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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Six-Bullets Faith

Lazor, Justin Ryan 02 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"What's the Matter? You Can't Stand the Sight of a Strong Nord Woman?" : En analys av fornnordisk kultur, religion och samhälle idatorspelet The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim / "What's the Matter? You Can't Stand the Sight of a Strong Nord Woman?" : An analysis of norse culture, religion and society in the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Daun, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka genom hermeneutisk analysprocess hur fornnordisk mytologi, samhälle och kultur har inspirerat The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Uppsatsen börjar med en övergripande genomgång av den historiska epok som kallas för vikingatiden. Här får läsaren en inblick i vikingarnas vardag, som innefattade jordbruk, handel och sjöröveri. Även samhällets uppbyggnad och dess klassindelningar nämns för att läsaren skall få lite av den generella kunskap som behövs för att följa med i analysen som denna uppsats baseras på. Även grundläggande beskrivning av den religiösa kulten tas upp och ett antal av gudarna beskrivs. I analys delen så använder författaren sig av sina förkunskaper för att finna representationer och avvikelser av fornnordisk mytologi och kultur i materialet. Slutsatsen av denna uppsats visar på att det fanns många aspekter av den fornnordiska mytologin representerade i spelet, men även mycket av samhället och kulturen kunde utläsas.

Recepce díla Lucase Cranacha st. v malířství první poloviny 16. století v Čechách / The Acceptance of Works of Lucas Cranach the Elder in Painting of the First Half of the 16th Century in Bohemia

Hamsíková, Magdaléna January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract The Acceptance of Works of Lucas Cranach the Elder in Painting of the First Half of the 16th Century in Bohemia The thesis focuses on the personality and works of the Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) and the acceptance of his works and works of his workshop in painting in the first half of the 16th century in Bohemia. The art production in Bohemia, analogous to the 15th century, was concentrated in small centres and was mainly directed to the painting of neighbouring, mainly German speaking countries. Traces of Cranach's unmistakable aesthetics could be spotted in the Czech lands from the first decade to the almost seventh decade of the 16th century. The life of Cranach's style was so long because it was prolonged, among others, by his son Lucas Cranach the Younger (1515-1586). We can assert that no other author or his followers was so successful in such a large scale, for such a long period of time nor had customers of broad walks of life as Lucas Cranach the Elder. The reason for this was seen by earlier researchers in mass workshop production and certain "easy acquirement" of his style (Max J. Friedländer) that spread especially from the 1520's outside the borders of the Electorate of Saxony. His works were accepted firstly through his graphic masters, secondly through...

Screening for Elder Mistreatment among Older Adults Seeking Legal Assistance Services

Strasser, Sheryl M., Smith, Megan, Weaver, Scott, Zheng, Shimin, Cao, Yan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: The aging population is a rapidly growing demographic in the United States. Isolation, limited autonomy, and declining physical and mental health render many older adults vulnerable to elder mistreatment (EM). The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of EM among a sample of older adults using legal assistance services in Atlanta, Georgia. Methods: Researchers administered surveys to consenting older adults (aged 60þ) in 5 metro Atlanta community centers that hosted legal assistance information sessions as part of the Elderly Legal Assistance Program. The surveys screened for risk factors and prevalence of EM risk using valid and reliable measures and included additional questions regarding demographics characteristics and healthcare use behaviors. Results: Surveys were completed by 112 participants. Findings reveal that 32 (28.6%) respondents met the criteria for elder abuse / neglect risk; 17 (15.2%) respondents met criteria for depression; and 105 (93.7%) had visited a healthcare provider during the past 6 months. Conclusion: The rates of EM risk in this sample were higher than those previously reported in research. Findings support continued examination of unique risks that may be present among older adults who may be possibly facing legal issues. Additionally, the reported frequency of healthcare visits among participants reveals a promising opportunity to examine development of a more widespread EM screening approach to be conducted in non-emergency settings. Interdisciplinary collaboration is required to inform screening approaches that account for complexities that EM cases present. [West J Emerg Med. 2013;14(4):309–315.]

