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Of fellowship I speak : friendship and marriage in Paradise lostWooten, Tracy L. 01 April 2001 (has links)
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The Refugee Discourse in German Media : An analysis of the changes provoked by the events of New Year’s Eve 2015 in CologneBraun-Klöpper, Anika January 2016 (has links)
The represeantation of refugees in the mainstream media in Germany is a vital part in the understanding of the cultural impact of the refugee crisis. What is written in the German mainstream media is of special interest in times where the press is denounced as "lying press" or "press of lies." This analysis takes a look at the refugee discourse before, during and after the events of New Year's Eve in Cologne and draws conclusions on the impact the attacks on women had on the media discourse.
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L'iconographie de l'Arbre sec au Moyen Age / The medieval iconography of the Dry TreeDelsouiller, Marlene 26 November 2012 (has links)
Si l’iconographie de l’Arbre sec ou arbre sans feuilles de la Légende du bois de la Croix a marqué le Moyen Age, paradoxalement, elle a peu attiré l’attention des historiens de l’art des XXe et XXIe siècles. Afin de combler cette lacune, nous proposons de développer ce thème dans notre thèse de doctorat. Nous montrons l’aspect formel que les images donnent à cet arbre, l’évolution de sa morphologie au fil des siècles, sa période d’apparition, celle de sa disparition, ainsi que le symbolisme qui lui est attaché, un symbolisme puissant, en relation avec la recherche du Salut. Les images qui illustrent un épisode crucial de la Légende du bois de la Croix — la vision de Seth, le fils d’Adam et Eve, avec l’arbre dénudé au centre du Paradis terrestre — constituent le pivot de notre recherche. Viennent se greffer d’autres images de l’Arbre sec, que nous appelons des « variantes » : la représentation de l’Arbre sec de la légende est transposée dans des contextes extra légendaires, tels ceux des romans d’Alexandre le Grand et du Lancelot-Graal, tel celui de la Divine Comédie, ceux du Devisement du monde de Marco Polo et des Voyages de Jean de Mandeville, ou encore du Pèlerinage de l’âme de Guillaume de Digulleville. L’Arbre sec est aussi dans le tableau de Petrus Christus, la Vierge à l’Arbre sec. Les images montrent l’Arbre sec dans un lieu intemporel, ou au Paradis, ou un lieu qui s’apparente au Paradis. Ce végétal est accompagné de la figure du Christ ou de personnages ou d’animaux le symbolisant. Dans tous les cas, le symbolisme fort et multiple de cet arbre sacré est conservé. L’Arbre sec est tout à la fois un rappel de l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, une évocation de l’arbre de la Croix et de l’arbre de vie. / The iconography of the Dry Tree or leafless tree is present through out the Middle Ages, but paradoxally, its study has only attracted few historians of art of the XXth and XXIst centuries. To compensate for this, we choose to devote our thesis to an extensive study of this tree. We examine the formal aspect given to the Dry Tree depicted in the images, the evolution of its physical form through the centuries, the period when it first appears and when it disappears, as well as the symbolism it carries, a powerful signification related to the quest for Salvation. The core of our research is the images that depict a crucial episod in the Legend of the wood of the Cross — Seth’s vision of the leafless tree of the Earthly Paradise. Other images of the Dry Tree, which we call « variations », are also examined : the theme of the Dry Tree taken from the Legend is transposed in extra-legendary contexts such as in the romances of Alexander the Great and the Lancelot-Graal, the Divine Comedy, the Million by Marco Polo and the Voyages by Jean de Mandeville, as well as the Pilgrimage of the soul by Guillaume de Digulleville. The Dry Tree is also depicted in Our Lady of the Dry Tree by Petrus Christus. The images show the Dry Tree in Paradise or in a place which symbolises Paradise, with Christ in the Dry tree, or figures or animals as symbols of Christ. The powerful and multiple symbolism is present : the Dry Tree is a reference to the tree of the knowledge, to the tree of the Cross and to the tree of life. Therefore, it is no surprise that the images show man in his quest for the Dry Tree, ie in the quest for God.
