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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas educacionais e processos de subjetivação em meio a propostas de desescolarização: Tensões, potências e perigos / Unschooling, Educational practices, Subjectivation processes, Governamentality, Freedom

Marcela Peters Cremasco Gonçalves 10 October 2016 (has links)
Vivemos numa sociedade constituída e constituinte de relações marcadas por desigualdades econômicas, sociais, de classe, de raça, de gênero, etc. e produtora de opressões, dominações e assujeitamentos. A educação é um campo atravessado pelas correlações de força, pelos dispositivos de poder vigentes e por tais desigualdades; nesse campo se coloca em disputa práticas que podem servir à manutenção da opressão, da dominação e do assujeitamento ou que se produzem como resistência. A presente dissertação aborda questões relativas a práticas educacionais nomeadas por desescolarização adentrando na experiência de um grupo específico, o Barro Molhado buscando evidenciar tensões, potências e perigos que as compõem. Tendo como embasamento produções de pensadores da Filosofia da Diferença, sobretudo, Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault e foucaultianos, procuramos discorrer sobre as formas e relações de poder que estão em jogo na constituição das práticas educacionais, tanto dentro da escola, como nos formatos que prescindem do sistema regular de ensino, e realizar uma crítica em relação aos processos de subjetivação forjados na atualidade. Procuramos afirmar as lutas que culminaram na instituição da educação como direito e em sua efetivação através da escolarização, assim como, os esgotamentos presentes no sistema regular de ensino e as potências de propostas alternativas que buscam se configurar como educação formal. Não-diretividade e não-intervenção tornaram-se princípios centrais na discussão sobre das maneiras de pensar e de agir dos adultos em relação às crianças. Retomamos pensamentos de Hannah Arendt sobre o campo da educação, sua relação com o domínio da política e sua dimensão pública, buscando problematizar tais princípios e discutí-los na contraposição entre autoritarismo e autoridade. Em nosso tempo, atravessado por ideia de liberdade e autonomia, as formas de aprisionamento, dominação e assujeitamento se tornam veladas, dando margem para o enrijecimento do controle através de aparências libertárias. A noção de governamentalidade, forjada por Foucault, se constitui como uma ferramenta analítica que nos permite adentrar na agonística presente na relação entre governo e liberdade, potencializando rupturas com as naturalizações vigentes e a criação de novos possíveis. Retomamos a afirmação de Foucault (1995b): Minha opinião é que nem tudo é ruim, mas tudo é perigoso, o que não significa exatamente o mesmo que ruim. Se tudo é perigoso, então temos sempre algo a fazer (p.256). Se tudo é perigoso, qualquer uma das formas das práticas educacionais escolhidas, estejam elas dentro ou fora do sistema regular de ensino, envolvem riscos. Se há sempre algo a ser feito, apoiamo-nos no pensamento de Deleuze (1992b) para criar estratégias de enfrentamento no tempo que habitamos. Não basta estar fora da escola para romper com as amarras de nosso tempo; ao mesmo tempo, inventar maneiras de viver e educar que rompam com o que domina no cenário escolar é expressão da potência de criação, resistência, e pode se constituir como máquina de guerra / We live in a society constituted and constituent relations marked by inequalities - economic, social, class, race, gender, etc. - and producer of oppression, domination and subjection. Education is a field crossed by the force relations, the actual power devices and these inequalities; in this field arises in dispute practices that can serve to the maintenance of oppression, domination and subjection or that occur as resistance. The present dissertation addresses questions related to educational practices named by unschooling - entering the experience of a particular group, the Barro Molhado - seeking evidence tensions, potencies and dangers that make them up. With the basement productions philosophy of difference thinkers, above all, Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault and foucaultians, we seek to discuss the forms and power relations that are at stake in the constitution of educational practices, both within the school, as in formats that dispenses with the regular education system, and conduct a review in relation to subjectivation processes forged today. We seek to affirm the struggles that culminated in the institution of education as a right and its effectiveness through schooling, as well as the exhaustion present in the regular school system and the potencies of alternative proposals who seeking to set up as formal education. Non-directivity and nonintervention became central principles in the discussion on the ways of thinking and acting of adults towards children. Resumed thoughts of Hannah Arendt on the field of education, their relationship with the domain of politics and its public dimension, seeking to question these principles and discuss them on the contrast between authoritarianism and authority. In our time, crossed by the idea of freedom and autonomy, forms of imprisonment, domination and subjection become veiled, giving rise to stiffening of the control through libertarian appearances. The notion of governmentality, forged by Foucault, is constituted as an analytical tool that allows us to enter the agonistic present in the relationship between government and freedom, increasing disruptions to current naturalizations and the creation of new possible. We resumed Foucault (1984) statement: \"My point is not that everything is bad, but that everything is dangerous, which is not exactly the same as bad. If everything is dangerous, then we always have something to do\" (p.343). If everything is dangerous, any of the forms of the chosen educational practices, whether they are inside or outside the regular school system, involve risks. If there is always something to be done, we rely on the thought of Deleuze (1992b) to create coping strategies in time we inhabit. Is not enough be out of school to break the bonds of our time; at the same time, inventing ways to live and educate that break with the dominating in the school setting is expression of creating power, resistance, and may constitute as war machine

