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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Children’s Negative Emotionality, Mothers’ Depression, and Parental Warmth in Predicting Children’s School Readiness in Low-Income Korean Families: The Role of Fathers’ Positive Involvement

Han, Seunghee, Ko, Kwangman 01 January 2021 (has links)
This study examined how the longitudinal associations among children’s negative emotionality, mothers’ depressive symptoms, parental warmth, and children’s school readiness and whether the associations vary as a function of fathers’ positive involvement in low-income South Korean families. Participants were 399 families including mothers (Mage = 32.54 years at Time 1), fathers (Mage = 35.23 years at Time 1), and children (Mage = 38.92 months at Time 1; 50.5% boys) in the Panel Study on Korean Children. Results revealed that children’s negative emotionality was indirectly associated with their school readiness three years later, through its association with mothers’ depressive symptoms and warmth. Mothers’ warmth mediated the association between mothers’ depressive symptoms and children’s school readiness, and fathers’ warmth mediated the association between fathers’ positive involvement and children’s school readiness. Our findings revealed the family processes underlying children’s school readiness development in low-income Korean family contexts. Our findings also provide information useful for efforts to detect family risks and to establish family policies to promote low-income children’s school readiness.

Socialization versus Temperament as Mediators of Socio-Demographic Risk Factors for Child Aggression and Delinquency

Mullet, Stephen D. 29 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Schools as Emotional Arenas: Enhancing Education by Dismantling Dualisms in High School Life

Sanders, Alane K. 16 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Practice as role enactment : managing purposive sophisticated cooperation

Charlebois, Cameron January 2009 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation proposes a fuller, more inclusive account of practice than that which dominates current discourse on organizations, which typically turns upon occupations, professions and jobs as manifestations of publicly recognized roles or functions within organized activity, established as a function of prescribed divisions of labour and the application of skills and techniques, and assumes that people interact in the ways that their assigned roles and functions are planned to work as interrelated parts of a shared task. The approach here is a reflexive process akin to what Lévi-Strauss characterizes as ‘bricolage’, using ready-to-hand materials linking narrative, literature and argument, adding pieces iteratively in an open-ended building process over the course of the dissertation. The reflexive process entails (a) the act of writing narratives (derived from the author’s own management experiences in the private, public and voluntary sectors) so as to produce insights and themes of interest in relation to the broader theme of practice; and (b) readings of certain key works of the literature on organizations and organized activity (including Sarbin and Allen, Denzin, Wiley, Collins, Elias, Mead, Habermas, Stacey and Mintzberg) so as to expose practice-related themes relevant to the construction of an alternative account which proposes the following: (1) Practice in organizations is communicative in nature and entails the enactment of roles. Conventionally, enactment is taken to mean that the role-incumbent meets expectations set by decision-makers and premised on conformity to preset structures within a metaphorical organizational space. In an alternative account of practice, however, enactment can be more accurately framed as a dialectical process of co-emergence of role and organization by virtue of the local social interaction of the persons involved. (2) In active life the mutually-exclusive emergent process and the spatial organizational metaphor necessarily co-exist. Reframing role enactment opens a path to new understanding, such that role enactment and practice thus become problematized in that practitioners can be seen as holding a paradoxical position of some considerable relevance to practice. Today’s predominantly objectivist management thinking primarily stresses accountability for the communicative interaction of others within the organizational space. The reflexive processual approach contests the adequacy and exclusivity of this position, because managing as an emergent practice is more comprehensively communicative and open-ended. (3) The co-presence of both the objectivist and emergent accounts thus requires the manager paradoxically to hold both these views of role and organization at the same time in his or her experiences of managing. As paradox cannot be resolved, it is instead taken up by the manager-practitioner by virtue of the reflexivity central to all processes of communicative interaction. (4) It follows that acknowledging processes of enactment and the centrality of reflexivity in the practice of managing and bringing that to the attention of managers and management educators will enhance how managing sophisticated cooperation is understood and carried out.

