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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution du récepteur GPR55 dans la formation des contacts synaptiques

Lacomme, Lucile 08 1900 (has links)
La synaptogenèse est un processus biologique aboutissant à la mise en place d’un réseau de connexions neuronales, par la genèse de synapses. La mise en place de ce réseau de connexions est essentielle au développement du système nerveux central (SNC) et de ses fonctions. Tout comme les autres étapes du développement du SNC, la synaptogenèse est régulée par une multitude de signaux cellulaires, et le système endocannabinoïde en fait partie. Les dérivés du cannabis tel que le Δ-9-tétrahydrocannabinol (THC) et le cannabidiol (CBD) sont capables de traverser la barrière placentaire et de se retrouver dans le lait maternel. Par leur interaction avec le SNC, entre autres, ces phytocannabinoïdes sont capables d’influencer son développement. Le récepteur couplé à une protéine G 55 (GPR55) est catégorisé comme récepteur atypique du système endocannabinoïde, et il est capable d’être antagonisé par le CBD. Il a été prouvé par de précédentes études qu’il est lui aussi impliqué dans le développement du SNC, notamment dans le guidage et la croissance des axones durant les périodes fœtale et périnatale. Dans la littérature, il est souvent rapporté que les signaux impliqués dans le guidage axonal le sont aussi dans la synaptogenèse. C’est pourquoi le présent mémoire vise à examiner le rôle du récepteur GPR55 et l’effet de sa modulation par le CBD dans la formation de contacts synaptiques. Le modèle utilisé pour cette étude est la culture de neurones corticaux issus d’embryons de souris de génotypes gpr55+/+ et gpr55-/-. Pour comprendre le rôle physiologique de GPR55 dans la synaptogenèse nous avons étudié l’effet de la délétion du récepteur GPR55 à deux temps, Day In Vitro (DIV) 9-10 au début de la synaptogenèse, et à DIV14-15 un temps plus avancé. Ensuite pour comprendre comment le CBD est capable d’influencer la formation de contacts synaptiques de manière dépendante ou non de GPR55, les cultures de neurones corticaux de chaque génotype ont été exposées à DIV9 pour 24h à différentes concentrations du CBD (0,3uM ou 0,6uM ou 1uM). Les effets sur la formation de contacts synaptiques ont été étudiés en immunocytochimie, en immunobuvardage et en électrophysiologie de type patch clamp. Les résultats montrent que la délétion de GPR55 entraine à DIV14-15 une augmentation de la densité des contacts synaptiques, mais une réduction de leur aire et de l’expression de la synaptophysine, en affectant l’activité synaptique. L’exposition au CBD 0,6uM et 1uM entrainent de manière dépendante ou partiellement dépendante à GPR55, une augmentation de la densité des contacts synaptiques sans affecter leur aire, l’expression de protéines synaptiques ainsi que l’activité synaptique. La fréquence de décharge des neurones est diminuée de manière dépendante de GPR55 après l’exposition au CBD 1uM. Ces résultats suggèrent que GPR55 pourrait être un signal important pour l’arrêt de la formation de nouvelles synapses et un signal d’induction pour la maturation des synapses existantes. / Synaptogenesis is a biological process that leads to the establishment of a network of neuronal connections through the genesis of synapses. The formation of this network of connections is essential for the development of the central nervous system (CNS) and its functions. Like other stages of CNS development, synaptogenesis is regulated by multiple cellular signals, and the endocannabinoid system is part of it. Cannabis derivatives such as Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can cross the placental barrier and be present in breast milk. Through their interaction with the endocannabinoid system, among others, these phytocannabinoids can influence CNS development. The G protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55) is categorized as an atypical receptor of the endocannabinoid system, and it can be antagonized by CBD. Previous studies have shown that GPR55 is also involved in CNS development, particularly in the guidance and growth of axons during fetal and perinatal periods. It is often reported in the literature that the signals involved in axonal guidance are also involved in synaptogenesis. Therefore, this study investigates the role of the GPR55 receptor and the effect of its modulation by CBD in the formation of synaptic contacts. The model used for this study consists of cortical neuron cultures from mouse embryos gpr55+/+ and gpr55-/- . To understand the physiological role of GPR55 in synaptogenesis, we studied the effect of gpr55 deletion at two-time points: Day In Vitro (DIV) 9- 10 at the beginning of synaptogenesis, and DIV14-15 at a later time point. Then, to understand how CBD can influence the formation of synaptic contacts, whether dependent or independent of GPR55, cortical neuron cultures of each genotype were exposed to different concentrations of CBD (0.3µM or 0.6µM or 1µM) at DIV9 for 24 hours. The effects on the formation of synaptic contacts were studied through immunocytochemistry, western blot, and patch clamp electrophysiology. The results show that gpr55 deletion leads to an increase in synaptic contact density at DIV14-15 but a reduction in their area and synaptophysin expression, by affecting synaptic activity. Exposure to 0.6µM and 1µM CBD results in a GPR55-dependent or partially dependent increase in synaptic contact density without affecting their area, expression of synaptic proteins, and synaptic activity. The firing frequency of neurons is decreased in a GPR55- dependent manner after exposure to 1µM CBD. These results suggest that GPR55 could be an important signal for stopping the formation of new synapses and an induction signal for the maturation of existing synapses.

Implication du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes CB2 dans le développement de la voie rétinothalamique