Heliópolis: práticas educativas na paisagem / Heliópolis: educational practices in the landscape

Cláudia Cruz Soares 23 April 2010 (has links)
Essa dissertação estuda por meio dos processos colaborativos, as práticas educativas que transformam a paisagem do bairro de Heliópolis SP. Neste trabalho a paisagem é estudada por meio de um conjunto de práticas sociais que agregam pessoas e grupos, a fim de melhorar a qualidade de vida do lugar. No conjunto de procedimentos metodológicos, na construção da pesquisa, para estudar a Paisagem de Heliópolis, a vivência foi o alicerce inicial, pois buscamos conhecer o lugar, por meio da memória dos moradores e pela nossa participação nas atividades comunitárias. O respeito, a valorização das histórias vividas, as formas de participação, a construção coletiva com os atores, os referenciais teóricos e os procedimentos metodológicos, foram conclusivos para percebermos os modos de agir, os valores, percepções e práticas que os moradores trazem consigo mediante a sua experiência. Buscamos na educação, contribuições para embasar a interpretação da paisagem no trabalho de campo, pois as organizações comunitárias em Heliópolis estão presentes e atuam de forma relevante na construção de um bairro que educa. A educação passa a ser reconhecida pelas lideranças, como uma necessidade para a construção de uma paisagem diferenciada. Compreendemos que as praticas educativas tem uma relação direta com paisagem e que não deve ser somente utilizada para socialização de conhecimentos, mas sim uma forma colaborativa para a construção do mesmo. / This dissertation studies, using collaborative processes, the educational practices that transform the landscape of Heliópolis SP. In this study, the landscape is understood by a group of social practices that aggregate people and groups, in order to improve the lifes quality of the place. The methodological proceedings, in the buildings of the research, to study the landscape of Heliópolis, the experience was the initial base, because we tried to know the place, using the memory of the neighbors and our participation in the communitarian activities. The respect, the estimation of lives\' stories, the forms of participation, the collective construction with the actors, the theoretical references and the methodological proceedings were conclusive to notice the ways of acting, the manners of conceptions, perceptions and practices that the neighbors bring with their experience. We search, in the non formal education, contributions to base the interpretation of the landscape in the fieldwork, because the communitarian organizations in Heliópolis are present and act effectively in the construction of a district that educates. The education becomes recognized by the leaders as necessity to construct a differentiated landscape. We understood that the educational practices have a direct relation with the landscape and they cannot be only used to the socialization of the knowledge, but as a collaborative manner to the construction of it.

Afetividade e condições de ensino na educação de jovens e adultos / Affectivity and teaching condittions on youth and adults education

