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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-Economic Optimization and Control of Hybrid Energy Systems

Calmered, Louise, Nyberg, Tanja January 2023 (has links)
The increasing demand for renewable energy sources to meet climate targets and reduce carbon emissions poses challenges to the power grid due to their intermittent nature. One potential solution to maintain grid stability is by implementing Hybrid Energy Systems (HESs) that incorporate a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). To achieve the most favorable outcome in terms of both technical feasibility and profitability of a BESS, it is essential to employ models for simulating and optimizing the control of system components. This thesis focuses on the analysis of energy and revenue streams in a HES consisting of a BESS, photovoltaics (PVs), and an energy load including a fast charging station for electric vehicles (EVs). The objective is to optimize the system based on revenue generation by comparing the control techniques of peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and the integration of ancillary services within the Swedish energy market. The research questions explore the optimal utilization of the BESS and assess the impact of the different control techniques. A model is created in Python with the package CasADi where data from an ongoing installation of a HES in southern Sweden is combined with data from literature research. The model includes an objective function that minimizes the total cost of power from the grid based on the day-ahead price, battery degradation, and monthly peak power.  To answer the research questions, four different scenarios are simulated. The first scenario is a base for comparison, the second one focuses on peak shaving and energy arbitrage, the third on participation in the ancillary service FCR-D upwards regulation, and the last one is a combination of peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and the ancillary service FCR-D. The results show that the remuneration from the ancillary service FCR-D is comparably much higher than the revenues generated from peak shaving and energy arbitrage, providing more than 500% of revenue compared to the same system but without a BESS. The scenario with peak shaving and energy arbitrage shows an increase in revenue of 29% but with more cycling of the battery which could cause losses in performance in the long term. To validate the results, sensitivity analyses are conducted by evaluating weighting in the objective function, implementing Model Predictive Control (MPC), and reviewing price variations.  In conclusion, efficient control techniques can enhance system performance, minimize losses, and ensure optimal utilization of different energy sources, leading to improved feasibility and profitability. The optimal usage of a BESS involves finding a balance between maximizing revenue generation and minimizing battery degradation. This can be achieved through control strategies that optimize the charging and discharging patterns of the BESS based on electricity price signals, demand patterns, and battery health considerations.

Comprehensive Study of Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Sizing of BESS in Multi-energy syste