Duff, Gabriel 08 1900 (has links)
Durant le développement du système visuel, les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs) envoient des axones qui seront influencés par divers signaux guidant leur cône de croissance, permettant ainsi la navigation des axones vers leurs cibles terminales. Les endocannabinoïdes, des dérivés lipidiques activant les récepteurs aux cannabinoides (CB1 et CB2), sont présents de manière importante au cours du développement. Nous avons démontré que le récepteur CB2 est exprimé à différents points du tractus visuel durant le développement du hamster. L’injection d’agonistes et d’agonistes inverses pour le récepteur CB2 a modifié l’aire du cône de croissance et le nombre de filopodes présents à sa surface. De plus, l’injection d’un gradient d’agoniste du récepteur CB2 produit la répulsion du cône de croissance tandis qu’un analogue de l’AMPc (db-AMPc) produit son attraction. Les effets du récepteur CB2 sur le cône de croissance sont produits en modulant l’activité de la protéine kinase A(PKA), influençant la présence à la membrane cellulaire d’un récepteur à la nétrine-1 nommé Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC). Notamment, pour que le récepteur CB2 puisse moduler le guidage du cône de croissance, la présence fonctionnelle du récepteur DCC est essentielle.. Suite à une injection intra-occulaire d’un agoniste inverse du récepteur CB2, nous avons remarqué une augmentation de la longueur des branches collatérales des axones rétiniens au niveau du LTN (noyau lateral terminal). Nous avons également remarqué une diminution de la ségrégation des projections ganglionnaires au niveau du dLGN, le noyau genouillé lateral dorsal, chez les animaux transgéniques cnr2-/-, ayant le gène codant pour le récepteur CB2 inactif. Nos données suggèrent l’implication des endocannabinoïdes et de leur récepteur CB2 dans la modulation des processus de navigation axonale et de ségrégation lors du développement du système visuel. / Retinal projection navigation towards their visual targets is regulated by guidance molecules and growth cone transduction mechanisms. Here, we show that cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R) is widely expressed throughout the visual pathway during development and in cultured retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and cortical neurons. Both the number of filopodia and the surface area of the growth cone (GC) are modulated by CB2R activity in a PKA-dependant manner. Furthermore, DCC is required for CB2R induced morphological changes of the GC. CB2R agonists induce GC chemorepulsion. Treatments altering CB2R activity change retinal explants projections length. These effects are specific to CB2R as no changes were observed in cnr2 knockout mouse. A single intraocular injection of AM630 increases retinal projection branch length and aberrant projections were also observed. Moreover, we report defect in eye-specific segregation of retinal projections in the dLGN in cnr2-/- mice. These findings highlight the modulatory role of endocannabinoids and their CB2R during axon guidance.

Impact d’une déficience en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) de la série n-3 sur les comportements émotionnels et la plasticité cérébrale chez la souris / Impact of nutritional n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids deficiency on emotional behavior and cerebral plasticity in mice

Larrieu, Thomas 07 December 2012 (has links)
Un faible apport alimentaire en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) de la série n-3 a été associé à la prévalence des troubles de l'humeur chez l’Homme. Chez les rongeurs, les approches nutritionnelles visant à modéliser une alimentation pauvre en AGPI n-3 ont largement été développées au siècle dernier. En effet, un régime alimentaire carencé en AGPI n-3 sur une ou plusieurs générations induit chez le rongeur des altérations des comportements émotionnels tels que des comportements de type dépressif ou anxieux. Nous avons montré au laboratoire Nutrineuro que des souris nourries avec un régime déficient en AGPI n-3 présentent des niveaux d’AGPI n-3, en particulier l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA, un AGPI n-3) plus faible dans le cortex préfrontal (PFC) et dans le noyau accumbens (NAc) par rapport aux souris contrôle. De plus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence qu’une alimentation déficiente en AGPI n-3 est capable de moduler la plasticité synaptique dépendante du système endocannabinoïde (eCB). De fait, la réduction de DHA dans le CPF et le NAc est accompagnée d'une altération de la dépression à long terme (LTD-eCB) et des voies de signalisation dépendantes du système eCB au niveau du CPF (Lafourcade et al., 2011 ; Larrieu et al, 2012). Nos données indiquent que ces altérations sont dues à un découplage entre le récepteur cannabinoïde 1 (CB1R) et la protéine Gi/o. De plus, les souris déficientes en AGPI n-3 présentent des déficits comportementaux dans plusieurs tests évaluant les comportements émotionnels. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent la diminution du DHA dans le CPF et les altérations des comportements émotionnels, nous avons étudié la morphologie neuronale dans le CPF et l’axe hypothalamo-hypophysaire (HPA) chez les souris déficientes en AGPI n-3. Nous avons montré que le régime alimentaire déficient en AGPI n-3 induit une atrophie de l’arborisation dendritique dans les neurones pyramidaux du CPF. L'atrophie dendritique est semblable à celle mesurée chez les souris soumises au régime équilibré en AGPI n-3 et soumises à un stress chronique de défaite sociale (CSDS). Aucun effet additionnel du CSDS sur la morphologie neuronale et le comportement émotionnel n’a été observé chez les souris déficientes en AGPI n-3. Nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle de l’axe HPA dans le développement des altérations comportementales et neurobiologiques chez les souris déficientes en AGPI n-3. Ces souris présentent une diminution de l'expression des récepteurs des glucocorticoïdes (GR) dans le CPF associée à une augmentation des taux circulants de corticostérone. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats montrent qu’un faible apport alimentaire en AGPI n-3 peut modifier la plasticité synaptique dépendante du système eCB ainsi que l’arborisation dendritique des neurones du CPF. Nous avons également pu montrer que l’élévation des niveaux de corticostérone était impliquée dans l’altération des comportements émotionnels observée chez des souris nourries avec un régime déficient en AGPI n-3. / Low dietary intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has been associated with the prevalence of mood disorders in humans. In rodents, nutritional approaches aiming at modeling poor dietary n-3 PUFAs intake have been extensively developed in the last century. As a result, one- or multi-generation dietary n-3 deficiency induces depressive and anxiety-like behaviors. We have shown in the Nutrineuro lab that mice fed with a diet deficient in n-3 PUFAs exhibit decreased n-3 PUFAs levels, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, a n-3 PUFA) levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). We showed that dietary n-3 PUFA is able to modulate endocannabinoid (eCB) dependent plasticity since DHA reduction in PFC and NAc is accompanied with eCB dependent long term depression (eCB-LTD) and eCB signaling impairment in the PFC (Lafourcade et al., 2011; Larrieu et al., 2012). Our data indicate that LTD alteration results from region-specific uncoupling of CB1 receptor from its effector Gi/o protein. In addition, n-3 deficient mice display behavioral deficits in several tests measuring emotional behavior. To further understand the mechanisms underlying DHA decrease in the PFC and emotional behavior alteration, we thoroughly investigated neuronal morphology and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in n-3 deficient mice. We showed that n-3 deficient diet induced dendritic atrophy in pyramidal neurons within the PFC. The dendritic atrophy was comparable to the one measured in control diet mice submitted to chronic social defeat stress (CSDS). No additional effect of CSDS on both neuronal morphology and emotional behavior was measured in n-3 deficient mice. We therefore investigated the role of the HPA axis deregulation in the development of behavioral and neurobiological alterations of n-3 deficient mice. We found a decreased expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the PFC of n-3 deficient mice together with increased circulating levels of corticosterone. Collectively, we unraveled one crucial mechanism underlying n-3 deficiency-induced alterations. Our results show that low dietary n-3 PUFAs can alter eCB-dependent plasticity and neuronal dendritic atrophy within the PFC leading to emotional behavior impairment. Importantly, we further demonstrated that corticosterone elevation in n-3 deficient mice was involved in the n-3 deficiency-induced emotional behavior and dendritic arborization alterations.

