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Through a Piece of Colored Glass : An Analysis of Caddy Compson in The Sound and the FuryJewell, Arwen January 2008 (has links)
The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s story of the Compson family’s downfall in the American South during the early 20th century. The novel illustrates the impact on the cultural identity of the South of strictly defined social roles and the tension they created in the aftermath of slavery and defeat in the Civil War. In my analysis, I have chosen to focus on gender issues, especially in their Southern manifestation. The Compsons’ daughter, Caddy, figures prominently in the sons’ narratives, but is only portrayed through their perceptions and memories. My aim is to determine Caddy’s significance in the novel by exploring her relationships with her brothers, as seen through their eyes, and how she is characterized by them. In Benjy’s narrative, I examine her actions as a little girl in light of the Eve myth and the icon of the virgin mother. Quentin’s obsession with Caddy's sexuality as a teenager reveals the implications of associating female sexuality with death, the role of language in reproducing and combating established gender power structures, and the impact of traditional gender roles on women and men. Jason’s binary categorization of women as virgins or whores turns the few glimpses of Caddy as a mother into that of a woman treated as a commodity of exchange. In each of their narratives, Caddy is a dynamic character whose words, body, and actions expose prevailing social and gender power struggles. By conjuring her presence through her absence, her brothers reveal the depth and destructiveness of the social imperatives that underlie their attempts to control her. I suggest that Caddy’s role in the novel is to disrupt the brothers’ narratives and challenge the underlying Southern social and gender constructs that imbue them.
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“I Bid My Hideous Progeny Go Forth and Prosper”: Frankenstein’s Homosocial Doubles and Twentieth Century American LiteratureFrampton, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores the reoccurrence of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein within twentieth-century American novels. While the inaccurate 1931 film version by James Whale remains the best known adaptation of Frankenstein, I argue that Willa Cather, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, and Chuck Palahniuk return to Shelley’s 1818 novel to critique racist and misogynistic responses to anxieties about gender and racial power in the age of industrial consumer culture. In doing so, I extend existing scholarship on the American Gothic to demonstrate that The Professor’s House, Invisible Man, Beloved, and Fight Club represent a specifically Shelleyan Gothic tradition in twentieth-century American literature.
My project draws upon influential feminist and postcolonial readings of Frankenstein and on the theoretical work of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and later critics who have developed her theory to show how the twentieth-century novels echo themes and motifs from Shelley’s novel to critique the destructive effects of male homosociality. Each novel contains a protagonist that resembles Victor Frankenstein and responds to historically specific anxieties about gender, race, and industrial technoscience by creating a doppelgänger who enables participation in a homosocial bond that is initially empowering but proves destructive to women, racial minorities, and eventually the creature and creator figures themselves. My reading reveals unexpected similarities between Cather’s The Professor’s House and Palahniuk’s Fight Club. Cather’s novel appears to glorify Tom Outland as the ideal masculine hero but ultimately reveals him to be a monstrous doppelgänger who acts out the Professor’s oppressive impulses; similarly, Fight Club seems to romanticize the male violence instigated by the doppelgänger figure Tyler Durden but actually echoes Shelley’s critique of male homosociality as monstrous. My reading also reveals previously overlooked similarities between Invisible Man and Beloved, both of which feature a black protagonist who surprisingly resembles Victor Frankenstein by creating a doppelgänger to challenge his or her disempowerment by the structures of white male homosociality but end up emulating the destructive homosocial structures they critique. My dissertation shows how all of these writers share Shelley’s critique yet move beyond it by offering alternatives to the destructive cycle of violence, embodied in each case by a female figure who resists or reclaims the position of the abject other in the homosocial triangle.
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Simmulating and prototyping software definednetworking (SDN) using Mininet approach to optimise host communication in realistic programmable networking environmentZulu, Lindinkosi Lethukuthula 11 1900 (has links)
In this project, two tests were performed. On the first test, Mininet-WiFi was used to simulate a
Software Defined Network to demonstrate Mininet-WiFi’ s ability to be used as the Software
Defined Network emulator which can also be integrated to the existing network using a Network
Virtualized Function (NVF). A typical organization’s computer network was simulated which
consisted of a website hosted on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) virtual machine, and
an F5 application delivery controller (ADC) which provided load balancing of requests sent to the
web applications. A website page request was sent from the virtual stations inside Mininet-WiFi.
