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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"En kompis jag inte vill vara utan." : En kvalitativ studie om hundens betydelse för pensionärers välmående

Molin, Hannah, Sigurd, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Djur är allmänt kända för att ha en positiv inverkan på sjukvårdspatienters hälsa. Huruvida hundägande kan bibehålla god hälsa för pensionärer är dock inte lika studerat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om husdjursägande påverkar äldre personers hälsa och välbefinnande, med avstamp i teorierna aktivitetsperspektivet, biofilihypotesen och KASAM. Åtta hundägare mellan 68-76 år har intervjuats om sin hälsa, livsstil och sociala vanor. Materialet analyserades och placerades i allmänna teman, som visar de återkommande svaren. Av resultatet framkommer att deltagarna tyckte att deras hundar var av stor betydelse när det gällde att upprätthålla en aktiv livsstil, vilket i sin tur hade en positiv effekt på deras fysiska hälsa. Vissa deltagare fann också att deras mentala hälsa hade förbättrats på grund av deras hund. Mer specifikt beskrevs den ömsesidiga kopplingen mellan hund och ägare och den övergripande känslan av att deras hund förstår dem och deras humör. Dessutom bidrog hundarna till ett förbättrat socialt liv. Både som sällskap, men även som en anledning till att träffa nya människor och upprätthålla relationer med andra hundägare. Några utmaningar med hundägande presenterades också. Ekonomiska belastningar och begränsningar i deltagarnas vardag visade sig vara mest utbredd. Hundägandet förklarades dock ha en i första hand positiv inverkan på deltagarnas hälsa och välbefinnande och majoriteten av deltagarna ansåg hundar som användbara i socialt arbete. / Therapy animals are widely known for serving a positive impact on patients’ health. However, whether dog ownership can perpetuate good health for senior citizens, is not as widely explored. The purpose of this study is to research if pet ownership influence seniors’ health and well-being, with the theoretical standpoint of three theories or concepts: Activity Theory of Aging, The Biophilia hypothesis, and Sense of Coherence. Eight dog owners between the ages of 68-76 has been interviewed about their health, lifestyle and social habits.The material was analyzed and put into general themes, which displays the recurring responses. The results showed that the participants found their dogs to be of great importance when it came to maintaining an active lifestyle, which in turn had a positive effect on their physical health. Some participants also found their mental health to have improved because of their dog. More specifically, the mutual connection between dog and owner and the overall feeling that their dog understands them and their moods. Moreover, their dogs contributed to an enhanced social life. Both at home as company, as well as a contributing factor in meeting new people and maintaining relationships with other dog owners. Some challenges with dog ownership were also presented. Financial burdens and limitations in the participants everydaylife showed to be most prevalent. However, dog ownership was declared to have a primarilypositive impact on the participants health and well-being and the majority of participants considered dogs to be useful in social work.

Relationen och kompetensens betydelse för att motverka vanvård och försummelse : En kvalitativ studie av hemtjänstens enhetschefers uppfattningar / The importance of relationship and competence to work against neglect and abuse of older adults : A qualitative study of home care unit managers’ perceptions

Carlsen, Mathilda, Haag, Pierre January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur enhetschefer inom äldreomsorgen uppfattar möjligheterna för att uppmärksamma och förebygga vanvård och försummelse hos äldre personer som mottar hemtjänstinsatser i ordinärt boende. Metoden involverar en kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval av enhetschefer inom hemtjänsten. Datainsamlingen inkluderade öppna frågor om möjligheter och resurser för att upptäcka vanvård och försummelse. Reflexiv tematisk analys användes för att analysera datamaterialet. Metoden bidrar till en djupare förståelse av enhetschefernas perspektiv på att förebygga vanvård hos äldre personer. Resultatet visade att en ökad kontinuitet mellan personal och den äldre personen i vardagen ökar förutsättningen att upptäcka vanvård och försummelse, kontinuerlig och kompetenshöjande utbildning krävs för att ge personalen rätt förutsättningar i sin yrkesroll att motverka och förebygga vanvård och försummelse och att samverkan mellan olika aktörer är en förutsättning för att identifiera och motverka vanvård och försummelse mot äldre personer. / The purpose of the undergraduate thesis was to explore home care unit managers' possibilities of identifying and preventing elder abuse and neglect. The study employs a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews in a convenience sample of unit managers from different municipalities and with different experiences. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyze data contributing to a deeper understanding of unit managers' perspectives on preventing elder abuse. Results found that increased continuity between staff and the older person in everyday life increases the possibilities to detect elder abuse and neglect. Continuous and competence-enhancing training is required to provide staff with tools in their professional role to counteract and prevent elder abuse and neglect. Additionally, collaboration between different stakeholders is essential for identifying and combating abuse and neglect of older adults.

Dementia Care Mapping as a tool for Safeguarding

Crossland, Jo, Downs, Murna G. January 2011 (has links)
No / The author explains how Dementia Care Mapping can be used as powerful preventative tool for safeguarding people with dementia from abuse. Used as part of the process of developing person-centred care, the Dementia Care Mapping tool can be used to identify the preconditions of abuse within care settings.

