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A Study to Determine the Content of an Industrial Arts Program in the Elementary Schools of Box Elder CountyHawkes, Charles M. 01 May 1954 (has links)
The child is the reason for the school. He is the one for whom learning experiences are provided. Our understanding of the child as a growing individual and as a learner, his personality and his purposes and interests, supply the foundation for developing an effective educational program.
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Cost and Efficiency of Producing Canning Peas in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, 1951Davis, Lynn Herman 01 May 1953 (has links)
The production of canning peas has an important place in the economy of Utah, partioularly in the counties along the wetstern slopes of the Wasatch Mountains. The enterprise is one which adds intensity to Utah's small farms. This intensification is accomplished with little additional equipment or labor other than that owned or supplied by the farm operator and his family. The crop is seeded in early spring and harvested in early summer leaving the ground available for summer fallowing or planting to a short season crop such as grain pasture. Peas are a satisfactory nurse crop for small-seeded legumes such as alfalfa.
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Developing Resident Relationships in Nursing HomesEvans, Allison M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceptions of Virtual Reality Technologies Within Elderly CareBajin, Stefan, Solberg, Simon January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish healthcare system is strained today, along with a rise in the number of elderly people in the country. Aside from the expected physical ailments facing this group, mental health issues such as depression are also common amongst older adults. It is the researchers’ assumption that these three societal challenges; the healthcare system being strained, the growing elderly population and the health issues present amongst this group, are connected. Virtual Reality (VR) technologies show promising benefits according to the scientific literature and may prove to be a useful tool in combating the listed challenges. However, the researched benefits of this technology can’t be utilized properly if the target group perceives it as negative or cumbersome, which is why it is imperative to explore this group’s attitude towards the usage of VR as a preventative part of their treatment. This paper aims to explore the perceptions of Virtual Reality technologies in treatment of elderly and to focus on their and the caretakers’ attitudes of its usage, in addition to eventual annoyances or limitations with their current applications by answering the research question: how is the usage of VR technologies in care related functions perceived by elderly people and their caretakers? A qualitative study with an inductive approach was performed by using a small-scale survey strategy, with a focus on the perceptions and experiences of people as well as their feelings and emotions, while aiming to describe and understand the lived experiences of the target demographic and their caretakers. Face-to-face interviews with a semi-structured format were employed at two recreational facilities for elders in Sweden, with participants consisting of three elders between the ages of 83 and 91 along with three caretakers, all of whom were female and had used some form of VR technology in the past. The collected interview data was then analyzed by way of thematic analysis, which generated a total of 2 themes, 8 categories and 21 codes. The results show that both elders and their caretakers generally have a positive attitude towards the use of VR, with none of the interviewees seeing any drawbacks towards its usage. All interviewees wished to see VR become a regular part of the offerings at the recreational facilities, with the frequency of use being deemed reasonable at 2 weeks by all elders who took part in the study. The preferred types of VR experiences consisted of either visiting familiar places or emulating activities that the elders were no longer capable of performing. It was concluded that nostalgia played a big part in what experiences the elders enjoyed, and generated positive effects including feelings of relaxation, escaping reality and increased socialization amongst the elders.