Emocionalita komunikace ve veřejném prostoru / Emotion expressed in public space communication

Henzlová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This study focuses on the internet as a public space and explores the emotionality of this area. It is also approached as a case study which investigates the relationship between emotionality and commercialization. In the theoretical part, the concept of the public space and especially its changes that came with the internet and social networks is specified for the reader, to provide a general overview essential to the results of this work. Furthermore, the theme of the communication via internet is defined and the identification of emotions in media communication is explained in the theoretical part. The practical part analyses in which intensity the mass media use the tools of the expressibility on their facebook profiles. These mass media were purposely chosen, one being commercial and the next one the public service television, whose function is to support the social cohesiveness and to cultivate the language. The representatives are television TV Nova and radio Rádio Impuls as the commercial media, television Česká televize and radio Český rozhlas as the public service media. The findings of this thesis provide the insight into the issues and point out the difficult position of the public service media on the social networks.

Early manifestations of aggression in infants of high risk mother-infant dyads

Gschwendt, Miriam A. January 2002 (has links)
Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es frühe Risikofaktoren von aggressivem Verhalten bei Kleinkindern in einer Stichprobe von Teenager-Müttern und ihren Babys aus sozial schwachen Verhältnissen (high risk sample) zu identifizieren. In den zurückliegenden zwei Jahrzehnten haben Wissenschaftler immer wieder auf die Bedeutung von Strategien hingewiesen, die es ermöglichen, Kinder und Babys mit einem Risiko für aggresives Verhalten zu identifiezieren. Eine frühe Identifizierung ist besonders wichtig, weil schon Babys und Kinder eine signifikante Psychopathologie besitzen können und u. U. von einer Behandlung profitieren. Außerdem postulieren einige Entwicklungstheorien, dass der Ursprung einer späteren Psychopathologie schon in Verhaltensmustern in den ersten Lebensjahren erkannt werden kann. Dies scheint insbesondere für aggressives Verhalten zu gelten. Deshalb besteht grosses Interesse daran, relevante Faktoren in der frühen Kindheit zu identifizieren, die es erlauben aggressives Verhalten im weiteren Verlauf der Kindheit vorauszusagen. <br /> <br /> Methodik<br /> 60 Teenager-Mütter im Alter zwischen 14 und 20 Jahre und ihre Kleinkinder im Alter zwischen 12 und 17 Monaten aus sozial schwachen Verhältnissen wurden untersucht (high risk sample). Die Teenager-Mütter füllten Fragebögen über ihre Kleinkinder (The Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment [ITSEA], Carter & Briggs-Gowan, 1993) und über sich selber aus (The Parenting Stress Index [PSI], Abidin, 1990, The Symptom CheckList-90-Revised [SCL-90-R], Derogatis, 1986, The Demographic Qüstionnaire, Zelenko et al., in press). Die Kleinkinder nahmen weiters an zwei objektiven Laboruntersuchungen teil (The Strange Situation Procedure, [SS], Ainsworth, 1978, The Bayley Scales of Infant Development Assessment, [BSID-II], Bayley, 1993).<br /> Die Studie untersuchte folgende Beziehungen: (1) Psychosoziale Funktionen der Mutter mit berichteter (berichet von Mutter anhand des ITSEA) und beobachteter Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern (beobachtet während des BSID-II und SS), (2) berichtete Aggression und negative Emotionalität mit beobachteter Aggression und negative Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern, (3) negative Emotionalität mit Aggression bei Kleinkindern, (4) Emotionsregulation mit Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern, und (5) eine mögliche Interaktion zwischen Emotionsregulation und negativer Emotionalität in Beziehung zu Aggression bei Kleinkindern. Zusätzlich wurde die Frage untersucht, ob Geschlecht einen Einfluss hat auf die oben genannten fünf Beziehungen.<br /> <br /> Ergebnisse<br /> Mütter mit höheren Depressionenswerten und Stresswerten berichteten signifikant mehr negative Emotionalität und tendenziell mehr Aggressionen bei ihren Kleinkindern als Mütter mit niedrigeren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten. Keine signifikanten Beziehungen konnten festgestellt werden zwischen Depressionswerten und Stresswerten der Mutter und objektiv beobachteten Aggressionen und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern. Die Beziehung zwischen beobachteter und berichteter negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern war schwach signifikant. Keine signifikante Beziehung konnte jedoch zwischen beobachteter und berichteter Aggression bei Kleinkindern gezeigt werden. Sowohl berichtete als auch beobachtete negative Emotionalität korrelierte signifikant mit berichteter und beobachteter Aggression bei Kleinkindern. Eine signifikante Beziehung zwischen Emotionsregulation und negativer Emotionalität und Aggression bei Kleinkindern konnte aufgezeigt werden. Kleinkinder mit schwacher Emotionsregulation zeigten signifikant mehr negative Emotionalität und Aggressionen als Kleinkinder mit starker Emotionsregulation. Kleinkinder mit hohen negativen Emotionswerten und schwacher Emotionsregulation zeigten signifikant mehr Aggressionen als Kleinkinder mit hohen negativen Emotionswerten und starker Emotionsregulation und Kleinkindern mit niedrigen negativen Emotionswerten und schwacher oder starker Emotionsregulation. <br /> Das Geschlecht des Kleinkindes hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf folgende Beziehungen: Mütter mit