Våld i nära relation upphör inte med åldern. : En kvalitativ studie om hur yrkesverksamma hanterar våld i nära relation mot äldre med demenssjukdom inom kommunal äldreomsorg. / Violence in close relationships does not cease with age. : A qualitative study on how professionals handle domestic violence against elderly individuals with dementia in municipal eldercare.

Carlsson, Camilla, Junusova, Lilija January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how professionals reason about domestic violence against older individuals with dementia within municipal elderly care. Previous research indicates that violence in intimate relationships against older individuals is a globally growing issue. Research suggests that this issue is often overlooked, which can be interpreted as ageism. Older people are at risk of being seen as a homogeneous group rather than individuals.This may result in neglecting the needs and support of the older individuals. There is a lack of knowledge on the subject of violence in intimate relationships against older individuals with dementia and how professionals experience the situation. In this study, we aim to further explore how professionals describe domestic violence against older individuals with dementia. We also aim to highlight the challenges that professionals face in addressing violence in intimate relationships against older individuals with dementia, as well as the strategies and preventive measures they use in their work on this issue. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews, where five social workers and three unit managers in municipal elderly care participated. The results of the study show that neglect is the most common form of violence against elderly people with dementia. Results also highlight the challenges faced by professionals in working with voluntarism as a basis. Professionals are calling for more initiatives related to support for family members in order to prevent and mitigate violence in close relationships with elderly people with dementia.

Does Anybody Care? : Public and Private Responsibilities in Swedish Eldercare 1940-2000

Brodin, Helene January 2005 (has links)
Since the 1980s, practically all of the western welfare states have developed social policies, which aim at shifting the responsibilities for welfare services from the state to the family, the civil society or to the market. In Sweden, this political transformation has particularly hit the public eldercare. In the last twenty years, the percentage of the population 65 years and older receiving public home help services in Sweden has decreased from 23 to 8 per cent at the same time as the number of beds in hospitalized eldercare has been heavily reduced. Moreover, during the course of the 2000s, the majority of the Swedish municipalities have reintroduced means testing of the eldercare based on whether the elderly have relatives or not that can perform the services. Parallel with these downsizes in the publicly financed and organized eldercare; privately produced eldercare services have increased, carried out by large and internationally own business corporations. Based on an theoretical framework, which combines the historical approach within the neo-institutional research tradition with a discursive method of analysis, this thesis explores if the period from the 1980s and onwards has been a formative moment in Swedish eldercare during which new ideas have become embedded in the institutional frameworks regulating the division of responsibility for eldercare services between the state, the family and the market. To examine if and how the municipalities, which are principally responsible for organizing and financing the public eldercare in Sweden, have implemented the change in ideas that have emerged in national politics since the 1980s, the thesis also examines how the eldercare has developed in two of Sweden’s municipalities since the 1980s. The results of the thesis demonstrates that the period from the 1980s and onwards has been a formative moment in the Swedish eldercare during which new ideas regarding the public responsibility for eldercare service have emerged and become institutionalized. Since the 1980s, senior citizens’ need for care has increasingly been re-interpreted from a public to a private issue with the consequence that today, their need for certain services, in particular those related to housework, are no longer regarded to be a public responsibility but a private matter that the elderly will have to solve, either by buying the services on the market, or, by asking relatives for help and assistance. The main problem connected with this reprivatization of senior citizens’ need for care is, however, that as the state has withdrawn its responsibility, women, in their role of being wives, daughters, or daughters-in-laws, have been forced to step in as informal and unpaid providers of care. Therefore, regardless of political reigns and modes of production, women have been forced to taken on an increasingly larger responsibility for their elderly relatives.

Rätten att bestämma över sitt liv : En studie hur biståndshandläggare hanterar äldre demenssjukas självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov / The right to decide over one´s life. : A study about how social workers handle the empowerment and needs for elder people with dementia disease.