Envolvimento dos sistemas glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex pré-frontal medial no modelo de dor neuropática e na comorbidade dor crônica e ansiedade/pânico / Involvement of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanyloid systems of the medial prefrontal cortex in the neuropathic pain model and chronic pain and anxiety/panic comorbidities

Medeiros, Priscila de 05 December 2017 (has links)
A dor crônica (DC) é um problema global de saúde. A incidência da DC no mundo oscila entre 7 e 40% da população e, como consequência da mesma, cerca de 50 a 60% dos que sofrem dela ficam parcial ou totalmente incapacitados, de maneira transitória ou permanente, comprometendo de modo significativo a qualidade de vida. Sabe-se que a divisão pré-límbica (PrL) do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFM) é uma região importante na elaboração da dor e de seus aspectos cognitivos e emocionais. Há evidências que a DC de origem neuropática (DN) é capaz de provocar mudanças morfológicas, resultando em uma reorganização nas redes neurais do CPFM, e existe alta relação de comorbidade entre ansiedade e DC. Sendo assim, necessita-se de estudos que forneçam aprimoramento dos modelos animais em DC para que, assim, investiguem-se as bases neuroanatômicas, neurofisiológicas e psicofarmacológicas da DN e a participação de áreas corticais na gênese e manutenção da dor. Para isso, o presente trabalho foi dividido em três etapas: 1) Avaliação dos aspectos nociceptivos, motores e afetivo-cognitivos de ratos submetidos a um modelo adaptado de injúria por constrição crônica do nervo isquiático (CCI: uma ligadura) comparando com o modelo clássico de Bennett e Xie (CCI: quatro ligaduras): nossos resultados mostraram que o modelo adaptado de CCI produziu hipersensibilidade ao frio (teste de acetona) e alodinia mecânica (teste de von Frey) semelhante ao causado pelo modelo de CCI com quatro ligaduras. Ambos os grupos CCI apresentaram comportamento do tipo ansioso, depressivo e déficits cognitivos, utilizando-se o modelo de campo aberto (open field), teste de nado forçado e teste de reconhecimento de objeto, respectivamente. Contudo, o modelo adaptado pode ser uma melhor opção, visto que uma simples ligadura não provoca prejuízos motores, nem tampouco o comportamento de autotomia, diferentemente dos animais com CCI em que foram realizadas 4 ligaduras. 2) A - Estudo do efeito da Indometacina (2mg/kg), um antiinflamatório não-esteroidal, administrada por via periférica (IP) sobre a DN: a indometacina diminuiu a alodinia mecânica no primeiro, segundo e quarto dias, mas não no décimo quarto, vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo dias após a CCI adaptada (1 ligadura). Esses dados sugerem que a COX-1 e a COX-2 estão envolvidas na mediação da indução, mas não na manutenção da DN. B - Envolvimento do córtex PrL sobre a geração, potencialização e manutenção da DN, através da microinjeção local de cloreto de cobalto (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), um bloqueador do influxo de cálcio (causando bloqueio de sinapses). O CoCl2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica no vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo, mas não no sétimo e décimo quarto dias após a CCI com 1 ligadura. Nossos dados também indicam que córtex PrL participa na elaboração da fase tardia da alodinia mecânica em nosso modelo adaptado de DN. C - Investigação do papel do sistema glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex PrL sobre a alodinia mecânica 21 dias após a CCI adaptada. Os presentes resultados mostraram que a microinjeção do agonista N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA), nas concentrações de 1 e 4 nmol, foi capaz de aumentar a alodinia mecânica durante o teste de von Frey, enquanto que um antagonista de receptores de aminoácidos excitatórios do tipo NMDA, o LY235959, diminuiu a alodinia mecânica quando microinjetado na maior dose (8nmol) no córtex PrL. O AM251, um antagonista de receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1, aumentou a alodinia mecânica em todas as doses (50, 100 e 200pmol) quando microinjetado no PrL. O tratamento do PrL com a menor concentração de anandamida (AEA: 5pmol) não alterou a alodinia mecânica; contudo, a administração de AEA no PrL nas doses intermediárias (de 50 e de 100pmol) reduziu a alodinia mecânica, e este efeito foi bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento do PrL com AM251 (200pmol). Digno de nota, o tratamento do PrL com a maior dose de AEA (200pmol) aumentou a alodinia mecânica, no entanto, este efeito foi atenuado pelo bloqueio prévio de receptores de potencial transitório vaniloide do tipo 1 (TRPV1), com microinjeções de 6 Iodo-nor-di-hidrocapsaicina (6-I-CPS) na dose de 3pmol no PrL. Esses dados sugerem que o córtex PrL está envolvido na potenciação e manutenção da DN crônica (DNC), através da ativação dos receptores NMDA e dos receptores TRPV1. O efeito da atenuação da alodinia mecânica foi causado pela ativação dos receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1 em roedores com DNC após 21 dias da CCI. 3) Investigação da comorbidade entre a DNC com ansiedade/pânico e o efeito dos agonistas e antagonistas de receptores NMDA e CB1 no PrL em roedores confrontados com serpente após 21 dias da CCI pelo método adaptado: o confronto entre roedores e serpentes constrictoras induziu nos ratos respostas relacionadas ao medo, tais como avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e fuga em animais com DNC e Sham. Além disso, após terem sido confrontados com a serpente, os animais com DNC tiveram a alodinia mecânica aumentada. O pré-tratamento do PrL com NMDA (4nmol) aumentou o índice e porcentagem de avaliação de risco e a porcentagem de fuga, e a dose intermediária de NMDA (1nmol) aumentou o índice de fuga em animais neuropáticos confrontados com uma serpente constrictora. Além disso, a alodinia mecânica foi intensificada após o confronto em animais que receberam NMDA (4nmol) no PrL. Adicionalmente, os animais tratados com LY235959 diminuíram os comportamentos defensivos apresentados por animais com DNC quando confrontados com a salamanta. Além disso, esses animais pré-tratados com o antagonista de receptores NMDA tiveram seus limiares de von Frey aumentados após o confronto. O bloqueio de receptores endocanabionoides do tipo CB1, com o antagonista AM251, aumentou o comportamento de avaliação de riscos dos animais com DN crônica durante a exposição com a serpente e tiveram seus limiares de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey diminuídos após o confronto. Contudo, o pré-tratamento do PrL com AEA (100pmol) diminuiu os comportamentos defensivos de avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e de fuga dos animais com DNC confrontados com a serpente, e esses animais também apresentaram aumento do limiar de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey após o confronto. Interessantemente, a dose de AEA (200pmol) não alterou comportamento defensivo, mas agravou DNC, através da diminuição do limiar de alodinia mecânica, apresentando um clássico efeito em \"U invertido\", pois menor e a maior dose de AEA (50 e 200pmol) induziram valores de comportamentos defensivo elevados, semelhante ao controle (veículo). Concluindo, os presentes dados obtidos no nosso trabalho, sugerem que o modelo adaptado de CCI, através da realização de uma ligadura do nervo isquiático, é um modelo animal eficaz para se estudarem as comorbidades entre DC e alterações cognitivas e emocionais. A diminuição da atividade das enzimas COX-1 e COX-2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica apenas durante a gênese da DN. Além disso, evidenciou-se que o córtex PrL é recrutado para elaborar a DN durante sua manutenção e potencialização. A ativação dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA e vaniloides do tipo TRPV1 potencializam a DNC e o sistema endocanabinoide via receptor CB1 a diminui. Finalmente, roedores