An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Elderberry and Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration

Ulbricht, Catherine, Basch, Ethan, Cheung, Lisa, Goldberg, Harley, Hammerness, Paul, Isaac, Richard, Khalsa, Karta Purkh Singh, Romm, Aviva, Rychlik, Idalia, Varghese, Minney, Weissner, Wendy, Windsor, Regina C., Wortley, Jayme 01 March 2014 (has links)
An evidence-based systematic review of elderberry and elderflower (Sambucus nigra) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration consolidates the safety and efficacy data available in the scientific literature using a validated, reproducible grading rationale. This article includes written and statistical analysis of clinical trials, plus a compilation of expert opinion, folkloric precedent, history, pharmacology, kinetics/dynamics, interactions, adverse effects, toxicology, and dosing.

“Det hamnar i skymundan…” : Nutrition vid vård av äldre inom slutenvården / “It remains in the background” : Nutrition in the care of older people in inpatient care

Strömberg, Linn January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Andelen äldre personer ökar i världen från år till år. Vi kan räkna med att behovet av vård från allt fler äldre också ökar i Sverige. Ju äldre populationen blir ju större risk att få olika hälsoproblem. Det är därför av vikt att förstå den problematik som äldre har och behovet av nutrition. Nutritionen är av stor vikt för livskvalitet och välmående och lika viktig som någon annan medicinsk behandling. Undernäring skapar stora problem för individen och för sjukvården. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av vad som påverkar nutritionen vid vård av äldre inom slutenvården. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Intervjudata analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det finns fyra aspekter som påverkar nutritionen inom slutenvården - sjukdomstillstånd och behandling har betydelse för nutritionen, miljön har betydelse för nutritionen, ansvarsfördelning och arbetssituation samt utbildning och klinisk erfarenhet. Konklusion: Studien indikerade att nutritionsproblematiken grundade sig i en resursfråga. Sjuksköterskorna uppgav att problematiken hade kunnat lösas via anställning av mer personal för att därmed underlätta den enskildes arbetsbörda. Många av de tillfrågade sjuksköterskorna uppgav att de ofta känner sig nödsakade att prioritera bort nutritionen för att hinna med sina övriga arbetsuppgifter. Vidare uppgav många av dem att de upplever sina nutritionskunskaper som bristfälliga tillsammans med en önskan om mer utbildning i ämnet som de anser vara av vikt. / Background: The proportion of older people is increasing each year worldwide. We can expect the need of care from a growing number as well in Sweden. The older the population gets, the greater the risk of various health problems. It is therefore important to understand the problems that older people have and the need for nutrition. The nutrition is of great importance to the quality of life and well-being, and as important as any other medical treatment. Malnutrition causes major problems for the individual and for health care. The aim of this study is to describe nurses' experiences of what affects the nutrition in the care of older people in inpatient care. Method: A qualitative empirical study with an inductive approach. Interview data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The result shows that there are four aspects that affect the nutrition in inpatient care - health status and treatment are important for the nutrition, the environment affects the nutrition, responsibility and working conditions, education and clinical experience. Conclusion: The study indicated that the nutrition problem is based on a resource issue. The nurses narrated that the problem could have been solved by hiring more staff and thereby facilitate the individual's workload. Many of the surveyed nurses said that they often felt compelled to prioritize away the nutrition to keep up with their other duties. Furthermore, many of them felt that their nutrition knowledge flawed along with a desire for more education in the subject they deem important.

