Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecofriendly"" "subject:"ecounfriendly""
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Proyecto NaturessaDávila Ramírez, Jaclyn Lesly, Faya Vilchez, María De Jesús, Guillén Cueva, Erika Isabel, Rondón Camiluaga, Jennifer Sophia 29 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto lleva el nombre de “Naturessa”, el cual es una empresa que ofrece al público la alternativa de adquirir una pasta dental ecológica elaborada con insumos naturales y con envase eco amigable; esto con la finalidad de brindar beneficios a la salud del consumidor y colaborar con el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Para la realización de este proyecto se identificaron dos incertidumbres que existen en el mercado de salud bucal. Por un lado, identificamos que las pastas dentales tradicionales contienen insumos que son dañinos para la salud humana, ya que causan problemas como irritaciones, afecciones en los huesos, cáncer, entre otros. Asimismo, los consumidores no se encuentran informados de estos males. Por otro lado, las pastas dentales tradicionales son causantes de contaminación ambiental, ya que son producidos con micro plásticos que funcionan como agentes para eliminar la suciedad dental y están contenidos en envases de plástico.
Naturessa está dirigido a hombres y mujeres del nivel socioeconómico A y B de la zona 7 de la ciudad de Lima, los cuales comprende los distritos de Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco y La Molina. Además, estas personas se preocupen por utilizar insumos naturales y por el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Para llevar a cabo el presente trabajo de investigación, se analizó factores internos y externos de la industria. Además, se desarrollaron estrategias para lograr impulsar nuestro proyecto. Para finalizar, se mostrará el plan financiero para sustentar la viabilidad de nuestro negocio. / This project is called "Naturessa", which is a company that offers the public the alternative of acquiring an organic toothpaste made with natural supplies and with an eco-friendly packaging; this with the purpose of providing benefits to the health of the consumer and collaborating with the care of the environment.
For the realization of this project, two uncertainties that exist in the oral health market were identified. On the one hand, we identify that traditional toothpastes contain supplies that are harmful to human health, since they cause problems such as irritations, bone conditions, cancer, among others. Likewise, consumers are not informed of these evils. On the other hand, traditional toothpastes are causing environmental pollution, since they are produced with microplastics that work as agents to remove tooth dirt and are contained in plastic containers.
Naturessa is aimed at men and women of socioeconomic level A and B of zone 7 of the city of Lima, which includes the districts of Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco and La Molina. In addition, these people worry about using natural inputs and caring for the environment.
To carry out this research work, internal and external factors of the industry were analyzed. In addition, strategies were developed to boost our project. Finally, the financial plan will be shown to support the viability of our business. / Trabajo de investigación
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Development of new carbon hybrid materials for Li+ and Na+ ion batteries applications / Développement de nouveaux matériaux carbonés hybrides pour des applications dans les batteries Li+ et Na+ ionPana, Cristina 09 February 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses recherches se sont concentrées sur les batteries afin de satisfaire leur demande croissante pour de nombreuses applications. Les matériaux hybrides métal/carbone ont fait l'objet d'une grande attention en tant qu'anodes pour les batteries ioniques Li et Na en raison de leur capacité plus élevée par rapport aux anodes graphite/carbone dur. Cependant, l'expansion de la taille des NPs métalliques et la forte capacité irréversible pendant le 1ercycle sont les principaux inconvénients à surmonter et représentent l'objectif principal de cette thèse. Trois types d'hybrides ont été étudiés (C@Sn et C@SiO2pour les LIBs, et C@Sb pour les NIBs) et des voies de synthèse originales ont été développées qui ont permis d'obtenir des matériaux avec des NPs petites et homogènes distribuées dans le réseau de carbone. Plusieurs paramètres expérimentaux ont été optimisés, conduisant à une vaste palette de matériaux avec des porosités, des structures et des granulométries différentes. La température et la charge de particules se sont avérées être les principaux paramètres affectant la porosité et la taille des particules ainsi que les performances électrochimiques. L'augmentation de la température et de la charge de NPs ont conduit à