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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Will the real Dolly please stand up : En narratologisk analys av Amanda Svenssons Hey Dolly

Edling, Elisabet January 2011 (has links)
This essay is a study of the Swedish author Amanda Svensson’s novel Hey Dolly (2008). The aim of the study is to investigate the conflict that occurs in the storytelling because of the untruthful narrator Dolly. Using the terms story and discourse, from a method of narratology by Maria Nikolajeva, the purpose is to analyze how the narrator manipulates the reader’s comprehension of what is real and not in the text. The term story represents the reality while discourse embodies the fantasy world, and by separating the two from each other and then comparing them the conflict clarifies as well as the understanding of Dolly. The results of the analysis show that there are several differences between the story and the discourse which various situations illustrate. It also becomes clear that Dolly only focalizes herself and thereby manages to control the reader’s perspective of the told story. But in the dialogue with other persons in the text it reveals that she is not being truthful. The conclusion is that Dolly lives her dream life through the fantasy and that the discourse is a way to defend her against situations she finds too hard to handle.

Normkreativa bilderböcker : - Hur lärare kan synliggöra och motverka könsnormer via bilderböcker och högläsning i klassrummet

Petersson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar de tre bilderböckerna Kenta och barbisarna (2007) av Pija Lindenbaum, Mysteriet bland höghusen (2019) av Helene Forss och Bara Rumpor (2019) av Annika Leone ur ett genusperspektiv med utgångspunkt i värdegrundsarbetet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur bilderböcker kan användas som ett verktyg för att skapa förståelse för varandras olikheter. Uppsatsen utgår huvudsakligen från Maria Nikolajevas bilderboksanalys och motsatsschema samt Yvonne Hirdmans genuskontrakt. Resultatet i analysen visar att bilderböcker kan agera som ett nyttigt verktyg för att bidra till uppfyllanden av värdegrundsarbetet i LGR22. Däremot är det viktigt att förstå hur olika former av normbrytning presenteras gentemot elever för att inte förstärka befintliga normer som är i behov av att utvidgas.

Är en lättläst Pelle Svanslös lika snäll? –en komparativ studie baserad på Gösta Knutssons originalbok om Pelle Svanslös och dess lättlästa version

Fogdeby, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Denna komparativa studie analyserar och jämför Gösta Knutssons originalbok Pelle Svanslöspå äventyr (1968) med dess lättlästa version Här kommer Pelle Svanslös (2001). Syftet medstudien är att undersöka om båda böckerna förmedlar samma budskap, detta genom attsynliggöra likheter och skillnader mellan karaktärer, miljö och händelser. Syftet är också attundersöka hur böckerna kan användas av lärare i skolans värdegrundsarbete. Studien utgårfrån en kvalitativ komparativ metod och den narratologiska teorin, genom att använda sig avMaria Nikolajevas redogörelser av historiens huvudkomponenter. Analysen visar på bådelikheter och skillnader mellan böckerna, där den främsta skillnaden är att händelserna somhuvudpersonen Pelle Svanslös är med om är olika efter det fjärde kapitlet i båda böckerna.Trots att historien till stora delar skiljer sig åt förmedlar båda böckerna ändå till största delsamma budskap om vänskap, snällhet, allas lika värde och avståndstagande från mobbning.Det innebär att lärare kan använda sig av antingen originalboken eller den lättlästa versionen iarbetet med skolans värdegrund.

Röda sörjor med gapande munnar : En undersökning om hur den döda kvinnan beskrivs i tre svenska deckare från 2000-talet

