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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Gest?o de sala de aula na educa??o musical escolar

Silva, Rafael Rodrigues da 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:23:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 457549.pdf: 6382679 bytes, checksum: bd2a113963f2ff8dd07be7d9a3066117 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / This research is concerned with the classroom management practices in school music education. In this work, by classroom management involves the teacher's actions directed towards influencing and/or modifying the student's behavior in order to establish or maintain favorable conditions for learning. This element of the teaching practice is investigated in this work through classroom observations and interviews with three Music or Art Education teachers working at the public school system in Porto Alegre-RS. Three classroom observations were done for each teacher while the interviews were developed to question them about their perceptions of the effects and the source of the practices that were observed. Thus, the main question that guides this research is how music teachers influence students' behaviors with the intention to create or maintain a favorable environment for performing their pedagogical activities at school? The research aims to investigate how music teachers manage interpersonal relations, space and time within the classroom in order to create conditions so that music can happen at school. For this purpose, I use as references to reflect about the classroom management role in teaching practice works from theorists such as Walter Doyle, Clermont Gauthier, Phillipe Perrenoud and Maurice Tardif and to discuss about power relationships and classroom history works from Michel Foucault, Marcelo Caruso and Ines Dussel. The work consists of an introduction which defines the research problem and the concepts to be used, followed by a chapter devoted to the theoretical debate on the topic of classroom management. The second chapter describes the methodology chosen and applied throughout the research while the third is dedicated to the presentation and analysis of the data generated from the field work. The last part is devoted to concluding remarks. / Esta pesquisa se ocupa da gest?o de sala de aula nas pr?ticas de educa??o musical escolar. Por gest?o de sala de aula, no presente texto, entenda-se as a??es docentes direcionadas a influenciar ou modificar comportamentos discentes visando estabelecer ou manter condi??es favor?veis ? aprendizagem. Tal esfera do trabalho docente ? investigada nesse trabalho atrav?s de observa??es de aulas e entrevistas com tr?s professores licenciados em M?sica ou Educa??o Art?stica com habilita??o em M?sica que atuam na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre-RS. Foram observadas tr?s aulas de cada um desses professores e as entrevistas foram constru?das de maneira a questionar os professores acerca da origem e da sua percep??o sobre os efeitos das pr?ticas observadas. Com isso, se pretende responder ? pergunta de que forma professores de m?sica na escola influenciam comportamentos discentes visando a cria??o ou manuten??o de um ambiente favor?vel ? realiza??o das atividades que prop?em? A pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar como professores de m?sica organizam as rela??es interpessoais, o espa?o e o tempo em sala de aula visando criar condi??es para que a m?sica aconte?a na escola. Para tanto, tomo como refer?ncias para pensar o papel da gest?o de sala de aula na pr?tica docente trabalhos como os de Walter Doyle, Clermont Gauthier, Phillipe Perrenoud e Maurice Tardif e para tratar das rela??es de poder e da hist?ria das salas de aula trabalhos como os de Michel Foucault, Marcelo Caruso e In?s Dussel. O trabalho ? constitu?do de uma introdu??o em que se define o problema de pesquisa e os conceitos a serem utilizados, seguido de um cap?tulo dedicado ao debate te?rico acerca do tema gest?o de sala de aula. O segundo cap?tulo descreve a metodologia utilizada no trabalho de campo e o terceiro ? dedicada ? apresenta??o e an?lise dos dados gerados no trabalho de campo. A ?ltima parte ? dedicada ?s considera??es finais.

A experi?ncia educacional da administra??o popular em Porto Alegre/RS (1989-2004) na perspectiva de seus secret?rios municipais de educa??o

