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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrepreneurial orientation and its impact on innovation intensity in the Omani corporate sector

Arshi, Tahseen Anwer January 2016 (has links)
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is a widely researched construct of corporate entrepreneurship. Despite long-standing research on EO, past studies on this construct have been unable to resolve issues related to its measurement. Innovation Intensity (II) is also a dynamic construct of corporate entrepreneurship but has received relatively less empirical attention. Previous research has reported an absence of an empirically validated quantitative scale of innovation, particularly innovation intensity. This research has addressed these gaps by proposing a refinement and validation of the Entrepreneurial Orientation scale and the development of an Innovation Intensity scale. The research proposes an Entrepreneurial Transformational Model (ETM) positing that EO impacts II. A predominantly quantitative research strategy supported by qualitative inputs, is employed to obtain empirical data from 404 corporate firms in Oman, drawing from a list of corporate firms registered with the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A mix of questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews was conducted with senior managers from firms representing various industries of the Omani corporate sector. Utilising exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM), a two-stage data analysis approach was adopted. Measurement and structural models were developed for EO and II measures, while a complete SEM model was developed to test the causal relationship between EO and II. The results indicate that EO is a second-order construct consisting of five first-order factors, namely ready to innovate, competitive aggressiveness, autonomy, risk taking and proactiveness, which are its reflective components. Similarly, II is a second-order construct consisting of two first-order factors, namely degree and frequency of incremental and radical innovation, which are its reflective components. The II scale developed through this study allows corporate firms to assess their innovation intensity on a two-dimensional four-celled grid with varying levels of degree and frequency of innovation. Finally, EO is found to influence II and the entire relationship is posited as Entrepreneurial Transformation Model. This study, by addressing the empirical irregularities, has brought clarity to the measurement of EO and II constructs and is an original contribution to the advancement of theoretical knowledge and improvement in professional practice.

