability by evaluating the relationships between mining machine operators’
learning potential and psychomotor ability as well as their work safety behaviour. Work safety behaviour
was considered indicative of their capability to operate a moving machine. The utilization of measuring
instruments capable of measuring their learning potential and psychomotor ability and measuring safety
behaviour by means of their safety score cards provided the required measurement data. The study
involved a quantitative investigation into the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor
ability as independent variables and safety behaviour as dependent variable.
De Vos, Strydom, Fouche and Delport (2002, p.79) defined quantitative research as “based on positivism,
which takes scientific explanation to be nomothetic. Its main aims are to measure the social world
objectively, to test hypotheses and to predict and explain human behaviour. A quantitative study may
therefore be defined as an inquiry into social or human problems based on testing a theory composed of
variables, measured with numbers and analysed with statistical procedures in order to determine whether
the predictive generalization of the theory holds true.”
The aim of the study was to determine the learning potential and psychomotor ability of mining machine
operators as well as compare the following sub-groups (based on the biographical variables): age, years’
experience, educational level and gender. The respondents’ work safety behaviour was measured and
the relationship between the two measures of the independent variables (learning potential and
psychomotor ability) and work safety behaviour determined. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Virtuell simulerad undervisning om språkutredning i speciallärarutbildningen : om lärande, etik och bedömningspraktik / Virtually simulated teaching of language evaluation in special needs teachers education : learning, ethics and assessmentBergqvist, Carin, Månsson, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka betydelsen av att använda virtuell simulerad undervisning (virtual reality, VR) i speciallärarutbildningen med specialisering mot språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling som alternativ och komplement till autentiska test med elever för att belysa lärande, etiska aspekter och bedömningsformen i en VR-miljö. Bakgrunden till studien är att speciallärarstudenterna behöver öva upp sina färdigheter i att genomföra språk-, skriv- och läsutredningar. Problemet som kan uppstå är att studenternas behov av färdighetsträning kan hamna i motsatsförhållande till autentiska elevers integritet och medföra etiska och bedömningsmässiga konsekvenser. I studien användes kvalitativa metoder. Speciallärarstudenterna deltog i ett lärtillfälle om en VR-simulerad dynamisk bedömning, vilket observerades. Alla deltagarna intervjuades sedan i fokusgrupper om VR-simulering, bedömningspraktik och etik. De lämnade även en skriftlig reflekterande anteckning om lärtillfället. Analysen av resultatet gjordes utifrån ett situerat, sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande med utgångspunkt i fyra dimensioner: mening, praktik, gemenskap och identitet (Wenger, 1998). I analysen av själva lärandesituationen togs även inspiration av Wengers (1998) teori om att designa för lärande. Studiens resultat identifierar att den största betydelsen av VR-simuleringen för speciallärar-utbildningen ligger i att speciallärarstudenterna gemensamt kan se och diskutera samma dynamiska bedömning i VR. VR-filmen blir ett reifierat minne och ett visualiseringsverktyg där den gemensamma upplevelsen främjar meningsskapande och reifikation om bedömningspraktik. Vi ser också i resultatet att VR-tekniken kan vara ett hinder för vissa men att enkla anpassningar bör öka möjligheten att ta till sig budskapet utan att påverkas negativt av tekniken. Tillgängligheten till en dynamisk bedömning och studenternas meningsskapande om olika bedömningspraktiker möter kraven i examensordningen (SFS 2017:1111) att kritiskt kunna granska och välja olika metoder för bedömning av språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling. Även etiska dilemman i att använda elever i utbildningssyfte motiverar VR-simulering i speciallärarutbildningen. Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att VR-simuleringen kan vara ett komplement till språk-, skriv- och läsutredningar. Resultatet av vår avgränsade studie är inte generaliserbart, men kan bidra till diskussioner om bedömningspraktiken och etiska implikationer genom användning av VR i speciallärarutbildningen. I slutet av examensarbetet ger vi förslag på framtida forskningsområden om VR-simulering i högre utbildning och vi redovisar även specialpedagogiska implikationer. / The aim of the present study is to examine the possibility to use virtually simulated (virtual reality, VR) teaching in the education of special needs teachers with specialization in language, writing and reading development as a complement and as an alternative to authentical tests with pupils, to illustrate learning, ethical aspects and the form of assessment in a VR-based environment. The background of the study derives from the students’ need to practice their ability to make language, writing and reading assessments throughout the education to become special needs teachers. A problem that might arise is when the students’ need for practice affects pupils’ integrity or other ethical implications. The study was based on qualitative methods. The students took part of a VR-simulated dynamic assessment, during which the learning situation was observed. All students who participated were then included in focus groups and interviewed about VR-simulation, assessment practice and ethics. An analysis of the result was done from a situated, sociocultural perspective on learning based on four dimensions: meaning, practice, community and identity (Wenger, 1998). The analysis of the learning situation was also inspired by Wenger’s (1998) theory of designing for learning.The results of the study identify that the greatest importance of VR-simulation for the education of special needs teachers lies in the possibility for the students to mutually see and discuss the same dynamic assessment in VR. The VR-simulation becomes a reified memory and a visualization tool where the shared experience promotes negotiation of meaning and reification around assessment practice. We also see in the result that VR-technology can be a barrier for some students, but that simple adjustments should increase the possibility to participate without being adversely affected by the technology. The availability of a dynamic assessment and the students' reflections about different assessment practices meet the requirements of the system of qualifications “examensordningen” (SFS 2017:1111) to be able to critically review and choose different methods for assessing language, writing and reading development. Ethical dilemmas in assessment of pupils for educational purposes also motivate VR simulation in special education. The results show that VR simulation can be a complement to language, writing and reading assessments. The present study is limited to a specific situation and can not be considered generalizable but can contribute to discussions about assessment practices and ethical implications through the use of VR when educating special needs teachers. We also provide suggestions for future research areas for VR-simulation in higher education.