höheren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten berichteten signifikant mehr Aggressionen und negative Emotionalität bei ihren Töchtern, jedoch nicht signifikant mehr Aggressionen und negative Emotionalität bei ihren Söhnen als Mütter mit niedrigeren Depressionswerten und Stresswerten. Das Geschlecht des Kleinkindes hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Beziehung zwischen Depressionswerten und Stresswerten der Mutter und beobachteter Aggression und negativer Emotionalität bei Kleinkindern. Ein interessantes Ergebnis ergab sich hinsichtlich Geschlecht und Emotionsregulationsverhaltensweisen. Buben mit höheren Aggressionswerten schauten signifikant weniger zu ihrer Mutter und signifikant weniger in die Umgebung als Buben mit niedrigeren Aggressionswerten. Mädchen mit höheren Aggressionswerten schauten signifikant mehr zu ihrer Mutter, signifikant mehr in die Umgebung und signifikant mehr auf Spielzeuge als Mädchen mit niedrigen Aggressionswerten.<br /> <br /> Schlussfolgerung<br /> Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung haben Implikationen für die Einschätzung und die Behandlung von Aggressionen bei Kleinkindern. Erstens, die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass es unter Umständen wichtig sein könnte verschiedene Messverfahren (Mutter Report und objektive Messverfahren) zu verwenden, um Kleinkinder zu diagnostizieren, die ein erhöhtes Risiko aufweisen im Laufe ihres Lebens Aggressionen zu entwickeln. Zweitens, Ergebnisse identifizierten mütterliche negative Attributionen als einen möglichen Risikofaktor für späteres Aggressionsverhalten bei Kindern. Zukünftige Studien sollten die Beziehung zwischen Aggressionsverhalten im Kleinkindalter und Aggressionen im späteren Leben untersuchen. Ein weiteres interessantes Ergebnis ergab sich hinsichtlich Emotionsregulation. Kleinkinder mit hoher negativer Emotionalität und schwacher Emotionsregualtion zeigten die meisten Aggressionen. Für die Behandlung und die zukünftige Erforschung von Kleinkindaggressionen sollten die drei Konstrukte (Emotionsregualtion, negative Emotionalität und Aggression) miteinander kombiniert werden und nicht alleine untersucht werden. / The primary focus on the present study was to identify early risk factors for infant aggression in a sample of high risk, low-income teenager mothers and their infants. Despite the amount of research on externalizing behavior, relatively little is known about its development in early childhood. Because chronically aggressive school-age children tend to be those who first display symptoms during preschool years, an examination of the early manifestations of aggressive behavior and the development of measurements for infants is needed. The present study explored a model of infant aggression development that emphasized infant aggression developing largely through the interaction of infant&prime;s dispositional characteristics with their caregiving environment.<br /> The study addressed the following relations: (1) Maternal psychosocial functioning with reported and observed infant aggression and negative emotionality, (2) reported measurements of infant aggression and negative emotionality with observed infant measurements of infant aggression and negative emotionality, (3) infant negative emotionality and infant aggression, (4) infant emotion regulation with infant aggression and negative emotionality, (5) the interaction between emotion regulation and negative emotionality in relation to infant aggression, and (6) attachment classification with infant aggression and negative emotionality. Finally, the question of whether these six relations would differ by gender was also addressed.<br /> Maternal psychosocial functioning was assessed with self-reported measurements. Infant aggression, negative emotionality and emotion regulation were measured during two standardized assessments, the Strange Situation and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development Assessment and maternal reported with the Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment. <br /> Several interesting findings emerged. One of the main findings concerned maternal attribution and its possible role as a risk factor for later externalizing behaviors. That is, mothers, especially depressed and stressed mothers, tended to report higher levels of infant aggression and negative emotionality than was noted by more objective observers. This tendency was particularly evident in mothers with girl infants. Another important finding concerned emotion regulation. Even at this early age, clear differences in emotion regulation could be seen. Interestingly, infants with high negative emotionality and low emotion regulation were observed to be the most aggressive. Also significant relations emerged for infant negative emotionality and aggression and vise versa. Thus, for purposes of treatment and scientific study, the three constructs (emotion regulation, negative emotionality, and aggression) should be considered in combination. Investigating each alone may not prove fruitful in future examinations. Additionally, different emotion regulation behaviors were observed for girl and boy infants. Aggressive girls looked more at the environment, their toys and their mother, whereas aggressive boys looked less at the environment and their mother and explored their toys more, although looked at the toys less. Although difficult to interpret at this point, it is nonetheless interesting that gender differences exist at this young age in emotion regulatory behaviors.<br /> In conclusion, although preliminary, findings from the present study provide intriguing directions for future research. More studies need to conducted focusing on infant aggression, as well as longitudinal studies following the infants over time.