The request was received by the application delivery controller, which then used round robin
technique to send the request to one of the web servers on the LAMP virtual machine. The web
server then returned the requested website to the requesting virtual stations using the simulated
virtual network. The significance of these results is that it presents Mininet-WiFi as an emulator,
which can be integrated into a real programmable networking environment offering a portable,
cost effective and easily deployable testing network, which can be run on a single computer. These
results are also beneficial to modern network deployments as the live network devices can also
communicate with the testing environment for the data center, cloud and mobile provides.
On the second test, a Software Defined Network was created in Mininet using python script. An
external interface was added to enable communication with the network outside of Mininet. The
amazon web services elastic computing cloud was used to host an OpenDaylight controller. This
controller is used as a control plane device for the virtual switch within Mininet. In order to test
the network, a webserver hosted on the Emulated Virtual Environment – Next Generation (EVENG)
software is connected to Mininet. EVE-NG is the Emulated Virtual Environment for
networking. It provides tools to be able to model virtual devices and interconnect them with other
virtual or physical devices. The OpenDaylight controller was able to create the flows to facilitate
communication between the hosts in Mininet and the webserver in the real-life network. / Electrical and Mining Engineering
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Evolution of Criminal Law: The Rise and Fall of Treason, Sodomy and AdulteryHeiliczer, Ephraim Zachary January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation relates to treason and sodomy crimes that were fundamental in all pre-modern societies (also adultery but to a lesser extent). These laws, characterized by their biblical source, have met their demise in modern Western societies. The rise of individual rights led to significant changes in these crimes and eventually to their demise. As discussed below, the demise has become so substantial that the antiquated crime of sodomy, termed the crime against nature, is a modern source of pride, and actions like those of January 6, 2021, that would have been considered treason in prior generations are no longer charged as treason.
Chapter One: Dying Criminal Laws: Sodomy and Adultery From the Bible toDemise analyzes the rise and fall of sodomy and adultery. The original legal basis for punishing sodomy and adultery was due to a breach in the duty of loyalty owed to God (i.e. sin) or the state. However, the loosening of the bonds of loyalty in present day Western criminal law has led to the demise of these crimes. Their demise has correlated with the rise of individual rights, especially the right to privacy. As such, the demise of sodomy and adultery laws is symbolic of the shift from a duty-based to a rights-based society.
Chapter Two: The Genesis of Treason: The Creation of Equality and TheEstablishment of the Patriarchy analyzes the biblical source of treason. The roots of treason reach back to the Bible. Treason against God’s divine right kings was acrime because it was an assault against the heavenly order. Petit treason was also an attack on God’s order.
The initial chapters of the book of Genesis contain the foundation of the law oftreason. The treasons of Adam and Eve, Cain, the Sons of God, Ham, and Nimrod each relate to different aspects of both high and petit treason. The dissertation also analyzes the place of treason during the reign of Saul and David as Kings of Israel. According to the Book of Samuel, neither Saul's indeterminate use of treason nor the virtually nonexistent use of treason by David is the right path. Rather, a determinant form of treason that punishes actual treason but does not punish all forms of opposition is appropriate.
Chapter Three: The Rise and Fall of High Treason and The Correlation with PetitTreason Infallible Relationships: From Edward III to The Execution of Charles I And Lessons For Modern Treason in the Age of Charles III traces the roots of treason as a crime in Anglo-American law, the expansion of treason during Henry VIII’s reign, up to the conviction of King Charles I for high treason. Henry VIII enacted multiple amendments to the law of high treason and did nothesitate to utilize treason as a weapon in his battle for supremacy against the Pope in England. Compared with Henry and his children, James I endeavored to use the law of high treason sparingly. Treason underwent a fundamental transformation during Charles I’s reign thatultimately led to a civil war and Parliament transforming treason from a statute that protected the King into a law that protected the nation. This was done by rejecting the King’s special status and invoking the transformative idea of a social contractbetween the nation and the people. In short, a transformation from status to contract.
