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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų ir kalbos supratimo santykis bei jo kaita ugdymo procese / The relation between motor speech disorders and the understanding of speech, as well as it's alternation in the process of education

Tijunonienė, Elona 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų: dizartrijos ir apraksijos sampratos ir vaikų, turinčių skirtingą kalbos neišsivystymo lygį kalbos supratimo analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad vaikų, pasižyminčių skirtingos kilmės kalbėjimo motorikos pakitimais, yra nevienodas kalbos supratimo lygmuo. Buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti vaikų, turinčių skirtingos kilmės kal-bėjimo motorikos sutrikimų, kalbos supratimo skirtumus. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti Microsoft Excel programa. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 Respublikinės universitetinės ligoninės Vaiko Raidos centro pacientų, 10 Vilniaus vaikų ugdymo centro “Viltis” ugdytinių, pasižyminčių įvairiais kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimais (6 -7 metų). Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami kalbos motorikos sutrikimų: dizartrijos ir apraksijos atsiradimo priežastys, jų rūšys, laipsniai, vaikų kalbos supratimas ir jo kaita vaikams, turintiems skirtingą kalbos neišsivystymo lygį bei nevienodą kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimą. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Tirtieji vaikai, turintys įvairių kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų, pasižymi vidutinišku kalbos supratimu. 2. Kalbos supratimas vaikams su skirtingais kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimais yra nevienodas: vaikai, pasižymintys dizartrija, kalbą supranta tiksliau, negu vaikai, pasižymintys apraksija. 3. Žieviniai pažeidimai nulemia sudėtingesnį kalbos supratimo sutrikimą, todėl, esant apraksijai, galima kalbėti tik apie dalinį kalbos supratimą. / The written work consists of theoretical analysis of motor speech disorders: dysarthria and apraxia, as well as the level of understanding of speech by children with dysarthria and apraxia. The hypothesis was formed that children with motor speech disorders of different origins have a different level of understanding of speech. The research, which goal was to show the difference of understanding of speech by children with motor speech disorders of different origins, was made. 20 patients from the National University Hospital’s Child Development Centre and 10 pupils from the Educational Centre "Viltis" took part at the research. All of them have motor speech disorders of different origins; their age is 6-7 years old. The empiric part describes motor speech disorders: the reasons of the appearance of dysarthria and apraxia, their kinds, levels, the understanding of speech by children with different level of speech abilities and different motor speech disorders. The important conclusions made: 1. Children with different motor speech disorders have a medium understanding of speech. 2. The understanding of speech by children with different motor speech disorders is not the same. The children with dysarthria show a better understanding of speech, in comparison to the children with apraxia. 3. The cortex dysfunction becomes a cause of serious disturbances of speech understanding that is why the children with apraxia can understand speech only partly.

Realization of Fricatives in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Treated with Deep Brain Stimulation in the Subthalamic Nucleus or the Caudal Zona Incerta

Eklund, Elisabeth, Sandström, Lena January 2013 (has links)
Background In advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) the motor symptoms can be treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS). Subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been the most common target and caudal zona incerta (cZi) is a more recent target for stimulation. Stimulation in both of these targets has proved to be positive for the motor symptoms but there is no consensus about how DBS affects the speech and the articulation. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate how fricatives are realized within patients suffering from PD treated with DBS in STN or cZi. Method 9 patients stimulated in STN and 10 patients stimulated in cZi were recorded reading a shorter text.  The recordings were made preoperatively (Pre) and 12 months after surgery with the stimulation switched off (sOff) and on (sOn). From the recordings the fricatives were extracted and assessed in a blinded and randomized procedure. Results For the patients stimulated in cZi the target fricative /s/ had significant lower correct realizations in the sOn condition compared to the other two conditions. The other target fricatives in cZi showed the same pattern as well. For the STN group no unequivocal pattern could be seen. Conclusions The results suggest that stimulation in cZi may affect the patients’ articulation of fricatives and thereby their extended articulatory movements more negative than stimulation in STN.

