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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing communication of the employer value proposition : How do audit firms build and communicate their employer value proposition

Saarinen Langner, Clara, Forsgren, Felicia January 2019 (has links)
Since the competition on the market regarding standing out as an organization and as an employer, creating a good reputation is more important than ever.  Knowledge regarding how to attract potential employees is vital for organizations. This to be able to differentiate themselves from their competitors with an advantage. The research area regarding employer branding and employer value proposition has developed since Ambler and Barrow (1996) first minted the concept, but it is still important to contribute with further studies. The purpose of this study was to contribute with more knowledge regarding the components of organizations EVP’s and how they communicate this to potential employees. Further, the study had a descriptive purpose with a qualitative approach, and it was deductive. This was achieved by interviewing six different respondents from six different audit firms active in Sweden. The interviews were semi-structured, recorded and transcribed. The collected empirical data showed that the components included in audit firms EVP’s are compensation, benefits, work content, career, affiliation and they choose to communicate work content, career, and affiliation. The main communication channels used to communicate their EVP’s to potential employees are social media, LinkedIn, their own websites and on-campus marketing.   Keywords: Employer brand; Employer branding; Employer value proposition; Marketing communication; Promotion

Attrahera och behålla ung personal : En fallstudie av unga medarbetare i IT-branschen

Lööf, Malin, Thorslund, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Efterfrågan på arbetskraft har ökat inom IT-branschen samtidigt som den svenska arbetsmarknaden står inför en generationsväxling. Därav har konkurrensen om arbetskraften ökat och det har blivit viktigare för arbetsgivarna att arbeta mer fokuserat med att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vad unga som redan arbetar på ett IT-företag anser är viktigt, både för att attrahera och behålla unga framtida medarbetare. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie och tio djupintervjuer genomfördes med unga medarbetare på företaget. Detta har resulterat i ett utkast till en modell som visar vilka aspekter som är viktiga för att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare. Vidare i modellen beskrivs förhållandena mellan dessa aspekter och när dessa är viktiga för unga medarbetare. Den främsta aspekten både ur behålla- och attraheraperspektivet visade sig vara utveckling. De psykologiska teorier och begrepp som appliceras på modellen är commitment, psykologiska kontrakt, employer attractiveness, employer branding samt diverse strategier för att attrahera och behålla personal.</p>

Employer Branding and Talent-Relationship-Management : Improving the Organizational Recruitment Approach

Macioschek, Andreas, Katoen, Robin January 2007 (has links)
<p>In todays business environment there is an increasing recognition that human resources are a valuable asset to distinguish a company from its competitors. This tendency, in combination with increasing job mobility among employees and an ongoing demographic change, has turned the labour market into a competitive arena.</p><p>Employer Branding and Talent-Relationship-Management are two fairly new concepts in the area of Human Resource Management, which have the aim to differentiate companies on the labour market and to support them effectively in their endeavour to approach, acquire and retain the most talented employees.</p><p>In this study, the internal and external determinants, which form an appealing employer brand are investigated. A conceptual framework is first constructed and later modified in the lights of the empirical findings gained through four conducted interviews with four large organizations. In contrast, a deeper insight in the prioritisation of different TRM elements is gained by means of a quantitative study among university graduates and international scholarship holders.</p><p>The major findings outline that there is a continuous challenge in creating a level of consistency in favour of a credible employer brand message. Furthermore, it becomes apparent that a change or adoption of the employer brand in the short-term is difficult due to the culture and values of the respective organization. In addition, the employer brand plays an important role in preventing unplanned impulses, which result out of negative impacts from the business environment.</p><p>The comparison of the major findings among the different groups within the quantitative study shows that the instruments ‘Information about vacancies’, ‘Scholarship’, ‘Company Workshops’ as well as ‘Exclusive Information’ are among the most valued ones in comparison with ‘Periodical Services’, ‘Personalized Websites’ or ‘Giveaways’, which most respondents do not perceive as interesting.</p>

Employer Branding : att attrahera arbetskraft via den sociala omgivningen och genom individens identitet / Employer Branding ­ Attracting Talent thru the social surroundings and thru the individuals personal identity