Gon?alves, Ana Cristina Rocha 27 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:23:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 461973.pdf: 1955852 bytes, checksum: d3077f5435385297a39bd4e50286f6a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / The present doctoral thesis is a study case about the experience of management processes and educational policies developed by the Popular Administration in Porto Alegre/ RS, during its four governments from the perspective of the Municipal Secretaries of Education. This is a qualitative research that seeks to evaluate a new model of management of State and Education, which inserts through the policies of participative democracy the protagonism of citizens in the decision process and social control of public management. The theoretical and methodological framework developed in four initial chapters brings the concepts of citizenship, democracy, State, participative democracy and participation, from several theoretical and policies conceptions approach of the meanings and themes in the articulation between education, democracy and citizenship. Data collection was performed at two different times: in the first, a bibliographical research on the topic of this study, combined with a documentary research from publications of the Education City Department of Porto Alegre, official documents and legislation; In the second moment the field work, for which was made use of oral history, interviewing the Education Municipal Secretaries of Porto Alegre, in the period that the Popular Administration ruled that city (1989-2004), of the following administrations: second administration (1993 -1996), teacher S?nia Bruggemann Pilla; third administration (1997-2000), teacher Jos? Clovis de Azevedo; and from fourth administration ( 2001- 2004 ), three secretaries: Teacher Eliezer Moreira Pacheco ( 2001- 2003 ); teacher Sofia Cavedon Nunes ( 2003-2004 ) and teacher Maria de F?tima Baierle (2004 ). Each chapter presents an evaluation of management addressing their continuities, advances, setbacks and breaks in optical research subjects. In the final chapter and considerations was made a balance of Popular Administration Governments in Porto Alegre seeking to ascertain in what extent this new model of State management and Education contributed to the process of democratization of the State, the Municipal System of Education and schools. / A presente tese de doutorado constitui-se um estudo de caso sobre a experi?ncia de gest?o dos processos e pol?ticas educacionais desenvolvidas pela Administra??o Popular, em Porto Alegre/RS, ao longo de seus quatro governos, na perspectiva de seus Secret?rios Municipais de Educa??o. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que busca avaliar um novo modelo de gest?o do Estado e da Educa??o, que insere atrav?s de pol?ticas de democracia participativa o protagonismo dos cidad?os no processo de decis?o e de controle social da gest?o p?blica. O referencial te?rico-metodol?gico desenvolvido em quatro cap?tulos iniciais traz os conceitos de: cidadania, democracia, Estado, democracia participativa e participa??o, a partir de diversas concep??es te?ricas e pol?ticas e abordagem dos significados e temas na articula??o entre educa??o, democracia e cidadania. A coleta de dados se realizou em dois momentos distintos: no primeiro, uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica sobre o tema de estudo, associada a uma pesquisa documental a partir das publica??es da Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o de Porto Alegre, documentos oficiais e da legisla??o; no segundo momento, realizou-se o trabalho de campo para o qual se fez o uso da hist?ria oral, entrevistando-se os Secret?rios Municipais de Educa??o de Porto Alegre, do per?odo que a Administra??o Popular governou essa cidade (1989-2004), das seguintes gest?es: segunda gest?o (1993-1996), professora S?nia Bruggemann Pilla; terceira gest?o (1997-2000), professor Jos? Clovis de Azevedo; e, da quarta gest?o (2001-2004), tr?s secret?rios: professor Eliezer Moreira Pacheco (2001-2003); professora Sofia Cavedon Nunes (2003-2004) e professora Maria de F?tima Baierle (2004). Cada cap?tulo apresenta uma avalia??o da gest?o abordando suas continuidades, avan?os, rupturas e retrocessos na ?tica dos sujeitos da pesquisa. No cap?tulo final e nas considera??es realizou-se um balan?o dos governos da Administra??o Popular em Porto Alegre buscando averiguar em que medida esse novo modelo de gest?o do Estado e da Educa??o contribuiu para o processo de democratiza??o do Estado, do Sistema Municipal de Ensino e das escolas.

Sentidos produzidos na doc?ncia com alunos com necessidades especiais

Cintra, Lisiene Maria Carbonell 15 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:23:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 466426.pdf: 899352 bytes, checksum: 01e3ad465c1cd55c5a3517951cd26dba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-15 / This study isaimed at learning more about the meanings of teaching to Primary Education teachers in public schools, from the perspective of Education for All. This is a qualitative study with a descriptive nature, which uses semistructured interviews as an instrument for collecting information for later analysis of the content. The universality of eduction requires quality practices that simultaneously provide access to schooling for all and any children, while ensuring their permanence. An inclusive proposal follows this line, especially so when considering that it arises as recognition of exclusion and selectivity in traditional schooling. However, much desired education inclusion has been facing serious problems. There is still a huge gap between so-called inclusive educational policies and the reality experienced in educational practices encountered at schools. Previously, inclusion actions were aimed more at explaining and objectifying educational legislation and policies, with few making the effort to understand the subjective meanings that teachers education professionals and responsible for implementing the proposal have been attributing to it. In view of the teachers' "resistance" towards the proposal. The aim is to investigate the meaning of teaching to Primary Education teachers in public schools, in terms of the educational inclusion process. The procedures employed in the study shift from the empirical to interpretative, from speech to meaning, seeking to understand the specific needs of each teacher, expressed by them in some manner. Among the authors that form a base for this paper are students of historical-social theory like Vygotsky and followers, with an emphasis on Fernando Gonz?lez Rey.. The target public includes four Primary Education coordinator teachers, with two having only a few years of experience and the other two with more than fifteen years of experience coordinating primary education classes. The analysis of data shows us that the aforementioned "resistance" towards the inclusive proposal originates from beliefs and values that permeate their life experiences, which makes it necessary to create space for autonomy, discussion, critical reflection, and the creation of projects that arise from joint effort and promote writing. Spaces that foster significant content for teachers in their current contexts of life, so they can identify their desires, aspirations, beliefs and thereby resignify them, generating new meanings and leading them to contribute in a manner they judge more effective for quality education in which all children feel welcome. / Este estudo objetivou apreender os sentidos da doc?ncia, para os professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino fundamental da escola p?blica, na perspectiva de uma Educa??o para Todos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, de car?ter descritivo, que utiliza a entrevista semiestruturada como instrumento de coleta de dados para posterior An?lise de Conte?do. A universalidade do ensino requer pr?ticas de qualidade que garantam, simultaneamente, o acesso de toda e qualquer crian?a ? escola, bem como sua perman?ncia nela. A proposta inclusiva segue nesse caminho, principalmente se for considerado que ela surge como reconhecimento da exclud?ncia e seletividade da escola tradicional. At? ent?o, as a??es de implementa??o pouco t?m se voltado a compreender os sentidos subjetivos que os professores profissionais da educa??o, respons?veis por efetivar a proposta inclusiva, v?m atribuindo a ela. Tendo em vista a resist?ncia do professor ? proposta, procurou-se investigar os sentidos da doc?ncia, para os professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da escola p?blica, diante do processo de inclus?o educacional. Este trabalho ampara-se na categoria de sentido apresentada por Vygostky e nos trabalhos de Gonz?lez Rey que d? ?nfase ao car?ter cultural da psique. A investiga??o se d? em uma escola p?blica, de Educa??o B?sica, da rede estadual da cidade de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul. O recorte temporal abrange o primeiro semestre de 2014. O p?blico-alvo s?o quatro professoras regentes de turma dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. A an?lise dos dados revelou que a mencionada resist?ncia ? proposta inclusiva pode estar ligada a naturaliza??o dos fen?menos socialmente constru?dos e s? ser? modificada pela a??o cr?tica e diferenciada dos sujeitos que vivem essa realidade. Para que isso aconte?a ? necess?rio criar espa?os de autonomia, discuss?o, reflex?o cr?tica, cria??o de projetos que partam do trabalho conjunto e que promovam a autoria.

