Spelling suggestions: "subject:"En fact""
1131 |
Ny mötesstruktur för socialarbetare efter pandemi : - En kvalitativ studie om den snabbt ändrade mötesformen inom socialt arbete 2020–2021 / New meeting structure for social workers after pandemic : - A qualitative study of the rapidly changing form of meetings in social work 2020–2021Wall Löfving, Carola January 2021 (has links)
The study is intended to show how the social workers and their clients are experiencing the new meeting structure, its problems and opportunities, as well as thoughts and feelings that arose during 2020-2021 in connection with Covid -19 pandemic. The study is qualitative, with a hermeneutic interpretive approach and has been conducted via semi-structured interviews with eight social workers. The theoretical starting point is Aaron Antonovsky's theory of KASAM, Berger & Luckmann's theory of reality as a social construction, George Herbert Mead´'s of Symbolic Interaction Theory, Johan Asplund's theory of social responsiveness and Grissi & Jeding's highlighting that man's most important stress management strategy is to seek social support from others. Conclusions that can be drawn from this study are that the restructuring of work and meeting structure during the pandemic has highlighted a lack of technology and lack of staff knowledge regarding digital platforms where the employer would have gained efficiency and trust among social workers if they had put a little more resources and time to secure up staff in the area. At the same time, social workers express a curiosity about working more digitally in the future. There is a consensus about which clients do not feel good about having meetings digitally and then a great desire is expressed to maintain the meeting structure face to face. Obstacles to digitalisation appear in the form of the client's lack of resources in the form of financial vulnerability, which also becomes an economic issue for the municipality. Difficulties are expressed in creating secure and trusting relationships at a distance, but there is a curiosity to try to meet the client based on his predictions in a new way. In the event of more difficult assessments, however, it is still considered that there is a need for physical meetings. The study highlights a concern that the employer should take the opportunity to, according to an efficiency thinking, remove self-determination in how and when to meet their clients. At the same time, the study points out that the social services can gain both financial and environmental resources by ensuring that social workers no longer travel many hours by car for follow-up or care planning.
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Factors Associated with Successful High School Distance Education Programs.Murphy, Kathy 07 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this research project were to identify the extent to which online courses are available to high school students in Tennessee, to describe the characteristics of current online programs, to identify barriers to the implementation of online courses in school systems that are not currently offering such programs, and to offer recommendations that could facilitate implementation of these programs. The research went in two directions. A study of past and current online educational programs was completed in order to learn the nature of successful programs across the country. Then, a survey was constructed and sent to appropriate technology personnel in Tennessee schools to evaluate both their current online programs and to determine those needed in the state.
There are only two school systems in Tennessee that allow students to earn online credits to be used towards high school graduation. One is a larger school system and the other is a medium sized school system; both are in the eastern region of the state. One survey respondent summed it up by saying: I really think the State Department of Education should step up and provide some direction. Florida has a vanguard program; I’d like to see the same type of program implemented in Tennessee. If individual school districts are left to design their own programs, then there is going to be a lot of duplicated effort, a wide range of implementation strategies, and varying degrees of quality. That’s likely to breed confusion and disillusionment.