Gazoli, Daniela Gobbo Donadon, 1986- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Antônio da Silva Leite / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T17:15:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gazoli_DanielaGobboDonadon_M.pdf: 1263564 bytes, checksum: a56a86e540a96efc4f898bced7b3b935 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A presente pesquisa pretende analisar os impactos afetivos, vivenciados por alunos adultos, produzidos pelas práticas pedagógicas do professor durante o processo de alfabetização, em uma sala de EJA - Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Propõe investigar a dimensão afetiva na mediação pedagógica, bem como sua repercussão para os sujeitos envolvidos, buscando compreender e descrever o papel da afetividade no desenvolvimento humano, em especial, nos aspectos relacionados com a leitura e a escrita. Procura compreender como tais experiências afetivas impactam na construção da subjetividade humana. As bases teóricas fixam-se na área da Psicologia, na abordagem Histórico-Cultural, principalmente em Vygotsky (1998), e nas contribuições de Wallon (1968) sobre o desenvolvimento humano. Assume-se, como pressuposto teórico, que o processo de mediação pedagógica, desenvolvido pelo professor em sala de aula, é marcadamente afetivo, podendo produzir movimentos de aproximação ou de afastamento entre o aluno e os objetos de conhecimento em questão. Na coleta de dados, segundo a metodologia qualitativa, utilizou-se o procedimento de autoscopia, no qual o sujeito confronta-se com sua imagem videogravada e é incentivado, pelo pesquisador, a verbalizar sobre os seus sentimentos vivenciados na situação em tela. A partir das verbalizações geradas, são construídos núcleos temáticos que possibilitam identificar os diversos sentidos constituídos pelos sujeitos, a partir das práticas pedagógicas vivenciadas em sala de aula. Sua pertinência firma-se na relevância social do tema e na possibilidade de contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento de temática que vem ganhando visibilidade entre as pesquisas em educação. / Abstract: This research aims to analyze the affective impacts produced by pedagogical practices of teachers, experienced by students in adult literacy process, in an EJA classroom -Youth and Adult Education. It proposes to investigate the affective dimension in pedagogical mediation, and its repercussions for the individuals involved, intending to understand and describe the influence of affectivity in human development, in particular on aspects related to reading and writing. It seeks to understand how the affective experiences impact the construction of human subjectivity. The theoretical framework is set up in the area of Psychology, in Historical-Cultural approach, especially in Vygotsky (1998), and in Wallon's (1968) contribution on human development. It is assumed, as theoretical postulation, that the process of pedagogical mediation, developed by the teacher in the classroom, is markedly affective, producing movements of approach or distance between the student and the objects of knowledge. The data collection, according to the qualitative methodology, used autoscopy procedure, in which the subject is confronted with their image videotaped and is encouraged, by the researcher, to verbalize their feelings about the situation on screen. From the verbalization generated, the researcher built Thematic Nucleus that identify central themes that allow visualizing the many meanings constituted by the subjects, from pedagogical practices experienced in the classroom. The relevance of this study is supported by the social relevance of the theme and the possibility to contribute to the understanding of a theme that is gaining visibility among educational research. / Mestrado / Psicologia Educacional / Mestra em Educação

Escola em tempos líquidos = o desafio de educar / School in the liquid times : the challenge of educating

Rodrigues, Bruna Monize Rosalem, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Elisabeth Barolli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T03:38:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigues_BrunaMonizeRosalem_M.pdf: 1091718 bytes, checksum: 412228ad10ba8f7a517c539a0c1bc05f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Neste trabalho tivemos o objetivo de investigar numa escola pública municipal quais seriam as possíveis relações que existem entre os sujeitos dessa escola e entre eles e o ambiente e quais seriam os parâmetros que poderiam estar balizando o cotidiano dessa escola. A pesquisa de caráter qualitativo investigou o cotidiano da escola no período da manhã por aproximadamente dois anos, realizando observação participante, conversas informais com alunos, professores e funcionários, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e equipe técnica, registros escritos e fotográficos. Concomitantemente à coleta de dados foi sendo construída uma narrativa preliminar de análise que descrevia a dinâmica do cotidiano da escola. Com base nesta análise preliminar foi feita uma retrospectiva dos acontecimentos descritos na narrativa, trazendo para a discussão principais pontos de interesse que foram interpretados à luz do referencial teórico de Z. Bauman cuja tese central é o conceito de pós-modernidade enquanto tempos líquidos e as metáforas do jardineiro, guarda-caça e caçador. Nesse sentido, foi possível considerar que a escola convivia com práticas concorrentes e conflitantes em seu cotidiano. A equipe técnica faz o papel de jardineiro ao tentar construir uma utopia que almeja criar uma escola participativa em que o diálogo é a grande fantasia fundadora do grupo. Alguns professores não compartilham dessa utopia e nesse caso, eles fazem o papel do guarda-caça, pois querem manter a escola mais tradicional. Parte dos alunos da escola se aproxima da figura do caçador, pois não se preocupam com sua formação para o futuro ao negar seu próprio desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem de conhecimentos escolares, somente valorizando, muitas vezes, a oportunidade se divertir nas aulas. Partes dos pais embora se assemelhem a figura do guarda-caça, na verdade parecem desejar que a escola prepare seus filhos para serem bons caçadores. O referencial psicanalítico de R. Kaës acerca do conceito de Instituição/Grupo possibilita dizer que a equipe técnica certamente tem uma utopia e são fundadoras de um grupo, no entanto, a instituição não conseguiu chegar ao momento mitopoético, pois a tarefa (utopia) não consegue estruturar todo o grupo entorno desse projeto e, além disso, a equipe técnica não consegue enfrentar e admitir as diferenças de concepções; ela precisaria buscar mecanismos que ajudem o grupo a se organizar em torno da utopia e sustentá-la de maneira efetiva. / Abstract: In this work we had to investigate a public school which would be the possible relationships that exist between the individuals of the school and between them and the environment and what are the parameters that could be underlain daily life of the school. A qualitative research study investigated the daily school routine in the morning for about two years, doing participant observation, informal conversations with students, teachers and staff, semi-structured interviews with teachers and technical staff, written and photographic. Concomitant with the data collection was being constructed a narrative preliminary analysis describing the dynamics of the school routine. Based on this preliminary analysis was done a retrospective of the events described in the narrative, bringing to the main discussion points of interest that were interpreted in light of the theoretical framework of Z. Bauman whose central thesis is the concept of post-modern times as a liquid and the metaphors of the gardener, the gamekeeper and hunter. In this direction was possible to consider that the school lived with competing and conflicting practices in their daily lives. The technical staff plays a gardener trying to build a utopia that aims to create a school where participatory dialogue is the ultimate fantasy founder of the group. Some teachers do not share this utopia in which case, they play the role of the gamekeeper, because they want to maintain more traditional school. Part of the students of school approaches the figure of the hunter, because they do not care about his training for the future by denying their own development and learning of school knowledge, only valuing often the opportunity to have fun in class. Parts of the parents though resembling the figure of the gamekeeper actually seem to want the school to prepare their children to be good hunters. The psychoanalytical R. Kaës about the concept of Institution / Group enables to say that certainly the technical staff has a utopia and are founders of a group, however, the institution failed to reach the mythopoetic time, for the task (utopia) is unable to structure the whole group around this project and in addition, the technical staff can not confront and acknowledge the differences of views; she would need to find mechanisms that help the group to organize itself around the utopia and support it effectively. / Mestrado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Mestre em Educação

