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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mental health and life satisfaction in East and West Germany: Effects of generation and migration of citizens

Beutel, Manfred E., Braunheim, Lisa, Heller, Ayline, Schmutzer, Gabriele, Decker, Oliver, Brähler, Elmar 27 January 2025 (has links)
Overall, our data point to inequalities between the Eastern and Western states regarding mental health 16 years after reunification favoring the residents of the Western states by lower distress and life satisfaction. Our data attest to the stresses and adjustments associated with migration from the Eastern to the Western states before reunification. A lower level of mental health and life satisfaction in the oldest generation may be related to the sequelae of World War II and also to aging.

L'image de Rhodes à la Renaissance : les enjeux d'une représentation

Perreault, Anna 08 1900 (has links)
Les XVe et XVIe siècles sont les témoins de grands bouleversements au niveau des arts et de la science et sont traversés par des tensions politiques et religieuses extrêmes. L’Empire ottoman, alors en pleine expansion, s’avançait dangereusement vers l’Occident chrétien lui-même déchiré par d’innombrables conflits internes. Située à quelques kilomètres à peine des côtes anatoliennes, l’île de Rhodes représentait un obstacle aux conquêtes de la Sublime Porte et était vue par les Occidentaux comme le dernier bastion chrétien en Méditerranée orientale. Assiégée en 1480 et finalement prise par Suleyman le Magnifique en 1522, l’île occupait une place importante dans l’imagerie occidentale de l’époque comme symbole de la lutte contre l’Empire ottoman. Dans un contexte de découvertes où se développaient les connaissances sur la géographie et où l’on se questionnait sur l’espace et la manière de le représenter, les représentations chorographiques et géographiques de Rhodes se multipliaient. Ces images mettent en scène une vision occidentale des Ottomans ainsi que la réalité conflictuelle des rapports de pouvoir entre l’Orient et l’Occident à la Renaissance. Elles sont étudiées non pas uniquement comme forme d’expression artistique mais comme constructions culturelles porteuses de l’idéologie et des impératifs territoriaux des sociétés européennes. Ce mémoire, à travers l’étude d’un corpus d’images choisies, analyse ces représentations de manière à mettre en lumière leur lien intrinsèque avec la notion de pouvoir et l’idée de possession territoriale. / The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries saw great breakthroughs in the arts and sciences and were traversed by extreme political and religious tensions. The Ottoman Empire, then in full expansion, advanced dangerously towards the Christian West, which was itself torn by innumerable internal conflicts. Located only a few kilometers from the Anatolian coast, the island of Rhodes represented an obstacle to the conquests of the Ottoman Porte, and was seen by the West as the last Christian stronghold in the eastern Mediterranean. Besieged in 1480 and finally taken by Suleyman the Magnificent in 1522, the island occupied an important place in the Western imagery of the time as a symbol of the struggle against the Ottoman Empire. In a context of discoveries and increasing knowledge about geography, and of questioning the space and the way to represent it, the geographical and chorographical representations of Rhodes multiplied. These images depict a Western vision of the Ottomans and the conflictual reality of power relationships between the East and the West during the Renaissance. They are studied not only as forms of artistic expression but as cultural constructions carrying the ideology and the territorial imperatives of the european societies. This dissertation, through the study of a corpus of chosen images, analyzes these representations in order to highlight their intrinsic link with the notion of power and the idea of territorial possession.

Le regard des voyageurs latins sur les chrétiens d’Orient (Cilicie, Syrie-Palestine, Égypte) du XIIe au début du XVe siècle / The representation of Eastern Christians in Latin travellers’ writings (Cilicia, Syria Palestine, Egypt) from the 12th century to the early 15th century.

