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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


翁瑞聰, Kem Weng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著技術的發展應用,新技術的研發成本越來越高,許多開發中國家,受 限於研究人才、設備、經費、及原有技術水準落後等因素的影響,較難從 事自行開發技術的工作,因此經由先進國家或是多國企業引入所需之技術 ,就成為開發中國家發展經濟、促進工業化的過程中,取得技術的重要方 式。國際間技術移轉的方式,主要為外人直接投資及技術授權。以外人直 接投資的方式而言,國外廠商對地主國企業的經營及技術擁有高度的控制 權,這使得許多國家諸如日本、歐洲國家及開發中國家中之較進步的幾個 國家,均比較偏好用技術授權的方式來引入技術。技術授權為一複雜而多 變的技術移轉活動,合作雙方的權利義務則完全依雙方所簽訂的契約來規 範,整個技術引進的過程包括對技術、合作產品銷售之評估,與授權者接 洽、談判、簽約,及進行技術移轉等。在這繁複的過程中可得到二項重要 的結果,一是技術權利金或技術報酬金的高低水準,此為被授權者使用技 術所需支付的成本代價;另一則為技術授權的執行績效,此為被授權者與 外國廠商進行技術授權時所能獲取的利益。由於此二部份是國內廠商在參 與技術授權時所最關切的問題,因此本研究針對技術權利金及授權績效的 影響因素作一深入的探討。本文的研究目的有三:一、探討影響技術權利 金水準之影響因素及其效果;二、分析授權績效之影響因素及其效果;三 、研究技術權利金與授權績效間之關係。


林佳樺, Lin , Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣的製藥產業為研究對象,以技術授權為研究標的,企圖瞭解在台灣製藥產業中,何種因素為影響技術授權價格之重要因素、這些因素如何影響技術授權的價格,以及影響技術授權價格之因素是如何影響或反映於實際的合約內容中。本研究希望藉由找出目前台灣製藥產業中,影響授權價格的主要因素,以及這些因素對技術價格的影響方式,提供企業與法人在進行技術授權談判前做參考,希望在未來台灣轉型以知識經濟發展為重心的環境下,讓企業與法人更有效率的掌握影響授權價格之重要因素,使本國廠商未來在與國外廠商進行技術交易時,不至因為缺乏授權經驗而喪失優勢。 本研究發現在製藥產業在技術類因素中,以技術成熟度、被授權者應用技術所能產生的價值、專利質量、以及技術的功能與廣度因素最為重要;在授權者與被授權者特性類因素中,以授權者的聲譽因素最為重要;在市場環境類因素中,以政府的管制、產業規範、以及市場競爭程度因素最為重要;最後,在智慧財產權應用類因素中,以交易使用限制因素、是否交互授權、以及是否獨家授權因素最為重要。


王瑞鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在藉由權利金功能的探討來賦予民間參與公共建設的模式中,政府向特許公司課徵權利金的理由。 藉由經濟理論以及相關法令的分析,本文發現在民間參與公共建設的機制中,權利金具有1.移轉特許公司超額利潤、2.政府財產權用益收入、3.作為特許公司取權利的代價、4.政府相關成本的回收、5.遴選特許公司的參考等幾項功能。由於權利金的功能相當多樣,故本文將權利金的各項功能加以結合,提出能包含各項權利金功能的權利金收取概念。 此外,本文並針對設定地上權權利金和回饋金等特許公司在民間參與公共建設中可能產生的負擔與權利金進行比較,發現設定地上權權利金只是土地□o成本之一,與民間參與的權利金意義不同;而回饋金與權利金的本質類似但缺少法源基礎。故本文透過權利金相關問題的釋義來做為主辦單位在推動民間參與公共建設的作業時應該特別注意的事項及參考。 最後本文以台灣大學尊賢館委外經營的案例來進行財務試算,藉由權利金在民間參與財務規劃中扮演的角色來驗證本文提出的民間參與權利金功能。