A Educação do Campo na perspectiva do Desenvolvimento Rural: Um estudo de caso de duas escolas rurais da região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / The Rural Education in Rural Development perspective: A case study of two rural schools of Northwest region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

Guedes, Ana Cecilia 26 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation develpos a case study of two rural schools of the state school system, that use in their dynamic teaching and learning the methodological framework of Rural Education, aiming the training of citizens aware of their roles in society. In recent decades through the struggle of social movements to Rural Education has been inserted in public policies, seeking to re-create the relationship between field and the city. This study was developed at the State Elementary School Holy Spirit, located in Alegria - RS and at the State Elementary School Duque de Caxias, located in Independence - RS and had as the general objective to understand how the process of institutionalization of public policy Rural Education can contribute to the change in the formation of the subjects of the field. In this sense, we conducted a survey in which the qualitative methodology was used to understand the results of this research. We made use of the monitoring techniques, informal interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. Students were interviewed, educators, employees and the community (parents), thus seeking to achieve the objective of this research. We got as results, educators committed to a differentiated training aimed at the enhancement of local knowledge, intent on the part of students to remain in rural areas, and the development of environmental awareness, and by parents, the value of this educational process. Some difficulties were noted as adapting laws and bureaucratic rules which ends up making the work impossible sometimes by hiring "temporary teachers" not committed to this educational process. / A presente dissertação desenvolve um estudo de caso em duas escolas rurais da rede estadual de ensino, que utilizam na sua dinâmica de ensino e aprendizagem os referenciais metodológicos da Educação do Campo, visando assim à formação de cidadãos cientes dos seus papéis perante a sociedade. Nas últimas décadas através da luta dos movimentos sociais a Educação do Campo vem sendo inserida nas políticas públicas, buscando re-criar a relação do campo com a cidade. Este estudo teve por objetivo geral compreender como o processo de institucionalização das políticas públicas de Educação do Campo podem contribuir para a mudança na formação dos sujeitos do campo, desenvolveu-se na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Espírito Santo, localizada em Alegria RS e na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Duque de Caxias, localizada em Independência RS. Neste sentido, realizamos uma pesquisa na qual foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa. Foi feito uso das técnicas de observação, a entrevista não estruturada, questionários e análise de documentos. Foram entrevistados educandos, educadores, funcionários e comunidade (pais), buscando assim atingir o objetivo desta pesquisa. Como resultados foram identificados educadores comprometidos com uma formação diferenciada que vise à valorização do saber local, a intenção de parte dos educandos em permanecer no meio rural, bem como o desenvolvimento de uma consciência ambiental, e por parte dos pais a valorização deste processo educativo diferenciado. Algumas dificuldades foram constatadas como a adequação as leis e normas burocráticas o que acaba inviabilizando por vezes o trabalho, e algumas vezes a contratação de professores temporários com pouco tempo na escola, e pouco engajados com essa dinâmica educacional diferenciada.