The contribution of temperament to children's happiness

Klassen, Andrea Nicole 11 1900 (has links)
The relation between temperament and happiness in children aged 8-12 was examined. Participants included 311 students in Grades 4-6 and their parents, recruited from public and private schools in the Central Okanagan. Parents rated their children’s temperament using the Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) and rated their children’s happiness using a single-item measure. Children rated their own temperament using the EAS Temperament Survey and the Piers- Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2) (Piers & Herzberg, 2002). Children also rated their own happiness using a single-item measure, the Oxford Happiness Scale, Short Form (Hills & Arygle, 2002), and the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses established that parent and child ratings on the EAS Temperament Survey conformed to the four-factor structure proposed by Buss and Plomin (1984). Multiple regression analyses revealed that temperament accounted for between 9-29% of the variance in children’s happiness depending on the rater (i.e., parents vs. children) and the measure of happiness. Individual temperament variables that predicted a unique amount of the variance of children’s happiness over and above the combined effect of all temperament variables varied with the rater of children’s temperament (i.e., parents vs. children) and with the measure of happiness. Children who were more social, less shy, less emotional, and more free from anxiety rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. Children who scored higher on the activity temperament rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. The results of the current study parallel results of research investigating the relation between happiness and personality in adults. It establishes a strong relation between temperament and happiness, and iii supports the use of self-reports with children. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

