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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for course design in academic writing for tertiary education

Butler, Herman Gustav 11 September 2007 (has links)
Academic writing is generally regarded as the most important communication medium through which people in the tertiary academic context choose to communicate their ideas. It is also well known that it is sometimes an arduous process for students to become accustomed to the requirements (the conventions and conditions) that hold for the production of appropriate written texts in this context. The initial impetus for the current study was provided by what appeared to be a significant problem that some supervisors at the University of Pretoria identified in terms of the academic writing ability of their postgraduate students. This study therefore investigates postgraduate academic writing with regard to a number of such issues, and does so within the broader confines of academic literacy. The ultimate purpose of this investigation is to discover how writing interventions may be designed that offer appropriate assistance to students who experience difficulty with their writing. The study commences with an attempt to find support for treating 'academic discourse' as a potentially productive area of academic enquiry. It therefore presents an account on the nature of a 'discourse community', and attempts to ascertain whether there are any grounds on which 'academic discourse' may be regarded as a unique type of discourse used for specific communicative functions in the tertiary academic environment. It further discusses critically some of the traditional features of academic texts. The research then proposes thirteen design principles that serve as injunctions that should be considered in the development of writing courses, and proceeds to a critical discussion of the most important approaches in the teaching and learning of writing. What is evident from this discussion is that none of the historical approaches will, on their own, enable one to design justifiable writing courses. As a result, an eclectic approach is required in order to integrate the strengths of these approaches into a strategy for writing course design that is theoretically and practically justifiable. Subsequently, the critical interpretation of the literature in the first part of the study is used in the design of a framework for writing course design in tertiary education. This framework consists of six focuses that stand in a relationship of dynamic interaction towards a description of the context in which tertiary students write. Thus, relevant aspects concerning the writer, text, reader, institutional context and one's approach to writing are all essential elements that should be carefully considered in terms of their potential influence on the eventual design of materials that will constitute a writing course. The rest of the study consists of an application of the proposed framework that addresses firstly, the perceptions of supervisors at the University about the academic literacy ability of their postgraduate students, as well as their requirements for academic writing. It then proceeds to an investigation of a specific group of students' (from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences) perceptions about their own academic literacy ability and a determination of their perceptions and expectations of academic writing at university. Because the information that was collected (by means of questionnaires) in both cases mentioned above is mainly perceptual in nature, it was considered essential to determine the academic literacy ability of students in the study group by means of a reliable testing instrument. A written text that these same students produced was further analysed in order to establish possible writing difficulties they experienced. In addition, it was important to confirm certain findings from the supervisor questionnaire, and more specific information had to be collected on particular writing issues that could inform discipline specific writing course design (this was accomplished through focus group interviews with supervisors of the School of Agricultural and Food Sciences). A combination of all the prominent findings of the empirical work mentioned above, as well as insights gained in the literature survey, is then used to make justifiable suggestions for the design of writing course materials for students in the study group. Finally, a number of issues were identified that could not be addressed by this study and, therefore, suggestions are made for future research that may investigate these matters. / Thesis (DPhil ( Linguistics))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Unit for Academic Literacy / DPhil / Unrestricted

Teaching English grammar : A study of approaches to formal grammar instruction in the subject English in Swedish upper secondary school / Engelsk grammatikundervisning : En studie av formell grammatikundervisning i ämnet engelska på gymnasienivå i Sverige