Structure and Petrography of the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks Between Death Creek and Dairy Valley Creek (Box Elder Co.), Utah

Hare, E. Matthew 01 May 1982 (has links)
Several volcanic flows lie between Death Creek and Dairy Valley Creek, near Etna, Utah. The major, central portion of the volcanic flows is composed of dacite and dacite vitrophyre. An elongate ridge in the southeastern corner of the study area and several small outcrops in Death Creek Valley are composed of rhyolite and rhyolite vitrophyre. Additional rock types include conglomerate, volcanic ash, and tuffaceous sedimentary rock of the Tertiary Salt Lake Formation, Paleozoic limestone, and Tertiary basalt. Dacite and dacite vitrophyre samples are porphyritic, containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, biotite, amphibole, orthopyroxene, and iron-titanium oxides. Rhyolite and rhyolite vitrophyre samples are porphyritic, containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, alkali feldspar, quartz, and iron-titanium oxides, with minor amounts of biotite and amphibole. Plagioclase phenocrysts are complexly twinned, zoned, and corroded in dacitic samples; whereas, they are simply twinned, unzoned, and uncorroded in rhyolitic samples . Quartz and alkali feldspar phenocrysts contain glass-filled inclusions and are subrounded in rhyolitic samples. Average chemical analyses of five dacitic sample yield weight percent: SiO2, 69.11; TiO2, 0.31; Al2O3, 14.18; Fe2O3, 1.26; FeO, 1.23; MnO, 0.04; MgO, 0.54; CaO, 2.27; Na2O, 3.30; K2O, 4.07; P2O5, 1.23; H2O+, 1.89; H2O-, 0.46; total, 99.27. Average chemical analyses of three rhyolitic samples yield weight percent: SiO2, 76.66; TiO2, 0.12; Al2O3, 11.80; Fe2O3, 0.58; FeO, 0.43; MnO, 0.01; MgO, 0.09; CaO, 0.78; Na2O, 2.69; K2O, 5.26; P2O5, 0.02; H2O+, 1.17; H2O-, 0.22; total, 99.85. The volcanic flows of the study area are believed to be derived from fusion of sialic material within the crust which differentiated to form dacite and rhyolite. The dacite is believed to be the first magma extruded in the study area; whereas, the rhyolite represents the later extruded magma. Evidence supporting this relative emplacement is the restriction of rhyolite to the southeastern corner of the study area and the intrusion of rhyolite into dacite in the narrows of Death Creek Valley. The volcanic flows of the study area are believed to have been derived during the second stage of Basin and Range volcanism beginning approximately 14 million years ago. The study area rhyolite has chemical compositions similar to those rhyolites of bimodal basalt-rhyolite fields formed during the second stage of Basin and Range volcanism which includes high silica contents, higher alkali to calcium ratios, and greater sodium contents compared with rhyolite of calc-alkalic fields.

Drivers of Nest Success and Stochastic Population Dynamics of the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)

Iles, David Thomas 01 May 2012 (has links)
Anthropogenic perturbations to Arctic ecosystems have influenced large-scale climate processes, as well as finer-scale ecological relationships within and amongst populations of species. Life history theory predicts a trade-off between the temporal variation in a vital rate and its impact on population dynamics. Here, we examine the drivers of long-term variation in reproductive success in a sub-Arctic common eider (Somateria mollissima) colony, and evaluate the impacts of variation in reproductive success on eider population dynamics. In Chapter 2, we develop a suite of nest survival models to evaluate the effects of variation in predator abundance, the availability and spatial distribution of alternative prey, and breeding season climate on annual common eider nest success. Eider nest success declined across the 41 years of study, but was also highly variable across years. Annual variation in nest success was driven by a complex interaction between predators and alternative prey, as well as breeding season climate. Our results suggest that increased abundance of snow geese (alternative prey) may buffer annual fluctuations in arctic fox abundance, yet result in a long-term decline in eider nest success suggesting apparent competition via other predator species (e.g. gulls). The effect of breeding season climate was subtle compared to the influence of biotic factors and indicated that cold, wet conditions in early spring were correlated with decreased nest success, while warm, wet conditions in late spring increased eider nest success. In Chapter 3 we develop a stochastic population model to evaluate the relative effects of variation and covariation amongst multiple vital rates on population dynamics, and determine the impact of long-term changes in the abundance of alternative prey on eider population dynamics. Consistent with life history predictions, we found that proportional changes in adult survival have the largest impact on population dynamics, yet high variation in the vital rates underlying fertility contribute more to actual variation in population growth. The eventual exodus of alternative prey from the eider colony reduced the long-term growth rate, primarily through negative impacts on mean nest success.

