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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

光碟產業的競爭策略-以A公司為例 / The Competitive Strategy of Optical Storage Disc Industry-- A Case Study of A Company

閻正雄, Yen,cheng hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
光電產業一直是政府積極輔導與推動的重點產業,不論是在光顯示、光儲存光通訊、光輸入、光輸出產業等,歷年來都有不錯的成績。其中尤其是光顯示與光儲存更是占整體產業的大宗。歷年來在掃描器、光碟機、光碟片等多項產品,都曾有位居世界霸主的地位。 自從光碟片問世以來,光碟已經扮演現代科技的重要角色,它既方便攜帶還有儲存容量也大,體積、面積也小了許多,非常符合現代要求如此高效率的時代,而光碟的用途也分成很多類,例如儲存影片、音樂、軟體等等用途,由於光碟的問世,也使得早期使用的磁片、錄音帶、錄影帶等等這些東西,都逐漸被光碟給取代。而光碟從只能儲存聲音的功能,發展到可以儲存影片、軟體等。在這其中,台灣廠商以優異的製造能力與快速擴展產能的策略,建立起光碟片製造王國,總產量佔世界第一,前幾大光碟廠皆為台灣廠商。然而,台灣光碟廠商雖然隨著市場需求而持續成長,但卻始終陷在供過於求的產業困境中,價格快速下跌,加上高額權利金負擔,讓台灣光碟廠陷入經營的窘境。本研究主要是針對紀錄型光碟片產業,收集相關產業資訊,並根據文獻探討擬定研究架構作為產業分析之基本架構;探討過去產業快速成功但卻又深陷供過於求的泥淖的原因,在競爭優勢分析上運用波特競爭理論、五力分析與鑽石理論,並以個案公司為例,瞭解台灣光碟片產業之競爭優勢情形,對產業未來發展提出策略建議。 / Optoelectronics industry has been the focus and promoted by the government. The optical display, optical storage, optical communication, optical input, and optical output industries, have gained good performance in the past years. Especially the scanners, optical disc drives and optical disc media had been the dominant roles in the world。 Since the introduction of the optical disc, it has played an important role in modern high technology. It is convenient to carry over, its large capacity, and the compact size, all meet the requirements of high efficiency. The disc can be used for various purposes of video, music, and data storage and it quickly replaced the floppy discs, audio/video tapes. Taiwan's manufacturers used the strategy to build up the huge capacity rapidly with excellent production capability. The total output has been world number one. However, the market demand continues to grow, but it has been always stuck in oversupply. The rapid declining product prices and the high loyalty burden make the manufacturers in awkward situations. The purpose of this thesis is to focus on analyzing why it succeeded before and why it became oversupply by collecting industry information, literatures, and documents. Based on Porter’s competition theory, theory of five forces analysis and diamond model, and we use A Company as an example to figure out the possible strategies of this industry.

Etude d’un système respiratoire de Porphyromonas gingivalis, pathogène impliqué dans les infections parodontales / Characterisation of an oxygen-dependent respiratory enzyme of the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis

