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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas adotadas pelo consumidor na compra e utilização do ovo na alimentação / Practices adopted by consumers in the purchase and use of egg in the feeding

Daniele Leal 13 October 2011 (has links)
A infecção por Salmonela é a principal causa de diarréia no Brasil e os ovos contaminados e alimentos preparados a base destes, estão associados a esta ocorrência. Para avaliar as práticas adotadas pelos consumidores durante a compra, armazenamento e manipulação de ovos nos domicílios, relacionar as preparações a base destes com o risco de salmonelose e verificar a percepção da população estudada quanto aos problemas para a saúde causados pelo consumo de ovos crus e mal cozidos foi realizado um levantamento no período de março a junho de 2009, a partir do preenchimento de questionários por amostra (n=664) composta de pais de alunos de escolas de educação infantil municipais e particulares em um município paulista. Foi criado o Índice de Boas Práticas Ponderado (IBPp) e calculado através de ponderação as respostas conforme adequação. A média do consumo mensal per capita de ovos encontrada foi de 4,55. Dos participantes, 77% declarou comprar ovos em super/hipermercados, 81% relatou encontrá-los fora de refrigeração nos locais de venda. Observou-se probabilidade 2,41 vezes maior dos ovos serem comercializados mantidos sob refrigeração em locais com produção familiar. A validade foi o critério mais relevante (69,4% das citações) para a decisão de compra, 79,5% descartava ovos rachados ou quebrados, 65,1% armazenava na porta da geladeira e 43,5% não realizava procedimento de limpeza antes da sua utilização. O IBPp foi considerado médio para 59,8% e adequado para 6,5% dos participantes da pesquisa e relacionou-se positivamente ao nível de exigência no momento da compra pelo consumidor. Das preparações que oferecem risco, identificou-se o maior consumo do ovo frito com gema mole (44,5%), seguido por suflês, musses, coberturas de bolos com ovos crus (20,8%). Da população estudada, 61,3% declarou já ter relacionado algum sintoma de doença gastrointestinal com o consumo de alimento. Ainda, 27,3% relacionou a existência do risco de contaminação às condições higiênicas durante o preparo dos alimentos e estes participantes relataram consumir menos preparos com ovos crus e mal cozidos em relação aos que não tem esta percepção. É necessário que haja adequação das práticas adotadas durante a compra, armazenamento, manipulação e preparo seguro de ovos no domicílio para a diminuição do risco de infecção por Salmonella e o planejamento de programas ou ações educativas mais eficazes para a população visando orientá-la para que as práticas adotadas sejam seguras. / The infection caused by Salmonella is the main cause of diarrhea in Brazil and the contaminated food prepared with eggs are associated with this occurrence. To evaluate practices adopted by consumers concerning purchase, storage and handling of eggs and to relate the preparation of eggs consumed with the risk of salmonellosis and to verify the perception of the studied population regarding health problems caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked eggs, a survey was conducted from March to June 2009, by filling out questionnaires for sample in a city of São Paulo state (n = 664) composed by parents of students of public and private preschools. The Good Practice Weighted Index (IGPw) was created and calculated pondering the answers by adjustment. The average of monthly consumption of eggs per capita found was 4.55. From the total participants, 77% stated that their eggs came from regular supermarkets, 81% reported that they were out of refrigeration at the points of sale. There was a 2.41 times higher probability of the commercialized eggs being under proper refrigeration when sold by local merchants. The expire date criteria was more relevant (69.4% of quotations) for the decision of purchase, 79,5% didnt use cracked or broken eggs, 65,1% of costumers store their eggs in the refrigerators door and 43,5% didnt clean them before use. IGPw was considered average to 59,8% and appropriate for 6,5% of survey participants and it was related positively to the purchase requirement level used by the consumer. The preparations what offer risky identified were fried egg with runny yolk (44.5% of quotation), followed by souffles, mousses and cakes with topping prepared with raw eggs (20.8%). From the population studied, 61.3% stated already have referenced some symptoms of gastrointestinal disease related with the consumption of food. Still, 27.3% related the risk of contamination and hygienic conditions during food preparation. These participants consumed less inadequate preparations with eggs than those who didnt have that perception. Adequate practices must be adopted during the purchase, storage and handling of eggs at home in order to decrease the risk of infection by Salmonella and is necessary educational programs in order to ensure that good and safe practices will be adopted by population.

