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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the significance of mutual trust between the educator and the educand and its effect on educative teaching with special reference to some selected schools in Maphumulo district

Ntuli, Misrael Bhekukwenza January 1996 (has links)
Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Education in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education in the Department of Philosophy of Education at the University of Zululand, 1996. / This research was mainly informed by the role and significance of mutual trust between the educator and the educand in senior secondary schools in particular. These schools were selected on the basis of the fact that more often than not they are disturbed. There are instances where classes are suspended. There are times where the culture of learning is seen to be totally absent. In some cases there is tension and confrontation between educators and educands. Sometimes schools grind to a total halt. In the process educators blame educands or vice versa. This then motivated the current researcher to hypothesize that there is inadequate realisation of mutual trust between the educator and the educand in some selected schools. To delimit the study certain schools in Maphumulo district were chosen. Chapter 9 One dealt with the statement of the problem. Chapter Two and Three dealt with literature preview, that is, the literary base to the study. Chapter four explained the procedure that was followed in conducting this study. Chapter five dealt with the analysis and interpretation of data. Finally Chapter six dealt with conclusions, findings and recommendations. Among the findings the following can be cited. * There is inadequate realisation of mutual trust between the educator and the educand in Maphumulo district. * Channels of communication between educators and educands are not well opened in Maphumulo district. * Freedom with responsibility is not well taught in Maphumulo district. * Tension, and confrontation between the educator that occurs to a certain extent minimises chances of mutual trust between the educator and the educand. * Where educands are not included in decision-making processes problems of mutual trust abound. In short if teachers do not involve pupils in decision-making there will be misunderstanding. * The question of mutual trust does not only involve teachers and pupils but it also embodies the parent community. On the basis of the findings the following are some of the recommendations the researcher made. * Channels of communication between educator and educands have to be opened. * Teachers, parents and pupils have to be thoroughly educated about the significance of mutual trust. * Activities that combine parents, teachers and pupils are undoubtedly essential and the importance of parent-teacher-pupil associations cannot be overemphasized. * Educands should be involved in decision-making processes of the school as this will make them feel that they are accepted and loved. This is the base on which trust is built. * Any discipline that is administered by parents and teachers should be dispensed with friendliness and love. * Whilst teachers and parents are firm thy must also be friendly. * Pupils have to be given a chance of doing some tasks independently and with minimum interference of parents for this sometimes makes them responsible in taking decisions.

Zapojení průřezového tématu mediální výchova do výuky českého jazyka na SŠ / Media education in the teaching of Czech language at secondary schools

Cihlářová, Marcela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the involvement of the cross-curricular theme of media education in the Czech language teaching. The first part defines the basic concepts of media literacy and media education and describes their development and concepts in education. It also deals with the form of media education in curricular documents, especially in the framework educational programme, and the characteristics of the thematic areas of the cross-curricular theme of media education involved in this document. Subsequently, it deals with the possibilities of media education realization and with the use of textbooks and other methodological and teaching materials and projects. In the second part of the thesis, the school education programmes of three selected grammar schools are analysed, on the basis of data obtained by own qualitative research, by answers of respondents from semi-structured interviews and by specific teaching situations. The aim of the research part is to provide information on the implementation of media education and on the state of the relevant cross-curricular topic integration into teaching at selected grammar schools. The focus of concern is also whether the topics defined in the Framework Educational Programme for Grammar Schools are fulfilled in media education.

Geoinformatika ve středoškolském kurikulu / Geoinformatics in secondary school's curriculum

Král, Luboš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the use of geospatial tools in secondary schools in Czech republic. Subject of study are mainly Geographic information systems (GIS) and Remote sensing and their implementation into secondary school curricula. Aplication a research in this area is in the centre of interest of IGU. Previous works showed, that GIS has great potential to contribute to effective learning of geographic concepts, knowledge and GIS can be a tool for display, inquiry and analysis in problem based learning. The main goal is to explore the current state of geoinformatics involvement in teaching in secondary schools and to identify how to develop this condition at all levels of the curriculum (intended, implemented and attained). In order to achieve this general objective in thesis are chosen for each level of curriculum following goals: 1) At the level of intended curriculum we are dealing with two questions: At first, how is geoinformatic's topic presented in national's curriculum of a selected countries. At second, which geoinformatic skills should be acquired by secondary school's students. The main method is content analysis of documents. 2) At the level of implemented curriculum we try to provide findings regarding the current state of proliferation of the GIS software at Czech grammar schools...