The changes at the dawn of treason have continued to the present day, and treason,the crime that protects the hierarchy of society, has not been invoked in the US and UK since the end of World War II. The failed South African treason trial against Nelson Mandela and the Civil and Woman’s Rights Movements appear to have led to treason’s demise in cases that do not involve armed warfare. Despite the renewed interest in treason following the assault on the US Capital on January 6, 2021, there does not appear to be an appetite for reviving treason. In the age of Charles III, the most severe crime for a march like Charles I’s “warlike march” on Parliament is seditious conspiracy.
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A World Into Which They Couldn't Follow Me: Arjie's Un-shameful Queer Awakening in Shyam Selvadurai's Funny BoyEdwards, Darryn January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Démonstration fonctionnelle de la nature virale des particules sans ADN de la guêpe parasitoïde venturia canescens / Study of the domestication of a viral genome in the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescensLeobold, Matthieu 20 September 2018 (has links)
Chez la guêpe parasitoïde Venturia canescens, des particules virales dépourvues d'ADN appelées VLP (pour "Virus-like Particules") sont produites spécifiquement dans les ovaires et tapissent le chorion des oeufs qui sont injectés dans la chenille hôte. Les VLP ont une fonction immunosuppressive pour l'hôte parasité et permettent ainsi la survie des oeufs du parasitoïde. Ces VLP résultent de l’intégration d’un nudivirus dans le génome de l’ancêtre de la guêpe, nudivirus qui a été ensuite domestiqué pour former des liposomes viraux capables de véhiculer dans l’hôte des protéines de virulence d'origine cellulaire. L’étude réalisée au cours de cette thèse a eu pour objet, d’une part, d'étudier les mécanismes de domestication virale qui ont conduit au virus symbiotique endogène actuel nommé VcENV (pour V. canescens endogenous nudivirus) et d’autre part, d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur le processus de morphogénèse et le mode d'action parasitaire des VLP. / Viral particles devoid of DNA called VLPs (for Virus-Like Particles) are specifically produced in the ovaries of the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens and line the chorion of the wasp’s eggs injected into the host caterpillar. VLPs are immunosuppressive and allow parasitoid eggs survival. These VLPs result from the integration of a nudivirus into the wasp ancestor genome, nudivirus which was then domesticated to form viral liposomes capable of carrying, into the host, virulence proteins of cellular origin. The aim of the study carried out during this thesis was, first, to analyze the viral domestication mechanisms that led to the current endogenous symbiotic virus called VcENV (for V. canescens endogenous nudivirus) and secondly to provide some answers on VLPs morphogenesis process and parasitic mode of action.
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MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - " Révélations " autour de l'image de la Vierge de Guadalupe. XVIe - XXIe siècles / MAGNUM SIGNUM MEXICANUM - "Revelations" around the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 16th - 21st centuriesAugier de Moussac, Nathalie 15 November 2017 (has links)
L'image miraculeuse de la Vierge de Guadalupe mexicaine est bien plus qu'une icône religieuse : aujourd'hui symbole national, c'est un objet politique qui s'est trouvé au coeur de rivalités constantes entre le pouvoir civil et l'Eglise depuis son " apparition " au XVIe siècle. Sans pour autant négliger les liens qui la rattachent à chacun, ou presque, des Mexicains, nous nous sommes efforcés de mettre en lumière cet aspect trop souvent négligé de son histoire qui se déroule sur près de cinq siècles. / The miraculous image of the Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe is much more than a religious icon : It is a national symbol and a political object which has been at the heart of constant rivalities between the civil authorities and the Church since her "apparition" in the XVIth century. Without neglecting the intimate relationship most Mexicans have developed with her, we have been focusing on this aspect, too often forgotten from most scholar studies on the matter.