Avalia??o formativa em um contexto de educa??o corporativa : uma narrativa com enfoque pedag?gico

Casaletti, B?rbara Burgardt 18 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-03-27T18:25:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_BARBARA_BURGARDT_CASALETTI_COMPLETO.pdf: 767639 bytes, checksum: 62ca192e9ae9e952b07c31afc62b9efe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-27T18:25:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_BARBARA_BURGARDT_CASALETTI_COMPLETO.pdf: 767639 bytes, checksum: 62ca192e9ae9e952b07c31afc62b9efe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-18 / This thesis was elaborated in the research line Education, Policies and Practices in Education of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of PUCRS and investigated how the evaluation of training and improvement actions in a corporate education context is being carried out. Its construction is inspired by the Resolutions of the National Council of Justice ? CNJ ? and the Superior Council of Labor Justice - CSJT, which deal with the national policy of training and perfecting the servants of the Judiciary, as well as the national policy of education for servers of Labor Justice of first and second degree. In the process of data collection, the interview was used, which, according to Severino (2013), provides an interaction between the researcher and his interlocutors. The respondents were chosen intentionally within the universe investigated and the approach of the interviews (semi-structured) and the other data collected were submitted to discursive textual analysis, according to terms proposed by Moraes and Galliazzi (2011), the following categories being previously defined were: 1?) assessment and reaction; 2?) learning assessment; 3?) application assessment; 4?) outcome assessment. Those categories were chosen according to the content of the aforementioned Resolutions, where it is expected that ?training and improvement actions will be evaluated, whenever possible, by the organs of the judiciary, to guide new decision-making and the specificity of the Formative action in four dimensions: reaction, learning, application and outcome? (Resolution CNJ n? 192/2014 and Resolution CSJT n? 159/2015). In addition, the studies of Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2010a, 2010b) were also considered. The narrative as method was assumed, in the terms proposed by Clandinin and Connelly (2000), where the temporality and the stories lived and narrated are considered. / Esta tese foi elaborada na linha de pesquisa Forma??o, Pol?ticas e Pr?ticas em Educa??o do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da PUCRS e investigou como est? sendo realizada a avalia??o das a??es de forma??o e aperfei?oamento em um contexto de educa??o corporativa. Sua constru??o inspira-se no contido em Resolu??es do Conselho Nacional de Justi?a ? CNJ e do Conselho Superior da Justi?a do Trabalho - CSJT, que tratam da pol?tica nacional de forma??o e aperfei?oamento dos servidores do Poder Judici?rio, bem como da pol?tica nacional de educa??o para servidores da Justi?a do Trabalho de primeiro e segundo graus. No processo de coleta de dados, foi utilizada a entrevista, que, de acordo com Severino (2013), proporciona uma intera??o entre pesquisador e pesquisado. Os respondentes foram escolhidos intencionalmente dentro do universo investigado e a abordagem do presente estudo foi qualitativa, onde as respostas ?s quest?es das entrevistas (semiestruturadas) e os demais dados coletados foram submetidos ? an?lise textual discursiva, nos termos propostos por Moraes e Galliazzi (2011), onde foram previamente definidas as seguintes categorias: 1?) avalia??o de rea??o; 2?) avalia??o de aprendizagem; 3?) avalia??o de aplica??o; 4?) avalia??o de resultado. Referidas categorias foram escolhidas em fun??o do teor das Resolu??es antes mencionadas, onde existe a previs?o de que as ?a??es de forma??o e aperfei?oamento sejam avaliadas, sempre que poss?vel, pelos ?rg?os do Poder Judici?rio, para orientar novas tomadas de decis?es e observada a especificidade da a??o formativa, em quatro dimens?es: rea??o, aprendizagem, aplica??o e resultado? (Resolu??o CNJ n? 192/2014 e Resolu??o CSJT n? 159/2015). Al?m disso, os estudos de Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick (2010a; 2010b) tamb?m foram considerados. A narrativa como m?todo foi assumida, nos termos propostos por Clandinin e Connelly (2000), onde a temporalidade e as hist?rias vividas e narradas s?o observadas.

