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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering och uppgradering av ett ERP-system: En fallstudie av företaget Q-MedJansson, Malin, Levin, Nadja January 2010 (has links)
<p>Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems har utvecklats till att bli en av de mest attraktiva lösningar för informationshantering på företag. För att kunna nå de fördelar som systemet erbjuder är det viktigt att implementeringen sker med framgång. Forskning som behandlar ERP-implementering gör ofta detta genom att undersöka kritiska faktorer för framgång. Vid en litteraturgenomgång identifierades 20 kritiska faktorer vilka sedan utmynnades till fem. Dessa fem undersöktes sedan genom två fallstudier på det biomedicinska företaget Q-Med i Uppsala. I denna undersökning identifierades på vilket sätt fem utvalda faktorer varit kritiska vid implementeringen och uppgraderingen av ERP-systemet på Q-Med, och skillnader mellan dessa belystes. Vidare diskuteras varje faktors betydelse för framgång vid en ERP- implementering och uppgradering.</p>
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From Motion to Movements : Revelations by the Infant EEGNyström, Pär January 2008 (has links)
The introduction of high density EEG (hd-EEG) nets for easy application on subjects of all ages has improved the possibilities to investigate the development of the infant neurophysiology. This dissertation consists of three studies (I – III) that investigate the visual motion system and mirror neuron system of the infant, and methodological sections that outline the bioelectrical background and the characteristics of the methods used. Study I covers the maturation of cortical areas involved in motion perception in adults and infants using an ERP paradigm. Over three age groups (2, 3 and 5 month olds) the cortical activation increased dramatically. All infant groups showed significant activation when moving displays was contrasted to static displays on a video screen. The study shows that 5-month-old infants and older can be expected to process motion in a similar fashion as adults. Study II covers the infant mirror neuron system (MNS). In adults the mu rhythm perturbations is considered a reliable measure of activation of the MNS. This study presented both a mu rhythm analysis and a ERP analysis to detect MNS activity in 6-month-olds and in adults. This study concludes that the infant MNS can be measured using ERPs and that the development of mu rhythm perturbations requires further study. Study III focused on exploring the mu rhythm suppressions. 8-month-olds observed a live actor that performed goal directed reaches and non-goal directed hand movements. The results show robust mu rhythm perturbations time-locked to the grasping moment. The study concluded that the MNS activity is possible to evaluate by analysis of mu rhythm perturbations and that the MNS show mature characteristics at the age of 8 months. In summary, Study 2 and 3 present new methods to investigate the infant mirror neuron system and shows that the infant MNS is active at 6 months of age. At 8 months of age the infant MNS show mature EEG responses to simple actions such as reaching. How the MNS development relates to the infants’ motor development, and how the MNS interacts with the development of social skills requires further studies that could benefit from the methods presented here.
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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementering och uppgradering av ett ERP-system: En fallstudie av företaget Q-MedJansson, Malin, Levin, Nadja January 2010 (has links)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems har utvecklats till att bli en av de mest attraktiva lösningar för informationshantering på företag. För att kunna nå de fördelar som systemet erbjuder är det viktigt att implementeringen sker med framgång. Forskning som behandlar ERP-implementering gör ofta detta genom att undersöka kritiska faktorer för framgång. Vid en litteraturgenomgång identifierades 20 kritiska faktorer vilka sedan utmynnades till fem. Dessa fem undersöktes sedan genom två fallstudier på det biomedicinska företaget Q-Med i Uppsala. I denna undersökning identifierades på vilket sätt fem utvalda faktorer varit kritiska vid implementeringen och uppgraderingen av ERP-systemet på Q-Med, och skillnader mellan dessa belystes. Vidare diskuteras varje faktors betydelse för framgång vid en ERP- implementering och uppgradering.