une porosité plus faible qui a permis de diminuer la capacité irréversible et d'améliorer la capacité réversible. En même temps, le cycle à long terme a été affecté négativement en raison de la formation de particules non confinées et agglomérées. Un compromis entre la charge de carbone/porosité/structure a été déterminé pour chaque système et les mécanismes électrochimiques traités sur la base d'analyses post-mortem. / During the last years a lot of research has been focused on batteries to satisfy their increasing demand for a broad application. Metal-based/carbon hybrid materials received great attention as anodes for Li and Na ion batteries due to their higher capacity compared to graphite/hard carbons anodes. However, the metal particle size expansion and the high irreversible capacity during cycling are the main inconvenients to be overcome and represent the main goal of this thesis. Three type of hybrids were studied(C@Sn and C@SiO2for LIBs, and C@Sb for NIBs) and original synthesis pathways were developed which allowed to obtain materials with small and homogeneous distributed particles in the carbon network. Several experimental parameters were tuned leading to a large pallet of materials exhibiting different porosities, structures and particle size/distribution. The temperature and the particle loading were found to be the main parameters affecting the porosity and the particle size and further the electrochemical performances. The increase of both temperature and particle loading lead to smaller porosity which successfully allowed to diminish the irreversible capacity and to improve the reversible capacity. In the same time, the long-term cycling was negatively affected due to the formation of un-confined and agglomerated particles. The extent of particle agglomeration and consequently of capacity fading was found to depend on the type of metal and synthesis route. A compromise between the carbon loading/porosity/structure was determined for each system and the electrochemical mechanisms addressed based on post-mortem analyses.
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Cargador Portátil Ecológico MAX - E / MAX -E Eco Friendly Portable ChargerAcosta Valverde, Melanie Araceli, Andrade Mariños, Joan Ayrton, Linares Castillos, Diego Alonso, Ortiz Chamochumbi, Renzo, Vásquez Calderón, John Erick 31 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto es un cargador solar ecológico que puede ser transportado en todo momento debido a su tamaño compacto y su poco peso de 150 gramos. Además, almacena la energía del sol y la luz led para luego cargar tu dispositivo en cualquier momento. Se desarrolla su viabilidad en base a una investigación realizada a hombres y mujeres de 18 a 39 años de los niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C. Por lo tanto, el análisis permite identificar a un grupo de personas que necesitan cargar su celular en momentos importantes durante el día pero que no encuentran lugar donde conectarlo o no tienen un cargador. Para validar la solución se utilizó un prototipo del producto el cual fue presentado al público y especialistas para que salga al mercado. Por último, se realizó un concierge para calcular la intención de compra del producto y proyectar sus estados financieros, los cuales, están respaldados por pertinentes desarrollos estratégicos que llevan a cabo un plan de negocio.
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Shampoo-jabón ecológico en barra con esponja de lufa “Sukkiri” / "Sukkiri" ecologica Soap-shampooCaldas Muroya, Javier Alberto Seiyi, Murrugarra Cori, Andrea Estefany, Retto Parodi, Silvia Esther, Rodriguez Peralta, Fabiola Alexandra 31 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad idear y planificar todas las actividades que son necesarias para dar inicio al proyecto de producción de shampoo-jabón en barra 100% natural y eco amigable, así como también demostrar la viabilidad de la idea de negocio.
Hoy en día, existe gran diversidad de shampoos y jabones en el mercado, más no con la calidad y función que brinda nuestro producto, dígase, ser 100% natural y eco amigable. Como se manifestó en líneas anteriores, nuestro producto cumple la función de dos elementos en uno solo, es decir, jabón y shampoo al mismo tiempo, además de mencionar que cuenta con la incorporación de una esponja de lufa eco amigable para una mayor limpieza del cuerpo. El producto se ideó considerando a un público tanto femenino como masculino que apuesten por los productos naturales y amigables con el medio ambiente.
Para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto se tomó en consideración aspectos del entorno externo e interno en el que se desarrollaría la empresa creada, así como también aspectos financieros, comerciales, planes estratégicos, de marketing, recursos humanos y de financiamiento que pudiesen contribuir con la determinación de la factibilidad de nuestra idea de negocio.