How multiple strategic orientations affect the brand performance of B2B SMEs

Anees-ur-Rehman, M. (Muhammad) 10 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Scholars are interested in exploring strategies for better business-to-business (B2B) brand management because several strategic benefits of having a stronger B2B brand have been revealed. Contributing to this stream of research, this dissertation applies the concept of multiple strategic orientations for the purpose of improving B2B branding. The collective role of the brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations when used for improving brand equity, brand awareness, brand credibility and financial performance are examined in the dissertation. Examining this phenomenon for B2B small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is an important and interesting topic because (1) SMEs are known for delineating multidimensional strategic orientation and (2) B2B SMEs have shown growth with the help of a stronger brand despite being less motivated to conduct branding activities and less resourceful when doing so. The results of this study could help to develop a more cohesive and coherent branding strategy for B2B SMEs. The research question of the dissertation is addressed with the help of three articles. The first article sheds light on the theoretical framework of interaction between brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations. Findings of the first article led the selection of two perspectives on interactions for examination, which were subsequently examined in the second and third articles respectively. These two perspectives on interaction are strategic hybrid orientation and moderating interaction. The first article used the systematic literature review approach, while the second and third articles used regression analysis to examine the relationship between constructs by using the data collected from 250 Finnish B2B SMEs. The results supported the presence of strategic hybrid orientation between brand and market orientations for the purpose of improving brand awareness, brand credibility and financial performance. However, insignificant results were found which did not rule out the presence of moderating interaction between brand, market and entrepreneurial orientations in improving brand equity. Further research studies are encouraged to advance the understanding of this approach of B2B branding in SMEs. The dissertation achieves novelty by being amongst the first to provide empirical evidence to support the concept of using multiple strategic orientations for B2B branding in SMEs. This study concludes by discussing the theoretical contributions and managerial implications of these results. / Tiivistelmä Vahvan brändin on todettu tuovan monia strategisia hyötyjä myös yritystenvälisillä (B2B) markkinoilla toimiville yrityksille. Sen vuoksi tutkijat ovat kiinnostuneita löytämään strategioita, joilla pyritään parempaan B2B-brändien johtamiseen. Tämä väitöskirja kontribuoi B2B-brändi -tutkimukseen soveltamalla strategisen moni-orientaation käsitettä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan brändi-, markkina-, ja yrittäjyysorientaation yhteisroolia parannettaessa brändin arvoa, bränditietoisuutta, brändin uskottavuutta, sekä taloudellista tuloksellisuutta. Ilmiön tutkiminen erityisesti pienissä ja keskisuurissa B2B-yrityksissä on tärkeää, koska (1) pk-yritysten tiedetään käyttävän moniulotteisia strategisia orientaatioita ja (2) B2B pk-yritykset näyttävät kasvavan vahvan brändin avulla huolimatta mahdollisesti vähäisestä motivaatiostaan ja vähäisistä resursseistaan tehdä brändäämis-toimenpiteitä. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä B2B pk-yritysten brändistrategiaa. Tutkimuskysymykseen vastataan kolmen artikkelin avulla. Ensimmäinen artikkeli tarkastelee teoreettista taustaa brändi-, markkina-, ja yrittäjyysorientaatioiden interaktiolle eli yhdysvaikutukselle. Kyseisen artikkelin tulosten perusteella valittiin tarkasteluun kaksi näkökulmaa yhdysvaikutukseen. Nämä ovat hybridi interaktio ja moderoiva interaktio, joita käsitellään toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa käytettiin systemaattisen kirjallisuusanalyysin menetelmää. Toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa aineistona oli 250 suomalaisen B2B pk-yrityksen kyselyaineisto, jonka analyysissä hyödynnettiin regressioanalyysiä käsitteiden välisten suhteiden tarkasteluun. Tulokset osoittavat brändi- ja markkinaorientaation muodostaman strategisen hybridi-orientaation parantavan bränditietoisuutta, brändin uskottavuutta sekä taloudellista tuloksellisuutta. Tulokset eivät kuitenkaan sulje pois moderoivaa interaktiota brändi-, markkina- ja yrittäjyysorientaation välillä brändin arvon lisäämiseksi. Väitöskirja on ensimmäisiä tutkimuksia, joissa empiirisesti tarkastellaan strategisen moni-orientoitumisen käsitettä B2B- brändeihin liittyen. Tulokset kannustavatkin jatkotutkimuksiin tästä näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen lopuksi keskustellaan tulosten teoreettisista kontribuutioista ja liikkeenjohdollisista päätelmistä.

The development and evaluation of a measure of graduate employability in the context of the new world of work

Bezuidenhout, Mareli 08 October 2011 (has links)
Rapid forces for change in the post-modern society have left their mark on the labour market, creating a metamorphosis in the nature of work and the way in which careers should be approached. This has resulted in the need for individuals to possess a combination of attributes that will enable them to take an adaptive, proactive approach to their careers, which involves managing their employability. Employability is especially relevant to graduates, who are expected to acquire more than academic capabilities to ‘hit the ground running’ in their transition from higher education to the workplace. Despite the significance of the topic, it remains conceptually ambiguous with few empirical studies that explain its foundation, and fewer still that have constructed a measure explicitly gauging employability, particularly in South Africa. The main purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a measure of graduate employability in the context of the new world of work. A theoretical model of graduate employability was developed based on an extensive review of the literature and the Graduate Employability Measure (GEM) was subsequently constructed. A cross-sectional survey was utilised to collect data from a random sample of final-year undergraduates and postgraduates from the College of Economic and Management Sciences at a higher distance learning institution in South Africa. The 272 useable questionnaires returned were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, which revealed a reliable three-factor model consisting of the dimensions of career self-management drive, career resilience and cultural competence, and explaining 36.42%, 3.5% and 2.97% of the variance respectively. Analysis of variance was used to determine whether there were any significant differences between the biographical variables of the sample and the GEM factors. It was found that females and final-year undergraduates obtained significantly higher means on all the GEM dimensions than males and postgraduates respectively. The findings inform the conceptualisation of the employability construct, the elements it consists of, and how it can be measured in a valid and reliable manner. The GEM has the potential to be useful to students in a career guidance context, to employers that desire to select and develop highly adaptable employees, and to higher education, which can incorporate these important employability attributes in the curriculum to deliver highly employable graduates. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Orientación estratégica en las organizaciones: Orientación de mercado u orientación emprendedora?