Novel School-Based Strategies to Improve Participation in the School Breakfast Program, Diet Quality, and Cognitive Performance in Adolescents

Steve M. Douglas (6619109) 15 May 2019
<p>Observational evidence links breakfast skipping, a behavior frequently observed among adolescents, with other poor health related behaviors that perpetuates a lifestyle associated with poor weight management and decreased cognitive performance. Furthermore, evidence suggests that both the consumption of breakfast and the quality of breakfast consumed may influence both weight and cognitive performance related outcomes. In an effort to improve the prevalence of breakfast consumption and the quality of breakfasts consumed among adolescents, recent initiatives have sought to increase participation in the federal School Breakfast Program (SBP). </p><p>The main objectives of this dissertation were to determine: 1) whether the habitual consumption of breakfast influences perceived appetite following the consumption of breakfast and whether habitual breakfast consumption influences post prandial appetitive sensations following the consumption of breakfasts varying in macronutrient distribution; 2) the feasibility of consuming an egg-based, ‘Breakfast in the Classroom’ (BIC) program in 8th grade students and whether the daily consumption of egg-based breakfasts improve School Breakfast Program participation, the quality of breakfasts consumed, and snacking behavior in 8th grade students; and 3) whether differences in cognitive performance exist between 6th-8th grade students who consume school breakfast, students who consume breakfast at home only, and students who skip breakfast following the initiation of a higher-protein Breakfast in the Classroom program. </p><p>This dissertation is organized into chapters that consist of published manuscripts or manuscripts formatted for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Chapter 2 consists of comprehensive review of the evidence linking breakfast consumption and composition to obesity and cognitive performance with an emphasis on the recent advances in school breakfast programs and future directions. Chapter 3 evaluates whether the habitual consumption of breakfast influences perceived appetite following the consumption of breakfast and whether habitual breakfast consumption influences postprandial appetitive sensations following the consumption of breakfasts varying in macronutrient distribution. Chapter 4 examines the feasibility of implementing an egg-based BIC program and subsequent effects on SBP participation, the quality of breakfasts consumed, and evening snacking in 8th grade students. Chapter 5 examines differences in cognitive performance between 6th-8th grade students who consume school breakfast, students who consume breakfast at home only, and students who skip breakfast following a higher-protein BIC. Chapter 6 summarizes the main findings and presents considerations for future research.</p><p>Collectively, the findings from this dissertation demonstrate:1) consuming 30 grams of protein at breakfast improves appetite and satiety compared to a breakfast containing 15 grams of protein, independent of habitual breakfast consumption in overweight adolescent females; 2) implementing a universally-free ‘Breakfast in the Classroom’ program that serves two additional eggs to a traditional school breakfast served via a traditional SBP is feasible and improves SBP participation, the quality of breakfast consumed, and reduces unhealthy evening snacking; and 3) students who consume breakfast at school, as part of a higher-protein BIC program, perform better on tasks assessing cognitive flexibility and executive function in middle school students when compared to students who skip breakfast, regardless of key behavioral and/or socioeconomic factors. Thus, this work suggests increasing protein content of school breakfasts using a universally-free distribution program is feasible and may provide benefits on overall diet quality and cognitive performance for 6th-8th grade students. <br></p>

Development of machine learning models for object identification of parasite eggs using microscopy