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Ordlöv och barrbokstäver : Mening och materialitet i fyra bilderböcker från 00- och 10-tal / Word Leaves and Needle Letters : Meaning and Materiality in Four Picture Books from the 00s and 10sNordgren, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to understand how meaning and materiality work in four picture books from the 00s and 10s; Gittan och gråvargarna by Pija Lindenbaum, I skogen by Eva Lindström, Vem ser Dim? by Maria Nilsson Thore and Vi blåste bort ibland by Viveka Sjögren. The essay uses two theoretical works about picture books: Bilderbokens pusselbitar by Maria Nikolajeva and Modernismens bilder – Den moderna bilderboken i Norden by Elina Druker. Questions to lead the analysis are: How can text and picture be understood as materiality? How can meaning be understood as a material-discursive phenomenon? How can reading and meaning be understood as performative processes? The chapter “Diffractions: Differences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter” from Karen Barad’s book Meeting the Universe Halfway – Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning provides help to understand diffraction as a metaphor and methodological attitude. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s understanding of knowledge as performative in the book Touching Feeling – Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity is used to understand the picture book as an act of knowledge and meaning, and reading as a performative process where human involvement cannot be overlooked. The essay problematizes the theoretical texts about picture books by taking on different parts of the picture book’s form and drawing examples from the four chosen picture books. Parts that are examined are divisions of signs in semiotics (and in the picture book theory), the picture book’s limits between for instance framework and content, fiction and reality, and book and reader, mimesis and the analytical problems with looking for truth, the impact of the picture book’s size and shape, and lastly illustration techniques and the influence that illustrator, materiality and reader have on the book. The essay shows how different involvements affect the meaning that is created in the picture book, how solid delimitations of different kinds can be problematic, and how words such as picture, text, paratext and content should be treated gently and consciously. Different ways of breaking with methods and thoughts of habit are presented, for instance by using Barad’s concept of diffraction. The essay ends by emphasizing the complexity that follows meaning, materiality and reading, the responsibility it demands of us and how picture book theory sometimes simplifies analysis. This essay stresses the importance of questioning how the methods and words we use affect what is possible to understand, but not in the sense that we should read in a paranoid and closed way, but rather open minded and with room for failures, reconsiderations and other ways forward. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå hur mening och materialitet hänger ihop i fyra bilderböcker från 00- och 10-tal; Gittan och gråvargarna av Pija Lindenbaum, I skogen av Eva Lindström, Vem ser Dim? av Maria Nilsson Thore och Vi blåste bort ibland av Viveka Sjögren. Uppsatsen går i dialog med de bilderboksteoretiska verken Bilderbokens pusselbitar av Maria Nikolajeva och Modernismens bilder – Den moderna bilderboken i Norden av Elina Druker. Frågor för att leda undersökningen är som följer: På vilket sätt är text och bild materialitet? Hur kan mening förstås som materiellt-diskursivt fenomen i bilderböckerna? Hur kan läsning och mening förstås som performativa processer? Avsnittet ”Diffractions: Differences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter” ur Karen Barads verk Meeting the Universe Halfway – Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning fungerar som hjälp för att förstå diffraktion som metafor och metodologisk hållning. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwicks förståelse av kunskap som performativ i verket Touching Feeling – Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity används för att förstå bilderboken som ett görande, och läsningen som en performativ process där mänsklig inblandning inte kan förbises. Uppsatsen problematiserar de bilderboksteoretiska verken genom att ta sig an olika aspekter av bilderbokens form samt exemplifiera detta med hjälp av det skönlitterära materialet. Områden som vidrörs är semiotikens (och bilderboksteoretikernas) indelning av tecken, bilderbokens gränser mellan bland annat ramar och innehåll, fiktion och verklighet samt verk och läsare, mimesis och sanningssökandets analytiska problem, bilderbokens påverkan av storlek och format, samt slutligen illustrationstekniker och den inverkan illustratör, materialitet och läsare har på verket. Uppsatsen visar på hur olika inblandningar påverkar den mening som skapas i bilderboken, hur fasta gränsdragningar av olika slag kan anses problematiska, samt hur begrepp som till exempel bild, text, paratext och innehåll bör behandlas varsamt och medvetet. Olika sätt att komma runt upptrampade metodologiska tillvägagångssätt och tankespår presenteras, bland annat med hjälp av Barads diffraktionsbegrepp. Uppsatsen avslutas med att betona den komplexitet som följer med mening, materialitet och läsning, det ansvar detta avkräver oss och hur bilderboksteorin ibland fungerar förenklande i analyser. Denna uppsats lyfter vikten av att ifrågasätta vad de metoder och ord vi använder egentligen gör med vad som är möjligt att förstå, men inte i den mening att vi bör läsa misstänksamt och stängt, utan snarare öppensinnat och med utrymme för misslyckanden, omprövningar och andra vägar vidare.
