Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educational guidance"" "subject:"educational quidance""
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A Proposed Guidance Program for Electra High SchoolCox, Ethel Hixson 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to develop a functional plan for organizing, initiating, and administering a sound guidance program in the Electra, Texas, High School. Major emphasis has been placed upon a multidimensional guidance service in order that the optimum measure of guidance can be provided for all pupils in accordance with their needs. In order to plan a guidance program adapted to the needs of the particularly designated group of boys and girls, it was deemed necessary to discover their needs as much as possible, in a short period of time, by testing student opinion and knowledge.
Another specific problem of the study is to survey the opinions of authorities in the field of guidance and personnel so as to determine what they think constitutes a sound guidance program in a secondary school.
Thus, the problem of the writer resolves itself into a threefold undertaking, as follows: 1. To determine the guidance needs of the pupils of Electra High School. 2. To establish a set of criteria of soundness for a guidance program in a secondary school. The criteria are to be based upon the opinions of several authorities in the field of guidance. 3. To set up a proposed guidance program for Electra High School.
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A Proposed Guidance Program for the Denton, Texas Senior High SchoolHall, Opal Roderick 08 1900 (has links)
Since this is the study of a proposed guidance program for the Denton Senior High School, the problem of the study may be stated as follows: (1) to survey related literature in the field of guidance in order to determine the best educational thought as to what constitutes a good guidance program; (2) with the literature and thought of educational authorities as guideposts, to establish certain principles and criteria of a sound guidance program; and (3) to set up for the Denton, Texas, Senior High School a proposed guidance program which will observe the principles and meet these established criteria of soundness in guidance.
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Differentierad och inkluderande undervisning : Specialpedagogisk handledning för en jämlik skolaNilsson, Lotta January 2022 (has links)
The content in this study is about special educational guidance and how it contributes to inclusion through development of a differentiated instruction (DI). The study is based on previous research in three areas: inclusion, differentiated instruction and special education guidance. The concepts are defined and delimited based on national and international research. The research questions include difficulties faced by teachers in planning and the implementation of differentiated instruction in practice and how this work can be supported by special education guidance. The theoretical starting point is practice architectures (Kemmis et al., 2014). In the analysis even dilemma perspective (Nilholm, 2005; 2007) is used. Action research is used as method and thematic analysis is used to analyse the empirical material. The thematic analysis shows that the teacher experienced pupils´ participation, and their different levels were challenging. The thematic analysis also showed that the special educator in the supervision used five strategies to support the teachers. The discussion includes dilemmas that are identified in the study from a techer perspective: the requirement for goal fulfillment versus pupils´need and conditions, percieved lack of time versus developing a differentiated a differentiated instruction and limitations in possibilities to organize teaching according to pupils´needs and conditions. In addition, special educational guidance and dilemmas are discussed and how supervison practice is affected by and shaped in an unequal school system.