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Ensamhetens mångfacetterade dimensioner : En översiktsstudie om äldres upplevda ensamhet ur olika perspektiv / The multifaced dimensions of loneliness : A literature study on the perceived loneliness of the elderly from different perspectivesBrännlund, Amy, Thilén, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Aktuell studie syftar till att undersöka hur äldres upplevelse av ensamhet framställs i forskning med fokus på hur ensamheten kan upplevas utifrån olika perspektiv. Genom en scoping review bestående av elva vetenskapliga artiklar har empirin analyserats utifrån en latent innehållsanalys och olika teoretiska ramverk, vilka har sin grund i ett ekologiskt perspektiv. Flera kategorier identifierades genom innehållsanalysen, vilket resulterade i fyra huvudteman - Ensamhet som upplevelse bland äldre, hantering av ensamhet, olika faktorer och deras påverkan på ensamhet samt mötet med vården. Inledningsvis konstaterar resultatet i denna studie att det finns olika former av ensamhet, vilka kan betraktas utifrån positiva, negativa och existentiella aspekter. Resultatet visar att ensamheten kan vara hanterbar eller icke hanterbar samt att det finns olika faktorer som kan leda till ökad eller minskad ensamhet. Vidare visar studieresultatet att mötet med sjukvården kan påverka äldres upplevelse av ensamhet. Detta kan betraktas som ett betydelsefullt resultat i förhållande till det sociala arbetet. Sammantaget bidrar denna studie till en djupare förståelse för äldres ensamhet och dess komplexitet. / The current study aims to examine how the elderly's experience of loneliness is presented in research with a focus on how loneliness can be experienced from different perspectives. Through a scoping review consisting of eleven scientific articles, the empirical evidence has been analyzed based on a latent content analysis and various theoretical frameworks, which are based on an ecological perspective. Several categories were indentified through the content analysis, which resulted in four main themes - Loneliness as an experience among the elderly, managing loneliness, various factors and their influence on loneliness and the meeting with healthcare. Initially, the results of this study state that there are different forms of loneliness, which can be considered based on positive, negative and existential aspects. The results show that loneliness can be manageable or unmanageable and that there are various factors that can lead to increased or decreased loneliness. Furthermore, the study result indicated that the meeting with the health care can affect the elderly´s experience of loneliness. This can be considered as a valuable result in relation to the social work. Overall, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of elderly´s loneliness and its complexity.
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A Nutritional Shopping System for Senior CitizensRednour, Allison 10 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Kännetecken för nedstämdhet hos äldre personer i särskilt boendeAnnelin, Viktoria, Persson, Anders January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Globalt sett är depression det sjukdomstillstånd som står för störst sjukdomsbörda mätt i år förlorade till sjukdom. Incidensen av depression i världen har ökat med 49 % från 1990 till 2017 och forskning har visat ett samband mellan kön och ålder samt depression. Motiv: Det finns bristande kunskap om vad som kännetecknar personer med nedstämdhet. Det är oklart om de samband som finns gällande funktionsnedsättning och depression även har ett samband gällande nedstämdhet. En ökad kunskap hos distriktssköterskor om kännetecken för nedstämdhet hos äldre kan förväntas leda till att detta tillstånd identifieras både tidigare och bland fler personer. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera kännetecken på nedstämdhet hos äldre personer i särskilt boende. Metod: Data till denna studie har inhämtats från en longitudinell studie (Äldre vårdade på institution i Västerbotten) och består av data från instrumentet MultiDimensional Dementia Assessment Scale (MDDAS). Studien riktades mot personer boendes i särskilda boenden för äldre i Västerbotten i maj 2013. Totalt besvarades 2210 enkäter (svarsfrekvens 70,1 %). Chi2-analys användes för att identifiera variabler med statistiskt signifikanta samband med nedstämdhet. En stegvis logistisk regressionsanalys användes för att skapa en förklaringsmodell. Resultat: Resultatet visar att aggressivitet, verbalt störande eller uppmärksamhetssökande beteende, hallucinationer, smärta samt kvinnligt kön var förknippat med en ökad sannolikhet för förekomst av nedstämdhet. Det visar även att ålder var en skyddsfaktor i detta sammanhang. Modellen förklarade 6,7-12,6 % av variationen. Konklusion: Distriktssköterskor har en viktig roll när det gäller att identifieranedstämdhet hos äldre, vilket vårt resultat kan bidra till. / Background: Globally, depression is the medical condition with the highest burden of disease measured in years lost to illness compared to all diseases. The incidence of depression in the world has increased with 49 % from 1990 until 2017, and research shows a correlation between sex, age and depression. Motive: There is a lack of knowledge about what characterizes people with minor depression. It is not clear whether the existing association between disability and depression also are related to minor depression. Increased knowledge of characteristics of minor depression in the elderly among district nurses can be expected to lead to the condition being identified earlier and among more people. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify signs of minor depression in elderly persons living in elder care facilities. Methods: Data for this study was obtained from a longitudinal survey and consisted of data from the Multi-Dimensional Dementia Assessment Scale (MDDAS). It was aimed at persons living in elder care facilities in Västerbotten in May of 2013. In total, 2210 surveys were answered with a response rate of 70,1 %. Chi2-analysis were used to identify variables with a statistically significant relationship with minor depression. In addition, a step-wise logistic regression analysis was used to create a model of explanation. Result: The result shows that aggressiveness, verbally disruptive or attention-seeking behaviour, hallucinations, pain and female sex were associated with an increased chance probability of minor depression. It also shows that age was a protective factor in this context. The model explaineds 6,7-12,6 % of the occurence of minor depression. variance. Conclusion: District nurses have an important role in identifying minor depression in older people, which our result can contribute to.
