Spelling suggestions: "subject:"El salvador"" "subject:"El alvador""
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Imaginaries of transnationalism media and cultures of consumption in El Salvador /Rivas, Cecilia Maribel. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2007. / Also available as an electronic resource. Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-168).
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Imaginaries of transnationalism media and cultures of consumption in El Salvador /Rivas, Cecilia Maribel. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed June 8, 2007). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-168).
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Propuesta de análisis y diseño estructural de una nave industrial para almacén en la zona 4 del territorio peruano, ubicado en el distrito de Villa el Salvador con sistema constructivo de pre-fabricado, basado en la Norma Técnica Peruana de Edificaciones y la Norma Internacional del ACI-318Alama Villanueva, Santos Alberto, Isusquiza Blas, Franco Joel 01 May 2018 (has links)
El documento a presentarse a continuación describe el análisis y diseño de una estructura prefabricada, conformado por pórticos de concreto armado ubicado en la ciudad de Lima. El contenido de este documento se ha dividido en 5 capítulos, que describen y especifican los elementos y la estructura prefabricada seleccionada en los dos primeros capítulos; mientras que en los tres siguientes capítulos se realiza el análisis y diseño de elementos que conforman la estructura.
Con las premisas tomadas y descritas en los primeros capítulos, se continúa con el desarrollo de los siguientes capítulos, que permitirán obtener las conclusiones que serán presentadas en la parte final de este documento. El resultado final al que se pretende llegar, es la verificación de la viabilidad de la construcción de estructuras prefabricadas en zonas de alto grado de sismicidad, dentro del territorio peruano. / The document to be presented below describes the analysis and design of a prefabricated structure, consisting of reinforced concrete frames located in the city of Lima. The content of this document has been divided into 5 chapters, which describe and specify the elements and the prefabricated structure selected in the first two chapters; while in the three following chapters, the analysis and design of elements that make up the structure is performed.
With the premises taken and described in the first chapters, the development of the following chapters is continued, which will allow obtaining the conclusions that will be presented in the final part of this document. The final result that we inted to reach, is the verification of the viability of the construction of prefabricated structures in zones of high degree of seismicity, within the peruvian territory. / Tesis
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鬆餅舖:在薩爾瓦多開設鬆餅舖的商業企畫書 / The waffle bar: business plan for a waffle shop in el salvador冉秀雅, Ramos, Silvia Unknown Date (has links)
The Waffle Bar is a startup business in El Salvador with the main goal of providing a new and flavorful experience to Salvadorans. The business will offer three different types of waffle desserts, served with different syrups, toppings, and ice cream. At the moment, waffles are not considered a popular dessert among Salvadorans, but as seen in the results from the survey we conducted, the population is willing to try new and different flavors that might satisfy their palate.
To start this business’ operation, an initial investment of $16,806.63 is required. This investment comprises the equipment, inventory, kiosk rent, and other items needed for its establishment. An initial capital investment of $5,000 will be provided by the owner’s family, and the rest will be obtained from a bank loan of $11,806.63. According to a moderate level of sales scenario, net income profit can be perceived from the year on 2020.
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Memoria colectiva a través del arte en adolescentes de la agrupación Arena y EsterasSalas Franco, Mariana Patricia 07 October 2016 (has links)
La presente investigación busca analizar el rol que cumple el arte en los procesos de
construcción de la memoria colectiva de Villa el Salvador (VES), a partir de la experiencia de
los adolescentes que forman parte de la agrupación Arena y Esteras. Para ello, se utilizó una
metodología de tipo cualitativa y participativa, para asegurar la creación colectiva del
discurso. Se usaron como técnicas, la entrevista a profundidad a tres actores claves y los
grupos de discusión, con 9 adolescentes (4 mujeres y 5 varones) entre 12 a 16 años de edad
que participan en la agrupación desde hace un año, y año y medio como parte del elenco. Para
el análisis de los discursos, se realizó una codificación manual mediante la técnica del análisis
temático y se utilizó el software Atlas ti para la codificación de las categorías. Esto permitió
la formación de dos ejes de análisis: 1) Memoria Colectiva de VES y 2) Arte para la
transformación social y memoria colectiva de VES. A partir de la experiencia de Arena y
Esteras, se sostiene que el arte resulta una estrategia elemental para la construcción de una
memoria colectiva y la creación de procesos de transformación social. Este permite el trabajo
en diversos niveles, personal, grupal y político-comunitario, con implicancias en la salud
mental, en el desarrollo del bienestar, fortalecimiento de la identidad y el tejido social, y la
creación de una ciudadanía activa dirigida al desarrollo de procesos sociales comunitarios. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the role that art plays in the process of constructing
Villa El Salvador (VES) collective memory, from the experience of adolescents that
participate of Arena y Esteras group. In this regard, a qualitative and participative
methodology was used, allowing the social construction of a collective discourse. The
techniques employed for this matter were two: a) depth interviews to three key facilitators and
b) focus groups with 9 adolescents (4 women and 5 men) aged 12 to 16 years old, with a year
or a year and a half as Cast members. For the analysis of speeches, manual coding was done