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Perceptions of the serpent in the Ancient Near East : its Bronze Age role in apotropaic magic, healing and protectionGolding, Wendy Rebecca Jennifer 11 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation I examine the role played by the ancient Near Eastern serpent in apotropaic and prophylactic magic. Within this realm the serpent appears in roles in healing and protection where magic is often employed. The possibility of positive and negative roles is investigated. The study is confined to the Bronze Age in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria-Palestine. The serpents, serpent deities and deities with ophidian aspects and associations are described. By examining these serpents and deities and their roles it is possible to incorporate a comparative element into his study on an intra- and inter-regional basis.
In order to accumulate information for this study I have utilised textual and pictorial evidence, as well as artefacts (such as jewellery, pottery and other amulets) bearing serpent motifs. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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Réponse des agents non codants du génome – éléments transposables et petits ARN – à un événement d'allopolyploïdie : le génome du colza (Brassica napus) comme modèle d'étude / Response of non-coding components of the genome – transposable elements and small non-coding RNAs – to a new allopolyploidisation event : the genome of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as a model of studyMartinez Palacios, Paulina 28 March 2014 (has links)
Le succès évolutif de la polyploïdie, notamment de l’allopolyploïdie (où la duplication de génome complet est associée à une hybridation entre génomes différenciés) est en partie lié au fait que cet événement s’accompagne de nombreux changements dans l'organisation du génome et la régulation de l'expression des gènes. On parle du « choc génomique » de l’hybridation interspécifique et de l’allopolyploïdie. Ces sources de diversité génétique, à la fois structurale et fonctionnelle, apparaissent utiles et nécessaires à l'adaptation et l’évolution des espèces. Alors que de nombreuses études portant sur la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine du succès des allopolyploïdes ont concerné les modifications de l’expression des gènes, mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur les agents non codants du génome que sont les éléments transposables et les petits ARN non codants. Le modèle d'étude est le colza (Brassica napus, AACC), espèce allotétraploïde issue de l'hybridation entre les espèces diploïdes navette (B. rapa, AA) et chou (B. oleracea, CC). Nous disposions de colzas néo-synthétisés, étudiés à différentes générations d’autofécondation, permettant de caractériser les changements génomiques accompagnant la formation puis l’évolution du génome néo-allopolyploïde. Une étude a tout d’abord été menée sur un élément transposable (ET) spécifique du génome C, Bot1, en vue d’identifier de nouvelles transpositions survenant chez les colzas néo-synthétisés par rapport aux parents diploïdes, par une approche SSAP. Quelques rares événements de transposition ont été identifiés. Ces résultats, confrontés à ceux obtenus sur deux autres ET, ont permis de mettre en évidence un impact modéré de l’allopolyploïdie sur la transposition de ces différents ET. Par contre, il est apparu que des changements de méthylation auraient accompagné cette allopolyploïdisation, sans doute à l’origine de la réactivation et la transposition de quelques copies de Bot1. Les petits ARN non codants ont été suggérés comme impliqués dans les différents événements génomiques accompagnant la formation d’un génome allopolyploïde. Pour étudier la dynamique d’expression des petits ARN chez des colzas néo-synthétisés pris à deux générations d’autofécondation (S1, S5) en comparaison de leurs parents diploïdes, j’ai exploité des données de séquençage haut débit obtenues pour 11 banques construites à partir des tiges de ces différents génotypes. J’ai ainsi démontré, qu’à une échelle globale, les petits ARN présentaient une réponse immédiate mais transitoire à l’événement d’allopolyploïdie. Les fractions particulièrement affectées par l’allopolyploïdie se sont révélées correspondre (1) à des petits ARN interférents dérivés d’éléments transposables avec une baisse de leur abondance en génération précoce S1, et (2) à des populations de petits ARN de 21 nucléotides exprimées uniquement de manière très précoce, de l’hybride F1 à la génération S1. Nous avons notamment identifié des transcrits de type viral correspondant à ces petits ARN de 21-nt, et présentant les mêmes profils d’expression (de l’hybride F1 à la