光碟產業的競爭策略-以A公司為例 / The Competitive Strategy of Optical Storage Disc Industry-- A Case Study of A Company

閻正雄, Yen,cheng hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
光電產業一直是政府積極輔導與推動的重點產業,不論是在光顯示、光儲存光通訊、光輸入、光輸出產業等,歷年來都有不錯的成績。其中尤其是光顯示與光儲存更是占整體產業的大宗。歷年來在掃描器、光碟機、光碟片等多項產品,都曾有位居世界霸主的地位。 自從光碟片問世以來,光碟已經扮演現代科技的重要角色,它既方便攜帶還有儲存容量也大,體積、面積也小了許多,非常符合現代要求如此高效率的時代,而光碟的用途也分成很多類,例如儲存影片、音樂、軟體等等用途,由於光碟的問世,也使得早期使用的磁片、錄音帶、錄影帶等等這些東西,都逐漸被光碟給取代。而光碟從只能儲存聲音的功能,發展到可以儲存影片、軟體等。在這其中,台灣廠商以優異的製造能力與快速擴展產能的策略,建立起光碟片製造王國,總產量佔世界第一,前幾大光碟廠皆為台灣廠商。然而,台灣光碟廠商雖然隨著市場需求而持續成長,但卻始終陷在供過於求的產業困境中,價格快速下跌,加上高額權利金負擔,讓台灣光碟廠陷入經營的窘境。本研究主要是針對紀錄型光碟片產業,收集相關產業資訊,並根據文獻探討擬定研究架構作為產業分析之基本架構;探討過去產業快速成功但卻又深陷供過於求的泥淖的原因,在競爭優勢分析上運用波特競爭理論、五力分析與鑽石理論,並以個案公司為例,瞭解台灣光碟片產業之競爭優勢情形,對產業未來發展提出策略建議。 / Optoelectronics industry has been the focus and promoted by the government. The optical display, optical storage, optical communication, optical input, and optical output industries, have gained good performance in the past years. Especially the scanners, optical disc drives and optical disc media had been the dominant roles in the world。 Since the introduction of the optical disc, it has played an important role in modern high technology. It is convenient to carry over, its large capacity, and the compact size, all meet the requirements of high efficiency. The disc can be used for various purposes of video, music, and data storage and it quickly replaced the floppy discs, audio/video tapes. Taiwan's manufacturers used the strategy to build up the huge capacity rapidly with excellent production capability. The total output has been world number one. However, the market demand continues to grow, but it has been always stuck in oversupply. The rapid declining product prices and the high loyalty burden make the manufacturers in awkward situations. The purpose of this thesis is to focus on analyzing why it succeeded before and why it became oversupply by collecting industry information, literatures, and documents. Based on Porter’s competition theory, theory of five forces analysis and diamond model, and we use A Company as an example to figure out the possible strategies of this industry.


劉懷德, LIU,HUAI-TE Unknown Date (has links)
值此知識經濟時代,土地建物、自然資源、機器設備等有形資產的重要性已大不如前,而電腦、通信、生化等知識(智慧財產權)的價值則持續增加,許多擁有知識的大企業以全球為市場,所創造的財富大過許多國家,知識不只是力量,更是財富。1982年美國S&P 500大企業的總市值中無形資產佔38%,2002年已躍升為87%,即是明證,美國如此,台灣亦然,因此,智慧財產權融資應當是我國銀行可以開拓的業務之一。 本研究從實務觀點深入瞭解我國金融機構辦理智財權融資的現況與政府相關政策,同時借鏡美國、日本與韓國的作法與許多實際案例,先找出我國金融機構辦理智財權融資所遭遇的問題與挑戰,然後探討未來我國金融機構辦理智財權融資業務與政府建立智財權融資體系的方向,期能對於推動處在發展初期的智財權融資業務有些許助益。經由分析比較,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、智慧財產(無形資產)之重要性與日俱增,其價值早已不下於有形資 產,銀行應正視此一趨勢,於授信、投資、風險管理等多方面有所因應。 二、智財權必須商業化,必須結合營運,才能發揮價值,使其價值極大 化。 三、智財權融資是企業發展與產業升級所需要的資金來源之一。 四、智財權融資業務有商機,但風險仍不容輕忽。 五、健全的智財權融資體系不能只有金融機構,還需要智財權鑑價機構、智財權交易市場等環節。 並提出以下建議: 一、銀行應積極地為智財權融資業務做準備。 二、銀行不宜因智財權融資體系不成熟,而過度排斥智財權融資業務。 三、政府宜適度增加對若干智財權融資的補助。 四、政府宜以公權力協助建立具公信力的智財權鑑價機構與智財權管理機構。 五、政府可考慮開放創投公司或財務公司承做智財權融資。 六、智慧財產權證券化為智財權融資的重要項目與發展趨勢,政府應預做準備。