Leclerc, Julia 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les parodontites sont des maladies chroniques inflammatoires causées par un biofilm bactérien. Elles sont la première cause de perte des dents dans les pays industrialisés et représentent donc un coût important pour la société. Le biofilm buccal est composé de plus de 500 espèces différentes, parmi lesquelles Porphyromonas gingivalis est reconnue comme une cause majeure du développement des symptômes. Cette bactérie à Gram négatif est considérée comme anaérobie bien qu’elle tolère des concentrations faibles en oxygène, ce qui favorise la colonisation de la cavité orale. Notre objectif était de mettre en évidence les processus biologiques conférant à P. gingivalis sa résistance à l’oxygène et au stress oxydant, mais également ceux impliqués dans la transition métabolique en concentrations variables d’oxygène. Des analyses in silico des génomes de souches de P. gingivalis ont révélé la présence d’un système respiratoire dépendant de l’oxygène, impliquant une cytochrome bd oxydase CydAB. Nous avons construit un mutant de P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 par délétion des gènes cydAB. Nos travaux ont montré que ce mutant était plus sensible que la souche parentale aux espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) dont le peroxyde d’hydrogène et le générateur d’anion superoxyde paraquat. De plus, nous avons démontré que CydAB était impliquée dans le phénotype aérotolérant de P. gingivalis, et que cette enzyme consommait effectivement l’oxygène grâce à une étude par oxygraphie à haute résolution. Les mécanismes de régulations en réponse aux ROS et à l’oxygène sont encore mal connus, notamment en ce qui concerne la régulation positive de l’expression des gènes cydAB en présence d’oxygène. Deux gènes codant des régulateurs de type FNR ont été identifiés dans le génome de P. gingivalis, l’un d’entre eux codant un régulateur de la réponse au stress nitrosant, HcpR. Le second gène PGN_1569 a fait l’objet de notre étude. Par mutation et par analyses transcriptomiques, nous avons démontré que ce régulateur s’autorégulait négativement et activait l’expression de 4 groupes de gènes en anaérobie, n’incluant pas les gènes cydAB. L’expression de ces gènes est par ailleurs contrôlée par d’autres régulateurs redox, OxyR et/ou SigH et/ ou RprY. Cette étude met donc en évidence une connexion entre FNR et les autres régulateurs de la réponse au stress oxydant chez P. gingivalis. Des études complémentaires permettront de caractériser la fonction encore hypothétique des protéines codées par le régulon FNR. Il est intéressant de noter que l’absence de FNR confère à P. gingivalis une plus grande capacité à former un biofilm en anaérobie / Periodontal diseases are chronic inflammatory infections caused by bacteria in oral biofilm they are the first cause of loss of tooth in industrial countries with an important cost for the society. The biofilm comprises more than 500 bacterial species. Amongst them, Porphyromonas gingivalis, a Gram-negative bacterium, is well known as a major causative agent of periodontitis. Although considered as mainly anaerobe, P. gingivalis tolerates low oxygen concentration, therefore enhancing its ability to colonize the oral cavity. Our aim was to decipher the biological processes underpinning the resistance of P. gingivalis to oxygen and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and to characterise the transition from anaerobiosis to hypoxia. In silico studies of P. gingivalis genomes have revealed the presence of a putative oxygen-dependent respiratory system involving a cytochrome bd oxidase CydAB. We constructed a mutant deleted for cydAB genes in the P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 strain. Our study showed that cydAB mutation increased the sensibility of the mutant to reactive oxygen species such as the anion-superoxide generator paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. Moreover we demonstrated that CydAB is involved in the aerotolerance of P. gingivalis, and in oxygen consumption, as demonstrated by high resolution respirometry assay. Many regulations in response to ROS and oxygen are still unexplained in P. gingivalis, including the activation of cydAB expression by oxygen exposure. Two genes encoding FNR-like regulators were identified in the genome of P. gingivalis. One of them encodes the HcpR regulator which controls part of the nitrosative stress response. The second gene PGN_1569 was the focus of our study. By mutation and transcriptome analysis, we demonstrated that this FNR-like regulator repressed its own transcription and activated the expression of 4 gene clusters in anaerobiosis, but not including cydAB genes. The expression of these 4 gene clusters is also controlled by other redox regulators, OxyR and/or SigH and/or RprY. Therefore, this study pointed out the interplay between FNR and known oxidative stress response regulators of P. gingivalis. Further work will study the functions of the hypothetical proteins encoded by the FNR regulon. Interestingly, the fnr mutant displayed higher ability than the wild-type strain to form biofilm in anaerobiosis.