Exploring the Artistic Identity/Identities of Art Majors Engaged in Artistic Undergraduate Research

Piazza, Lisa M. 17 May 2017 (has links)
In western societies, the persona of the artist has largely been associated with prevailing myths of the creative individual including the artist as genius and outsider. In my inquiry I endeavored to understand what it means to be an artist from the perspective of budding “creatives”. In this study I explored the process of becoming an artist that is how college students construct and navigate an artistic self (selves), and the factors that influenced this process. My purpose in this multiple text narrative inquiry was to discover how undergraduate art majors construct and navigate their artistic identity/identities, particularly while engaged in an artistic undergraduate research (UR) experience. I selected to explore students engaged in an undergraduate research project as a way to understand the process of artistic becoming within a unique educational practice, and to determine the role of creativity within this process. My study involved students who participated in an undergraduate research scholarship program developed by the Office for Undergraduate Research at a large research university in the southeast of the United States. Ten undergraduate art majors participated in this study. Data included in-depth interviews, and participant writings in the form of “artist” reflective journal entries (which included both written and visual text), and a final self-reflection essay. I analyzed the interview data through a holistic- content approach (Lieblich et al., 1998). I identified specific themes in order to understand the complex, “whole” individual, which assisted me in understanding participant “artistic selves”, and how creativity played a role in this process. I analyzed participant art products using methods adapted from Riessman (2008) and Keats (2009). Three key findings emerged from my inquiry. First, for the majority of participants, the construction of artistic identity/identities involved a significant evolution in their meaning making structures. Second, the notion of “doing” for oneself through research was profound for most individuals, which resulted in a stronger sense of artistic identity/identities. The third major finding was how participants weaved their artistic identity/identities through creativity. Implications of my research underscore the need for more robust institutional support and resources to assist emerging artists with developing career skills, creating supportive environments for art majors from a variety of backgrounds to help them succeed and thrive in college, the design and implementation of additional educational practices in the arts that promote self-authorship, and the expansion of UR activities within the arts.

Critères de différenciation et d'indifférenciation dans les représentations sociales de l'autistme chez les éducateurs / Criteria of differentiation and lack of differentiation in the social representations of the autist in the teachers

