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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Students' experiences of e-learning at school

Barty, Karin, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
The dissertation describes the experiences of senior secondary students taking an online course for the first time to further their language education. The experiences are presented from the perspective of students, of supervising teachers and the 'virtual' teacher. Issues of importance with younger learners are identified and discussed and guidelines for the conduct of online courses at school level developed. It is proposed that online courses may have a worthwhile place in school education if specific learning needs can be met using this medium.

Ontwikkeling van eksamineringspraktyke in die skole van Suidwes-Afrika / Namibië : 'n histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek en evaluering

April, Roderick Graham 06 1900 (has links)
Eksamineringspraktyke in skole in Namibie is die fokuspunt van hierdie studie. 'n Historiese ondersoek is ingestel na die bree, algemene eksamenstelsels van die verlede. Op grond van die tekortkominge en gebreke van die Kaaplandse Onderwysdepartement-eksamenstelsel, is die noodsaaklikheid en wenslikheid van die herbeplanning en verbetering van die eksamenstelsel uitgelig. Daar is gefokus op die HIGHERIINl'ERNATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION-eksamenstelsel, ten einde vas te stel of algemene erkende opvoedkundige beginsels, prosedures en werkswyses tot op datum in die eksamenstelsel vergestalt is. 'n Uitvloeisel van die bevindings in hierdie studie is dat die huidige eksamenstelsel tekortkominge weerspieel, maar dat die historiese beperkinge oorbrug kan word Die afleiding word gemaak dat alle onderwysbelanghebbendes moet saamwerk aan verbeteringstrategiee ten opsigte van die huidige eksamenstelsel. Die hoop word uitgespreek dat die hele eksamenstelsel so spoedig moontlik, maar na deeglike beplanning, volledig sal verinheems. / Examination practices in schools in Namibia is the focal point of this study. An historical research has been done into the general examination systems of the past On account of the shortcomings and constraints of the Cape Education Deparbnent examination system, the necessity and desirability of the restructuring and betterment of the examination system is highlighted. The emphasis is put on the HIGHER/ INI'ERNATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION to determine whether generally accepted educational principles, procedures and methods have been embodied in the examination system. The present Namibian examination system is still insufficient. However, much can be done to overcome the historical constraints. The conclusion was reached that each and every stakeholder should work together to devise strategies for the betterment of the examination system. The author trusts that the whole examination system will, as soon as possible but after thorough planning, become totally indigenous. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Affirmative action regarding women in education management in Mpumalanga

Sibiya, Bernadette Ntombizodwa 13 December 2005 (has links)
The Mpumalanga Education Department has put in place various mechanisms aimed at promoting equity and equality between male and female educators and learners within the education system. Such initiatives were established from a position of strength that sociocultural stereotypes such as patriarchy, lack of access to resources and the sexual division of labour have been internalised and reinforced as acts of discrimination within the school system, community, home and workplace. Within the school system, gender stereotypes are used to determine and perpetuate the educational provisioning for learners as separate groups (boys - girls) through the school curriculum and the educators' classroom practices of "masculine" and "feminine" activities. Equally so, senior management positions are mostly occupied by males whilst females are relegated to lower positions of the management echelon. The focus of this study was to identify the root causes of inequalities in senior management positions between male and female managers. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method using a case study and a literature review were used as data collection techniques. Affirmative Action policies and programmes are recommended as strategies for empowering women and girls with an aim of preparing them to be competent in the labour market. There are diverse interpretations of the affirmative action concept and different people attach different meanings to its definition. It (Affirmative Action) impacts differently on different groups under different conditions. The study also suggests that education, training and development (ETD) are dependent variables of affirmative action in the sense that they create an environment where individuals who were (under)privileged can learn to accept and understand one another as partners. AFRIKAANS : Die Mpumalanga Onderwysdepartement het verskeie meganismes daargestel om billikheid en gelykheid tussen manlike en vroulike opvoeders en leerders binne die onderwysstelsel te bevorder. Sodanige inisiatiewe is gevestig vanuit 'n aanname dat sosio-kulturele stereotipes soos patriargie, gebrek aan toegang tot hulpbronne en verdeling van werk op geslagsgrondslag gei'nternaliseer en versterk is as diskriminerende handelinge binne die skoolstelsel, gemeenskap, huis en werkplek. Binne die onderwysstelsel word geslagstereotipes gebruik om onderwysvoorsiening vir leerders as afsonderlike groepe (seuns dogters) te bepaal en te laat voortbestaan deur die skoolkurrikulum en die klaskamerpraktyk van die opvoeders wat "manlike" en "vroulike" aktiwiteite gebruik. Insgelyks word senior bestuursposisies gewoonlik deur mans beklee terwyl vroue gerelegeer word na laer posisies in die bestuurskader. Die doe I van hierdie studie was om die hoofoorsake van ongelykhede in senior bestuursposisies tussen manlike en vroulike bestuurders te identifiseer. Die PAR-metode wat van 'n gevallestudie gebruik maak en 'n literatuurstudie is aangewend as data-insamelingstegniek. Die beleid van regstellende aksie, asook programme met betrekking daarop, word aanbeveel as strategiee om vroue en dogters te bemagtig met die doel om hulle voor te berei om bevoeg te wees in die arbeidsmark. Daar is 'n verskeidenheid vertolkings van die begrip regstellende aksie en verskillende mense koppel verskillende betekenisse aan die definisie. Regstellende aksie het verskillende invloede op verskillende groepe onder verskillende omstandighede. Die studie dui ook aan dat Onderwys, Opleiding en Ontwikkeling (000) afhanklike veranderlikes van regstellende aksie is in die sin dat hulle 'n omgewing skep waar individue wat (minder)bevoorreg was kan leer om mekaar te aanvaar en te begryp as vennote. / Dissertation (MEd (Education Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