Larsson, Joel, Hedberg, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Over one billion people in developing countries are afflicted by parasitic infections caused by soil-transmitted helminths. These infections are treatable with cheap and safe medicine that is widely available. However, diagnosis of these infections has proven to be a bottleneck by the fact that it is time-consuming, requires expensive equipment and trained personnel to be consistent and accurate. This study aimed to investigate the viability and performance of five machine learning models and a 'modular neural network' approach to localize and classify the following parasite eggs in microscopic images: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichuria, Hookworm and Schistosoma mansoni. These models were implemented and evaluated on the Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier to establish that they fulfilled the specifications of 95\% specificity and sensitivity, but also a speed requirement of 40000 images per 24 hours. The results show that R-FCN ResNet101 was the best model produced in this study, which performed the best on average. However, it did not fulfill the specifications entirely but is still considered a success due to being an improvement to the current implementation at Etteplan. Evaluation of the modular neural network approach would require further investigation to verify the performance of the system, but the results indicate it could be a possible improvement to the off-the-shelf machine learning models. To conclude, the study showed that the data and data infrastructure provided by Etteplan has proven to be a very powerful tool in training machine learning models to classify and localize parasite eggs in stool samples. However, expansion of the data to reduce the imbalance between the representations of the classes but also include more patient information could improve the training and evaluation process of the models.

Propuesta de una arquitectura empresarial para una empresa comercializadora de huevos de gallina / Business architecture proposal for a marketing company of hen eggs

Zapata Chumbes, Abraham Edgardo, Sotelo Elias, Victor Hugo 04 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto profesional tiene como finalidad realizar una propuesta de arquitectura empresarial para una empresa comercial dedicada a la producción, venta y distribución de huevos de gallina. En efecto, se propone una solución que permita lograr una mejora substancial en el proceso de la planificación de entrega de productos a sus clientes finales, mejora que así mismo permitirá un proceso de distribución más eficiente, un manejo más eficiente de sus recursos, un mejor uso del tiempo de entrega y en consecuencia una mayor satisfacción del cliente final. Cambios que le permitirán continuar consolidándose como una de las principales empresas industriales avícolas. El objetivo general del presente proyecto es contribuir a lograr los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa referidos al mercado y gestión de ventas mediante el análisis de los principales pilares de la arquitectura empresarial como son los datos, procesos, aplicaciones y tecnología, aplicados a su área de entrega de productos. Así como también mediante la mejora de sus procesos relacionados y de esta manera poder obtener una mejora importante en la gestión de ventas. En el primer capítulo, se presenta información sobre el objeto de estudio, la misión, la visión y los objetivos estratégicos. En el segundo capítulo, se presenta información de la definición y obtención de los student outcomes en el presente proyecto. En el tercer capítulo, se presenta información sobre el marco teórico que nos ayuda a comprender los conceptos referidos al huevo como producto natural, a la arquitectura empresarial, modelos de referencia tecnológica y metodologías agiles que pueden utilizar. En el cuarto capítulo, se presenta información correspondiente al desarrollo del proyecto utilizando los marcos de trabajo ZACHMAN, TOGAF y el modelo arquitectural 4C. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo se presenta información correspondiente al plan del proyecto. / Purpose of this professional project is to make a business architecture proposal for a marketing industrial company of production, sale and distribution of hen eggs. It is a proposal for achieve a substantial improvement in delivery planning of products to final customers. Improvement that will do efficient distribution process, efficient management of its resources, improvement in use of delivery time and consequently greater satisfaction of final customer. Changes that will consolidate to client as one of the main poultry industrials companies. The general objective of this project is to contribute to achieving the strategic objectives of the company related to the market and sales management through the analysis of the main pillars of business architecture such as data, processes, applications and technology, applied to its area of product delivery. As well as by improving its related processes and in this way being able to obtain a significant improvement in sales management. The first chapter presents information about the object of study, mission, vision and strategic objectives. In the second chapter, information about definition and obtaining of student outcomes. Third chapter is referred about the theoretical framework that helps us understand the concepts related to the egg as a natural product, to business architecture, technological reference models and agile methodologies. In the fourth chapter, information corresponding to the development of the project is presented, ZACHMAN, TOGAF frameworks and the 4C architectural model. Finally, in the fifth chapter, information corresponding to the project plan is presented. / Tesis