Reconstructing John Hick's theory of religious pluralism : a Chinese folk religion's perspective

Wong, Wai Yip January 2012 (has links)
Hick’s pluralist assumption has remained the most knowable model of religious pluralism in the last few decades. Many have, from the perspectives of various major world religions, questioned his notion that the teachings of all religions are derived from the same Absolute Truth and that salvific-end is one, yet little attention has been paid to the traditions that he graded as unauthentic and non-valuable according to his soteriological and ethical criteriology. The purpose of this thesis was to demonstrate the exclusiveness of Hick’s model by describing a tradition called “Chinese Folk Religion” that does not fit into his definition of ‘authentic religion’. As the study suggested, his understanding of the world religious situation is over-generalised and simplified, and his particular criteriology does not treat all traditions fairly or pluralistically. As a response, this thesis proposed a more inclusive theory that also integrates the currently disregarded tradition into the interpretation.

Estudo de modificadores balísticos na formulação de propelentes base dupla visando à otimização de sua velocidade de queima / Study of ballistic modifiers in double-base propellants\' formulation applied to its burning rate optimization

Gabriel, Vladimir Hallak 20 February 2014 (has links)
Propelentes sólidos são materiais energéticos que produzem gases em alta pressão por meio de uma reação de combustão. Qualquer propelente sólido inclui dois ou mais dos seguintes componentes: oxidante (nitratos e percloratos); combustível (resinas orgânicas ou polímeros); compostos químicos combinando oxidantes e combustíveis (nitrocelulose ou nitroglicerina); aditivos para facilitar processos de produção ou alterar a taxa de queima e inibidores (fita de etilcelulose), para restringir superfícies de combustão. Pequenas percentagens de aditivos são usadas para modificar diversas propriedades mecânicas, químicas e balísticas dos propelentes sólidos: acelerar ou desacelerar a velocidade de combustão (catalisadores e inibidores de combustão, respectivamente); assegurar a estabilidade química para prevenir a deterioração durante a estocagem; controlar as propriedades de processamento durante a produção de propelente (tempo de cura, fluidez para extrusão ou moldagem, etc.); controlar as propriedades de absorção de radiação no propelente em combustão; aumentar a resistência mecânica e diminuir a deformação elástica; e, finalmente, minimizar a sensibilidade térmica. No caso de propelentes sólidos Base Dupla (mistura de duas bases ativas: a nitrocelulose e a nitroglicerina), é possível alterar sua velocidade de queima principalmente pelo emprego de pequenos teores de modificadores balísticos, em geral sais orgânicos de cobre e chumbo. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a aceleração da velocidade de queima de uma formulação conhecida de propelente Base Dupla - BD, alterando o teor total dos modificadores balísticos cromato de cobre e estearato de chumbo (ou plastabil - nome comercial) na receita original, bem como a proporção entre eles. Estas alterações na formulação original devem, idealmente, preservar os parâmetros de desempenho estabelecidos para as propriedades químicas (estabilidade química) e mecânicas (densidade da massa e ensaios de tração), ao mesmo tempo otimizando o desempenho balístico, pelo aumento da velocidade de queima. Os resultados experimentais mostram que para os parâmetros de qualidade elongação e velocidade de queima a interação entre os fatores, Proporção Sal de Chumbo/Sal de Cobre (Fator A) e Teor de Modificadores Balísticos (Fator B) foram significativos, ou seja, quanto maior os fatores pior o resultado com as propriedades. Com os parâmetros de resistência a tração e densidade da massa, o fator A e B respectivamente influenciam negativamente quando aumentado em sua concentração. Para o parâmetro estabilidade química não houve nenhum sinal de melhora ou influencia dos fatores. No caso da velocidade de queima a interação AB é o que mais influencia. Melhorando significativamente a velocidade de queima. / Solid propellants are energetic materials which produce a considerable amount of high-pressure gases by means of a combustion reaction. Any solid propellant formulation includes at least two of the following items: oxidizer (nitrates and perchlorates); fuel (organic resins or polymers); chemical compounds combining oxidizers and fuels (nitrocellulose or nitroglycerine); additives to easy production operations or to modify the burning rate and inhibitors (tape ethyl-cellulose), to restrict the combustion surfaces. Small amounts of additives are employed to modify the mechanical, chemical and ballistic features of the solid propellants: to accelerate or diminish the burning rate (catalysts and inhibitors of burning, respectively); to assure the chemical stability in order to prevent the deterioration during stocking; to control the processing properties during propellant production (curing time, extrusion or casting rheology); to control the radiation absorption in the burning propellant; to enhance the mechanical resistance and to reduce the strain; and, finally, to get the thermal sensitivity to a minimum level. In the case of Double-Base solid propellants (blend of two energetic bases: nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine), it\'s possible to control its burning rate mainly by the use of small amounts of ballistic modifiers, generally copper and lead organic salts. This work has studied the burning rate acceleration of a known Double-Base propellant formulation, by changing the total amount of the ballistic modifiers copper chromate and lead stearate (commercially known as plastabil) in the original formulation, as well as the proportion between them. These changes at the original recipe should preserve, ideally, the performance levels required for the chemical (chemical stability) and mechanical properties (density and stress-strain evaluation), optimizing, at the same time, the ballistic performance, through the burning rate enhancement. Results show that for the parameters of quality and elongation rate of burning the interaction between factors, Proportion of Lead Salt / Salt Copper (Factor A) and content Ballistic Modifiers (Factor B) were significant, ie, the higher the worst factors result with the properties. With the parameters of tensile strength and mass density, the factor A and B respectively negatively influence increased when its concentration. For the chemical stability parameter there was no sign of improvement or influences of factors. In the case of burning rate AB interaction is what most influences. Significantly improving the speed of burning.