Strukturelle Untersuchung einer IDE mit dem Ziel einer möglichst frei skalierbaren Anpassung der IDE von Lazarus

Kuhardt, Michael 30 March 2010 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es eine möglichst frei skalierbare Version der Lazarus-IDE zu entwickeln. Diese soll es dem versierten Lehrer ermöglichen, eine auf seine didaktischen Intentionen und die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Schüler angepasste Lazarus-Version zu installieren und im Unterricht zu verwenden. Hierfür ist zunächst eine theoretische Analyse der Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse vorgenommen worden. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, welche didaktischen Anforderungen prinzipiell an eine schulische Entwicklungsumgebung zu stellen sind. Auf Basis dieser Untersuchungen sowie durch gezielte Befragung von Fachlehrern sowie Experten sind die Anforderungen an eine solche IDE verifiziert und diese schließlich implementiert worden.

Entwicklung eines Modells der Didaktik zur Analyse von organisationalen, motivationalen und digitalen Lehr-/Lernszenarien am Beispiel schriftsprachlicher Kompetenzen

Meyer-Ross, Kerstin Kathy 03 May 2021 (has links)
Die Hypothese geht davon aus, dass der Lernprozess mit der Anwendung eines Modells der Didaktik einer formalen Analyse zugänglich wird und die Anwendung des Modells didaktische Veränderungen nachvollziehbar unterstützt. Die Arbeit untersucht Möglichkeiten, Schriftsprache zu fördern und bedient sich dabei E- und Blended-Learning Konzepten, die mit der Lernplattform OPAL umgesetzt wurden. Zunächst erinnere ich an hochschuldidaktische Methoden und zwei Hochschuldidaktiker: Bloom entwickelte Taxonomiestufen, Biggs das Constructive Alignment. Ich vereine diese beiden Ansätze und schließe damit eine Forschungslücke. Das entwickelte didaktische Modell wende ich später in drei Szenarien an: Lesen, Organisieren und Schreiben. Beim Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und wissenschaftlichen Schreiben unterliegen Forschende (gesetzlichen) Normen und etablierten Voraussetzungen, die zunächst verstanden werden müssen. Ich zeige anschließend die Rahmenbedingungen auf, in denen ein Schreibender agiert. Nach einem Geschichtsabriss des Lesens, eine Voraussetzung, um wissenschaftlich Schreiben zu können, werden verschiedene Lesetechniken vorgestellt. Die Anwendung des Modells erfolgt exemplarisch an der Speed Reading Technik, die in einem Online OPAL Kurs integriert ist und mit einem zeitaufwendigeren Speed Reading Workshop verglichen wird. Schließlich werden in drei Papers der Aufbau eines Online OPAL Kurses „Selbstmanagement und Selbstorganisation“ erklärt und der Kurs evaluiert und ausgewertet. Die Pomodoro-Technik als eine Methode der Selbstorganisation der Lerninhalte des Kurses dient als Analysebeispiel des Modells. Über die Annäherung von Literacy Skills in Ingenieurswissenschaften und einer evaluierten Stichprobe des Wissenschaftlichen Schreibenlehrens erfolgt die Anwendung des Modells auf das Belegschreiben im Hochschulkontext. Ich verifiziere die Hypothese und stelle im Ausblick mit dem Modell, einer programmierten Pyramide, weitere Möglichkeiten der Nutzung und Umsetzungen der Anwendbarkeit vor.

Lernen und das Andere / Hochschuldidaktische Erkenntnisse zur Anwendung des Konzeptes der Alterität auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse im akademischen Kontext / Learning and otherness / Findings on why and how to use the concept of alterity when approaching academic teaching and learning settings

Thielsch, Angelika 07 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Vi kan skriva förargument och sedan motargument" ­­ : Om deliberativa samtal i undervisning i svenska som andraspråk på högskolenivå