Perceptual learning of dysarthric speech

Borrie, Stephanie Anna January 2011 (has links)
Perceptual learning, when applied to speech, describes experience-evoked adjustments to the cognitive-perceptual processes required for recognising spoken language. It provides the theoretical basis for improved understanding of a speech signal that is initially difficult to perceive. Reduced intelligibility is a frequent and debilitating symptom of dysarthria, a speech disorder associated with neurological disease or injury. The current thesis investigated perceptual learning of dysarthric speech, by jointly considering intelligibility improvements and associated learning mechanisms for listeners familiarised with the neurologically degraded signal. Moderate hypokinetic dysarthria was employed as the test case in the three phases of this programme of research. The initial research phase established strong empirical evidence of improved recognition of dysarthric speech following a familiarisation experience. Sixty normal hearing listeners were randomly assigned to one of three groups and familiarised with passage readings under the following conditions: (1) neurologically intact speech (control) (n = 20), dysarthric speech (passive familiarisation) (n = 20), and (3) dysarthric speech coupled with written information (explicit familiarisation) (n = 20). Subsequent phrase transcription analysis revealed that the intelligibility scores of both groups familiarised with dysarthric speech were significantly higher than those of the control group. Furthermore, performance gains were superior, in both size and longevity, when the familiarisation conditions were explicit. A condition discrepancy in segmentation strategies, in which attention towards syllabic stress contrast cues increased following explicit familiarisation but decreased following passive familiarisation, indicated that performance differences were more than simply magnitude of benefit. Thus, it was speculated that the learning that occurred with passive familiarisation may be qualitatively different to that which occurred with explicit familiarisation. The second phase of the research programme followed up on the initial findings and examined whether the key variable behind the use of particular segmentation strategies was simply the presence or absence of written information during familiarisation. Forty normal hearing listeners were randomly assigned to one of two groups and were familiarised with experimental phrases under either passive (n = 20) or explicit (n = 20) learning conditions. Subsequent phrase transcription analysis revealed that regardless of condition, all listeners utilised syllabic stress contrast cues to segment speech following familiarisation with phrases that emphasised this prosodic perception cue. Furthermore, the study revealed that, in addition to familiarisation condition, intelligibility gains were dependent on the type of the familiarisation stimuli employed. Taken together, the first two research phases demonstrated that perceptual learning of dysarthric speech is influenced by the information afforded within the familiarisation procedure. The final research phase examined the role of indexical information in perceptual learning of dysarthric speech. Forty normal hearing listeners were randomly assigned to one of two groups and were familiarised with dysarthric speech via a training task that emphasised either the linguistic (word identification) (n = 20) or indexical (speaker identification) (n = 20) properties of the signal. Intelligibility gains for listeners trained to identify indexical information paralleled those achieved by listeners trained to identify linguistic information. Similarly, underlying error patterns were also comparable between the two training groups. Thus, phase three revealed that both indexical and linguistic features of the dysarthric signal are learnable, and can be used to promote subsequent processing of dysarthric speech. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that listeners can learn to better understand neurologically degraded speech. Furthermore, it has offered insight into how the information afforded by the specific familiarisation procedure is differentially leveraged to improve perceptual performance during subsequent encounters with the dysarthric signal. Thus, this programme of research affords preliminary evidence towards the development of a theoretical framework that exploits perceptual learning for the treatment of dysarthria.

Självskattad funktion av röst och tal hos patienter med essentiell tremor efter behandling med Deep Brain Stimulation : En jämförelse mellan patienter stimulerade i caudala zona incerta och en frisk kontrollgrupp