Rouxpetel, Camille 11 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objet l’image de l’autre dans les textes des voyageurs latins en Cilicie, Syrie-Palestine et Égypte du XIIe au début du XVe siècle. La rencontre directe entre chrétiens d’Occident et chrétiens d’Orient altère en effet progressivement les représentations occidentales antérieures. Les attitudes des auteurs varient selon leur statut et selon les trajectoires propres à chacun. Après une présentation des conditions de production des œuvres, mettant en évidence les thématiques présidant à la rencontre avec les chrétiens d’Orient, cette étude analyse le discours latin sur l’altérité orientale. Ce dernier résulte de la confrontation entre observations et représentations et se construit entre la curiosité pour une réalité nouvelle porteuse d’exotisme, et l’élaboration d’une double rhétorique du rejet et de l’assimilation de chrétiens considérés à la jonction d’enjeux géopolitiques, dans le contexte des croisades, et d’enjeux religieux, dans le double contexte de la politique d’union pontificale et du prolongement de la réforme monastique. L’intégration des Églises orientales à la culture occidentale suppose alors d’articuler unité et diversité au sein même de la chrétienté. L’analyse du rapport des Latins à la Terre sainte, entre « géographie sacrée » et géographie réelle, des discours croisé, missionnaire et pèlerin sur la diversité et de leurs réactions à celle-ci permet enfin de mesurer l’impact de la rencontre avec les chrétiens orientaux, dans leur dissemblance et leur similitude, sur l’idée de chrétienté. / This research aims at analysing the representation of otherness in the writings of Latin travellers in Cilicia, Syria Palestine and Egypt from the 12th century to the early 15th century. Close encounters between Western Christians and Eastern Christians gradually changed the previous representations of the former, while the attitudes of the writers depended on their status and the respective career paths. After presenting the conditions in which the works were written and underlining the themes and issues that were tackled during the encounters with Eastern Christians, this research analyses the Latin discourse on Eastern otherness, the construction of which results from the confrontation between observation and representation. Curiosity for a new exotic reality went along with a double-edged rhetoric of rejection and assimilation of Eastern Christians, as the stakes were both geopolitical – in the context of the Crusades – and religious – with the policy of pontifical union and the continuation of the monastic reform. Integrating Eastern churches into Western culture thus meant conciliating unity and diversity with Christianity. Analysing the relationships of Latin people with the Holy Land – between biblical and actual geography – as well as the discourses of crusaders, missionaries and pilgrims on diversity and their various reactions to it allows one to measure the impact of the encounter with Eastern Christians on the idea of Christianity.

Entre partenaires et adversaires, une ouverture asymétrique et stratégique : la France face à la Roumanie et à la Hongrie (1968-1977) / Partners or adversaries, an asymmetrical and strategic opening policy : France face-to-face with Romania and Hungary (1968-1977)

Bouillon, Pierre-Hubert 30 November 2013 (has links)
La France, durant la détente, mena une politique étrangère qui mit à profit les déviations internes de la Hongrie et internationales de la Roumanie par rapport à l'URSS. La politique française poursuivit des objectifs à la fois bilatéraux et multilatéraux : elle inscrivit son action dans un cadre hérité du passé, mais aussi dans un processus mouvant, celui d'Helsinki. Cette époque s'avéra une transition d'un point de vue aussi bien international que national : de la crise tchécoslovaque en 1968 au regain de tensions dans la seconde moitié des années 1970, les vecteurs d'influence de la France dans l'ancienne Europe centrale et oriental évoluèrent et s'enrichirent. Un partenariat difficile fut mis en place avec la Roumanie, qui avait entretenu de liens politiques étroits avec la France avant sa satellisation par l'URSS. Quant à la Hongrie, un dialogue naquit avec elle. Les limites des relations culturelles et militaires furent à l'inverse patentes. Ces deux démocraties populaires furent en effet perçues en France à travers tout un spectre de représentations, qui allait de l'adversaire militaire et idéologique au partenaire diplomatique pouvant converger avec l'Ouest. A contrario, les rapports économiques acquirent une signification croissante et furent encadrés par l'État. Ils répondirent à la volonté politique de développer les industries de haute-technologie en France, de s'opposer l'hégémonie des États-Unis en la matière, et de mettre à profit l'asymétrie de développement entre l'Est et l'Ouest pour saper la domination de l'URSS sur son glacis. En dépit de divergences au sein de l'État l'ouverture française fut ainsi menée de manière globalement cohérente. / France, during the "détente", led a foreign policy which took advantage of Hungary's and Romania' peculiarities compared to the USSR, Bucharest as for the international and Budapest as for the domestic policies. The French aims were both bilateral and multilateral. The French policy was developed in framework inherited from the past, but in a more fast-changing framework too, the Helsinki process. The period appeared to be a transition from the international and national points of view: from the Czechoslovak crisis in 1968 to the new tensions du ring the second half of the 1970s, the French way to influence former Central European countries changed and was enhanced. A difficult partnership was set up with Romania which country France had politically influenced before 1945, and a dialog created with Hungary. However concerning cultural and military relations, limitations were obvious. Indeed, these two people's democracies were seen in France through a whole spectrum of representations, from a military and ideological adversary to a diplomatic partner which was maybe able to converge with the West. On the contrary, economic relation became more and more important and were strongly supported by the government. Those relations were linked to a political determination to develop high-technology industries in France, to resist the United State hegemony in those fields and to undermine the Soviet rule on its empire by taking advantage of the asymmetrical level of development between the East and the West. Therefore, in spite of differences am on the state's administrations, the way the French relations were opened up to the East proved to be mostly consistent.

