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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Steam Prediction at an Integrated Pulp and Paper Mill : Mondi Dynäs in Kramfors Municipality

Sehlberg, Jimmy January 2020 (has links)
The most important energy carrier at an integrated pulp and paper mill is steam, it is essential to power components and machinery. The components create variations in the steam grid network, variations that exceed the capacity of the steam accumulator. To avoid steam shortages, production leans towards having the accumulator nearly filled, eventually leading to periods with over production. Abundantly produced steam must be released from the steam grid network, and this is done without energy recovery. The purpose has therefore been to create a computer model with the ability to predict steam consumption for the entire mill. The prediction shall eventually be used in the control systems for steam producers and the accumulator. By knowing future steam demand, production can be planned more efficiently and so can the accumulation level of steam. This will allow a greater range of operation since the predictor can provide information on when significant steam demand changes will occur. The most important energy carrier at an integrated pulp and paper mill is steam, it is essential to power components and machinery. The components create variations in the steam grid network, variations that exceed the capacity of the steam accumulator. To avoid steam shortages, production leans towards having the accumulator nearly filled, eventually leading to periods with over production. Abundantly produced steam must be released from the steam grid network, and this is done without energy recovery. The purpose has therefore been to create a computer model with the ability to predict steam consumption for the entire mill. The prediction shall eventually be used in the control systems for steam producers and the accumulator. By knowing future steam demand, production can be planned more efficiently and so can the accumulation level of steam. This will allow a greater range of operation since the predictor can provide information on when significant steam demand changes will occur.By creating separate predictor models for the largest steam consumers, the final predictor consists of four minor predictor models. The first is related to five batch digesters, the second to one of the two paper machines (PM5), the third to the other paper machine (PM6), finally the forth to all other consumers. The separate predictors have been created by gathering historical process data connected to their operation. Analyses and correlations have been made to show what has significant effects on their steam consumption. The final predictor has shown the possibility of having an R2 above 0.7 for up to one hour ahead. Even though, it is possible to have 60 minutes of accurate prediction. Reliable prediction ranges are determined for the four separate predictors. The reliable prediction range for the two paper machines has a potential of 15 minutes and the R2 is still above 0.8 for that time ahead. The predictions for digesters have an R2 above 0.6 for up to 25 minutes ahead. The steam demand from other components can be predicted with an average error of no more than 9% for 60 minutes ahead. / Vid ett integrerat massa- och pappersbruk är ånga den mest vitala energibäraren, den brukas av maskiner och komponenter för massa- och papperproduktionen. Komponenternas arbetscykler skapar svängningar på ångnätet som överstiger vad den installerade ångackumulatorn kan hantera. För att möta det svängande behovet produceras ånga i en sådan takt att ackumulatorn ska hålla hög nivå. Något som skapar perioder med överproduktion och full ackumulator vilket leder till att ånga måste friblåsas förutan energiåtervinning. Av denna anledning har syftet med detta arbete varit att ta fram en prediktionsmodell som kan förse bruket med pålitlig prognos för ångförbrukning. Kunskap om framtida prognoser ska såsmåningom implementeras i styrningen för ackumulatorn samt ångproducenter. Prognoserna ska underlätta att mer effektivt möta kommande behov, större reglerutrymme i ackumulatorn samt mer anpassad produktion. Den färdigställda prediktionsmodellen består av fyra mindre modeller grundade utefter de mest påverkande komponenterna. Den första tillhör de fem batch kokarna, den andra ansvarar för pappermaskin 5 (PM5). Tredje är till pappersmaskin 6 (PM6), slutligen en prediktor för övriga förbrukare. Prediktorerna har skapats utefter teoretiska behov samt relevant historisk data som påverkat energianvändningen. Analyser av korrelationer mellan olika parametrar har skapat prediktionsförmåga för dessa prediktorer. Den kompletta prediktionsmodellen uppvisar potential att leverera pålitlig prognos med förklaringsgrad R2 över 0.7 upp till 60 minuter fram i tiden. Trots att 60 minuters pålitlig prediktion är möjlig kan den inte garanteras. Pålitlig prediktionstid bestämms utifrån vardera enskild prediktor. Pappersmakinera påvisar pålitlig prediktionsförmåga upp till 15 minuter där R2 hålls ovan 0.8 inom den tiden. Kokeriets prediktionstid är 25 minuter där R2 har värden över 0.6. Övriga komponenter påvisar liten skillnad inom 60 minuters prediktionstid. Det genomsnittliga prediktionsfelet överstiger ej 9% inom den tiden.