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La Figure Complexe de Rey et la Figure Complexe en Arabesque : entre une évaluation classique et une évaluation dynamique pour l’examen psychologique de l’enfant marocain d’âge scolaire / Rey Complex Figure and Arabesque complex Figure between a classical assessment and a dynamic assessment for the psychological examination of Moroccan school-age children / الشكل الغرافي المركب لراي والشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك : بين تقييم كلاسيي و تقييم ديناميي للاختبار السيكولوجي للطفل المغربي في سن التمدرسRbiaa, Abdelaziz 21 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'examen psychologique de l'enfant marocain d'âge scolaire qui consiste à copier et reproduire de mémoire deux figures géométriques complexes à savoir la Figure Complexe de Rey (1941), constituée de formes géométriques majoritairement droites et la Figure Complexe en Arabesque, modélisée lors de cette étude et constituée avec un nombre de formes géométriques courbées égal à celui des droites. L'efficience au niveau de la rétention mnésique des sujets est définie par la réalisation d'un score élevé relatif à la qualité graphique de la figure géométrique complexe, l'utilisation des stratégies de réalisation évoluées, et sa réalisation en un temps minimal ayant des représentations mentales vis-à-vis de cette figure traduites par une production langagière avec un lexique mental riche par le nombre, par les thèmes qui reflètent son identité culturelle et par les systèmes linguistiques utilisés.Les 360 enfants âgés de 6 à 13 ans, en plus d’avoir été soumis à un questionnaire sociodémographique et de compétences linguistiques, ont participé à une épreuve de latéralité et à une passation interindividuelle de la Figure Complexe de Rey (Rey, 1941) et de la Figure Complexe en Arabesque dans deux ordres inversés avec deux modes d'évaluation classique et dynamique (Kirkwood et al., 2001) dans une perspective intra individuelle.Les résultats montrent que l'efficience d'un enfant marocain d'âge scolaire lors d'un examen psychologique se développe en fonction de ses compétences linguistiques, de l'évolution de son âge, de l'avancement de son niveau scolaire et de l'appartenance de son école à un milieu urbain. Cependant, cette efficience n'est pas liée à son genre (fille/garçon), à son profil de latéralité (droitier/gaucher), à la directionnalité du tracé qui domine ses productions graphiques (haut/bas ; droite/gauche) et à l'ordre de passation (FCR/FCA ; FCA/FCR). Cette même efficience se manifeste davantage par l'intermédiaire de l'évaluation dynamique à l'encontre de l'évaluation classique et légèrement liée à la passation de la FCA. / This thesis focuses on the psychological examination of Moroccan school-age children, which consists of copying and reproducing from memory two complex geometric figures, namely Rey Complex Figure (1941), comprised mainly of straight lines, and Arabesque Complex Figure, modeled in this study and incorporated with a number of geometric shapes equal to straight lines. The efficiency level of the memory retention of topics is defined by the achievement of a high score on the graphical quality of the complex geometrical figure, the use of advanced implementation strategies, and its implementation in the shortest time with mental representation of this figure translated into a language production with a rich mental lexicon by numbers, by theme reflecting its cultural identity and the linguistic systems used.This study samply is composed of 360 children aged 6 to 13 years, who, in addition to having been subject to a sociodemographic and language skills questionnaire participated in a test of laterality and interindividual placing of the Rey Complex Figure (Rey, 1941) and the Arabesque Complex Figure in two orders reversed with two assessment methods classic and dynamic (Kirkwood et al., 2001) in an intra individual perspective.The results show that the efficiency of a Moroccan school-age child during a psychological examination develops according to his/her language skills, the