Rejnus, Wilhelm, Sewall, Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Vikten av att attrahera rätt personal är stor då företag söker långsiktiga konkurrensfördelar och stora resurser läggs idag på arbetet med denna viktiga uppgift. För att attrahera potentiella arbetstagare använder sig företag idag framförallt av direkt och riktad information till de individer och formella grupper av individer som bedöms som intressanta. Denna typ av kommunikation kan ses utelämna stora delar av den omgivning som inom socialpsykologin anses ha stor påverkan på individens val och agerande. </p><p>Syfte: Att söka förståelse för och vidareutveckla teorin kring hur talent attraction kan ske genom att tilltala individen emotionellt, via den sociala omgivningen och genom att se till individens identitetsskapande. Metod: Genom ett expert- och snöbollsurval har 8 experter inom det valda ämnesområdet identifierats och intervjuats. Formen för intervjuerna har varit av diskussionskaraktär. </p><p>Resultat: Vi har i uppsatsen presenterat stöd för att omgivningen påverkar individens val av arbetsgivare, att val av arbetsgivare har en påverkan på individens identitet och att även emotionella faktorer har inverkan vid individens val av arbetsgivare. Dessa resultat menar vi innebär att potentiella arbetstagare bör ingå som en intressent till varumärket. Detta medför en förändrad syn på hur arbetsgivare kan arbeta med talent attraction då emotionella och symboliska faktorer utgör ett komplement till de rationella och kompensatoriska faktorer som vi sett dominera dagens teoribildning.</p>

The Art of Keeping a Contractor : A Study of How to Strengthen the Thread that Ties a Contractor to a Competence Agency

Lindgren, Isabelle January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the fields of contracting and competence agencies. Itfocuses on the relationship between contractors and their agencies, and aims toidentify the expectations that contractors have on competence agencies and theactivities that can be undertaken by the agencies in order to improve andstrengthen the relation. A case study was made of a Danish competence agencyand of the contractors within its network. The qualitative part of the studyincluded interviews with five contractors and a questionnaire directed to theorganization. From the conclusions of the qualitative study and relevant theories,a set of hypotheses were formulated. The quantitative part consisted of a surveythat was sent out to the contractors in the network. The survey aimed to test thehypotheses and the results from the survey were analysed in Excel.The conclusions that were drawn from the outcome of the quantitative studywere that contractors join agencies because of the access to big companies thatare granted by agencies, because they do not have time to promote themselvesso they need someone to do it for them and because of the possibility to createnetworks and that contractors join more than one agency because they do notbelieve that one agency alone can supply them with full time occupation.Further on, it was also concluded that certain HRM as well as SHRM activitieshad a positive impact on the relationship, and that employer brandingstrengthened the bonds between the contractors and the competence agency.</p>

Talent Attraction in Knowledge Intensive Organizations / Att attrahera talanger i kunskapsintensiva organisationer

Lindahl, Fredrik, Nordkvist, Sven January 2004 (has links)
<p>Background: The forthcoming shortage of labor, due amongst other things to demographical issues and the increasing mobility of people on the labor market, will affect the possibilities to attract and retain employees with valuable key competencies. To win the talent war employer branding has arisen to become a strategy to overcome this threat. </p><p>Purpose: To investigate and analyze the outside perspective of employer branding – the employer image – of a knowledge intensive organization through a study of AstraZeneca. Course of action: An approach based on critical theory has been used to generate results, including both quantitative and qualitative methods. </p><p>Results: The workforce is at risk of becoming a scarce resource and the situation seems to be most alarming in areas related to natural sciences, and the pharmaceutical industry in particular. The employer image of AstraZeneca has been found to be very positive, showing high ratings of brand recognition and employer of choice, but the underlying reasons for these results have not been proven. Attraction between employer and employee could occur if the individual is able to see how to reach self-fulfillment through contributing to the company purpose.</p>

Searching for Organisational Identity : - a case study at Sapa Heat Transfer

Eklind, Martin, Hallgren, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>Organisational Identity (i.e. OI) could be described as an employee theory of who the organisation is. The concept is seen as one of the most problematic concepts to define. One of the main reasons for that is its close relation to the concepts of culture and image, as they are seen as defining each other. As expressed in previous research there is a need for theoretical clarification and investigations in practice in this area.</p><p>We aim to contribute to an OI concept clarification and theoretical understanding by investigating OI in a single case at a Swedish company; Sapa Heat Transfer. The aim is fulfilled by a focus on research questions concerning how different employee groups perceive the organisational identity at this company, how the organisational identity can be described at the company and how the sum of these answers may develop the organisational identity concept further.</p><p>In order to investigate OI at Sapa Heat Transfer we have used four qualitative methods; one to one informational interview with key personnel, observations, desk research and focus groups, where focus groups was the main data collection method. A key for this triangulation was to generate a deep contextual understanding in order to facilitate a separation between identity, culture and image making a definition of the OI possible.</p><p>Our findings show the organisational identity at SHT as being built on four cornerstones; Responsibility, Engagement, Willingness and Energy. The OI at SHT is to be considered as weak rather than strong regarding the OI strength. There is a strong culture resulting in an "industrial mentality" regarding the employees. Our results are showing that the culture might appear as OI, i.e. false OI, if the present OI is weak. There might be multiple OIs at the company, which we are rejecting. Instead our results are showing an existence of multiple cognitive perspectives, functioning as cognitive platforms creating the employee perceptions of the OI. At SHT the perspectives are demonstrated to be developed by vocations, positions, departments, units/divisions and/or work groups. The individual perspective taken is dependent on the employee perceived belongingness. An alignment of all existing employee perspectives will define the true OI at a company. Further, the OI perspective framework presented could facilitate a separation between OI and culture if a time perspective is applied, since our results is indicating culture to be connected to a past time perspective and OI seems to be related to a present. Our results are presenting OI as changeable within limits, developed within a culture frame, possible to make explicit but at the same time occurring mainly unconsciously. Finally, our results have defined a need for a complementing category, regarding behaviouristic characteristics, among the categories presented as potential OI content characteristics within the Balmer and Greyser (2002) framework.</p>