A modern way of traveling : Sustainable mobility in Rosendal

Apelryd, Caroline, Hrnjez, Kristina, Ranglén Svärdström, David January 2020 (has links)
This report aims to investigate the economical possibilities of implementing mobility services, such as electrical carpool and electrical bicyclepool, in the upcoming mobility house Brandmästaren in Rosendal, Uppsala. A model based on a travel habit survey in Uppsala has been developed in order to calculate the need of vehicles. Thereafter the financial profits are calculated depending on the need of vehicles and according to different scenarios regarding how many people that potentially will join the mobility hub. The profits are then compared to the profits from a conventional parking house, in order to decide whether the mobility system is economically viable. The results concluded the following. The most suitable mobility system for Rosendal includes 104 bicycles, 36 cargo bicycles and 94 cars. For a supplement rent of 50 SEK per user connected to the mobility center, the break-even point for the business model where bicycles are rented is when 30.56% of the residents are connected to the system. For the business model where bicycles are bought the break-even point is 18.28%. A sensitivity analysis on the number of hours the service is assumed to be used showed that the profitability would not change to a significant extent. The highest break-even point after the sensitivity analysis was 34.40%. After comparison to other mobility services in Sweden, the conclusion was that the number of connected users needed was relatively low, hence the results shows that the mobility house has the potential of being more profitable than conventional parking house.

Minskad energianvändning och klimatpåverkan : En fallstudie av Preems kontor i Skarvikshamnen / Reduced energy use and climate impact for Preems office building in Skarvikshamnen

Carlsson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Preem has recently acquired a new office building and are interested inreducing the energy consumption, climate impact and annual energy costof the building. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how differentenergy efficiency measures as well as the installation of solar cellsaffect the energy use and climate impact of an office building. Three actions have been proposed, both separately and in combinationwith each other. These were attic insulation, change of ventilation andchange of heating system. The resulting simulations showed a reductionof between 3 and 65 %, depending on which energy efficiency measureswere implemented. Replacing the heating system resulted in the largestreduction. This study also showed that the most profitable way to place a PVsystem is in a south-westerly direction with a 25 degree slope. Thissolution has an installed power of 16.3 kWp and an annual electricityproduction of 12.96 MWh. This corresponds to a self-consumption rate of95.2 % and a self-sufficiency rate of 5.6 %. The highest electricityproduction was obtained when PV modules were placed on three differentrooftops and with a module slope of between 12 and 15 degrees,depending on the roof. This PV system has an installed power of 76.9kWp and an annual electricity production of 57.96 MWh. All solutionsled to a reduced climate impact.

En effekt- och kostnadsanalys av bostäder i Halmstad med olika uppvärmningssystem / A power and cost analysis for residentials in Halmstad with different heating systems