Untersuchungen zur Embryotoxizität von Ozon nach einer in ovo-Begasung beim Huhn

Thiele, Margrit 11 October 2011 (has links)
Die derzeit angewendete Formalinbegasung von Bruteiern zur Keimreduktion stellt ein wichtiges Mittel zum Schutz des Verbrauchers vor dem Eintrag der Salmonellose aus der Geflügelindustrie in die Lebensmittelkette dar. Jedoch verlangt sein kanzerogenes Potenzial die Suche nach einer ebenso effektiven und einfach zu praktizierenden, aber weniger gesundheitlich bedenklichen alternativen Methode. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Eignung einer in ovo-Ozonbegasung zur Bruteidesinfektion hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkung auf die Embryonalentwicklung untersucht. Dafür wurden befruchtete Eier vor ihrem Einsatz in den Brüter mit unterschiedlichen Ozonkonzentrationen zwischen 0,5% bis >5,0% (wt/ wt O3 in O2) bei einer relativen Luftfeuchte von 70% in einer Laborkammer begast. Die verwendeten Ozonkonzentrationen wurden dabei in drei Konzentrationsgruppen eingeteilt: hoch (2,8% bis 5,0%), mittel (1,1% bis 2,5%) und niedrig (0,5% bis 1,0%). Nach Erreichen der Zielkonzentration blieben die Eier für eine definierte Einwirkzeit (EWZ) zwischen 0 bis 24 h in der Kammer. Am Bruttag (BT) 18, 19 oder 20 wurden die Überlebensrate (ÜLR), Gewicht und Länge erhoben sowie histologische Untersuchungen der Organe Herz, Leber, Milz und Niere vorgenommen. Bei vier Versuchen erfolgte zusätzlich die Untersuchung am BT 6 und BT 12. Insgesamt wurden 13 Versuchsreihen mit Begasungen in der Laborkammer in den drei genannten Konzentrationsgruppen durchgeführt. Des Weiteren sollte die Übertragbarkeit der ermittelten Ergebnisse auf eine großtechnische Lösung, durch die Anwendung in einer projektintern entwickelten Prototyp-Kammer überprüft werden. Die Konzipierung dieses Prototyps folgte den technischen Gegebenheiten unter Einbeziehung der ermittelten Ergebnisse zur Embryotoxizität, zur Effektivität der Keimreduktion sowie der Veränderung der Eiinhaltsstoffe. Im Prototyp wurde daher die Begasungskonzentration von 0,7% Ozon bei einer EWZ von 2 h angewendet und in 2 Versuchsreihen hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Lebensfähigkeit und die morphologische Entwicklung getestet. Um zusätzlich eine Aussage treffen zu können, welche Wirkung eine hohe Ozonkonzentration bei der Applikation während der Bebrütung zur Folge hat, wurde in zwei weiteren Versuchsreihen jeweils am BT 3, 4 und 5 eine Ozondosis von 5,0% in Kombination mit 1 h EWZ appliziert. Nach der Entnahme der Embryonen am BT 6 bzw. BT 8 erfolgte die morphologische Untersuchung. Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zusammenfassend geschlussfolgert:  Ozon besitzt einen dosisabhängigen Effekt auf die ÜLR: je höher die Dosis, desto geringer die Überlebensrate. Bei niedrigen Ozonkonzentrationen zwischen 0,5% und 1,0% kommt es zu ÜLR von 90% und 100%.  Die Einwirkzeit stellt einen wichtigen Einflussfaktor auf die Überlebensrate dar. Eine Kombination einer hohen Ozondosis mit langer EWZ hat eine höhere Embryomortalität zur Folge, als eine hohe Ozondosis ohne EWZ. Eine erhöhte Mortalitätsrate zeigt sich auch bei der Kombination einer mittleren Ozondosis mit einer langen EWZ. Keinen Einfluss zeigt sie bei der Kombination mit einer niedrigen Ozonkonzentration.  Ozonierte Embryonen zeigen dosisabhängig eine geringere Längen- oder Gewichtsentwicklung im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Signifikante Gewichts- und Längenunterschiede lagen nur vereinzelt bei der Begasung mit hoher Ozonkonzentration vor.  Pathohistologische Befunde an Organen, die mit einer Ozonbegasung in Zusammenhang gebracht werden können, konnten nicht erhoben werden.  Die Versuche zur Begasung während der Organogenese wiesen nicht auf ein teratogenes Potenzial von Ozon hin. Korrespondierend mit den Ergebnissen der Begasung am BT 0 zeigte sich ebenfalls eine deutliche Embryotoxizität.  Die Wirkung von Ozon folgt einem Alles-oder-Nichts-Prinzip: entweder die Schädigung ist so stark, dass es zu keiner Entwicklung mehr kommt, oder aber der überlebende Embryo bzw. Fetus zeigt ein phänotypisch normales Aussehen.  Mit den vorgestellten Untersuchungen konnte bewiesen werden, dass bei einer in ovo-Begasung von befruchteten Hühnereiern am Bruttag 0 mit einer niedrigen Ozonkonzentration von 0,5% bis 1,0% in Kombination mit einer mittleren und geringen EWZ keine teratogenen oder embryotoxischen Veränderungen zu erwarten sind.  Aus diesen Befunden ergibt sich ein unbedenklicher Einsatze von Ozon als alternative Methode zur Bruteidesinfektion. Die Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die großtechnische Lösung die Anwendung von 1,0% Ozonkonzentration in Kombination mit 2 h EWZ ermöglicht, um eine sehr gute ÜLR, Entwicklung und eine 100%ige Inaktivierung des in Legehennenbeständen vorherrschenden Serovars Salmonella Enteritidis zu gewährleisten.