Pettersson, Erika January 2019 (has links)
This essay aims to examinate how the dead woman is described in three swedish crime fiction- novels. The novels included in my study is Stieg Larsson ́s Män som hatar kvinnor, Mons Kallentoft ́s Den femte årstiden and Lars Kepler ́s Stalker. The purpose of this study is to examine these questions: how is the dead woman described, how does the woman relate to prevailing norms in a sex-normative context, who is the dead woman based on socio-cultural identity and how can the killer ́s identity be understood in relation to the victim? Inspired by Judith Butler ́s performativity theory I assume a gender constructivist perspective, that gender is a social construction. I am also inspired of Maria Nikolajeva ́s gender role schedule, which shows what characteristics women are most often attributed in literature. I also add my own properties to the schedule. Thus, the result shows that the dead woman fulfills all conventional female standards. The dead woman is, based on the material, either an unwanted woman or an desired woman. The unwanted woman is subjected to sexual violence, something that the desired woman avoids. When the women are dead, they still meet conventional standards even though their bodies are completely destroyed by their perpetrators. The identity of the murderers can be understood from socio-cultural status and their motives. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur den döda kvinnan beskrivs i tre svenska deckare: Stieg Larssons Män som hatar kvinnor, Mons Kallentofts Den femte årstiden och Lars Keplers Stalker. Syftet med uppsatsen är att besvara dessa frågor: hur beskrivs den kvinna som ska dödas och som sedan dör, hur relaterar kvinnorna som ska dödas och sedan dör till rådande kvinnliga normer i en könsnormativ kontext, vem är den döda kvinnan och hur kan mördarens identitet förstås i relation till offret? För att besvara dessa frågor utgår jag från att kön är en social konstruktion och Judith Butlers performativitetsteori. Dessutom används Maria Nikolajevas könsrollsschema för hur kvinnor oftast skildras i litteratur. Resultatet visar att den döda kvinnan går att dela upp i två kategorier; den önskade kvinnan och den oönskade kvinnan. Båda kategorier av kvinnor relaterar till rådande kvinnliga normer. Den oönskade kvinnan har ingen plats i samhället, lever ensam och utsätts för sexuellt våld innan hon mördas. Den önskade kvinnan fyller en funktion i samhället, saknas av någon när hon dör och utsätts inte för sexuellt våld innan hon mördas. Den döda kvinnan uppfyller alla kvinnliga normer utifrån Nikolajevas schema, oavsett vilken kategori hon tillhör. Mördarnas identiteter går att förstå utifrån socioekonomisk status samt val av offer.

Oändliga möjligheter i en begränsad karneval : En analys av barnets makt i Michael Endes roman Den oändliga historien

Endertorp, Frida January 2023 (has links)
There has always been some sort of power struggle between children and adults in children’s literature. My essay is an analysis of the German children’s fantasy novel The Neverending Story (swe. Den oändliga historien, ger. Die unendliche Geschichte) with focus on the child’s power and power related relationships between the child and adults. The power dynamics play a large part in the novel that is rarely, or never, talked about. I will use a close reading analysis regarding the main character Bastian’s relationship to different adult characters, his journey to power, how the novel fits Bachtin’s carnival theory and the true ruler of Bastian’s world as well as the world of Fantastica (swe. Fantásien, ger. Phantásien). The study shows among other things that while Bastian gains power throughout the novel, he is somewhat punished for using that power and ultimately loses it. He is subordinate to the adults around him; however, holds some sort of power over them at different points in the novel. His journey to power can be described with Clémentine Beauvais’ concepts of authority and might, where the mighty child gains authority in Fantastica. The journey can also be described as a carnival, though that can also be questioned regarding the fact that Bastian is punished for using his power. In my analysis, I also question who, or what, holds the mightiest position in Bastian’s world and Fantastica respectively. At the end of the day, Bastian is just a child with the potential of being mighty, but his age makes him subordinate to the adult world.

The Secret World of Harry Potter : The Literary Laws of Fantasy Applied to the Novels by J. K. Rowling

Watts, Robin January 2007 (has links)
<p>My intentions with this essay has been to examine the World in which the story of J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter takes place, the structure, narrative and restrictions, in order to place the suite of novels in the tradition of the Fantasy genre. Since the release of the first book Harry Potter has become a household name, possibly more than any other contemporary literature written for children. Various readings concerning gender, etymological, linguistic aspects and so forth have been done, and in most cases the books are placed in the genre of Fantasy without distinguishing what in fact makes the novels Fantasy. I wanted to see which specific sectors of the books that place them in the genre, and, assuming that it would in fact fit into the Fantasy genre, in which ways it diverges from the tradition of the genre in means of the structure of the world/s of the story. I also looked at the faults in the logic within the novels to see if the inconsistencies in the rules of the world have an impact on the agency of the story.</p><p>I found the novels to be a part of the fantasy tradition, not only by having many intertextual relations and similar features to other fantasy-novels but also in the fundament of the story, its basic conditions such as the supernatural elements and the hidden places in the world of the books. The minor inconstancies that I found where to small to disrupt the narrative, and the fact that some of the aspects of the books drift slightly away from the logic of the world within the story have reasonable explanations such as making the story easier to relate to.</p>

The Secret World of Harry Potter : The Literary Laws of Fantasy Applied to the Novels by J. K. Rowling

Watts, Robin January 2007 (has links)
My intentions with this essay has been to examine the World in which the story of J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter takes place, the structure, narrative and restrictions, in order to place the suite of novels in the tradition of the Fantasy genre. Since the release of the first book Harry Potter has become a household name, possibly more than any other contemporary literature written for children. Various readings concerning gender, etymological, linguistic aspects and so forth have been done, and in most cases the books are placed in the genre of Fantasy without distinguishing what in fact makes the novels Fantasy. I wanted to see which specific sectors of the books that place them in the genre, and, assuming that it would in fact fit into the Fantasy genre, in which ways it diverges from the tradition of the genre in means of the structure of the world/s of the story. I also looked at the faults in the logic within the novels to see if the inconsistencies in the rules of the world have an impact on the agency of the story. I found the novels to be a part of the fantasy tradition, not only by having many intertextual relations and similar features to other fantasy-novels but also in the fundament of the story, its basic conditions such as the supernatural elements and the hidden places in the world of the books. The minor inconstancies that I found where to small to disrupt the narrative, and the fact that some of the aspects of the books drift slightly away from the logic of the world within the story have reasonable explanations such as making the story easier to relate to.