The contribution of temperament to children's happiness

Klassen, Andrea Nicole 11 1900 (has links)
The relation between temperament and happiness in children aged 8-12 was examined. Participants included 311 students in Grades 4-6 and their parents, recruited from public and private schools in the Central Okanagan. Parents rated their children’s temperament using the Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) and rated their children’s happiness using a single-item measure. Children rated their own temperament using the EAS Temperament Survey and the Piers- Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2) (Piers & Herzberg, 2002). Children also rated their own happiness using a single-item measure, the Oxford Happiness Scale, Short Form (Hills & Arygle, 2002), and the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses established that parent and child ratings on the EAS Temperament Survey conformed to the four-factor structure proposed by Buss and Plomin (1984). Multiple regression analyses revealed that temperament accounted for between 9-29% of the variance in children’s happiness depending on the rater (i.e., parents vs. children) and the measure of happiness. Individual temperament variables that predicted a unique amount of the variance of children’s happiness over and above the combined effect of all temperament variables varied with the rater of children’s temperament (i.e., parents vs. children) and with the measure of happiness. Children who were more social, less shy, less emotional, and more free from anxiety rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. Children who scored higher on the activity temperament rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. The results of the current study parallel results of research investigating the relation between happiness and personality in adults. It establishes a strong relation between temperament and happiness, and iii supports the use of self-reports with children. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Imaginando solidariedades : reflexiones etnográficas sobre el conflicto político social colombiano desde la perspectiva de la militancia solidaria en Brasil / Imaginando solidariedades : reflexões etnográficas sobre o conflito político-social colombiano a partir da perspectiva da militância solidária no Brasil

Sánchez, Tomas Guzmán January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como foco de interesse empírico a procura e a construção de relações solidárias que começaram a gestar-se a partir da constituição de Agenda Colômbia-Brasil. Neste trabalho, indaga-se acerca dos modos em que narrativas sobre o conflito social e político na Colômbia derivaram em discussões que, por sua vez, permitiram imaginar relações solidárias entre contextos políticos diferentes. Portanto, esta investigação procura estabelecer como determinadas ações emocionais terminaram constituindo um processo político solidário que, em consequência, terminou por atar as experiências de sujeitos que haviam migrado ao Brasil com aquelas de militantes brasileiros de partidos políticos e movimentos sociais. Do mesmo modo, pergunta-se pelos cenários de emergência deste tipo de organização política e pelo seu posicionamento num espaço político transnacional. Na presente dissertação entende-se, portanto, que tal posicionamento dá-se no marco de uma enunciação baseada na prática de “dar a conhecer” um determinado contexto de conflito. Indaga-se, desta forma, sobre a memória e a topografia que esta memória enuncia no que diz respeito ao conflito social e político colombiano percebido a partir de um espaço político como o brasileiro. / This discertation has its focus on the empiric interest of the search and the construction of the solidary relationships that were built as a result of the Agênda Colômbia-Brasil constitution. This text inquires the way in which due to the narratives related with social and political conflicto in Colombia discussions about solidary relationships between different political contexts. This work tries to stablish how emotional actions lead to solidary potical process which knotted in the same time experiences on brazilian militans and migrants of differetn political parties and political movements. In the same way this work claims for the emergency escenarios of this type of political organization and its positioning on a transnational political space. This work understands that this positioning occurs from stablishing a conceptual framework of enunciation based on the practice “give out” a determines context of the conflicto. Investigates in the memory and what it enunciates about the social and political conflicto in Colombia from an space as brazilian is. / La presente disertación tiene como foco de interés empírico la búsqueda y construcción de relaciones solidarias que se dieron a partir de la constitución de Agênda Colômbia-Brasil. Este trabajo indagaba sobre las formas en cómo por medio de narrativas sobre el conflicto social y político en Colombia se crearon discusiones que permitieron imaginar relaciones solidarias entre contextos políticos diferentes. Se apunta, en la presente disertación, a establecer cómo las acciones emocionales desembocaron en un proceso político solidario que, a su vez, anudo experiencias de sujetos migrantes al Brasil y de militantes brasileros de partidos y movimientos políticos. Del mismo modo, este trabajo se pregunta por los escenarios de emergencia de este tipo de organización política y su posicionamiento en un espacio político transnacional. Este trabajo entiende que ese posicionamiento se da a partir de establecer un marco de enunciación basado en la práctica de «dar a conocer» un determinado contexto de conflicto. Indaga, por lo tanto, en la memoria y la topografía que esa memoria enuncia acerca del conflicto social y político en Colombia desde un espacio como el Brasilero.

