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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taxonomy And Distribution Of The Benthic Foraminifera In The Gulf Of Iskenderun, Eastern Mediterranean

Oflaz, Sabire Asli 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aims to investigate the foraminiferal assemblages of the recent samples in terms of abundance and diversity, to determine the bathymetrical and the geographical distributions of the foraminiferal assemblages. This study further intends to put forward the responses of foraminifers to environmental factors (e.g. bathymetry, salinity, substrate, pollution, water currents, etc.) on the distribution of foraminifers. In this manner, foraminiferal fauna has been taxonomically identified and quantitatively analyzed in the 34 grab samples distributed at depths from 18 m. to 190 m. collected from the Gulf of iskenderun. Counting 300 individuals from each sample, the relative abundances of 151 benthic foraminiferal species belonging to suborders of Rotaliina, Miliolina, Textulariina, Spirillinina and Lagenina have been determined. The relative abundances of samples are dominated by Ammonia tepida / Adelosina cliarensis, Nonion sp.A, Textularia bocki, Reussella spinulosa, Cribroelphidium poeyanum, Adelosina pulchella, Buccella granulata, Elphidium advenum and Nonion depressulum that are also common in the western Mediterranean. Furthermore, the Lessepsian migrants / Peneroplis pertusus, Septoloculina angulata, Septloculina rotunda, Septoloculina tortuosa, Vertebralina striata and Amphistegina lobifera are abundant in only southeastern part of the gulf. Because of complex distribution scheme of benthic foraminifers, some statistical analysis (Cluster Analysis, DCA and CCA) have been applied to relative abundance (percentage) of the most abundant, ecologically important taxa in order to visualize assemblages and their representative species. Two main clusters, mainly controlled by CaCO3 and substrate, have been obtained. It is recognized that the distribution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages are not strongly depend on depth as it expected.

The growth and energetics of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in intensive culture

Strand, Åsa, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Arkitektkopia AB, Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Adaptation of International Business Marketing Strategy Between Emerging Markets : Case of CCI in Turkey and Kazahkstan

Yaroshyk, Tatsiana, Temiz, Sinem January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a multi-national company can adapt its business marketing strategy to emerging markets. The research approach of the thesis was a case study of CCI in Turkey and Kazakhstan to see how the company can adapt it international business marketing strategy to conditions of local market. The study was done by identifying of the current situation on the emerging markets and the company and by describing external environment and institutional factors within emerging markets. Analysis of current elements of international business marketing strategy and environmental factors that have affected it was done by applying theoretical framework to the case study. The last step was to give recomendations for the company to adapt or standart international business marketing strategy and importance of analyze external enviromental factors for the international business marketing strategy for the emerging markets. Data for the thesis was collected from primary sources through interviews and secondary data through company’s presentations and articles, internet sources. The study showed that CCI enters each new market with standard brand portfolio tries to make adaptations of promotion and communication strategies to conductions of local market and to get external fit which will bring competitive and societal advantages for CCI on those markets where company operates. We have identified number of external environmental factors in Kazakhstan that have a certain influence on CCI’s operations. Economical situation has largely affected CCI’s operations and activities in Kazakhstan. This factor directly affects consumption level and purchasing power and behavior of local consumers. The legislation has obviously affected the company as well, resulting in local production. Cultural issues are also influenced CCI operations in Kazakhstan. That expressed through difference in consumption preferences of local consumers, which were directed aside traditional drinks. In the end of the thesis some recommendations are given. Among the most important are – to balance between standart brand portfolio and adapt communication and distribution strategies accorging local enviromental factors; to identify which environmental factors can affect the company, which will require adjustments, and which can be influenced by the company; to effort developing personal relationship with customers, distributors, retailers in order to increase the competitive advantage and gain an increased loyalty among them.

N ligoninės medicinos personalo darbo aplinkos įvertinimas / The Evaluation of Medical Personnel Work Environment in N Hospital