The history of the teachers association of South Africa and the role it played in the develpment of education for Indians in South Africa.

Jack, Jonathan Rajmangal January 1986 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Teachers and teachers' organisations have always been an intergral part of any community. More so in the Indian Community. The Indian teacher has always commanded great respect from his community and thus he has wielded considerable influence over it. Since the early days of Indian immigration to this country, the Indian teacher has played a vital role in all but political activities. In very recent times, however, he has taken a lively interest in the political aspirations of his people within the framework permitted by his conditions of service. The Indian Teacher is a member of the largest group of highly educated men and women in his community. No wonder, then, that the community has always looked to teachers and their organisations for leadership. The establishment of the Natal Indian Teachers' Society in the 1920s arose out of a community need in that a reception committee was required for holding celebrations on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales to South Africa. From then on the Natal Indian Teachers' Society continued to make representations on behalf of its members and the community for a a better deal in education. This was not always forthcoming from the authorities. Hence, the teachers and the community banded together to provide and build schools for themselves out of the monetary contributions of teachers and parents. The Natal Education Department in its biased treatment of teachers in aided schools, who it claimed were the responsibility of the grantees and managers, led teachers to form the Natal Teachers' Union which was run on trade union lines. A vigorous fight was waged by this Union for service conditions equal to those of teachers in government schools. The Education Department relented when it recognised the rights of the members of the Union. Thus the Union disbanded and its members rejoined the Natal Indian Teachers' Society. Thereafter the Natal Indian Teachers' Society grew from strength to strength. The inauguration of the branch system gave rise to broader representation and rapid growth. The formation of the Natal Indian Schools' Building Trust saw tangible evidence of of the commitment of the Society towards solving the accommodation crisis in Indian Schools. Upon the transfer of control of education to the Department of Indian Affairs in 1966, The Natal Indian Teachers' Society changed its name to the South African Indian Teachers' Association in order to enable Indian teachers throughout the Republic to become members. In 1979 the Association changed its name to the Teachers Association of South Africa, thus dropping the racial tag attached to its previous name. This meant that membership was open to all teachers. Over the twenty years of its existence as a national body the Association has developed into a vigorous institution. Its growth in stature must be measured by its multifarious activities which have benefitted Indian education. As a result of its representation in various departmental committees the Association is able to make valuable contributions where its opinions are valued. The Association's own Subject Societies make a valuable contribution towards education by means of their various publications. The Association's concern for the welfare of its members is illustrated by the representations it has made to the authorities on their behalf. In some instances legal recourse was necessary. That a great deal of success has been achieved by the Association there is no doubt. That education for Indians has made vast strides in the last 60 years there is no about. This is due in great measure to the untiring efforts of the Teachers Association of South Africa. The Association will still continue its fight for a better deal, not only for Indian teachers and Indian education, but for all South Africans.

A historical review of the assessment of English Home Language at senior secondary school level in KwaZulu-Natal

Blumfield, Brian Alfred 30 June 2008 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) heralds the beginning of a new curriculum for Grades 10 to 12 in South Africa. Underpinned by the South African Constitution, and based on the tenets of Outcomes-based Education, the NCS seeks to provide contextually-relevant education for all South African learners, so that they are able to embrace inevitable change. Although the NCS highlights the importance of assessment, an analysis of the English Home Language (EHL) NCS reveals tensions between policy and practice. This study attempts to contextualise the role of relevant assessment for the 21st century. It then proceeds to engage in a historical evaluation of assessment within the NSC in terms of how assessment was conducted in the former Natal Education Department, a liberal education department within former apartheid South Africa. The conclusions drawn from the evaluation are used to provide recommendations to relieve the tensions identified within the EHL NSC. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The management of an information technology infrastructure in schools in the Western Cape Province / Bestuur van rekenaar tegnologie in skole van die Wes Kaapse Onderwys Departement