論競爭法對生物科技研究工具專利授權之規制—以延展性權利金(reach-through royalty)條款為中心

焦子奇, Chiao, Tzu-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是在探討延展性權利金(reach-through royalty)條款的競爭法規制。首先,本文對於研究工具專利及延展性權利金條款的意義及概念作一說明,接著簡介目前各國之競爭法制與專利法制的權衡概況,並探討一些與延展性權利金條款有關之授權條款,以了解目前競爭法對於延展性權利金條款所可能導致之相關效應的評價,作為後續分析該條款適法性的基礎,再來整理美國實務及學說對於延展性權利金條款的看法,最後綜合檢討相關論述,提出本文見解。經研究後,本文認為,延展性權利金條款有其促進競爭效應(如提供風險分攤機制、幫助起始公司解決現金壓力問題以及提供授權雙方較佳的協商估價基礎)亦有其限制競爭效應(如降低被授權人研發誘因而有限制研發的效果及權利金堆疊效應),因此一概禁止或一概允許此種條款皆非適當,而應視個案情形依合理原則的標準加以權衡,以決定系爭行為的適法性。 / The present article discusses the antitrust regulation for reach-through royalty provisions which mainly used in biotechnology research tool patent licensing. First, this article introduces the meanings of research tool patent and reach-through royalties. Second, it illustrates antitrust regulations for patent licensing in foreign countries specifically in U.S., European Union, together with R.O.C. and, furthermore, it also discusses provisions similar or related to reach-through royalties. Third, this article introduces the discussions about reach-through royalty provisions in U.S., including the NIH Guideline, case law regulations and other related discussions by scholars. Finally, the present article analyzes the effects of reach-through royalties more deeply based on the mentioned discussions and makes a suggestion for the regulation of reach-through royalties. This article argues: since reach-through royalties have both anti-competitive and pro-competitive effects, a total ban or allowance is not appropriate and a “rule of reason” inspection should be applied to such provisions for better efficiencies.

臺北市公有路邊停車場經營管理機制評選之研究 / Ranking and Selecting the Management of Taipei ,s Public Curb Parking Lot