Svensson, Malin, Jolly, Pauline January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) i nucleus ventralis intermedius i thalamus (VIM) eller caudala zona incerta (cZi) ger goda effekter på tremorsymptomen för patienter med essentiell tremor. Patienterna som behandlats med DBS kan få bieffekter som i vissa fall leder till talpåverkan, så kallad stimuleringsinducerad dysartri. Huruvida det finns risk för bieffekter som drabbar röstens funktion hos patienter med essentiell tremor saknas studier kring men man vet att grundsjukdomen kan påverka rösten akustiskt samt att vissa patienter utvecklar rösttremor. Att drabbas av en bieffekt efter DBS kan ha en inverkan på hur patienten subjektivt upplever resultatet av behandlingen.     Mål: Att undersöka om patienter med essentiell tremor som genomgått DBS subjektivt upplever någon form av röst- eller talbesvär jämfört med en frisk, ålders- och könsmatchad kontrollgrupp.   Metod: I studien deltog sammanlagt 42 deltagare varav 21 tillhörde en patientgrupp med essentiell tremor som genomgått DBS i cZi och de övriga 21 tillhörde en frisk, ålders- och könsmatchad kontrollgrupp. Deltagarna i de båda grupperna fick fylla i två formulär, RHI som berör röstens funktion och SOFT som berör talets funktion. Deltagarna som tillhörde patientgruppen fick också svara på fem fördjupande frågor om deras subjektiva upplevelse. Den statistiska signifikanstestningen genomfördes med avseende på om det fanns en skillnad i självskattningen mellan de båda grupperna.   Resultat: Resultaten i denna studie visade att patienterna med essentiell tremor s0m är behandlade med DBS skattar en signifikant större del subjektiva svårigheter av sin egen röst- och talfunktion jämfört med den friska kontrollgruppen.   Slutsats: Resultaten visade att det på gruppnivå finns signifikant större andel upplevda svårigheter relaterade till tal- och röstfunktionen hos patienter med essentiell tremor behandlade med DBS jämfört med en frisk kontrollgrupp. Resultaten visar även en stor individuell variation av den subjektiva upplevelsen av tal och röstpåverkan vilket är viktig information att delge patienter som ska genomgå DBS. Ett preoperativt samtal med logoped för information om möjliga bieffekter vid DBS och hur detta kan påverka patienten subjektivt är nödvändigt. De patienter som subjektivt upplever besvär med talet eller rösten bör erbjudas kontakt med logoped. / Abstract Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of ventralis intermedius nucleus of thalamus (VIM) or caudala zona incerta (cZi) have been shown to be efficient in supressing tremor symptoms in patients with essential tremor. Patients who has been treated with DBS may acquire certain side effects of which in some cases results in an impact on the patients speech, known as stimulation- induced dysarthria. There is a lack of studies that investigate if there is a risk of side effects that is affecting voice functioning in patients with essential tremor. Previous studies have claimed that the disease itself may have an effect on the voice acoustics and that some patients develop voice tremor. The occurrence of a side effect caused by DBS may have an impact on the patients subjective experience of the treatment result.   Aim: To investigate whether patients with essential tremor treated with DBS are subjectively experiencing any form of voice or speech disability compared to a healthy, age and sex matched control group.   Method: The study included 42 participants all together whereof 21 was part of a patient group with essential tremor treated with DBS in cZi and the other 21 participants was part of a healthy, age and sex matched control group. The participants of both groups filled out two different forms, VHI (RHI) which affects voice function and SOFT which affects speech function. The participants in the patient group also answered five profound questions about their subjective experience. The test of statistical significance was performed with regard of if a difference was to be found in the self-ratings between the two groups.   Results: The results of the study show that patients with essential tremor whom have been treated with DBS rates a significantly greater amount of subjective difficulties related to the voice and speech functioning compared to the healthy control group.   Conclusion: The results show that the DBS-treated patients with essential tremor experience a significantly greater amount of subjective difficulties related to voice and speech functioning compared to a healthy control group. The results also show a great individual variety in the subjective experience of speech and voice function which is important information to notify patients who are due to undergo DBS-treatment. A preoperative meeting with a speech and language pathologist to be informed of possible side effects caused by the DBS and in what ways this can effect the patient subjectively is required. Patients who postoperatively experience a negative effect on speech or voice functioning should be offered contact with a speech and language pathologist. / Tal- och rösteffekter av djup hjärnstimulering hos patienter med ärftlig tremor

Assessment of Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults using a Telerehabilitation Application

Anne Hill Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Assessment of Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults using a Telerehabilitation Application

Anne Hill Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

La dysarthrie dans la maladie de Parkinson : corrélats physiologiques, cognitifs et fonctionnels / Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease : physiological, cognitives and functional correlates

