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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virtualiųjų mokymosi aplinkų "Moodle" ir "Claroline" analizė / Comparison of virtual learning environments "moodle" ir "claroline"

Pozniak, Natalija 04 July 2014 (has links)
Šiandien tiek Lietuvos, tiek kitų pasaulio šalių švietimo sistemose vyksta nuolatiniai naujų mokymo bei mokymosi būdų ieškojimai. Nuolat sprendžiama problema: kaip padaryti mokymą(si) efektyvesnį. Tai skatina vis naujų mokymo(si) būdų atsiradimą. Mūsų visuomenėje dar galioja įsitikinimas, kad besimokantįjį mokytis turi priversti pedagogas, jo funkcija yra mokyti. Tačiau kitos Europos valstybės, kurios gali didžiuotis aukštais pasiekimais švietime, akcentuoja mokymosi koncepciją. Nuolat mėginama mokymąsi paįvairinti. Siūloma nemažai instrumentų, kurie kartu su tradicinio mokymo būdais padeda pasiekti gerų rezultatų. Minint pagalbines piemones, tikslinga išskirti vieną jų – kompiuterį. Aišku, kad kompiuteris nėra vienitelis instrumentas kalbant apie informacines technologijas. Šių dienų modernioji informacinė visuomenė naudojasi įvairiomis kompiuterizuotomis ryšio priemonėmis, taigi informacija perduodama ne tik kompiuteriais. Turbūt niekas iš mūsų nedrįstu suabejoti, kad priklauso informacinei visuomenei – žinių visuomenei – atvirai, išsilavinusiai ir besimokančiai. Apie informacines technologijas galima kalbėti, kaip savarankiško mokymosi priemonę. Vienareikšminškai teigiama, kad efektyviausias mokymąsis yra tada, kai tikslui pasiekti apjungiami visi galimi metodai, pasitelkiamos įvairios mokymo(si) priemonės. Čia atsiranda sąvoka mišrusis mokymąsis, kurias apjungia tradicinius ir inovatyvius mokymo metodus. Nauji mokymo būdai bei metodai: • Nuotolinis švietimas, nuotolinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Virtual Learning Environment is treated as a Supplement to Traditional Teaching. It is an education system based on the Web that models conventional real-world education by integrating a set of equivalent virtual concepts for tests, homework, classes, classrooms. A VLE help contact between tutors and their students through the communication tools. As the tutor, you can use a VLE to show what you expect of your students. VLE Moodle and Calroline systems are compared with each other according to certain criteria. Systems are analyzed for their flexibility in terms of teacher.

Vienos motinos vaikų, sergančių cerebriniu paralyžiumi, ugdymo ypatumai / Particularites d'education d'une seule mere d'enfants malades de la paralysie cerebrale

Strakovska, Irena 07 June 2004 (has links)
Le travail analyse des enfants ayant la paralysie cerebrale, qui vivent seulemet avec la mere. Le travail devoile le processus d'education d'enfants. Il est prevu, que la protection et l'education des enfants malades de PC ne doivent pas diminuer leur independance, originalite personnelle, leur aplomb.

Informacinių technologijų taikymas, mokant fiziką mokykloje tema "Garų savybės" / Use of Information Technologies for Teching "Characteristics of Steam" in the Course of Physics for Secondary Schools

Brasiūnas, Saulius 13 September 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to investigate teaching possibilities of the theme "Characteristics of Steam" in the course of Physics for secondary schools while using Information Technologies and their influence on teaching/learning process.

Pradinių klasių mokytojų specialiosios kompetencijos integruoto mokymo sąlygomis / Special competencies of primary school teachers in integrated teaching conditions

Junevičiūtė, Jurgita 27 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of our paper is as follows: Special competencies of primary school teachers in integrated teaching conditions. Recently, discussions on integration of pupils with special needs into general education schools have become an important issue. Interviews with teachers demonstrate that teachers are not prepared to accept such pupils in their classes. This issue was discussed by many scholars such as J. Ambrukaitis (2002, 2004, 2005), A. Galkienė (1999, 2003, 2005), B.Valkaitienė (2004), J.Ruškus (2000, 2001, 2002), and others. Most attention was given to the defining of competencies of the teachers who work with pupils having special needs, whereas little attention was given to primary school teachers who provide the first knowledge and the basis for the pupils’ effective interpersonal communication. The problem analysed in our paper is as follows: the special competencies of the primary school teachers who work with heterogeneous forms, which are important for the education of pupils with special needs. In order to analyse the above-mentioned problem, the following goal was set: to define the special competencies which have to be demonstrated by primary school teachers who work in integrated education conditions.