Banevičienė, Rita 17 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti Alytaus miesto ligoninės medicinos personalo fizinę ir psichosocialinę darbo aplinką bei įtakos turinčius veiksnius. Darbo uždaviniai: Nustatyti pagrindinius žalingus fizinės aplinkos veiksnius ligoninės padaliniuose. Įvertinti ligoninės personalo psichosocialinę aplinką medicinos personalo požiūriu. Nustatyti medicinos personalo negalavimus, sąlygojamus fizinės ir psichosocialinės aplinkos Metodika. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Alytaus apskrities ligoninėje. Buvo atliekamas vienmomentinis tyrimas. Kokybinių požymių statistiniam ryšiui įvertinti buvo naudojamas Chi-kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus. Lyginant du santykinius dydžius ir norint nustatyti, ar jų skirtumas esminis buvo apskaičiuojamas z-kriterijus. Ryšiai buvo laikomi statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p < 0,05. Naudojant binarinę logistinę regresiją gauta matematinė išraiška, nusakanti įvairių nepriklausomų veiksnių įtaką Rezultatai. Apie trečdalis respondentų labai gerai arba gerai vertino bendrą patalpų įspūdį (30,5 proc.), apšvietimą (37,6 proc.) ir dydį (30,1 proc.). Patalpas personalui pailsėti gerai įvertino tik 14 proc. apklaustųjų ir daugiau nei pusė (56,0 proc.) jas vertino blogai. Statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau infekcinio skyriaus darbuotojai nei terapinio, chirurginio bei kitų teigė, kad jų darbo patalpų bendras įspūdis labai blogas ar blogas. Darbo patalpų apšvietimą geriau įvertino tik 6-8 val. per parą dirbantys respondentai lyginant su dirbančiais 9-12 ar daugiau. Statistiškai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the correlation between physical and psychosocial environmental factors and its impact on medical personnel in Alytus City Hospital. Study objectives: The study objective is to identify major negative physical environmental factors affecting personnel and evaluate the psychosocial environment from a personnel perspective at the hospital. In addition, the objective is to diagnose medical personnel troubles partially correlated with the physical and psychosocial environment. Methods: The study was conducted in Alytus City Hospital by conducting a onetime study. Chiroquadrate criteria were used to evaluate quality features of the statistical data. Z-criteria of the two comparative parameters were used to determine their value significance. The results were statistically significant, when p<0.05. Binary logistic regression was used to solve the mathematical conversion, which was a factor for various independent effects. Findings: 1/3 of the respondents evaluated the following environment as “very good” or “good”: overall room conditions (30.5 %), lighting (37.6 %), and space (30.1%). Only 14% of the respondents evaluated room condition as “good” compared with other departments, while 56.0 % of the respondents evaluated it as ��poor”. According to the statistics, the personnel from the Infectious Diseases Departments more than the staff from the Therapeutics or Operating Room rated their work... [to full text]

Kintančio klimato ir aplinkos veiksnių kompleksinio poveikio žirnių fiziologiniams rodikliams modeliavimas / The Modeling of Complex Impact of Changing Climate and Environmental Factors on Pea Physiological Indices

Sakalauskienė, Sandra 30 January 2012 (has links)
Tyrimų tikslas – ištirti diferencijuotą ir kompleksinį aplinkos veiksnių poveikį skirtingų genotipų sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fiziologinei reakcijai bei nustatyti šių veiksnių tarpusavio sąveikos įtaką fiziologiniams rodikliams. Tyrimų uždaviniai: Nustatyti skirtingos substrato drėgmės ir UV-B spinduliuotės diferencijuotą ir kompleksinį poveikį įvairių genotipų sėjamajam žirniui: 1.Esant dabartiniams klimato veiksnių parametrams. 2.Padidėjusios anglies dioksido koncentracijos sąlygomis. 3.Pakilusios temperatūros sąlygomis. 4.Prognozuojamų klimato veiksnių parametrų sąlygomis (padidėjus CO2 koncentracijai ir temperatūrai). / The aim of research – to investigate the differential and complex effect of environmental factors on the physiological responses of different genotypes of sowing pea (Pisum sativum L.) and to evaluate the impact of factor interaction among factors on physiological indices. The tasks of research: To identify the differentiated and integrated effect of different substrate moisture and UV-B radiation on different genotypes of sowing pea: 1.Under the current parameters of climatic factors; 2.Under the increased CO2 concentrations; 3.Under increased temperature; 4.Under predicted climatic factors conditions (increased CO2 concentration and temperature).

Aplinkos veiksnių įtaka vilkų (Canis lupus lupus L.) populiacijai Lietuvos miškuose / The influence of environmental factors on the population of wolves (Canis lupus lupus L.) in Lithuanian forests