Lugoloobi-Nalunga, Maureen January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the present study was to identify examples of practical grammar instruction methods in an EFL/ESL classroom in Swedish upper secondary school. Data was collected through classroom observations and interviews. Four interview sessions were carried out with five teachers, and twelve observations were conducted in four different English classes. There are conflicting views and attitudes towards the role and place of grammar in EFL/ESL classrooms, but the participants agreed that the main goal of grammar instruction is to help students develop communicative skills. The interview results showed that four of the participants prefer inductive approaches, while the fifth regards deductive approaches as more effective. Characteristics such as student motivation, learning style, and experiences are considered equally vital for the choice of grammar instruction and application. The grammar instruction methods chosen and discussed are based on traditional structuralism, behaviourism, and the progressive natural approaches. Consistent with previous research, an eclectic grammar instruction approach was observed that blends both implicit and explicit methods to meet different learners’ needs. The methodologies which are often practically applied include grammartranslation, audiolingualism, and content- and/or task-based instruction. Nevertheless, a communicative framework using the communicative language teaching methodologies is often in the foreground, resulting in a Systemic Functional Grammar, SFG, approach. / Huvudsyftet med den aktuella studien var att identifieraexempel på praktiska grammatikundervisningsmetoder som används i ämnet engelska som andra- och/eller främmandespråk på gymnasienivå i Sverige. Data samlades in genom klassobservationer och intervjuer. Fyra intervjusessioner genomfördes med fem lärare och det gjordes även tolv klassrumobservationer i fyra olika klasser. Deltagarna hade motstridiga åsikter och attityder angående grammatikens roll och plats i klassrummet, men de var överens om att huvudsyftet med grammatikundervisning är att hjälpa eleverna att utveckla kommunikativa färdigheter. Intervjuresultaten visar att fyra av lärarna föredrar induktiva metoder, medan den femte betraktar deduktiva ansatser som effektivare. Egenskaper såsom lärstil, elevernas motivation och erfarenheter betraktas som lika avgörande för olika metodval och tillämpning. De valda grammatikundervisningsmetoderna som diskuteras i denna uppsats baseras på traditionell strukturalism, behaviorism samt de progressiva, naturliga tillvägsgångsätten. Ett eklektiskt tillvägagångssätt som blandar både implicita och explicita metoder för att möta elevernas behov observeras, vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning. De metoder som ofta praktiskt tillämpas innefattar bland annat grammatik-översättning, audiolingualism samt innehålls- och/eller uppgiftsbaserade instruktioner. Ett kommunikativt ramverk med kommunikativa språkundervisningsmetoder är ofta i förgrunden, vilket resulterar i ett tillvägsgångsätt med fokus på systematisk funktionell grammatik, SFG.

Community of Inquiry Meets Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA): A CDA of Asynchronous Computer-Conference Discourse with Seminary Students in India

George, Stephen J 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to better understand student learning in asynchronous computer-conference discourse (ASD) for non-native speakers of English in India through the Community of Inquiry (COI) framework. The study looked at ASD from an online course taught in the fall of 2015 to 25 students in a seminary in South India. All but one of the students were non-native speakers of English. The class consisted of 22 men and 3 women. Eight students spoke languages from the Dravidian family of languages (Malayalam, Tamil, Telegu and Kannada). Eight students were from the Northeastern states of Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura, where most languages are from the Sino-Tibetan family. Three students were native speakers of Indo-Aryan languages (Odiya and Assamese). Five students were from Myanmar representing several Sino-Tibetan languages. The COI is a framework used to understand learning in ASD, often used in online learning. To study the ASD of this group, critical discourse analysis (CDA) was used with the COI to capture the unique socio-cultural and linguistic conditions of this group. The study revealed that non-native speakers of English often reach the Exploration phase of learning but rarely show evidence of reaching the Resolution phase. This phenomenon was also observed in native English speakers as reported in the literature. Also, the structure of ASD showed that students took an examination approach to discussion shaped in part by their epistemology. This examination approach shaped how knowledge was constructed. CDA also showed that the discourse acquired an instructor-centered structure in which Resolution and Repair were initiated and finalized by the instructor. The study advances the COI framework by undergirding it with a theory of asynchronous discourse using critical discourse analysis and capturing cognitive, social and teaching presence phenomena for non-native speakers that were not observed through the traditional COI framework. These phenomena were driven by cultural, epistemological, and linguistic forces and require a rethinking of the COI for contexts outside of North America. The study also demonstrates that learning for non-native speakers in ASD is challenged by these very same forces. Therefore, design for online learning should account for these phenomena.

"High risk, high reward" : En kvalitativ undersökning av lärares användande av drama i engelskundervisningen för årskurs 4–6 / “High risk, high reward” : A qualitative study of teachers’ use of drama when teaching English in grades 4-6