Coz García, Giovanna Virginia, Hilario Cárdenas, Nathalyn Estefanía 31 August 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio fue descriptivo y bibliográfico basado en 32 investigaciones internacionales relacionadas con la orientación estratégica aplicada en diferentes empresas de América, Asia y Europa. Asimismo, se identificaron subtemas tales como: ambidestreza, innovación, riesgo, proactividad y rentabilidad. El estudio permitió identificar la orientación de las organizaciones de las investigaciones citadas y analizar el porque de la elección de la orientación que actualmente ostentan ya sea orientación de mercado o emprendedora. Del análisis de ambas tendencias se pudo obtener como resultado, que tanto la orientación emprendedora como la de mercado son útiles en las empresas y que todo dependerá del contexto y coyuntura en qué se desarrollen las organizaciones, pudiendo afirmarse que ambos tipos de orientación son complementarias logrando desarrollar la ambidestreza. Finalmente, se puede evidenciar de acuerdo al objetivo general, que las empresas que desarrollan una orientación estratégica emprendedora pueden optar en el camino por desarrollar una orientación de mercado lo cual puede motivarlas a implementar la ambidestreza a fin de que puedan continuar con éxito y obteniendo óptimos resultados beneficiosos para la empresa, dependiendo del contexto en que decidan aplicar esta principal característica. / The present study was descriptive and bibliographic based on 32 international investigations related to the strategic orientation applied in different companies in America, Asia and Europe. Likewise, subtopics were identified such as: ambidexterity, innovation, risk, proactivity and profitability. The study seeks to identify the orientation of the organizations of the aforementioned research and analyze the reason for the choice of the orientation that they currently have, either market or entrepreneurial orientation. From the analysis of both trends, it was possible to obtain as a result that both entrepreneurial and market orientation are useful in companies and that everything depends on the context and situation in which organizations develop, being able to affirm that both types of orientation are complementary, achieving develop ambidexterity. Finally, it can be evidenced according to the general objective, that companies that develop an entrepreneurial strategic orientation can choose along the way to develop a market orientation which can motivate them to implement ambidexterity so that they can continue successfully and obtaining optimal beneficial results for the company, depending on the context in which they decide to apply this main characteristic. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention

Jiménez Arribas, Irene 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El interés de esta investigación se centra fundamentalmente en los siguientes aspectos. En primer lugar, exploramos cómo la literatura actual sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), uno de los mayores proyectos de investigación relacionados, puede contribuir a la investigación sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios y ayudar a los investigadores a utilizar esta base de datos. Este es el primer paso de este trabajo, ya que permitió identificar las áreas menos estudiadas en la literatura sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios. En segundo lugar, ampliamos las investigaciones anteriores sobre los modelos de intención emprendedora (y la intención de sucesión) y vamos más allá de la intención al tomar la intención de implementación como un paso más cercano del comportamiento. Y, en tercer lugar, los resultados de este estudio ayudarían a dar consejos a las universidades, a los académicos y a los responsables políticos para construir una universidad emprendedora y, en definitiva, una sociedad emprendedora. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es contribuir al estudio de las intenciones emprendedoras de los estudiantes universitarios. Más concretamente, los objetivos específicos de este trabajo están relacionados con 1) identificar las variables centrales que influyen en el emprendimiento de los estudiantes universitarios en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el proyecto GUESSS; 2) estudiar los efectos mediadores de los componentes de la TPB entre la educación emprendedora y la intención emprendedora; 3) analizar el efecto de la educación emprendedora teniendo en cuenta el papel de la universidad, la familia y el contexto social en los componentes de la TPB como antecedentes de la intención emprendedora; 4) reducir la brecha intención-conducta añadiendo la etapa intermedia de la intención de implementación y los efectos moderadores de la orientación a la meta y 5) explorar el fenómeno de la intención de sucesión. Nuestro primer estudio muestra que la fase de intención es la etapa más estudiada del proceso empresarial. Sin embargo, existen ciertas áreas que deben ser abordadas y eso es precisamente lo que pretendemos conseguir con los siguientes estudios. Encontramos que el Aprendizaje del Programa afecta a la Intención Emprendedora a través de los componentes de la Teoría de la Acción Planificada (TAP). En este sentido, es importante destacar que las Normas Subjetivas no mediaron la relación entre el Aprendizaje del Programa y la Intención Emprendedora, sino que influyeron en la Intención Emprendedora a través de las Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento y el Control Conductual Percibido (CCP). En cuanto a los efectos de la Educación Emprendedora, encontramos que esta variable actúa como moderadora, especialmente en la relación entre Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento e Intención Emprendedora, Normas Subjetivas e Intención Emprendedora, y Contexto Familiar y Normas Subjetivas. A medida que avanzamos en el proceso emprendedor, nuestros resultados validaron el Modelo de Acontecimiento Emprendedor (MAE) para predecir las intenciones emprendedoras y, además, la elección de carrera emprendedora 5 años después de terminar los estudios moderó la relación entre la Intención Emprendedora y la Intención de Implementación. Por último, al analizar la Intención de Sucesión en las empresas familiares, nuestros resultados mostraron el impacto del Apoyo Parental en la Autoeficacia de la Empresa Familiar y en el compromiso con la empresa familiar. Además, nuestros resultados confirmaron un impacto positivo del compromiso con la empresa familiar en la Intención de Sucesión, especialmente el Compromiso Normativo. / [CA] L'interés d'esta investigació se centra fonamentalment en els següents aspectes. En primer lloc, explorem com la literatura actual sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), un dels majors projectes d'investigació relacionats, pot contribuir a la investigació sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris i ajudar els investigadors a utilitzar esta base de dades. Este és el primer pas d'este treball, ja que va permetre identificar les àrees menys estudiades en la literatura sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris. En segon lloc, ampliem les investigacions anteriors sobre els models d'intenció emprenedora (i la intenció de successió) i anem més enllà de la intenció al prendre la intenció d'implementació com un pas més pròxim del comportament. I, en tercer lloc, els resultats d'aquest estudi ajudarien a donar consells a les universitats, als acadèmics i als responsables polítics per a construir una universitat emprenedora i, en definitiva, una societat emprenedora. L'objectiu principal d'esta investigació és contribuir a l'estudi de les intencions emprenedores dels estudiants universitaris. Més concretament, els objectius específics d'este treball estan relacionats amb 1) identificar les variables centrals que influïxen en l'emprendimiento dels estudiants universitaris en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el projecte GUESSS; 2) estudiar els efectes mediadors dels components de la TPB entre l'educació emprenedora i la intenció emprenedora; 3) analitzar l'efecte de l'educació emprenedora tenint en compte el paper de la universitat, la família i el context social en els