Špinkytė-Bačkaitienė, Renata 03 July 2012 (has links)
Nuolat besikeičiančios aplinkos sąlygos lemia naujų tyrimų poreikį. Nemažai žinių apie Lietuvos vilkus yra pasenusios ir nebeatitinka dabartinės būklės. Moksliniam vilko populiacijos valdymo pagrindimui Lietuvoje reikia atnaujinti kai kuriuos duomenis bei atlikti papildomus tyrimus. Dalis šių darbų yra būtini, planuojant populiacijos valdymą ir apsaugą. Tikslas ir uždaviniai. Šio darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaką Lietuvos vilkų populiacijai daro aplinkos veiksniai, bei pateikti duomenis, reikalingus vilkų populiacijos valdymo planavimui. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti išsikelti šie uždaviniai: 1. išsiaiškinti Lietuvos vilkų populiacijos kokybę pagal bioindikatorius; 2. iširti vilkų grynarūšiškumą; 3. įvertinti abiotinių, biotinių bei antropogeninių veiksnių įtaką vilkų pasiskirstymui pagal gausą biotopuose; 4. išaiškinti svarbesnius veiksnius, lemiančius vilkų teritorijos pasirinkimą. Naujumas ir originalumas. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje įvertintas populiacijos grynumas pagal morfologinius požymius ir pagal juos nustatyti pavieniai vilko ir šuns hibridai. Pagal vilkų sumedžiojimo vietas, pirmą kartą Lietuvoje GIS technologijų pagalba išnagrinėti įvairūs abiotiniai, biotiniai ir antropogeniai veiksniai, galintys įtakoti vilkų biotopinį pasiskirstymą šalyje. Pasiūlyta, bendrą (skiriamą visai šaliai) sumedžiojimo limitą skirstyti regionais, priklausomai nuo vilkų daromos žalos, bei leisti trumpalaikę medžioklę žalos padarymo vietovėje ne medžioklės sezono laikotarpiu. Mokslinė ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A considerable amount of the data on wolves in Lithuania is out of date and is not representative of the current situation. To ensure that management of the wolf population in Lithuania is underpinned by a scientific methodology, some data needs to be updated and additional research conducted. This is a prerequisite to planning the management of the population and its protection. The objective and tasks. The objective of this work is to discover what influence environment factors have on the population of wolves of Lithuania and to present the data necessary for planning the management of the wolf population. To achieve this objective, the following tasks shall be tackled: To discover the true condition of the wolf population in Lithuania according to bio-indicators; To examine the purity of the species; To evaluate the influence of abiotic and biotic factors, as well as anthropogenic factors, on the distribution of wolves in terms of abundance in the biotopes; To discover additional important factors that influence the selection of wolf territories. Novelty and originality. An evaluation of the purity of the wolf population based on morphological features was conducted and single crosses between wolf and dog were detected for the first time in Lithuania. In areas of wolf hunting, different abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors that may influence the biotopic distribution of wolves were analysed with a help of GIS technologies for the first time in Lithuania. A... [to full text]

Aplinkos veiksnių įtaka vilkų (Canis lupus lupus L.) populiacijai Lietuvos miškuose / The influence of environmental factors on the population of wolves (Canis lupus lupus L.) in Lithuanian forests

Špinkytė-Bačkaitienė, Renata 03 July 2012 (has links)
Nuolat besikeičiančios aplinkos sąlygos lemia naujų tyrimų poreikį. Nemažai žinių apie Lietuvos vilkus yra pasenusios ir nebeatitinka dabartinės būklės. Moksliniam vilko populiacijos valdymo pagrindimui Lietuvoje reikia atnaujinti kai kuriuos duomenis bei atlikti papildomus tyrimus. Dalis šių darbų yra būtini, planuojant populiacijos valdymą ir apsaugą. Tikslas ir uždaviniai. Šio darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaką Lietuvos vilkų populiacijai daro aplinkos veiksniai, bei pateikti duomenis, reikalingus vilkų populiacijos valdymo planavimui. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti išsikelti šie uždaviniai: 1. išsiaiškinti Lietuvos vilkų populiacijos kokybę pagal bioindikatorius; 2. iširti vilkų grynarūšiškumą; 3. įvertinti abiotinių, biotinių bei antropogeninių veiksnių įtaką vilkų pasiskirstymui pagal gausą biotopuose; 4. išaiškinti svarbesnius veiksnius, lemiančius vilkų teritorijos pasirinkimą. Naujumas ir originalumas. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje įvertintas populiacijos grynumas pagal morfologinius požymius ir pagal juos nustatyti pavieniai vilko ir šuns hibridai. Pagal vilkų sumedžiojimo vietas, pirmą kartą Lietuvoje GIS technologijų pagalba išnagrinėti įvairūs abiotiniai, biotiniai ir antropogeniai veiksniai, galintys įtakoti vilkų biotopinį pasiskirstymą šalyje. Pasiūlyta, bendrą (skiriamą visai šaliai) sumedžiojimo limitą skirstyti regionais, priklausomai nuo vilkų daromos žalos, bei leisti trumpalaikę medžioklę žalos padarymo vietovėje ne medžioklės sezono laikotarpiu. Mokslinė ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A considerable amount of the data on wolves in Lithuania is out of date and is not representative of the current situation. To ensure that management of the wolf population in Lithuania is underpinned by a scientific methodology, some data needs to be updated and additional research conducted. This is a prerequisite to planning the management of the population and its protection. The objective and tasks. The objective of this work is to discover what influence environment factors have on the population of wolves of Lithuania and to present the data necessary for planning the management of the wolf population. To achieve this objective, the following tasks shall be tackled: To discover the true condition of the wolf population in Lithuania according to bio-indicators; To examine the purity of the species; To evaluate the influence of abiotic and biotic factors, as well as anthropogenic factors, on the distribution of wolves in terms of abundance in the biotopes; To discover additional important factors that influence the selection of wolf territories. Novelty and originality. An evaluation of the purity of the wolf population based on morphological features was conducted and single crosses between wolf and dog were detected for the first time in Lithuania. In areas of wolf hunting, different abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors that may influence the biotopic distribution of wolves were analysed with a help of GIS technologies for the first time in Lithuania. A... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 9-10 klasių moksleivių sveikata ir jos sąsajos su socialine aplinka bei fiziniu aktyvumu / Influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health,who study in the 9-10 classes