Sundberg, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This study studies teachers’ use of drama when teaching English in grades 4-6. The material has been collected through semi structured interviews with five teachers. The study concludes that teachers use drama to increase the pupils’ eagerness to learn through variation and commitment. Teachers list passion for the language and the opportunity it creates to work with dialogue in near authentic situations among the advantages of working with drama. Among the disadvantages teachers mention the time and energy required for both planning and conducting this kind of teaching. Teachers agree that the curriculum for English is their starting point when planning classroom activities. Teachers also agree that the knowledge requirement concerning pupils spoken language is the most obvious one to be reached through drama. The teachers can also be said to do things that are not part of the curriculum. However, those tasks can be considered essential stepping stones for pupils to find courage to express themselves. Some pupils reach knowledge requirements through drama, while there are indications that others need drama to build appropriate skills to be able to reach requirements at a later stage. Teachers are in agreement that drama should be seen as part of a long-term method to vary teaching and work with pupils around skills and towards knowledge requirements as described in the curriculum for English. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka lärares användning av drama i engelskundervisning i årskurs 4–6. Materialet för studien har inhämtats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare. En slutsats av studien är att lärare använder drama i syfte att nå ett lustfyllt lärande genom variation och engagemang. Olika typer av övningar beskrivs, med dialogen och talad engelska i fokus. Bland fördelarna att arbeta med drama nämns lusten till språket och möjligheten att träna dialog i nära autentiska sammanhang. Bland nackdelarna nämns tid och energi som krävs av läraren, i planering och genomförande av sådan undervisning. Kursplanen i engelska ses som utgångspunkt för de intervjuade lärarna, där kunskapskrav kring det talade språket kan uppnås. Lärarna gör även sådant som kan sägas vara utanför kursplanen i engelska, men som kan vara nödvändiga mellansteg för att få elever att våga uttrycka sig på engelska. Vissa elever når kunskapskrav genom och under tillfällen med drama, medan det finns tecken på att andra behöver drama för att bygga nödvändiga kunskaper för att vid annat tillfälle kunna nå kunskapskraven. Lärarna är överens om att drama ses som en del av en långsiktig metod för att variera undervisningen och arbeta med elever kring förmågor och mot de kunskapskrav kursplanen i engelska beskriver.

Assessing Intercultural Competence in Writing Programs through Linked Courses

Hadi Banat (9024011) 27 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Internationalization of higher education is a collaborative responsibility academic and non-academic programs share to facilitate the integration of various student populations within the broader culture of the university. My dissertation project links First Year Writing (FYW) classes of domestic and international students to promote and evaluate their intercultural competence development. My research questions explore the use of reflective writing as a genre for formative assessment in the writing classroom and investigate the data it provides about students’ continuous learning. My research methodology combines qualitative analysis of reflective writing and quantitative analysis of intercultural competence development. Participants come from four sections of FYW courses spanning two semesters – Spring 2016 and Fall 2017. I collected reflective writing data from four embedded reflective journals and a final reflective essay assigned to students in each section. Using a grounded scheme, I applied thematic coding analysis of reflective writing and traced frequencies of codes. I also mapped students’ reflections onto the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS; Bennett, 1993). Results from both coding methods contextualize and interpret students’ development in both intercultural competence and writing skills. I also share pedagogical, assessment, and administrative implications for more effective teaching of reflective writing and better continuous assessment of intercultural competence skills within the context of the linked course model curriculum. </p> <p> </p>

The role of the grade four teacher in providing support for the cognitively gifted English Second Language (ESL) underachiever

Wissing, Annelise 02 1900 (has links)
Inclusive education requires of teachers, as managers and facilitators in classrooms, to deal with all aspects regarding effectively addressing barriers to learning. Of specific concern are the cognitively gifted learners who are not taught in their mother tongue but who attend schools where the language of learning and teaching is English. This qualitative study deals with the support provided by Grade Four teachers to cognitively gifted English Second Language (ESL) underachievers. The research indicates that the teachers are aware of English Second Language (ESL) learners who show behaviours associated with cognitive giftedness but who,when considering their potential, underachieve. These learners do however not receive support in the classroom to address their specific barrier to learning, which is the dual exceptionality of cognitive giftedness co-occurring with poor English proficiency. Support for all aspects of the cognitively gifted Grade Four English Second Language (ESL) learner’s needs is recommended. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The Impact of MALL on English Grammar Learning / MALL:s påverkan på engelsk grammatikinlärning

Johansson, Elina, Cukalevska, Marija January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to explore how grammar learning in the English as a second or foreign language classroom can be improved. Our aim was twofold: (1) to investigate the possible effect of implementing Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on students’ grammar learning in the Swedish upper secondary level education, and (2) to find out what students’ attitudes are towards such an implementation and how it can impact student motivation. We analyzed and provided an overview of ten articles relating to the subject. The results showed that the use of MALL contributed to improved grammar learning when it was used as a tool to help students analyze and reflect upon specific exercises collaboratively and to help individuals do grammar exercises and tests with a formative purpose. However, the results also showed that MALL was not beneficial if only used as an educational or communicative tool. Lastly, the results showed that students overall had a positive attitude towards the use of MALL in education, despite experiencing some technical difficulties, and that the approach further motivated students’ will to learn. Based on the results, we argued that the use of MALL in the English language classroom coincided well with the guidelines of the curriculum and syllabus for English 5, and that, if used as recommended, MALL could help improve Swedish students’ English grammar learning and their motivation.