Crescimento educacional brasileiro : uma an?lise da distribui??o e dissemina??o dos efeitos espaciais

Vernier, Laura Desir?e Silva 22 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-05T16:57:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LAURA_DESIREE_SILVA_VERNIER_COMPLETO.pdf: 2445342 bytes, checksum: bebe6ed008f3e0aae8f497c94b6f2ddd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-05T16:57:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LAURA_DESIREE_SILVA_VERNIER_COMPLETO.pdf: 2445342 bytes, checksum: bebe6ed008f3e0aae8f497c94b6f2ddd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This doctoral dissertation presents three essays in Economics of Education that use data from Brazilian municipalities between the years 2000 and 2013. In the first, the objective is to analyze the distribution of education, classified in quantity and quality. The methodology was based on the Growth Incidence Curve (GIC), in which educational data were inserted. Educational growth was identified in the period, and the main results showed that the growth of quantity and quality of education presents different types of distribution. While the quantity exhibits a pro-poor behavior; the quantity is "anti-poor". It was also observed that the income factor becomes less determinant in the educational growth rates, the higher the school performance of the municipalities. The second essay analyzes the relation of the educational quality of a municipality with the educational quality of the neighboring municipalities. The results identify a strong dependence, suggesting that spatial structure influences school performance. So that the performance of a municipality is positively associated with the school performance of the neighboring municipalities. It was also observed the effect of higher education in the municipality itself, and that this effect is associated with its quality and not with the fact of its existence. Other measures related to teacher training also have a strong association with school outcomes. Considering the relevance of education and the results obtained in the second test, the third essay considers the heterogeneity of the regions within the spatial approach. The results indicate that socioeconomic status, such as parental schooling and student color, is strongly associated with school performance. The teacher effect was also verified, that is, the better the concept of universities and the higher the proportion of teachers with post-graduation, the better the school result of the municipality. Spatial heterogeneity and autocorrelation were important in the education of Brazilian municipalities. / Esta tese apresenta tr?s ensaios em Economia da Educa??o que utilizam dados municipais do Brasil entre os anos de 2000 e 2013. No primeiro ensaio, o objetivo ? analisar a distribui??o da educa??o, classificada em quantidade e qualidade. A metodologia foi baseada na Curva de Incid?ncia do Crescimento (GIC), na qual foram inseridos dados educacionais. Identificou-se no per?odo um crescimento educacional, e os principais resultados mostraram que o crescimento da quantidade e da qualidade educacional apresentam diferentes tipos de distribui??o. Enquanto a quantidade apresenta um comportamento pr?-pobre; a quantidade mostra-se ?anti-pobre?. Observou-se ainda que o fator renda torna-se menos determinante nas taxas de crescimento educacionais conforme maior o desempenho escolar dos munic?pios. O segundo ensaio tem por objetivo verificar a exist?ncia de efeitos espaciais na educa??o brasileira, e, para isso, analisa a rela??o da qualidade educacional de um munic?pio com a qualidade educacional dos munic?pios vizinhos. Os resultados identificam forte depend?ncia, sugerindo que a estrutura espacial tem influ?ncia no desempenho escolar, e que, dessa forma, o desempenho de um munic?pio est? positivamente associado ao desempenho dos munic?pios vizinhos. Observou-se tamb?m o efeito do ensino superior no pr?prio munic?pio, e que este efeito est? associado ? sua qualidade e n?o somente ? sua exist?ncia. Demais medidas referentes ? forma??o dos professores tamb?m apresentam forte associa??o com o resultado escolar. Diante da relev?ncia da educa??o e dos resultados obtidos no segundo ensaio, o terceiro ensaio considera a heterogeneidade das regi?es dentro da abordagem espacial. Os resultados indicam que o status socioecon?mico, como escolaridade dos pais e a cor do aluno, est? fortemente associado ao desempenho escolar. O efeito-professor tamb?m foi identificado, sugerindo que quanto melhor o conceito das universidades e maior a propor??o de professores com p?s-gradua??o, melhor o resultado do munic?pio. A heterogeneidade e autocorrela??o espacial mostraram-se importantes na educa??o dos munic?pios brasileiros.