Mäklardagen i Gävle som rekryteringsverktyg : Modell och teoriutveckling

Broberg Engstrand, David, Andersson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Titel</strong> - Mäklardagen i Gävle – Modell – och teoriutveckling</p><p><strong>Nivå</strong> - Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi</p><p><strong>Författare</strong> - Erik Andersson David Broberg Engstrand</p><p><strong>Handledare</strong> - Jonas Kågström</p><p><strong>Datum</strong> - Juni 2010</p><p><strong>Syfte</strong> - Vårt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka vad det är som påverkar mäklarstudenter vid Högskolan i Gävle när de väljer sin framtida arbetsgivare. Vi har valt att undersöka Mäklardagen i Gävle som rekryteringsverktyg. Därutöver har vi även för avsikt att undersöka mäklarföretagens arbete för att nå ut till studenterna.</p><p><strong>Metod</strong> - De empiriska data som vi samlade in gjordes med hjälp av en enkätundersökning till fastighetmäklarstudenterna på Högskolan i Gävle. Enkätfrågorna baserades på olika påståenden om företagen och deras medverkan, detta för att få ett ställningstagande men också för att få reda på om studenterna har samma uppfattning som vi. För att sedan ta reda på hur företagen i själva verket vill framställa sig genomförde vi sex telefonintervjuer med utvalda företag som vi ansåg stod ut i mängden på ett eller annat sätt. Detta gjordes för att vi skulle få en uppfattning om vad som får studenterna att välja ett visst företag samt hur företagen vill profilera sig.</p><p><strong>Resultat och Slutsats</strong> - Våra slutsatser visar främst att Mäklardagen i Gävle utgör en stor del i både mäklarföretagens rekrytering och studenternas sökande efter en framtida arbetsgivare. Studenternas uppfattning av företagen påverkas inte i lika stor utsträckning som vi förväntat oss utav sidoaktiviteter som anordnas under dagen.</p><p>Gällande mäklarföretagens roll som arbetsgivare under Mäklardagen så är det personliga mötet höjdpunkten under dagen, det är också där de skapar ett intryck som studenterna sedan bär med sig.</p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forsknin</strong>g - Eftersom tidigare forskning gällande rekryteringsdagar som Mäklardagen i Gävle är ytters begränsad så ser vi behovet av breddning inom ämnet som stort. Något som skulle kunna vara intressant att studera vidare är respektive företags agerande på Mäklardagen utifrån arbetsgivarens perspektiv. Vidare skulle en belysning av huruvida employer branding och employee branding används av företagen på Mäklardagen vara intressant att ta del av.</p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag</strong> - Vi ser vår studie som ett hjälpmedel och verktyg för mäklarföretagens förståelse av studenternas val av framtida arbetsgivare. De slutsatser vi kommit fram till kan vara av stor nytta för de medverkande företagen i deras arbete med studentrekrytering.</p>

Att attrahera och motivera medarbetare : Varumärket som ett strategiskt verktyg

Di Febbraro, Malene, Mattsson, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since Brand Management and Marketing in theory mainly been focusing on the consumer market, our main purpose of this essay is to analyze how a brand also can be appealing to the labour market, to attract and engage employees. Keywords attached to our essay are, <em>brands, recruitment, Human Resource management, theories of motivation, corporate identity, employer branding and internal marketing. </em>The study is based on a qualitative research. Our main reason for choosing this research was to get a closer insight for the phenomen and to establish a major understanding for the subject. To get a better knowledge and to answer and fulfil our purpose we have chosen to complete eight interviews, of whom six respondents representing Service firms. To get a more general and additional insight of this phenomen we have chosen to interview two consultants with professional knowledge in traditional marketing and employer branding. The last two chapters involve the analysis and the conclusion. From our analysis it appears that the brand is seen as an important tool to investigate and control over in order to attract and retain employees. What also turned up was that the employer to a higher degree may use the values connected to the brand to create a more attractive place of work. In our final chapter we discuss the issues similar to the theory section. To get a deeper insight and for further reading we would like to refer the reader to this chapter.</p>

Manpower, värderingar & talang : En kvalitativ studie av arbetsgivarvarumärkets betydelse / Manpower, values & talent : A qualitative study of the importance of the employer brand

Salehivand, Millad January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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