Hajjouji Hennius, Samira January 2014 (has links)
In the light of the twofold mission of Swedish schools, that is to say enabling pupils to develop both subject knowledge and a democratic attitude, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent adult higher education students from different language and social backgrounds, studying Swedish as a second language, are able to carry out joint writing assignments with the aid of deliberative discourse, and to what extent they thereby also develop a deliberative attitude. The twofold mission of education applies to them too. While there already exists a certain amount of research into deliberative discourse relating to education in schools, the perspective of higher education didactics in this research is still lacking. The present study is to be viewed as a first contribution to this research. The theoretical starting point of this study includes previous research into deliberative discourse by further developing an existing model regarding criteria for deliberative discourse, for example that there is a striving towards agreement, although the consensus may be temporary, that diverging opinions can be set against each other, that tolerance and respect for views other than one’s own are shown, and that traditional outlooks can be questioned. This model is supplemented by designations for a number of disruptive behaviours, such as ridiculing, ignoring, interrupting people and engaging in private conversations. The thus further developed model will thereafter act as a lens in the analysis of students’ discussions when writing joint texts. Another theoretical starting point is the view of education as communication, and of the possibility of communication creating a third place, thereby developing democracy in the here and now-situation. For this study, comprising 18 hours of observation of nine students, that is to say the discussions of three groups in connection with writing texts on different occasions, various ethnographic data collection methods have been employed, for example video recordings, participant observations, field notes and interviews in conjunction with the discussions. The analysis clarifies that the three groups developed their deliberation as the discussions about the joint assignment proceeded, and that most of the nine students furthermore expressed at least an openness towards a deliberative attitude for further discussions in the future. The disruptive behaviours mentioned in connection with the analytical model that could be identified in the discussions, for example interruptions and private conversations, proved not to constitute real disturbances; on the contrary they actually contributed towards the discussions developing, enabling them to continue. On the other hand, other and not previously identified disturbances occurred, for example a focus on grades, the lack of time and lacking language ability, which all in different ways affected the students’ attitudes towards their work. For any future didactical work on deliberative discourse in Swedish as a second language within higher education, these disturbances would need to be highlighted and made aware of for both teachers and students. Keywords: higher education didactics, communication, deliberative discourse, deliberative attitude, John Dewey, Tomas Englund, heterogeneity, ethnographic data collection methods. / Mot bakgrund av den svenska skolans dubbla uppdrag, det vill säga att möjliggöra för elever att utveckla både ämneskunskaper och ett demokratiskt förhållningssätt, är syftet med denna avhandling att undersöka i vad mån vuxna högskolestudenter med olika språklig och kulturell bakgrund under sin utbildning i svenska som andraspråk förmår lösa gemensamma skrivuppgifter med hjälp av deliberativa samtal, och i vad mån de därigenom också utvecklar ett deliberativt förhållningssätt. Utbildningens dubbla uppdrag är giltigt också för dem. Samtidigt som det redan finns viss forskning om deliberativa samtal när det gäller undervisning i skolan, saknas fortfarande ett högskoledidaktiskt perspektiv i denna forskning. Föreliggande studie ska ses som ett första högskoledidaktiskt bidrag till denna forskning. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt bland annat i tidigare forskning om deliberativa samtal genom att vidareutveckla en befintlig modell när det gäller kriterier för deliberativa samtal, till exempel att det föreligger en strävan efter att komma överens, även om konsensus är temporär, att skilda uppfattningar kan ställas mot varandra, att tolerans och respekt för andra åsikter än de egna kommer till uttryck, och att traditionella synsätt kan ifrågasättas. Studien omfattar 18 timmars observationer av nio studenters, det vill säga tre gruppers samtal i samband med gemensam textskrivning vid olika tillfällen. Olika etnografiska datainsamlingsmetoder har använts, till exempel videoinspelningar, deltagande observationer, fältanteckningar och intervjuer i anslutning till samtalen. Av analysen framgår att de tre grupperna utvecklade sin deliberation allteftersom samtalen kring den gemensamma uppgiften pågick, och att de flesta av de nio studenterna dessutom gav uttryck för en deliberativ beredskap inför fortsatta samtal. Studenternas fokus på sina betyg påverkade emellertid i viss utsträckning deras deliberation och kan betecknas som störningar i samtalen. Inför ett eventuellt framtida didaktiskt arbete med deliberativa samtal inom svenska som andraspråk på högskolan skulle dessa störningar behöva lyftas fram och medvetandegöras både för lärare och studenter.

Nové přístupy v prezentaci a popularizaci archeologie. Výzkum didaktických aspektů současné role archeologie ve společnosti / New Approaches in Presentation and Popularization of Archaeology. Research of the Didactic Aspects of the Archaeological Contribution to Contemporary Society

Puhačová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on new approaches in the popularization of archaeology in the light of its social contribution to the society of the 21st century. Its main research issue is the problem of didactical transformation of the archaeological data and knowledge for the needs of an efficient popularization of the discipline. An effective popularization is considered to be a complex of interdisciplinary processes leading to a multi-layered usage of archaeological in-formation and data by the general public. The author as well emphasizes the substantial educational dimension of archaeological popularization. According to this fact she tries to apply the pieces of knowledge gained from field didactics, museum education and experiential learning on the duplex communication with general public. Thesis consists form a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with information and experiences from public archaeology, history, sociology and philosophy and analyses both familiar and neglected roles of archaeology within the contemporary society and situates them into a broader educational context. The second - practical - part of the thesis focuses on new approaches, methods and themes within the research issue, and introduces several model examples of good praxis as well as seven...

