Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ogo,"" "subject:"ggo,""
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Image inconsciente du corps familial et liens familiaux à l'épreuve du syptôme obésité à l'adolescence / Unconscious image of family body and family bonds to the test of symptom adolescent obesitySchwailbold, Marie-Anne 05 December 2014 (has links)
L’obésité est un véritable problème de santé publique. De nombreuses études ont été menées à l’échelle de l’individu mais le phénomène ne cesse de s’amplifier surtout chez les enfants et les adolescents. Nous proposons donc un angle de vue différent à savoir l’étude du fonctionnement familial en vue d’apporter un nouveau sens au symptôme en le resituant au cœur des relations intersubjectives. Pour cela, nous avons opté pour une perspective psychanalytique à travers l’utilisation d’outils projectifs spécifiquement groupaux à savoir l’épreuve de génographie projective (ou dessin libre de l’arbre généalogique) et l’épreuve de spatiographie projective (ou dessin de la maison de rêve). Ces outils, par un processus de projection, investiguent les dimensions diachronique et synchronique permettant une approche complète de l’image inconsciente du corps familial. Nous avons donc effectué une étude longitudinale sur 43 familles dont un adolescent est atteint d’obésité. Les résultats mettent en évidence une grande fragilité du groupe familial notamment en ce qui concerne son enveloppe. Sur le plan des liens intersubjectifs, nous avons repéré une indifférenciation psychique conduisant à des liens de type isomorphique. Enfin, nous avons repéré que la séparation entre l’adolescent et sa famille s’est effectuée sur un mode traumatique venant réactiver des traumas anciens. Ainsi, les familles mettent en place d’importantes résistances vis-à-vis du changement de l’un des leurs, contraignant l’adolescent à reprendre sa place en reprenant le poids perdu dans le but de préserver l’homéostasie familiale / Obesity has become a real health problem. So far, research has only considered obesity in an individual point of view, but this scourge is still getting increasing, especially among children and teenagers. For this reason, we have decided to bring a new point of view and focus upon the family and the way its members behave with one another, thus placing obesity at the heart of inter-subjective relationships. Hence we chose a psychoanalytical perspective and used groupal projective tools, the projective genography test (a free drawing of a family tree) and the family projective spatiography test (a drawing of the dream house). These projective tests examine the diachronic and synchronic dimensions and materialize a unconscious picture of the family body. We therefore carried out a longitudinal study with a representative sample of 43 families whose teenager suffered from obesity. The results show how weak and vulnerable the envelope of the family group can be. Concerning intersubjective bonds, we spotted a psychic undifferenciation leading to isomorphic relationships. Finally, we noticed that the teenage having been separated from his family proved to be traumatic, and that it reactivated former traumas. Thus families build strong strategies of resistance to counteract the fact that one member is changing, forcing the teenager to regain his previous position within the family, by regaining weight, in order to maintain family homeostasis
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L'activation des schémas cognitifs dans la douleur, la représentation du corps, la périnatalité et en lien avec le contrôle du moi et le coping / The activation of early maladaptive schemas in pain, body image, perinatality and in conjunction with ego control and copingSaïd, Cirine 25 September 2013 (has links)
Les schémas précoces inadaptés sont associés à différentes pathologies psychologiques et en sont parfois à l'origine et/ou la cause de leur maintien. Cependant, les schémas précoces inadaptés ne sont pas les seuls à l'œuvre en fonction des pathologies ; ils sont en lien avec le coping, le contrôle du moi et les croyances. Le but de ce travail est l'amélioration de la compréhension de l'activation des schémas précoces inadaptés ainsi que l'influence des facteurs psychopathologiques et cognitifs dans une population générale, chez les douloureux chroniques, chez les futurs parents et dans une population souffrant de troubles du comportement alimentaire. Une première étude quantitative a été réalisée afin de mettre en évidence l'activation des schémas précoces inadaptés et leurs relations avec les stratégies de coping et contrôle du moi auprès d'une population générale. Une seconde étude a été réalisée dans le but de mettre en évidence l'activation des schémas précoces inadaptés et leurs liens avec les stratégies de coping et le contrôle du moi chez les futurs parents. Une troisième étude a été menée afin de démontrer l'activation des schémas précoces inadaptés en relation avec la représentation du corps et les troubles alimentaires. Et une quatrième étude a été élaborée dans le but de tester l'hypothèse d'une activation des schémas précoces inadaptés en relation avec la représentation de la douleur dans une population tunisienne. Des corrélations significatives ont été observées entre les stratégies de coping et les schémas précoces inadaptés ainsi qu'entre le contrôle du moi et les schémas précoces inadaptés et aussi entre les stratégies de coping et le contrôle du moi. / Early maladaptive schemas (EMS) are associated with different forms of psychopathology being not only a source of its manifestation but also a means for maintaining maladaptive behaviour. It is likely that EMS are not the only element linked to psychopathology; coping, irrational beliefs, and ego control are likely linked to both schemas and maladaptive behaviour. The objective of this work was to better understand activation of EMS as well as the influence of cognitive and psychopathological factors in the general population, in individuals suffering from chronic debilitating pain, in future parents, and in those suffering from eating disorders. The objective of the first study is the EMS activation and their relationship to coping strategies and ego control in the general population. The second study explores the expression of EMS in future parents and identify the relationship between EMS, coping, and ego control. The third study is about the EMS activation in relationship to body image and the manifestation of eating disorder sand. The fourth one studies EMS in relationship to chronic pain in a Tunisian sample. Significant and meaningful correlations were found between coping strategies, ego control and EMS. Gender differences were also identified and explored.