Využití dokumentárního filmu ve výuce anglického jazyka na středních školách / The Use of Documentary Films in English Language Lessons with High School Students

Kautská, Jana January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the use of documentary films in English lessons with secondary school students. It consists of theoretical and practical part; this being further divided into didactic and research part. The theoretical part covers four main areas: aims of current education and language teaching, multimedia in teaching, authentic materials in English lessons, and documentary films as a didactic tool. By an eclectic combination of the most suitable findings, approaches and methods from these areas, three complex educational materials based on documentaries were constructed for English lessons. These materials contain worksheets for students, instructions for teachers, presentations for online teaching, and a set of additional sheets and present a ready-to-use tool for English classes. In the practical part, design of the materials is described, along with their subsequent evaluation by experienced English teachers. Based on the materials design and evaluation, the overall aim of this thesis is to find out whether documentary films and lessons based on them are effective for English language teaching (where the main criterion is whether they lead to fulfilling the aims of language teaching and current educational aims in general) and what their main benefits are. The data collected are...

Koloniale en post-koloniale onderwys in Suid-Afrika en die erkenning van diversiteit as teenvoeter vir diskriminerende praktyke in skole

van Louw, Trevor John Arthur January 2002 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis examines the way in which the recognition of diversity can be applied as a strategy in South African education to erode the bitter legacy of colonial education. The establishment of formal education, built on a western foundation, was set up against a background of colonisation as a process aimed at political subjugation and economic exploitation. It is especially how education was utilised as a tool of colonisation in order to facilitate the above-mentioned subjugation and exploitation through a process of cultural subjugation that will be placed under the spotlight. In chapter three, the process of cultural subjugation outlined in chapter two, is related to the establishment and development of colonial education in South Africa and also how Apartheid was a form of internal colonialism with apartheid education continuing the process of cultural subjugation for political control and economic exploitation. Colonial subjugation was, however, not passively accepted by the subjugated. From the outset, subjugation spawned resistance and would eventually grow into large-scale opposition aimed at the overall casting off of the colonial yoke. This opposition eventually led to the political freedom of 1994. The political freedom of 1994 and the judicial framework for the dismantling of the legacy of colonial education would not, on its own or overnight, be able to dismantle the effects of centuries of subjugation. The dismantling of the inheritance of colonialism, together with colonial education, requires deliberate and constructive action. Such a process will have to include putting an end to the subjugation of the numerous voices characteristic of South Africa. Ending this subjugation does not mean the continuation of a position alongside and beneath a socially constructed dominant, but rather a process (a struggle?) where it can take its place impartially, alongside and equal to other voices in the greater diverse whole. It is against the above background that teaching strategies for the handling of diversity will be critically examined and for which recommendations are made for strategies, within the South African context, through which the dismantling of the colonial legacy of cultural subjugation for political control and economic exploitation can take place.


Tashina A Lee (9657209) 16 December 2020 (has links)
Autism Spectrum Disorder is an increasingly common developmental disability. Students diagnosed with ASD can be challenging to incorporate into mainstream classrooms due to a lack of understanding and negative attitudes of neurotypical peers towards those students. This thesis aims to address the problem in a unit plan centered on the use of young adult literature with a main protagonist on the Spectrum in the English Language Arts classroom. Specifically, it argues the use of such texts in conjunction with a literature circles unit in providing better understanding and greater acceptance of students with ASD. The unit and lesson plans were written to reflect how Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, Bishop’s windows, doors, and mirrors , and the texts students read can influence their thinking and behavior. Using goodreads and local ELA book lists, I selected four YAL texts which portrayed the main character with ASD as they go about their daily lives. These texts were then incorporated into the twenty-lesson unit plan which aims at supporting positive attitudes and acceptance of neurotypical students towards their peers with ASD.

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