A reinvenção da acupuntura: estudo sobre a transplantação da acupuntura para contextos ocidentais e adoção na sociedade brasileira

Moraes, Maria Regina Cariello 03 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Regina Cariello Moraes.pdf: 24664808 bytes, checksum: e0e895c34f08e5004774e08a29ae15ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-03 / The chinese medicine originally was the part of magic-religious universe, fundamented on the taoist cosmology and later suffered due to the influence of confucionism and budism. It passed through several modifications during the history of milleniums of China; was secularized after the Cultural Revolution and assimilated western characteristics in the recent times. The application of needles is one of its teraphic tecniques, which has been translated as acupuncture to the western culture since XVII century. The ample diffusion of acupuncture in the last decades which was accompanied by the socio-historical transformations permitted its assimilation to the new cultural contexts. The eastern medicinal techniques were valued in the west during the period of counter culture, which contested the rational cientific knowledge as unique producer of the truth e cartesian separation between body, mind and spirit. Parallelly the imporation of medicinal treatments, paved the way in the modification in the western religious conceptions and emerged new corporities which favoured the adoption of eastern practices of health. With the result of the process of inclusion of acunpuncture in the western contexts, new ways of practicing the chinese therapy have emerged, several reinventions of the art of application of needles have taken place in order to adapt to the western cosmovision and to the life in modern times. The objective of this dissertation is to present the historical reconstruction of transformation of medicine in China and in the West; the transplantation of acupuncture as an element desconnected to the original simbolic universe to the western countries, and the process of adoption of acupuncture in the brazilian society, delienating the possible modes of practing acupuncture in contemporary Brasil / A medicina chinesa originalmente era parte de um conjunto mágico-religioso, fundamentava-se na cosmologia taoísta e sofreu influências do confucionismo e budismo. Passou por diversas modificações durante a milenar história chinesa, foi secularizada após a Revolução Cultural e na atualidade adquiriu características ocidentais. A aplicação de agulhas é um dos seus métodos terapêuticos, que vem sendo traduzido como acupuntura para o Ocidente desde o século XVII. A ampla difusão da acupuntura nas últimas décadas foi acompanhada por transformações sócio-históricas que permitiram sua assimilação em novos contextos culturais. As medicinas orientais foram valorizadas no Ocidente a partir da contracultura, que contestava o conhecimento racional científico como único produtor da verdade e a separação cartesiana entre corpo, mente e espírito. Paralelamente à importação de tratamentos medicinais, ocorreram modificações nas concepções religiosas ocidentais e emergiram novas corporeidades que favoreceram a adoção de práticas orientais de saúde. Como resultado do processo de inclusão da acupuntura em contextos ocidentais, surgiram novos jeitos de praticar a terapêutica chinesa, várias reinvenções da arte de aplicação das agulhas para adaptação à cosmovisão ocidental e ao modo de vida moderno. O objetivo dessa dissertação é apresentar uma reconstrução histórica das transformações da medicina na China e no Ocidente, da transplantação da acupuntura como elemento desvinculado do conjunto simbólico original para países ocidentais, e do processo de adoção da acupuntura na sociedade brasileira, delineando os possíveis modos de praticar acupuntura no Brasil contemporâneo

Psychische Symptome bei Studentinnen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine Replikation nach 10 Jahren