com DNC tiveram seus limiares de alodinia mecânica diminuídos após o confronto com a serpente. Os comportamentos defensivos foram intensificados em animais com DNC, mostrando, assim, o estabelecimento da comorbidade entre DC e ansiedade/pânico e a participação do neocórtex na elaboração da DNC, em um modelo de neuropatia periférica induzida pela constrição crônica no nervo isquiático em ratos Wistar. A comorbidade entre ansiedade/pânico e DNC sensibiliza os animais, agravando o quadro de dor crônica. / Chronic pain (CP) is a global health problem. The incidence of CP in the world ranges from 7 to 40% of the population and, as a consequence, about 50% to 60% of those suffering from it are partially or totally incapacitated, in a transitory or permanent manner significantly compromising the quality of life. The prelimbic (PrL) division of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is an important region for the elaboration of cognitive and emotional aspects of pain. In addition, chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) can induce morphological changes, resulting in a reorganisation in the mPFC neurons. Moreover, there is an intrinsic relation between CP and anxiety disorder. Our study aims to investigate the effects of a modification of an animal model of CP and evaluate the neuroanatomical and pharmacological bases of neuropathic pain (NP). The role played by PrL cortex in the modulation of CNP was also investigated. Thus, the present work was divided into three steps: 1) Ethological analysis of nociceptive, motor and affective-cognitive aspects of rats submitted to an adapted model of chronic constriction of the ischiadicus nervus (CCI: a simple ligature) compared with the classic CCI model performed by Bennett and Xie (CCI: four ligatures): our results showed that the adapted-CCI model produced cold hypersensitivity and mechanical allodynia similar to those described in laboratory animals submitted to the model with four ligatures of the ischiadicus nervus. Both CCI groups displayed anxiety- and depression-like responses, and cognitive deficits, in the the open field test, forced swim test and object recognition test, respectively. However, the adapted model of CCI used in the present work may be a better choice, since a simple ligature of the ischiadicus nervus cause neither motor deficits, nor autotomy behaviour, unlike the animals with CCI induced by four ligatures of spinal nerves. 2) A- Effect of Indomethacin (2mg/kg) a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug peripherally administered (IP) on NP: The peripheral treatment with indomethacin reduced mechanical allodynia on the first, second, and fourth days, but not on the fourteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days after adapted CCI. These findings suggest that COX-1 and COX-2 are involved in the mediation of NP induction, but not in the maintainance of NP. B- Involvement of the PrL cortex on the generation, potentiation and maintenance of DN, through the microinjection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), a calcium influx blocker (synapse blocker): CoCl2 attenuated mechanical allodynia at twenty-first and twenty-eighth, but not at seventh and fourteenth days after CCI. Our data also indicate that PrL cortex participates in the elaboration of the chronic phase of mechanical allodynia in our adapted NP model. C- The role of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanniloid systems of the PrL cortex on mechanical allodynia 21 days after CCI: The present data showed that microinjection of the N-methyl D-Aspartate agonist (NMDA), in a dose of 1 and 4nmol, was able to increase the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, whereas the NMDA receptors antagonist LY235959 decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected at the highest dose (8nmol) in the PrL. The PrL cortex pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 increased mechanical allodynia at all doses (50, 100 and 200 pmol). Microinjections of anandamide (AEA) at the smaller dose (5pmol) in PrL did not cause influence in the mechanical allodynia. However, the PrL treatment with AEA at the intermediate doses (50 and 100pmol) reduced mechanical allodynia and that effect were blocked by the pretreatment of the PrL cortex with AM251 (200pmol). Interestingly, the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) increased mechanical allodynia. Furthermore, this effect was attenuated by the PrL pretreatment with the transient potential receptor antagonist type 1 (TRPV1) ion channel selective antagonist 6 Iodonordihidrocapsaicin (6-I-CPS) in a dose of 3 pmol. These findings suggest that the PrL cortex is involved in the potentiation and maintenance of CNP through the activation of NMDA receptors and TRPV1 receptors in PrL cortex. The effect of attenuation of mechanical allodynia was caused by the activation of CB1 endocannabinoid receptors in rodents with CNP after 21 days of CCI. 3) Investigation of the comorbidity between CNP with anxiety/panic and the effect of NMDA glutamatergic and CB1 endocannabinoid receptors on PrL cortex after 21 days of CCI in rodents. The confrontation between a constrictor snake and the rodent elicited innate fear-related responses in prey, such as risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour that were enhanced in CNP rodents and Sham. Also, after a confrontation with a potential predator, the CNP animals increased their mechanical allodynia thresholds. In adition, the microinjection of NMDA (4nmol) PrL, increased innate fear-related responses, such as risk assessment, and the treatment of PrL with NMDA at 1nmol incresed escape behaviour in rodents with CNP. The treatment of the PrL with NMDA in a dose of 4nmol increased the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, after confrontantion, whereas PrL pretreatment with LY235959 decreased innate fear-related responses, such risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behavior and decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected (4 and 8nmol). The PrL Pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 (all doses) increased unconditioned fear-related responses, such as risk assessment. Moreover, AM251 (100 and 200pmol) microinjections in the PrL increased mechanical allodynia after prey versus predator confrontation. The microinjections of AEA (100pmol) in the PrL decreased risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour and reduced mechanical allodynia. Interestingly, the pretreatment of the PrL with the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) did not change the fear-induced behaviour elicited by predators, but increased the CNP. There was a classical inverted U-shape curve from the lower to the higher dose of AEA. These data suggest that the anxiety/panic and pain comorbidity increases CNP symptoms. The present findings also indicate that the CCI-adapted model, by ischiadicus nervus ligation with a single ligature is an effective animal model for studying comorbidities between CP and cognitive/emotional disturbances. In conclusion, we observed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are efficient to attenuate the mechanical allodynia only during NP genesis. The PrL cortex is recruited during the maintenance and potentiation of NP. The PrL glutamatergic system via NMDA activation and endovaniloid mechanisms related to TRPV1 ion channel activation potentiate CNP, and the endocannabinoid mechanisms via CB1 receptors recruitment decrease the CNP. Finally, rodents with CNP had their mechanical allodynia thresholds decreased after the confrontation with wild snakes. In addition, their defensive behaviours were itemised, thus showing the anxiety/panic and CNP potential comorbidity and the participation of the neocortex in the elaboration of CP in a model of peripheral neuropathy induced by injury of the ischiadicus nervus through its chronic constriction in Wistar rats.