Educa??o inclusiva : um olhar sobre a diversidade na educa??o infantil

Sternberg, Priscilla Wagner 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Educa??o (educacao-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-01-17T16:14:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PRISCILLA WAGNER STERNBERG.pdf: 1846880 bytes, checksum: a0e90a7e7e2faf6fc4632c616a16a208 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-01-26T13:27:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PRISCILLA WAGNER STERNBERG.pdf: 1846880 bytes, checksum: a0e90a7e7e2faf6fc4632c616a16a208 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-26T13:31:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PRISCILLA WAGNER STERNBERG.pdf: 1846880 bytes, checksum: a0e90a7e7e2faf6fc4632c616a16a208 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study investigates how an Early Childhood Education School deals with the issue of diversity in the perspective of Inclusive Education. To do that, the interventions of educators with all children, with and without disabilities, are characterized, considering their specificities and characteristics.It also analyzes how the interactions among children take place, considering their specificities and characteristics, and also examines how (if so) the presence of children with disabilities helps to make the environment more helpful to development, participation and the learning of all children. An exploratory qualitative study was carried out, with participant observation being the main tool for data collection. Two classes of a municipal kindergarten in Porto Alegre were visited during the first semester of 2017.The data from the observations were recorded in a Field Journal, which was analyzed from the Discursive Textual Analysis. Many interventions revealed a connection between educators and children, favoring peer interaction, choice of play, feeling of belonging, communication and participation in group tasks, and revealing attention to individual and group needs. On the other hand, sometimes, adults were unable to connect to the needs of children, either by losing rich opportunities for intervention or by doing so in an inconsistent manner, thus not seeming to offer the help they needed for the activities or for interactions among the group. On the interactions among the children, four different forms were observed: through play, imitation, cooperation and aggression.Thus, the context observed was favorable to learning and interactions among all, so that deficiencies or other difficulties were taken from a heterogeneity perspective, among children, educators and management. However, some points still need to be improved, considering Early Childhood Education is still under construction in our country, gaps in teacher?s education, and internal and external divergences of the institution. Therefore, concretizations, difficulties and contradictions characterize the action of the school and the relationships and interactions observed for this study. / Este estudo investiga como uma escola de Educa??o Infantil lidacom a quest?o da diversidade, na perspectiva da Educa??o Inclusiva. Para tanto, s?o caracterizadas as interven??es dos educadores com todas as crian?as, com e sem defici?ncia, considerando suas especificidades e caracter?sticas. Tamb?m analisa como ocorrem as intera??es entre as crian?as, considerando suas especificidades e caracter?sticas e, ainda, apura deque maneira (se assim for) a presen?a de crian?as com defici?ncia contribui para tornar o ambiente da Educa??o Infantil mais favor?vel para o desenvolvimento, a participa??o e as aprendizagens de todos. Foi realizado um estudo explorat?rio de cunho qualitativo, tendo a observa??o participante como principal ferramenta para a coleta de dados. Duas turmas de uma escola de Educa??o Infantil da rede municipal de Porto Alegre foram acompanhadas ao longo do primeiro semestre de 2017. Os dados provenientes das observa??es foram registrados em um di?rio de campo, o qual foi analisado a partir da An?lise Textual Discursiva. Foi poss?vel perceber que muitas interven??es revelaram conex?o entre os educadores e as crian?as, favorecendo a intera??o entre os pares, a escolha de brincadeiras, o sentimento de pertencimento, a comunica??o e a participa??o nas tarefas de grupo, al?m de revelarem a aten??o ?s necessidades individuais e da turma. Em contrapartida, em outros momentos, os adultos n?o conseguiram se conectar com as necessidades das crian?as, perdendo ricas oportunidades de interven??o ou o fazendo de forma inconsistente, n?o parecendo, portanto, oferecer o aux?lio de que precisavam para as atividades ou para as intera??es entre o grupo. Sobre as intera??es entre as crian?as, foram observadas quatro diferentes formas de ocorr?ncia: por meio da brincadeira, da imita??o, da coopera??o e da agressividade. Assim, o cen?rio observado revelou-se favor?vel ?s aprendizagens e ?s intera??es entre todos, de forma que defici?ncias ou outras dificuldades eram tomadas a partir de uma perspectiva de valoriza??o da heterogeneidade tanto entre as crian?as, quanto por parte dos educadores e da dire??o. No entanto, ficou evidente que pontos ainda necessitam ser aprimorados, seja em decorr?ncia de uma Educa??o Infantil ainda em estrutura??o em nosso pa?s, seja por lacunas na forma??o dos educadores ou por diverg?ncias internas e externas da institui??o. Portanto, concretiza??es, dificuldades e contradi??es caracterizam o funcionamento da escola e as rela??es e intera??es observadas para este estudo.

Educa??o e natureza : os desafios da ambientaliza??o em escolas pr?ximas a unidades de conserva??o