陳美珍, Chen, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要是要建構一個在考慮經濟面及效率面下,評估公有路邊停車場經營管理績效的機制。當考慮經濟面及效率面時,包含權利金委外、開單勞務委外及人力派遣與政府自辦的比較,何者較具有經營管理優勢。本文選擇以這四個制度為分析對象的理由,主要是源自於公共選擇理論。另外,評估方法則應用層級分析法來評估這四個經營管理機制。而在考慮經濟與效率為目標下,評估指標分別從投入與產出這二個面向著手,其中投入面向之評估指標有人力、設備及費用,產出面向之評估指標則有每格位開單率及每人每日營收金額等。以臺北市西門地區做為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查24名專家學者對評估指標的權重,再以簡單加權法求算各個替選方案評點,研究結果發現,開單勞務委外為最優方案,其次為權利金委外,而政府自辦在經濟及效率面向,與其他三個方案比較結果,顯示最不具有經營管理優勢。 / This thesis is aimed at construct the scheme of evaluating the management economy and efficiency for public curb parking lot. Those which draw up the parking charge list including of royalty, labor-outsourcing and leased work, are compared with the government manages oneself, when consideration economy and efficiency which alternative has the superiority of operation and management. The rationale to choice these four alternatives as evaluative object is the public choice theory. Moreover, the consideration of performance evaluation has three indicators such as manpower, facility and expenditure under the schema of input, and two indicators such as the rate of draw up the parking charge list for a parking space and each person of daily earning under the schema of output. Further, analysis hierarchy process and SAW are applied for the appraisal method. In empirical study, 24 experts replied our questionnaire survey. The result suggest that the priority alternative is labor outsourcing and the government manages oneself is inferior to other three alternatives. We develop a framework to promote a better understanding of the important of public curb parking lot performance management. Using the review literature and the results an empirical study of Taipei’s curb parking lots, we developed the framework presented herein, in hope that if would stimulate more interest in this area.

專利侵權損害賠償額之研究 / A Study on the damages award of the patent infringement

楊晉佳, Yang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討專利侵權損害賠償請求之範圍及賠償數額之計算方法,以我國法律規定及實務運作情形為主,並比較美國、中國大陸的規定及實務運作情形,尤其智慧財產法院自97年7月1日成立後,其在損害賠償方面之實務見解是否比過去數十年的實務運作有更創新之看法,茲為我國將來專利法修法之參考,並與實務運作相互印證。第一章緒論,說明研究背景與動機,研究目的、研究方法及流程。第二章說明專利權之定義、種類,專利侵害之類型,專利鑑定、步驟、原則及我國的專利損害賠償制度。第三章則專以損害賠償額計算之規定及實務判決研究為主,並兼論及非財產上損害,如信譽損害、律師及其他費用等。第四章比較TRIPS、中國大陸及美國之規定,尤其以美國法及判決為重點,討論我國是否應如美國一樣,增訂合理權利金之條款,又合理權利金之達成是否應在兩造自由意願下簽訂,而不能受到訴訟之威脅。第五章以過去一年來最新成立智慧財產法院判決分析比較,分析是否與之前的實務判決有不同之作法及是否已大幅改善之前實務的缺點,提出個人看法。最後一章則提出本文建議的解決方案或可供臺灣專利法修正草案之參考。 透過本文將可瞭解過去各地方法院關於專利侵權之判決、美國實務判決之立論基礎,並與智慧財產法院成立後之最新出爐判決相互比較,以資作為將來修正專利法之參考建議,並期許智慧財產法院將來在專利侵權訴訟更能保障專利權人之權利,使專利權人獲得應有之賠償,願意投入更多的資金及研發人員,創造有價值的專利,以促進科技發展,造福人類。 關鍵字:專利侵權、智慧財產、損害賠償、所失利益、合理權利金、智慧財產法院 / This study aims to explore the ambit of the patent infringement compensation and the method to calculate the damages award for the patent infringement. This thesis focuses on Taiwan’s patent law and judicial practice, compared to the regulations and practices of TRIPS , the United States, and the mainland China. Besides, with the establishment of the Intellectual Property Court since July 1, 2008 in Taiwan, did this new Taiwan Intellectual Property Court have made more innovative decisions than the past few decades ? Chapter I is the introduction of this study’s background and motivation, research purpose, research methodology and process. Chapter II refers to the definition of the patent right, types of the patent infringement, steps & principles of the patent infringement identification, and our country's patent infringement relief system. Chapter III is dedicated to the calculation of the damages award in the amount based on the provisions and court’s decision, and to deal with non-property damages, such as the reputation damages, legal fees and other costs. Chapter IV compares the regulations and practices of the TRIPS, the United States and the mainland China, in particular the United States court’s decisions.Whether our patent law should adopt the theory of reasonable royalty, as the law or judicial enforcement in the United States? Should a reasonable royalty be based on two parties under the free wills but not by the threat of litigations.Chapter V analyzes the outcomes of the Intellectual Property Court’s rulings in the past one year. Are their rulings different from the past practices? Whether they can greatly avoid the criticisms of the prior practice;Also, I will advance my personal view in this chapter. The final chapter of this thesis will put forward the proposals for the amendment to the Patent Law in Taiwan in the future.This thesis hopes to make you have a basic understanding of the past practices of the district court rulings in Taiwan, the comparisons of the practical theories in the United States, and the latest court rulings released by the Intellectual Property Court, for future reference of the amendment to the patent law.And hope that the Intellectual Property Court could even more protect the rights of patent holders in the future, so that the inventors may obtain adequate compensation, therefore they will be willing to invest more capital in R & D to create more valuable patents for the benefit of the people. Key words: patent infringement, intellectual property, compensatory damages, lost profits, reasonable royalty, Intellectual Property Court.

