Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energisystem"" "subject:"energisystems""
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Cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessment of future materials for commercial lithium-ion batteries : Raw Materials issuesMartinez Pancorbo, Pablo January 2018 (has links)
Current private transportation remains very harmful for the environment, especially the non-electric vehicles. This report proposes five novel type of nanomaterials-based Li-ion batteries to improve substantially the electric vehicle battery properties along with a substantial reduction of the environmental impact of its commercial counterparts. To address the problem, a cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessment has been performed in which the biggest emphasis has been focused on the energy and materials inputs and outputs during the raw materials extraction. We show how the analyzed Ni-doped graphene battery and Fe3O4-based Cu battery are the most environmentally friendly, stable, reliable and improved batteries among the five cases of study. These results can open new horizons for future advances in the implantation of an electromobility transportation. / <p>I presented my work via Skype while sharing the screen.</p>
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Elbilar på Lidingö : Påverkan på det regionala elnätet / Electric vehicles on Lidingo : Effects on the regional power gridAndersson, Viktoria January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims towards increasing the understanding of how the growing number of electric cars is going to affect the regional power grid of Stockholm. The results are meant to aid in long term planning of maintenance and development of the regional power grid. Three possible scenarios are presented for the development of electric cars on Lidingo until the year 2040. The number of electric cars, maximum load and load profiles are calculated and analyzed for each scenario. Possible measures of value for the DSO Ellevio are then presented. By the year 2040 it is likely that at least one fourth of cars are electric. The maximum power loads from the charging of electric cars will coincide with already existing power peaks during early evening. Loads from charging of electric car will cause a significant contribution to the loads of the regional power grid. If international, national and local climate goals are to be fulfilled the loads would be even larger, though that scenario is deemed unlikely. It is concluded that extensive measures in the regional power grid of Lidingo are needed in order to handle the new maximum loads. It is suggested that Ellevio should start planning for upgrading components, install energy storages and work for load shifting in order to handle the higher loads.
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Preliminary design of an off-grid photovoltaic system for smallholder water pumping in Sub-Saharan AfricaJauregui Prada, Asier January 2018 (has links)
Sub-Saharan Africa is the region in the world that suffers the most from poverty and its worst effects: hunger, lack of water and diseases. And the problem is not even decreasing: in the past years there has been a peak in undernourishment in the continent. Furthermore, according to ongoing research, the area is expected to be one of the most affected by climate change. A solution that tackles at the same time water scarcity, diseases, hunger and greenhouse gas emissions is urgent. Luckily, with the development in the past years of the solar photovoltaic and battery technologies, these solutions can now compete head-to-head with fossil-fuelled pumps. Indeed, the photovoltaic water pump (PVWP) is becoming the preferred solution for locals and NGOs, enabling a cheaper, less pollutant and more self-sustainable growth vector. In this thesis, a PVWP system is pre-designed. This means that the effect of the different variables over the system are studied, without aiming to design any specific system. However, the calculations are done with the climatic conditions of Fada N’gourma (Burkina Faso) as an example. To start, the importance of water for basic supply, sanitation and agriculture is researched through reviewing existing literature. The specific advantages of an advanced method of irrigation such as drip irrigation are also investigated. To continue, the analysis of the influence of each parameter intervening in the system is undertaken. First, a method to calculate the watering needs of the plants (through the concept of evapotranspiration), and simultaneously the passive self-regulation of PVWP systems for irrigation purposes is analysed. Second, the possibility to calculate faithfully the optimal angle with only climatic values and the size of the orchard is demonstrated. Third, a model to obtain the optimal diameter of the pipes through the optimisation of the cost is elaborated. The specific influence of the pump efficiency in this process is also explored. Fourth, an analysis on the effect in the system resilience to weather changes depending on the different starting dates for planting the crops is done. To finish, some considerations and a preliminary design are made. The option of implementing a storage system is discussed, with advantages of the batteries and the water tank. A quick economical evaluation done, leading to the conclusion that a PVWP system of the characteristics studied is viable under most of the circumstances.