Frizzo, Ta?s Cristine Ernst 17 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Educa??o (educacao-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-18T20:59:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TAIS FRIZZO.pdf: 8089477 bytes, checksum: df3af4c5fa5d0f79311f06994b3805b3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-29T12:53:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TAIS FRIZZO.pdf: 8089477 bytes, checksum: df3af4c5fa5d0f79311f06994b3805b3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-29T13:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TAIS FRIZZO.pdf: 8089477 bytes, checksum: df3af4c5fa5d0f79311f06994b3805b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The aim of this research was to understand the relationship of schools and the place where they are inserted. The study investigated what factors can influence the environmentalization of schools' curriculum. An ethnographic approach was applied. The study was based on data collected in schools in Viam?o and Porto Alegre, in Brazil, which are located around conservation areas. The research identified that the main concern related to the environment in most schools were global issues, especially in regards to solid waste issues. In one of the schools analysed, it was identified a focus on the value of the school location and of the conservation area. Factors that influenced the environmentalization of the school?s curriculum were: the effects of public policy; the school documents; the presence of a conservation area next to the school and its relationship with the place; the agency of nonhuman actors and issues related to human actions and emotions, e.g. violence, the recognition of the nature and the concern with environment issues. The research also identified some elements that facilitated a connection between schools and the conservation areas, and other elements that, on the contrary, hampered or banned the access of students and educators in those areas. The factors that contributed to the relationship between schools and conservation areas were their geographic proximity; the efforts of managers and other staff in the conservation areas to promote environmental education in schools; the presence of educators and managers engaged with environmental issues, and the incentives of public policies addressing environmental education and sustainability. The challenges identified were related to the restricted number of staff in the conservation areas and to the limited financial resources available. Public policies can facilitate the relationship between schools and conservation areas however they can also make the process more difficult. Examples are the rules and orientations about the school curriculum, the rules for visitors in conservation areas and the historical conflicts related to the establishment of conservation areas in Brazil. Despite impositions and difficulties faced by schools, the creativity of the people and the influence of the place allow them to stand up to challenges related to the environmentalization of the curriculum. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como a escola se relaciona com o lugar em que est? inserida, observando os fatores que podem influenciar a ambientaliza??o do curr?culo. Foi utilizada uma abordagem de inspira??o etnogr?fica, sendo estudadas escolas de Viam?o e de Porto Alegre, RS, localizadas no entorno de unidades de conserva??o. Observou-se que a maioria das escolas tinha como preocupa??o ambiental quest?es globais, principalmente no que se refere aos problemas associados aos res?duos s?lidos. Uma das escolas pesquisadas destacou-se pelo foco na valoriza??o do lugar e da unidade de conserva??o. Fatores como os efeitos de pol?ticas p?blicas; os documentos escolares; a presen?a de uma unidade de conserva??o pr?xima ? escola e as rela??es com o lugar; a ag?ncia de entidades n?o humanas e as quest?es oriundas das a??es e emo??es humanas, tais como a viol?ncia, a valoriza??o da natureza e a preocupa??o com a quest?o ambiental, estavam relacionados com a ambientaliza??o do curr?culo. Foram observados elementos que facilitavam a aproxima??o entre escolas e unidades de conserva??o e outros que, ao contr?rio, dificultavam ou impediam o acesso dos estudantes e dos professores nessas ?reas. Entre os fatores que contribu?ram nessa rela??o est?o a proximidade f?sica entre escolas e unidades de conserva??o; os investimentos dos gestores e funcion?rios das unidades de conserva??o na promo??o da educa??o ambiental nas escolas; a presen?a de professores e de gestores engajados com as quest?es ambientais e os incentivos das pol?ticas p?blicas para a educa??o ambiental e para a sustentabilidade. Entre os desafios observados est?o o n?mero reduzido de funcion?rios nas unidades de conserva??o e a pouca disponibilidade de recursos financeiros. As pol?ticas p?blicas podem facilitar a rela??o entre escolas e unidades de conserva??o, mas tamb?m podem dificultar esse processo. Exemplo disso s?o as normas e orienta??es sobre o curr?culo escolar, as regras para visitantes nas unidades de conserva??o e os conflitos hist?ricos relacionados ? implanta??o das unidades de conserva??o no Brasil. Apesar das imposi??es e dificuldades que chegam ?s escolas, a criatividade das pessoas e a influ?ncia do lugar permitem avan?ar no enfrentamento dos desafios relacionados ? ambientaliza??o do curr?culo.

Os sentidos da liberdade segundo professores da educa??o b?sica / The meanings of freedom to Basic Education teachers