Darbuotojų vadybinių gebėjimų tobulinimas smulkiose ir mikro įmonėse / Employees managerial skills development in small and micro enterprises

Kazlauskaitė, Laura 25 September 2008 (has links)
Vienas iš svarbiausių vadybos uždavinių yra darbuotojų ugdymas t.y. jų bendrųjų ir specialiųjų kompetencijų (gebėjimų) tobulinimas. Šio darbo tikslas - ištirti smulkių ir mikro įmonių vadybinį darbą dirbančių darbuotojų ir jų darbdavių požiūrį į darbuotojų vadybinius gebėjimus ir jų tobulinimo galimybes, bei remiantis gautais rezultatais suformuoti vadybinių gebėjimų modelį. Šio darbo metu gauti rezultatai naudingi mažoms ir mikro įmonėms, bei jų vadovams, kadangi išryškinti darbuotojų vadybinių gebėjimų trūkumai ir privalumai, padėsiantys vadovus daugiau dėmesio atkreipti į problemines sritis. Tuo pačiu remiantis teorine mokslinės literatūros analize, bei praktiniu tyrimo suformuotas vadybinių gebėjimų modelis. / One of the most important management tasks is employees’ development that means their general and specific competences (skills) improvement. The goal of this work is to survey small and micro enterprises employees which do managerial work and their employers attitude to employees managerial skills and its improvement possibilities. Also according to obtained results to form managerial skills model. The results of this work will be useful to small and micro enterprises and their managers, because there will be spot employees managerial skills disadvantage and advantage, which will help to put more attention on problematic fields. Furthermore, according to the scientific literature and the survey to form managerial skills model.

E-mokymo aspektai dėstant fizikos kursą „Lęšiai“ / E-teaching aspects of physical course "Lens"

Ručinskas, Gražvidas 10 July 2008 (has links)
E mokymo aplinkos padeda pasiekti efektyvesnį pažintinės veiklos vystimąsi ir suteikia galimybę kūrybiniam mokinių tobulėjimui. Fizikos pamokose galima naudoti kompiuterį, kuris gali atstoti dalį eksperimentui reikalingos įrangos, laboratorinį praktikumą. Tam reikalingos mokomosios kompiuterinės aplinkos, kurių pagalba demonstruojami bandymai papildo eksperimentinę fizikos kurso dalį, pamoka tampa efektyvesnė, lengviau įsisavinama. Tačiau dauguma mokymo tikslams naudojamų kompiuterinių programų yra užsienio kalba. Natūralu, jog programos yra nesuderintos su ugdymo turiniu, jos yra per sudėtingos mokytojams ir mokiniams. Dėl to reikia sukurti interaktyvią mokymo aplinką pritaikytą fizikos kursui „Lęšiai“ mokyti. Magistrinio darbo metu Atlikta kompiuterinių aplinkų, naudojamų fizikos mokyme, analizė. Jos metu nustatyta, kad kai kurios priemonės yra gana senos, pritaikytos MS - DOS aplinkai. Todėl kartais tai sukelia problemų naudojant šiuolaikiškas OS, nes dėl dalinio nesuderinamumo veikia nestabiliai. Atlikta mokytojų apklausos analizė. Jos metu nustatyta, kad naudojant mokomąsias kompiuterines priemones mokytojai susiduria su problemomis. Pagrindinės jų: nesuderintos su ugdymo programa, sudėtingas valdymas, daugelio vartotojo sąsajos kalba yra užsienio kalba. Atsižvelgiant į naudojamų kompiuterinių mokymo programų privalumus ir trūkumus, apibrėžta siekiama sukurti kompiuterinė mokymo priemonė, jos funkcijos. Atliktas mokomąja kompiuterinę priemonę sudarančių komponenčių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / E-teaching mediums help to reach more effective development of a cognitive work and gives an opportunity for the creative student’s perfection. A computer can be used in physics lessons, which can replace a piece of equipment needed for experiments and laboratories. Thereto teaching computer-based mediums are needed, with there help demonstration of experiments supplement experimental course of physics, lessons become more effective and easier to soak up. However majority of teaching computer-based programmes are in a foreign language. Naturally that programmes do not match the education content, they are too difficult for teachers and students. Therefore it is needed to create an interactive teaching medium fitted for teaching a physics course “Lens”. In master’s work The analysis of teaching mediums used in physics teaching is done. During it was found that some devices are quite old, adjusted to a MS – DOS medium. So sometimes it causes problems using modern OS, because of the partial incompatibility it works unstable. The teacher’s survey analysis was done. It was found that teachers face problems using the computer-based equipment. Basic of them: they do not match the education content, a complicated control and most of them user’s linking language is foreign. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of usable computer-based programmes, a computer-based teaching device and its functions are defined. A projection of a teaching computer-based device components was... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymosi kursų kokybės technologinio įvertinimo ir pritaikymo neįgaliesiems analizė ir įrankio kūrimas / Analysis and development of tool for the technological and accessibility rating of distance education courses