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Fusion energy : Critical analysis of the status and future prospectsZabala, Leizuri January 2018 (has links)
The need to make maximum use of renewable resources to the detriment of fossil fuels to achieve environmental goals with an increasing energy demand is driving research into the development of technologies to obtain energy from sources that are not currently being exploited, one of them being fusion energy. The aim of this report is to provide a general overview of fusion and to provide a critical opinion on whether fusion will become a commercial energy source in the future, and if so when. The followed methodology has been a literature review complemented by an interview to B Henric M Bergsåker, teacher and researcher at the KTH on fusion plasma physics and information person for the Swedish fusion research.In the results section the fusion physics and different technological approaches have been presented. Among the studied different projects, the ITER Tokamak magnetic reactor has been selected as the most promising of these projects, as a product of international collaboration, and it has been analyzed in more detail. The obtained results have been that fusion can be an inexhaustible, environmentally friendly and safe energy source. The first-generation fusion commercial reactors are expected to be part of the energy mix before 2100.
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Kategorisering av byggnader i Gävles fjärrvärmenät utifrån dess effektsignaturer : En fallstudieTillman, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Gävle Energi har nyligen implementerat en ny prismodell till fjärrvärmen med en säsongsprismodell som kom 2018 och en kapacitetsprismodell som kommer 2019. Den nya prismodellen ska återspegla kostnaden för att producera fjärrvärmen samt belöna kunder som utför effektiviseringsåtgärder. Kapacitetsprismodellen, som denna studie fokuserar på, kommer att baseras på anläggningens energibehov vid -10 grader. Då kapacitetspriset är samma för samtliga kunder så kommer priset kunden betalar att återspegla hur stort energibehov byggnaden har vid -10 grader. I denna studie har det undersökts om en uppskattning kan utföras för att ta reda på hur stort energibehov en nyansluten kunds byggnad behöver vid -10 grader utifrån tidigare anslutna kunder. Signaturer för 115 tidigare anslutna kunder med byggnader byggda från 2000 – 2018 användes vid denna studie. Byggnaderna kategoriserades för att kunna jämföra energibehovet för varje kund med en liknande byggnad. Utifrån detta skapades uppvärmningssignaturer för varje enskild byggnad, vilka sammanställdes i diagram uppdelade på varje byggnadskategori. Med detta var tanken att en standardsignatur kunde skapas för varje kategori för att sedan kunna använda denna signatur vid kapacitetsberäkning av en ny kunds byggnad. Då resultatet inte blev som tänkt kunde dessa standardsignaturer dock inte skapas, utan en djupare analys för varje byggnad ser ut att behöva utföras. Hade en standardsignatur skapats utifrån befintliga resultat hade ett felaktigt energibehov tilldelats kunder med hög respektive låg energianvändning. Två olika metoder användes för att beräkna energibehovet bakom uppvärmningssignaturerna, dels med boarean för byggnaderna, dels med omslutande arean då tanken var att den omslutande arean skulle ge ett bättre resultat. Användningen av den omslutande arean vid framtagandet av signaturerna visade sig dock inte vara av bättre användning då resultaten varierade för mycket. / Gävle Energi have recently implemented a new price model for district heating with a seasonal depended price model that came in 2018 and a capacity pricing model that will be implemented 2019. The new price model is supposed to reflect the cost to produce the district heating and to reward customers who preform efficiency measures to their buildings. The capacity pricing model, on which this study is focused on, will be based on the buildings energy demand at -10 degrees. Since the capacity price is the same for all customers, the price the customer pays instead will reflect the amount of energy demand the building needs at -10 degrees. In this study it will be investigated whether an estimate can be made to find out how big of an energy demand a newly connected customer’s building needs at -10 degrees from previously connected customers. Signatures from 115 previously connected customers with buildings build from 2000 – 2018 were used in this study. The building was then categorized to compare the energy demand for each customer with a similar building. Based on this, signatures were created for each individual building and then put together in a common chart for each category. With this, the idea was that a standard signature could be created for each category to the use this signature when calculating the capacity for a customer’s building. As the result was not as intended, these standard signatures could not be created without preforming a deeper analysis of each building. If a standard signature had been created with these results, an unfair capacity had been awarded to customers with a high and low energy consumption. Different analyzes were used to calculate the different energy demands for the creation of the signatures, partly with the housing area of the buildings and the surrounding area with the thoughts that the surrounding area would provide the study with a better result. However, the use of the surrounding area in the development of the signatures did not provide to be of better use as the results varied too much.