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Investigating Documentation Requirements & Practices in Swedish Long-Term Elder Care / Kartläggning av dokumentationen av patienthälsodata inom äldreomsorgenHussein, Yacquub Omar January 2024 (has links)
Background The aging population, particularly in Sweden, has heightened the need for innovative solutions in long-term elder care. This demographic shift results in a wealth of health data, from vital signs to social interactions. Accurate documentation of this data is crucial for providing effective care. However, there is a lack of systematic understanding of the types of health data collected in Swedish elder care. This study aims to bridge the gap between idealized and actual documentation practices. Methods The method combines literature reviews with qualitative techniques such as interviews, aiming to thoroughly understand the documentation of health data in Swedish long-term care facilities for older adults. By coding and categorizing the content into manageable data, researchers can identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the media being studied. Results Current documentation practices in Swedish long-term elder care were examined, revealing a variety of health data types collected, including personal information, assessments, care plans, and incident reports. Legal guidance from the Social Authority is deemed insufficient by managers, particularly concerning the Act on Coherent Documentation (SVOD).Documentation practices vary among municipalities due to operational differences and municipal autonomy. These findings highlight complexities and gaps, necessitating further research and improvement efforts. Conclusion Within the context of long-term elder care in Sweden, effective documentation practices play a crucial role. However, there is vagueness surrounding the specific health data that should be and is documented. This is what has been revealed in my study, drawing from interviews with multiple informants. While digital documentation offers promise, addressing complexity requires coordinated efforts. Streamlining regulations, enhancing interoperability, and improving usability are essential steps toward improving elder care documentation practices. / Bakgrund Den åldrande befolkningen i världen, och särskilt i Sverige, har ökat behovet av innovativa lösningar inom äldreomsorgen då denna demografiska förändring har resulterat i en ackumuleringen av stora mängder hälsodata. För att kunna tillhandahålla effektiv vård så är det viktigt att den samlade hälsodatan dokumenteras korrekt. Det finns dock en brist i den systematiska förståelsen för vilka typer av hälsodata som samlas in inom svensk äldreomsorg. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka klyftan mellan hur hälsodata bör dokumenteras enligt lagar och regler, och hur det faktiskt dokumenteras i praktiken. Metoder Studien kombinerar dokumentanalyser med intervjuer, och har som mål att djupgående förstå dokumentationen av hälsoinformation i svenska vård-och omsorgsboenden. Genom att koda och kategorisera resultatet från dokumentanalyserna och intervjudata kunde mönster, trender och relationer inom det studerade materialet identifieras. Resultat Nuvarande dokumentationspraxis inom svensk äldreomsorg undersöktes. Resultatet visade att en mängd olika typer av hälsoinformation samlas in, däribland personlig information, bedömningar, vårdplaner och incidentrapporter. Juridisk vägledning från Socialstyrelsen bedöms vara otillräcklig av chefer, särskilt när det gäller lagen om sammanhållen dokumentation (SVOD). Dokumentationspraxis varierar mellan kommuner på grund av operativa skillnader samt det kommunala självstyret. Dessa resultat belyser problemet med hur hälsoinformation dokumenteras och de brister som kräver ytterligare forskning och förbättringsåtgärder. Slutsats Inom ramen för äldreomsorgen i Sverige spelar effektiva dokumentationsmetoder en avgörande roll. Det råder dock oklarhet kring vad för hälsoinformation som bör och faktiskt dokumenteras. Detta är vad som avslöjats i denna studie, baserat på intervjuer med flera informanter. Även om digital dokumentation är fördelaktigt så kräver hanteringen av de påvisade problemensamordnade insatser. Förtydligandet av regelverk, förbättrad interoperabilitet och ökadanvändbarheten är viktiga steg mot att förbättra dokumentationspraxis inom äldreomsorgen.