Milanesi, Pedro Vitor Barnab? 12 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Vitor Barnabe Milanesi.pdf: 1175648 bytes, checksum: 2ea352d8cd17a02204e324caf6fd7583 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-12 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / On the assumption that education is one of the paths for the formation of a free man and that the teacher is one of the central figures in that context, this research sought to understand the meanings of freedom in the experience of teachers of Basic Education. What we intended to study was the meaning of lived that emerged from the interaction between subject and researcher. To this, three teachers from different levels of Basic Education were interviewed. The interview is seen as a reflection of two based on the experience of the interviewee, in order to, from this point, elucidate the lived experiences behind the lines. After the interviews, significant reports were produced based on every meeting between researcher and teacher, maintaining its momentum and taking into account the presence of both. The interviews were analyzed according to the sketch proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. The first impression that emerges from interviews concerns the fact that freedom isn t an issue on which base the teachers interviewed thought their practice. Still, it was possible to note that the reflections on the subject were significant for them, providing new insights about their activities and even a personal mobilization. From the exploration of experiences of the freedom of teachers we can say that, when they feel free, they find the real meaning of their teaching activity. This also relates to its methodology of teaching and with their creativity. Moreover, according to the experience of these teachers, the basis of the relationship seen as educational is the recognition of the other. At the same time to feel respected and recognized as a person and professional, by the institution and his superiors, in their freedom as teachers, is a motivational force, showing a close relationship with the satisfaction in teaching. On the day-to-day of teacher, the interviews revealed that permitting and encouraging freedom of expression and really hear what the students express, establishing a facilitative environment, is part of the experience of freedom for teachers, showing the relationship with the involvement of the student in the process of learning and with a meaningful learning. In this sense, the experience of freedom of teachers point to a quality of relationship that permeates the educational spaces, extending to other people and being passed on by parents and students. / Partindo do pressuposto que a educa??o ? um dos caminhos para a forma??o de um homem livre e entendendo que o professor ? uma das figuras centrais nesse contexto, esta pesquisa buscou compreender os sentidos da liberdade segundo as experi?ncias de professores da Educa??o B?sica. O que se pretendeu estudar foi o significado do vivido que emergiu da interlocu??o entre sujeitos e pesquisador. Para tanto foram entrevistados tr?s professores dos diferentes n?veis da Educa??o B?sica. A entrevista ? entendida como um refletir a dois baseando-se na experi?ncia do entrevistado e, a partir da? elucidar o vivido por detr?s das falas. Ap?s as entrevistas foram elaborados relatos expressivos de cada encontro entre pesquisador e professor preservando seus dinamismos e levando em conta a presen?a de ambos. As entrevistas foram analisadas segundo o esquema proposto por Amedeo Giorgi. A primeira constata??o diz respeito ? liberdade n?o ser um tema em torno do qual os professores entrevistados pensavam sua pr?tica. Apesar disso, no entanto, as reflex?es a respeito do tema foram significativas para eles, permitindo novas vis?es a respeito de sua atua??o e at? uma mobiliza??o pessoal. A partir da explora??o das experi?ncias de liberdade dos professores, pode-se afirmar que eles se sentem livres quando encontram o sentido de seu ensinar. Isso tamb?m se relaciona com sua metodologia de ensino e com sua criatividade. Ademais, segundo a viv?ncia desses professores, ? o reconhecimento do outro que est? na base da rela??o que se pretende educativa. Ao mesmo tempo o sentir-se respeitado e reconhecido como pessoa e profissional, na institui??o e pelos superiores, na sua liberdade de professor, representa uma for?a motivacional, mostrando ?ntima rela??o com a satisfa??o em ensinar. No dia-a-dia de professor, as entrevistas revelaram que permitir, incentivar a liberdade de express?o e realmente ouvir os alunos, estabelecendo um clima facilitador da sua express?o, faz parte da viv?ncia de liberdade dos professores, mostrando rela??o com o envolvimento do aluno no pr?prio processo de aprendizagem e com uma aprendizagem significativa. Nesse sentido, as viv?ncias de liberdade dos professores apontam para uma qualidade da rela??o que perpassa os espa?os educativos, estendendo-se para outras pessoas e sendo passada adiante por pais e alunos.

Filosofia marista e indicadores do cen?rio educacional atual : uma tecitura poss?vel

Hahn, Simone Engler 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-04-17T17:11:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 467295 - Texto Completo.pdf: 795302 bytes, checksum: aeedb738ba428907715a01a95b625009 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T17:11:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 467295 - Texto Completo.pdf: 795302 bytes, checksum: aeedb738ba428907715a01a95b625009 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-15 / This research approved by the Scientific Committee of this Faculty, under number 124/2014, had the intention to study the management of Marist schools in an attempt to reveal how the investigated schools articulate, in the exercise of management, the principles of Marist Philosophy with the imperative of coping indicators of educational setting, with a view to sustainability and survival of schools. The research sought its studies through a qualitative, descriptive and interpretive approach because requires the researcher the unveiling of the meaning and significance of her gaze on the data obtained. It was developed in schools located in different municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul state, with three principals of Marist schools selected as these characteristics: managers working in the same school unit for more than three years, and had proven results in the exercise of management to the educational community through evaluation offinancial indicators and academic performance. Its basic theoretical contribution was PEBM (2010), Covey (1994), Murad (2007), Boff (2013) and L?ck (2006). Semi-structured interviews were used with the selected managers and analysis of documents from the respective schools. The historical series of three years (2012/2014) offered the researcher conditions of mapping important indicators for these schools that cooperate with the elements set to compose the research. The results of interviews, Academic and Financial Performance Reports were used as basis for analyzing the data, anchored to analysis in Galiazzi Mor?es (2007) and Salvador (1986).I believe that the development of this theme made possible to offer a more qualified reflection to the performance of Schools Managers of PMRS in order to reconcile, on the job, the inseparability of Marist Philosophy with the indicators of the current educational landscape with a view to sustainability as well as indicating ways in the training of current and future managers of the Marist network. / A perspectiva da referida pesquisa aprovada pela Comiss?o Cient?fica desta Faculdade, sob o n? 124/2014, teve a intencionalidade de estudar a Gest?o dos Col?gios Maristas, na tentativa de desvelar como as escolas investigados articulam, no exerc?cio da gest?o, os Princ?pios da Filosofia Marista com a imperativa necessidade do enfrentamento de indicadores do cen?rio educacional, tendo em vista a sustentabilidade e a perenidade dos Col?gios. A pesquisa buscou percorrer seus estudos por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, descritiva e interpretativa por exigir da pesquisadora o desvelamento do sentido e significado do seu olhar diante dos dados obtidos. Desenvolveu-se em col?gios situados em diferentes munic?pios do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo como sujeitos tr?s Diretores de Col?gios Maristas, assim selecionados: Gestores atuando na mesma unidade escolar por mais de tr?s anos que apresentaram comprovados resultados no exerc?cio da gest?o, junto ? comunidade educativa, mediante avalia??o de indicadores de desempenhos financeiros e acad?micos. Seu aporte te?rico b?sico: Projeto Educativo do Brasil Marista (2010), Covey (1994), Murad (2007), Boff (2013) e L?ck (2006). Foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os Gestores selecionados e an?lise de documentos dos respectivos col?gios. A s?rie hist?rica de tr?s anos (2012/2014) ofereceu ? pesquisadora condi??es de mapeamento de indicadores importantes para esses col?gios, que colaboraram no conjunto de elementos para compor a pesquisa. Como base para an?lise de seus dados foram utilizados os resultados de entrevistas, Relat?rios de Desempenho Acad?mico e Financeiro, ancorados para an?lise em Mor?es e Galiazzi (2007) e Salvador (1986). Acredito que o desenvolvimento desse tema, possibilitou oferecer: uma reflex?o mais qualificada no que tange ao desempenho dos Gestores de Col?gios da PMRS, no intuito de conciliar, no exerc?cio da fun??o, a inseparabilidade da Filosofia Marista com os indicadores do cen?rio educacional atual, tendo em vista a sustentabilidade, bem como indicar caminhos na forma??o dos atuais e futuros gestores da Rede.