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Battery energy storage systems in Sweden : A national market analysis and a case study of Behrn sport arenaAndersson, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
The renewable energy sources increase the volatility on theelectricity market. To manage the quick variations battery energystorage systems (BESS), together with other storing solutions, willbe required in the future. Depending on which level in the grid thebattery is placed, it can serve different purposes. In this report amarket analysis is conducted, which examine the performance ofbattery storages installed in Sweden. Further on, a simulation, withPV-panels and a battery, was performed at Behrn Arena in Örebro. From the market analysis it was shown that the majority of therespondents had used, or will use, their battery for peak shaving.This function is particularly meaningful for customers with a powertariff, which is the case for Behrn Arena. The simulated systemdecreased their yearly cost due to the power tariff with 70 000 SEKand the total electricity bill decreased with 155 000 SEK. For the batteries to be more profitable in the future, the batteryprice needs to decrease or the number of revenue streams need toincrease. One revenue with great potential is frequency regulation,which has proven its efficiency in other countries.
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Applikation av småskalig värme- och elproduktion : Simulering av anläggningsdrift samt nyttjande av hästgödsel för lokal biogasproduktion vid Sundbyholms travbanaBrandt, Pernilla, Löving, Therese January 2018 (has links)
The global community is facing great challenges as the energy system is transforming towards more reliable, effective, clean and renewable production. Small-scale and micro networks will play an important role in this changeover. Its advantages over today’s large conventional energy systems are their reliability and stability. In small-scale and micro networks, there is usually a variety of production units such as photovoltaic, wind power and micro-combined heat and power (micro-CHP). In this study, a small-scale network with an application of two different types of biogas fueled micro-CHPs is analyzed. The units are a micro gas engine (MGM) and a micro gas turbine (MGT). The application of micro-CHP is validated using a reference facility connected to a small-scale district heating network. The reference facility is a heat production plant at a horse race track outside Eskilstuna, Sweden consisting of an oil boiler, a pellet boiler and a heat storage tank. The potential in replacing the oil boiler with renewable micro-CHP is investigated. A simulation model is built in the software GAMS, using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and the solver CPLEX, and the model is simulated using the heat demand from the horse race track. Results from the model validation shows that it is possible for both the MGM or the MGT together with the pellet boiler and the heat storage tank to fulfill the heat demand of the facility. The horse race track handles 4 000 m3 of horse manure annually, which is transported 124 km to a compost treatment facility. Therefore, a general analysis of biogas production from horse manure is conducted in order to investigate the possibilities for better horse manure treatment on site. A calculation for a biogas reactor with a capacity for the maximum biogas requirement of the micro-CHP is implemented. Horse manure is suggested to be co-digested with food waste, in order to provide a higher biogas exchange. The result of a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis indicates difficulties in justifying an investment of a micro-CHP together with a biogas plant at current prices for heat and electricity. The results show that the payback period for the MGM is 7 years which is 2 years shorter than its lifetime and the MGT payback period is 12 year which also is it lifetime. The MGM shows the largest investment potential since it has an investment cost approximately 860 kSEK lower than for the MGT. The MGM also has a slightly higher electrical efficiency which results in higher revenues from produced electricity. The chosen MGM in this study is slightly smaller than the MGT, resulting in a lower biogas demand and a lower investment cost for a biogas plant. A sensitivity analysis shows great impact of the electricity price on the payback period for both types of micro-CHP. The results show that with an electricity price of 280 SEK/MWh, both the MGM and the MGT repays within their lifetime. But since MGM has a higher net present value at all electric prices, is the MGM considered to be a more economical feasible investment. What the authors think should be highlighted is also the environmental benefits of more efficient treatment of horse manure at the horse race track together with the possibility of local production of fuel resulting in reduced CO2 emissions by 47 tons/year.