Perkins, Catharina Elizabetha 11 1900 (has links)
This research conceptualises IT infrastructure management at secondary schools in the WCED (Western Cape Education Department). This includes whether or not secondary schools in the WCED make use of a full time, on-site network administrator or whether a teacher acts as on-site network administrator. The literature review studied the effectiveness of IT infrastructure management which includes hardware, software, policies, computer network, security; staff management and BYOD (bring your own device). The management of IT infrastructure at secondary schools within the WCED differs widely from school to school, and its functionality depends on many factors. The quantitative study revealed problem areas within IT infrastructure management at secondary schools in the WCED. Furthermore the quantitative study also revealed that there is a need for best practice guidelines with regards to IT infrastructure management in order to improve service delivery. The literature review provided sources for best practice IT infrastructure management. / Rekenaar infrastruktuur by sekondere skole in die WKOD (Wes Kaapse Onderwys Departement) word in die navorsing beskryf. Die studie ondersoek verskillende strukture naamlike skole wat 'n voltydse netwerk administrateur het en skole waar 'n onderwyser die verantwoordelikheid aanneem van 'n netwerk administrateur. Die effektiewe beheer van rekenaar infrastrukture word bespreek. Dit sluit hardeware, sagteware, beleid formulasie, rekenaar netwerk, sekuriteit, personeel bestuur, en BYOD (bring jou eie toestel). Die bestuur van rekenaar infrastruktuur verskil van skool tot skool en die effektiewe bestuur daarvan word deur baie faktore beinvloed. Die kwantitatiewe studie het probleem areas vir die bestuur van rekenaar infrastruktuur by sekondere skole in die WKOD uitgewys. Die kwantitatiewe studie het verder die behoefte vir beste praktyk riglyne uitgewys om sodoende better dienslewering te verseker. Die literere studie het beste praktyk riglyne vir rekenaar infrastruktuur bestuur genoem. / Educational Leadership and Management

As relações federativas e as políticas de EJA no Estado de São Paulo no período de 2003-2009 / The federative relations and the EJA policies in the satate of São Paulo in the period 2003-2009.

Vieira, Rosilene Silva 08 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as políticas de EJA desenvolvidas pela União e pelo Estado de São Paulo, no período 2003-2009, sob a ótica do regime de colaboração em um Estado federativo. Elegemos como instâncias a serem objeto de nossa análise a Diretoria de Políticas de Educação de Jovens e Adultos da Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Diversidade e Alfabetização do Ministério da Educação DPEJA/SECAD/MEC, e a Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo SEESP. Através da descrição e análise de políticas e programas, e dos dados de demanda e oferta escolar por essas duas instâncias, buscamos avaliar como o regime de colaboração, entre as esferas federal e estadual de governo, tem se concretizado no Estado de São Paulo, no sentido e garantir a efetivação do direito à educação das pessoas jovens e adultas que não puderam iniciar ou concluir a escolarização básica na idade considerada regular. A pesquisa foi realizada mediante análise de documentos, realização de entrevistas com pessoas envolvidas com a temática e revisão da bibliografia sobre o tema. Conclui-se que a as responsabilidades estabelecidas pela legislação referente à obrigatoriedade da oferta de EJA não tem sido respeitada pela União e pelo Estado de São Paulo. Um dos principais fatores ligados a este descumprimento da legislação é o fato de que a colaboração entre estes dois entes federados em relação à EJA não se efetivou satisfatoriamente no período analisado. / educational policy; youth and adult education; federalism; São Paulo (State)