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The missing fit between ERP system and organizational structures : A qualitative case study of the implementation of PRIO in the Swedish Armed ForcesBerglöf Stridh, Maria, Wågström, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
ERP systems which initially were developed for manufacturing organizations have in recent years spread to public sector organization. It is put forward that public sector organization differ from private organization and this might affect how successfully an ERP system is implemented. ERP systems are rarely studied in public sector organization and few researchers have explored the fit between ERP system and organizational structures. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore what relationship that exists or do not exist between ERP system and organizational social structures in a military organization, and how this has affected the implementation and use. This is done through a qualitative case study of the Swedish Armed Forces with data from semi-structured interviews with 14 platoon commanders and 3 company commanders. The findings suggest that there is a misfit between the ERP system, PRIO, and the social structures in the organization which have made the implementation and use problematic. The technical shortcomings, such as the user interface, are not the main problem and employees might have been negative about the system anyway. This since platoon commanders and company commanders do not think platoon commanders are the best suited to do the tasks with PRIO.
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Improving Business Process Modeling Quality : Identifying Business Process Modeling improvement factors for ERP implemen-tation through Guidelines of ModelingYang, Tuo, Jiang, Xuan January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: with the expanded application of ERP system, business process model-ing, as an essential part of the ERP system implementation, has already attracted in-creasingly attention from the organizations. However, even though with the great signif-icance, there is no specific guideline to indicate the key factors of a business process modeling within the ERP system implementation context, especially from the supplier, customer and consultancy point of view. Accordingly, the authors are interested in the following two research questions:1. What are the factors that ERP customer. Supplier and consultancy focused on when they do business process modeling for an ERP implementation?2. How these factors are ranked and viewed by ERP customers, suppliers and con-sultants?Purpose: This study is an exploratory study aiming at identifying improvement factors for business process modeling within the context of ERP system implementation. addi-tionally, the authors seek to identify the diverse attitudes from the parties involved in the process of ERP implantation, that are supplier, customer and consultancy, towards the significance level of the improvement factors.Method: This research has adopted an inductive approach due to the nature of its re-search questions. Besides, data has been collected through six interviews in in total. And each supplier, consultancy, customer party has been conducted two interviews respec-tively. The six interview companies are with different cultural background. Additionally, secondary data from books, magazines are obtained through documentation as well.Conclusion: The thesis main results show that there are five improvement factors con-cerning the business process modeling within ERP system implementation, involving correctness, clarity, resource efficiency, cultural specification and relevance. Based upon the suppliers, consultancies and customers points of view, correctness, clarity and cul-tural specification can be categorized into basic factors and resource efficiency, rele-vance are grouped as optional factors. Furthermore, from the customers perspective, correctness and clarity ranks at the top two places among those five factors, while con-sultants focus on correctness and resource efficiency first. Besides, suppliers regard cor-rectness as the most fundamental improvement factors for business process modeling.
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Internal Mobile Applications : Information integration with ERP systemsBlomgren, Annie, Larsson, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The evolvement of technology within the business world has transformed both organizations and people involved. As the business world is rapidly changing it requires organizations to adapt to new trends to be able to compete and to gain competitive advantage. The widely developed and used mobile business-to-customer applications have generated the realization that the technology can be used by organizations for their mobile employees to gain competitive advantage. Therefore, we have investigated the functionality of information integration between mobile applications and ERP systems for mobile employees, and the benefits and challenges it has. The research is an exploratory investigation about how the new trend within mobility is to be seen within the business world. With the use of an inductive and qualitative research approach, we started with no previous theories to get an understanding of the subject. In the use of mobile business-to-employee applications, the most important information integration is the one between ERP systems and mobile applications since it is the organizational information that is needed for the mobile workers. The result of the research is that it is more common with a single, oneway integration in terms of either input or output between ERP systems and mobile applications. The more advanced two-way integration exists and is increasing in the area of internal use of mobile applications for organizations. Additionally, there are a lot of benefits to gain from when working with mobile applications for organizations, for example to increase the productivity of mobile employees. There are also challenges that need to be discussed before deciding to invest in enterprise mobility, for example security aspects.