Milkevičius, Edmundas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of study was to determine the influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health, who study in the 9-10 classes. Three tasks were raised in the study: To evaluate the main disorders of children health, studying in the 9-10th classes. To determine the relationships of behavioral factors to the school-children health. To evaluate the relationships of physical activity to the pupils health. The methods and object. Totally 202 children (104 boys and 98 girls) who study in 9-10 classes, were interviewed. The methods applied in this study: 1. Questionnaire. 2. Analysis of data applying the MS Excel program. After performing the research the following conclusions were carried out: 1. After performing the research it becomes evident, that the health of pupils is far from good. Exactly half of them have various disorders of health (47%); mostly disorders of posture and vision predommating. 7% of all interviewed children suffer with chronic diseases, mostly there were cases of chronic bronchitis. 58% of all pupils were ill with various diseases during the course of the last year. The most common illness was influenza. 2. In the study pupils behavioral factors are very much prevalenced: permanently smoking every fifth, occasionally smoking every second, so often used alcohol drinks – every sixth, occasionally two third of schoolchildren, but relationships between behavioral factors and health not being evaluated. 3. Middle... [to full text]

Mechanisms of Silver Nanoparticle Toxicity in Laboratory Suspensions and Complex Environmental Media in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Yang, Xinyu January 2014 (has links)
<p>The rapidly increasing use of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) in consumer products and medical applications has raised ecological and human health concerns. Significant progress has been made in understanding the toxicity of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. The goals of this dissertation were to investigate the mechanism of Ag NP toxicity under both laboratory conditions and environmental backgrounds, using <italic>Caenorhabditis elegans</italic> (<italic>C. elegans</italic>) as a model system. A key question for addressing these concerns is whether Ag NP toxicity is mechanistically unique to nanoparticulate silver or if it is a result of the release of silver ions. Ag NPs are produced in a large variety of monomer sizes and coatings, and since their physicochemical behavior depends on the media composition, it is important to understand how these variables modulate toxicity.</p><p> In order to test the hypothesis of a particle-specific effect, multiple techniques were used, including analytical chemistry, pharmacological rescue, and genetic analysis. Results suggested that dissolution was important for all tested Ag NPs and oxidative stress (a particle-specific effect) was important only for some Ag NPs, especially the citrate-coated Ag NPs (CIT-Ag NPs). The hypothesis of the particle-specific effect was further tested by investigating the cellular uptake and damage co-localization upon exposures to CIT-Ag NPs. I found that Ag NPs crossed all layers, including the pharynx, gut, and also embryos through trans-generational transfer. Sites of damage were examined through transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and CIT-Ag NPs showed a more severe and deeper level of damage compared to ionic Ag. In addition, pharmacological inhibitors in parallel with genetic mutants (deficient in both endocytosis and lysosomal function) were used to explore the impact of those pathways on Ag NP uptake and associated toxicity. I found that endocytosis was important for CIT-Ag NP uptake and toxicity. Most intriguingly, one of the lysosomal deficient mutants was much more sensitive than wild type to reproductive inhibition after exposure to CIT-Ag NPs but not ionic Ag, constituting a clear nanoparticle-specific toxic effect.</p><p> These laboratory mechanistic studies, however, cannot be directly extrapolated to complicated environmental conditions, including variable amounts of natural organic matter (NOM), different temperatures and salinities, surface sulfidation, etc. My general hypothesis was that complex environmental medium would reduce Ag NP toxicity. In support of this, the environmental conditions present in mesocosms resulted in a loss of toxicity one week after dosing/spiking. In laboratory studies, I found that that increasing temperature and salinity tended to increase Ag NP toxicity, while sulfidation reduced Ag NP toxicity, acting as a &ldquonatural antidote&rdquo. I studied two types of NOM, Suwannee River and Pony Lake fulvic acids (SRFA and PLFA respectively). PLFA rescued toxicity more effectively than SRFA. Therefore, CIT-Ag NP-NOM interactions were explored in depth using PLFA. Using hyperspectral dark field microscopy, I was able to detect the formation of Ag NP-PLFA complexes and the limited tissue uptake of Ag NPs (with and without PLFA). Consistent with the reduced acute toxicity of Ag NPs by PLFA, I also found a rescue effect of PLFA on Ag NP-induced ultrastructural damage.</p><p> In conclusion, Ag NP toxicity resulted largely from dissolution and in some cases also from a particle-specific effect. However, Ag NP toxicity was strongly altered by environmental matrices. Continued in depth elucidation of Ag NP behavior, cellular uptake pathways and trafficking, and their interactions with other environmental factors will be invaluable in predicting, designing, and remediating the potential/existing environmental implications of silver-related nanotechnology.</p> / Dissertation