Rôle des récepteurs périphériques aux endocannabinoïdes dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire / Role of peripheral cannabinoid receptors in the regulation of food intake

Vinera, Jennifer 17 December 2018 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel

Implication du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes CB2 dans le développement de la voie rétinothalamique

Duff, Gabriel 08 1900 (has links)
Durant le développement du système visuel, les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs) envoient des axones qui seront influencés par divers signaux guidant leur cône de croissance, permettant ainsi la navigation des axones vers leurs cibles terminales. Les endocannabinoïdes, des dérivés lipidiques activant les récepteurs aux cannabinoides (CB1 et CB2), sont présents de manière importante au cours du développement. Nous avons démontré que le récepteur CB2 est exprimé à différents points du tractus visuel durant le développement du hamster. L’injection d’agonistes et d’agonistes inverses pour le récepteur CB2 a modifié l’aire du cône de croissance et le nombre de filopodes présents à sa surface. De plus, l’injection d’un gradient d’agoniste du récepteur CB2 produit la répulsion du cône de croissance tandis qu’un analogue de l’AMPc (db-AMPc) produit son attraction. Les effets du récepteur CB2 sur le cône de croissance sont produits en modulant l’activité de la protéine kinase A(PKA), influençant la présence à la membrane cellulaire d’un récepteur à la nétrine-1 nommé Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC). Notamment, pour que le récepteur CB2 puisse moduler le guidage du cône de croissance, la présence fonctionnelle du récepteur DCC est essentielle.. Suite à une injection intra-occulaire d’un agoniste inverse du récepteur CB2, nous avons remarqué une augmentation de la longueur des branches collatérales des axones rétiniens au niveau du LTN (noyau lateral terminal). Nous avons également remarqué une diminution de la ségrégation des projections ganglionnaires au niveau du dLGN, le noyau genouillé lateral dorsal, chez les animaux transgéniques cnr2-/-, ayant le gène codant pour le récepteur CB2 inactif. Nos données suggèrent l’implication des endocannabinoïdes et de leur récepteur CB2 dans la modulation des processus de navigation axonale et de ségrégation lors du développement du système visuel. / Retinal projection navigation towards their visual targets is regulated by guidance molecules and growth cone transduction mechanisms. Here, we show that cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R) is widely expressed throughout the visual pathway during development and in cultured retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and cortical neurons. Both the number of filopodia and the surface area of the growth cone (GC) are modulated by CB2R activity in a PKA-dependant manner. Furthermore, DCC is required for CB2R induced morphological changes of the GC. CB2R agonists induce GC chemorepulsion. Treatments altering CB2R activity change retinal explants projections length. These effects are specific to CB2R as no changes were observed in cnr2 knockout mouse. A single intraocular injection of AM630 increases retinal projection branch length and aberrant projections were also observed. Moreover, we report defect in eye-specific segregation of retinal projections in the dLGN in cnr2-/- mice. These findings highlight the modulatory role of endocannabinoids and their CB2R during axon guidance.

Vliv endokanabinoidního systému na světelnou synchronizaci cirkadiánního systému potkana / The effect of endocannabinoid system on light entrainment of rat circadian system

Filipovská, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Circadian system of mammals is generated in suprachiasmatic nuclei of hypothalamus. This system is synchronized with light conditions through phase shifts that occur after light exposition during the subjective night. Recent studies have shown that activation of endocannabinoid receptors attenuates the light-induced phase shifts and influences the ability of circadian system to light entrainment. The aim of this work is to examine this influence on behavioral level and on light-reactive cellular processes within the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Our results show that the activation of endocannabinoid system via CB1 receptor agonist modulates the light-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and the expression of c-Fos protein in neurons of suprachiasmatic nuclei in the rat's brain; these cellular processes correlate with the attenuation of light entrainment. Keywords: circadian system, suprachiasmatic nuclei, light entrainment, endocannabinoid system, CB1 receptors, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, ERK1/2, c-Fos

Influência de diferentes protocolos de exercício e da dieta hiperlipídica sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico e receptor CB1 do sistema endocanabinóide