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AlmibagCasaverde Portella, Johan Fabrizio, Wong Mendoza, Joan Sebasti, Rojas Cisneros, Edson Michelle, Huanuco Figueroa, Sandra Carolina, Zamudio Rotger, Bruno 07 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad la contaminación ha aumentado considerablemente, el mar se ha llenado de desperdicios y muchos animales se han visto perjudicados. Varios medios han informado que dicha situación va a ir aumentando si no se realizan cambios.
Por lo tanto los diferentes países han coincidido en que se deben tomar medidas. En Perú por su parte se aprobó la ley N° 30884 que regula el plástico de un solo uso así como diferentes tipos de envases descartables. Debido a esto se creó Almibag que son la venta de bolsas biodegradables en base a almidón de yuca. Estas bolsas resultan beneficiosas para las personas debido a que ayudan al medio ambiente ya que se demoran en degradarse de 2 a 3 años y a su vez son fuertes para cargar los productos que sea necesario. Almibag se dedica a la tercerización, se ha conseguido personas que fabriquen este producto en bruto y así nosotros podemos personalizarlo y venderlo en diferentes lugares como son supermercados, tiendas, minimarkets, etc. Se espera que las ganancias aumenten año tras año con el fin de lograr rentabilidad para la empresa.
Es importante considerar que Almibag al no ser fabricantes directos, deben poner empeño en sus acciones de marketing, como lo es las estrategias de las 4p así también los planes estratégicos internos e internos y por último cuáles van ser sus estrategias financieras como ya antes se mencionó ya que es importante generar rentabilidad. / Today, pollution has increased considerably, the sea has been filled with waste and many animals have been harmed. Various media have reported that this situation will increase if changes are not made.
Therefore, the different countries have agreed that measures must be taken. In Peru, meanwhile, Law No. 30884 was approved, which regulates single-use plastic as well as different types of disposable packaging. Because of this Almibag was created, which is the sale of biodegradable bags based on cassava starch. These bags are beneficial for people because they help the environment since they take 2 to 3 years to degrade and are also strong enough to carry the products that are necessary. Almibag is dedicated to outsourcing, we have recruited people to manufacture this raw product and so we can customize it and sell it in different places such as supermarkets, stores, minimarkets, etc. Profits are expected to increase year after year in order to achieve profitability for the company.
It is important to consider that Almibag, as they are not the direct manufacturers, must put effort into their marketing actions, as is the 4p strategies as well as the internal and external strategic plans and finally what will be their financial strategies as mentioned before because this is essential to be profitable. / Trabajo de investigación
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The Cookie Dough Company / The Cookie Dough CompanyFernández Upiachihua, Yanet, Lezama Chávez, David, Morocho Rodriguez, Andrea, Ninapayta Quevedo, Lucero, Saji Alarcón, Zaily 03 July 2020 (has links)
En América Latina, existe un 49% de jóvenes que están dispuestos a probar nuevas experiencias, nuevos e inusuales sabores según el estudio realizado por la irlandesa Kerry, especializada en Taste & Nutrition y publicado en “Taste Charts 2019 Latam”. Es por ello que un grupo de amigos al ver la necesidad que existe en el sector de postres decide crear a The Cookie Dough Company. Un emprendimiento que tiene como objetivo ofrecer productos de pastelería, cuya base es una de masa de galleta comestible, acompañada de diferentes sabores, los cuales están inspirados en diferentes frutas y postres tradicionales de la pastelería peruana e internacional, dando ello como resultado una primera línea de productos que incluye diferentes sabores. Estas combinaciones permiten que se tenga un equilibrio entre sabores dulces, agrios y amargos. Además, dado que nos encontramos en una tendencia por cuidar el medio ambiente, se ofrece los productos en envases de vidrio, los cuales pueden ser reciclados o reutilizados permitiendo que se disminuya la contaminación ambiental, el cual es un factor importante para todo consumidor en la actualidad, ya que valoran más a las empresas eco friendly, generando que tengamos una imagen positiva para los clientes. Dichos productos están dirigidos para hombres y mujeres jóvenes - adultos que sean amantes de los postres, busquen darse una pausa dulce y estén dispuestos a probar nuevos productos/sabores teniendo la opción de poder adquirir una cookie dough en plataformas virtuales como Facebook e Instagram. / In Latin America, there are 49% of young people who are willing to try new experiences, new and unique flavors. According to the study carried out by the irish Kerry, specialized in Taste & Nutrition and published in “Taste Charts 2019 LATAM”. Therefore, a group of friends realized that there is a need in the dessert sector and decided to create The Cookie Dough Company. An entrepreneurship that has