components de la TPB com a antecedents de la intenció emprenedora; 4) reduir la bretxa intenció-conducta afegint l'etapa intermèdia de la intenció d'implementació i els efectes moderadors de l'orientació a la meta i 5) explorar el fenomen de la intenció de successió. El nostre primer estudi mostra que la fase d'intenció és l'etapa més estudiada del procés empresarial. No obstant això, existeixen unes certes llacunes en la literatura que han de ser abordades i això és precisament el que pretenem aconseguir amb els següents estudis. Trobem que l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius afecta a la Intenció Emprenedora a través dels components de la Teoria de l'Acció Planificada (TAP). En aquest sentit, és important destacar que les Normes Subjectives no van mediar la relació entre l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius i la Intenció Emprenedora, sinó que van influir en la Intenció Emprenedora a través de les Actituds cap a l'Emprenedoria i el Control Conductual Percebut (*CCP). Quant als efectes de l'Educació Emprenedora, trobem que aquesta variable actua com a moderadora, especialment en la relació entre Actitud cap a l'Emprenedoria i Intenció Emprenedora, Normes Subjectives i Intenció Emprenedora, i Context Familiar i Normes Subjectives. A mesura que avancem en el procés emprenedor, els nostres resultats van validar el Model d'Esdeveniment Emprenedor (*MAE) per a predir les intencions emprenedores i, a més, l'elecció de carrera emprenedora 5 anys després d'acabar els estudis va moderar la relació entre la Intencions Emprenedora i la Intenció d'Implementació. Finalment, en analitzar la Intenció de Successió en les empreses familiars, els nostres resultats van mostrar l'impacte del Suport Parental en l'Autoeficàcia de l'Empresa Familiar i en el compromís amb l'empresa familiar. A més, els nostres resultats van confirmar un impacte positiu del compromís amb l'empresa familiar en la Intenció de Successió, especialment el Compromís Normatiu. / [EN] The interest of this research focuses mainly on the following aspects. First, we explore how the current literature on university student entrepreneurship focused on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey (GUESSS), one of the largest related research projects, can contribute to research on university student entrepreneurship and help researchers to use this database. This is the first step in this work as it allowed as to identify the main gaps in the literature of university student's entrepreneurship. Second, we extend previous research on the entrepreneurial intention models (and succession intention) and we go beyond the intention on taking implementation intention as a closer step of behavior. And third, the results of this study would help give advice to universities, academics and policymakers to build an entrepreneurial university and in short, an entrepreneurial society. The main goal of this research is to contribute to the study of entrepreneurial intentions of university student's entrepreneurship. More specifically, the specific objectives of this work are related to 1) identify the core variables influencing university student's entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurship literature focused on the GUESSS project; 2) study the mediating effects of the components of the TPB between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention; 3) analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education considering the role of the university, family, and social context on the components of the TPB as antecedents of entrepreneurial intention; 4) reduce the intention-behavior gap by adding the middle stage of implementation intention and the moderating effects of goal orientation and 5) explore the succession intention phenomena. Our first study shows that the intention phase is the most studied stage of the entrepreneurial process. However, there are certain gaps that need to be addressed and that is exactly what we intend to achieve with the following studies. We found that Program Learning affects Entrepreneurial Intention through the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In this sense, it is important to highlight that Subjective Norms did not mediate the relation between Program Learning and Entrepreneurial Intention but influenced Entrepreneurial Intention through Attitudes toward Entrepreneurship and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC). As for the effects of Entrepreneurship Education, we found this variable acts as a moderator, especially in the relationship between Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention, Subjective Norms and Entrepreneurial Intention, and Family Context and Subjective Norms. As we move through the entrepreneurial process, our results validated the Entrepreneurial Event Model (EEM) to predict entrepreneurial intentions and in addition, the Entrepreneurial career choice 5 years after completing studies moderated the relationship between Entrepreneurial intention and Implementation Intention. Finally, when analyzing Succession Intention in family firms, our findings showed the impact of Parental Support in Family Business Self-Efficacy and in commitment to the family firm. Furthermore, our results confirmed a positive impact of the commitment to the family firm on Succession Intention, especially the Normative Commitment. / Jiménez Arribas, I. (2021). University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172361