Palmgren, Viktor, Benjaminsson, Ted January 2020 (has links)
I samband med en ökad tillväxt och elektrifiering av samhället där andelen grön intermittent elkraft ökar och kärnkraften avvecklas kan efterfrågan på el vid topplasttimmar bli svårhanterliga för elnätsägare. Med en ökad risk för både effekt- och kapacitetsbrist i södra Sverige och långa handläggningstider vid utbyggnation av stam- och regionnät behöver nya åtgärder för att upprätthålla stabila elnät undersökas och analyseras. Energimyndigheten anser att bostadssektorn spelar en viktig roll där både energi- och resurseffektivisering samt en ökad kunskap kring elanvändning är nödvändigt för att uppnå flera samhällsmål. Rapporten ämnar därmed att undersöka och belysa elbehovet för bostäder med olika uppvärmningssystem i Halmstad samt ta reda på hur en effekttariff kan påverka bostäders ekonomiska situation jämfört med dagens säkringstariff. Studien utförs tillsammans med Halmstad Energi och Miljö Nät som driver elnätet i Halmstads tätort med omnejd, varav rapportens undersökta bostäder ligger inom koncessionsområdet. Resultatet påvisar en markant skillnad i elanvändning mellan bostäderna, speciellt under kalla årstider, där valet av uppvärmningssystem kan påverka effektbehovet inom koncessionsområdet avsevärt samt reducera effekttoppar. Resultatet belyser även effekttariffens inverkan på bostädernas månadskostnad där tariffen gynnar bostäder med ett lågt elbehov samt ger ekonomiska incitament för lastförflyttning under höglastperioder. / With an increasing share of green intermittent power and the upcoming discontinuance of nuclear reactors the electricity demand of today’s Swedish society could become hard to purvey for net grid owners. When the risk for capacity and power shortages are growing and the proceedings of new powerlines are long, new strategies are needed to keep stability in the grids. According to the Swedish energy authority the residential sector plays a major part where both energy- and resource efficiency, together with increased knowledge of energy usage, is necessary to reach several societal goals. Therefore, this report aims to investigate the difference in power demand between residential buildings in Halmstad based on their heating systems and the economic effects of a power tariff implementation. The study is carried out together with Halmstad Energi och Miljö Nät, who operates the electricity grid in Halmstad’s urban areas and provides information of their customers for the aim of this study. The results show a significant difference in power demand between residential buildings, where the method of heating could have a major effect on the power grids capacity and be used as means for power peak reductions. An implementation of power tariffs favors residential buildings with a low power demand, where high demands can lead to expensive bills and force owners to reallocate their demands.

Utvärdering av vätgaslagring för att reducera eleffektuttaget i en kommersiell byggnad med solelproduktion / Evaluation of using hydrogen storage in order to reduce grid power peaks in a commercial building with solar power production

Widing, Katarina, Sjöberg, Inga January 2020 (has links)
Hydrogen can be produced by solar power driven electrolysis and then be long-termed stored until an electrical demand emerge. Therefore, hydrogen energy storage have the potential to solve the issues with seasonal energy mismatch that generally occur in buildings with solar production. The process is done without any emissions, since the input and output are electricity from renewable resources, water, oxygen and heat. In this master thesis the purpose is to evaluate how a hydrogen energy storage can be used in a commercial building in order to reduce its grid power peaks. This is investigated by creating a model which simulates a hydrogen system, combined with a battery, in a grid-connected building in Uppsala. The model dimensions the system components by using six different operation strategies. The potential of using hydrogen storage in a commercial building is evaluated with respect to its energetic and economic feasibility. The result indicates that the building’s grid power peaks can be reduced by integrating a hydrogen system, and thereby savings in terms of electricity and heat are achieved. However, the net present value is negative for all operation strategies, which means that the investment is non-profitable. By varying several factors in a sensitivity analysis, it is discovered that the investment cost must be reduced in combination with a higher monthly power fee in order to make the investment profitable. There are, however, other values that can motivate an investment in a hydrogen system. An energy storage increases the flexibility in a building and also makes the building more robust towards power outages and high electricity prices. These qualities might be more desirable in a future electrical power system with more intermittent power production.

Emission reduction in waste incineration : A comparison of three applicable measures