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"En kompis jag inte vill vara utan." : En kvalitativ studie om hundens betydelse för pensionärers välmåendeMolin, Hannah, Sigurd, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Djur är allmänt kända för att ha en positiv inverkan på sjukvårdspatienters hälsa. Huruvida hundägande kan bibehålla god hälsa för pensionärer är dock inte lika studerat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om husdjursägande påverkar äldre personers hälsa och välbefinnande, med avstamp i teorierna aktivitetsperspektivet, biofilihypotesen och KASAM. Åtta hundägare mellan 68-76 år har intervjuats om sin hälsa, livsstil och sociala vanor. Materialet analyserades och placerades i allmänna teman, som visar de återkommande svaren. Av resultatet framkommer att deltagarna tyckte att deras hundar var av stor betydelse när det gällde att upprätthålla en aktiv livsstil, vilket i sin tur hade en positiv effekt på deras fysiska hälsa. Vissa deltagare fann också att deras mentala hälsa hade förbättrats på grund av deras hund. Mer specifikt beskrevs den ömsesidiga kopplingen mellan hund och ägare och den övergripande känslan av att deras hund förstår dem och deras humör. Dessutom bidrog hundarna till ett förbättrat socialt liv. Både som sällskap, men även som en anledning till att träffa nya människor och upprätthålla relationer med andra hundägare. Några utmaningar med hundägande presenterades också. Ekonomiska belastningar och begränsningar i deltagarnas vardag visade sig vara mest utbredd. Hundägandet förklarades dock ha en i första hand positiv inverkan på deltagarnas hälsa och välbefinnande och majoriteten av deltagarna ansåg hundar som användbara i socialt arbete. / Therapy animals are widely known for serving a positive impact on patients’ health. However, whether dog ownership can perpetuate good health for senior citizens, is not as widely explored. The purpose of this study is to research if pet ownership influence seniors’ health and well-being, with the theoretical standpoint of three theories or concepts: Activity Theory of Aging, The Biophilia hypothesis, and Sense of Coherence. Eight dog owners between the ages of 68-76 has been interviewed about their health, lifestyle and social habits.The material was analyzed and put into general themes, which displays the recurring responses. The results showed that the participants found their dogs to be of great importance when it came to maintaining an active lifestyle, which in turn had a positive effect on their physical health. Some participants also found their mental health to have improved because of their dog. More specifically, the mutual connection between dog and owner and the overall feeling that their dog understands them and their moods. Moreover, their dogs contributed to an enhanced social life. Both at home as company, as well as a contributing factor in meeting new people and maintaining relationships with other dog owners. Some challenges with dog ownership were also presented. Financial burdens and limitations in the participants everydaylife showed to be most prevalent. However, dog ownership was declared to have a primarilypositive impact on the participants health and well-being and the majority of participants considered dogs to be useful in social work.
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