Daraška, Saulius 05 June 2006 (has links)
Education methodology of people with disabilities is not very well developed and it is the reason why disabled people are facing problems in using of unadapted educational materials. More and more disabled people are choosing distance learning due to its convenience and possibility to learn from home. In most cases materials are presented in hypertext format. There are no sufficient tools for adaptation of hypertext documents for disabled people usage and it makes work with those documents very hard or even impossible. Due to the fact, that preparation of teachers and professors for work with hypertext may be very time consuming and difficult, this thesis’s where trying to use different approach - find a solution for non HTML literate person to adapt HTML documents for disabled people. Set of rules was created and flexible tool lets effectively adapt hypertext materials for disabled.

Sergančiųjų cukriniu diabetu mokymo organizavimo ir kokybės vertinimas poliklinikoje / Organization and evaluation of diabetes education in outpatient clinic

Radzevičienė, Lina 12 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To assess the organization possibilities and evaluate the quality of diabetes education in outpatient clinic. Methods. The anonymous questionnaire survey was performed among adult diabetic patients in Kaunas Dainava outpatient clinic in october-December, 2005. 500 questionnaire were given to the patients, the responce rate was 354 patients (70.8 %). The data was analysed by application of statistical package SPSS 12.0 for Windows. The associations between the variables were measured using the Chi-squared (χ²) test. Results. The positive evaluation of diabetes education in Kaunas Dainava outpatient clinic was given by 73.7 % of patients. 98.3 % believed that diabetes education is necessary. 77.9 % knew about diabetes, 80.8 % - were aware of fasting glycaemia criteria, 95.3 % - glycaemia in untreated patients. 82.2 % understood the importance of diet and it‘s ingredients (90.6 %). Less than a half (40.4 %) were aware of glycated hemoglobin and importance of postprandial glycaemia. Only 33.2 % of those taught in „Diabetes school“ had adequate diabetes control. The target glycated hemoglobin was reached in 42.1 % of thosewho attended the inpatient „Diabetes school“ and only in 22.5 % of those who didn‘t. Diabetes complications have been diagnosed in 43.7 % of those whose glycated hemoglobin ≤ 7 % and in 76.2 % of those whose glycated hemoglobin > 7 %. Conclusions. Diabetes education in Kaunas Dainava outpatient clinic is not sistematic organized, the time of... [to full text]

Dailės ir literatūros turinio integravimas kaip viena iš visuminio ugdymo suvokimo prielaidų / Art and literature‘s content‘s integration as one of holistic education assumptions