South Asian ethnic minority small and medium enterprises in the UK: a review and research agenda.

Haq, Muhibul January 2015 (has links)
Yes / It is argued in this paper that: ethnic minority population and their enterprises, predominated by South Asians, are growing faster than their mainstream counterparts in the UK; past research paid more attention to either South Asian ethnic minority SMEs based in and around London only or owned by Indian entrepreneurs only than South Asian ethnic minority SMEs elsewhere in the UK or owned by Pakistani and Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. Further, scholarly investigation is needed to explain: the relationship between educational levels and entrepreneurial orientation; and intra-ethnic minority entrepreneurial differences between South Asian ethnic minority entrepreneurs in the UK by expanding the research scope both geographically and contextually.

Uma análise dos principais fatores que contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das unidades lotéricas em São Paulo (SR Ipiranga)

Pessoa, Marco Valério Levingstone Duarte 06 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by MARCO VALÉRIO L. DUARTE PESSOA (aamarco@pop.com.br) on 2011-12-20T19:43:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marco Valério L. Duarte Pessoa 061211.pdf: 814515 bytes, checksum: 9f79ee5e7014f5516c4f3e140d5522cb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2012-01-03T11:34:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marco Valério L. Duarte Pessoa 061211.pdf: 814515 bytes, checksum: 9f79ee5e7014f5516c4f3e140d5522cb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-01-17T12:45:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marco Valério L. Duarte Pessoa 061211.pdf: 814515 bytes, checksum: 9f79ee5e7014f5516c4f3e140d5522cb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-01-17T12:46:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marco Valério L. Duarte Pessoa 061211.pdf: 814515 bytes, checksum: 9f79ee5e7014f5516c4f3e140d5522cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-06 / O conceito de Empreendedorismo não se restringe apenas ao processo de criação de novos negócios independentes, Covin e Slevin (1991), e tampouco ao estudo das características individuais do empreendedor, Gartner (1985), Lumpkin e Dess (1996). Miller (1983) concluiu que uma organização empreendedora desenvolve e foca três dimensões: Inovação; Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Proatividade. Tendo como contraponto que uma organização não empreendedora inova muito pouco, tem aversão a riscos, e não age proativamente perante seus competidores, é aquela que apenas imita os produtos e serviços existentes no mercado competidor. Os estudos de Miller (1983) e de Covin e Slevin (1989, 1990) serviram de base para que Lumpkin e Dess (1996) atribuíssem à concepção de espírito empreendedor a conceituação de Orientação Empreendedora, visando diferençá-la do conceito de Empreendedorismo, e incluíram as dimensões Autonomia e Competitividade agressiva às três dimensões atribuídas por Miller (1983). Estas dimensões podem ou não estar presentes quando uma empresa está em busca de um novo negócio, no entanto, novos negócios bem sucedidos também podem ser alcançados quando apenas alguns destes fatores ou dimensões estão presentes, pois eles variam de forma independente por serem influenciados pela diversidade de contextos ambientais e organizacionais aos quais as empresas estão sujeitas, Lumpkin e Dess (1996). A Orientação Empreendedora está sendo correlacionada com o desempenho favorável da organização, sugerindo que ela pode influenciar positivamente a performance da organização, destacamos os estudos de Miller (1983), Covin e Slevin (1991), Zahra (1993), Zahra e Covin (1995), Lumpkin e Dess (1996), Wiklund e Shepherd (2005). A Pesquisa de Campo realizada para perceber a presença ou não dos fatores da Orientação Empreendedora nas Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga, teve como resultado que os fatores que mais se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das UL são: Autonomia; Capacidade de inovar; e Competitividade agressiva. Por outro lado, os fatores que menos se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga são: Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Capacidade de agir de forma proativa.

The factors influencing the performance of youth entrepreneurship in the Capricorn District Municipality

Maebane, Master Maapae 11 1900 (has links)
Youth entrepreneurship is one of the solutions to reducing unemployment. The purpose of the study was to analyse youth entrepreneurship business performance in the Capricorn District Municipality in Limpopo Province. An entrepreneurship development model focusing on internal factors (entrepreneurial orientation) and external factors (supportive and cooperative environments), was adapted to establish whether they are related to youth business performance. The business environmental factors, such as business location, crime, and corruption were also tested as to whether they are related to youth business performance. The research used a census survey and primary data was obtained through questionnaires. The respondents for this study were 26 youth entrepreneurship business units in CDM, in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings reveal that youth businesses have shown negative performance in terms of the employment in the CDM, which results in employing fewer than five employees. / Business Management / M. Tech.