as purpose to offer pastry products whose base is edible cookie dough, accompanied by different flavors which are inspired in different fruits and traditional desserts of peruvian and international pastry, resulting in a front line of products that includes different flavors. These combinations allow a balance between sweet, sour and bitter flavors. In addition, since the The Cookie Dough Company are in a trend to care the environment, our products are offered in glass containers that can be recycled or reused, allowing environmental pollution to decrease, currently it’s an important factor for every consumer because they value eco friendly companies more, generating a positive image for our customers. These products are targeted to young men and women - adults who are willing to try new products / flavors having the option of being able to purchase a cookie dough on virtual platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. / Trabajo de investigación
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The Eco-Smart Can V2.0Nanto, Darack B 01 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
On a scorching summer day in 2015, a campus maintenance worker was observed emptying a trash bin. Upon closer observation, it was noted that the bin was not full; in fact, it was less than one third full. There were other bins that were full and needed to be emptied urgently. It was confusing and problematic to see that bins that needed more attention were not prioritized. After extended research, it was found that maintenance operates on daily routes to pick up trash at designated times, regardless of the level of trash in the bins. Therefore, to tackle this issue, the author decided to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop a prototype that will optimize trash collection and reduce costs of waste management and pollution; this device is named the Eco-Smart Can.
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Influence of supercritical carbon dioxide (scco2) dyeing parameters on color fastness of polyester fabric dyed with disperse dye : A study towards minimizing the energy consumption of polyester (pet) fabric dyeing with azo disperse dyeDas, Tapas January 2023 (has links)
Amid growing environmental concern and continuous depletion of natural resources (such as water), the textile industry is constantly searching for sustainable production process. Traditional dyeing processes, notorious for their enormous water consumption, have led society to search alternative dyeing method. Super critical carbon dioxide (scCO2), emerging as a promising dyeing medium shows a potential solution to mitigate water utilization, consequently raising sustainable textile material wet processing. As this innovative technology characterize by its waterless nature, no effluents are generated and conserves enormous amount of water, energy while increasing productivity. Although it has attained commercial focus in polyester fabric dyeing, the imperative remains to reduce energy demand during dyeing process including commercially available dyes. As a result, the optimization of dyeing conditions assumes crucial importance, broadening the feasibility of these eco-friendly dyeing techniques. The objective of this thesis work is to find out the optimum dyeing conditions of polyester (PET) fabric dyeing with an azo disperse dye (Corangar orange PE3330) utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) as a dyeing medium. The investigation aims to unravel the dynamic correlation withing scCO2 dyeing conditions and dye performance. To conduct this study, comprehensive methodology employing a statistical design of two-level three-factor (23) full factorial design was adopted. The studied factors enclose temperature, pressure and dyeing durations, enclosing ranges of 80-1200C, 10-25Mpa and 1-2 hours respectively. Dye concentration was kept constant at 0.2%. The study looks for individual conditions of studied parameters and their impacts on color strength (K/S). Moreover, an analysis of color fastness attributes, comprising washing, sublimation, rubbing and extraction, is carried out. The statistical analysis shows that the prominence of pressure and temperature as the principal factors in scCO2 dyeing medium. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis proves the negligible morphological transition in PET fabric following dyeing (crystallinity % for dyed and undyed fabric is 28.80 and 28.42% respectively). Findings also shows that comparable color properties to the traditional standard of PET fabric can be obtained by adapting dyeing pressure (20Mpa) and time (1 hour) while keeping the dyeing temperature (1200C). The findings concluded that satisfactory color strength (K/S) and color fastness related to the standard scCO2 dyeing process can be obtain with reduced energy and pressure. The outcome of this study subtle the relationship between temperature, pressure, and time towards color strength (K/S) and color fastness properties. Nonetheless, investigation of this study remained confined to laboratory-scale and for the purpose to upscale this finding for commercial use, it is crucial to carry out rigorous industrial trials.
