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Fornskandinavisk mytologi kontra Hildebrandt : en analys av Johanne Hildebrandts användande av den skandinaviska mytologin i sin trilogi om ValhallaPalmblad, Paola January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en studie av det sätt på vilket författaren Johanne Hildebrandt har använts sig av den fornskandinaviska mytologin när hon skrivit sin trilogi om Freja och Valhalla. Hon har använt flera karaktärer, myter och beskrivningar från bronsålder, Skandinaviens i allmänhet och Sveriges i synnerhet, och lagt dem som grund för sina böcker. Hon väljer att vinkla boken ur ett feministiskt perspektiv och sätter stort fokus på matriarkatet. Ingen vet säkert hur samhället var uppbyggt för 2700 år sedan, och Hildebrandt såg sin chans att skriva boken ur ett perspektiv där kvinnan och Gudinnan stod i centrum. Hon har onekligen använt mycket från mytologin. Ju mer påläst man är om fornskandinavisk religion desto mer kopplingar märker man. Hildebrandt har på ett mer eller mindre framträdande sätt lagt in olika likheter och olikheter. Jag har valt att lägga fokus på de tre kvinnorna som givit namn åt de olika böckerna, Freja, Idun och Saga. Freja och Saga är de gudinnor som likar sina förebilder, mytologins Freyja och Sága, mest. Fokus läggs på den starka kvinnan som klarar sig med hjälp av egen vilja och maskin. Hildebrandt har fokuserat på det passionerade och handlingskraftiga hos dessa kvinnor. Idun, som har mytologins Iðunn som grundare, har däremot getts en svagare roll. Idun är undfallande och är mycket osäker på sig själv. Hildebrandt väljer här att lägga fokus på Iduns moderlighet. Karaktärerna i boken är lättare att översätta till dagens samhälle än hela den struktur samhället i Hildebrandts bok är uppbyggt på. Inget samhälle idag kretsar kring kvinnan vilket ter sig mer som ett önsketänkande från Hildebrandts sida. Böckernas syfte är trots allt att underhålla.
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Ég meina það sé úr Eddu. Jón Rúgmanns avskrift av Uppsala-Eddans Gylfaginning ur handskriften R 683Romano, Christian January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen presenterar en diplomatarisk utgåva av ett stycke text ur handskriften R 683, från senare hälften av 1600-talet. Texten är en avskrift av delen Gylfaginning ur Snorri Sturlusons Edda enligt versionen nedskriven i handskriften DG 11, från tidigt 1300-tal. Uppsatsens syfte är att presentera en hittils relativt ostuderad text som en självständig skriftprodukt, samt försöka att spåra dess specifika drag som skiljer den från dess ursprungstext samt övriga versioner av Snorris Edda. Undersökningen har genomförts utifrån ett nyfilologiskt perspektiv, inte med tanke på dess relation till övriga versioner utan med fokus på vad som egentligen står i handskriften. Resultatet visar att texten i R 683 skiljer sig något från DG 11, och jämförelseundersökningen med övriga Edda-versioner visar att skrivaren, Jón Rúgmann, använt sig av andra källor för sin avskrift, i synnerhet de i handskrifterna Codex Regius, Codex Wormianus samt Peder Resens (Resenius) utgåva av Laufás Edda. Samtidigt visar skrivarens arbete tecken på en personlig kunskap i den medeltida isländska textproduktionen, vilket förklarar de tillägg och kommentarer som inte är direkt tagna ur texter utan tyder på vidare forskning eller förkunskaper. Slutligen lyfter uppsatsen fram Jón Rúgmanns vetenskapliga förtjänster i den nordiska filologins tidiga etablering i Sverige samt presenterar den stora potential i förbisedda handskrifterna som R 683.
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Gemensamma strukturer i isländska sagorHansson, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
This paper is a morphological structure-analysis of icelandic tales to determine their common and distinguishable components in relation to one another and to the russian folktale with Vladimir Propp’s book Morphology of the Folktale (1968) as theoretical basis. The paper looks at the Poetic Edda and Njals saga and the functions of the actions for each other and for the story as a whole. Although the icelandic tales shows great similarities with the russian folktale in general, it also shows deviations. The functions have sometimes appeared on inverted positions, and in a full third of the stories the evil has won over the good in a crucial struggle, but has in 90 % of these stories still been punished before the end. In seven of the thirty tales the story has ended with a foreboding of misfortune or lack. My conclusion is therefore that the icelandic tales indeed shows a common morphological structure, but also deviations in relation to Propps conclusions which could function as a basis of critique against his theory as well as a foundation for future research to improve his theory.
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Den Queera Eddan : En undersökning av queera läckage i Den poetiska Eddan / The Queer Edda : A study of queer leakages in The Poetic EddaRandeblad, Joel January 2022 (has links)
This essay analyses the songs from Den poetiska Eddan (The Poetic Edda) with a queer perspective through a queer reading. I use Tiina Rosenberg’s concept of queer leakage along with historical contextualization to figure out how to approach an older text through a modern perspective. Throughout the essay, I discuss how queer leakages appear throughout the text either in representations of gender and norm-breaking behavior, or through an analysis of the use of insults. The analysis establishes that there are queer leakages to be found in The Poetic Edda and that the conclusion avoids being anachronistic through the historical context that the evidence is tried against. The essay concludes that identities our society views as static are rather dynamic and in constant need of assertive actions for their own enforcement. / Den här uppsatsen analyserar tre kväden ur Den poetiska Eddan genom ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen använder Tiina Rosenbergs begrepp queera läckage tillsammans med en historisk kontext. Detta för att pröva hur en kan möta äldre texter genom ett modernt perspektiv. Under analysen diskuterar jag hur queera läckage ter sig genom texten, antingen genom olika typer av könsroller eller normbrytande beteende, samt genom en analys av förolämpningar. Analysen påvisar att det finns queera läckage i Den poetiska Eddan, och att slutsatsen undviker att bli anakronistisk på grund av den historiska kontext som textexemplen prövas gentemot. Uppsatsens slutsats är att de identiteter som vårt samhälle ser som statiska i själva verket är dynamiska, samt att de ständigt behöver hävdas för att fortsätta existera.