Психолошке детерминанте предузетничке оријентације у сервисном сектору / Psihološke determinante preduzetničke orijentacije u servisnom sektoru / Psychological determinants of entrepreneurial orientation in service sector

Nedeljković Knežević Milena 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Испитивана је предиктивна вредност психолошких детерминанти: димензије личности, мотивационе оријентације, локус контроле, самопоштовање и димензије друштвене културе на димензије предузетничке оријентације у туристичком и јавном сектору.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Ispitivana je prediktivna vrednost psiholoških determinanti: dimenzije ličnosti, motivacione orijentacije, lokus kontrole, samopoštovanje i dimenzije društvene kulture na dimenzije preduzetničke orijentacije u turističkom i javnom sektoru.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The predictive value of psychological determinants: personality traits, motivational orientation, locus of control, self-esteem and cultural dimensions on the entrepreneurial orientation dimensions are investigated.</p>

Análisis de la estimulación de la orientación empresarial en los tipos de conocimiento durante las etapas de internacionalización de las pymes textiles de Lima Metropolitana

Rodriguez Mancilla, Carito, Mezarina Sanca, Walter Alexis 12 October 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis pretende analizar si la orientación empresarial estimula los diferentes tipos de conocimiento en el proceso de internacionalización, para desarrollar la investigación nos centraremos en las Pyme textiles ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana que se encuentren exportando de manera activa a mercados internacionales. El desarrollo del análisis se divide en un total de cinco capítulos, siendo de esta manera el primer capítulo centrado en el marco teórico el cual contextualiza y define los términos y teorías a emplear en la investigación. Luego, en el segundo capítulo se plantea el plan de investigación donde se detalla la problemática y el planteamiento de las hipótesis, así como también los objetivos específicos como el general. Seguidamente en el tercer capítulo, donde se desarrolla la metodología de la investigación en el cual se establecerá el tipo de investigación a seguir, siendo así de tipo mixta para la tesis presentada. Así también, se detalla el alcance, diseño de la investigación, el planteamiento de las variables a trabajar definiendo la población, el tamaño de la muestra y las herramientas metodológicas para la recolección de data. En el cuarto capítulo se enfoca en el desarrollo y análisis de los resultados de la herramienta cualitativa, la cual es la entrevista a profundidad a expertos y de la cuantitativa a través de entrevistas. Los cuales se interpretarán mediante el uso de la regresión lineal, prueba de normalidad y chi cuadrado utilizando el programa SPSS. Por último, las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales respecto a las hipótesis planteadas inicialmente. / This thesis aims to analyze whether business orientation stimulates the different types of knowledge in the internationalization process. In order to develop the research, we will focus on textile SMEs located in Metropolitan Lima that are actively exporting to international markets. The development of the analysis is divided into a total of five chapters, thus being the first chapter focused on the theoretical framework which contextualizes and defines the terms to be used in the research. Then, in the second chapter, the research plan is presented where the problems and the hypotheses are detailed, as well as the specific and general objectives. Then in the third chapter, where the research methodology is developed in which the type of research to be followed will be established, thus being a mixed type for the thesis presented. Likewise, the scope, design of the research, the approach of the variables to work defining the population, the sample size and the methodological tools for data collection are detailed. The fourth chapter focuses on the development and analysis of the results of the qualitative tool, which is the in-depth interview with experts and the quantitative one through interviews. Which will be interpreted through the use of linear regression, normality test and chi square using the SPSS program. Finally, the final conclusions and recommendations regarding the hypotheses initially raised. / Tesis

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