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Through a Piece of Colored Glass : An Analysis of Caddy Compson in The Sound and the FuryJewell, Arwen January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s story of the Compson family’s downfall in the American South during the early 20th century. The novel illustrates the impact on the cultural identity of the South of strictly defined social roles and the tension they created in the aftermath of slavery and defeat in the Civil War. In my analysis, I have chosen to focus on gender issues, especially in their Southern manifestation. The Compsons’ daughter, Caddy, figures prominently in the sons’ narratives, but is only portrayed through their perceptions and memories. My aim is to determine Caddy’s significance in the novel by exploring her relationships with her brothers, as seen through their eyes, and how she is characterized by them. In Benjy’s narrative, I examine her actions as a little girl in light of the Eve myth and the icon of the virgin mother. Quentin’s obsession with Caddy's sexuality as a teenager reveals the implications of associating female sexuality with death, the role of language in reproducing and combating established gender power structures, and the impact of traditional gender roles on women and men. Jason’s binary categorization of women as virgins or whores turns the few glimpses of Caddy as a mother into that of a woman treated as a commodity of exchange. In each of their narratives, Caddy is a dynamic character whose words, body, and actions expose prevailing social and gender power struggles. By conjuring her presence through her absence, her brothers reveal the depth and destructiveness of the social imperatives that underlie their attempts to control her. I suggest that Caddy’s role in the novel is to disrupt the brothers’ narratives and challenge the underlying Southern social and gender constructs that imbue them.</p>
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Ensino de LE em ambientes virtuais : um estudo sobre os tipos de interação e de andaimes presentes na construção de conhecimento em língua espanholaTomazella, Carla Maluf 25 January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-25 / La difusión y proliferación del uso didáctico de ordenadores conectados a Internet han proporcionado un nuevo contexto de acción para los profesores de idiomas. En este nuevo panorama, las clases en el aula no consisten en el único espacio de interacción de los cursos y muchos profesores utilizan también Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje (EVE/A) como apoyo y complementación al trabajo que desarrollan en la modalidad presencial. En rechazo a la práctica de transponer el modelo de enseñanza presencial a los medios digitales, los expertos sugieren que la adopción de nuevas tecnologías en el aula debe basarse en prácticas pedagógicas apropiadas a este contexto (KENSKI, 2008; SILVA, 2003). El interaccionismo social de Vigotsky (1988) se encuentra en la base de la pedagogía de la enseñanza ministrada en entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje por defender que la construcción del conocimiento está condicionada a la mediación social - que, a su vez, ocurre a través de la lengua en interacción. Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de las interacciones que ocurren en los foros en línea de un curso de Español para Turismo - ofrecido en la modalidad a distancia en el entorno virtual Moodle. Su objetivo es problematizar la influencia de los andamios (WOOD, BRUNER, ROSS, 1976) en la construcción del conocimiento en lenguas extranjeras. Esta es una investigación cualitativa y interpretativa, cuyos análisis se basan en estudios sobre la interacción en foros en línea (PAIVA y RODRIGUES JR., 2004; LUCENA FILHO y OLIVEIRA, 2006; GREGOLIN, 2008) y sobre la enseñanza mediada por nuevas tecnologías (KENSKI, 2008; BARBERÁ, 2006). Nuestro objetivo fue comprender el funcionamiento de los foros, delimitando los tipos de andamios más recurrentes y sus funciones en el contexto de un curso de español para el turismo. También se buscó, a través de la investigación, aportar datos que puedan contribuir en la formación de profesionales capaces de actuar en el escenario educativo que se define a partir de la masificación del uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Los resultados mostraron un amplio uso de ayudas pedagógicas o andamios por el profesor y por los propios estudiantes, lo que explicita el papel fundamental de los foros en línea como un lugar de socialización y nos permite concluir que la educación virtual basada en la interacción es capaz de impulsar el desarrollo de los aprendices en la construcción de conocimiento en lengua extranjera, potencializando los espacios de interacción de los cursos. / A difusão e proliferação do uso didático de computadores conectados à Internet têm proporcionado um novo contexto de atuação para os professores de línguas. Nesse novo cenário, a sala de aula presencial já não é o único espaço de interação de cursos e cada vez mais professores fazem uso também de Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino-Aprendizagem (AVEA) como apoio e complementação do trabalho que desenvolvem de forma presencial. Em rechaço à prática de transportar o modelo de ensino presencial