Atkinson-Clement, Cyril 23 October 2017 (has links)
La dysarthrie dans la maladie de Parkinson (MP) fait partie des symptômes qui ne répondent pas de manière satisfaisante aux prises en charge médicales. Bien que largement étudiée, certains aspects de la dysarthrie restent insuffisamment détaillés : quels sont ses corrélats physiologiques, ses liens avec des fonctions non-motrices et ses répercussions fonctionnelles ? Construit en quatre axes, ce projet doctoral avait pour objectif d'apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questionnements.Un premier axe a exploré les bases physiopathologiques de la dysarthrie. Considérant les effets du traitement médicamenteux et de la neurochirurgie, nous avons montré qu'aucun de ces traitements ne permettait de restaurer un profil neuro-fonctionnel similaire à celui de participants sains, d'autant plus lors d'une tâche combinant motricités axiale et distale. Le second axe a porté sur les liens entre dysarthrie et fonctions non-motrices. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces deux catégories de fonctions pourraient évoluer conjointement, mais aussi se majorer mutuellement. À l'aide de comparaisons inter-dysarthrie et inter-linguistique, le troisième axe a considéré l'impact fonctionnel de la dysarthrie. Nous avons rapporté que les conséquences de la dysarthrie ne sont pas fonction de l'intelligibilité, qu'elle affecte davantage les patients ayant un profil akinéto-rigide et qu'elle réduit les différences inter-linguistiques. L'étude des rééducations orthophoniques a constitué notre axe quatre. Nos conclusions ont relevé que pour être efficaces, les rééducations doivent être focalisées sur un unique paramètre de parole, être réalisées de manière intensive et apporter un retour au patient. / Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the symptoms that do not respond well to treatments. Even though it has been widely described, some aspects of dysarthria remain insufficiently detailed: what are its physiological correlates, its relations with non-motor functions and its functional consequences? Structured in four axes, this thesis aimed at bringing some elements to address these issues.The first axis explored the pathophysiology of dysarthria. Considering the effects of pharmacological and neurosurgical treatments, we demonstrated that none of these treatments allowed to restore a neuro-functional profile equivalent to healthy controls, especially during a task combining axial and distal actions. The second axis focused on the relations between dysarthria and non-motor functions. Some outcomes suggested that these two categories of functions could progress jointly, but also reinforce each other. Using between-dysarthria and between-linguistic comparisons, the third axis considered the functional consequences of dysarthria. We reported that the consequences of dysarthria do not depend on the intelligibility degradation, that it impacts more the patients with an akineto-rigid profile, and that it tends to weaken the between-linguistic differences. The study of speech therapies represented our fourth axis. We concluded that, to be effective, speech therapies in PD have to focus on a unique speech parameter, to be realised intensively and to give feedback to the patient on their productions.

Medidas perceptivo-auditivas e acústicas de voz e fala e autoavaliação da comunicação das disartrias / Vocal and speech acoustical measures, perceptual auditory analysis and communication self evaluated in dysarthrias

Padovani, Marina Martins Pereira [UNIFESP] 26 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-01-26 / A caracterização típica das disartrias, combinada pelos dados perceptivos e acústicos, oferece melhor informação quanto às habilidades neuromotoras da fala e a efetividade comunicativa e pode ser complementada com dados sobre o impacto do transtorno da fala na qualidade de vida do paciente para customizar a reabilitação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar diversas disartrias com medidas perceptivo-auditivas, acústicas da voz e fala e protocolo de autoavaliação. Participaram 106 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, divididos em distonia laríngea (DL), esclerose lateral amiotrófica (ELA) e esclerose lateral amiotrófica com predomínio de sintomas bulbares (ELAb), Miastenia Gravis (MG), doença de Parkinson (DP), tremor essencial vocal (TE) e dois grupos controle até e acima de 45 anos. Todos tiveram a gravação da vogal “a” e do ditongo “iu” em condições recomendadas, além do preenchimento do protocolo Vivendo com Disartria. Os dados foram analisados com uso da escala analógico visual e dos programas Multi- Dimensional Voice Program, Kay Elemetrics e Vox Metria, CTS Informática. Os resultados mostraram que o ritmo discriminou o maior número de disartrias dos controles e a disartria por distonia laríngea diferenciou-se no maior número de variáveis, exceto na integridade articulatória. A variabilidade da frequência fundamental em semitons diferenciou todos os disártricos dos respectivos controles, seguida pelo coeficiente de variação da frequência fundamental, em % e o desvio padrão da frequência fundamental. As variáveis estabilidade e Mftr apresentam acurácia satisfatória e melhor sensibilidade. As medidas Matr e ShimmAPQ também têm acurácia satisfatória, mas melhor especificidade, enquanto a medida variabilidade da F0(st) mostrou boa acurácia, com estabilidade e sensibilidade boas. O escore total do protocolo Vivendo com Disartria diferenciou a distonia laríngea da esclerose lateral amiotrófica e da sua variante bulbar, não apresentou correlação com o grau de desvio da disartria, nem com as variáveis auditivas e acústicas. Os efeitos na emoção, a insatisfação com a comunicação e a percepção de ajustes que modificariam a comunicação foram as seções com maior escore nas doenças estudadas. Portanto, houve correlação entre medidas auditivas e acústicas nas disartrias, com acurácia variada e, o impacto na comunicação deve ser investigado independentemente do grau de desvio da disartria. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Para um estudo da estruturação ritmica na fala disartrica / Towards a study of the rhythmic structural in dysarthric speech