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Orientation choisie versus subie et motivation scolaire : une approche issue de la Théorie de l’Autodétermination / Orientation chosen, imposed and academic motivation : a self-determination theory perspectiveBrasselet, Célénie 02 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre le phénomène d’orientation choisie vs. subie et d’en déterminer les implications, pour les adolescents, sur le plan motivationnel. Nos recherches s’inscrivent dans la perspective de la Théorie de l’Autodétermination (Deci & Ryan, 2002) qui s’avère pertinente pour appréhender les notions de choix et de contrainte en orientation ainsi que les facteurs influençant les choix. En effet, l’un des concepts centraux de cette théorie est le besoin d’autodétermination qui correspond au fait de se sentir libre de s’engager dans des activités et à l’origine de celles-ci.Tout d’abord, il s’agissait au travers de deux études d’analyser la motivation scolaire des adolescents en filières générale, technologique et professionnelle. L’orientation vers ces filières est déterminée par de multiples facteurs susceptibles de conduire à une orientation vécue comme subie. Notre intérêt s’est porté sur l’influence des parents, des professeurs et le sentiment de liberté perçu par les élèves lors du processus d’orientation : l’objectif était donc, dans une troisième étude, de déterminer le caractère prédicteur de ces variables sur la motivation scolaire ultérieure des élèves en classe de première. Ces recherches nous ont amenés dans les études 4 et 5 à développer un nouvel outil mesurant les perceptions d’autodétermination et d’influence en orientation.Notre travail invite les professionnels de l’éducation et de l’orientation à une réflexion en termes de prévention et de remédiation, en considérant le soutien à l’autodétermination dans les contextes de l’éducation et de l’orientation comme un facteur déterminant de la motivation scolaire. / The objective of this thesis is to develop a better understanding of the phenomenon of chosen or imposed academic pathway and its consequences on adolescents’ academic motivation. Our research are in line with the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002). This perspective seems relevant to investigate the notions of choice and constraint in the field of educational and vocational guidance and the factors influencing these choices. Effectively, one of the fundamental concepts of this theory is the need of self-determination defined by a sense of freedom and a sense of choice experienced in the initiating activities.First, the two first studies’ aim was to analyze academic motivation of high school students. The adolescents were enrolled in different courses: general, technological and professional. The choice of an academic pathway is influenced or even constrained by many factors: the student thus feels forced to take part in an academic pathway that is not his or her initial choice. Our interest focuses on parents and teachers’ influence and sense of freedom in academic decision-making process. In the third study, the purpose was to determine the contribution of these variables in subsequent academic motivation. These results led us in studies 4 and 5 to develop a new questionnaire evaluating perceptions of self-determination and influence in academic decision-making.These research invite career counseling professionals and professors to thinking in terms of motivational prevention and remediation. Autonomy support in the fields of vocational guidance and education is considered as a crucial determinant of academic motivation.
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Le mouvement d’orientation professionnelle en France. Entre l’école et le marché du travail (1900-1940). Aux origines de la profession de conseiller d’orientation / France vocational guidance movement. Between school and work (1900-1940) market. The origins of the profession of guidance counsellorMartin, Jérôme 30 June 2011 (has links)
Entre les années 1900 et les années 1940, la notion d’orientation professionnelle est construite à la confluence de trois champs : des patronages et des associations laïcs se préoccupent du placement des adolescents à la fin de l’école primaire ; des responsables éducatifs s’inquiètent de nombre limité d’apprentis ; enfin, les premiers psychologues proposent l’utilisation de tests pour l’affectation de la main-d’œuvre. Les années 1920 sont marquées par la création de nombreux offices. Soutenu par des milieux sociaux et professionnels très différents, le mouvement d’orientation professionnelle se professionnalise progressivement, en partie grâce à la création de l’Institut national d’orientation professionnelle (INOP) et d’associations professionnelles. Les années 1930 constituent un tournant. La montée du chômage et les besoins en main-d’œuvre qualifiée nécessitent une réorganisation du dispositif. / Between the 1900s and the 1940s, the concept of professional orientation is built at the confluence of three fields: lay of sponsorships and associations concerned with the placement youth at the end of primary school; education officials are concerned about limited number of apprentices; early psychologists propose the use of testing for the assignment of the labour force. The 1920s were marked by the creation of many offices. Supported by social and professional environments very different, the vocational guidance movement is professionalizes gradually, partly through the creation of the National Institute of vocational guidance (INOP) and professional associations. The 1930s constitute a turning point. The rise of unemployment and the skilled labour needs require a reorganization of the device.