Rising Temperatures and the Damselfly Shrinkage / Stigande temperaturer och krympande flicksländor

Haglund, Ernie Hacko January 2023 (has links)
Body size governs how temperature affects an organism. As temperature vary on different geographical scales, it mediates activity based on size. How does temperature distribute different sized individuals - and what reproductive fitness follow? This study involves the damselfly Enallagma exsulans and field studies at lake Fayetteville, United States. By measuring body length, temperature, copulatory status, and egg counts, I perform regression analysis to determine the fitness implications of varying temperature. Smaller individuals manage to stay active at higher temperatures, they mate at a higher rate, and they generate more eggs. My study contrasts previous research and highlights both the relevance and complexity of specificity when connecting temperature to fitness. / Kroppsstorlek styr hur temperatur påverkar en organism. Eftersom temperatur varierar på olika geografiska nivåer möjliggörs aktivitet baserat på storlek. Hur fördelar temperatur individer av olika storlekar – och vilka reproduktiva konsekvenser medför det? Den här studien involverar flicksländan Enallagma exsulans och fältarbete vid sjön Fayetteville, USA. Genom att mäta kroppslängd, temperatur, kopulationsstatus och antal ägg, utför jag regressionsanalys för att utröna fitness-implikationerna av varierande temperatur. Mindre individer förmår vara aktiva vid högre temperaturer, de parar sig till högre grad och de genererar fler ägg. Min studie står i kontrast till tidigare forskning och belyser både relevansen och komplexiteten i specificitet, när temperatur kopplas till fitness.