"Vi kan skriva förargument och sedan motargument" ­­ : Om deliberativa samtal i undervisning i svenska som andraspråk på högskolenivå

Hennius, Samira January 2014 (has links)
In the light of the twofold mission of Swedish schools, that is to say enabling pupils to develop both subject knowledge and a democratic attitude, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent adult higher education students from different language and social backgrounds, studying Swedish as a second language, are able to carry out joint writing assignments with the aid of deliberative discourse, and to what extent they thereby also develop a deliberative attitude. The twofold mission of education applies to them too. While there already exists a certain amount of research into deliberative discourse relating to education in schools, the perspective of higher education didactics in this research is still lacking. The present study is to be viewed as a first contribution to this research. The theoretical starting point of this study includes previous research into deliberative discourse by further developing an existing model regarding criteria for deliberative discourse, for example that there is a striving towards agreement, although the consensus may be temporary, that diverging opinions can be set against each other, that tolerance and respect for views other than one’s own are shown, and that traditional outlooks can be questioned. This model is supplemented by designations for a number of disruptive behaviours, such as ridiculing, ignoring, interrupting people and engaging in private conversations. The thus further developed model will thereafter act as a lens in the analysis of students’ discussions when writing joint texts. Another theoretical starting point is the view of education as communication, and of the possibility of communication creating a third place, thereby developing democracy in the here and now-situation. For this study, comprising 18 hours of observation of nine students, that is to say the discussions of three groups in connection with writing texts on different occasions, various ethnographic data collection methods have been employed, for example video recordings, participant observations, field notes and interviews in conjunction with the discussions. The analysis clarifies that the three groups developed their deliberation as the discussions about the joint assignment proceeded, and that most of the nine students furthermore expressed at least an openness towards a deliberative attitude for further discussions in the future. The disruptive behaviours mentioned in connection with the analytical model that could be identified in the discussions, for example interruptions and private conversations, proved not to constitute real disturbances; on the contrary they actually contributed towards the discussions developing, enabling them to continue. On the other hand, other and not previously identified disturbances occurred, for example a focus on grades, the lack of time and lacking language ability, which all in different ways affected the students’ attitudes towards their work. For any future didactical work on deliberative discourse in Swedish as a second language within higher education, these disturbances would need to be highlighted and made aware of for both teachers and students. Keywords: higher education didactics, communication, deliberative discourse, deliberative attitude, John Dewey, Tomas Englund, heterogeneity, ethnographic data collection methods. / Mot bakgrund av den svenska skolans dubbla uppdrag, det vill säga att möjliggöra för elever att utveckla både ämneskunskaper och ett demokratiskt förhållningssätt, är syftet med denna avhandling att undersöka i vad mån vuxna högskolestudenter med olika språklig och kulturell bakgrund under sin utbildning i svenska som andraspråk förmår lösa gemensamma skrivuppgifter med hjälp av deliberativa samtal, och i vad mån de därigenom också utvecklar ett deliberativt förhållningssätt. Utbildningens dubbla uppdrag är giltigt också för dem. Samtidigt som det redan finns viss forskning om deliberativa samtal när det gäller undervisning i skolan, saknas fortfarande ett högskoledidaktiskt perspektiv i denna forskning. Föreliggande studie ska ses som ett första högskoledidaktiskt bidrag till denna forskning. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt bland annat i tidigare forskning om deliberativa samtal genom att vidareutveckla en befintlig modell när det gäller kriterier för deliberativa samtal, till exempel att det föreligger en strävan efter att komma överens, även om konsensus är temporär, att skilda uppfattningar kan ställas mot varandra, att tolerans och respekt för andra åsikter än de egna kommer till uttryck, och att traditionella synsätt kan ifrågasättas. Studien omfattar 18 timmars observationer av nio studenters, det vill säga tre gruppers samtal i samband med gemensam textskrivning vid olika tillfällen. Olika etnografiska datainsamlingsmetoder har använts, till exempel videoinspelningar, deltagande observationer, fältanteckningar och intervjuer i anslutning till samtalen. Av analysen framgår att de tre grupperna utvecklade sin deliberation allteftersom samtalen kring den gemensamma uppgiften pågick, och att de flesta av de nio studenterna dessutom gav uttryck för en deliberativ beredskap inför fortsatta samtal. Studenternas fokus på sina betyg påverkade emellertid i viss utsträckning deras deliberation och kan betecknas som störningar i samtalen. Inför ett eventuellt framtida didaktiskt arbete med deliberativa samtal inom svenska som andraspråk på högskolan skulle dessa störningar behöva lyftas fram och medvetandegöras både för lärare och studenter.

Didaktiska utmaningarmed undervisning ikritiskt tänkande : En intervjustudie om hur samhällskunskapslärare på mellanstadiet reflekterar över sin undervisning i kritiskt tänkande / Didactic challenges in the digital age : A case study of how elementary teachers in civic educations reflects on teaching critical thinking

Edvardsson Gemhed, Einar January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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