Linde, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Utilization of waste as fuel for heat and power production is commonplace in Sweden, and the fossil emissions from the incineration of waste is primarily derived from the share of plastics in the fuel. Reducing the share of fossil material in the fuel should therefore lead to diminished local emissions. Alternatively, district heating with waste incineration have potential for implementation of CCS technology, that have the possibility to create negative emissions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of emission reduction and cost efficiency for three different measures that can be applied for waste incineration: sorting of waste, requirement specification and implementation of CCS technology. This was made with the case of Stockholm Exergi, a district heating actor in the Stockholm region with a desire to achieve emission reduction sufficient to offset additional emissions from a new waste incineration facility in development. The measures were compared by constructing distinct scenarios where the emissions and costs of the scenarios could be found in comparison to a reference case where no measures had been applied. For this, modelling of the properties of the waste streams used as fuel was necessary. The results showed that the capacity for sorting is not sufficient to achieve the desired levels of emission reduction on its own, while it is a cost-efficient measure. Requirement specification together with sorting can reduce the emissions to desired levels, but the required reduction of plastics in the fuel is significant. The additional quantities of waste required to produce energy at the same level as before limiting the shares of plastic results in an income from gate fees that mitigate the potential decrease in value of the gate fees brought on by requirement specification. Implementation of CCS technology would create significant negative emissions and yield overall net negative emissions for the studied facilities, but the cost of the technology would create a dependency of external incentives to keep it profitable.

THE POTENTIAL OF A LATENT HEAT THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE : An Investigation on Rocklunda's Sport Facilities

Egersand, Anton, Fransson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The world is ever increasing in its energy usage, making energy that is sustainable and secure harder to achieve. To fulfil the Paris agreement to limit global warming, the world needs to transition from fossil fuels toward more renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, but these sources have fluctuation in supply which often create a mismatch with demand. To combat this issue, thermal energy storage can be utilized, and one such technology is latent heat thermal energy storage. This study aimed to investigate the potential of latent heat thermal energy storage by developing a simple model of such a system and studying its impact on Rocklunda’s sport facilities. The model was developed by using MATLAB, primarily using the photovoltaic overproduction of the facilities to store as energy for the latent heat thermal energy storage. The implemented storage, based on the model’s result, had overall positive impact on the facilities. The optimized storage capacity was about 510 kWh, which throughout the storage’s lifetime would save ~4 989 MWh worth of heat by using the best performing phase change material: aluminium-silicon. The storage would also be able to utilize ~82% of the annual photovoltaic overproduction that would otherwise be unused/sold as well as reducing the heat demand by ~12% by using the heat stored via the storage. The implementation also proved to have beneficial effects on the environment as the saved heat was the equivalent of mitigating ~304 ton of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, there is a profit of ~236 000 SEK. / Reduction and Reuse of energy with interconnected Distribution and Demand (R2D2)

The pathway to outcompete fossilfuels : Solar thermal as an alternative for industrial heating processesin Gujarat, India

Emilie, Nordlander January 2021 (has links)
2015 the Paris agreement was signed to tackle the climate change and reduce emissions from fossil fuel burning. The industrial and manufacturing sector which alone accounts for 32% of global energy use relies heavily on fossil fuels. Solar thermal energy is a renewable energy source that has potential of replacing large portions of this energy. The Swedish research and development company, Absolicon Solar Collectors AB are manufacturers of solar collectors and production lines of dito. Their main product, the Absolicon T160, is a concentrating solar collector which can produce heat up to 160°C.India, and more specifically the state of Gujarat is an interesting market for the solar collectors. This study is aiming to give Absolicon a better understanding of the potential of replacing fossil fuel with solar thermalenergy in Gujarat, so that they can direct their efforts in the right direction. It is a qualitative study mainly focused on the dairy and textile processing industry, two important sectors in the state that has process demands which can be run on solar thermal energy. Since no reliable data regarding the energy consumption in the studied industries where found, a method for estimating the energy consumption is presented in the study.The results from the study shows that large scale manufacturing is possible from a demand point of view, but there are many hindrances for a market penetration. In India large portions of the industry segments studied is non-organized, i.e. small scale with low level of modern technology. Integration of solar thermal energy in the non-organized sector demands a different approach. Based on the results a market analysis with suggestions on how to proceed for the different industrial segments studied is presented.Despite good solar insolation in the state the solar resource was studied in greater detail as aerosols and dust can affect the energy yield from the solar collectors. The results indicates that the annual solar irradiation can be both over- and underestimated when using satellite derived models. India has monsoon seasons and seasonal winds which affects the levels of aerosols in the atmosphere. The level of aerosols and dust has ahigh impact on the solar resource.Ground measurements are therefore a complement that could be used to get a better understandingon site.