Ginste, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
The question of finding the optimal size for battery energy storage systems (BESS) to be used for energy arbitrage and peak shaving has gained more and more interest in recent years. This is due to the increase in variability of electricity prices caused by the increase of renewable but also variable electricity production units in the electricity grid. The problem of finding the optimal size for a BESS is of high complexity. It includes many factors that affect the usefulness and the economic value of a BESS. This study includes a thorough literature study regarding different methods and techniques used for finding optimal size (both capacity and power) for a BESS. From the literature study two meta-heuristic algorithms were found to have been used with success for similar problems. The two algorithms were Genetic algorithm (GA) and Firefly algorithm (FF). These algorithms have in this thesis been tested in a case study optimizing the BESS capacity and power to either maximising the net present value (NPV) of investing in a Li-ion BESS of the LPF type or minimizing the levelized cost of storage (LCOS) for the BESS, with a project lifetime of 10 years. The BESS gains monetary value from energy arbitrage by being a middleman between a large residential house complex seen as the "user" with a predefined hourly electricity load demand and the electricity grid. For the case study a simplified charge and discharge dispatch schedule was implemented for the BESS with the focus of maximising the value of energy arbitrage. The case study was divided into 3 different cases, the base case where no instalment of a BESS was done. Case 2 included the instalment of the BESS whilst case 3 included installing both a BESS and an electrical heater (ELH). The electrical heater in case 3 was implemented to shift a heating load from the user to an electrical load, to save money as well as reduce CO2 emissions from a preinstalled gas heater used in the base case. The results showed that overall GA was a better optimization algorithm for the stated problem, having lower optimization time overall between 60%-70% compared to FF and depending on the case. For case 2, GA achieves the best LCOS with a value of 0.225 e/kWh, being 11.4% lower compared to using FF. Regarding NPV for case 2, FF achieves the best solutions at the lowest possible value in the search space for the capacity and power (i.e., 0.1 kWh for capacity and 0.1 kW for power), with an NPV at -51.5e, showing that for case 2 when optimizing for NPV an investment in a BESS is undesirable. GA finds better solutions for case 3 for both NPV and LCOS at 954,982e and 0.2305 e/kWh respectively, being 35.7% larger and 9.1% lower respectively compared to using FF. For case 3 it was shown that the savings from installing the ELH stands for a large portion of the profits, leading to a positive NPV compared to case 2 when it was not implemented. Finally, it was found that the GA can be a useful tool for finding optimal power and capacity for BESS instalments, compared to FF that got stuck at local optimums. However, it was seen that the charge and discharge dispatch schedule play an important role regarding the effectiveness of installing a BESS. As for some cases the BESS was only used 17% of all hours during a year (case 2, when optimizing for NPV). Therefore, further research is of interest into the schedule function and its role regarding finding the optimal BESS size. / Frågan angående hur man hittar den optimal storleken på en energilagringsenhet av batteritypen (BESS) som skall användas för energiarbitrage samt "peak shaving" har fått mer och mer uppmärksamhet de senaste åren. Detta sker på grund av en ökning av variabiliteten av elpriser, vilket i sig delvis kommer från ett ökat installerande av förnyelsebar, men då också variabla energiproduktionsenheter till elnätet. Problemet med att hitta den optimala storleken för en BESS är på grund av komplexitet i frågan. Det innehåller många faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten samt det ekonomiska värdet av en BESS. Denna avhandling innehåller en litteraturstudie om olika tekniker och metoder som används för att hitta den optimal lösningen för optimal storlek (kapacitet och kraft) på en BESS. Från litteraturstudien hittades två meta-heuristiska algoritmer som använts med succés på liknande problem. De två algoritmerna var "Genetic algorithm" (GA) och "Firefly algorithm (FF). Dessa algoritmer har i denna avhandling blivit testade i en fallstudie för att optimera kapacitet och kraft för en BESS genom att antingen maximera nettonuvärdet (NPV) som fås av att investera i en Li-ion BESS av typen LPF eller att minimera "levelized cost of storage" (LCOE) för en BESS med en livstid på 10 år. Detta genom att man får monetärt värde från att använda en BESS för energiarbitrage genom att vara en mellanhand mellan ett stort bostadskomplex som ses vara en "användare" med ett förbestämt elanvändningsmönster och elnätet. För fallstudien användes en simpel metodologi för laddnings- och urladdninsgschema för att maximera energiarbitrage. Fallstudien delades upp i tre olika fall, ett basfall där ingen installation av en BESS gjordes. I fall 2 installerades bara en BESS medans för fall 3 installerades både en BESS samt en elektrisk värmare (ELH) för att omvandla användarens termiska energianvändning till mer elektrisk energianvändning. Genom detta kan monetära besparingar göras samt reducera mängden CO2 utsläpp som annars hade kommit från en redan installerade gasvärmare, i basfallet.  Resultatet visade att totalt sätt var GA en bättre optimeringsalgoritm för det specifika problemet, med lägre optimeringstid på 60%-70% jämfört med FF och beroende på fall. För fall 2 hittar GA det lägsta värdet på LCOS på 0.225 e/kWh, och var då 11.4% lägre jämfört med FF. Angående NPV för fall 2 hittar FF den bästa lösningen på det minsta möjliga värdet på kraft och kapacitet i sökutrymmet (det vill säga 0.1 kWh för kapacitet och 0.1 kW för kraft), med ett NPV värde på -51.5e, vilket visar att för fall 2 när man optimerar för NPV så finns ingen ekonomisk vinning av att investera i en BESS. GA hittar den bästa lösningen för fall 3, både för NPV och LCOS på 954,982e och 0.2305 e/kWh respektivt, vilket är 35.7% större och 9.1% lägre respektivt jämfört när man använder FF. För fall 3 visade resultaten att besparingarna från att installera en ELH stod för den större delen av alla vinster, vilket ledde till positiva värden för NPV. Slutligen visade resultaten att GA kan vara ett användbart verktyg för att hitta den optimala lösningen för storleken på en BESS, jämfört med FF som fastande på lokal optimala lösningar. Dock kunde resultaten också visa att laddnings- och urladdninsgschemat använt i fallstudien spelade en viktig roll angående effektiviteten med att installera en BESS. I vissa fall så användes BESS:en så lite som 17% av alla timmar på ett år (fall 2, optimering av NPV). Därför är det ett stort intresse att göra fortsatt forskning på andra laddnings- och urladdninsgscheman och dess roll med att hitta en optimal storlek på en BESS.