Cortical Localization Debate With Its Historical Background

Ekemen, Cengiz 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The primary aim of this thesis is the consideration of neuroscientific studies regarding the localization of high-level cognitive (i.e., nonsensory and nonmotor) processes into the brain. To accomplish this aim, I briefly summarized history of the localizations which lead to the cortical localization of high-level cognitive processes. Then, I present a case study, memory consolidation to compare molecular neuroscience (MN) and cognitive neuroscience (CN) as to how they differ in their localizations. After I put forward the difference between MN and CN, I make use of Uttal&rsquo / s arguments to consider the localizations of MN and CN. His arguments resemble the underdetermination problem and pessimistic meta-induction (PMI) highly debated topic in scientific realism debate. In this respect, I examine UD and PMI with its relevance to MN and CN.

An Attempt To Define Nothingness And A Philosophical Analysis Of The Ultimate Why Question: Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?

Turkay, Kemal 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study is to make a comprehensive analysis of the question &ldquo / Why is there something rather than nothing?&rdquo / , which is one of the major questions of metaphysics, and to find a plausible answer at the end, if it is possible. To begin this analysis, a clarification of what we understand by this question is needed first. For the clarification, a definition of &lsquo / nothingness&rsquo / will be sought. Afterwards, the motivation for us to ask this question, the significance of it, and the content of it will be investigated. This investigation will help us concentrate on and discuss within the framework of causation and necessity our understanding of &ldquo / contingent beings&rdquo / and &ldquo / nothingness&rdquo / . Two main approaches sought to answer this question till now are by theists and physicists. Those approaches will be discussed and compared. And at the end of the comparative analysis of these two approaches, a metaphysical approach which will be a layer of them will be sought.

Women&#039 / s Nature (phusis) And Diseases As Objects Of Observation In Hippocratic Gynecological Writings: An Epistemological Study

Aksit, Gokcesu 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study concentrates on the disease and treatment cases of women in the Hippocratic texts, to identify and describe the Hippocratic medical style as one that, through its mode of practice, represents a significant departure in making the human body observable. As an antidote to a bias in the literature that has always made the male more visible, we chose to view Hippocrates&rsquo / s novel way of making the woman visible since, producing a new entity for observation, this style of practice led to the emergence of a new profession of medicine, gynecology. In this way, the &ldquo / white-armed&rdquo / women of ancient times were brought into the realm of the visible. Examination of the case histories in the corpus revealed that the observational style was used in light of two principles, that of nature as an active force, generally for healing, and water as a function and humor / both the nature and water concepts uniting the analytical and the metaphorical in a holistic way. The nature inspiration enables an ecological view of Hippocratic practice in such a way that later categories described by Kuhn as incommensurable are seen to function in interrelation. The theoretical trajectory therefore, involves a short survey which starts with Popper and follows through Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, and finally Crombie, with the latter&rsquo / s concept of &ldquo / styles of thinking&rdquo / which accounts for how habits of thought inform specific practices like Hippocratic gynecology.