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The behavioral, emotional, and attentional effects of human baby schemaUnknown Date (has links)
Children exhibit neotenous, or physically immature, features, such as a large
rounded head relative to body size, adult-sized eyes, round cheeks, a small chin, and a
short narrow nose. Bowlby (1969) and others (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1989; Hrdy, 2005)
propose that, in species whose young depend on care from an adult, these features could enhance offspring survival. Lorenz (1943) argued that adult humans are particularly attracted to these features, and that these characteristics, which he termed
Kindchenschema or “baby schema,” trigger a cognitive system that processes and reacts specifically to infantile features for the purpose of enhancing motivation to engage in caretaking behaviors. The goal of the studies proposed here is to examine the behavioral, attentional, and emotional effects of baby schema. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Assassinos seriais: uma abordagem psicanalítica sobre o superego arcaico e os efeitos da sideraçãoMonteiro, Klaylian Marcela Santos Lima 29 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-29 / The present study aimed, in general, to investigate, under a psychoanalytic approach, the main processes that characterize the constitution of subjectivity of serial killers, linking them to the role that they play the ancient super-ego and the effects of stunning. As the first specific objective, there were submitted, from data collected in interviews, the aspects of the schizo-paranoid position and their repercussions in the manner that act serial killers, in this way, investigating the role of destructive fantasies, of defenses, besides the questions about the object-victims, passing by the theme of hate. The second specific objective was to study, from data collected in interviews, the ancient super-ego and its modes of action in those points related to sadism, to the criminal tendency, and the implications of the ancient super-ego on the psyche of the serial killers, besides the compulsion to repetition in the compulsive act of serial killers. The last of the objectives was the development of an interrelation between the data collected in the interview and the role of stunning in the psyche on the ancient superego demands. Search relevancy is justified, among other reasons, by the fact that it does not exist yet, in Brazil, psychoanalytic readings on this theme, in despite of the growing number of serial homicides and the need for improvement of clinical methods of early approach to children and adolescents who exhibit cases antisocial features. Such studies were marked out especially by kleinian and post-kleinian theoretical structure. It was noted that the psychic configuration of the serial killers, based on the model of ancient super-ego, takes them to destructive behaviors displayed in front of the victims, in particular, the ability to stunning. The data were obtained through interviews with serial killers prisoners in penitentiary units of the States of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo / O presente estudo objetivou, de modo geral, investigar, sob um enfoque psicanalítico, os principais processos que caracterizam a constituição da subjetividade dos assassinos seriais, relacionando-os ao papel que neles têm o superego arcaico e os efeitos da sideração. Como primeiro objetivo específico, foram apresentados, a partir dos dados colhidos nas entrevistas, os elementos relacionados à posição esquizo-paranóide1 e suas repercussões no agir dos assassinos em série, neste sentido, investigando o papel das fantasias destrutivas , das defesas, além das questões referentes às vítimas-objeto, passando pelo tema do ódio. O segundo objetivo específico foi estudar, a partir dos dados colhidos nas entrevistas, o superego arcaico e seus modos de atuação, naquilo que se relacionam ao sadismo, à tendência criminosa e implicações do superego arcaico no psiquismo dos assassinos em série, além da compulsão à repetição no agir compulsivo dos homicidas seriais. O último dos objetivos, foi o desenvolvimento de uma interrelação entre os dados colhidos na entrevista e o papel da sideração no psiquismo diante das demandas do superego arcaico. A relevância da pesquisa justifica-se, entre outras razões, pelo fato de ainda não existirem, no Brasil, investigações psicanalíticas sobre este tema, apesar do número crescente de homicídios seriais e da necessidade de aperfeiçoamento dos métodos clínicos de abordagem precoce a crianças e adolescentes que apresentam quadros de característica antissocial. Tais estudos foram balizados, especialmente, pelo arcabouço teórico kleiniano e pós-kleiniano. Observou-se que a configuração psíquica dos homicidas em série, embasada sob os moldes do superego arcaico, leva-os aos comportamentos destrutivos apresentados diante das vítimas, em especial, à capacidade de sideração. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas com assassinos seriais reclusos em unidades prisionais dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo
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The Effects of a Psychosocial Environment on College Women’s Exercise Regulations and Social Physique AnxietyAlvarez, Ana 05 1900 (has links)
A positive psychosocial intervention comprised of high autonomy support, task-involvement, and caring was implemented in physical activity classes to examine its effects on college women’s basic psychological needs (i.e. autonomy, competence, relatedness), exercise regulations (i.e. external, introjected, identified, integrated, intrinsic) and social physique anxiety (SPA). We hypothesized that at the end of the semester, participants in the intervention group (N = 73) would report greater need satisfaction, more self-determined regulations and less SPA than participants in the non-intervention group (N = 60). At T1 and T2, both the intervention and non-intervention participants reported “agreeing” with experiencing an autonomy supportive, task-involving, and caring environment. Furthermore, both groups at T1 and T2 reported moderate SPA. No significant group differences were found at T1. At T2, significant group differences were observed in the intervention and non-intervention groups’ report of external regulation and intrinsic regulation. The results suggests that group exercise instructors are capable of creating a positive psychosocial environment to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation.
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Gêmeos, subjetividade e narcisismo: especificidades interferentes / Twins, subjectivity and e narcissism: specificities interferantsMarquez, Ilcéa Sônia Maria de Andrade Borba 09 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-09 / The objective of this study is to clarify the twin births specificity and possible
consequences either on parental imaginary or in the proper twin. It is an unusual
situation, where one ovule is divided in two, causing, then, the creation of two identical
human beings: exactly the same sanguineous group, physical enzymes, proteins,
physical characteristics and pathological trends: human being in duplicate.
This situation represents another challenge for the parents in the performance of
maternity and paternity proper tasks. The double births guide them to life mysteries -
the reproduction and the intrauterine space. When parents stand out the equal equalities
in their choices of similar names, clothes and toys, actually they are denying the pair,
considering them as if they were only one such attitudes lead to future consequences
For the proper twin, it represents one more difficulty related to the achievement
of a unique and singular identity, since they mutually follow themselves, without being
illusion or hallucination. As a result they face some questions: Which are the
consequences of living in the privacy of the identical and having to compose and
recognize themselves as exterior and different? How to obtain a proper place in their
parents desire, the family and later in the social environment, in spite of the false
recognizing and the confusions of all, incapable of a steady differentiation?
This present study is based on the thought of Sigmund Freud and other
psychoanalyst authors, as, Otto Rank, André Green, Jacques Lacan, René Kaes, Joyce
McDougall, Eduardo Braier, Beatriz Salzberg, Bernard Tanis, Renato Mezan, Maria
Rita Kehl and others who contribute for the clarification of the questions involving
twins: the specular images, the shadows, spirits, the idea of soul, the strange question
about the double and identical, the narcissism experience and the fraternity complex.
The used method is the conceptual analysis of the selected texts and clinical
material placed in discussion and it has the Psychoanalyst Clinic as elementary and
purpose / Esta dissertação procura esclarecer a especificidade dos nascimentos gemelares e
possíveis conseqüências tanto no imaginário parental quanto dos próprios gêmeos.
Trata-se de uma situação não-habitual onde um óvulo se divide em dois ocasionando,
então, a formação de dois seres em tudo idênticos: mesmo grupo sanguíneo, enzimas,
proteínas, características físicas e tendências patológicas: seres em duplicatas.
Para os pais representa um desafio a mais no desempenho das tarefas próprias da
maternidade e paternidade. Os nascimentos duplos os colocam frente aos mistérios da
vida, da reprodução, e do espaço intrauterino. Quando os pais ressaltam as igualdades
nas escolhas de nomes similares, roupas e brinquedos iguais, na verdade estariam
negando a dupla, tratando-os como se fossem uma coisa só atitudes plenas de
conseqüências para o futuro.