Dinkel, Andreas, Berth, Hendrik, Exner, Cornelia, Rief, Winfried, Balck, Friedrich January 2003 (has links)
Hintergrund: Nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung beschäftigte sich eine Reihe von Studien mit der psychischen Befindlichkeit der Menschen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt eine Replikation der Studie von Basten et al. [Psychische Beschwerden und körperliche Gesundheit im vereinten Deutschland: Eine Ost-West-Vergleichsuntersuchung an einer studentischen Stichprobe. Verhaltenstherapie 1994;4:90–95] 10 Jahre nach der Originaluntersuchung dar. Diese wurde 1991/1992 durchgeführt und untersuchte Unterschiede in der Depressivität, Angst, Somatisierung sowie im berichteten Essverhalten zwischen Studentinnen in Dresden und Marburg. Probanden und Methode: Von Oktober 2001 bis April 2002 wurden die psychischen Beschwerden und das Essverhalten bei Dresdner und Marburger Studenten untersucht. In die vorliegende Arbeit gingen Daten von 221 Studentinnen ein. Es wurden dieselben standardisierten Erhebungsinstrumente wie in der Originaluntersuchung eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Im Unterschied zu der Originalstudie konnte keine höhere Depressivität bei der westdeutschen Stichprobe nachgewiesen werden. Stattdessen gaben ostdeutsche Studentinnen signifikant mehr Angstsymptome an als westdeutsche. Daneben gab es Hinweise auf einen stärker ausgeprägten Schlankheitswunsch der Ostdeutschen. Insgesamt wiesen die ostdeutschen Studentinnen in allen Verfahren höhere Mittelwerte auf als 10 Jahre vorher. Diskussion: Die Studie bestätigt vorliegende Ergebnisse, wonach nur geringe Unterschiede in der psychischen Befindlichkeit in Ost- und Westdeutschland bestehen. Allerdings sind in den letzten 10 Jahren Veränderungen geschehen, die aufgrund fehlender Längsschnittstudien nicht eruiert wurden. Die höhere Ausprägung der Angstsymptomatik der ostdeutschen Studentinnen wird als ein Sozialisationsergebnis interpretiert. / Background: After the German unification, several studies have focused on differences in the psychological health of people in East and West Germany. The current study is a replication of the Basten et al. study [Psychological wellbeing and health in a unified Germany: An East-West-comparison of two student samples. Verhaltenstherapie 1994;4:90–95] 10 years after the original research of 1991/1992. It investigated differences in depression, anxiety and bodily symptoms as well as problematic eating behaviour in female university students in Dresden (East Germany) and Marburg (West Germany). Subjects and Methods: From October 2001 to April 2002, we investigated psychological symptoms and eating behaviour in students of the universities of Dresden and Marburg. The current report includes data of 221 female students. We used the same standardized measures as had been used in the original research. Results: In contrast to the original study, students from West Germany did no longer exhibit higher depression scores. Instead, students from East Germany showed significantly increased anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, there was a trend towards a higher drive for thinness in East German students. In all, students from Dresden showed higher mean values in all measures than 10 years before. Discussion: This study corroborates results that there are only minor differences in psychological health between people in East and West Germany. However, our findings point out that during the past decade subtle changes might have occurred which have not been detected through lack of longitudinal investigations. The higher level of anxiety in East German students could be a result of socialisation. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

A comparative look at karma and determinism

Seevers, Kiel J. 30 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Trading with the Enemy: U.S. Economic Policies and the End of the Cold War

Esno, Tyler P. 13 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dominieren Bundes- oder Landesparteien die individuellen Landtagswahlentscheidungen in der BRD?