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DIGITALIZATION IS HEATING UP THE BUSINESS MODEL : A degree project regarding the impact of digitalization on a business model canvas within district heating / DIGITALISERINGEN VÄRMER UPP AFFÄRSMODELLEN : Ett examensarbete gällande inverkan av digitaliseringen på affärsmodellen canvas inom fjärrvärmeÖhrlund, Jack, Östman, Catrin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project is to analyze and investigate how digitalization will affect business modeling in the district heating business. The chosen approach to this degree project was an iterative, abductive method, in order to always use a feedback-analysis and to keep the project open for new findings. The interviews were a mix of a structured method and a qualitative approach. With the structured method, the findings from the interviews were similar and regarding the research topic, and the qualitative approach in some open questions led to matters that otherwise would have been unnoticed. The interviews were performed via e-mail, phone and through personal interviews. This degree project concluded that digitalization has an impact on business modeling in district heating. Digitalization will affect some elements in a major way, for example key resources that will be characterized by digitalization. The findings from this work showed that a business model operating in district heating in a time of digitalization should focus on three main parts: economy, environment and easy visualization. An optimization tool should focus on delivering a value that consist of these three, and the remaining elements should together contribute to that value proposition. / Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera och undersöka hur digitaliseringen kommer att påverka affärsmodellering inom fjärrvärmebranschen. Det valda tillvägagångssättet för detta examensarbete är en iterativ, abduktiv metod för att hela tiden återkoppla och hålla studien öppen för nya intryck. Intervjuerna är en kombination av strukturerad metod blandad med en kvalitativ ansats. Med den strukturerade metoden blir svaren inom samma ram samtidigt som den kvalitativa aspekten lockar fram svar som annars skulle passera obemärkta. Intervjuerna genomfördes via mail, telefon samt genom personliga intervjuer. Detta examensarbete drar slutsatsen att digitaliseringen kommer påverka affärsmodeller inom fjärrvärme. Digitaliseringen kommer påverka vissa element i större utsträckning som till exempel nyckelresurserser som kommer präglas av digitaliseringen. Upptäckterna från studien visar att en affärsmodell verksam inom fjärrvärme i en tid präglad av digitaliseringen ska fokusera på tre delar: ekonomi, miljö och lättförstådd visualisering. Ett optimeringsverktyg ska fokusera på att leverera ett värde som innehåller dem tre delarna och resterande element ska tillsammans bidra till det värdeerbjudandet.
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Nära-nollenergibyggnader : En fallstudie av ett flerbostadshus förutsättningar att klara Boverkets framtida kravAndersson, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
In order to develop energy-efficient constructions all new buildings will be nearly-zero energy buildings by year 2021. A nearly-zero energy facility is a building with high energy performance and very low energy consumption, where the amount of energy that needs to be supplied to the building will largely originate from renewable sources that are often self-produced on site or nearby. On December 15, 2016 BFS 2016: 13 - BBR 24 was introduced with requirements for verification of the building's specific energy use. The new regulations for nearly-zero energy buildings will be introduced in two stages through BBR (A) and BBR (B). BBR (A) implies no aggravation of requirements, but introduces a new way of calculating the energy performance of the building measured in primary energy. Primary energy factors are introduced per energy carrier, where the energy carrier for electric heating receives a higher value then other energy carriers. A projected five-storey apartment building located in Sigtuna, Stockholm has been investigated and energy calculations and simulations have been carried out in the energy calculation program IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. Simulations have been carried out on a reference object, focusing on analyzing how the energy utilization of the building is affected by various actions. The measures investigated are energy supply and origin of this, changes in the building construction and technical systems. The result shows that with relatively small changes the required demands of close-zero energy buildings can be reached. Changes to the building construction through better exterior wall insulation, better U-values of building constructions and increased efficiency of heat exchanger, make demands for near-zero energy buildings in BBR (B). With self-produced electricity via solar cells the primary energy for the building will be even lower. The hardest challenge comes for the electricity heated buildings which due to an increased primary energy factor, will get harder to meet the future requirements due to a higher demand level.
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Solar Variability Assessment and Grid Integration : Methodology Development and Case StudiesLingfors, David January 2015 (has links)
During the 21st century there has been a tremendous increase in grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) capacity globally, due to falling prices and introduction of economic incentives. PV systems are in most cases small-scale, installed on residential dwellings, which means that the power production is widely distributed and close to the end-user of electricity. In this licentiate thesis the distributed PV in the built environment is studied. A methodology for assessing short-term (sub-minute) solar variability was developed, which in the continuation of this PhD project could be used to study the aggregated impact on the local distribution grid from dispersed PV systems. In order to identify potential locations for PV systems in a future scenario, methodology was developed to assess the rooftop topography on both local level using LiDAR data and nationally through building statistics. Impacts on the distribution grid were investigated through a case study on a rural municipality in Sweden. It was found that the hosting capacity, i.e. the amount of PV power generation that can be integrated in the grid without exceeding certain power quality measures, is high, at least 30%. However, the hosting capacity on transmission level needs further investigation. As a first step a methodology was developed in order to model scenarios for hourly solar power generation, aggregated over wide areas, here applied to the whole Swedish power system. The model showed high correlation compared to PV power production reported to the Swedish transmission system operator (TSO). Furthermore, it was used to model scenarios of high PV penetration in Sweden, which give some indications on the impact on the power system, in terms of higher frequency of extreme ramps.
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