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A educação profissionalizante com a Lei n.5.692/71 no Paraná: o Colégio Estadual Costa Viana de São José dos Pinhais e o Colégio Estadual Victor Ferreira do Amaral de CuritibaFalcioni, Roberto Evair 27 September 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a implantação da Lei n. 5.692/71 no sistema educacional brasileiro, com uma análise focada na obrigatoriedade do ensino profissionalizante em nível médio e suas consequências sociais e econômicas. Teve como objetivo investigar os impactos da Lei n.5.692/71 na educação em nível nacional, e o aprofundamento com a pesquisa de campo em dois colégios do estado do Paraná: Colégio Estadual Costa Viana da cidade de São José dos Pinhais e Colégio Estadual Victor do Amaral da capital paranaense. O intuito foi traçar um
estudo comparativo da implantação da reforma educacional de 1971 entre o que a revisão de
literatura afirmou ter ocorrido na década de 1970 na educação brasileira, com o que foi
encontrado nos dois colégios pesquisados. Para tanto, partiu-se da descrição de um breve histórico do ensino profissional na sociedade moderna, com o seu advento no século XIX na França, passando por algumas determinadas experiências profissionalizantes, como a criação
das Escolas de Aprendizes Artífices, o SENAI, as Escolas Técnicas Federais, até chegar à Lei n. 5.692 na década de 1970 no Brasil. Como conclusão foi possível apontar as conseqüências da obrigatoriedade do ensino profissionalizante, como a desqualificação do aluno no mercado
de trabalho, acentuando a problemática dualidade do ensino, e como o ensino profissional acabou por reproduzir o funcionamento da estrutura social capitalista, baseada numa sociedade de exploração e desigualdade. / This paper addresses the implementation of Law No 5.692/71 in the Brazilian educational
system, with an analysis focused on the requirement of technical education in high school and their social and economic consequences. Aimed to investigate the impacts of Law 5.692/71 in education at the national level, and deepening with field research in two schools in the state of
Paraná: state college Costa Viana City of San Jose and State College Pine Victor Amaral of Curitiba. The intention was to draw a comparative study of the implementation of educational reform of 1971 between what the literature review said to have occurred in the 1970s in Brazilian education, with what was found in two colleges surveyed. To this end, broke a
description of a brief history of vocational education in modern society, with its arrival in the nineteenth century in France, passing through some specific professional experiences, like the creation of Schools of apprentices and journeymen, SENAI, the Federal Technical Schools, even to Law No. 5692 in the 1970s in Brazil. As a conclusion was possible to point out the consequences of mandatory vocational training, such as disqualification of the student in the
labor market, highlighting the problematic duality of education, vocational education and how it was eventually reproduce the functioning of the capitalist social structure, society based on exploitation and inequality.
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”Det blir nog bäst om du väljer själv!” : En studie om lärares tankar avseende elevers val och väljande. / ”It will probably be best if you choose by yourself!” : A study of teachers beliefs about students choices and selecting choices.Andréasson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
The present study investigates through five in depth interviews high-school teachers thoughts about students choices and selecting choices, what teachers believe shapes and affects students educational and occupational choices, and also, how these choices according to the teachers should go to. The underlying reasons for the topic and purpose of the study are based on reports done by The Swedish Schools Inspectorate (2013:5) showing that teachers find it difficult to integrate guiding interventions in the regular pedagogy, actions the Swedish Education Act say they has a responsibility to take on. The result in this study shows that teachers believe that students choices are formed in relation to the knowledge and information they obtain in different social contexts and in relationships with others close, like friends and parents. However, the teachers don’t believe that all students have an accurate picture of the reality, which can lead to wrong choices. Wrong choices are characterized by getting influenced by other close, like choosing as their friends, and or base their choices on inadequate knowledge about what pathways and occupations really contains and means. Students choices should be, according to the teachers, characterized by choosing in relation to their own abilities, interests and actual will, and especially be based on accurate knowledge about how the reality actually works. / I föreliggande