Krumpal, Ivar, Rauhut, Heiko 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Landtagswahlergebnisse in der BRD werden von empirischen Wahlforschern häufig als aktuelle Stimmungsbarometer für die Bundespolitik interpretiert. Bei dieser Interpretation von Landtagswahlen als \"Bundestestwahlen\" wird jedoch häufig vernachlässigt, dass Landtagswahlen überwiegend auch Regionalwahlen sind und landestypischen Dynamiken folgen. Empirische Untersuchungen zu Bestimmungsfaktoren von Landtagswahlverhalten wurden in Deutschland bis dato entweder in Form von qualitativen Einzelfallanalysen oder als Aggregatdatenanalysen der amtlichen Wahlstatistiken durchgeführt. Eine direkte und vergleichende Quantifizierung der Effektstärken mit Survey-Daten wurde allerdings bislang nicht vorgenommen. Die vorliegende Studie wertet deshalb im Rahmen eines replikativen Surveys 17 Landtagswahlstudien aus. So können die Effektstärken der individuellen Bewertung der Bundes- versus der Landesparteien auf die Landtagswahlentscheidungen direkt verglichen werden. Als Fazit zeigt sich, dass in Westdeutschland die Beurteilung der Landesparteien einen stärkeren Einfluss auf die individuelle Landtagswahlentscheidung ausübt als die Beurteilung der Bundesparteien. In Ostdeutschland prägt dagegen bei Landtagswahlen die bundespolitische Dimension das Abstimmungsverhalten der Wähler stärker. Die Parteipolitikverflechtung zwischen Landes- und Bundesebene ist somit bei Landtagswahlen in Ostdeutschland erheblich stärker ausgeprägt als in den alten Bundesländern. / Electoral studies often interpret German regional election results ("Landtagswahlen") as barometers of public opinion on federal governmental parties' performance. However, while interpreting German regional elections as "test-elections" for the national parliament, it is often underemphasised that subnational elections often follow a unique regional dynamics. So far, empirical investigations on the determinants of German regional elections consist either in qualitative case studies or aggregate analyses of official statistics. A quantitative study of individual-level survey data, comparing directly the explanatory power of the federal versus the subnational level, is still lacking. Conducting a repeated survey design, we analyse data from 17 German regional election surveys. Thus, the effects of individual assessments of federal parties versus their subnational counterparts on subnational voting preferences can be directly compared. The conclusion of our analyses can be summarized as follows: In Western Germany, the valuation of subnational parties has a stronger impact on individual voting preferences in subnational elections than the valuation of the federal parties has. However, in Eastern Germany, the federal dimension has a comparatively stronger effect. Hence, the federal – regional ("Länder") party system linkage is clearly stronger in Eastern than in Western Germany.

Les conséquences de la crise de Suez de 1956 sur le système international / The Consequences of the Suez Crisis in 1956 on the International System

Bringuez, Jacques 07 February 2019 (has links)
La crise de Suez de 1956 est avant tout synonyme d'une opération militaire menée par les Français et les Anglais, dont l'échec retentissant a sonné le glas de la politique colonialiste des deux États. Mais Suez 1956 représente aussi et surtout un véritable tournant dans les relations internationales pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d'abord parce que, pour la première fois depuis l'avènement de la Guerre froide, l'URSS et les USA vont faire front commun contre les puissances occidentales associées à Israël. Ensuite parce que concomitamment, les Soviétiques répriment l'insurrection hongroise, battant en brèche leur toute nouvelle théorie de la coexistence pacifique. Enfin parce que le Tiers-monde trouve naissance dans cet affrontement, et devient l'objet de conquête idéologique, notamment au Moyen-Orient. En quoi la crise a-t-elle modifié les interactions au niveau diplomatique, l’équilibre des institutions internationales, les relations géopolitiques, les relations bilatérales dans l'univers de la Guerre froide, les relations intra blocs Est-Ouest ? Quelles conséquences la crise aura-t-elle eue sur la stratégie et les objectifs politiques des différents acteurs ? / The Suez crisis of 1956 is generally synonym for a military operation led by the French and the English army, whose resounding failure sounded the end of the colonialist policy of both States. But Suez 1956 represents also and above all a real turning point in the international relations for several reasons. Firstly, because, for the first time since the advent of the cold war, the USSR and the USA are going to join forces against the western powers associated with Israel. Then, because concomitantly, the Soviet power repress the Hungarian revolution, damaging their quite new theory of the peaceful coexistence. Finally, because the Third World finds birth in this confrontation, and becomes the object of ideological conquest, especially in the Middle-East In what did the crisis modify the interactions at the diplomatic level, the balance of the international institutions, the geopolitical relations, the bilateral relations in the universe of the Cold war, the relations intra East-West blocks? What consequences the crisis will generate on the strategy and the policy of the various actors?

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