génération S1), suggérant une réactivation d’éléments viraux endogènes (EVE) en réponse à l’hybridation et l’allopolyploïdie. L’ensemble de mon étude a démontré la mise en place d’une succession des voies de régulation par petits ARN où ET et EVE, réactivés au niveau transcriptionnel, sont immédiatement soumis à une répression post-transcriptionnelle (PTGS), renforcée ensuite par une répression de leur transcription (TGS). L’hypothèse d’une absence de cette régulation par petits ARN lors des phénomènes de nécrose et létalité hybride, amène à envisager ces populations de petits ARN comme les clés de la réussite de la formation d’un génome hybride, où la répression immédiate et efficace des ET et autres endovirus, réactivés suite au choc génomique, se révèle être une nécessité. / The evolutionary success of polyploid species is partly due to the dynamic changes in genome organization and gene expression patterns that occur at the onset of the polyploid formation. These changes are promoted by the merging of divergent genomes into a single nucleus (i.e. allopolyploidy) that causes a “genomic shock”; they are thought to provide a rich source of new genetic material upon which selection can act to promote adaptation and evolution. Many studies have thus aimed to uncover molecular mechanisms that are responsible for the evolutionary success of allopolyploid species, most of them focusing on gene expression changes. In the present PhD thesis, my interest has been concentrated on the non-coding components of the genome: transposable elements and small non-coding RNAs. My study involves oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC), a relatively young allopolyploid species that originated from hybridizations between B. rapa (AA) and B. oleracea (CC). Specifically, I have used resynthesized B. napus polyploids advanced by self-pollination of single plants for several generations; I have analyzed these plants at different generations for genomic changes accompanying polyploid formation and subsequent evolution. In a first part, sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP) targeting the C genome-specific transposable element Bot1, was used to evaluate transposition rate of Bot1 in resynthesized B. napus in comparison with the diploid parents. Only a few transposition events were identified. When combined with the results obtained for two other TEs, this work suggests that allopolyploidy has only a moderate impact on TE transposition and restructuring. The changes observed in SSAP profiles led us to hypothesize that some of them resulted from changes in DNA methylation, resulting in rare but highly specific TE activation and transposition. In a second part, I have concentrated on small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), which are thought to mediate different aspects of the response to the “genomic shock” induced by allopolyploid formation. Comprehensive analyses of sRNA expression in resynthesized B. napus allopolyploids have been carried out by deep sequencing sRNAs from 11 libraries prepared from stems of three allotetraploids (surveyed at the two generations S1 and S5) and the two diploid parents. Characterization of sRNA distributions in these plants indicates that sRNAs show an immediate but transient response to allopolyploidy. The sRNAs derived from transposable elements (down-regulated in the S1) or targeting unknown sequences (no Blast hit against any available public database) were particularly affected. The use of B. napus mRNAseq data revealed that these latest unknown candidates, which are 21-nt long and over-expressed in the earliest generations (F1, S0, S1) were derived from endogenous viral elements (EVE). We confirmed that these EVEs showed the same expression patterns as the 21-nt long sRNAs that specifically target them (over-expression in the F1, S0 and S1). These results suggest that (at least) some EVEs might be reactivated as a response to the merging of divergent genomes (in interspecific hybrids and newly formed allopolyploids). Altogether, our results have demonstrated a succession of sRNA pathways that counteract the reactivation of some specific TEs and/or EVEs at the onset of polyploid formation; reactivated TEs and/or EVEs being immediately repressed at the post-transcriptional level (PTGS), and then fully repressed by transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) in the subsequent generations. Such data lead to hypothesize that sRNAs are essential to overcome interspecific hybrid incompatibilities due to the uncontrolled and deleterious reactivation of TEs / EVEs. Therefore, sRNAs should be considered as the guardians of genome integrity even in newly-formed allopolyploids.
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