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Masked Face Analysis via Multitask Deep LearningPatel, Vatsa Sanjay 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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”Du ser ju och hör mer när du är på kontoret” : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares kommunikativa synlighet på den hybrida arbetsplatsenJohansson, Jenny, Ohlsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and working from home conditions, hybrid work is becoming an increasingly common practice among companies. However, the mix of employees working from home and from the office creates a new environment for communication between employees and supervisors. Physical interactions in the office have proved to be important in allowing employees to present themselves and their work to colleagues and supervisors. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate how hybrid work affects employees’ opportunities to make themselves and their work visible on equal terms. The method used is semi-structured interviews with employees and supervisors at two large Swedish companies. Results show that employees use continuous dialog, fostering close relations, and supporting colleagues to create favorable impressions in the hybrid workplace. These impression management tactics were motivated by both wanting to look good, as well as do good in the organization. Supervisors likewise agree these behaviors create favorable impressions, although supervisors are more likely to acknowledge behaviors that directly or indirectly assist the supervisors’ work. The study identified four aspects that affect employees’ impression management: routines for mutual meetings, trust and openness within the group, transparency in the work environment, and informal channels for interactions. The results indicate that a hybrid workplace with equal opportunities for managing impressions will decrease the risk of employees experiencing impression management as a sacrifice. However, the biggest challenge to create equal opportunities was identified as providing adequate informal channels for interaction - both generally in the remote environment, as well as informal channels that connect to the wider organization and higher ups in the physical office. / I kölvattnet av COVID-19-pandemin och påtvingat hemarbete, har hybridarbete blivit en alltmer vanligt förekommande arbetsform bland företag. Däremot skapar blandningen av att medarbetare arbetar delvis hemifrån och delvis från kontoret nya förutsättningar för kommunikation medarbetare emellan och med ens chefer. Fysiska interaktioner på kontoret har tidigare visats vara viktigt för medarbetare för att framställa sig själva och sitt arbete inför kollegor och chefer. Denna studie ämnar därav besvara hur hybridarbete påverkar medarbetares möjligheter att på lika villkor synliggöra sig själva och sitt arbete. Metoden som används är semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare och chefer på två stora svenska företag. Resultaten visar att medarbetarna använder kontinuerlig dialog, främjande av närhet, och att stötta kollegor för att inge positiva intryck på den hybrida arbetsplatsen. Dessa taktiker för att skapa intryck motiveras både av viljan att se bra ut, och att göra gott för organisationen. Cheferna instämmer med att dessa beteenden skapar ett positivt intryck, även om cheferna är mer troliga att uppmärksamma beteenden som direkt eller indirekt underlättar deras arbete. Studien identifierar fyra aspekter som påverkar medarbetarnas möjligheter att skapa intryck: rutiner för gemensamma träffar, tillit och öppenhet, transparens i arbetsmiljön, samt informella kontaktvägar. Resultaten indikerar att en hybrid arbetsplats med jämlika möjligheter för medarbetarna att skapa intryck minskar risken av att medarbetarna uppfattar sina ansträngningar som uppoffringar. Däremot identifierades den största utmaningen i att skapa jämlika förutsättningar som att förse medarbetarna med lämpliga informella kontaktvägar - både generellt i distansarbetet, men även informella kontaktvägar till den större organisationen och högre uppsatta chefer på kontoret.
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Social Anxiety and Videoconference CommunicationRobertson, Ross P. 26 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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A Rare Case of Facial Artery Branching: A Review of the Literature and a Case Report with Clinical ImplicationsSiwetz, Martin, Turnowsky, Nicol, Hammer, Niels, Pretterklieber, Michael, Wree, Andreas, Antipova, Veronica 22 January 2024 (has links)
Background and Objectives: Vascular variations appear as morphologically distinct patterns of
blood diverging from the most commonly observed vessel patterns. The facial artery is considered to
be the main vessel for supplying blood to the anterior part of the face. An anatomical understanding
of the facial artery, its course, its topography, and its branches is important in medical and dental
practice (especially in neck and face surgery), and is also essential for radiologists to be able to
interpret vascular imaging in the face following angiography of the region. A profound knowledge
of the arteries in the region will aid in minimizing the risks to the patient. Materials and Methods:
In our publication a narrative literature review and a case report are presented. Results: A rare
case of a facial artery pattern has been described anatomically for the first time with respect to its
course and branching. This variation was found on the left side of a 60-year-old male corpse during
anatomical dissection. The anterior branch of the facial artery arched in the direction of the labial
angle, and there divided into the inferior and superior labial arteries. At the same time, the posterior
branch coursed vertically and superficially to the masseter muscle. It here gave off the premasseteric
branch, and continued towards the nose, where it ran below the levator labii superioris and the
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles and terminated at the dorsum nasi. Conclusions: Our
review of the literature and the case report add to knowledge on the facial artery with respect to its
topographical anatomy and its branching and termination patterns, as well as the areas of supply.
An exact knowledge of individual facial artery anatomy may play an important role in the planning
of flaps or tumor excisions due to the differing vascularization and can also help to prevent artery
injuries during aesthetic procedures such as filler and botulinum toxin injections.