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Coordination Chemistry of Monocarboxylate and Aminocarboxylate Complexes at the Water/Goethite InterfaceNorén, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a summary of five papers with focus on adsorption processes of various monocarboxylates and aminocarboxylates at the water/goethite interface. Interaction of organic acids at the water/mineral interfaces are of importance in biogeochemical processes, since such processes have potential to alter mobility and bioavailability of the acids and metal ions. In order to determine the coordination chemistry of acetate, benzoate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, sarcosine, MIDA (methyliminediacetic acid), EDDA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetic acid) and EDTA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-tetraacetic acid) upon adsorption to the goethite (alpha-FeOOH) surface, a combination of quantitative measurements with attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) was utilized. Over the pH range studied here (pH 3- 9) all ligands, except for sarcosine, have been found to form surface complexes with goethite. In general, theses were characterized as outer sphere surface complexes i.e. with no direct interaction with surface Fe(III) metal ions. Furthermore, two types of different outer-sphere complexes were identified, the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair, and hydration-shared ion pair. For the monocarboxylate surface complexes distinction between these two could be made. At high pH values the solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair was the predominating complex, while at low pH the surface complex is stabilized through the formation of strong hydrogen bonds with the goethite surface. However, it was not possible to clearly separate between the two outer-sphere complexes for coordination of the aminocarboxylates with the surface of goethite. Additionally, EDDA also formed an inner-sphere surface complex at high pH values. The EDDA molecule was suggested to coordinate to the surface by forming a five membered ring with an iron at the goethite surface, through the amine and carboxylate groups. Contrary to the other ligands studied, EDTA significantly induced dissolution of goethite. Some of the dissolved iron, in the form of the highly stable FeEDTA- solution complex, was indicated to re-adsorb to the mineral surface as a ternary complex. Similar ternary surface complexes were also found in the Ga(III)EDTA/goethite system, and quantitative and spectroscopic studies on adsorption of Ga(III) in presence and absence of EDTA showed that EDTA considerably effects speciation of gallium at goethite surface. The collective results in this thesis show that the affinity of these ligands for the surface of goethite is primarily governed by their chemical composition and structure, and especially important are the types, numbers and relative position of functional groups within the molecular structure.
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The context, purpose, and dissemination of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland, c.1120-c.1241Lunga, Peter Sigurdson January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a comparative and multidisciplinary study of legendary genealogies in the historical writing of northern England and Iceland c. 1120 – c. 1241. Historical writing was produced in abundance over this period in both areas and the frequent contact between England and Scandinavia, as well as shared use of early medieval insular sources make them especially suitable for comparison. The Viking invasions and settlement in England had a significant impact on English culture, language and literature and changed attitudes to their own legendary past. The Danish conquest of England in the early eleventh-century also brought the insular and Scandinavian worlds closer together, and even after the Norman Conquest in 1066, England and Scandinavia engaged in scholarly and textual exchange The theoretical framework for the thesis combines approaches from religious history, art history, political history, literature history and gender history. The main research questions of the thesis consider the dissemination, development, and purpose of legendary genealogies. The sources are a collection of Durham related manuscripts with illuminations of the pagan god Woden (c. 1120–88) in two historical works De Primo Saxonum Aduentu and De Gestis Regum; Genealogia Regum Anglorum (Rievaulx, 1153x54) by Aelred of Rievaulx; two works attributed to Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda (Iceland, 1220s) and Heimskringla (Iceland, 1225x35). Common to the sources is the inclusion of genealogies that stretch from legendary generations to living individuals at the time of writing. Thus, genealogies connected dynasties and civilisations in mutual descent from pagan, Trojan and biblical ancestors. By analysing textual dissemination as well as political contexts, literary patronage and mechanisms in legitimisation of power, the thesis address amalgamations of origin myths, the use and significance euhemerised pagan gods, and female generations in genealogies.
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Political Atheism vs. The Divine Right of Kings: Understanding 'The Fairy of the Lake' (1801)Post, Andy 30 April 2014 (has links)
In 'Political Atheism vs. The Divine Right of Kings,' I build on Thompson and Scrivener’s work analysing John Thelwall’s play 'The Fairy of the Lake' as a political allegory, arguing all religious symbolism in 'FL' to advance the traditionally Revolutionary thesis that “the King is not a God.”
My first chapter contextualises Thelwall’s revival of 17th century radicalism during the French Revolution and its failure. My second chapter examines how Thelwall’s use of fire as a symbol discrediting the Saxons’ pagan notion of divine monarchy, also emphasises the idolatrous apotheosis of King Arthur. My third chapter deconstructs the Fairy of the Lake’s water and characterisation, and concludes her sole purpose to be to justify a Revolution beyond moral reproach. My fourth chapter traces how beer satirises Communion wine, among both pagans and Christians, in order to undermine any religion that could reinforce either divinity or the Divine Right of Kings. / A close reading of an all-but-forgotten Arthurian play as an allegory against the Divine Right of Kings.
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