Para os próprios gêmeos representa uma dificuldade a mais no sentido da
aquisição de identidade única e singular uma vez que os gêmeos se acompanham
mutuamente sem ser ilusão ou alucinação. Assim eles são defrontados com algumas
questões: Quais as conseqüências de viver na intimidade do idêntico e ter que se
constituir e se reconhecer como exterior e diferente?; Como conseguir um lugar próprio
no desejo dos pais, na família e depois no social, apesar dos falsos reconhecimentos e
das confusões de todos incapazes de uma diferenciação estável?
Esta dissertação está fundamentada no pensamento de Sigmund Freud e outros
autores psicanalíticos como Otto Rank, André Green, Jacques Lacan, René Kaes, Joyce
McDougall, Eduardo Braier, Beatriz Salzberg, Bernard Tanis, Renato Mezan, Maria
Rita Kehl e outros que contribuem para o esclarecimento das questões que os gêmeos
nos suscitam: as imagens especulares, as sombras, os espíritos, a idéia de alma, a
estranha questão do duplo e idêntico, a experiência narcísica e o complexo fraterno,
O método utilizado é a análise conceitual dos textos selecionados e material
clínico colocado em discussão e tem a Clínica Psicanalítica como fundamento e destino
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A constituição do si-mesmo: Uma abordagem winnicottianaMarchesini, Anna Lúcia Sampaio 06 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-06 / Winnicott contributes significantly for the theoretical bases and the practice of the infantile psychoanalysis when claiming its theory of the human matureness. Thus being, the present research has as objective to appraise and to describe the process of constitution of itself - exactly healthful to the light of the winnicottiana theory of the human matureness. Initially the author intends to elucidate some of the concepts central offices of the winnicottiana theory; the relation mother - baby, the enough good environment, playing, the transitions objects, concepts of health and illness, the external reality, the spontaneous, the creativity, amongst others, with intention to present the theory and to explicate the bases for the constitution of the one healthful. In view of that the constitution of itself - exactly is the result of inherent the integrative trend to the human being the author intends to describe the theory of the matureness and its evolutions periods of training, as well as citing and explicate some of the processes that are basic for the healthful emotional development of a child. Finally the importance of playing and the creative experience is detached, with the exposition of clinical cases winnicottianos, so that the child feels itself as to be alive and real capable of the relation with itself keeping satisfactory interpersonal relations / Winnicott contribui significativamente para as bases teóricas e prática da psicanálise infantil ao postular sua teoria do amadurecimento humano. Assim sendo, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo conceituar e descrever o processo de constituição do si-mesmo saudável à luz da teoria winnicottiana do amadurecimento humano. Inicialmente o autor pretende elucidar alguns dos conceitos centrais da teoria winnicottiana; a relação mãe bebê, o ambiente suficientemente bom, o brincar, os objetos transicionais, conceitos de saúde e doença, a realidade externa, a espontaneidade, a criatividade, dentre outros, com o intuito de apresentar a teoria e explicitar as bases para a constituição de um si-mesmo saudável. Tendo em vista que a constituição do si- mesmo é o resultado da tendência integrativa inerente ao ser humano o autor pretende descrever a teoria do amadurecimento e seus estágios evolutivos, bem como citar e explicitar alguns dos processos que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento emocional saudável de uma criança. Por fim é destacada a importância do brincar e da experiência criativa, com a exposição de casos clínicos winnicottianos, para que a criança sinta-se como ser vivo e real capaz de se relacionar com si mesmo e manter relações interpessoais satisfatórias
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Identifica??es e escolhas profissional na adolesc?ncia:um estudo psicanal?ticoCosta, Juvaneide Regia Azevedo 23 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-23 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / This work seeks to understand the difficulties and dilemmas that pervade the career
choice of teenagers. For this, we take investigative via psyquic unconscious
determinations that, as observed in present clinical practice, it is also confirmed
important in the reviewed literature. In the last one, the most important findings
signaled an important relationship between identification processes and the various
choices we make throughout life. These findings led us to question about how
psychoanalysis understands these processes and how they are involved in building the
career choice of teenagers. From the referential Freudian and Lacanian, we have studied
the concepts of adolescence and identification, which articulated the process of career