Guelai, Tsouria Amel 19 April 2015 (has links)
Malgré son intérêt heuristique, très peu d’études ont été menées à propos des représentationssociales de l’autisme. Et dans cette étude nous utilisons le concept de représentations socialespour analyser la façon dont les éducateurs qui exercent leurs métier dans les centrespsychopédagogiques et qui n’ont eu aucune formation sur l‘autisme, perçoivent les enfantsatteintes de l‘autisme et nous nous sommes interrogés également sur la manière dont cesprofessionnels reconnaissent ces enfants en matière des signes observés.La présente recherche s'investit dans la compréhension et l'explication des difficultésrencontrées dans la reconnaissance de l’autisme retrouvées par les éducateurs, selon lareprésentation sociale que ceux-ci ont de ce trouble.Notre premier objectif est l’autisme en tant qu’objet de représentation sociale et plus enparticulier pour repérer les critères de différenciation et d’indifférenciation de l’autisme dansleurs représentations sociales. Nous interrogerons l'élément fondamental de la représentation,le « noyau central » qui détermine à la fois la signification et l'organisation de lareprésentation et vérifier comment les éducateurs hiérarchisent les critères d’identification del’autisme ce qui va permettre de connaitre l’ordre subjectif de ces signes pour les éducateursau niveau des CPP. De plus, pour permettre de dévoiler à la fois les aspects cognitifs etsociaux de leurs savoirs « naïfs » sur l’autisme.Cette recherche peut également s'inscrire dans le cadre d'une recherche d'innovation dans lamesure où elle vise à apporter au système en place une nouveauté. En effet, elle s'avèreintéressante dans la mesure où, elle dévoile leurs systèmes de croyances, les stéréotypes, lesvaleurs produites et partagées par les individus d’un même groupe et leurs positionnementvis-à-vis les connaissances scientifiques afin de dégager des stratégies pour une sensibilisationmieux ciblée.Nos résultats montrent bien que les éducateurs partagent un savoir du sens commun surl‘autisme. Et nous avons trouvé que pour les éducateurs non-formés, un enfant autiste est unindividu qui vis dans son propre monde et qui a des troubles de communication. Il s’agit dedeux critères centraux pour la reconnaissance de l’autisme autrement dite ; le noyau central deleurs représentations se compose de ces deux éléments considérés comme non-négociables.Nous avons vérifié également l’effet de différents variables comme le sexe, le statutprofessionnels des éducateurs sur les représentations sociales de l‘autisme chez les éducateursnon-formés. Et dans une deuxième étape nous avons essayé d’analyser les pratiquesprofessionnelles des éducateurs formés et les éducateurs non-formés dans leurs travaux avecles enfants autistes au niveau des centres spécialisés de l’autisme ainsi que les centrespsychopédagogiques qui accueillent des enfants avec déficience intellectuelle. / Despite its heuristic interest, very few studies have been made about social representationsof autism. And in this study, we use the concept of social representations to analyze howeducators exercise their profession in these psycho-educational centers, and had no training inautism, perceive children affected by autism, and we wondered about the way that theseprofessionals recognize these children in terms of signs observed.This research is involved in understanding and explaining the difficulties in the recognitionand differentiation of autism found by educators, according to the social representation thatthey have this disorder.Our first objective is autism as an object of social representation and in particular to identifythe criteria of differentiation and non-differentiation of autism in their social representations.We will interrogate the fundamental representation, the "core" that determines both themeaning and organization of the representation and check how educators prioritize theidentification of autism criteria which will allow knowing the subjective nature of these signs.This research can also be seen in the context of a search for innovation insofar as it seeks tobring up new things to the system. In fact, it is interesting insofar as it reveals their beliefsystems, stereotypes, values produced and shared by individuals within a group and their positioning towards the scientific knowledge to develop strategies for a more focusedawareness.Our results show that educators share common sense knowledge about autism. And wefound that for untrained teachers, an autistic child is an individual who lives in his own worldand has communication disorders. there are two central criteria for the recognition of autismcalled otherwise, the core of their representations consists of these two elements. We alsoexamined the effect of different variables such as sex, professional status of teachers on socialrepresentations of autism in this population.

Geografias produzidas no lugar : os saberes dos educandos adultos nas atividades do Projeto Educativo de Integração Social / Geographies produced in the place : the knowledge of the adult students in the activities of the Education and Social Integration Project

Nunes, Fabio Pereira, 1980- 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: James Patrick Maher / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T13:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nunes_FabioPereira_M.pdf: 1093980 bytes, checksum: 70d7760ed9f96f48a745e5c393734a4c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa é um estudo a respeito dos saberes e das experiências espaciais e corporais dos educandos adultos do Projeto Educativo de Integração Social (PEIS) nas atividades de geografia. Tem por objetivo dar evidência a presença de tais saberes na composição das aulas. Compreendemos que os educandos chegam à sala de aula com saberes espaciais e que constroem geografias em suas relações cotidianas. O modo como o PEIS concebe as práticas educativas foi determinante para o presente estudo, pois estão ancoradas numa concepção freireana de educação, pautadas no diálogo. Estabelecemos um diálogo entre o educador humanista Paulo Freire e a abordagem humanista em geografia, pois a educação visa a libertação do homem. Os registros realizados em sala resultaram em narrativas que permitiram evidenciar a leitura de mundo dos educandos e a relação entre o tema estudado e os seus saberes, construídos na sua relação com o lugar. / Abstract: This research is a study with regards of the knowledges and of the spaces experiences and physical of the adult students of the Education and Social Integration Project (ESIP) in the activities of the geography. This project has for objective proving the presence of such knowledges in the composition of the classes. We understand that the students arriving at classroom with space knowledeges and the make geographies in their daily relationship. The way as the ESIP conceive the educational practices was crucial for the present study, because they are anchored in the Paulo Freire conception of education ruled in the dialogue. It was established that a dialogue between humanist educator Paulo Freire and the approach in geography, because the education has in view release of the release of the human being. The fulfilled registers in classroom resulted in narratives that allowed to prove the reading the world of the students in relation to the studied theme and their knowledges, made in its relation with the place. / Mestrado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Mestre em Educação