?rea de prote??o ambiental do banhado grande : APABG : escolas, educa??o e preserva??o ambiental

Rosa, Aurici Azevedo da 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-04T18:39:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 467936 - Texto Completo.pdf: 6108119 bytes, checksum: e1ea6bfad22fe7cbfc817f9629836386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-04T18:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 467936 - Texto Completo.pdf: 6108119 bytes, checksum: e1ea6bfad22fe7cbfc817f9629836386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / The history of Environmental Protection Area of Banhado Grande (APABG) - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - and how education and schools are inserting in this context, is focus on the present study. We rescue important historical aspects of APABG, establishing links between environmental, social, political, cultural and educational dimensions. This scenario was built between strain of scientific knowledge, communities life, myths about nature as well political and economic interests ? a complex web of relationships and not always balanced. For this, we identify humans and nature relationships modes at time and space. Initially, we tried to recognize origins and paths that reinforce necessity of establishment of protected areas in world and implications for Brazil. Then, the study aimed: recognize how emergence of environmental conservation is improved by scientific knowledge; analyze the consequences of this emergency in environmental laws and policies; identify social and political actors that contributed for current legislation of protected areas and evaluate how education connects to this history. Finally, we explore the effects of this narrative in schools inside APABG, recognizing strengths and weaknesses of environmental education experiences. For reconstruction of APABG?s history, we applied semi-structured interviews with actors involved in this scenario - even before its creation in 1998 - recovering fragments of a story present only in memory of these actors. We used documents that indicating clues about their origin to connect these fragments. Participative observations, document analysis, semi-structured interviews and informal conversations were performed at schools, in order to identify educational practices, ways to connect local nature and features of environmental education. We concluded that stories are intersected and connected, and narratives about APABG have great potential, but are not closed to new possibilities that may contribute to appreciation and care of this diverse environment. / Esta disserta??o aborda a hist?ria da ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental do Banhado Grande (APABG) ? situada no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil - e como a educa??o e as escolas se inserem na sua narrativa. Para tanto, procurou-se resgatar aspectos hist?ricos da APABG, estabelecendo v?nculos entre as dimens?es ambientais, sociais, pol?ticas, culturais e educativas. O espa?o estudado se construiu na tens?o entre saberes cient?ficos, a vida das comunidades, mitos em rela??o ? natureza, al?m de interesses pol?ticos e econ?micos, em uma teia de rela??es intrincadas e nem sempre equilibradas. Para compreender essa trama, objetivou-se identificar os modos de rela??o do humano com a natureza ao longo de um tempo e de um espa?o determinados. Buscou-se inicialmente identificar as origens e caminhos que levaram ? necessidade de cria??o de ?reas protegidas no mundo e os reflexos no Brasil. A partir da?, o estudo procurou: reconhecer como o saber cient?fico potencializou a emerg?ncia da preserva??o ambiental; analisar os reflexos desta emerg?ncia em pol?ticas e legisla??es ambientais; identificar atores sociais e pol?ticos que contribu?ram para a atual legisla??o brasileira de unidades de conserva??o e examinar como a Educa??o se conecta a essa hist?ria. Por ?ltimo, procurou-se explorar os reflexos dessa narrativa nas escolas inseridas na APABG, reconhecendo-se as potencialidades e fragilidades das experi?ncias de educa??o ambiental. Para a reconstru??o da hist?ria da APABG, realizaram-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores envolvidos na sua trama mesmo antes de sua cria??o, em 1998, resgatando-se fragmentos de uma hist?ria presente apenas na mem?ria desses atores. Para articular estes fragmentos, utilizaram-se documentos que indicavam pistas de sua origem. Nas escolas, realizaram-se observa??es participantes, an?lise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, al?m de conversas informais, com o objetivo de identificar nas pr?ticas educacionais os modos de vincular-se ? natureza do lugar e as caracter?sticas da educa??o ambiental. Percebeu-se que as hist?rias se cruzam e se conectam, e que as narrativas acerca da APABG s?o ricas em potencialidades, embora n?o estejam fechadas para novas possibilidades que possam contribuir para o apre?o e o cuidado de um ambiente diversificado.

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