Rosante, Marisa Cristina 20 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:22:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3956.pdf: 1826733 bytes, checksum: e72222f7d290cf5a26f0db7d34928af6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of high-fat diet and swimming and resistance training in the adipose tissue, endocannabinoid system and lipid profile in obese rats. Wistar adult male rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 10 per group): sedentary chow diet (SP); sedentary high-fat diet (SH); swimming chow diet (NP); swimming high-fat diet (NH); resistance training chow diet (FP); resistance training high-fat diet (FH). After three weeks feeding on a chow diet or high-fat diet, the animals started the exercise protocols. The NP and NH groups swam 60 minutes/day, five days a week, with a constant overload of 5% body weight during 8 weeks in tanks of 50 cm of height and 30 cm of diameter, for 8 weeks. The groups FP and FH started the resistance training with weights tied to their tails, once every three days for 8 weeks. The animals of SP and HS groups remained sedentary and fed their respective diets. After this period all animals were sacrificed by decapitation and tissues dissected, weighed and immediately stored at -80 º C. High-fat diet increased body weight gain, relative weight of adipose tissues (epididymal, retroperitoneal, visceral and subcutaneous) and adipose tissue area (epididymal, retroperitoneal and visceral). It also increased the fat percentage of all adipose tissues and liver, and increased gene expression of CB1 receptor. The trained groups, both resistance training and swimming, presented lower values of adipocyte area, benefits in lipid profile, lower percentage of fat in the adipose tissue and liver, lower body weight gain, and lower values for gene expression the CB1 receptor. Thus our results indicate the potential benefits of the resistance training and swimming as non pharmacological alternatives to control the deleterious effects of high-fat diet on adipose tissue, lipid profile, lipid content of tissues and control of the endocannabinoid system imbalance caused by high-fat diet. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da dieta hiperlipídica e do treinamento de natação e força sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico e sistema endocanabinóide de ratos obesos. Para isso, utilizamos sessenta ratos adultos machos divididos em seis grupos: Sedentário Padrão (SP); Sedentário Hiperlipídico (SH); Natação Padrão (NP); Natação Hiperlipídica (NH); Força Padrão (FP); Força Hiperlipídica (FH). Após três semanas recebendo dieta padrão ou hiperlipídica, os animais iniciaram os protocolos de exercício. Os grupos NP e NH nadaram 60 minutos por dia, 5 dias na semana com uma carga de 5% do peso corporal atada ao corpo, em tanques de 50 cm de altura e 30 cm de diâmetro, durante 8 semanas. Os grupos FP e FH realizaram exercício de subida em escada com pesos atados às suas caudas, uma vez a cada três dias, durante 8 semanas. Os animais dos grupos SP e SH continuaram sedentários e alimentados com suas respectivas dietas. Após esse período todos os animais foram sacrificados por decapitação, e os tecidos dissecados, pesados e imediatamente congelado a -80ºC. A dieta hiperlipídica aumentou o ganho de massa corporal, peso relativo dos tecidos adiposos (epididimal, retroperitoneal, visceral e subcutâneo) e área de adipócitos (epididimal, retroperitoneal e visceral). Também aumentou o percentual de gordura de todos os tecidos adiposos e fígado, além de aumentar a expressão gênica do receptor CB1. Os grupos treinados, tanto em força quanto em natação, apresentaram menores valores de área de adipócitos, melhora do perfil lipídico, menores valores no percentual de gordura dos tecidos adiposos e fígado, menores ganhos de massa corporal, além de menores valores de expressão gênica para o receptor CB1. Assim nossos resultados indicam os potenciais benefícios do treinamento força e natação, como alternativas não farmacológicas para controlar os efeitos deletérios da dieta hiperlipídica sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico, conteúdo lipídico dos tecidos e controle do desequilíbrio do sistema endocanabinóide provocado pela dieta hiperlipídica.

Envolvimento dos sistemas glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex pré-frontal medial no modelo de dor neuropática e na comorbidade dor crônica e ansiedade/pânico / Involvement of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanyloid systems of the medial prefrontal cortex in the neuropathic pain model and chronic pain and anxiety/panic comorbidities