development of his/her age, the advancement of his/her school grade and the belonging to his school to a urban environment. However, this efficiency is not gender related (girl / boy). Similarly, it is not related to his/her lateral profile (right / left), the directionality of the plot that dominates its graphic productions (up / down, right / left) and the order of execution (RCF / ACF, ACF / RCF). This same efficiency manifests itself more through dynamic assessment against the conventional assessment and slightly related to the award of the ACF. / تركز هذه اللأطروحة على الاختبار النفسي للطفل المغربي في سن التمدرس والذي يخص نسخ شكلين من الأشكال الهندسية، المعقدة باعتماد التذكر، وإعادة إنتاجهما. يتعلق الأمر بالشكل الغرافي المركب لراي (Rey, 1941) الذي يتألف أساسا من الخطوط المستقيمة؛ والشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك والذي تمت نمذجته خلال هذه الدراسة حيث يتألف بدوره من الأشكال الهندسية المستقيمة والأشكال الهندسية المنحنية على حد سواء.تم تحديد مستوى كفاءة احتفاظ الأطفال بالشكل الهندسي المعقد في الذاكرة ارتباطا بتحقيق درجة عالية من الجودة الرسومية له، واستخدام استراتيجيات التنفيذ المتقدمة، وتنفيذها في أقصر وقت ممكن مع التمثل الذهني للصورة المركبة وترجمتها إلى إنتاج لغوي موسوم بمعجم ذهني غني بالوحدات المعجمية، وبالمواضيع التي تعكس هوية الطفل الثقافية، وبالأنظمة اللغوية المستخدمة عددا وعدة.تهم هذه الدراسة 360 طفلا تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين 6 سنوات و 13 سنة، تم استبيان وضعيتهم الاجتماعية والديموغرافية، ومهاراتهم اللغوية. كما شاركوا في اختبار التجانب واختبار بين-فردي خاص بالشكل الغرافي المركب لراي (Rey, 1941) والشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك وفق ترتيبين معكوسين ومع أسلوبين اثنين من أساليب التقييم: الأول كلاسيي، والثاني ديناميي (Kirkwood et al., 2001) ومن منظور داخل-فردي.لقد أظهرت النتائج أن كفاءة الاحتفاظ في ذاكرة عند الطفل المغربي في سن التمدرس، خلال اختبار نفسي ما، تتطور ارتباطا بكفاياته اللسانية، وتقدمه في السن، وتطور مستواه الدراسي، وبمدى انتماء مدرسته إلى سياق حضري. لكن هذه الكفاءة لا علاقة لها بمتغير الجنس (ذكر / أنثى)، ولا بمتغير الجانبية (أيمن / أيسر)، ولا باتجاهية الرسم المهيمن على الإنجازات الغرافية (أعلى / أسفل، يمين / يسار)، ولا حتى بترتيب تنفيذ مهام إنتاج الأشكال (الشكل الغرافي المركب لراي/ الشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك؛ الشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك/ الشكل الغرافي المركب لراي).غير أن هذه الكفاءة نفسها (كفاء الاحتفاظ في الذاكرة) تتمظهر بشكل أقوى وأوضح بموجب التقييم الديناميي في مقابل التقييم الكلاسيي، وبعلاقة طفيفة بإنتاج الشكل الغرافي المركب بالأرابيسك.
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Využití zprostředkovaného učení ve školní výuce / Mediated Learning experience and its application in school educationRázgová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation thesis presents the results of a research project which focused on the application of mediated learning experience theory to teaching with respect to cognitive development of pupils. The first chapter introduces cognitive education, which concentrates on the process of learning. It also compares this approach with traditional methods aimed at the content of learning. The following parts of the thesis deal with selected theories postulated by Reuven Feuerstein which are important for understanding the context in which his other theory was developed: the theory of mediated learning experience. This theory is the central theme of the theoretical part of the thesis. Apart from its definition and parameters, the thesis presents specific recommendations for teachers about how to develop cognitive functions of their pupils by applying this theory directly in class. Afterwards, attention is paid to Feuerstein's well-known worldwide intervention program called The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment. This program is used in the Czech school system, too. The essential part of this chapter introduces a number of studies which focused on the verification of benefits of Feuerstein's approaches to cognitive development in children and adolescents. The last chapter of the theoretical part...