Vieira, Jussara Melo 23 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Plinio Almeida Barbosa / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T11:46:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_JussaraMelo_D.pdf: 3447938 bytes, checksum: baa53bcff3e3572313562da26d96e687 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A disartria é uma desordem da fala decorrente de comprometimentos neuromusculares. Tais comprometimentos podem causar alterações na respiração, na fonação, na ressonância e na articulação da fala. Estes comprometimentos podem ser decorrentes de traumatismo craniano (TC). O TC é uma agressão cerebral resultante de uma pancada na cabeça e/ou uma queda com fratura craniana. Na fala disártrica pode haver, também, falha no mecanismo velofaríngeo devido à paralisia/paresia do palato mole. Neste caso, o resultado acústico para a fala é a hipernasalidade e a emissão de ar nasal, que podem ser tratadas através do uso de uma prótese de palato elevadora (PPE). Na disartria, o ritmo da fala também pode estar alterado, implicando alterações nos locais de acento frasal (AF), na inserção e na duração das pausas silenciosas (PS). Sendo assim, interessou-nos investigar a estruturação rítmica da fala disártrica decorrente de TC. Para tanto, obtivemos a colaboração de uma falante disártrica, usuária de PPE, falante nativa do português brasileiro (PB) acometida por TC. O estudo desta fala isártrica teve como objetivos: comparar as condições de uso e não uso da PPE; comparar a estruturação rítmica da fala disártrica brasileira (FDB) com uma fala sem comprometimentos (FSC); comparar a estruturação rítmica da FDB com uma fala isártrica francesa (FDF); estudar a relação sintaxeprosódia na estruturação rítmica da fala tanto na comparação com a FSC quanto na comparação com a FDF; adquirir melhor entendimento da fala disártrica pós TC, considerando o modelo de ritmo da fala para o PB de Barbosa (2006). Para cumprir estes objetivos, acompanhamos o tratamento com PPE da falante disártrica de 1995 a 2005. Neste período coletamos e analisamos oito leituras de um mesmo texto realizadas por ela usando a PPE e duas leituras sem esta prótese: uma em 1995 e outra em 2005. A FSC correspondeu à leitura do mesmo texto da FDB. A FDF correspondeu à leitura de outro texto francês. Nestas leituras realizamos análises acústicas e de sua organização rítmica em unidades vogal-vogal (VV), grupos acentuais (GA), AF e PS. Nas análises das oito leituras da FDB houve redução no número de PS, redução da participação das PS na duração do texto lido e aumento da taxa de elocução (TE). A estruturação rítmica da FDB com e sem a prótese foi a mesma. Houve diferença significante entre a FDB e a FSC para a TE e para a duração das PS, mas não para a duração dos GA nem para o número de unidades VV. Na comparação entre a FDB e a FDF não houve diferenças significativas quanto à TE, taxa de articulação e número de unidades VV por GA. Na relação sintaxe-prosódia, as marcas sintáticas IDF (independência forte) e COORD (independência de uma conjunção coordenada) foram significativas tanto para a FDB quanto para a FSC. Mas não para a FDF. Nosso trabalho contribuiu para destacar a pertinência de estudos que considerem a relação dinâmica entre fatores biomecânicos e lingüísticos da fala, notadamente para a fala comprometida e, em especial, para a fala disártrica pós TC / Abstract: Dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by neuromotors problems. These neuromotors problems may cause breath, phonation, resonance and speech articulation disturbance. The cause of these neuromotors problems can be the traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is a lesion that result of cerebral aggression, a collision in the head/or a fall happening cranial breaking. Dysarthric speech can have too velopharyngeal dysfunction by total/partial paralysis soft palate. In case of soft palate palsy the hypernasality may be present, with emission of nasal air during oral sounds. In order to deal with hypernasality and nasal air emission a palatal lift (PL) is indicated. The use of PL stimulates the correct movement of the soft palate, which produces the appropriate closure of the velopharyngeal port. Rhythm speech can be altered in dysarthric speech. We realize then a study of the rhythmic structure of the dysarthric speech by TBI. For doing so, eight dysarthric speaker?s readings during prosthesis treatment with the palatal lift, are compared with readings without prosthesis, with a reference speaker and a French dysarthric speaker. These comparisons are done by analyzing vowel-to-vowel units (VV), stress groups, phrase stress and silent pauses under the theoretical framework of Barbosa (2006)?s speech rhythm model applied to Brazilian Portuguese. In the eight readings of the Brazilian dysarthric speaker, there were reductions on the number of silent pauses and pause occurrence. An increase of speech rate was also observed. The results showed that there is no distinction in rhythmic structure with and without prosthesis. The comparative analysis between the Brazilian dysarthric speaker and the reference speaker showed significant differences in speech rate and silent pause duration, but no significant difference in the duration of stress groups or in the number of VV units. The comparative analysis between the Brazilian dysarthric speaker and the French dysarthric speaker showed no significant differences in speech rate, articulation rate and number of VV units inside stress groups. As regards the syntax-prosody interface, the syntactic markers IDF (strong independency) and COORD (coordinated conjunction independency) were significant for both the Brazilian dysarthric and the reference speaker. However, these markers were not significant for the French dysarthric speaker. This work reinforces the importance of considering both linguistics and biomechanics aspects on the analysis of dysarthric speech / Doutorado / Doutor em Linguística