Kön, karaktär och berättare : En feministisk narratologisk undersökning av fyra Augustprisvinnande ungdomsromaner

Bosnjak, Mathilda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Za devatero horami. K teorii literatury pro děti a mládež / In a Land Far, Far Away. Theorizing Attempts at Children's and Youth Literature

Segi Lukavská, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces critically selected theoretical concepts that try to describe characteristics of children's and youth literature (further: LPDM). It focuses on approx. last thirty years of foreign research in LPDM. Firstly, the attention is paid to theories analyzing LPDM for specific qualities of appropriate texts. Then, the thesis presents theories which primarily describe LPDM on the base of specific context: the context in which the works emerged and are (expertly and non-expertly) received. Finally, the diploma thesis concerns with the potential benefit of presented theories but also with their problematic parts. By that it tries to offer new tools of productive analysis and interpretation of LPDM to Czech discourse of literary science.

"Men Naturen bryr sig inte" : En ekokritisk analys av tre bilderböcker samt en diskurs om miljömedveten litteratur för barn / "But Nature doesn't care" : An ecocritical study of three picture books and a discussion about environmental literature for children

Sørensen, Emilie January 2022 (has links)
In this essay I study how humans and nature are portrayed in three Swedish picture books: Sprätten satt på toaletten(1970) by Annika Elmqvist, En blommas liv (2008) by Stefan Casta and Sara Lundberg and Naturen (2020) by Emma Adbåge. This is done based on the concept of ecomimesis from Timothy Morton's Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (2007) and other ecocritical terms such as: anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism and nature. In order to analyse the picture books I also use relevant ideas from Maria Nikolajeva’s Bilderbokens pusselbitar (2000). In addition to this, I discuss environmental literature for children and examine the didactic and aesthetic properties of the works.  Finally, I conclude that the books portay humans and nature differently but that they all have the message that we should cherish nature. Sprätten satt på toaletten has an anthropocentric worldview with humans shown as both the problem and the solution to the environmental crisis. En blommas liv gives a clear example of ecomimesis and anthropomorphism with its romantic illustrations of a conscious flower. Naturen ridicule antopocentrism and makes an attempt to redefine the concept of nature. All the works have both aesthetic and didactic qualities. They contain thought-provoking illustrations and stories but they also have clear messages. In other words, they are created based on the idea that literature can change the world. I question the phenomenon that adults, which cause the environmental crisis, speak for other peripheral groups. That we think we know what nature is and needs and hand over the responsibilities to the children. / I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur människa och natur gestaltas i tre svenska bilderböcker: Sprätten satt på toaletten (1970) av Annika Elmqvist, En blommas liv (2008) av Stefan Casta och Sara Lundberg samt Naturen (2020) av Emma Adbåge. Detta görs utifrån begreppet ekomimesis från Timothy Mortons Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (2007) samt andra ekokritiska termer såsom: antropocentrism, antropomorfism och natur. Till grund för bilderboksanalysen ligger relevanta begrepp från Maria Nikolajevas Bilderbokens pusselbitar (2000). Utöver detta för jag även en diskurs kring miljömedveten litteratur för barn och undersöker de nämnda verkens didaktiska och estetiska egenskaper.   Slutligen kommer jag fram till att verken gestaltar människa och natur på olika sätt men att de alla har budskapet att vi ska värna om naturen. Sprätten satt på toaletten visar en antropocentrisk världsbild med människan som både problemet och lösningen till miljökrisen. En blommas liv ger ett tydligt exempel på ekomimesis och antropomorfism med sina romantiska bilder av en tänkande blomma. Naturen förlöjligar antopocentrismen och gör ett försök till att omdefiniera naturbegreppet. Samtliga verk har både estetiska och didaktiska egenskaper. De innehåller tankeväckande illustrationer och berättelser men har också tydliga budskap. Med andra ord är de skapta utifrån idéen om att litteratur kan förändra världen. Jag ifrågasätter företeelsen att vuxna, som orsakar miljökrisen, för andra perifera gruppers talan. Att vi tror oss veta vad naturen är och behöver och lägger över ansvaret på barnen.

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