A arte da contação de histórias: uma experiência de cuidado no projeto de extensão palhasus

Vasconcelos, Benedito Clarete de 26 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cristhiane Guerra (cristhiane.guerra@gmail.com) on 2017-01-03T17:02:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1308787 bytes, checksum: faa482dbc4cc073365db2f7d57523db1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-03T17:02:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1308787 bytes, checksum: faa482dbc4cc073365db2f7d57523db1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-26 / The art of storytelling is a popular art, common in various human societies, in different historical moments. Its main features are the transmission of knowledge, skills, values and funs. This study investigates the role of this art in the construction of pleasant emotional environments, in different spaces. To complete this goal we present a record of the history of the storytelling art, its possible disappearance in modern society, due to the industrialization, to the shitf from rural to urban environment and the hegemony of written culture to the detriment of oral culture . It also presents the phenomenon of the resurgence of this art in the late XXth century, its new characteristics, its different territories, the subjects involved, and the new roles that art had completed in this postmodern society, technologic and computerized. Being a practice that values popular knowledge, the transformation of living environments, teaching and learning, also combating the oppression of the popular classes, the art of storytelling is inserted in the context of popular education, in tune with the new emancipatory paradigms, within the territories of Popular Education, especially in the territories of affectivity, of emocions and other rationales. To measure the effects of storytelling in the process of transformation and construction of pleasant emotional environments, a research was realized, in which the students of the Projeto de Extensão PalhaSUS Project from the UFPB, had been the main subject. Those students act as caregivers clowns in different social and emotionaly vulnerable spaces, such as hospitals, care homes, schools and nursing homes. Concomitant workshops, participants include in their caregivers acting the knowledge and skills acquired in the workshops. The evaluation process used was to make focal group, which fed with datas and allowed to analyse the results of this practice, with its possible developments and challenges. / A arte de contar histórias é uma arte popular, comum nas mais diversas sociedades humanas, em diferentes momentos históricos. Suas características principais são a transmissão de conhecimentos, saberes, valores e diversão. Este estudo tem como o objetivo investigar a função dessa arte na construção de ambientes emocionais agradáveis, em diferentes espaços de convivência. Para atingir esse objetivo, apresentamos um pequeno histórico sobre a trajetória da arte de contar história, o seu possível desaparecimento na sociedade moderna, em função da industrialização, do deslocamento do ambiente rural para o ambiente urbano e da hegemonia da cultura escrita em detrimento da cultura oral. Apresenta, ainda, o fenômeno do ressurgimento dessa arte, no final do século XX, suas novas características, os diferentes territórios de atuação, os perfis dos sujeitos envolvidos e os novos papéis que essa arte vem realizando nesta sociedade pós-moderna, tecnológica e informatizada. Por ser uma prática que valoriza o saber popular, a transformação de ambientes de convivência, de ensino e aprendizagem e de luta pela desopressão das camadas populares, a arte de contar histórias está inserida no contexto da Educação Popular, em perfeita sintonia com os novos paradigmas emancipatórios, dentro dos territórios da Educação Popular, principalmente nos territórios da afetividade, das emocões e das outras racionalidades. Para estudar os efeitos da arte de contar histórias no processo de transformação e na construção de ambientes emocionais agradáveis, foi realizada uma pesquisa participante, tendo como objeto os estudantes do Projeto de Extensão PalhaSUS, da UFPB, que atuam como palhaços cuidadores, em diferentes espaços de vulnerabilidade social e afetiva, tais como hospitais, casas de saúde, escolas e asilos de idosos. Concomitante às oficinas, os participantes incluíam, nas suas práticas de atuação de cuidadores, os saberes e conhecimentos desenvolvidos nas oficinas. O processo de avaliação utilizado foi o da realização de grupo focal, que municiaram dados para análise do resultado da realização da prática, apresentando seus possíveis desdobramentos e desafios.

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