following thematic analysis technique and the Atlas.ti software helped in the codification of
categories. Both tools allowed the construction of two lines of analysis: 1) Collective Memory
of VES and 2) Art for social transformation and collective memory of VES. From the
experience of Arena y Esteras, art is placed as a main strategy for constructing collective
memory and creating social transformation processes. It allows the work on different levels,
personal, group and political community, which has implications in mental health, welfare
development, strengthening identity and social tissue, and the creation of an active citizenship
linked to the development of communitarian social processes. / Tesis
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Propuesta de aprovechamiento y transformación del proyecto de construcción de la Villa PanamericanaAncí Paredes, Joel Gonzalo, Umeres Mendoza, José Carlos, Zecenarro Vásquez, Ramil 01 January 2017 (has links)
La reducción de la brecha de infraestructura es importante para el desarrollo del país, la disminución del déficit de vivienda es una oportunidad de progreso, es en este contexto que se plantea una propuesta de solución aprovechando la inversión del Estado en la organización de los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019, específicamente en la construcción de la Villa Panamericana en el distrito de Villa El Salvador, provincia y departamento de Lima. Una vez planteado el problema y los objetivos, se enmarcaron las características arquitectónicas dentro de las exigencias mínimas de la organización del evento deportivo, se tomó como referencia edificaciones y proyectos de similares características, se identificó el poder adquisitivo y parámetros de vivienda actuales de la población a la que se dirige la propuesta, se realizó el análisis y elección de la mejor alternativa. Se propuso un esquema de financiamiento acorde a los costos de mercado y finalmente recomendaciones para la ejecución de obra dentro de los plazos previstos. Es importante tener en cuenta que las unidades de viviendas tendrán un primer uso como alojamiento temporal de deportistas durante el desarrollo de los Juegos Panamericanos y Parapanamericanos Lima 2019. Posteriormente se considera un acondicionamiento menor, para finalmente proceder a la venta y entrega como viviendas a los propietarios definitivos. / Tesis
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Expanding Mediation Theory : Gang Conflict and Mediation in El SalvadorVan Gestel, Gregory January 2018 (has links)
The field of mediation within peace and conflict studies has remained almost entirely focused on state-based armed conflicts and traditional non-state armed groups (NSAG). This restricts our ability to address other actors and emerging forms of conflict in non-conflict and post-conflict settings. This includes a certain classification of gangs who display strong similarities to typical NSAGs. This study analyses gang mediation and its effects on levels of violence in gang conflicts in El Salvador through the lens of traditional mediation theory from the field of peace and conflict studies. It seeks to answer the question, how does mediation influence levels of violence within gang conflicts? More specifically, addressing the hypotheses that, mediation between gangs, and government support for mediation, will likely lead to lower levels of violence. Using a qualitative comparative case study method, employing a structured, focused comparison between three different time periods in El Salvador, I find support for both hypotheses, showing that gang mediation leads to a significant reduction in violence albeit conditional on government support. In addition, factors such as dialogue, information sharing, leverage, concessions and the signing of an agreement are essential in the process between mediation and lower levels of violence.
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Reintegration processes of former gang members and former combatantsUhrenius, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
In a world where conflict is common, effective programs for reintegration of the combatants must exist for the post conflict societies. There is also a growing presence not only of gangs, but also of reintegration programs for those that chose to leave said gangs. To find what parts of those processes are alike and what parts are different is the objective of this thesis. For the former combatants, the thesis focuses on those of the former rebel group, meaning the illegally armed group. The reasons for comparing the two processes are that they outwardly look quite similar in the sense that the both deal with reintegration of formerly armed groups. Both groups have also been involved in some sort of violent action, and they are both being reintegrated into a society that they are not actively full members of. The research is carried out through a desk study using the method of a qualitative research through and abductive approach. The theoretical framework that is used is the inclusion-exclusion framework from the security-development nexus. This is also combined with the use of an analytical framework which was created using three different parts of full reintegration, namely social, political and economical reintegration. Through the usage of the case study of El Salvador, the thesis found that there were both similarities and differences between the two types of reintegration, however, the differences far outweighed the similarities. The thesis also found that while the two processes may be alike from an outside perspective, they are dealing with people of quite different needs. However, some potential can be seen for changes in both processes in order to improve their efficiency, though more research is needed.
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“Subregistro de Nacimientos y Exclusión Social: Análisis de Políticas Públicas en El Salvador”Aguilar Crespín, Oscar Ernesto January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Mejora de Procesos de Gestión Humanitaria y Atención al Migrante para el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de El SalvadorVasquez Elias, Maria Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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