studie undersöks genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer hur lärare i grundskolans senare årskurser (6-9) uppfattar elevers val och väljande. Det innefattar vad lärarna upplever formar och påverkar elevers studie- och yrkesrelaterade val, men också, hur dessa val enligt lärarna bör gå till. De bakomliggande motiven till studiens ämnesområde och syfte grundar sig på rapporter från framförallt Skolinspektionen (2013:5) som visar att skolans lärare har svårt att integrera vägledande insatser inom den ordinarie undervisningen, insatser de enligt skollagen har ett ansvar för att ta sig an. Av resultatet i denna studie framgår att lärarna uppfattar att elevernas valbara studie- och yrkesrelaterade alternativ formas i relation till den kunskap och information de tar del av i olika sociala kontexter och i relationer med andra nära, som exempelvis vänner och föräldrar. Dock anser inte lärarna i studien att alla elever har en korrekt bild av hur verkligheten faktiskt ser ut och fungerar, vilket öppnar för felval. Felaktiga val kännetecknas av att elever i valet blir påverkade av sina nära relationer, exempelvis att de väljer likt sina kompisar och eller grundar sina val på bristfällig kunskap om vad olika studievägar och yrken egentligen innehåller och innebär. Studie- och yrkesrelaterade val bör därför, enligt lärarna, kännetecknas av att man väljer i relation till sin egen förmåga, sina intressen och faktiska vilja, och att dessa i sin tur bygger på korrekt kunskap och bilder om hur verkligheten faktiskt ser ut och fungerar.
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Uma contribuição crítica para o entendimento dos sentidos atribuídos pelo orientador educacional ao exercício de sua função / A critical contribution to the understanding of the meanings attributed by the counselor to the exercise of its functionIavelberg, Catarina Cerqueira 03 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-03 / This research was concerned with discussing the future of education through the activity of the school counselor. Its objective was to shed light on a topic insufficiently explored in terms of academic analysis: the relationship that the counselor has with school, education and society, through the understanding and analysis of the meanings attributed by him in his office.
The developed theoretical chapters clarify some of the historical determinants related dialectically to the directions given by the counselor to his work. The first chapter deals with the development and production of knowledge about educational counseling in Brazil. The remaining chapters discuss the theoretical relationships between society, education, school and individual, namely the second looks at society through the lens of Critical Theory authors (including Adorno, Horkheimer and Habermas) and the third discusses the production of thinkers that investigated the education and the school through a critical approach (Adorno, Severino, Nóvoa, Bourdieu, Dubet, Enguita and Jackson), and finally, the fourth one features a discussion of the social formation of the individual, sustained, particularly, in the concepts proposed by Vygotsky and Ciampa.
After the theoretical chapters, it is analyzed the speech of a counselor, in order to understand the significance attributed by him to exercise its function. Discourse analysis of supervisor, coordinated the contributions of the authors argue that theoretically this research, revealed not only the dominant trends that determine the social relations that run through modern education, but also the alternatives that can be evidenced by the forms of resistance that subject to draw from what they live.
Throughout the analysis, we verified the existence of tensions in the relationship between school and work of the counselor, as these tensions are manifested and to what extent they are determined by the very reality of school and social reality of out. Becoming a school counselor today, reveals a tortuous process is dominated by conflicts, ambiguities and contradictions.
The analysis also showed that although the meanings produced by the advisor are crossed by technical discourses that seek him subjection to the instrumental logic and adaptive manage capitalism, resistance to the system, desired or achieved through work, it is still possible. Finally, the research has shown that professional development advisor is closely linked to his life story and that the knowledge acquired in the social experiences was crucial to him an experience of a more emancipator direction / Esta pesquisa preocupou-se em discutir os rumos da educação através da atividade do orientador educacional. Seu objetivo foi lançar luz sobre um tema ainda insuficientemente explorado em termos de análise acadêmica: a relação que o orientador educacional mantém com a escola, a educação e a sociedade, por intermédio da compreensão e análise dos sentidos atribuídos por ele à sua função.