Priscila de Medeiros 05 December 2017 (has links)
A dor crônica (DC) é um problema global de saúde. A incidência da DC no mundo oscila entre 7 e 40% da população e, como consequência da mesma, cerca de 50 a 60% dos que sofrem dela ficam parcial ou totalmente incapacitados, de maneira transitória ou permanente, comprometendo de modo significativo a qualidade de vida. Sabe-se que a divisão pré-límbica (PrL) do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFM) é uma região importante na elaboração da dor e de seus aspectos cognitivos e emocionais. Há evidências que a DC de origem neuropática (DN) é capaz de provocar mudanças morfológicas, resultando em uma reorganização nas redes neurais do CPFM, e existe alta relação de comorbidade entre ansiedade e DC. Sendo assim, necessita-se de estudos que forneçam aprimoramento dos modelos animais em DC para que, assim, investiguem-se as bases neuroanatômicas, neurofisiológicas e psicofarmacológicas da DN e a participação de áreas corticais na gênese e manutenção da dor. Para isso, o presente trabalho foi dividido em três etapas: 1) Avaliação dos aspectos nociceptivos, motores e afetivo-cognitivos de ratos submetidos a um modelo adaptado de injúria por constrição crônica do nervo isquiático (CCI: uma ligadura) comparando com o modelo clássico de Bennett e Xie (CCI: quatro ligaduras): nossos resultados mostraram que o modelo adaptado de CCI produziu hipersensibilidade ao frio (teste de acetona) e alodinia mecânica (teste de von Frey) semelhante ao causado pelo modelo de CCI com quatro ligaduras. Ambos os grupos CCI apresentaram comportamento do tipo ansioso, depressivo e déficits cognitivos, utilizando-se o modelo de campo aberto (open field), teste de nado forçado e teste de reconhecimento de objeto, respectivamente. Contudo, o modelo adaptado pode ser uma melhor opção, visto que uma simples ligadura não provoca prejuízos motores, nem tampouco o comportamento de autotomia, diferentemente dos animais com CCI em que foram realizadas 4 ligaduras. 2) A - Estudo do efeito da Indometacina (2mg/kg), um antiinflamatório não-esteroidal, administrada por via periférica (IP) sobre a DN: a indometacina diminuiu a alodinia mecânica no primeiro, segundo e quarto dias, mas não no décimo quarto, vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo dias após a CCI adaptada (1 ligadura). Esses dados sugerem que a COX-1 e a COX-2 estão envolvidas na mediação da indução, mas não na manutenção da DN. B - Envolvimento do córtex PrL sobre a geração, potencialização e manutenção da DN, através da microinjeção local de cloreto de cobalto (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), um bloqueador do influxo de cálcio (causando bloqueio de sinapses). O CoCl2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica no vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo, mas não no sétimo e décimo quarto dias após a CCI com 1 ligadura. Nossos dados também indicam que córtex PrL participa na elaboração da fase tardia da alodinia mecânica em nosso modelo adaptado de DN. C - Investigação do papel do sistema glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex PrL sobre a alodinia mecânica 21 dias após a CCI adaptada. Os presentes resultados mostraram que a microinjeção do agonista N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA), nas concentrações de 1 e 4 nmol, foi capaz de aumentar a alodinia mecânica durante o teste de von Frey, enquanto que um antagonista de receptores de aminoácidos excitatórios do tipo NMDA, o LY235959, diminuiu a alodinia mecânica quando microinjetado na maior dose (8nmol) no córtex PrL. O AM251, um antagonista de receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1, aumentou a alodinia mecânica em todas as doses (50, 100 e 200pmol) quando microinjetado no PrL. O tratamento do PrL com a menor concentração de anandamida (AEA: 5pmol) não alterou a alodinia mecânica; contudo, a administração de AEA no PrL nas doses intermediárias (de 50 e de 100pmol) reduziu a alodinia mecânica, e este efeito foi bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento do PrL com AM251 (200pmol). Digno de nota, o tratamento do PrL com a maior dose de AEA (200pmol) aumentou a alodinia mecânica, no entanto, este efeito foi atenuado pelo bloqueio prévio de receptores de potencial transitório vaniloide do tipo 1 (TRPV1), com microinjeções de 6 Iodo-nor-di-hidrocapsaicina (6-I-CPS) na dose de 3pmol no PrL. Esses dados sugerem que o córtex PrL está envolvido na potenciação e manutenção da DN crônica (DNC), através da ativação dos receptores NMDA e dos receptores TRPV1. O efeito da atenuação da alodinia mecânica foi causado pela ativação dos receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1 em roedores com DNC após 21 dias da CCI. 3) Investigação da comorbidade entre a DNC com ansiedade/pânico e o efeito dos agonistas e antagonistas de receptores NMDA e CB1 no PrL em roedores confrontados com serpente após 21 dias da CCI pelo método adaptado: o confronto entre roedores e serpentes constrictoras induziu nos ratos respostas relacionadas ao medo, tais como avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e fuga em animais com DNC e Sham. Além disso, após terem sido confrontados com a serpente, os animais com DNC tiveram a alodinia mecânica aumentada. O pré-tratamento do PrL com NMDA (4nmol) aumentou o índice e porcentagem de avaliação de risco e a porcentagem de fuga, e a dose intermediária de NMDA (1nmol) aumentou o índice de fuga em animais neuropáticos confrontados com uma serpente constrictora. Além disso, a alodinia mecânica foi intensificada após o confronto em animais que receberam NMDA (4nmol) no PrL. Adicionalmente, os animais tratados com LY235959 diminuíram os comportamentos defensivos apresentados por animais com DNC quando confrontados com a salamanta. Além disso, esses animais pré-tratados com o antagonista de receptores NMDA tiveram seus limiares de von Frey aumentados após o confronto. O bloqueio de receptores endocanabionoides do tipo CB1, com o antagonista AM251, aumentou o comportamento de avaliação de riscos dos animais com DN crônica durante a exposição com a serpente e tiveram seus limiares de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey diminuídos após o confronto. Contudo, o pré-tratamento do PrL com AEA (100pmol) diminuiu os comportamentos defensivos de avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e de fuga dos animais com DNC confrontados com a serpente, e esses animais também apresentaram aumento do limiar de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey após o confronto. Interessantemente, a dose de AEA (200pmol) não alterou comportamento defensivo, mas agravou DNC, através da diminuição do limiar de alodinia mecânica, apresentando um clássico efeito em \"U invertido\", pois menor e a maior dose de AEA (50 e 200pmol) induziram valores de comportamentos defensivo elevados, semelhante ao controle (veículo). Concluindo, os presentes dados obtidos no nosso trabalho, sugerem que o modelo adaptado de CCI, através da realização de uma ligadura do nervo isquiático, é um modelo animal eficaz para se estudarem as comorbidades entre DC e alterações cognitivas e emocionais. A diminuição da atividade das enzimas COX-1 e COX-2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica apenas durante a gênese da DN. Além disso, evidenciou-se que o córtex PrL é recrutado para elaborar a DN durante sua manutenção e potencialização. A ativação dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA e vaniloides do tipo TRPV1 potencializam a DNC e o sistema endocanabinoide via receptor CB1 a diminui. Finalmente, roedores com DNC tiveram seus limiares de alodinia mecânica diminuídos após o confronto com a serpente. Os comportamentos defensivos foram intensificados em animais com DNC, mostrando, assim, o estabelecimento da comorbidade entre DC e ansiedade/pânico e a participação do neocórtex na elaboração da DNC, em um modelo de neuropatia periférica induzida pela constrição crônica no nervo isquiático em ratos Wistar. A comorbidade entre ansiedade/pânico e DNC sensibiliza os animais, agravando o quadro de dor crônica. / Chronic pain (CP) is a global health problem. The incidence of CP in the world ranges from 7 to 40% of the population and, as a consequence, about 50% to 60% of those suffering from it are partially or totally incapacitated, in a transitory or permanent manner significantly compromising the quality of life. The prelimbic (PrL) division of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is an important region for the elaboration of cognitive and emotional aspects of pain. In addition, chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) can induce morphological changes, resulting in a reorganisation in the mPFC neurons. Moreover, there is an intrinsic relation between CP and anxiety disorder. Our study aims to investigate the effects of a modification of an animal model of CP and evaluate the neuroanatomical and pharmacological bases of neuropathic pain (NP). The role played by PrL cortex in the modulation of CNP was also investigated. Thus, the present work was divided into three steps: 1) Ethological analysis of nociceptive, motor and affective-cognitive aspects of rats submitted to an adapted model of chronic constriction of the ischiadicus nervus (CCI: a simple ligature) compared with the classic CCI model performed by Bennett and Xie (CCI: four ligatures): our results showed that the adapted-CCI model produced cold hypersensitivity and mechanical allodynia similar to those described in laboratory animals submitted to the model with four ligatures of the ischiadicus nervus. Both CCI groups displayed anxiety- and depression-like responses, and cognitive deficits, in the the open field test, forced swim test and object recognition test, respectively. However, the adapted model of CCI used in the present work may be a better choice, since a simple ligature of the ischiadicus nervus cause neither motor deficits, nor autotomy behaviour, unlike the animals with CCI induced by four ligatures of spinal nerves. 2) A- Effect of Indomethacin (2mg/kg) a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug peripherally administered (IP) on NP: The peripheral treatment with indomethacin reduced mechanical allodynia on the first, second, and fourth days, but not on the fourteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days after adapted CCI. These findings suggest that COX-1 and COX-2 are involved in the mediation of NP induction, but not in the maintainance of NP. B- Involvement of the PrL cortex on the generation, potentiation and maintenance of DN, through the microinjection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), a calcium influx blocker (synapse blocker): CoCl2 attenuated mechanical allodynia at twenty-first and twenty-eighth, but not at seventh and fourteenth days after CCI. Our data also indicate that PrL cortex participates in the elaboration of the chronic phase of mechanical allodynia in our adapted NP model. C- The role of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanniloid systems of the PrL cortex on mechanical allodynia 21 days after CCI: The present data showed that microinjection of the N-methyl D-Aspartate agonist (NMDA), in a dose of 1 and 4nmol, was able to increase the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, whereas the NMDA receptors antagonist LY235959 decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected at the highest dose (8nmol) in the PrL. The PrL cortex pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 increased mechanical allodynia at all doses (50, 100 and 200 pmol). Microinjections of anandamide (AEA) at the smaller dose (5pmol) in PrL did not cause influence in the mechanical allodynia. However, the PrL treatment with AEA at the intermediate doses (50 and 100pmol) reduced mechanical allodynia and that effect were blocked by the pretreatment of the PrL cortex with AM251 (200pmol). Interestingly, the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) increased mechanical allodynia. Furthermore, this effect was attenuated by the PrL pretreatment with the transient potential receptor antagonist type 1 (TRPV1) ion channel selective antagonist 6 Iodonordihidrocapsaicin (6-I-CPS) in a dose of 3 pmol. These findings suggest that the PrL cortex is involved in the potentiation and maintenance of CNP through the activation of NMDA receptors and TRPV1 receptors in PrL cortex. The effect of attenuation of mechanical allodynia was caused by the activation of CB1 endocannabinoid receptors in rodents with CNP after 21 days of CCI. 3) Investigation of the comorbidity between CNP with anxiety/panic and the effect of NMDA glutamatergic and CB1 endocannabinoid receptors on PrL cortex after 21 days of CCI in rodents. The confrontation between a constrictor snake and the rodent elicited innate fear-related responses in prey, such as risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour that were enhanced in CNP rodents and Sham. Also, after a confrontation with a potential predator, the CNP animals increased their mechanical allodynia thresholds. In adition, the microinjection of NMDA (4nmol) PrL, increased innate fear-related responses, such as risk assessment, and the treatment of PrL with NMDA at 1nmol incresed escape behaviour in rodents with CNP. The treatment of the PrL with NMDA in a dose of 4nmol increased the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, after confrontantion, whereas PrL pretreatment with LY235959 decreased innate fear-related responses, such risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behavior and decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected (4 and 8nmol). The PrL Pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 (all doses) increased unconditioned fear-related responses, such as risk assessment. Moreover, AM251 (100 and 200pmol) microinjections in the PrL increased mechanical allodynia after prey versus predator confrontation. The microinjections of AEA (100pmol) in the PrL decreased risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour and reduced mechanical allodynia. Interestingly, the pretreatment of the PrL with the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) did not change the fear-induced behaviour elicited by predators, but increased the CNP. There was a classical inverted U-shape curve from the lower to the higher dose of AEA. These data suggest that the anxiety/panic and pain comorbidity increases CNP symptoms. The present findings also indicate that the CCI-adapted model, by ischiadicus nervus ligation with a single ligature is an effective animal model for studying comorbidities between CP and cognitive/emotional disturbances. In conclusion, we observed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are efficient to attenuate the mechanical allodynia only during NP genesis. The PrL cortex is recruited during the maintenance and potentiation of NP. The PrL glutamatergic system via NMDA activation and endovaniloid mechanisms related to TRPV1 ion channel activation potentiate CNP, and the endocannabinoid mechanisms via CB1 receptors recruitment decrease the CNP. Finally, rodents with CNP had their mechanical allodynia thresholds decreased after the confrontation with wild snakes. In addition, their defensive behaviours were itemised, thus showing the anxiety/panic and CNP potential comorbidity and the participation of the neocortex in the elaboration of CP in a model of peripheral neuropathy induced by injury of the ischiadicus nervus through its chronic constriction in Wistar rats.