O carnaval é o quintal do amanhã : saberes e práticas educativas na escola de samba Bole-Bole em Belém do Pará / Carnival is tomorrow backyard : knowledge and educational practices at Bole-Bole samba school in Belem/PA

Gordo, Margarida do Espírito Santo Cunha, 1971- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Márcia Maria Strazzacappa Hernández / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T08:48:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gordo_MargaridadoEspiritoSantoCunha_D.pdf: 9784735 bytes, checksum: eb5cb55cd8051affdbba0c2efdfeb3dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: O carnaval é o quintal do amanhã: saberes e práticas educativas na escola de samba Bole-Bole em Belém do Pará teve como objetivo identificar e desvelar os saberes construídos no cotidiano de uma escola de samba, para que sejam reconhecidos e compartilhados com os da escola. Traz como problema estrutural realizar uma pesquisa em uma comunidade carnavalesca na capital paraense procurando desvelar os saberes e as práticas educativas existentes nesse espaço de efervescência cultural, bem como esses saberes expressam a cultura e a identidade de um grupo ou coletividade. Essa questão sinaliza para o seguinte problema: quais os saberes e as práticas educativas construídos no cotidiano de uma escola de samba e de que forma a vivência nesse espaço pode ser demarcadora da identidade cultural de um grupo social, a partir dos sujeitos constituintes desse grupo? Com o intuito de oferecer alguns parâmetros para esse problema, o meu samba-enredo (texto-tese) foi desenvolvido em sinopse do enredo (introdução) três estrofes (capítulos) e o fechamento do samba (conclusão). A primeira estrofe tem como inspiração, Carnaval e escola de samba; a segunda, Bole-Bole: histórias e histórias para contar e a terceira, Bole-Bole para além do desfile: a educação não-formal. A fala dos destaques (os entrevistados) teve total liberdade para transitar em todas as estrofes. Para dar vida às estrofes desse samba contei com o auxílio luxuoso de nove destaques (os entrevistados), divididos em dois grupos. Um grupo foi o que teve alguma ligação administrativa e artística com o Bole-Bole. Já o outro foi constituído por pessoas atendidas pelos projetos do Bole-Bole, as quais tornaram-se profissionais a partir do aprendizado que lá tiveram, sendo atualmente agentes multiplicadores. A metodologia utilizada para realizar o tratamento das entrevistas foi a transcriação (MEIHY, 2005; VILELA, 2010). A transcriação é a última etapa de um processo constituído por três etapas, sendo a primeira a transcrição e a segunda a textualização. Esta tese sinaliza que há saberes e práticas educativas sendo veiculados no espaço da escola de samba, os quais são formatados por meio de oficinas, aprendidos na prática, implícitos nas relações interpessoais e nas vivências estabelecidas na escola de samba. Saberes capazes de transformar, de dar um rumo, de tirar a venda dos olhos. Saberes esses que precisam ser reconhecidos e aproveitados / Abstract: Carnival is tomorrow backyard: Knowledge and educational practices at Bole-Bole Samba School in Belem/PA had the intention of identifying and reveal the knowledge constructed in the daily life of a samba school, to be recognized and shared with the school ones. It brings as structural problem to achieve a search in a carnival community of the Para State Capital looking for unveiling knowledge and existing educational practices in this space of cultural effervescence as this knowledge also express the culture and identity of a group or community. These questions point to the following problem: what are the knowledge and educational practices regular built in the daily life of a samba school and how the experience in this space can be remarkable for the cultural identity of a social group, from the constituent subjects of this group? In order to provide some parameters for this problem, my samba-theme (text-thesis) was developed in synopsis of the plot (introduction), three verses (chapters) and the samba closure (conclusion). The first stanza has an inspiration, Carnival and a Samba School; the second, Bole-Bole Samba School: ranges of story to tell and the third, Bole-Bole beyond the parade: the non-formal education. The speech of the school highlights (respondents) had total freedom to travel in all the verses. To add life to the stanzas of this samba I counted on the luxurious cooperation of nine school highlights (respondents), divided into two groups. One group was the one that had some administrative and artistic connection to Bole-Bole. The other one was made up of people served by projects of Bole-Bole, which have become professionals from learning at the school projects and becoming hence currently multipliers. The methodology used to perform the treatment of the interviews was transcreation (Meihy, 2005; Vilela, 2010). Transcreation is the last step of a process consisting of three steps, the first being the transcription and the second the textualization. This thesis indicates that there is knowledge and educational practices being conveyed on samba school space, which are formatted through workshops, learned in practice, implicit in interpersonal relationships and experiences performed within the samba school. Knowledge able to transform, to give a direction, to take the blindfold off. This knowledge that needs to be recognized and well exploited / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutora em Educação