Os capítulos teóricos desenvolvidos esclarecem alguns dos determinantes históricos relacionados dialeticamente com os sentidos atribuídos pelo orientador educacional à sua função. O primeiro capítulo trata do desenvolvimento e da produção de conhecimento sobre a orientação educacional no Brasil. Os demais capítulos teóricos discutem as relações entre a sociedade, a educação, a escola e o indivíduo, a saber: o segundo analisa a sociedade por meio das lentes de autores da Teoria Crítica (entre eles Adorno, Horkheimer e Habermas); o terceiro problematiza a produção de pensadores que investigaram a educação e a escola por meio de uma abordagem crítica (Adorno, Severino, Nóvoa, Bourdieu, Dubet, Enguita e Jackson); e, finalmente, o quarto apresenta uma discussão sobre a formação social do indivíduo, sustentada, sobretudo, nas concepções propostas por Vigotski e Ciampa.
Após os capítulos teóricos, é analisado o discurso de um orientador educacional, na perspectiva de compreender os sentidos atribuídos por ele ao exercício da sua função. A análise do discurso do orientador, articulada às contribuições dos autores que sustentam teoricamente esta pesquisa, revelou, não apenas as tendências dominantes que determinam as relações sociais que atravessam a educação moderna, mas também as alternativas que podem ser evidenciadas pelas formas de resistência que o sujeito elabora a partir daquilo que vive.
Ao longo da análise, verificou-se a existência de tensões na relação entre a escola e o trabalho do orientador educacional, como tais tensões se manifestam e em que medida elas são determinadas pela própria realidade escolar e pela realidade social extraescolar. Tornar-se orientador educacional, hoje, relevou-se um processo tortuoso, dominado por conflitos, ambiguidades e contradições.
A análise apontou também que, embora os sentidos produzidos pelo orientador estejam atravessados por discursos técnicos que procuram assujeitá-lo à lógica instrumental e adaptativa que gere o capitalismo, a resistência ao sistema, conseguida ou almejada por meio do trabalho, ainda é possível. Finalmente, a pesquisa mostrou que o desenvolvimento profissional do orientador está intimamente interligado à sua história de vida e que os saberes adquiridos nas experiências sociais foram fundamentais para uma vivência com um sentido mais emancipatório
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Les professeurs principaux de 3ème, acteurs majeurs de l'orientation scolaire et producteurs d'inégalités / The role of the head teacher as the main actor of educational guidance and producer of inequalitiesSapet-Malozon, Sandrine 29 September 2014 (has links)
Sur la base d’une enquête de terrain originale, réalisée sur une année scolaire, auprès de 6 collèges du Bas-Rhin, nous avons choisi de mettre les professeurs principaux de troisième au centre de notre recherche. Les professeurs principaux sont des acteurs privilégiés de l’orientation. Ce sont eux qui vont avoir un contact continu avec l’élève et ils sont sans nul doute les professionnels les mieux armés pour appréhender l’élève dans toute sa complexité et dans sa globalité. Ils sont ceux qui pourront l’orienter en continu et nouer un contact privilégié avec les familles.Ils sont également les porte-parole de l’ensemble de l’équipe éducative, participent, mènent les différents conseils de classe et peuvent donc peser ou influencer sur les décisions d’orientation. Néanmoins, ne nous y trompons pas, le rôle des professeurs principaux est plus complexe à tenir qu’il n’y paraît. Ils sont soumis à une somme de contraintes et de pressions formelles et informelles, explicites ou implicites, conscientes ou non. Face à ces constats, nous pouvons nous interroger sur : le rôle du professeur principal acteur majeur de l’orientation scolaire et producteur d’inégalités. / On the basis of an original field survey conducted over a school year, with 6 colleges in Bas-Rhin, we chose to place the Head teachers of the 4th year of high school (french 3eme) at the central point of our research. Head teachers are key actors in Educational guidance. They are the ones that will have continuous interactions with the Student and are undoubtedly the best prepared professionals to understand the Student in all its complexity and in its entirety. Head teachers will be the only referent to guide students and continuously forge close and privileged contacts with families. Moreover, they are also the spokesperson for the whole educational team, participate and lead various class councils and can therefore impact or influence on policy decisions. However, let us make no mistake, the role of head teachers is more difficult to hold than it seems. They are subject to a sum of constraints and to diverse aspects of pressure: formal and informal, explicit or implicit, conscious or unconscious. Given these facts, we can ask ourselves on the role of the head teacher as the main actor of Educational guidance and producer of inequalities.