Karvių aplinkos veiksnių įtaka pieno kokybei / Cow's environmental factors influence for the quality of milk

Miniotas, Donatas 18 June 2013 (has links)
Pienininkystė – nuo seno Lietuvos respublikoje sparčiai besivystanti gyvulininkystės šaka, nes čia yra palankios gamtinės sąlygos. Pieno kokybė dažniausiai priklauso nuo gyvulio sveikatos ir žinoma nuo jam sudarytų laikymo sąlygų. Pieninių galvijų laikymo sąlygos turi atitikti jų biologines ir etologines reikmes. Respublikoje nuolat atliekami tyrimai siekiant užtikrinti ne tik produkcijos kiekybę, bet ir kokybę. Šiuo metu vis dažniau vyrauja reikalavimai, bei teiginiai, kad geriausiai galvijus laikyti nepririštus. Gyvulininkystės patalpų mikroklimatas įtakoja galvijų fiziologinių rodiklių normas. Būtina apibrėžti ir kiekybiškai įvertinti kiekvieno aplinkos komponento svarbą, kas gali leisti išvengti didžiausią žalą gyvuliams darančių veiksnių. Daugelio mokslo darbuotojų pastebėjimais dėl blogų karvių laikymo salygų primelžiama iki 15 proc. mažiau pieno. Be to, tokio pieno kokybė bus prasta, iš jo nebus galima pagaminti aukštos kokybės produktų. Valstybė kiekvienais metais praranda šimtus milijonų litų, dėl blogos kokybės pieno. Lietuvoje yra mažai atlikta tyrimų apie aplinkos veiksnių įtaką gyvulių produktyvumui, tame tarpe ir pieno kokybei. Būtina didinti tokių tyrimų kiekį Lietuvoje. Kadangi Lietuvoje nėra nuosekliai tyrinėta laikymo sąlygų įtaka pieno galutinei produkcijai, todėl iškeltas darbo tikslas: įvertinti skirtingomis sąlygomis laikomų karvių aplinką bei pieno kokybės kitimus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti karvių laikymo sąlygų skirtumus. 2. Nustatyti pieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object and tasks of work: The aim of this work was to evaluate the various conditions the cows are housed, and how that change the quality of the milk. Tasks of work : 1. To evaluate the cow housing conditions. 2. To investigate the differences in milk quality indicators. 3. To investigate the possible influence of cow housing conditions of milk qualitative indicators. 4. To analyze the negative factors affecting the quality of milk. Results and conclusions: It was found that there is a connection (p <0.05) between: 1. indoor air temperature and the total number of bacteria in milk; 2. indoor air humidity, and the total number of bacteria in milk; 3. bearing surface temperature and the total number of bacteria in milk; 4. indoor air temperature and somatic cell count in milk; 5. bearing surface temperature and somatic cell count in milk. With increasing microclimatic parameters, increasing the total number of bacteria in milk, and somatic cell count in milk. In the investigated farms, the best microclimate indicators were where cows was loose. It was the same with the milk quality indicators. The most negative factor affecting milk quality indicators, is housing temperature in the barn, because it encourages the other negative factors, like indoor air humidity and bearing surface temperature.

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