choice and fragments of clinical cases, allowed us to reach conclusions that point to the
deep involvement of the dimension of desire and the unconscious in issues regarding
career choices and the possibility of building a listening, of the difficulties found there,
more attentive to the psychic determinations and singular responses that each presents in
front of these determinations / Este trabalho busca compreender as dificuldades e os impasses que permeiam a escolha
profissional de adolescentes e jovens. Para isso, tomamos como via investigativa as
determina??es ps?quicas inconscientes, que, constatadas como presentes na pr?tica
cl?nica, tamb?m se confirmaram importantes na literatura revisada. Nessa, os achados
mais relevantes sinalizaram para uma importante rela??o entre os processos
identificat?rios e as diversas escolhas que fazemos no decorrer da vida. Tais achados
levaram-nos a questionamentos sobre como a Psican?lise compreende tais processos e o
modo como eles se implicam na constru??o da escolha profissional de adolescentes e
jovens. A partir do referencial freudiano e lacaniano, fizemos um estudo dos conceitos
de adolesc?ncia e identifica??o, os quais, articulados ao processo de escolha profissional
e a fragmentos de casos cl?nicos, permitiram-nos chegar a conclus?es que apontam para
o profundo envolvimento da dimens?o do desejo e do inconsciente, nas quest?es
relativas ?s escolhas profissionais, e para a possibilidade de constru??o de uma escuta,
das dificuldades a? surgidas, mais atenta ?s determina??es ps?quicas e ?s respostas
singulares que cada um apresenta frente a essas determina??es
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O desenvolvimento do ego infantil expresso nas imagens oníricas de crianças / The development of the infantile ego expressed in dream images of childrenFillus, Michel Alexandre 01 November 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study aimed to observe the expression of children dream, this means selecting for a more accurate analysis, the images pertaining to the archetypes, evidenced in children's productions, which are important in the process of ego development and expansion of consciousness in childhood. It is considered that the archetypes are basic patterns of psychic organization, without content a priori, present from birth, that mediate the experience of children around fundamental issues of human life and are filled with content coming from personal experiences. The population consisted of 55 children, divided into two groups, with four to five years of age, enrolled in a public school located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. Activities were collecting the dream material of children in school hours, using design as a vehicle for the exhibition of the story of the dream. The method of analysis was qualitative, creating categories of analysis from the material obtained, based on assumptions of Analytical Psychology. It was concluded that the activity with dreams proved to be an effective channel to observe the unconscious dynamics of children, including aspects of the developmental trajectory of ego and consciousness expansion. It was observed that the content of the dream in childhood is not random, but has a sense of being present evidence archetypal mother, father and brother, important in the structuring of the personality, with its specific functions. How organizing element of the initial experiences of autonomy and symbol of the ego, the archetype of the hero was observed in a diffuse form, corresponding to what was named "Hero of the spectrum", including the symbolic unconscious formations that translate into images of shelter and differentiation, collaborative features, aspects instinctive images of confrontation and resistance indicative of individuality / O presente estudo teve por finalidade observar a expressão onírica de crianças,
selecionando desse meio, para uma análise mais apurada, as imagens concernentes
aos arquétipos, evidenciados nas produções infantis, e que são importantes no
processo de desenvolvimento do ego e ampliação da consciência na infância.
Considera-se que os arquétipos são padrões básicos de organização psíquica, sem
conteúdo a priori, presentes desde o nascimento, que mediam a experiência da criança
em torno de temas fundamentais da vida humana e são preenchidos por conteúdos
advindos da vivência pessoal. A população foi composta por 55 crianças, divididas em
dois grupos, entre quatro a cinco anos de idade, matriculadas em uma escola pública
municipal situada na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Foram realizadas atividades de
coleta do material onírico das crianças, em turno escolar, utilizando-se do desenho
como veículo para a exposição do relato do sonho. O método de análise foi o
qualitativo, criando-se categorias de análise a partir do material obtido, baseando-se em
pressupostos da Psicologia Analítica. Concluiu-se que a atividade com os sonhos é
canal eficaz para observar a dinâmica inconsciente das crianças, compreendendo
aspectos da trajetória do desenvolvimento do ego e da expansão da consciência.