台灣運動商品化過程中的大眾傳播媒體角色 / The Role of Mass Media in the Commercializational Process of Sports in Taiwan

劉昌德, Liu, Chang-De Unknown Date (has links)

智財交易於所得稅法體系定位與爭議問題 / A Legal analysis of IP transactions under the income tax system

李容嘉, Li, Jung Chia Unknown Date (has links)
交易標的物,可分為物、勞務、權利。在過去,智慧財產等權利的價值,往往透過物或勞務之交易才能間接地展現。如今在智慧財產日益重要之知識經濟中,以智慧財產直接作為交易標的物的商業模式,愈趨頻繁。此一直接智財交易之相關會計及租稅問題,值得進行體系化研究。本研究旨在分析直接智財交易可能產生的營利事業所得稅問題。本研究將直接智財交易分為權利買賣讓與(所有權移轉)、權利的融資擔保(價值權)及權利的使用收益(用益權),針對各項爭點,分析問題形成的原因及可能造成的影響,並提出解決之道。 本研究分析後發現,目前稅法體系僅能掌握間接智財交易,因此未來修法時應將直接智財交易明文納入所得稅法體系之中。其次,智財交易多為跨國交易,但因與台灣訂有租稅協定的國家為數不多,為避免重複課稅,本研究建議對於來源地認定,應採取「經濟關聯」的認定標準。再者,針對著作權設質融資,由於著作權欠缺公示制度,本研究認為可能造成誤將讓與擔保當成買賣讓與而不公平地課徵所得稅,因此建議將讓與擔保分別處理。最後,對於智財作價入股之課稅時點,本研究認為,應依新創事業創立與為犒賞員工之目的分別處理,並依本研究所提出之指標個案認定。 / Objects of transactions can be tangible property, labor service, and rights. Intellectual property (IP) as right used to manifest its value most indirectly through transactions of tangible property and labor service. In a knowledge-based economy where IP becomes more important than ever before, business models based on direct transactions of IP have gained more popularity. As a result, a systematic research on accounting and taxation issues of IP transactions is urgent. This study aims to examine corporate income tax issues related to sales, collateral-based financing, and usufructs in direct IP transactions. After analyzing potential controversies and their causes and effects, the study proposes some feasible solutions to such disputes. The analysis shows that the existing income tax system does not apply well to direct IP transactions, and such transactions should be considered in future amendments of the Income Tax Act. Next, as IP transactions are usually involved in cross-border transactions and potentially subject to double taxation, given the fact that Taiwan has tax treaties only with a few countries, this study suggests identification of income origin be based on the economic connection so as to avoid unfair double taxation. Thirdly, as copyright lacks a public disclosure system and hence a copyright-backed financing deal may be mistakenly treated as sales rather than transfer guaranty and be unfairly taxed, this study suggests a separate treatment for such transactions. Finally, regarding taxation on stocks exchanged for IP, this study suggests differentiating the timing of taxation for encouraging new venture formation from that for rewarding employees, based on certain proposed criteria.

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