ao meio digital, especialistas sugerem que a adoção de novas tecnologias em sala de aula deve estar pautada em práticas pedagógicas apropriadas a este contexto (KENSKI, 2008; SILVA, 2003). O sócio-interacionismo de Vigotsky (1988) está na base da pedagogia do ensino ministrado em Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino-Aprendizagem por defender que a construção de conhecimento está condicionada à mediação social que, por sua vez, se dá por meio da linguagem em interação. Assim, a presente pesquisa centra-se no estudo de interações ocorridas em fóruns online de um curso de Espanhol para Turismo oferecido na modalidade à distância no ambiente virtual Moodle com vistas a problematizar a influência dos andaimes (WOOD, BRUNER, ROSS, 1976) na construção de conhecimento em língua estrangeira. Trata-se de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo-interpretativista, cujas análises estão fundamentadas por investigações sobre interação em fóruns online (PAIVA e RODRIGUES JR., 2004; LUCENA FILHO e OLIVEIRA, 2006; GREGOLIN, 2008) e ensino mediado por novas tecnologias (KENSKI, 2008; BARBERÁ, 2006). Objetivou-se compreender o funcionamento dos fóruns, delimitando os tipos de andaimes mais recorrentes e suas funções no contexto de um curso de espanhol para turismo. A pesquisa também visou contribuir com dados que auxiliem na formação de profissionais capazes de atuar no cenário educacional que se delimita a partir da massificação do uso de novas tecnologias. Os resultados evidenciaram uso intenso de andaimes ou ajudas pedagógicas tanto por parte do professor como dos próprios alunos, o que explicita o papel fundamental desempenhado pelos fóruns online como espaço de socialização e nos permite concluir que o ensino online fundamentado na interação é capaz de impulsionar o desenvolvimento dos aprendizes na construção de conhecimento em língua estrangeira, potencializando os espaços de interação dos cursos.
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Två moderna tolkningar av Adam och Eva : En komparativ studie av William Lane Craigs In Quest of the Historical Adam och S. Joshua Swamidass The Genealogical Adam & EveKronhamn, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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'n Hermeneutiese ondersoek na enkele teologiese interpretasies rondom die vroue van AdamMondriaan, Marlene Elizabeth 17 June 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 04back of this document / Dissertation (MA (Biblical and Religious Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted
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It Is Not Good That Man Should Be Alone: What Adam and Eve Can Teach Us About Relationships in Learning CommunitiesBassett, Julene 15 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Human existence (or be-ing) is profoundly relational. Yet educational environments often assume that learning happens individually. Though many educators are trying to rectify this problem by introducing community into the learning process, these efforts are too often simply overlaid onto a system that works through competition and rewards individual achievement. Therefore, an alternative perspective for who we are as humans and how we should be together is needed. In this dissertation, I examine what it means to be fundamentally related and show how such an understanding might impact learning. We often think of “community” as a place, but I also use it to embody an alternative understanding of human be-ing: how we are and should be related and the process by which we can learn to embrace our ethical responsibilities. This second way of understanding community addresses a mode of be-ing that describes how we should come together: with (or “com”) unity. I use religious narratives to explore what a non-modern understanding of relational be-ing might mean for education. Looking at community in a religious context is helpful because it offers a different framework for understanding human be-ing. Using three stories found in Genesis—(a) the Creation of the world including the introduction of Adam and Eve, (b) their Fall, and (c) their Expulsion from Eden—I argue that they reveal the importance of three aspects of community: (a) diversity, a deep appreciation for our and others' enduring individuality, (b) unity, a willingness to be responsible both to and for others in a particular, ethical way, and (c) work, the catalyst for coming together and making relationships purposeful. Understanding how the aspects of diversity, unity, and work strengthen supportive relationships is an important way to understand community, including learning communities. It suggests that the purpose of education should be to help learners realize their moral responsibilities to others and teach them how to respond to that obligation. Moral learning communities can generate experiences that speak more authentically to human be-ing. They enhance education so that learning becomes not only more meaningful but truly life-changing.
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Wif and Wæpned, Freo Fægroste and Godes Handgescaft: Eve and Adam in the Anglo-Saxon GenesisElana, Harnish L. 13 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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