Combining Smart Energy Storage with a Nordic PV Park : An explorative study of revenue-improving and cost-reducing battery services

Bränström, Amanda, Söderberg, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
With global climate change as the main driver, there is an increase towards including more variable renewable energy (VRE) sources in the electricity mix. Energy production from utilizing the photovoltaic effect, or PV power, is increasing rapidly and is visioned to cover 5 – 10 % of Sweden’s electricity demand in 2040. In addition to rooftop PV production, large- scale PV production in the form of ground-mounted PV parks is gaining ground. A higher share of VRE in the power system creates new challenges as to uphold the power system stability. For a PV park owner, achieving a preferable economic outcome is also a challenge, as the variable electricity output may not match electricity demand. Therefore, combining a PV park with an energy storage, which can store the PV production energy, is seen as a favorable solution. This way, the variability of the electricity production can be reduced and the stored energy in the battery can be used for services benefitting both the PV park owner and the power grid. This study aims to explore the economic potential of combining a PV park with an energy storage. This is achieved by simulating a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery storage combined with PV production modeled after a 3.5 MW PV park located in Fyrislund, Uppsala. Five cases with individually differing approaches are simulated, exploring how so-called service stacking can be applied with a battery. The investigated services included in the cases are 1) lowering the cost of connecting the PV park to the power grid, 2) lowering the cost of feeding in energy to the power grid, 3) increasing the revenue of selling electricity on the Nord Pool spot market, 4) increasing the revenue by performing energy arbitrage, 5) increasing the revenue by participating in the primary frequency regulating markets to help stabilize the 50 Hz grid frequency. The cases are evaluated by calculating the net present value (NPV) of the system over 10 years with an annual discount rate of 5 %. Battery capacities ranging from 0.1 MWh/0.1 MW to 8 MWh/2 MW are tested. The system configuration achieving the highest NPV occurs when all services are performed, and a 0.13 MWh/0.1 MW battery is used. This NPV is also higher than the NPV when not including a battery in the system. Conclusions include that the spot price impacts the choice of battery capacity to a high extent and that the battery investment cost motivates using a smaller-sized battery.

Charging Towards Savings : How Utility Tariffs and Consumtion Profiles Impact the Profitability of BTM Battery Storage Systems / Hur Eltariff och Konsumtionsprofil Påverkar Lönsamheten i Batterilagring Bakom Elmätaren

Aston, Daniel, Lindström, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Battery Storage Systems (BESS) installed Behind the Meter (BTM) can provide demand management services, reducing electricity costs and enhancing overall electricity system stability. BTM BESS can also imporve self-consumption obtained with distributed generation assets like solar photovoltaics. This study examines the influence on value creation from consumption patterns and utility tariffs. Using Swedish and UK tariffs and a set of consumption profiles, the study determines the optimal BESS configuration and conducts simulations to assess profability through Net Present Value. Comparative analysis reveals the impact of utility tariffs and consumption profiles on profitablility. Projected BESS cost levels for 2030 and 2050 are used to evaluate expected future profitability.  The findings indicate that utility tariff has a stronger influence on BTM BESS profitability than consumption profile. Energy arbitrage creates most of the value, depending more on tariff structure than consumption pattern. However, with higher demand charges, the consumtion profile becomes more important as the relative value of peak shaving increases. Two sensitivity analyses have been performed. The first shows that NPVs are affected by decreased electricity price variability, emphasising the need for accurate long-term price forcasts. The second shows that existing electricity consumption forecasting techniques prove sufficient for effective peak shaving.  In conclusion, this research inderscores the significance of utility tariffs and consumption profiles in determining BTM BESS profitability. Energy arbitrage dominates value creation, while peak shaving gains importance with higher demand charges. Accurate long-term price forecasts are crucial for assessing BTM BESS profitability, and existing consumption forecasting techniques are suitable for peak shaving. / Batterilagring installerad bakom elmätaren kan optimera en fastighets elkonsumtion för att reducera elkostnader samt förbättra stabiliteten i elsystemet som helhet. Den här studien undersöker faktorer som påverkar värdeskapande genom energiarbitrage och peak shaving, inklusive konsumtionsprofiler och eltariffer. Studien undersöker även om det går att uppnål önsamhet under nuvarande och framtida prisnivåer för batterilagring. Studien utgår ifrån svenska och brittiska eltariffer samt fem konsumtionsprofiler, och fastställer den mest optimala konfigurationen av batterilagring genom optimering. Därefter jämförs lönsamheten genom nettonuvärde-analys för att dra slutsatser om hur eltariff och konsumtionsprofil påverkar lönsamhet. Studien visar att lönsamhet för batterilagring bakom mätaren beror mer på eltariff än konsumtionsprofil. Detta eftersom mest värde skapas genom energiarbitrage som är mindre beroende av konsumtionsprofil men direkt beroende av variationer i elpriset. Med högre effektavgifter ökar lönsamhetens beroende av konsumtionsprofilen då det relativa värdet av peak shaving höjs. En känslighetsanalys visar på en stark korrelation mellan värdet av energiarbitrage och variationer i elpriset, vilket visar vikten av långsiktiga prognoser av elprisets volatilitet. Befintliga tekniker för prognostisering av elkonsumtion har tillräcklig noggrannhet för effektivpeak shaving. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien hur eltariff och konsumtionsprofil påverkar lönsamheten för batterilagring installerad bakom elmätaren. Majoriteten av värdet skapas genom energiarbitrage för svenska och brittiska tariffer. Med högre effektavgifter ökar betydelsen av peak shaving. Dessutom betonar studien vikten av långsiktiga prognoser av elprisvolatilitet vid utvärderingen av lönsamheten för investeringar i batterilagring bakom mätaren.