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A práxis do serviço de orientação educacional revisitada sob a perspectiva da teoria sistêmica e do desenvolvimento moralAnita Maria Lins da Silva 25 May 2012 (has links)
O Serviço de Orientação Educacional-SOE desenvolve ações em diversas
áreas no âmbito institucional junto ao corpo docente, discente, família, redes
sociais, além de proporcionar vivência teórica-prática aos estudantes em suas
áreas de atuação. Em síntese, trabalha no sentido de promover atividades
pedagógicas e/ou educativas para que os estudantes da instituição educacional
sejam orientados em sua formação acadêmica, profissional e pessoal,
estimulando o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades, competências e
responsabilidades. Para apreender e alargar as possibilidades das ações do
SOE buscou-se, nesta pesquisa, revisitar sua práxis a partir do
aprofundamento de sua história e atribuições, também o aprofundamento dos
estudos sobre a moral infantil e, por último, os conhecimentos sobre a Teoria
Geral dos Sistemas. Sistema quer dizer conexão, interdependência,
circularidade e retroação. Gregory Bateson, antropólogo e um dos pioneiros na
compreensão do funcionamento da família, propõe que a escola seja
considerada um sistema aberto devido ao movimento de seus membros dentro
e fora. Na teoria sistêmica observa-se o indivíduo influenciando e sendo
influenciado, reagindo e interagindo. O Orientador Educacional que norteia sua
ação na ótica sistêmica observa as relações internas e externas e o papel
exercido pelos componentes da família, assim como dos demais grupos,
contribui para a manutenção do comportamento e a estabilidade do sistema
como um todo. Quanto a moral infantil, buscou-se referencial de análise nos
conceitos de desenvolvimento moral de Jean William Fritz Piaget. Piaget
ressalta os aspectos da assimilação de verdade e mentira, justiça e injustiça,
de respeito e desrespeito às regras recebidas de fora, os julgamentos de valor,
os deveres e o valor a eles atribuídos. Segundo ele, a consciência do bem na
criança é a primeira condição da vida moral ao chegar ao estágio de reflexão e
de formulação das ideias. / The Educational Guidance Service, SOE (Serviço de Orientação Educacional)
develops actions in several areas within the institutional framework with the
faculty, students, family, social networks, and provide theoretical and practical
experience to students in their fields. In summary, works to promote educational
activities and / or education for students of the educational institution are guided
in their academic, professional and personal, stimulating the development of
skills, competencies and responsibilities. To learn and to broaden the scope of
the actions of SOE sought to this research, revisit its practice from the
deepening of its history and mission, also the deepening of studies on childs
moral and, finally, knowledge about the General Theory Systems. System
means connection, interdependence, circularity and feedback. Gregory
Bateson, an anthropologist and a pioneer in understanding the functioning of
the family, it is proposed that the school is considered an open system due to
the movement of its members inside and outside. In systems theory there is the
individual influencing and being influenced, reacting and interacting. The
Guidance Counselor that guides its action on systemic perspective looks at
internal and external relations and the role played by members of the family, as
well as the other groups, helps to maintain the behavior and stability of the
system as a whole. The moral child sought to frame analysis in the concepts of
moral development of Jean Piaget William Fritz. Piaget points out aspects of the
assimilation of truth and untruth, justice and injustice, respect and disrespect for
the rules received that does not come from his family, value judgments, duties
and value attributed to them. According to him, well aware of the child is the first
condition of moral life to reach the stage of reflection and formulation of ideas.
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