Aksit, Gokcesu 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study concentrates on the disease and treatment cases of women in the Hippocratic texts, to identify and describe the Hippocratic medical style as one that, through its mode of practice, represents a significant departure in making the human body observable. As an antidote to a bias in the literature that has always made the male more visible, we chose to view Hippocrates&rsquo / s novel way of making the woman visible since, producing a new entity for observation, this style of practice led to the emergence of a new profession of medicine, gynecology. In this way, the &ldquo / white-armed&rdquo / women of ancient times were brought into the realm of the visible. Examination of the case histories in the corpus revealed that the observational style was used in light of two principles, that of nature as an active force, generally for healing, and water as a function and humor / both the nature and water concepts uniting the analytical and the metaphorical in a holistic way. The nature inspiration enables an ecological view of Hippocratic practice in such a way that later categories described by Kuhn as incommensurable are seen to function in interrelation. The theoretical trajectory therefore, involves a short survey which starts with Popper and follows through Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, and finally Crombie, with the latter&rsquo / s concept of &ldquo / styles of thinking&rdquo / which accounts for how habits of thought inform specific practices like Hippocratic gynecology.


Aksit, Gokcesu 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study concentrates on the disease and treatment cases of women in the Hippocratic texts, to identify and describe the Hippocratic medical style as one that, through its mode of practice, represents a significant departure in making the human body observable. As an antidote to a bias in the literature that has always made the male more visible, we chose to view Hippocrates&rsquo / s novel way of making the woman visible since, producing a new entity for observation, this style of practice led to the emergence of a new profession of medicine, gynecology. In this way, the &ldquo / white-armed&rdquo / women of ancient times were brought into the realm of the visible. Examination of the case histories in the corpus revealed that the observational style was used in light of two principles, that of nature as an active force, generally for healing, and water as a function and humor / both the nature and water concepts uniting the analytical and the metaphorical in a holistic way. The nature inspiration enables an ecological view of Hippocratic practice in such a way that later categories described by Kuhn as incommensurable are seen to function in interrelation. The theoretical trajectory therefore, involves a short survey which starts with Popper and follows through Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, and finally Crombie, with the latter&rsquo / s concept of &ldquo / styles of thinking&rdquo / which accounts for how habits of thought inform specific practices like Hippocratic gynecology.

The Underground Man Of The 19th Century: A Comparative Study On Nietzsche And Marx

Acar, Zeliha Burcu 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis I searched for an Underground Man in Nietzsche and Marx. My search depends on an epistemological ascertainment. Kant&rsquo / s argument that the human mind cannot achieve knowledge of the thing-in-itself lies in the background of my thesis. I think that this argument is connected with the origins of modern philosophy. My thesis is concentrated on the 19th century. I perceived that with Kant&rsquo / s argument the fact that we can know this world within a subjective framework is emphasized especially in this century. The emphasis on a subjective framework is grounded on Kant&rsquo / s philosophy. This emphasis has a significant role in the epistemological arguments of Nietzsche and Marx. They also insist on the role of subjective contribution in knowledge. However their attitude towards epistemology is different from Kantian philosophy in that they emphasize social, historical and economical conditions. Thus, I call attention to the fact that they transpose epistemology into a social and historical context. My conception of the Underground Man is born in this social context. My thesis aims at making room for an analysis of the Underground Man who is conceived in opposition to the Kantian understanding of the subject, in the context of are Nietzsche&rsquo / s and Marx&rsquo / s social and epistemological analyses.

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