The local potential of V2G : Estimation of the benefits of Vehicle to Grid in the energy community of Stenberg

Drommi, Cyprien January 2022 (has links)
In the countries willing to follow an energy transition towards decarbonization, a strong emphasis is put on electrification. Carbon-free power production tends to rely more on intermittent renewable energies, bringing many uncertainties on the electricity output to the grid. The transportation sector aims to reach a high penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road to overcome its fossil fuels dependency, adding an important load to charge their batteries. The V2G technology intends to alleviate these new issues by allowing the fleet of EVs to act like a storage system for the grid. This concept was proven to be mature but requires more pilot projects to build a greater consensus. The energy community BRF Stenberg, under construction in Hudiksvall, is willing to integrate V2G in its energy system. In this paper a model of the energy system for the whole community is built. Different types of V2G application are simulated and compared to a baseline. The constraints are formulated as a quasi-linear optimisation, where the cost from electricity purchase is minimized. A direct DCDC connection between PV production and EV charging is investigated, as well as the impact on the degradation of the batteries. The results show that it is necessary to integrate frequency regulation services to build a profitable project. The DC connection does not bring a significant benefit to the system. The battery degradation is proven to be a critical parameter that must be accounted for in the design of the system. / I de länder som är villiga att följa en energiomställning mot en koldioxidfri utveckling läggs stor vikt vid elektrifiering. Kolfri elproduktion tenderar att vara mer beroende av intermittenta förnybara energikällor, vilket medför många osäkerhetsfaktorer i fråga om elproduktionen till elnätet. Transportsektorn strävar efter att uppnå en hög penetration av elfordon på vägarna för att övervinna sitt beroende av fossila bränslen, vilket ger en viktig belastning för att ladda deras batterier. V2G-tekniken syftar till att lindra dessa nya problem genom att låta fordonsflottan fungera som ett lagringssystem för nätet. Konceptet har visat sig vara moget men kräver fler pilotprojekt för att skapa ett större samförstånd. Energisamfälligheten BRF Stenberg, som håller på att byggas i Hudiksvall, är villigt att integrera V2G i sitt energisystem. I den här artikeln byggs en modell av energisystemet för hela Energisamfälligheten. Olika grader av V2G-tillämpning simuleras och jämförs med en baslinje. Begränsningarna formuleras som en kvasilinjär optimering, där kostnaden för elinköp minimeras. En direkt DC-DC-anslutning mellan solcellsproduktion och fordonsladdning undersöks, liksom effekten på batteriernas nedbrytning. Resultaten visar att det är nödvändigt att integrera frekvensregleringstjänster för att bygga ett lönsamt projekt. Likströmsförbindelsen ger inte någon betydande fördel för systemet. Batteridegraderingen visar sig vara en kritisk parameter som måste beaktas vid utformningen av systemet.

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