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Risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption: A cross-cultural segmentation analysisMcLeay, F., Yoganathan, Vignesh, Osburg, V-S., Pandit, A. 04 April 2018 (has links)
Yes / Throughout the developed world, consumers are increasingly being encouraged to adopt cleaner, more
eco-friendly behaviours. However, hybrid car adoption remains low, which impedes the move towards a
lower carbon economy. In this paper, we examine the risks and drivers of hybrid car purchases, drawing
on consumer behaviour and cultural dimensions theory to account for the heterogeneous, segmented
nature of the market. As risk perceptions differ across cultures, and in order to address the lack of cross
cultural research on eco-friendly cars, we focus on Australian, South Korean, and Japanese consumers.
Based on a survey of 817 respondents we examine how five types of risk (social, psychological, time,
financial, and network externalities) and three factors that drive purchasing behaviour (product advantages,
product attractiveness, and product superiority) influence consumers perceptions of hybrid
cars. Four segments of consumers are identified (pessimists, realists, optimists, and casualists) that also
vary according to their environmental self-image, and underlying cultural values. Our results extend
theory by incorporating self-image and cultural dimension theories into a multi-country analysis of the
risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption. Our findings have practical implications in terms of marketing
strategies and potential policy interventions aimed at mitigating risk perceptions and promoting the
factors that drive hybrid car adoption.
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Proyecto Life Coaching / Life CoachingAndrade Miñano, Juan Alberto, Espejo Flores, Karen Cinthya, Humala Silva, Ulises, Zegarra Ureta, Sara 16 February 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó para validar la necesidad de la población de Lima de contar con un coach de la salud que le brinde asesoramiento para cuidar su salud a través de la alimentación. Necesidad que surge a causa de problemática actual sobre obesidad y sobrepeso que la población peruana viene enfrentando por los malos hábitos de alimentación y la falta de ejercicios en su rutina de vida por un factor tiempo.
Luego de haber recabado información necesaria se elabora el presente trabajo de investigación con la finalidad de poner en marcha un proyecto empresarial para la creación de una empresa que brinda el servicio de asesoramiento nutricional que está estrechamente relacionado con el bienestar del individuo, el equilibrio, la atención plena y la eficiencia de sus metas personales.
Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se realizó entrevistas de profundidad con la finalidad de delimitar nuestro segmento objetivo. La metodología que se ha implementado, han sido las entrevistas cualitativas abiertas, a personas que ya cuentan con estilo de vida sano, segmento al que atenderá Life Coaching. Los resultados de las entrevistas efectuadas nos muestra que existe un mercado potencia interesado en nuestra idea de negocio.
Para la viabilidad de este proyecto se requiere de una inversión inicial de S/ 57,595,00 soles que será financiado por un Angel Investor. Del análisis financiero efectuado nos arroja que la Tasa Interna de Retorno es del 145% con un Valor Actual Neto de S/ 143,749.68 soles. Estos resultados nos muestran que el proyecto analizado devuelve el capital invertido más una ganancia de S/ de 143,749.68 soles.
Por lo antes señalado este trabajo de investigación nos indica que el proyecto de negocio es viable y rentable. / The present research work was conducted to validate the need of the population of Lima to have a health coach to provide advice to take care of their health through food. Need that arises because of current problems about obsessiveness and overweight that the Peruvian population has been facing due to poor eating habits and lack of exercises in their routine for a time.
After having gathered the necessary information, the present research work is chosen in order to start up a business project for the creation of a company that provides the nutritional advice service that is closely related to the wellbeing of the individual, the balance, the full attention and the efficiency of your personal goals.
For the development of this project, in-depth interviews were conducted in order to define our target segment. The methodology that has been implemented has been qualitative open interviews, to people who already have a healthy lifestyle, a segment that Life Coaching will attend. The results of the interviews carried out show us that there is a potential market interested in our business idea.
For the viability of this project, an initial investment of S / 57,595.00 soles will be required and will be financed by Angel Investor. From the financial analysis carried out, we find that the Internal Rate of Return is 145% with a Net Present Value of S / 143,749.68 soles. These results show us that the project analyzed returns the capital invested plus a profit of S/. 143,749.68 soles.
As indicated earlier this research work indicates that the business project is viable and profitable. / Trabajo de investigación
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