Estrategias de produção de vogais e fricativas : analise acustica da fala de sujeitos portadores de doença de Parkinson / Strategies for the production of vowels and fricatives : acoustic analysis of speakers with Parkinson's disease

Soares, Maria Francisca de Paula 02 May 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eleonora C. Albano / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudo s da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T14:42:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Soares_MariaFranciscadePaula_D.pdf: 5117245 bytes, checksum: 40e045405ea2a278926fa86be47fb97d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Este trabalho investiga as adaptações motoras da fala e, por consequência, as estratégias linguîsticas subjacentes, realizadas por sujeitos disártricos hipocinéticos, portadores de doença de Parkinson (doravante DP), no intuito de compensar alterações motoras impostas pela patologia. Para tal, realizamos a análise acústica as produções de vogais e de fricativas, de dois grupos (alvo e controle) falantes do português brasileiro (doravante PB). Participaram do grupo alvo seis sujeitos portadores de DP (três mulheres e três homens) e do grupo controle seis sujeitos sem patologia neurológica (três mulheres e três homens). O corpus foi composto por palavras que continham exemplares das sete vogais do PB (/i, e, E, a, O, o , u/) e de seis fricativas (/f, v, s, z, S, Z/), em posição intervocálica. Os dados foram coletados a partir da gravação em áudio de oito amostras de quatorze sentenças eliciadas por repetição contendo as palavras alvo. A análise acústica das vogais foi realizada pela extração de F1 e F2. Os dados foram avaliados através de medidas estáticas - configuração do espaço vocálico (Bark e z-score) e área do espaço vocálico - e dinâmicas - extensão de F1 e F2 em Bark, variabilidade e dispersão vocálica -. As fricativas foram analisadas por parâmetros acústicos relativos à realização do local de constrição - duração absoluta (ms) e normalizada (z-score) da fricativa, amplitude normalizada e transição de F2 - e vozeamento - duração absoluta e normalizada da fricativa, duração absoluta e normalizada da vogal antecedente e amplitude normalizada-. Ainda, analisou-se qualitativamente o vozeamento, através da análise do espectrograma e do intervalo de desvozeamento. A análise das vogais mostra redução do espaço vocálico, demonstrando tendência a centralização das vogais, para o grupo de parkinsonianos. A extensão de F1 e F2 apresenta tendência, do grupo alvo, a maior redução no eixo de F2, relativo à movimentação em sentido ântero-posterior da língua. A grande variabilidade das vogais no grupo alvo sugere que as amostras gravitam em torno do alvo acústicoarticulatório, de forma muito mais dispersa do que o grupo controle. As vogais posteriores são as que apresentam maiores índices de dispersão, demonstrando maior dificuldade em realização de movimentos com o dorso da língua. Com relação as fricativas, o parâmetro mais robusto para a discriminação do local de constrição foi a transição de F2. A inconsistência da realização do vozeamento é um achado importante, para ambos os grupos. A realização do vozeamento distingue os dois grupos, enquanto o grupo alvo tende ao vozeamento de fones não vozeados, o grupo controle tende ao desvozeamento. Os resultados mostram duas manifestações claras da disartria, em vogais e consoantes. A redução das vogais, apresentada pela centralização dos valores de F1 e F2 e o enfraquecimento das