Zad, Carina, Andreasson, Annika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze how social workers in an elder administration in Sweden handle empowerment and needs for people with dementia and what ethical dilemmas the social workers could experience with these clients. The result is based on qualitative interviews where eight social workers had the opportunity to describe their work with elder people with dementia. Five main subjects were identified in the interviews: empowerment, strategies, dilemmas, force and knowledge and understanding in the organization. The analysis of these themes helps us to understand how the social workers in their profession handle different situations and dilemmas which can arise in their daily work. The conclusion from the result and the analysis was that the most frequent dilemmas for the social workers in their work with people with dementia was the clients unwillingness to receive help, relatives’ and other professions’ ignorance about empowerment and also when relatives wanted to make decisions for the clients. The result showed that the social workers used extensive motivational work for the clients with dementia in order to handle their empowerment and needs. The social workers requested that the relatives and the staff who work with elder people should have more knowledge about the empowerment for the clients. / Syftet med studien var att förstå hur biståndshandläggare i en äldreförvaltning i Sverige hanterar äldre demenssjukas självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov samt vilka etiska dilemman de kan ha i arbetet med dessa brukare. Empirin bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer där åtta biståndshandläggare haft möjlighet att med egna ord beskriva hur ärendehanteringar med äldre demenssjuka brukare kan se ut. Fem huvudteman identifierades i intervjuerna vilka var: självbestämmande, strategier, dilemman, tvång samt olika kunskaper och förståelse i organisationen. Analysen av dessa teman bidrar till att förstå hur handläggarna i sin yrkesroll hanterar situationer och dilemman som kan uppstå i deras praktiska vardag. Slutsatsen utifrån resultat och analys är att de främsta dilemman som biståndshandläggarna möter i arbetet med demenssjuka brukare är brukarnas ovilja att ta emot hjälp, oförståelse om självbestämmanderätten hos anhöriga och övriga professioner samt när anhöriga vill ta beslut åt brukarna. Utifrån empirin kunde vi se att biståndshandläggarna använde sig av omfattande motiveringsarbete med de demenssjuka brukarna för att hantera deras självbestämmanderätt och hjälpbehov. Något som handläggarna efterfrågade var mer kunskap om självbestämmanderätten bland äldreförvaltningens hemtjänstpersonal och anhöriga till brukarna.

Patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterskan inom primärvården.

Ekberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterskan i primärvården. Bakgrund: Andelen äldre människor i Sverige ökar eftersom vi lever längre. Med stigande ålder ökar mottagligheten för sjukdom. Både sjukdom och åldersförändringar kan ge funktionsnedsättningar men trots detta bor många äldre med hälso- och sjukvårdsbehov hemma utan inskrivning i den kommunala hemsjukvården. Syfte: Att belysa patienters erfarenheter av kontakten med äldresköterska inom primärvården. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Fem patienter deltog enskilt i en semistrukturerad intervju. Dataanalysen genomfördes med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: De intervjuade upplevde att samtalet är den viktigaste erfarenheten av kontakten med äldresköterskan. Patienterna upplever att kontakten ger dem stöd och minskad oro i vardagen. Deras trygghet ökar genom den kontinuitet och tillgänglighet som äldresköterskan erbjuder. Slutsats: Det arbete som äldresköterskan utför bör lyftas fram och tillåtas utvecklas eftersom antalet äldre med vård- och omsorgsbehov ökar. / Abstract Titel: Patients' experiences of contact with elder nurses in primary health care. Background: The proportion of elderly people in Sweden will increase due to longer life span. With age susceptibility to disease increases. Both disease- and agerelated changes can cause impairments even though many elderly people with health needs live at home, without enrollment in the municipal home care. Objective: The aim was to illuminate patients´experiences of contact with the elder nurse in primary health care. Method: The study uses a qualitative design with inductive approach. Five patients participated individually in a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed by qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: The interviewees felt that the conversation is the most important experience of contact with the nurseproviding elder care. Patients feel that the contact give them support and reduced anxiety in daily life. Their safety is enhanced by the continuity and availability provided by the elder nurse. Conclusion: The work that elder nurse perform should be emphasized and allowed to evolve as the number om elderly people with health and care needs increase.

Physician Utilization by a Black Aged Population: A Multivariate Investigation

Reban, Ann S. 05 1900 (has links)
This investigation concerns the problem of current health care utilization by aged blacks. Utilizing Andersen's model, the volume and pattern of physician utilization associated with selected predisposing, enabling, and need variables is described for an aged population of 163 interviewed blacks residing in Census Tract 212, Denton, Texas, in 1972. None of the six socio-demographic, economic, or health status variables analyzed, through use of Somers' dyx, allowed substantial reduction .of error in predicting a physician visit in the past year. Representing need, selfrated health status was the best predictor variable. Its proportional reduction in error increased from 17 percent to 30 percent, for those with five to seven years education, and to 23 percent, for those reporting the least income.

Benjamin Murmelstein / Benjamin Murmelstein

Šternová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Master Thesis "Benjamin Murmelstein" introduces life and work of the last Jewish Elder of Terezin Ghetto who survived. The Thesis describes a formation of Jewish Councils during World War II and their tasks in general. In concrete it describes historical conditions of work of Benjamin Murmelstein before and during the War and also his life after the end of the War and aftermath of his work. Also different perspectives on work of Jewish Councils and Benjamin Murmelstein are introduced.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Apocalyptic Fortitude

Burris, Suzanne Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Fortitude, 1560, a print from the Seven Virtues series. Fortitude stands out as an anomaly within the cycle because it contains several allusions to the Book of Revelation. The linkage of Fortitude to the writings of St. John is important because it challenges previous iconographic and iconological analyses of the composition. Analysis of Fortitude's compositional elements is provided, along with an examination of the virtue tradition. Additionally, an exploration of sixteenth-century apocalypticism is included, as well as an examination of the artistic influences that may have inspired Bruegel. This thesis concludes that Fortitude's apocalyptic allusions do not seem unusual for an artist familiar with St. John's prophecies, influenced by Hieronymus Bosch, and living in an age of apocalypticism.

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