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Definiering av nyckeltal på Saab Aerostructures : Mätning av logistisk effektivitet i materialförsörjningenSäberg, Mikael, Stjärnesund, Carl January 2008 (has links)
Examensarbetet har utförts på Saab Aerostructures och avdelningen Logistik på Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet. Saab Aerostructures arbetar med utveckling, industrialisering och tillverkning av flygande strukturer, vilket innebär bland annat helikopterkabiner till NH90, vingbalkar till Airbus A380, dörrar till Boeing 787 Dreamliner och kompletta skrov till JAS 39 Gripen. Traditionellt har fokus legat på att ha en störningsfri produktion, men för att förbättra lönsamheten har Saab beslutat att börja arbeta mer effektivt i sin materialförsörjning och har på grund av detta behov av att kunna mäta dess effektivitet. Syftet med examensarbetet är därför att ta fram och definiera nyckeltal som mäter den logistiska effektiviteten i Saab Aerostructures materialförsörjning. Nyckeltalen som tas fram ska kunna beräknas med hjälp av den data som finns tillgänglig i affärssystemet, ERP. Det innebär att resultatet av examensarbetet består av ett antal framtagna nyckeltal inklusive information om vilken data från affärssystemet som ska användas samt hur de ska beräknas. Resultatet ska fungera som en input till den som ska genomföra implementeringen av nyckeltalen. För att uppfylla detta har vi dels genomfört en teoretisk studie som ledde fram till vilka mått som kan vara aktuella att mäta för att åskådliggöra den logistiska effektiviteten i materialförsörjningen och dels via en kartläggning av Saabs materialförsörjning identifierat ett antal intressenter som kan ha behov av nyckeltal. Därefter genomfördes en undersökning med hjälp av bland annat intervjuer i syfte att ta reda på vilka behov av respektive mått intressenterna har. Utifrån dessa mått och behov skapades önskade definitioner på nyckeltal helt utan hänsyn till vilken data som finns tillgänglig i affärssystemet. Med dessa definitioner som grund studerades sedan affärssystemet för att undersöka om nyckeltalen kan beräknas med befintlig data och i så fall hur och med vilken data beräkningarna ska utföras. De slutgiltiga nyckeltalen som definierades var: • Varulager: Hur mycket kapital som binds i varulager. • Omsättningshastighet i varulager: Antal gånger per år kapitalet i varulagret har omsatts. • Svinn i varulager: Andel av varulagrets värde som försvunnit. • Total intern ledtid i materialförsörjningen: Genomsnittlig tid som en leverans tar från ankomst till inlagring. • Leveransprecision: Andel leveranser som inkommit i tid. • Leveransavvikelse: Antal dagar som inkommande leveranser avviker från önskat datum. • Kvalitetsprecision: Andel leveranser utan avbrott i ankomstkontrollen. • Leveranskvalitet: Andel leveranser som både har kommit i tid och inte orsakat avbrott i ankomstkontrollen. • Servicegrad: Andel materialrader som uppfylldes under behovsdagen. • Täcktid i varulager: Antal dagar som produktionens behov kan tillgodoses med aktuellt lagersaldo. / This Master Thesis has been carried out at Saab Aerostructures and the Department of Logistics Management at Linköping University. Saab Aerostructures develop, industrialize and manufacture aerostructures, including forward fuselage structures for the NH90 helicopter, the mid and outer leading edges of the Airbus A380 wing, cargo and access doors for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the entire structure for JAS 39 Gripen. Traditionally Saab has focused on serving their production units without causing problems, but to improve profitability they have decided to work more efficient and effective in the materials supply processes and therefore they need to be able to measure their performance. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and define metrics for measuring logistics efficiency and effectiveness in Saab Aerostructures’ materials supply. The metrics should be calculated with data from Saab’s ERP system. Therefore the result of the thesis consists of a number of developed and defined metrics, including what data from ERP that should be used and how the metrics should be calculated. The result is intended to act as input for the future implementation of the metrics. To achieve this we first made a theoretical research to determine which measures that could be used for measuring logistics efficiency and effectiveness in the materials supply and then, by mapping Saab’s materials supply, we identified a number of organizational functions that could be interested in metrics showing materials supply performance. After that we interviewed individuals in the identified organizational functions to be able to identify which needs of the measures the have. From these measures and needs we developed requested definitions for metrics without taking into consideration what data that is available in the ERP system. With these definitions as a basis we then studied the ERP system to see if the metrics could be calculated with the available data and if so how and what data they should be calculated with. The final metrics that we defined were: • Inventory: Capital tied up in inventory. • Inventory Turnover Rate: Number of times a year that the inventory has been turned over. • Waste: Percentage of inventory waste. • Total Internal Lead Time in the Materials Supply: Average time from receiving to put away. • On-time Delivery: Percentage of on-time deliveries. • Delivery Deviation: Number of days that deliveries diverge from requested delivery date. • Right-Quality Delivery: Percentage of deliveries that passed the receiving inspection without interruption. • Delivery Performance: Percentage of deliveries that arrived on time and passed the receiving inspection without interruption. • Service Level: Percentage of material rows fulfilled on time. • Days of Supply: Number of days that today’s inventory can supply the production units.