Dzidzevičiūtė, Sigita 21 August 2006 (has links)
A person has to realize that in order to achieve the outer harmony, the main thing remains to find the inner harmony. While the main personality’s features are being formed, we have to reveal to the students self – understanding, self – education, self – development’s possibilities. Holistic education can help a person to survive in the society if regarding human virtues as the most important. That led to the research of students’ need for holistic education, its importance and its possibilities at school. Research object – peculiarities of holistic education of 11th graders (specialised forms). Research aim – to find out the possibilities of holistic education, its importance in educational process. Research propositions : To reveal the possibilities of holistic education in developing students’ skills to adapt their knowledge acquired through different subjects, as well as the selft – expression and spread of creative thinking. To offer modular course’s programs and methods for integrated learning of art and litrrature. To analyse teachers’ attitude towards the holistic education. Hypothesis. Creative interpretation of acquired knowledge and understanding of a human being and world’s essence are caused by holistic education. Research methods : Theoretical : philosophical, psichological, pedagogic literature and school’s programs analysis that helped to reveal theoretical basics of analysed problem and to compare the previous analysts’ conclusions with the results of this... [to full text]

Besimokančios bendruomenės analizė ir vystymosi galimybės / Analysis of the learning society and development opportunities

Mickevičienė, Neringa 08 July 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Besimokančios bendruomenės analizė ir vystymosi galimybės“ nagrinėjame kokią reikšmę nuolatinis mokymas(is) turi įstaigos darbuotojams dėl globalizacijos proceso. Šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis gebėjimas mokytis- tai reikalinga ir svari sąlyga sėkmingai modernizacijai. Šiuo metu mažėjant ekonomikos vystymosi procesui ši problema dar labiau aktuali. Bendruomenė norėdama išlikti ir klestėti, turi suvokti tobulėjimo tikslus, jautriai reaguoti į pokyčius rinkoje ir greitai adaptuotis naujomis sąlygomis. Būtina, kad kiekvienas darbuotojas, tos organizacijos, kaip bendruomenės narys ir pati organizacija kaip sistema- mokytusi. Tyrimo objektas. UAB „Kristiana“, kaip besimokanti bendruomenė. Buvo iškeltas ir šio tyrimo tikslas- ištirti įmonės UAB „Kristiana“, bendruomenės požiūrį į mokimąsi, nustatyti poreikį bei išryškinti optimaliausius mokymosi metodus ir priemones. Darbo tikslas lėmė ir atitinkamą darbo struktūrą- pirmiausia analizuojama besimokančios bendruomenės koncepcija: samprata, bruožai ; besimokančios bendruomenės privalumai ir trūkumai; bendruomenės narių motyvacija mokytis. Atliktas darbuotojų nuomonės tyrimas, nustatyti pagrindiniai mokymosi poreikiai, išryškinti lūkesčiai, ir patraukliausi mokymosi metodai. Išanalizavus respondentų atsakymus formuluojamos šios išvados: UAB „Kristiana“ darbuotojai: nuolat siekia įgyti konkretesnių ir gilesnių profesinių žinių, noriai dalyvauja įvairiuose kursuose, seminaruose, mokosi aukštosiose mokyklose. Ištyrus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the master's work „Analysis of the learning society and development opportunities“ we are exploring the meaning of the changing conditions which evolve due to the process of globalization and become a necessity to learn to live and work in changed conditions. In contemporary conditions capacity to learn is a necessary and solid condition for successful modernization. At the present time, when the process of economic development is shrinking, this problem has become even more relevant. The community wishing to survive and flourish, must understand the goals of improvement, react sensitively to the changes in the market and swiftly adapt in new conditions. The object of research. Close stock company UAB „Kristiana“, as a learning community. The purpose of this research has been also set out - to investigate the approach of the enterprise UAB „Kristiana“ and its community to learning, to identify the need and to highlight the most optimal learning methods and measures. The purpose of the work has also determined a respective structure of work – first of all the concept of the learning community is analysed: concept, features; advantages and shortcomings of the community; motivation of the members of the community to learn. Survey on the opinion of the staff as a learning community, has been made. Having generalized peculiarities and preconditions of the employees' need for learning it turns clear that employees of UAB „Kristiana“: are permanently seeking to acquire more... [to full text]

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