Transgenerational Plasticity Causes Differences in UV-Tolerance of Intertidal and Subtidal Populations of the Purple Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

Alvarez, Yareli, Adams, Nikki L. 01 September 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Planktonic larvae of marine organisms are increasingly being exposed and required to respond to a changing physical environment. Adult sea urchins occupy both intertidal and subtidal waters and broadcast spawn gametes into the water column to contend with variable physical conditions. To answer how populations of invertebrates residing at different depths adequately prepare their offspring to cope with different levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), we collected adult purple sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, from four sites (two intertidal and two subtidal (~15 m deep)) on the central coast of CA to compare UV tolerance in offspring. Our measurements of UVA (321–400 nm) and UVB (280–320 nm) irradiance at all collection sites showed UVA and UVB were low or absent in subtidal sites compared to intertidal sites. Our study found that offspring from intertidal populations experience a less severe developmental delay when exposed to environmentally relevant levels of UVR (using artificial lighting) than offspring from subtidal populations. The mean percent cleavage delay for UV-treated embryos relative to the controls was 16% (± 2.3 SE) for intertidal sites and 21.1% (± 2.7 SE) for subtidal sites. This suggests that environmental UV cues or additional environmental cues experienced by intertidal mothers may prepare offspring to resist effects of UV exposure during early development. To further understand differences in biochemistry of the eggs released from mothers of different populations (i.e. differences in maternal investment), we assessed differences in protein abundance among batches of eggs from intertidal and subtidal populations. We identify a range of candidate proteins involved in various cellular processes such as cell cycle regulation, signaling and transport, oxidative stress and metabolism that may help developing embryos cope with UVR stress. These candidate proteins may also help us understand adaptations important for survival of developing marine organisms in changing ocean conditions.

DeCONstruct: Patterns in Social/Spatial Interruption

Drapac, Brittany E. 26 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

<b>Understanding Online Media Reactions to Significant Price Increases for Eggs</b>

Sachina Kida (16898778) 25 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Retail prices for eggs surged during the period from early 2022 to mid-2023 in the U.S. Eggs are important to a wide range of people because of their nutritional benefits and cost relative to other protein sources. Thus, rapidly increasing egg prices can cause risks to numerous people. Using social media listening data, we analyzed the relationship between egg prices and online and social media attention and the relationship between egg prices and online and social media sentiment. Our findings suggest that egg prices are associated with the sentiment of the public as expressed in online media. However, the relationship between egg prices and online and social media attention is complex when studying the timing of increased concern with the timing of online news media coverage. Importantly, by leveraging a method of regression discontinuity in time, we show that online and social media conversations about eggs and egg prices tend to increase after the rapid rise in online news coverage. Similarly, online and social media conversations about eggs and egg prices tend to decrease after the rapid rise in online news coverage. This research also provided an example of how a total number of statements and sentiment score of social media listening data can be utilized to capture people’s attention levels, overall sentiment, and how they change over time.</p>

Conservation and Management of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley: Quantifying Influences on a Traditional Capture Method and Long-Term Trends in Clutch Size

Radke, Janae 25 April 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a species of conservation concern that has undergone serious declines in the last century. The Strawberry Valley sage grouse population in Utah underwent such a decline from an estimated 3,500 sage grouse in the 1930s to 150 sage grouse in the early 2000s. This decline initiated a long-term conservation and monitoring project in Strawberry Valley with the goal of preserving the sage grouse population. As part of this ongoing conservation project, we investigated factors that impact the success of capturing sage grouse using the night-lighting method (Chapter 1). We found that capture success is influenced by precipitation, frost, vegetation, flock size, capture crew size, mode of transportation, and sex of the sage grouse. We provide information on these influential factors as well as recommendations on equipment and technique. We also compiled a dataset beginning in the 1930s of sage grouse clutch sizes from the Strawberry Valley population to determine the average number of eggs per clutch (Chapter 2). We investigated average clutch size over time, factors that influence average clutch size, and the accuracy and reliability of our clutch size counts. We found yearly variation in average clutch size that shows a weak, positive correlation with population size. Clutch sizes were smaller if laid as a re-nest or by sage grouse recently translocated from a different population. We found evidence that some of our clutch size counts are approximately two eggs fewer than the actual number laid by the sage grouse.

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