ANA PAULA GONCALVES PONTES 06 April 2005 (has links)
[pt] O Movimento Moderno da arquitetura afirmou-se nas primeiras décadas do século XX como proposta de ruptura radical com o passado, desejando instaurar uma nova estética afinada com o espírito da era industrial. Sem desconsiderar as profundas transformações que a nova linguagem operou na arquitetura, este trabalho busca investigar os possíveis diálogos entre obras modernas e a tradição clássica, tendo em vista edifícios de arquitetos brasileiros. A discussão insere-se no debate recente da historiografia brasileira, que busca abordar a arquitetura moderna sob seus múltipos aspectos, valorizando as qualidades ambivalentes que tornam as obras mais complexas e interessantes, como já vem fazendo há mais tempo a crítica internacional, sobretudo com as interpretações que apontam para as relações de Le Corbusier com a tradição clássica. Dentre as obras destacadas na análise estão a sede do Ministério da Educação e Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (1936), de Lucio Costa e equipe, com consultoria de Le Corbusier; os palácios de Brasília de Oscar Niemeyer (Alvorada, Planalto e Supremo Tribunal Federal, 1957-58); e o edifício da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (1962-69), de Vilanova Artigas. A escolha de exemplos representativos e ao mesmo tempo variados da produção brasileira permite compreender as diversas formas com que a arquitetura moderna se relacionou com a tradição clássica, especialmente nos momentos em que desejou corporificar nos edifícios os ideais emblemáticos de seu tempo histórico. / [en] The Modern Movement in Architecture gained ground in the first decades of the 20th Century as a proposal of radical rupture with the past, willing to establish a new aesthetic in tune with the spirit of the industrial era. Not wanting to disregard the deep changes which the new language produced in architecture, this dissertation aims to investigate the possible dialogues between modern works and classical tradition, having in mind buildings of Brazilian architects. The discussion is inserted in the recent debate of Brazilian historiography, which intends to approach the modern architecture taking into account its multiple aspects, highlighting ambivalent qualities which make the works more complex and interesting, as the international critic has been showing for some time, especially with the interpretation that points to the relations between Le Corbusier and the classical tradition. Among the works distinguished in this analysis are the headquarters building of Ministério da Educação e Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (Education and Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, 1936), by Lucio Costa and his team, with consultancy of Le Corbusier; the palaces of Brasília by Oscar Niemeyer (Alvorada, Planalto and Supreme Federal Court, 1957-58) 1957-58) Court and the building of the FAU/USP (College of Architecture and Urbanism of São (College of Architecture and Urbanism of São Paulo University, 1962- 69), by Vilanova Artigas. The choice of representative and, at the same time, varied examples of the Brazilian production allows us to understand the different forms with which the Modern Architecture has established relations with the classical tradition, especially when it aimed to embody in the buildings the emblematic ideals of its historical time.

A historical review of the assessment of English Home Language at senior secondary school level in KwaZulu-Natal

Blumfield, Brian Alfred 30 June 2008 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) heralds the beginning of a new curriculum for Grades 10 to 12 in South Africa. Underpinned by the South African Constitution, and based on the tenets of Outcomes-based Education, the NCS seeks to provide contextually-relevant education for all South African learners, so that they are able to embrace inevitable change. Although the NCS highlights the importance of assessment, an analysis of the English Home Language (EHL) NCS reveals tensions between policy and practice. This study attempts to contextualise the role of relevant assessment for the 21st century. It then proceeds to engage in a historical evaluation of assessment within the NSC in terms of how assessment was conducted in the former Natal Education Department, a liberal education department within former apartheid South Africa. The conclusions drawn from the evaluation are used to provide recommendations to relieve the tensions identified within the EHL NSC. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

The management of an information technology infrastructure in schools in the Western Cape Province / Bestuur van rekenaar tegnologie in skole van die Wes Kaapse Onderwys Departement

Perkins, Catharina Elizabetha 11 1900 (has links)
This research conceptualises IT infrastructure management at secondary schools in the WCED (Western Cape Education Department). This includes whether or not secondary schools in the WCED make use of a full time, on-site network administrator or whether a teacher acts as on-site network administrator. The literature review studied the effectiveness of IT infrastructure management which includes hardware, software, policies, computer network, security; staff management and BYOD (bring your own device). The management of IT infrastructure at secondary schools within the WCED differs widely from school to school, and its functionality depends on many factors. The quantitative study revealed problem areas within IT infrastructure management at secondary schools in the WCED. Furthermore the quantitative study also revealed that there is a need for best practice guidelines with regards to IT infrastructure management in order to improve service delivery. The literature review provided sources for best practice IT infrastructure management. / Rekenaar infrastruktuur by sekondere skole in die WKOD (Wes Kaapse Onderwys Departement) word in die navorsing beskryf. Die studie ondersoek verskillende strukture naamlike skole wat 'n voltydse netwerk administrateur het en skole waar 'n onderwyser die verantwoordelikheid aanneem van 'n netwerk administrateur. Die effektiewe beheer van rekenaar infrastrukture word bespreek. Dit sluit hardeware, sagteware, beleid formulasie, rekenaar netwerk, sekuriteit, personeel bestuur, en BYOD (bring jou eie toestel). Die bestuur van rekenaar infrastruktuur verskil van skool tot skool en die effektiewe bestuur daarvan word deur baie faktore beinvloed. Die kwantitatiewe studie het probleem areas vir die bestuur van rekenaar infrastruktuur by sekondere skole in die WKOD uitgewys. Die kwantitatiewe studie het verder die behoefte vir beste praktyk riglyne uitgewys om sodoende better dienslewering te verseker. Die literere studie het beste praktyk riglyne vir rekenaar infrastruktuur bestuur genoem. / Educational Leadership and Management

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