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Attention to the periphery attenuates the EPN and LPPSyrjänen, Elmeri January 2011 (has links)
Current research shows that emotions have an important role in guiding attention and cognitions especially when the emotional stimuli are affective. Load theory proposes that when the perceptual load on attention is sufficiently high, irrelevant emotional stimuli is no longer attended to and thus will not produce a distracting effect. In this study 18 participants performed two discrimination tasks where their attention was manipulated spatially. To investigate the effect of spatial attention on ERP components, emotional pictures in 14 different semantic categories were shown while EEG was recorded. The results indicate that a successful perceptual load was achieved, reflected in the behavioral data that show there was a clear difference in performance between tasks. Further the results indicate that a strong effect was achieved in the mean amplitudes of both EPN and LPP corresponding to the semantic categories of pictures. Critically directing the attention to the periphery while emotionally salient pictures were presented attenuated the mean amplitude of both EPN and LPP.
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Order Processing for SME’s using Enterprise Application IntegrationSelvaraj, Shreesha, Bilal, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
Due to the rapid changing environment many organizations are striving to achieve agility and flexibility in internal and external environments. In order for an enterprise to be able to respond to this changing environment, it must integrate the business functions into a distinct system that is capable of exploiting information technology competently. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) mainly focused on integrating internal business functions and implementing an ERP system requires a significant amount of time and financial resources. Moreover, ERP systems are complex, non-flexible and are not capable of collaborating with autonomous application leading to difficulty in integration and customization [3]. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is an alternate technology to ERP where the integration process is automated without much effort. This research work mainly focuses on designing an order processing system using the concepts of EAI for Intra Organization in any small and medium enterprises (SME’s). As a result of this research work, a five layered architecture has been designed which can be integrated in any enterprise without affecting the existing business workflow. This architecture is categorized into Data Layer, Middleware Layer, Event Generation Layer, Translation Layer and Interface layer. Further to actually test the extent and reliability of this architecture a prototype system implementation is built at Hyundai Mobis Parts- Sweden, using the concepts of EAI. In addition the evaluation of the prototype system is performed to check the above defined layers of the architecture.
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Mobila enheter integrerade med affärssystem : Användningsområden och effekter för serviceföretag / Mobile devices integrated with ERP- systems : Uses and effects of service companiesKarlsson, Marcus, Ekbom, André January 2011 (has links)
I ett samhälle med snabb teknikutveckling har ny teknik möjliggjort att man kan bli mer flexibel i sin vardag. Något som också blir vanligare är att företag använder olika tekniska hjälpmedel för att optimera verksamheten och därigenom kan de bland annat bli effektivare i sitt arbetssätt. Studiens syfte var att studera och analysera hur mobila enheter integrerade med ett företags affärssystem används som stöd i verksamheten och vilka effekter det haft för de som på något vis kommer i kontakt med fenomenet vare sig det gäller informationsbehandling eller direkt användning av den mobila enheten. För att utifrån syftet besvara de uppställda frågeställningarna har vi samlat in empiriskt material genom intervjuer med tre olika företag som helt eller delvis arbetar med service. Genom att kartlägga arbets- och informationsflöden har vi kunnat se vilka upplevda effekter företagen haft och om det finns någon nämnvärd skillnad mellan företagen avseende de upplevda effekterna efter att man integrerat mobila enheter mot företagens affärssystem. Studien påvisade bland annat effekter så som snabbare informationsbehandling, högre kvalitet på informationen och minskade felkällor. Den påvisade även att företagen i många fall upplevt liknande effekter men också att mer branschspecifika effekter fanns. Det man kan säga är att de tre företagen gemensamt var väldigt nöjda med investeringen och menade att verksamheten blivit mycket mer effektiv på många plan. Vi hoppas därmed att vi på något vis har bidragit till att skapa förståelse för att en integration mellan ett företags affärssystem och mobila enheter skapar värde för ett företag på flera plan.
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