Observou-se que o conteúdo do sonho na infância não é aleatório, mas possui sentido,
estando presentes evidências dos arquétipos materno, paterno e fraterno, importantes
na estruturação da personalidade, com suas funções específicas. Como elemento
organizador das experiências iniciais de autonomia e símbolo do ego, o arquétipo do
herói foi observado de forma difusa, correspondendo ao que se denominou espectro
do herói , incluindo as formações simbólicas inconscientes que se traduzem em
imagens de amparo e diferenciação, recursos colaborativos, aspectos instintivos,
imagens de enfrentamento e resistência e indicativos de individualidade
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Cen?rios de ?reas degradadas em recupera??o na FLONA do Jamari/ROBOOTH, Micael Cortopassi 22 February 2017 (has links)
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2017 - Micael Cortopassi Booth.pdf: 3109489 bytes, checksum: 01bce83a5a84e68b19faf1907d31a751 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / CAPES / The use of geotechnologies assists in the monitoring and quantification of the development and modification of the landscape. The Amazon region has high diversity and plant richness and it is in this biome that is the study area, in the National Forest of Jamari, is a Conservation Unit of Multiple Use. In this FLONA there are eight mines under a PRAD because there has been since the 1960s the exploration and mining of cassiterite to obtain tin. The opening of cavas for the exploration is done in the open, performed almost mechanically, leaving the environment at the end very degraded and its restoration demands resources and time. In general, the recovery of the landscape of an area of cultivation is done with the use of planting heterogenous species of the same biome, aiming to cover the soil and induce natural regeneration. In the areas of mines the type of substrate influences in the development and fixation of the vegetal species in the area. The objectives were to map the soil cover, the creation of future scenarios of revegetation using a prediction program. In these mines the types of substrates that were classified in tillage (PL), dry tail (RS), wet tail (RU), washed tail and washing plant (WP) were mapped. Using four high spatial resolution images of the years 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, the typologies were classified as soil exposed, field dirty, capoeira, vegetation thin, intermediate, dense. The areas occupied by each typology for each of the years studied in the mines were compared in order to quantify the converted areas of exposed soil in vegetated areas and the dynamics of the present vegetation cover. Future scenarios for the years 2020 to 2065 were modeled using the Dinamica-EGO, a program used for simulation and prediction of natural environments in particular deforestation. The validation of the generated maps was done using fuzzy similarity. The results obtained for the future scenarios were similar to those observed and the dynamics of the five typologies used evolved in a manner consistent with that observed, with some mines having a better development in a shorter time according to the type of substrate and age of the plantations. / A utiliza??o de geotecnologias auxilia no acompanhamento e quantifica??o do desenvolvimento e modifica??o da paisagem. A regi?o Amaz?nica tem alta diversidade e riqueza vegetal e ? nesse bioma que est? a ?rea de estudo, na Florestal Nacional do Jamari, uma Unidade de Conserva??o de uso m?ltiplo. Nessa FLONA h? oito minas sob um PRAD pois houve desde a d?cada de 1960 a explora??o e lavra de cassiterita para obten??o de estanho. A abertura de cavas para a explora??o ? feita a c?u aberto, realizada de forma quase toda mec?nica, ficando o ambiente ao final muito degradado e sua restaura??o demanda recursos e tempo. De modo geral, a recupera??o da paisagem de uma ?rea de lavra ? feita com o uso de plantio de esp?cies heterogenias do mesmo bioma, visando recobrir o solo e induzir a regenera??o natural. Nas ?reas de minas o tipo de substrato influencia no desenvolvimento e fixa??o das esp?cies vegetais na ?rea. Os objetivos foram mapear a cobertura do solo, a cria??o de cen?rios futuros de revegeta??o usando um programa de predi??o. Nestas minas foram mapeados os tipos de substratos que s?o classificadas em piso de lavra (PL), rejeito seco (RS), rejeito ?mido (RU), rejeito capeado e washing plant (WP). Utilizando quatro imagens de alta resolu??o espacial dos anos 2009, 2011, 2013 e 2015, foram classificados as tipologias solo exposto, campo sujo, capoeira, vegeta??o rala, intermedi?ria, densa. As ?reas ocupadas por cada tipologia, para cada um dos anos estudados nas minas foram comparados visando quantificar as ?reas convertidas de solo exposto em ?reas vegetadas e a din?mica da cobertura vegetal presente. Cen?rios futuros para os anos de 2020 a 2065 foram modelados utilizando o Din?mica-EGO, programa utilizado para simula??o e predi??o de ambientes naturais em especial desmatamento. A valida??o dos mapas gerados foi feita utilizando similaridade fuzzy. Os resultados obtidos para os cen?rios futuros foram em similares ao observado e a din?mica das cinco tipologias utilizadas evolu?ram de forma condizente com o observado, tendo algumas minas melhor desenvolvimento em um menor tempo de acordo com o tipo de substrato e idade dos plantios.
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