Molekulární mechanismus regulace signalizace kanabinoidního receptoru 1 proteinem SGIP1 / Molecular mechanism of Cannabinoid receptor 1 regulation by SGIP1

Dvořáková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Molecular mechanism of Cannabinoid receptor 1 regulation by SGIP1 Abstract Src homology 3-domain growth factor receptor-bound 2-like endophilin interacting protein 1 (SGIP1) has been identified as an interacting partner of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R). Their protein-protein interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. SGIP1 hinders the internalization of activated CB1R and modulates its signaling in HEK293 cells. Employing whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology, we have shown that SGIP1 affects CB1R signaling in autaptic hippocampal neurons. Using a battery of behavioral tests in SGIP1 constitutive knock-out (SGIP1-/- ) and WT mice, we investigated the consequences of SGIP1 deletion on behavior regulated by the endocannabinoid system. In SGIP1-/- mice, exploratory levels, working memory and sensorimotor gating were unaltered. SGIP1-/- mice showed decreased anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviors. Fear extinction to tone was enhanced in SGIP1-/- females. Several cannabinoid tetrad behaviors were altered in the absence of SGIP1. SGIP1-/- males exhibited abnormal THC withdrawal behaviors. SGIP1 deletion also reduced acute nociception, and SGIP1-/- mice were more sensitive to antinociceptive effects of CB1R agonists and morphine. CB1R-SGIP1 interaction results in profound modification of CB1R...

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