Förnybar energi i småhus

Jonsson, Martin Jonas Peter January 2021 (has links)
I detta examensarbete i energiteknik har en litteraturstudie om de vanligaste energisystemen i Sverige och en webbundersökning gjorts där 550 husägare i Järfälla kommun erbjudits att delta. I undersökningen ställdes 11 frågor om deras nuvarande energisystem och ifall de var benägna att investera i solkraft. Av de 550 tillfrågade valde 78 att delta i undersökningen vilket motsvarar 14% svarsfrekvens. Det utreddes även om de vanligaste anledningarna varför fler husägare inte investerat i solkraft. De anledningarna var främst av ekonomiska skäl och att deras hus inte var lämpat för solkraft på grund av husets läge och takkonstruktion. Utvecklingen av solkraft går i rask takt och med en ny skattereduktion för grön teknik förutser författaren att takten ökar de kommande åren, speciellt då elbilsmarknaden förväntas växa enormt och intresset för laddstationer i samband med detta. Utvecklingen av förnybara energisystem går också i rask takt, värmepumpar som ses som förnybar har ökat från 754 000 år 2009 till 1 227 000 år 2016. Undersökningen bekräftade utvecklingen, från undersökningen hade 43 deltagare installerat en luftvärmepump och 30 deltagare installerat bergvärme. 13 deltagare hade installerat solel och den vanligaste anledningen varför var att öka självständigheten och minska behovet av att köpa el, även att minska klimatpåverkan. De statliga bidragen har spelat stor roll i deras villighet att installera solel. De vanligaste anledningar varför fler inte installerat solel var de långa återbetalningstiderna och den begränsade lagringsfunktionen. Deltagarna med en elpanna installerad i fastigheten var mest benägen till att investera i förnybar energi genom värmepump och solel.

Digital modell: fastighetsförvaltares framtida verktyg vid val av energieffektiviserande åtgärder / Digital models: a future tool for real estate managers choosing energyefficient solutions

Söderlund, Johanna, Svensson, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med den genomförda undersökningen är att få en grundläggande förståelse för hur digitala verktyg och modeller kan användas för att energieffektivisera en äldre fastighet, Science Park i Jönköping. Genom att intervjua tre olika aktörer, en fastighetsförvaltare, en specialist inom digitala verktyg och en specialist inom energianalyser har det bidragit till grundläggande kunskaper för hur deras arbetssätt kan tillämpas för att kunna energieffektivisera Science Park.  Metod: Den valda undersökningsmetoden för denna rapport är en kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie, Science Park i Jönköping. Datainsamlingsmetoden för undersökningen är semistrukturerade intervjuer, dokumentanalys samt litteratur studier.  Resultat: Resultatet av den genomförda undersökningen visar att JKPG Fast inte ska använda sig av en digital modell för att genomföra energianalyser på Science Park. Detta då underlaget inte är tillräckligt uppdaterat för att kunna genomföra mer avancerade analyser och det riskerar att bli missvisande på grund av att de potentiella felkällorna är för många. Därför är rekommendationen att använda enklare beräkningar, exempelvis förhand, som ger ett uppskattning av effekten på byggnaden, vilket är mer kostnadseffektivt än att skapa en digital modell.  Konsekvenser: Rekommendationen för JKPG Fast är att satsa på att uppdatera deras befintliga underlag av Science Park för att få bättre koll över sitt bestånd. Vidare rekommendation är att för framtida nyproducerade byggnader satsa på att skapa en digital modell med LOD 500 för att använda inom förvaltningen samt framtida ombyggnationer.  Begränsningar: Utifrån de resultat som presenterats av denna undersökning anses det vara giltigt för endast Science Park. Däremot anses de rekommendationer som presenteras giltiga för äldre fastigheter.  Nyckelord: Digital modell, fastighetsförvaltning, energiförbrukning, energikartläggning, BIM, effektivisering, energisystem, analys och simulering.

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