obstruintes fricativas, apresentado pela menor precisão em sua articulação. Em ambos os casos, um modelo dinâmico que contemple as variáveis grau e local de constrição tanto para vogais como para consoantess, tal como preconiza a fonologia gestual, possibilita a análise das estratégias de undershoot, utilizadas para a manutenção da inteligibilidade / Abstract: This dissertation investigates the speech motor adaptations and the resulting linguistic strategies used by Parkinson's disease (henceforth PD) subjects with hypokinetic dysarthria with the aim of compensating motor changes imposed by the pathology. That being so, we made an acoustic analysis of vowel and fricative production of two subject groups: the target group and the control group, both consisting of native Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth BP) speakers. The target group was composed of six PD subjects (three women and three men) and the control group was composed of six subjects (three women and three men) without neurological pathology. The corpus consisted of words containing all seven BP vowels (/i, e, E, a, O, o, u/) and seven fricatives (/f, v, s, z, S, Z/) in intervocalic position. Data were collected from audio recordings of fourteen sentences elicited by repetition containing the target words, each sentence repeated eight times per subject. The acoustic analysis of vowels consisted of first (F1) and second (F2) formant measurements. Vowel data were assessed by static measurements - vowel space configuration (Bark and z-score) and vowel space area - and dynamic measurements - F1 and F2 extension in Bark, vocalic variability and dispersion. Fricatives were analyzed by acoustic parameters related to constriction place - absolute (in milliseconds) and normalized (z-score) duration, normalized amplitude and F2 transition - and voicing - absolute and normalized fricative voicing, absolute and normalized duration of preceding vowel and normalized voicing amplitude. We have also analyzed voicing qualitatively by spectrographic inspection and mesurement of devoicing interval. Vowel analysis has shown a reduction in vowel space in the direction of vowel centralization by the parkinsonian group. Target group's F1 and F2 extension shows a greater reduction of F2, which characterizes front-back tongue movement. The large vocalic variability within the target group suggests the samples drift around the acoustic-articulatory target in a much more disperse way than in the control group. Back vowels are the ones that present higher dispersion indexes, which may point to a greater difficulty in the production of tongue dorsum movements. With respect to fricatives, F2 transition was the most robust parameter for constriction place discrimination. The inconsistency of voicing production is also an important finding for both groups: the target group tends to produce unvoiced segments with voicing and the control group tends to devoice the voiced segments. Besides, the results have shown two manifestations of dysarthria: vowel reduction, characterized by F1 and F2 centralization; and weakening of fricative obstruents, characterized by reduction of articulatory precision. In both cases, a dynamic model that posits constriction degree and constriction location as tract variables common to vowels ad consonants, as proposed by gestural phonology, allows for an analysis of undershoot strategies used to preserve intelligibility. / Doutorado / Doutor em Linguística

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