Configurations de la violence dans la relation enseignants-élèves / Configuración del maltrato en la relación profesor-estudiante / Configurations of violence in the teacher-student relationship

Castañeda Rojas, Giovanny 17 September 2018 (has links)
Cette étude vise à comprendre les diverses manifestations de la maltraitance des élèves exercée par les enseignants, ce qui a un impact négatif sur l'environnement émotionnel, scolaire et social tant pour les élèves que pour les enseignants eux-mêmes, qui sont souvent affectés par les réponses violentes qu'ils reçoivent de leurs propres élèves. L'objectif est également d'analyser les effets défavorables de ce type de relation sur le climat scolaire, qui se traduit par diverses formes de conflits entre enseignants et élèves, entre collègues et ces derniers avec les parents et la direction scolaire. En outre, l'étude cherche à reconnaître les implications que cette problématique engendre pour l'école et le système éducatif lui-même, qui se sent souvent impuissant en raison de la complexité de cette expression de la violence scolaire dont les victimes sont les enseignants et l'école elle-même.Ce travail utilise les outils méthodologiques qui proviennent de la sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu afin d'obtenir une plus grande approche du domaine scolaire et, par conséquent, des relations entre enseignants et élèves qui sont mesurées par les relations de pouvoir à travers lesquelles l'autorité scolaire est exercée. D'autre part, la violence et les brimades à l'école sont abordées dans une perspective socio-éducative qui fournit des éléments fondamentaux pour leur compréhension et leur explication.Pour atteindre les objectifs fixés, la recherche utilise une méthodologie qualitative, focalisée sur la Participation, l’Action et la Recherche – IAP (Investigación Acción Participación pour ces initiales en espagnol) et le modèle des noyaux d’Education Sociale –NES (Núcleos de Educación Social pour ces initiales en espagnol). La population participante était composée d'élèves, d'enseignants, de directeurs et de parents de trois écoles publiques de la ville de Bogotá dans trois localités. Pour cette recherche des entretiens approfondis ont été utilisés avec les enseignants et les directions scolaires. Des groupes de discussion ont été organisés avec les parents et trois NES ont été menés avec les élèves dans le cadre de 24 séances de travail d'une durée d'environ 4 mois.En tant que bilan, la recherche a montré que les punitions physiques et émotionnelles continuent de faire partie des pratiques des enseignants et qu'elles sont façonnées par la répartition inégale du capital qui détermine les positions des élèves et des enseignants dans le domaine scolaire et, de plus, par une lutte continue pour maintenir le pouvoir et l'autorité dans une école qui exige de nouvelles pratiques et formes de relations qui répondent aux réalités de la société contemporaine. / This study is an effort to understand various manifestations of teachers violence against students, which leaves a negative impact on their scope of emotional feelings, academic achivements and social environment for both students and teachers, whom often are affected by the violent respons they receive from their own students. The purpose is also to analyse the unfavourable effects of this type of relationship on the school environment that translates into various forms of conflict, not only between teachers and students, but preceptors and many times includes school administration. In addition, the study seeks to recognize the implications that this problem has on the school and the education system itself, which often feels powerless due to the complexity of this expression of school violence in which it is the teachers and the school itself that are the perpetrators.This work uses methodological tools from the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu in order to obtain a greater approach in the academic field. Hence it mediates the power through which the school authority is exercised on the relationship between teachers and students. Moreover, school violence and bullying are approached from a socio-educational perspective that provides fundamental elements for their understanding and explanation.In order to achieve the objectives set foward, the research uses a qualitative methodology, the Participation Action Research - IAP approach and the Social Education Nuclei -NES model. The participating population was made up of students, teachers, directors and parents of three public schools in the city of Bogotá from three different locations. In-depth interviews were used to work with teachers, students, and school administration. Focus groups were held with parents and 3 NES were conducted with students in 24 work sessions lasting approximately 4 months.In conclusion, the research showed that physical and emotional punishment continue to be part of the practices of teachers and this is shaped by the unequal distribution of the city that determines the positions of students and teachers in the school field. Moreover, it is an ongoing struggle to maintain power and authority in school that demands new practices and forms of relationship that respond to the realities of contemporary society.

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