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Experiencias ante el retorno a la presencialidad en estudiantes de enfermería del II ciclo de una universidad de Chiclayo, 2022Sanchez Chaname, Sarita Luz del Consuelo January 2024 (has links)
Durante la COVID-19 las clases fueron virtuales para evitar los contagios, ahora han retornado a la presencialidad, pero este cambio ha generado en los estudiantes diversas experiencias tanto positivas como negativas que deben ser investigadas. Objetivo: describir, analizar y comprender las experiencias ante el retorno a la presencialidad en estudiantes de enfermería del II ciclo de una universidad en Chiclayo, 2022. Método: Investigación cualitativa, con una metodología descriptiva exploratoria, en una muestra de 12 estudiantes del II ciclo de la Escuela de Enfermería de la USAT, determinada por saturación y redundancia, el muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una guía de entrevista semiestructurada, validada por juicios de expertos y ejecutada después de la aprobación por e Comité de Ética en Investigación de la Facultad de Medicina, y se utilizó los criterios éticos de Sgreccia. Para el procesamiento de datos se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los
resultados fueron representados por tres categorías: a) Experiencias en el desarrollo de las clases teóricas-prácticas y la relación con el docente y compañeros en el retorno a la presencialidad, b) Cambios experimentados en las evaluaciones ante el retorno a la presencialidad. c) Adaptación y reorganización del tiempo para cumplimiento de horarios, actividades académicas, cuidado personal y disminución el estrés. Conclusión: Las experiencias vividas por los estudiantes del II ciclo presentaron grandes retos en cada proceso que vivieron, existiendo diferentes ventajas y desventajas experimentadas ante el retorno a la presencialidad. / During COVID-19, classes were virtual to avoid contagion, now they have returned to face-toface,
But this change has generated various positive and negative experiences in students that must
Be investigated.
Objective: to describe, analyze and understand the experiences before the return to face-to-face
Nursing students of the second cycle of a university in Chiclayo, 2022.
Method: Qualitative research, with a descriptive exploratory methodology, in a sample of 12 students of the second cycle from the USAT School of Nursing, determined by saturation and redundancy, the
sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience.
For data collection, a semistructured interview guide was used, validated by expert judgments and executed after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, and the ethical criteria of Sgreccia were used. For data processing, the content analysis technique was used. The results were represented by three categories: a) Experiences in the development of theoretical-practical classes and the relationship with the teacher and classmates in the return to face-to-face, b)
Changes experienced in the evaluations before the return to face-to-face. c) Adaptation and reorganization of time to comply with schedules, academic activities, personal care and stress reduction. Conclusion: The experiences lived by the students of the II cycle presented great challenges in each process they experienced, with different advantages and disadvantages experienced when returning to face-to-face.
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Exploring the Effects of Masks on Student Engagement in ECE and ESE: A Literature Review of Related ResearchFrahm, Anna M 01 January 2022 (has links)
During the advancement of COVID-19, safety protocols (including facial masks) were incorporated into public settings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), due to safety regulations, recommend wearing face masks when in close contact with other people in public environments, such as in a classroom, where social distancing is difficult. Understanding these CDC recommendations is still critical when looking for effective and safe alternative forms of masking for particular industries. Many industries smoothly transitioned to daily use of traditional cloth masks, but other industries (such as education) serving clients with high communicational needs and communication-centered services sought masking alternatives. This study examines related research to explore the question of whether wearing masks may have any impacts on student engagement, particularly with regards to Early Childhood Education (ECE) or in the Education of Students with Exceptionalities (ESE). Research found that masks have a significant impact on factors of engagement (i.e., physical, behavioral, intellectual, social, emotional; The Glossary of Education Reform, 2016) and suggests transparent masks paired with Remote Microphones as a viable alternative to traditional masking. Future recommendations are provided in hopes of impacting the use of face masks with young students for both safety and for engagement. Future research should focus on ECE or ESE classrooms using observable language and literacy acquisition skills and visual cues related to the Categories of Engagement defined by The Glossary of Education Reform (2016).
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A Comparison of Social Desirability Bias among Four Widely Used Methods of Data Collection as Measured by the Impression Management Subscale of the Balance Inventory of Desirable RespondingRossiter, John C. 05 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Art Appreciation in Face-to-Face and Online Settings: An Analysis of Course EffectivenessJoslin, Kelly L. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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