Petrology and Mineralogy of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in the Vicinity of the Rozel Hills and Black Mountain, Box Elder County, Utah

Greenman, Elizabeth R. 01 May 1982 (has links)
Two basalt flows and an andesite fissure eruption occur in the Rozel Hills - Black Mountain area in Box Elder County, Utah. Both basalt flows are aphanitic, and contain olivine, plagioclase, augite, and opaque oxides. They may be distinguished both chemically and on the basis of their textures. Unit 2 basalt is finer grained, and appears to be associated with a fault in the Black Mountain area. Chemically, it is similar to high-iron lavas in the Craters of the Moon, Idaho area. It has higher alkali, total iron, and titanium contents that Unit 1 basalt. Unit 1 basalt is similar to other tholeiitic basalts in the Basin and Range province. It is coarser-grained and has higher silicon, magnesium, aluminum, and calcium contents than Unit 2 basalt. While the basalts have characteristics of alkali-olivine basalts, such as absence of calcium-poor pyroxene, and a high alkali to silica ratio, both units are hypersthene- and olivine-nonnative and classified as olivine tholeiites. Subsurface basalt in the area appears to represent both lava types, but extensive alteration makes comparison difficult. Andesite from the area is aphanitic, and contains plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and opaque oxides. Temperatures of equilibration calculated from co-existing magnetite and ilmenite range f rom 1148°C to 745°C for basalt. Temperatures calculated from co-existing olivine and clinopyroxene range from 1009°C to 994°C. While the two basalt units cannot be related by fractional crystallization at surface conditions, some parent - daughter relations are likely within each unit, and the andesite is most likely a differentiation product of Unit 1 basalt. Partial melting of pyrolite and spinel lherzolite mantle compositions to produce Unit 1 and Unit 2 basalts was investigated. Since no unique temperature and pressure of equilbration for these melts and residu~l material from each mantle type was found, it is concluded that partial melting of a mantle of pyrolite or spinel lherzolite composition did not produce these lavas. Unit 2 basalt may be derived from Unit 1 basalt by fractionation of high pressure (8 kb) phases. This mechanism, similar to that proposed for the Craters of the Moon - Snake River Plain system, may account for an evolved basalt (Unit 2) with a lower silica content than a less differentiated basalt (Unit 1).

Evaluation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Potential in North-Central Box Elder County, Utah

Davis, Matthew C. 01 May 1984 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to continue the assessment of low-temperature geothermal resources in Utah started . by the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. The area of interest with in this report is north-central Box Elder County, Utah. Exploration techniques used included chemical analyses of water from wells and springs, temperature surveys, and temperature-depth measurements in unused wells within the study area. The highest water temperatures (31, 30, and 290c) recorded in this research were located in three separate geographic regions, suggesting that no single warm water occurrence dominates the study area. Total dissolved solid (T:DS) concentrations ranged from 294 to 11,590 mg/1. Areas of warm water occurrences generally had TDS values of greater than 1,100 mg/1. Three water types were distinguished using trilinear plots of common ion analyses of collected water samples. The warmest wells were of Type III water character, which has high (>75%) sodium and chloride concentrations. Reservoir temperatures were estimated using the water chemistry. Both the silica and the Na-K-Ca geothermometers were used to calculate reservoir temperatures, averaging between 500c and 1 ooo c. If mixing effects are taken into account, reservoir temperatures might be as high as 198°C. Temperature-depth measurements were logged in 16 unused wells. Thermal gradients calculated from the profiles ranged from isothermal to 267oC/km. The background gradient for the study area appears to be slightly above the average Basin and Range gradient of 35oC/km. The highest gradients were calculated for the area approximately 8 kilometers west of Snowville, Utah, which is also an area of warm water. Several areas of possible low-temperature geothermal interest have been identified in the study area by considering water temperatures, calculated reservoir temperatures, and temperature-depth data. However, additional work is needed to more accurately define the possible geothermal resource in these areas.

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