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L’utilisation de l’évaluation dynamique dans le cadre du modèle de la RàI, au Secondaire, au QuébecOhnouna, Eva 12 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, le nombre d’élèves en difficulté d’adaptation et d’apprentissage (EHDAA) ne cesse d’augmenter (MEQ, 2021) et 40 % de ces élèves-là n’obtiendront pas de diplôme d’études secondaires (Guéricolas, 2018). Par conséquent, en 2020, la Réponse à l’intervention, modèle d’intervention à paliers multiples, prend de l’importance au Québec (MEES, 2020).
Comme un pourcentage d’élève en difficulté ne progresse pas, nous nous questionnons sur l’approche d’évaluation qui permettrait d’informer le personnel scolaire sur les interventions qui pourront aider ces élèves. Une des approches est l’évaluation dynamique (ÉD) (Overton, 2016) qui permet d’évaluer le potentiel d’apprentissage de l’apprenant par le biais d’enseignement de stratégie (médiation). Le but de la présente étude est d’explorer les apports et les limites de l’ÉD dans un contexte de RàI, au secondaire. Pour ce faire, les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : 1) Décrire une passation d’ÉD (en particulier la relation des trois pôles : la tâche, l’apprenant ou le médiateur) réalisée auprès d’un ÉHDAA se trouvant au secondaire dans un contexte de RàI ; 2) Décrire la relation entre la tâche et l’apprenant de même que les interactions (interventions cognitives et disciplinaires, niveaux d’assistance) entre le médiateur et l’apprenant ; 3) Décrire la progression de l’apprenant en réponse aux stratégies de médiation. Afin d’atteindre les différents objectifs, nous avons dans un premier temps établi une liste de six niveaux d’assistance, inspirée de Aldama (2017), de façon à pouvoir identifier les stratégies cognitives et de médiation en fonction du niveau d’assistance, allant de peu d’assistance à une assistance extrême. Nous avons par la suite observé et analysé les enregistrements vidéo de deux sessions d’une évaluation dynamique et tenu un entretien avec la personne qui a réalisé l’ÉD pour valider nos interprétations. Dans nos analyses, nous avons tenu compte du dossier de l’apprenant et des différentes observations faites. Enfin, nous avons consigné le tout dans une grille d’observations et d’analyse de résultats. Par le biais des données secondaires récoltées, nous avons relevé un lien entre le niveau d’assistance et le type d’interventions faites, nous avons également relevé la progression de l’apprenant à la suite des interventions. En conclusion, nous avons été en mesure d’observer la relation des trois pôles, analyser les différentes interactions ainsi que la progression de l’apprenant en réponse aux stratégies de médiation. Nous avons identifié les apports et les limites d’une ÉD en contexte de RÀI. Finalement, ces informations nous ont permis de formuler de pistes d’intervention pouvant soutenir la progression d’un apprenant. / In Quebec, the number of students with learning difficulties continues to increase (MEQ, 2021), and 40% of these students will not obtain a high school diploma (Guéricolas, 2018). Thus, in 2020, Response to Intervention, a multi-level intervention model, gained importance in Quebec (MEES, 2020). Since a percentage of students in difficulty are not progressing, we question the assessment approach that would inform school personnel on interventions that can help these students. One approach is dynamic assessment (DA) (Overton, 2016) which assesses learner learning potential through mediated instruction. The general purpose of this study is to explore the contributions and limitations of DA in an RTI context, at the secondary level. To this end, the specific objectives are as follows: 1) To describe a DA (in particular the relationship of the three poles: the task, the learner or the mediator) done with a special needs student who is in high school and in an RTI context; 2) To describe the relationship between the task and the learner as well as the interactions (cognitive and disciplinary interventions, levels of assistance) between the mediator and the learner; 3) To describe the learner's progress based on his or her responses to the mediation strategies. In order to achieve the different specific objectives, we first established a list of six levels of assistance, inspired by Aldama (2017), so that we could identify cognitive and mediation strategies according to the level of assistance, ranging from little assistance to extreme assistance. We subsequently observed and analyzed video recordings of two sessions of a dynamic assessment and held an interview with the person who conducted the DA to validate our interpretations. In our analyses, we considered the learner's file and all the observations. Finally, we recorded everything in a chart that analyses all the data from the video. Through the data collected, we found a link between the level of assistance and the type of interventions made, and we also noted the learner's progress following the interventions. In conclusion, we were able to observe the relationship between the three poles, analyze the different interactions as well as the learner's progression in response to the mediation strategies, and then we identified the advantages and limits of a DA in an RTI context. Finally, this information allowed us to formulate interventions and strategies that could support the learner's progress.
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An Ecology of Literacy: A Context-based Inter-disciplinary Curriculum for Chinese as a Foreign LanguageWang, Jianfen 31 August 2016 (has links)
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